Proper back massage at home. How to properly massage your back at home - basic techniques

Massage procedures help to recover from injury, tone the body, relieve fatigue, and relax the body. Back massage is used to treat and prevent spinal diseases. To obtain maximum results, each patient is selected individual program massaging.

The back massage technique involves the use of certain manipulations in strict sequence to achieve a therapeutic effect.

How to properly do a back massage step by step:

  • Massaging is always performed from the lower border spinal region with a gradual transition to the shoulders and neck;
  • Masseur uses outside palms to massage the spinal region down to the gluteal muscles. Movements from lower section the lower back to the shoulders is made by the inner part of the palm;
  • Particular attention is paid to the hands of the massage therapist. They should be soft and warm to prevent the patient from feeling discomfort;
  • The procedure eliminates interruptions during massage movements;
  • The massage technique involves the use of massage movements in strict sequence without sudden transitions;

  • Rubbing is done along the line of the spine;
  • Stroking is the initial and final manipulation;
  • To avoid damage to the spine, massaging it is prohibited;
  • Intensive kneading is used on the soft tissues of the back;
  • In the area where the kidneys are located, patting and tapping movements are excluded;
  • The procedure time is calculated based on the severity of the disease, body constitution, and age of the patient;
  • The first massage is carried out using a gentle influence and lasts 10 minutes;
  • The pressure force during massage increases after warming manipulations;
  • Before prescribing massage procedures, the doctor determines the presence of contraindications and adjusts the massage program according to the identified reasons.

Following established rules of massage and knowledge dorsal structure allows you to get rid of pain in this area.

Types of massage

Massage procedures are performed in two main types:

  • Relaxing massage;
  • Medicinal.

A relaxing back massage relieves the feeling of fatigue after physical activity, sedentary work, tones the entire body, prevents the occurrence of diseases. The use of aromatic oils helps to win Bad mood, make the session comfortable.

The relaxation massage technique is simple and accessible to everyone. Anyone can learn and perform back massage at home.

How to give a back massage:

  • Begin with gentle stroking from the lumbar girdle to shoulder region;
  • After light touches, they move on to a more intense method of stroking with the edge of the palm;
  • Rubbing is carried out along the spine, paying attention to the cervical vertebrae;
  • Kneading is done by pinching with your fingertips;
  • Pressure is applied thumbs hands without touching the spine;
  • Vibration movements are made from the lower back up to the shoulders;
  • The massage ends with a relaxing stroke.

The procedure lasts 20 minutes using special oil for a greater relaxation effect.

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic back massage is used to treat diseases or for rehabilitation purposes. Massaging can be carried out manually, as well as using massage devices.

Types of massage:

  • Classical;
  • Can;
  • Vibrating;
  • Lymphatic drainage;
  • Sports;
  • Therapeutic.

The classic type of massage is unique for the treatment and prevention of diseases. It is used in most cases when massage is indicated.

Classic back massage techniques:

  • Stroking is done with an open palm over all areas of the back - from the lumbar region to the neck. First, they press with minimal force, then move on to deep stroking in order to prepare the muscles for massage manipulations;
  • Rubbing involves intense movement along the back from bottom to top with displacement of the skin. The method improves the supply of soft tissues with nutrients;
  • Kneading is carried out using strong pressure. To increase the pressing force, use two hands, placing them on top of each other;
  • Effleurage has an irritating effect on the muscles and tissues of the back. The movements are intense, with the hand clenched into a fist;
  • Vibration movements are carried out index fingers hands, shaking the tissue.

The massage will bring the expected results if you follow the right techniques. Selected for sessions good specialist with knowledge of the techniques and structure of the back. Compliance with the conditions and techniques allows you to get rid of diseases.

Vacuum back massage

Vacuum massage is carried out by fixing cups on the back using a vacuum. The procedure improves blood flow to soft tissues, skin condition. This method is common among girls to get rid of cellulite.

Traditional vacuum exposure involves the use of jars made of glass or silicone material. Before the session, massage oil is applied to the back. The massage therapist makes sure that the jars are held tightly and begins to move them. To achieve the effect, 15 minutes are enough.

