Warts on the back of the hand. Features of treating warts on hands at home

Every tenth inhabitant of the planet, regardless of age, encounters neoplasms on the skin.

Such a defect in appearance causes a lot of trouble.

Not only do skin growths look unsightly, making you feel embarrassed about your own appearance, but they also cause physical inconvenience when doing basic work. In this article, we look at the main reasons for the appearance of warts on the hands and ways to combat them.

What are warts?

No changes in our body happen just like that. The same can be said about skin growths - the cause of their appearance is an infectious disease - some types of human papillomavirus (HPV). Official medicine today counts 120 of its varieties. The second and fourth are responsible for the appearance of warts. Infection occurs through a wound on the skin, and due to the fact that our hands are constantly open and in contact with the environment, they are the ones who most often come under attack.

Structure of a simple wart

Infection with HPV is not like, say, the flu virus, and skin tags will not ruin the appearance of your hands immediately after contact with a sick person or contaminated object. The virus can “sleep” in the body for months or even years and not manifest itself in any way, provided that you have a strong immune system. Its activity is enough to suppress diseased cells. When the protective forces are reduced and a hole is formed in the immune system, HPV “crawls out” in the form of those same skin growths. They can either go away on their own when the body’s functioning stabilizes, or they can grow in size.

Advice: before running to the pharmacy for remedies for warts, you need to see a doctor and find out the nature of the growths. Some of them may turn out to be malignant. Their therapy at home is unacceptable without the supervision of a specialist.

Most often, neoplasms appear on the arms, neck, legs

Main types of warts

Vulgar or simple- are dry, painless warts of varying sizes with an uneven keratinized surface. They mainly form on the hands and palms.

Simple periungual- scatterings of small neoplasms around the nail; children and adolescents become their victims.

Flat youth- round nodules with a smooth surface, usually localized in the arm area.

Senile- age-related keratomas of non-viral origin, similar to warts only in external signs. They are gray, black or brown in color and affect the hands, forearms and shoulders.

Causes of warts on the hands of an adult

Human infection occurs in the presence of one or several risk factors.

It is impossible to get rid of the human papillomavirus forever

These include:

  1. Regular skin damage
  2. Personal contact with an HPV carrier and touching skin tags
  3. Sharing hygiene items with an infected person
  4. Hormonal imbalance, diabetes, obesity and other endocrine pathologies
  5. Constant physical exhaustion and/or fatigue

Subplantar wart in an adult

You can catch HPV anywhere - not only from contact with a loved one, but also in public places. For example, in a swimming pool, sauna, bathhouse, sports club locker room, if you neglect simple hygiene rules.

Indirect factors for the occurrence of warts include prolonged hypothermia, poor diet, endless stress, colds and other conditions caused by a decrease in the body's protective functions.

One of the important components of the reproduction of the virus and its relapse is maintaining a constantly moist, warm environment - it is ideal for the rapid growth and reproduction of warts. This can also include excessive dryness or sweating of the skin.

The virus does not spare children either

Causes of warts on the hands of children

Any person can develop such a cosmetic defect, but children and adolescents from 9 to 16 years old are especially often affected by the virus. A fragile organism, like a sponge, absorbs all the infection from the environment. Young people between 16 and 30 years of age are at risk of developing genital warts.

The main reasons for the appearance of warts on the hands of a child are similar to those of adults. This is reduced immunity and direct contact with an infected person. It is customary to consider a lack of various macro- and microelements in the body as one of the culprits of the disease, so treatment begins with the correction of the immune system.

Unpleasant neoplasms can greatly ruin a teenager’s life

Warts mainly appear on the hands, soles of the feet and face. Regular flat ones are the size of a pinhead and have a smooth surface. Color can vary from yellow to brown or pink. Plantar ones are located on the soles of the feet and cause significant discomfort while walking; they have a dense keratinized structure.

Tip: The reasons for the appearance of warts on the feet can be wearing poor-quality shoes that cause excessive sweating, and damage to the skin.

If any defect of this kind appears, be sure to contact a pediatrician. Under no circumstances should you diagnose the problem yourself, much less undertake wart removal, so as not to aggravate the situation. If the neoplasm is benign and the baby tolerates its appearance calmly, it is better not to touch the wart. If it causes discomfort or makes the child an object of ridicule from classmates, it should be removed.

