The occipital lymph nodes are enlarged. How to understand that a child’s lymph nodes in the back of the head are enlarged and inflamed

Lymph nodes belong to the organs of the immune system.

Role of lymph nodes:

    Barrier. Lymph nodes(LU) is the “first line of defense” against the penetration of various foreign agents into the child’s body. A natural reaction to this “acquaintance” is an enlargement of the lymph nodes.

    Filtration. They settle in LU various substances, microbial cells, particles of the body’s own tissues.

Parents often call enlarged lymph nodes "glands".

The lymph node itself is a small oval formation (several millimeters in diameter). On the outside it is covered with a special capsule made of connective tissue, and inside is divided by partitions into separate sections. These elements of the immune system are located in groups throughout the body at the confluence of several lymphatic vessels. In newborn babies, the capsule of the lymph nodes is still very tender and thin, so it is difficult to feel them under the skin. By the age of one year, lymph nodes can already be felt in almost all healthy children.

The maximum number of lymph nodes appears by 10 years of age. In an adult total there are 420-460 of them.

The size and condition of the lymph nodes are assessed by palpation. In this case, it is necessary to palpate the lymph nodes in all groups (there are 15 of them) - from the occipital to the popliteal. If the lymph nodes are significantly enlarged, parents or the child themselves can pay attention to this symptom. When a lymph node becomes inflamed (lymphadenitis) due to the appearance of pain, children clearly indicate the localization of the process.

Normally, in healthy children, no more than three groups of lymph nodes are usually palpable.

Should not be palpable:

  • chin;
  • supraclavicular;
  • subclavian;
  • chest;
  • elbows;
  • popliteal lymph nodes.
Signs of normal lymph nodes:
  • their size does not exceed the diameter of a small pea,
  • they are isolated
  • soft elastic consistency.
  • mobile,
  • not connected to the skin and to each other (doctors say “not fused”),
  • painless.

An increase in the size of lymph nodes with a change in their consistency is called lymphadenopathy, quantitative increase in lymph nodes – polyadenia(from aden- gland, since previously LNs were mistakenly considered glands).

  • infections;
  • tumor processes;
  • a special metabolic disorder called “storage diseases”.

Local (regional) isolated enlarged lymph nodes always caused by changes in the corresponding zone (region) of the body from which lymph comes.

In all cases of unusual local enlargement of lymph nodes, a thorough examination of the child is necessary to determine the extent to which the process has generalized (spread).

Diagnostic stages for isolated lymph node enlargement:

    clinical diagnosis. It consists in the fact that the doctor first makes a diagnosis based on the complaints of the child or parents, clinical data and the results of blood, urine, x-ray, etc. tests.

    tuberculin diagnostics. Necessary to exclude the possibility of tuberculosis;

    special (serological) blood tests (performed if another infection is suspected);

    a diagnostic technique that doctors call “ex juvantibus,” which means diagnosis “based on the effectiveness of treatment.” Usually, in case of isolated enlargement of any group of lymph nodes, antibacterial agents for 8-10 days. Improvement in the child’s condition and reduction in swelling of the lymph nodes is regarded as confirmation bacterial nature diseases.

    biopsy of the lymph node or puncture with examination of lymph node tissue under a microscope. It is carried out in the most difficult diagnostic cases.

Features of damage to lymph nodes in certain areas:

    enlarged occipital lymph nodes: found in inflammatory processes of the scalp ( purulent rash, boils, osteomyelitis of the calvarial bones, fungal infection). With rubella, in addition to the occipital ones, other groups of lymph nodes are enlarged to a lesser extent.

    Enlarged parotid lymph nodes: characteristic of inflammation of the middle and outer ear, purulent inflammation scalp (pyoderma), lice, furunculosis. Often these groups of lymph nodes react to infection allergic rash at atopic dermatitis and eczema, especially when localized behind the ears.

    Enlarged lymph nodes around the corner lower jaw and along the way posterior muscles neck. Develops during inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx or after them: tonsillitis, infectious mononucleosis (as a manifestation of a generalized process), with chronic tonsillitis and adenoid growths, with tuberculosis of the tonsils.

    Enlarged lymph nodes behind the angle of the lower jaw and in the median triangle of the neck: severe forms tonsillitis, scarlet fever. With diphtheria of the tonsils, there is a symmetrical increase in lymph nodes to the size of an apple. At the same time, they are elastic and painful. Swelling of the surrounding tissues develops with an increase in the size of the neck. In case of severe sore throat, it may develop acute inflammation LU – lymphadenitis and even its purulent lesion. For cat scratch disease (causes special microorganism) may increase this group LU. The combination of sore throat, lymphadenitis and peeling of the palms and feet is characteristic of streptococcal infection (streptococcal tonsillitis, scarlet fever). Several more reasons for the reaction of this group of lymph nodes: Kawasaki syndrome (combined with damage to the eyes, skin, coronary arteries, fever, rash), toxoplasmosis, tumors of the blood and lymphatic system (Hodgkin's disease - lymphogranulomatosis, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma - lymphosarcoma).

    Enlarged lymph nodes in the lateral triangle of the neck may be a sign of infection in the nasopharynx, tuberculosis of the lymph nodes, or tumors.

    Enlargement of the lymph nodes in the mental area develops with an abscess in areas of the jaw, with damage to the front teeth - incisors, stomatitis, inflammation of the lower lip.

    Enlarged submandibular lymph nodes are characteristic of inflammation of the jaw due to dental damage, stomatitis and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). After treatment with antibiotics, the lymph nodes shrink and restore their mobility when palpated.

    Enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes occurs with infectious diseases various reasons in the arm and shoulder area (purulent skin lesions, chicken pox). One-sided increase LU can develop after vaccination or injury to the hand, such as cat scratch disease.