The vacuum procedure can be carried out using special devices. The device creates pressure that crushes the fat layer without causing pain. Before the session, the massager is adjusted taking into account individual characteristics patient. The massage therapist makes circular movements on the skin with light pressure. Improvements are observed in the middle of the massage course, but it is not recommended to interrupt the program in order for the results to be permanent.

Cupping massage prevents aging and fading of the skin of the back. Vacuum stimulates skin, and special substances responsible for rejuvenation begin to be produced. After the surgical operations, with the help of vacuum action they get rid of blood stagnation in the tissues. For guys, the cupping method of massaging is indicated after active physical activity. Massage techniques are used to treat the effects of sprains, bruises, and restore damaged tissue.

Medicinal properties:

  • Relieving muscle pain;
  • Relaxing effect for tendons;
  • Recovery from injuries.

Execution technique cupping massage back involves circular movements with jars, as a result of which processes are activated that relieve nervous excitement and have a healing effect. After the session, the formation of hematomas is allowed. The patient experiences weakness during the procedure painful sensations, but if they become pronounced, the massage stops.

Massaging at home without the participation of a specialist is common. It is recommended to use silicone jars, as they are easier to work with. Movements are made from the lower back to the shoulder region. Failure to follow the rules will affect the results.


  • Increased body temperature;
  • Allergic rashes;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Oncology.

Self-massage of the back

Massage sessions help you relax after a working day, block pain syndrome for osteochondrosis, relieve muscle spasms. You can learn how to massage at home yourself. For this purpose we are studying step by step instructions for beginners.

How to do a back massage yourself:

  • The room is ventilated to maintain comfortable conditions;
  • The person lies stomach down on a hard surface;
  • Massage gel is applied to the back;
  • The massage therapist’s hands should be pleasant and not cause discomfort;
  • During the procedure, pain is eliminated;
  • Intense and relaxing movements must alternate.

Massaging begins from the lumbar area, with a gradual rise to the shoulders.

  • Stroking;
  • Trituration;
  • Kneading;
  • Sawing movements;
  • Squeezing;
  • Pat.

Technical types of movements are done in any order, but the session always begins and ends with stroking.

Self-massage of the back is difficult, so the help of relatives is required. A person can massage his own neck and shoulders to relieve fatigue after sitting for a long time. Apply rubbing and stroking along straight and circular lines.

At home, it is possible to use additional health products. Honey contains beneficial microelements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Before massaging, take a shower. After which the honey composition is applied to the skin and rubbed in using basic massaging methods.

Massage sessions save you from many diseases, but it is not always possible to visit a massage therapist. Learn technical methods Massage at home is not at all difficult. It is important to find good sources of information. In this case, the benefits of self-massage will delight and inspire.

Helped us:

Elena Mikheeva
Clarins Skin Spa Therapist

Elena Gorshkova
Body shaping and massage specialist Real Clinic

According to the masters, home massage is no less effective than professional massage, and it’s much easier to do. As a rule, the procedure includes stroking, rubbing, patting and pinching varying degrees intensity. The main thing is to understand what and, in fact, why you are doing this, and follow the recommendations of doctors.

Please note that such manipulations are strictly contraindicated for people with skin and acute cardiovascular diseases. Feverish states- also not for experiments. "Also You can’t massage places with birthmarks and expressed varicose veins veins, enlarged lymph nodes. Belly - during pregnancy, hernias, kidney stones, during menstruation,” warns Elena Gorshkova.

Before any self-massage, take a shower and remove foreign objects from yourself: rings, watches, bracelets. Let it go olive oil, you can mix it with ethereal. Work with both hands, if, of course, you want to work everything properly problem areas. Attention, always move from bottom to top - in the direction of lymph flow (unless the instructions indicate otherwise). This way you will intensify its flow, which will lead to the removal of old cells, metabolic products, and excess fluid.

Typically, during home procedures blood supply increases, relieves muscle tension, brain function improves. With the help of a home massage you can both invigorate and relax yourself. It's all about what moves you use. “Short, strong ones excite the body, and long, slow and more or less light ones, on the contrary, calm them down. Repeat the latter 5-6 times,” teaches Elena Gorshkova.