Removal of warts is possible only after consultation with a specialized specialist

Causes of warts on hands - main treatment methods for adults and adolescents

The following elementary signs indicate warts:

  1. New growths are painless
  2. They have no skin pattern
  3. New growths look shiny and smooth
  4. Horny layers form on old ones
  5. In both adults and children, thrombosed capillaries become visible on the neoplasm, appearing in the form of black dots

Removing warts using cryofreezing

A simple medical examination can diagnose the presence of HPV in the body.

It is worth saying that most skin tumors, in addition to a cosmetic defect and moral discomfort, do not pose any threat to human life. However, warts tend to grow, their number on the body can constantly increase, and mechanical removal ends with more and more relapses. The presence of a growth in a place of constant friction (for example, under the armpit or in the bend of the hand) can result in its transformation into a malignant tumor. These cases are isolated, but they cannot be completely excluded.

And, of course, it is worth remembering the high risk of infection of people through contact with a sick person and his personal belongings. If one of the sexual partners has HPV, close relationships require the use of condoms and regular prophylactic use of antiviral drugs - observation by a specialized specialist is mandatory for both.

5 ways to get rid of warts

There are several ways to remove warts, but none of them can defeat the infection forever - even the most effective therapy is powerless against the virus. Their very removal is necessary to reduce the number of growths on the body and stop their reproduction on healthy tissues. For this purpose, medicinal and mechanical removal is used.

Laser therapy

When we talk about treatment with medications, we mean the use of keratolic agents that “melt” pathological tissues. The most effective is the use of external antiviral agents that provide a local necrotizing effect, and drugs for freezing warts, after which they simply dry out and fall off.

Advice: diagnosing and removing benign tumors is the responsibility of the doctor. Do not self-medicate and do not cause additional harm to your health.

Laser therapy

It is considered the most effective way to combat the defect. The doctor removes the growth with a laser using local anesthesia. The process is painless.


It involves exposing the wart to high-frequency current, allowing the growth to be removed and the surrounding tissues to be disinfected from the virus. This will protect them from the spread of the virus in the future. The effect is bloodless, the papilloma turns black and disappears. The therapy is effective for small warts with shallow roots.


Or cauterization with liquid nitrogen. The method is painless and leaves no marks or scars. The effect occurs after several procedures.

The effectiveness of traditional methods of cauterizing warts raises a lot of controversy.

Radio wave surgery

The wart is cut off by high-frequency waves. The procedure is effective and does not cause pain.

Surgical method

It is rarely used because it has lost its effectiveness due to the latest medical discoveries.

There are ways to combat skin growths in unofficial medicine. In over-the-counter sales you can find a number of drugs based on celandine, the effectiveness of which has been proven, including by traditional pharmacology. Recipes for cauterization with garlic pulp, onions, and vinegar tincture are also popular.

It is worth remembering that only a dermatologist can prescribe effective therapy. In addition to removing the growths themselves, it involves measures aimed at strengthening the immune system, antiviral therapy designed to stop the growth of warts and put HPV to sleep. As we already wrote above, unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of it once and for all.

The use of any medications is possible only after a doctor’s prescription

As for the reasons for the appearance of warts on the hands of teenagers and their treatment, pediatricians usually do not rush parents and at the first stage take measures to strengthen the immune system, since at a young age there is a high chance that the growths will disappear on their own.

To combat them, salicylic ointment or a special patch is used - the products are sold at the pharmacy. The ointment is applied directly to the wart itself, without affecting the surrounding tissue. It is acceptable to use traditional methods of removal using a laser, cryofreezing, or radio wave surgery, but all of them are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. You should not test the effectiveness of various drugs and methods on a child unless necessary, as this can harm his health.

You can learn more about the causes of warts and how to remove them from the video below:

Warts on hands- skin formations of a benign nature in the form of a tubercle or nodule.

Warts can appear on any part of the body, but they are especially uncomfortable when they appear on the hands. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, they cause a lot of inconvenience, especially when they are located on the palms.

Types of warts on hands

The following types of warts may appear on your hands:

  • ordinary
  • palmoplantar (pinuses)
  • flat
  • senile

All these types of warts are easy to distinguish from each other by appearance, shape, color and other parameters. But warts on the hands can also “mask” other diseases, such as cancer, so it is advisable to visit a doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.

CharacteristicTypes of warts on hands
Ordinary Palmoplantar (pinuses) Flat Senile
Appearance Tubercle with a wrinkled dense surfaceResembles a thorn or callusA lump with a flat top that rises slightly above the level of the skinNodule with a rough, crusty apex
Size Up to 1 cmUp to 2 cm2 - 5 mm0.2 - 6 cm
Form Polygonal, irregularRound or oval with jagged edgesMore often the correct one is round or oval.A polygonal spot that then takes on a mushroom shape
Color When appearing - flesh-colored, over time - yellow or grayish-brownWhitish or gray-yellow with dots in the centerFlesh-colored, less often brownish, pale pink or yellowishFlesh, brown or black
At what age can they appear? At any ageAt any ageMost often appear in children and adolescents, but can also appear after 25 years of ageAfter 40 years
Localization Palms and back of hands, skin around and under nailsOn the palmsDorsal surface of handsDorsal surface of hands, forearms
Complaints Pain when pressed, may also itchPainless, may itchPainless, may itch

Spine (palmoplantar wart) rarely appears on the hands. But its treatment should be entrusted to professionals, since in this case the virus is located in the deeper layers of the skin.

Reasons for appearance

How can you get infected?

The following mechanisms of virus transmission exist:

  • direct - in direct contact with a sick person (for example, a handshake)
  • indirect - transmission of the virus through objects (handrails in transport, nail scissors in a salon); Despite the fact that the virus does not remain viable in the external environment for long, this transmission mechanism remains relevant.

Senile warts occur due to metabolic disorders and are therefore not transmitted. This is an individual feature of a particular organism.

Treatment of warts on hands

Warts on the hands are easy to treat, but afterward they may appear again in the same place. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to choose the right remedy and, at the same time as eliminating the formation, strengthen the immune system.

Treatment with folk remedies

How to remove a wart on your hand? You can use any of the remedies available in the arsenal of traditional medicine. Juices and infusions of celandine, onion, garlic with acetic acid remain popular.

How to remove at home

Modern means are no less effective:

  • apply a drop of vitamin A or castor oil to the wart once a day
  • bandaging method (will help remove thorns on the hands): use 4 pieces of adhesive plaster: fasten one piece along the finger, the next around it, the remaining 2 in the same way. After 6 days, change the bandage.

How to remove using pharmaceutical drugs

The pharmacy will offer you the following on hand:

  • ointments: eliminating the virus itself (oxolinic), removing the growth of warts (salicylic)
  • “Super cleanser”: the product is effective, but can leave scars if used incorrectly, be careful
  • cryotherapy at home: “Cryopharma” or “Wartner” - an analogue of cryodestruction in the clinic, but the drugs act to a lesser depth
  • solutions “Ferezol”, “Solcoderm”, “Kollomak”: burn warts with a solution of potent substances, be sure to follow the instructions

Professional treatment

It would be optimal to remove a wart on your hands in a clinic, since:

  • chances that the disease will reappear
  • here you can get rid of warts painlessly and quickly (laser coagulation, radio wave treatment), unlike self-medication methods

In addition to removing the formation itself, the doctor will take care of eliminating the virus and restoring the immune system, which will prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Methods for removing warts on hands from a dermatologist:

  • cryodestruction (exposure to liquid nitrogen)
  • laser coagulation (cauterization with laser)
  • electrocoagulation (removal by high-frequency current)
  • elimination with a radio wave knife
  • injection of interferon under the affected area (a drug that enhances immunity).

Whatever method you choose, familiarize yourself with its contraindications and advantages before starting treatment. After all, after using some treatment methods, a scar may remain, which is quite difficult to eliminate.

Such a nuisance as warts on the hands is familiar to most of us, especially school-age children (about 20%). Warts, of course, are not a fatal or painful disease, but they are very unpleasant because they have an unaesthetic appearance. In addition, when in contact with other people, they can become infected. Therefore, when warts appear on the hands (and not only), it is important to immediately begin their treatment.