1. How to do anti-cellulite massage at home

  • First of all, warm up your muscles in a hot shower and cleanse your skin with a scrub.
  • Then rub the problem areas with a brush or mitten until they become red.
  • Ready? Apply an anti-cellulite product to them.
  • Now start moving with stroking movements from bottom to top (start from your feet). Add pressure in the calf area to improve lymph and blood flow.
  • Gradually increase the pace and pressure. Keep in mind, even if cellulite affects only upper part thighs, you should still work the entire surface of the leg.
  • Leave the areas of the lymph nodes, groin, popliteal and armpits.
  • To make everything work, practice massage 2-3 times a week (30-60 minutes each). A course of 8-10 procedures is more than enough.

Result: Blood circulation improves, a lymphatic drainage effect appears, the appearance of stretch marks is prevented and “ orange peel", volumes are decreasing.

2. How to do a relaxing massage at home

  • Take a bath or shower to relax your muscles.
  • Now take the oil - cosmetic oil marked “Relax” will do just fine. And start applying the product with soft, non-pressing movements.
  • Move strictly from bottom to top.

Result: General improvement emotional state, the muscles will relax, the flow of lymph will accelerate, and therefore the removal of all harmful substances from the body.

3. How to massage your feet at home

  • Pre-steam your feet in a bath (you can add it to water herbal infusion) and make yourself comfortable.
  • Ready? Dry your skin and apply any rich cream so that your hands glide well.
  • Start rubbing and stroking your feet, try to stretch each toe. Work in the direction of blood flow (read - towards the heart).

Result: A good relaxing effect is guaranteed. The thing is that there are energy channels on the feet: for example, thumb is responsible for the head, and the middle index finger is responsible for the eyes. In addition, such self-massage improves blood circulation, prevents arthritis, and relieves fatigue, tension, and stress. And it strengthens the entire body as a whole.

4. How to do lymphatic drainage massage at home

  • Any techniques for kneading muscles are prohibited. Otherwise the massage will be hindered efficient work lymph vessels, and the operation will fail.
  • Apply oil (warm if possible) to your skin.
  • Rub and stroke it with slow, smooth, soft movements - from top to bottom or in a circle. The procedure takes only 15 minutes, and it would be good to do it every other day.

Result:“This technique is salvation for all those who have sedentary work“,” hints Elena Mikheeva. As a result, work returns to normal lymphatic system, immunity increases, skin elasticity improves, swelling disappears. Cellulite prevention included. “Lymphatic drainage massage cleanses the body from the inside and normalizes the water-salt balance, thanks to which blood and lymph circulation improves,” adds Elena Gorshkova.

5. How to do lymphatic drainage massage at home

  • Cover the epidermis with tonic oil (look for the “Tonic” stamp on the product packaging).
  • Ready? Now, with both hands, begin to warm up the muscles with counter movements. Gradually move up from below.

Result: Immunity will improve greatly. This massage is also often used to prevent psycho-emotional disorders.

The human body is designed so uniquely that sometimes you are amazed that pain in one place radiates in the opposite direction.

If you have liver or kidney disease, your back hurts; if a nerve is pinched in your back, your leg will pull.

Every person can learn how to properly massage the back, both for preventive purposes to improve the health of the whole body, and to get rid of pain in a certain area.

Back massage: to do or not to do

Back pain, sometimes sharp and more often nagging, is not always a sign of a disorder spinal system. Each department spinal column is responsible for specific organ our body, therefore, if painful sensations appear, do not rush to do a back massage, especially at home, but consult a doctor and determine the cause of the disease.

Indeed, if you do a back massage correctly, recovery will occur much faster for the following diseases:







Bronchitis and many others.

Back massage not only relieves pain, but also relieves increased nervous excitability, calms. If you do a back massage correctly, then at the end of it the patient will want to take a nap for a couple of minutes.

A relaxing effect on muscles and nerve endings can overcome the syndrome chronic fatigue.

Scoliosis noticed in time can be easily overcome with regular massage sessions; in this case, it is especially important to do a back massage correctly, knowing where to relax and where to increase the impact.

However, using the main principle of doctors “do no harm,” never massage any organ, especially the back, if a person has cancer, problems with the blood system, tuberculosis, tumors or infections, before starting massage sessions, be sure to get permission from a doctor, if you do not confident in the diagnosis.