Warts are a fairly common disease, which are dense formations (thickened skin papillae), with a diameter of one to ten millimeters, which are covered with heavily overgrown cells of the upper layer of skin. In most cases, this unpleasant problem occurs in children and adolescence, in particular in the period from ten to twenty years.

Warts are a viral disease. The main culprit is considered to be the human papillomavirus (HPV). Today there are about a hundred types of HPV, which differ in body structure. Most often, multiple rashes are observed, although there are isolated cases. The virus enters our body through direct contact with a patient (handshake), through microtrauma to the skin, or through contact with a household item that the patient touched no more than two to three hours ago (handrails in public transport, nail scissors, door handles, floor in the pool etc.). It is also worth noting that the appearance of the virus is promoted by sweating feet, as well as wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes. Most often, the most injured areas are affected by warts - the fingers, the back of the hands, and quite rarely the skin between the fingers, knees, face and head are affected.

I would like to note that during the process of penetration of the virus into the body, rapid development of the disease does not occur; the virus can exist in a latent form, for several months or even years, and appear only in the event of a severe mental shock, or against the background of a general weakening of the immune system. But there are cases when the virus does not manifest itself at all during life. But even with greatly weakened protective functions of the body, the disease will make itself felt no earlier than four to five months after the virus enters the body.

The color of the wart is the same as the surrounding healthy tissue. The main characteristic sign of a wart is the disappearance of the skin pattern on the surface of the wart. After the warts are completely cured, the skin pattern is completely restored.

If you enlarge the surface of the warts, you can easily notice some black dots, the so-called thrombosed capillaries, which in some doubtful cases allows you to distinguish this disease from more serious skin diseases.

There are cases where warts disappear on their own within two years without any treatment. The probability of such an outcome is about fifty percent, and no traces or scars remain afterward.

Warts have several types:

  • Genital warts or genital warts are light pink or hot pink. They appear, as a rule, in areas of friction or increased secretion of mucus or sweat - in the corners of the mouth, near the nostrils, on the genitals.
  • Ordinary ones, which are dense nodules 3-10 mm in diameter, as a rule, do not cause pain, and the color is the same as that of the surrounding healthy tissue. As a rule, they occur on the hands and fingers, in rare cases - on the face.
  • Plantar, somewhat similar to a callus, consists of a bundle of filiform papillae, and causes pain when walking. Most often they occur in areas of greatest shoe pressure.
  • Flat or youthful - these are small nodules that usually do not rise above the level of the skin.
  • Senile - their appearance is associated with age-related changes, they are flat plaques of various shapes, 0.5–2 cm in size, the color can be gray or brown. They usually occur after the age of forty on areas of the skin that are always covered by clothing. They are classified as benign tumors that do not require treatment.
Treatment of warts on hands.
In most cases, warts do not require treatment and usually disappear on their own once the immune system is restored. However, there are exceptions. Therefore, to exclude the possibility of a more serious disease, you need to make sure from a dermatologist that the growth that appears on the skin of your hands is really a wart.

You should also contact your doctor:

  • when the wart bleeds or itches badly;
  • if the wart changes color and/or shape at an accelerated pace;
  • in the case when the wart hurts and is often damaged (which increases the risk of its degeneration into a serious disease);
  • if the color of the growth is not uniform;
  • when warts occur in the genital area;
  • when there is blurring of the boundaries of the wart (which indicates that it is not a wart at all);
  • with an increase in their number.
It is also worth visiting a doctor if the wart interferes with work activity or causes psychological discomfort.

In medicine, there are several ways to eliminate warts. In each specific case, the method is selected taking into account the type of wart and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. In addition to removing the wart, a course of strengthening the immune system is prescribed, which prevents relapses.

Cryodestruction (destruction with liquid nitrogen).
Using a special applicator, liquid nitrogen is applied directly to the wart for ten to thirty seconds. The growth becomes white and becomes dense, and after sixty minutes a bubble forms at the site of exposure, which will turn into a crust within five to seven days, and the crust will finally disappear in about two weeks, leaving behind a small pink spot.

To treat plantar warts, several cryodestruction procedures are prescribed at intervals of two to three days.

During the procedure, using a special thin metal loop, the wart is “cut off” under the influence of high frequency current. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia. This technique prevents bleeding while simultaneously disinfecting. The remaining material is sent for histological examination, if there is a suspicion of cancer. After the procedure, a crust forms at the site of treatment, which disappears after about a week. During this week, the crust should not be wetted or any cosmetics should be applied.

Removal using laser.
During the procedure, local anesthesia is used. Using a laser, the wart is removed layer by layer. After exposure, a small hole remains at the site of the wart. Alignment of the depression occurs two to three weeks after the procedure. When removing a plantar wart using a laser technique, bed rest is recommended for two to three weeks.

Surgical excision.
This technique is prescribed only for very large warts, or when several merge into one. Local anesthesia is used. Using a scalpel, the surgeon removes all excess. The material must be sent for research. A cosmetic suture is applied to the skin, after healing of which a small thin, light and flat scar will remain.

Chemical methods.
When using this technique, a caustic acid or alkali is used, which, in fact, lubricates the wart. This technique is used quite rarely, since it is accompanied by a high risk of damage to healthy tissue that surrounds the wart.

Salicylic acid is an exception in this case. You can buy it at the pharmacy and lubricate the wart with it at home, excluding healthy tissue. However, it is better not to use this method for those suffering from diabetes or circulatory problems.

Treatment of warts on hands with folk remedies.
You can also treat warts at home. To do this, traditional medicine recommends lubricating them with fresh juice of celandine, rowan berries, thyme juice, milkweed, castor oil, onion juice, horseradish in combination with salt, wild parsley, purslane, castor bean juice, wild apples, grapevine. Make rubs from rose petals, rose hips, hawkweed juice, and a poultice from buttercup rhizomes.

Apply a drop of acetic acid to the growth every day.

To eliminate warts on your hands, you need to steam your hands in hot water with soap and baking soda. Dry and apply a piece of propolis to the growth. All this must be secured with a bandage and left for four days. Moisture should not penetrate under the bandage. After the specified time, remove the bandage and steam your hand again in the same solution. The wart softened in this way is usually easily separated from the body. If this does not happen, the process is repeated. For the same purpose, you can use another recipe: chop a medium clove of garlic and mix with a teaspoon of vinegar essence, add a small amount of wheat flour, you should get a thick dough. Apply the resulting cake only to the wart. For convenience, it is recommended to cut an exact hole from the adhesive plaster, the size of a wart, and stick it on the skin so that healthy tissue is not damaged. Place the cake exactly on the wart and secure with a bandage. Leave for three days, if the growth does not fall off, repeat the procedure.

To get rid of warts on your hands, you need to take hot baths in thyme infusion; to prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of the herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for fifteen minutes. Place your hands in the hot infusion and hold for as long as you can, then pull out, and so on for an hour. Typically the course of treatment is ten to twelve procedures. For some, warts go away after three treatments.

Grind wild rosehip flowers into a pulp and apply to the growth, securing with a bandage. Change this dressing two to three times a day.

To remove such growths, a mixture of vinegar and wood ash helps. Lubricate with the composition once a day.

Several times a day, lubricate the wart with a mixture of hemp oil (4 parts) and honey (one part). Mix a little honey with hemp oil (ratio 1:4).

Chew a Kalanchoe leaf in your mouth, then apply the resulting pulp to the growths and secure with a bandage. Typically, the course of treatment includes five to six procedures.

All folk recipes for removing warts are best used during the full moon and continued until the new moon. Then, if they have not passed before the full moon, do nothing else, and resume treatment with the onset of the full moon.

Mix part of thyme juice with ten parts of animal fat. Apply the resulting ointment to the warts daily.

If during home treatment with folk remedies the wart begins to turn black, this indicates that its roots are dying. Therefore, under no circumstances should you cut off its top layer. It must fall off on its own, otherwise there is a high probability of relapse.

The most important thing is to strictly follow the rules of hygiene, not to walk barefoot in public places (sauna, swimming pool, bathhouse, shower, locker room). You should also give preference to shoes made from natural, breathable materials. If your feet sweat frequently, your shoes should be dried daily. Also, you should not touch other people’s warts, and in general, stay away from people who have them.