How to do a back massage correctly: preparation

Before you begin massage sessions, listen carefully to the patient, determine whether he or she has any contraindications, and determine what type of massage you will do:




A relaxing massage, as a rule, is done for preventive purposes, to relieve muscle tension, remove excitability and fill the body with calm.

If a problem arises, we do therapeutic massage, paying attention to painful areas.

Sports massage helps relieve muscle tension, relieve spasticity, calm and relax before or after training.

Hypertensive patients should definitely measure their blood pressure before and after a massage, if the tonometer readings are above 160 mmHg. It is forbidden to do a massage; it is better to first massage the head and neck, relieve the pressure and then begin the procedure, but without practice, it is better not to risk it.

A chair can serve as a place for massage manipulations if we work with top part back, or table, sofa, if we are working with the entire or only the lower dorsal surface, the main thing is that the surface is hard.

The air temperature in the room should be comfortable for the person receiving the massage, but the room should be ventilated before the session begins.

For massage you will need massage oil or cream, a silicone jar if you decide to do a cupping massage and honey for a honey massage.

To properly massage your back, you should familiarize yourself with the basic techniques and methodology for each type of massage.

How to do a back massage correctly: sequence of actions

What type of massage do we not start with? prerequisite the direction of the manipulations being performed remains, from the center of the back to the periphery, without affecting the area lymph nodes.

The back massage can be divided into 2 parts, upper and lower. For respiratory diseases, pain in the thoracic spine, intercostal neuralgia, we massage the lower part thoracic, then move on to the top half.

Shooting, radiculitis, pinching sciatic nerve, nagging pain in the legs they require a massage in the lower back, so we do the same massage of the lower part of the thoracic region, then move on to the lower back.

First, let's get acquainted with the techniques of classical massage, which underlie all other types of massage manipulations.

Each massage begins with stroking and rubbing.

— We perform stroking 3-5 times for 2-3 minutes, placing open palms on the back, stroking in straight lines, circular or zigzag.

On an obese body, this technique can be performed with the knuckles of hands folded into a fist. We start slowly, gently, gradually moving to a faster pace and increasing the pressure on the skin of the back.

- Let's move on to rubbing. We do this manipulation in two or three different techniques, the main thing is to achieve a uniformly red state of the skin at the end of rubbing.

1. “Shading” is performed with four fingers of both hands, performing rubbing movements at a fast pace, with pressure, trying to shade the surface being massaged.

2. "Sawing" is good and effective method providing rapid blood flow. We place our palms on the edge opposite each other, begin to quickly move our hands up and down, rubbing the skin over the entire surface.

3. You can rub the skin well by placing four fingers with emphasis on the thumb, and making circular movements with them, slowly moving from the center to the periphery and from bottom to top. We do the rubbing for 7 – 10 minutes, depending on the area of ​​massaging.

- We continue to do this technique, move on to kneading, but we try not to rub, but to push through each area of ​​​​the skin, stopping at the detected seals and painful places. During the first massage sessions, you should be very attentive to the sensations of the person being massaged, try not to cause pain, easing the pressure in places acute pain.

If it’s more convenient for you, you can knead with your thumb, then the rest will serve as a support.

"Rolling" allows you not only to relieve tension from the skin, but to give it elasticity and restore tone. With the fingers of both hands we grab the roll of skin, try to move it, pushing it from below with our thumbs, and with the other four we quickly move it, as if we are running away from this “cart”.

"Rolling" can only be done on skin that is not too thick and not very skinny body so that there is an opportunity to form skin fold, which we will roll with one hand onto the open palm of the other, gradually moving over the entire massaged surface.

We perform each technique slowly, trying to compress the skin as tightly as possible, stretch it, repeating the manipulations 5 times from bottom to top, from the center to the sides.

- If the patient is not hypertensive, then we finish the classic massage with vibration - patting or tapping.

Patting is done with open or cupped palms, tapping is performed with the radial side of the hands folded into a fist or the ribs open hands, intensively, but without fanaticism, we act on the entire surface being worked, from bottom to top and back, ending the entire massage with stroking.

Now we move on to direct massage of each zone.


1. When starting a massage, we remember that we perform all manipulations without touching the spine itself, and we do not work on areas where lymph accumulates, that is, in the armpits and in groin area.

2. For hypertensive patients, all types of massage should be done from the neck to the tailbone, without “pumping” the blood, so as not to provoke an increase in pressure.

Getting started classic massage, you should pay attention to small subtleties.

— When massaging the lower part of the thoracic region, when working on the intercostal surface, ironing and rubbing is best done with a “rake” with fingers widely spaced.

— When working on the scapular area, it is important to massage under the scapula; to do this, place your hand behind your back, palm back side Place it on the kidney area, with the scapula protruding forward, and thoroughly knead the subscapular surface.

— It is forbidden to vibrate in the area of ​​the heart and kidneys, as well as in case of hypertension.

Relaxing massage The easiest way to make a miracle is with a jar, a silicone jar, which you can buy at the pharmacy.

Can also be used glass jar with a suction cup, but it is more painful and more often injures the skin, especially in the abdominal area.

To ensure that cupping massage does not cause painful sensations, stroking and rubbing should be done before starting it.

Lightly squeeze the jar and press it tightly against the oiled surface of the back; now you can move it, drawing any lines, figures, even pictures, but from the spine to the sides. Of course, this will not be a professional massage with honey, but it will bring some benefit.

After a classic or cupping massage, apply a thin layer of slightly heated honey to the heated skin, then apply your hands, pressing them tightly to the skin, literally sticking, and sharply tear them off, while the skin of the back will automatically rise following the palms.

We also massage from the spine to the sides, limiting it for people prone to sudden surges in pressure. Place your palms with your fingers up, parallel to each other on both sides of the spine. It all depends on the strength of your hands, speed of reaction and desire to help

With a properly done massage, with good intensity, the honey will begin to turn into white lumps, and then completely disappear, being absorbed into the skin.

At the end of the honey massage, your back can be covered cling film, no more than half an hour, or cloth made from natural materials, and wrap it thoroughly. Under no circumstances should you leave the film on overnight, as this can cause skin burns, but under the fabric the skin can warm up until the morning.

Attention! Honey massage can be done for people who are not allergic to honey.

Whatever type of massage you choose, remember that the result comes after the entire course of 10-15 sessions, whether the procedures are performed daily or every other day, the effect is stronger in the second case.

If necessary long-term treatment You should alternate types of massage or change the hands of the massage therapist so that the body does not get used to it.

For prevention and chronic diseases should be completed 2-4 full courses massage per year.

Each of us is pleased if, after a busy day at work, a loved one gives a massage and relieves muscle tension. There are safe techniques, but in some cases they can cause harm. We asked professional massage therapist Alexey Semenov from the Verba Mayr center to tell us how to carry out the procedure correctly and what mistakes should be avoided.

Experts immediately warn: if you are suffering from constant muscle pain, regular headaches, numbness in an arm or leg, “lumbago” are signs of deeper problems, so you should consult a doctor. In this case, home massage can cause harm, since these neuralgic manifestations can be caused by vertebral displacement, hernias, dislocations and even small cracks in the vertebrae.

But if we're talking about O healthy people who ask a loved one to help relieve tension, then a light amateur massage will be very helpful. Massage of the cervical-collar or lumbar area at home is unlikely to cause any problems - you will have to “try” for this.

But if a person falls into the hands of an unprofessional massage therapist who incorrectly and rudely performs a full body massage, negative consequences can indeed occur.

  • Firstly, you can take a warm bath or shower before the massage. This will help improve blood circulation and relieve muscle spasms.
  • Secondly, you can use oils or creams. The choice depends on personal preference. Some people like it if the product is absorbed quickly, and then cream-based products are suitable. Others prefer butter. Baby oils are well suited for massage - they have a delicate structure, are easily absorbed and hypoallergenic, and also have a neutral odor. If there are no special wishes, you should not use products with a strong aroma, as this can cause headaches and discomfort. The so-called “dry” massage is also possible. It is also possible to use warming agents that help cope with painful sensations and improve muscle structure and so on.

If we talk about massage techniques, then for home option Regular stroking and rubbing are suitable, as well as light, gentle kneading, which should not cause pain or discomfort, for example, kneading with the thumbs.

Stroking- longitudinal, circular, spiral - carried out with the palms or the back of the hand, normal direction from bottom to top, from the waist to the head. You should also finish the massage with stroking to calm the area you were working on.