It is also necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a healthy and balanced diet, exercise, and strengthen your immune system.

Warts on hands– a signal of problems within the body, a sign of infection with the human papillomavirus. Benign formations interfere and worsen aesthetics.

Important know the reason for the appearance of warts on the hands, what causes warts on the hands, what skin growths look like, in order to consult a dermatologist in time.

You can find out what causes warts on the hands, what can cause them, and what they look like (photo).


Most often appear on the hands ordinary or vulgar warts. Benign formations are round or oval in shape, flesh-colored or yellowish-brown.

Unpleasant feature of all – small “babies” often form near the “main” wart. Sometimes the number of skin outgrowths covering the fingers and palms reaches five, six or more. When the mother wart is removed, the appearance of new growths most often stops.

Also common youthful() with a softer structure, flat appearance, flesh-colored. These growths often appear in children. They are not dangerous and can go away on their own, but parents should still know.

Less commonly, the back of the hands and the area of ​​the forearm are covered with unsightly senile keratomas. Age-related warts are darker, gray-brown in color.

How do warts appear on hands? Symptoms and ?

More often total benign formation of viral etiology occur suddenly, pain, discomfort in the palms and fingers is not felt.

Sometimes the skin growth grows gradually. A person is surprised to notice that over the course of a week, the inconspicuous, rough tubercle has increased in size; when pressing or trying to scratch the growth, pain appears.

Important! Regardless of the type of warty formation, bumps and nodules should not be left unattended. If the skin growth is in the way, is in an uncomfortable area, and noticeably worsens the appearance, doctors recommend.

It is forbidden scratching, cutting, cauterizing the tubercles: the virus spreads to other areas, infection often occurs, and a severe inflammatory process develops.

Another danger is increased risk of oncogenicity damaged warts.


Why do warts appear on hands? Why do they appear?
Warts on the hands, on the fingers, on the inside and outside of the palms, near the nails appear after penetration into the body human papilloma virus. More than a hundred varieties of a dangerous pathogen are known; some types of papillomavirus are oncogenic.

Incubation period varies - from one and a half to six months or more. Often the patient does not suspect that he is a virus carrier and infects other people.

papillomavirus a person often “dormants” in the body for several months or even years and begins to act under the influence of certain factors. After activation of the papillomavirus, the skin becomes covered with warty formations.

At the first sign of manifestation, it should be done while it is still possible.

If warts appear on your hands, there may be several causes.

Main reason awakening of a “dormant” virus – deterioration of immunity. The effectiveness of deterrent factors decreases, protective cells cannot resist the aggressor, and the papillomavirus spreads throughout various parts of the body.

Immunity decreases under the influence of certain factors:

  • poor diet, deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • high loads (professional, domestic), stressful situations;
  • pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding period;
  • long-term treatment with potent drugs;
  • living in areas with difficult environmental conditions;
  • lack of sleep;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • exposure to high doses of radiation;
  • problems with hormonal levels during puberty and menopause.

Reference! Why do warts grow on the hands more often than on the feet?

It is this area that is constantly in contact with common things, hygiene items, toys; handshakes and hugs occur daily. Fingers and palms are often injured, microcracks are the ideal way for unhindered penetration of the pathogen into the epidermis and deeper tissues.

Transmission routes

Where do warts on hands come from, causes, routes of transmission?

Main reason penetration of papillomavirus - contact with a sick person or his things. Through the smallest cracks in the epidermis, the pathogen enters the body, takes hold, and under favorable conditions the infectious agent begins to actively multiply.

Main route of transmission dangerous human papillomavirus - contact and household.

Often the pathogen enters the body through microcracks on the palms, fingers, or in poor condition (fragility, fungal infections) of the nail plates.

Reference! Exists the third type of transmission of papillomavirus is sexual, but the penetration of a certain type of virus provokes the formation of genital warts in the genital area. Common warts on the hands occur due to infection other types dangerous pathogen.

Papillomavirus, which causes warts on the palms and fingers, most often transmitted next ways:

Warts are neoplasms of a viral nature that can form on any part of the skin, but their most common locations are the hands, soles of the feet, face, and neck. It has been proven that the cause of their appearance is the HPV human papillomavirus, which has over 100 species, many of which contribute to the malignancy of neoplasms. Therefore, you should not take the appearance of any growths on the body lightly; you should definitely contact a dermatologist to find out the exact diagnosis, type, nature of the formation, and differentiate it from other skin pathological changes. We will tell you how to get rid of warts on your hands, how to treat and remove these growths on the skin in this article.

How are warts transmitted and why do they appear?

Why do warts appear on the hands and fingers? What are their causes and how are they transmitted? Almost 20% of adolescents and children have at least once had contact with warts among their environment, and in 10% they arise at different ages. Infection with papillomaviruses of various types occurs very easily in the presence of microtraumas on the skin:

  • as a direct route through direct contact of the affected skin with healthy
  • and through everyday life - through clothing, personal hygiene products, household items

The following types of HPV are responsible for the occurrence of warts: 1-5, 49, 57, 19-24, 26-29, 1, 12, 10, 14, 15, 17, 19. The incubation period of these viruses is 2-6 months. However, even when papilloma is infected with viruses, a strong healthy body easily stops their reproduction and progression, therefore the main reason for the development of warts on the skin in children and adults is a decrease in the body’s defenses - poor nutrition, prolonged stress, hormonal imbalances, overwork, negative external impacts such as radiation, chemical emissions from industrial cities, chemically processed food products, and other factors.

The virus is transmitted most quickly in rooms with warm and humid air, so saunas, swimming pools, baths, sports halls, and gyms are the most common places for transmission of infection.

The favorite location of warts on the hands is obvious, since the greatest contact during work, games, at home, and in the external environment occurs through the hands.

And also the desire of children to scratch or tear off warts can contribute to the spread of the virus to other areas of the skin; the habit of some children to bite their nails can also contribute to the penetration of infection under the nails. Lack of treatment for warts under the nails and on the fingers leads to their growth, multiple reproduction, fusion or damage to the nail.

What happens when infected? Viral agents of HPV penetrate through scratches, injuries, microcracks in the skin into the blood. The viral DNA in the human genome then leads to an abnormal process of cell proliferation. In this case, there is an increase in blood flow to the site of infection by the virus, which contributes to the rapid growth of these cells. Sometimes this process can be very rapid, when a wart appears within 1-2 weeks, and sometimes it drags on for several months, so a person does not always immediately notice its appearance.

How to determine whether it is a wart or not?

There are several types of warts: simple, vulgar and flat.

  • Simple or vulgar warts

Most often they occur on the fingers, palms, and back of the hands, without causing any pain; very rarely they form on the mucous membranes and face. This is the most common type of verruca vulgaris; they account for up to 70% of all skin neoplasms. They look like dense, rounded nodules, from 0.3 cm to 1 cm in diameter, of different shades, in some cases they do not differ in color from the main skin, sometimes they can be more pink, yellowish or darker, light brown. To the touch they are not smooth, not even, rough. Typically, the progression of the virus is manifested by multiple neoplasms, when one largest maternal wart is identified, and many smaller ones nearby. When the mother one is removed, the rest can self-destruct on their own.

  • Flat warts or, as they are also called, juvenile warts

They occur only in 4% of cases and affect both the face, mucous membranes, and the skin of the hands and fingers. Most often they occur in young people aged 10-30 years. They are usually small in size, do not exceed 3 mm, have a smooth surface, round shape, yellowish or flesh-colored.

To determine whether it is a wart or other skin pathologies, you should consult a dermatologist.

Warts must be treated and removed

In the event of condylomas, papillomas and warts, one cannot ignore what is happening, since this indicates existing malfunctions in the human immune system. In themselves, such neoplasms in most cases are not dangerous or painful, but even if they do not interfere or cause discomfort, warts should be gotten rid of because:

  • The presence of even one wart increases the risk of their sudden spread to other, uninfected areas of the skin.
  • Accidental injury or tearing of the formation can contribute to the introduction of a secondary infection or increase the spread of papillomavirus
  • The presence of neoplasms exposes surrounding people to the risk of infection, especially family members, close people, at work, at school, in kindergarten.
  • Although it is believed that simple warts are not oncogenic, there is always a risk of malignancy of any neoplasms.