Rubbing- at classic massage are also preparatory stage, which allows you to warm up your muscles, but for the home version this can be the main program. Rubbing is carried out with the palm or edge of the palm.

Home massage is best done for 10-15 minutes. In fact, this is quite a lot and unprepared person You may just get tired of carrying out the procedure. If there are no contraindications, then you can arrange light home sessions every day.

What a non-professional should not do at home:

  • Press on the spine. You should not try to “flex” the muscles, no matter how much the “patient” wants it. Light touches with more likely will help you relax and relieve painful sensations. A strong impact can further damage the muscles and the effect will be the opposite;
  • You cannot do a massage if a person has eaten heavily before the session;
  • If body temperature rises to 37.2 and above;
  • If the person drank alcohol before the massage;
  • It is also not recommended to continue the massage session if headache or nausea.

- Should I use auxiliary devices like rollers and rollers?

Here you should listen to your feelings. Their use in itself can be useful if it suits the anatomical characteristics of a particular person. For example, someone has a strong back arch and needs a bolster, while others, on the contrary, want to lie on a flat and hard surface. What a friend liked and suited does not mean that you will like it and suit it.

- Can the “folk” method of massage - when a child walks on his back - cause harm?

In fact, this technique has the same principle as in Thai massage - gentle pressure and relaxation, which is not so bad, provided that the child is light enough and understands that sudden movements should not be made. However, it is extremely important to remember the main principle: massages are performed on healthy people. If a person is bothered by persistent neuralgic symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Everything comes with experience. All you need is desire and diligence, and you will be able to massage your loved ones and not only no worse than salon specialists. The main thing is constant training and more experience, and the answer to the question of how to learn how to do massage will be found.

How to learn to do massage: first steps

How to learn to do massage? This question worries many. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to attend expensive procedures in clinics or salons, and painful sensations in the muscles can appear often. Therefore, the only way out is to learn massage techniques yourself. Moreover, now there is a lot of information on this topic. Especially useful and effective in the question of how to learn how to do massage are videos in which you can find a visual explanation of the main intricacies of this matter.

Regardless of how you want to learn how to do a massage - relaxing, toning or another, you should learn the basic concepts and rules that apply to any type. First of all, you need to have a good knowledge of human physiology and its anatomical structure. This is the only way you can influence correct points without causing pain or harm.

All movements must be in a clear direction. As a rule, it is given by the lymphatic pathways. When it comes to hands, chest area or legs, then the movements should be from bottom to top. And the neck and lumbar region massaged in the opposite direction - from top to bottom.

It is important that the person you are kneading does not experience discomfort or tension, but is as relaxed as possible. The entire process must be consistent and continuous. To make your movements softer and more pleasant, you must use a gliding agent - cream or oil. Knowing these principles, it will be easier for you to further search for the answer to how to learn how to do massage yourself.

How to learn to give a professional massage

If you don’t know how to learn how to do massage professionally, this article will teach you how to do it, give you the basics, which you can further develop and improve. The main thing is to remember the basic movements, and then it will be easy for you to answer the question of how to learn how to do a massage yourself. In general, there are several main groups of techniques in the massage process. These are stroking, kneading, tapping, twisting, vibration. In each group there are simple exercises and more complex ones.

Practice each movement several times. First, master one group and each of its components separately, and then move on to the next. Don't think that you will become a guru of this matter overnight. How to learn how to quickly massage? Only through constant training and elaboration of each element.

  1. Whatever type of massage you do, you should always start with stroking - this will both relax your patient and warm his skin. No pressure, just straight palms pressed to the body and smooth movements. After this, you can slightly increase the pressure. In addition to a straight path, you can move your hands in a spiral, zigzag, along or across.
  2. Kneading is the second and main stage of the lesson on how to learn how to do a massage yourself. In this case, the skin can shift to the sides, rise, or be compressed. You can squeeze the skin or twist it.
  3. Vibratory movements consist of vibrations and shocks of the surface. Another group is effleurage. Naturally, not strong, but smooth and light. You should also end the massage with stroking to soothe the muscles.

How to learn to massage is up to you. Let it be courses, manuals or video tutorials. The main thing is that your patients enjoy and benefit from it.