In clinical practice, there are cases of independent regression of warts, when warts on the fingers without treatment disappeared spontaneously and without a trace. It is believed that within 3 years, 75% of warts can disappear for some internal reason, within 2 years in 66% of cases, and within six months in 30% of cases.

However, if regression of the tumor does not occur, any method of removing them does not guarantee complete healing, due to the viral nature of the warts. If the body's internal reserves do not provide a worthy immune response, even after removal, warts tend to form again and again and recur on other areas of the skin.

Warts should be removed if:

  • If the wart changes color, becomes uneven, becomes wet, or bleeds
  • If multiple appearances of daughter formations occur
  • If the wart is located in an area where it is constantly exposed to friction, pressure, and the risk of tearing, and also if it greatly interferes or is in a visible place, it causes psychological and aesthetic discomfort to a person.

How to get rid of a wart?

Also, today there is no specific treatment for warts on the hands. All treatment methods can be divided into:

  • Surgical - scraping out the growth tissue using a scalpel under local anesthesia; this method is used extremely rarely today.
  • Physiotherapeutic – laser removal of warts, liquid nitrogen, electrocoagulation
  • Chemical - acids, alkalis
  • Immunotherapy
  • Folk remedies - celandine juice, onion, acetic acid, etc. (see)

Treatment with any over-the-counter medications may not be safe, especially without an accurate diagnosis. What do dermatologists offer today to remove and remove warts on cancers and on the fingers?

- a fairly effective method of getting rid of warts, very fast, painless, but still quite expensive (from 300 to 5000 rubles per 1 element). In terms of cosmetic effect, today this is considered the best option for removal, since there are almost no scars left after the procedure, the doctor can easily control the intensity of the effect, recovery after the procedure is quite fast, and the removed tumor can be examined histologically.

Cryotherapy or - the procedure in some cases is quite painful, but with a competent assessment by the doctor of the depth of impact, it does not leave any traces. However, in some cases it requires a second procedure, the disadvantage is that there is pain after the procedure for 1-2 days and the formation of a bubble, which should be treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate for a week.

The electrocoagulation method is used to treat warts on the fingers and palms under the influence of high-frequency current; it is a bloodless method, but is used for small warts without a deep root, therefore, for example, they are not removed using this method.

Chemicals used to remove warts

Among the ready-made pharmaceutical products that are sold in pharmacies for removing warts on the fingers, palms, body, and legs, the following can be distinguished:

    Super celandine- this is an alkaline solution that has nothing to do with the medicinal plant celandine, it is sodium and potassium hydroxide, the price is about 20 rubles. in the pharmacy, according to reviews of those who have used it, it is considered best remedy for warts. Do not use on the genital area, décolleté, face, neck or sensitive skin.

    Verrucacid- also refers to chemicals that contain phenol and metacresol, costing about 180 rubles.

    Solcoderm- a solution consisting of 4 acids: acetic, lactic, oxalic and nitric, its price is about 400 rubles.

  • Cryopharma, Wartner cryo- this is a spray with refrigerant at a temperature of -57C, it is used using an applicator, the price is up to 600 rubles.
  • Salicylic acid- it is applied using an applicator or used as an adhesive bandage - Urgocor corn or Mozolin, as well as in the form of Galmanin powder.

These chemicals should be used very carefully as they can cause burns to nearby healthy tissue, best if treated by a doctor. To avoid damage to the skin, you can first apply either a greasy cream to the surrounding surface, or cover the area of ​​skin with an adhesive plaster, having previously cut out a hole in it for the wart, with a diameter the size of the growth.

Before using any folk remedy or finished medicinal product, it is necessary to steam the wart for 5-10 minutes, then wipe the skin dry and apply the solution. For salicylic acid, treatment is required for a long time - 1-3 weeks; for other drugs, sometimes a one-time treatment or repeating the procedure after 2 weeks is sufficient.

Among the traditional methods of treating warts on the fingers, nails, and hands, the most effective is natural cauterization, which can be done independently during the flowering period of the grass from May to June.