    Enlarged ulnar lymph nodes are a sign of infection in the hand or forearm.

    Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes indicate infection in the lower limbs with its localization in bones, muscles or skin. This symptom appears when the joints are inflamed, when severe course diaper dermatitis, with furunculosis in gluteal region, inflammation of the genital organs, after BCG vaccination when administering the vaccine to the thigh area. Moreover, an isolated increase in lymph nodes for 3 months after BCG is normal, and more long-term preservation symptoms are regarded as indirect sign reduction in the activity of the immune system or high virulence of the vaccine material, or as individual feature child's reactivity. A biopsy of such lymph nodes may reveal big number blood cells called macrophages. After BCG, LNs can be soaked in lime and probed through thin skin for many years. In case of infection penetration through the skin of the leg in cat scratch disease, the group of inguinal lymph nodes also reacts.

Pets – protection against cancer of the lymphatic system

American scientists, having conducted a study in which almost 4,000 people took part, stated that owners of dogs and cats are much less likely (30%) to suffer from non-Hodgkin lymphoma; this disease is one of the existing varieties.

Frequent wounds to the skin of the legs and feet, infection of these wounds in preschool and school age lead to the fact that in most of them significantly enlarged lymph nodes are clearly palpable in the groin area. Such children are not considered sick in the absence of other signs of pathology.
Many diseases begin with an increase in lymph nodes in any one zone, and then the lymph nodes increase in almost all groups. This picture is observed with influenza, measles, rubella, infectious mononucleosis, viral pneumonia, viral hepatitis, common eczema, congenital syphilis, toxoplasmosis, etc.
In addition to the lymph nodes, other formations can also raise the skin and be palpated under the skin. One of the reasons for this is lymphangioma(parents are more familiar with close education from blood vessels- hemangioma), a soft swelling under the skin without clear boundaries. Lymphangioma is localized mainly in the neck and can cause difficulties during childbirth, swallowing and breathing. Often requires surgical treatment.

It must be remembered that LUs are located in chest and in abdominal cavity.

Signs of enlarged lymph nodes in the chest:
  • breathing disorders;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • prolonged hiccups.

LN reaction in the abdominal cavity a viral or bacterial infection can manifest itself as very severe abdominal pain, which sometimes requires differential diagnosis with appendicitis.

Parents should know that if one or more enlarged lymph nodes are detected in one group, they need to carefully examine the child and palpate lymph nodes in other areas. Before consulting a doctor and having a blood test, you should not heat the lymph nodes. Children who have enlarged glands in most groups must be examined using ultrasound internal organs to assess the condition of the liver, spleen and abdominal lymph nodes.

Sapa Irina Yurievna

Lymph nodes perform a protective function, preventing viruses and bacteria from entering the human body. Organ enlargement - alarm signal, which requires immediate diagnosis, identification of the root cause of the pathology and initiation of adequate treatment.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Location of lymph nodes on the back of the head

There are about 600 lymph nodes in the human body. They are scattered throughout the body. All lymph nodes, regardless of their location, perform the same functions. The organ acts as a barrier to pathogenic microorganisms, preventing their penetration into the body. In the lymph nodes, foreign particles, microbes and tumor cells are retained, which enter with the lymph flow. The organ produces immunoglobulin and lymphocytes. Additionally, it has a stimulating effect on the proliferation of blood cells. Lymph nodes take part in the digestion process, the exchange of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins.

The occipital lymph nodes are located on the back of the human body at the border of the head and neck. The vessels are located on the back surface of the head. Normally, the size of lymph nodes is 5-10 mm. The occipital lymph nodes cannot be palpated. Outwardly they are also invisible. Pressing the area does not cause painful reactions. You can only see the inflamed lymph node. It is a lump under the skin, the size of which usually exceeds 1 cm. To get a better idea of ​​what the occipital lymph node looks like in a child, it is worth looking at the photo.

Causes of inflammation of the occipital lymph nodes

Enlarged lymph nodes are called. It can be specific and non-specific. Depending on the type of problem, the diseases that cause it may differ. Nonspecific appears due to the fact that the source of infection is in close proximity to the lymph nodes. In this case, it is worth talking about the flow of chronic processes in the body, the list of which includes:

  • trophic ulcers;
  • caries;
  • phlegmon.

Specific usually provokes severe infectious diseases. It can appear against the background of measles, tuberculosis or mononucleosis. Leukemia can also lead to inflammation of the occipital lymph nodes. The appearance may indicate that the child has developed allergic reaction. Decreased immunity can also provoke an increase in the volume of the occipital lymph nodes. In some categories of patients, a similar phenomenon is observed during terminal stages oncological diseases.

If a child under 5 years of age has an enlarged occipital lymph node, this may indicate development pathological processes in area respiratory tract. By using filters, the body begins to fight the inflammatory process. In this case, the main symptoms of the disease may be absent. The most dangerous period The onset of pathology is considered to be between 5 and 7 years of age. In older children, the risk of suppuration is reduced by 50%.

A scratch on the neck or other damage to the skin can also cause an increase in the volume of the lymph nodes. Through wounds, an infection enters the bloodstream, which affects the natural protective filters in the immediate vicinity.

The development of caries often leads to an increase in the size of the lymph nodes on the back of the head. If your child has lumps on the back of his head and neck, it is recommended to examine his mouth. Most often, this problem occurs among schoolchildren. Abuse of sweets contributes to the progression of caries.

Symptoms of the disease in a child

If the child has inflammation occipital lymph nodes, bumps appear on the back of the head and neck. Palpation may cause severe pain. Unpleasant sensations in a child can occur without pressure on a tense lymph node. This indicates the flow acute process. Your skin appearance doesn't change. However, a local increase in temperature may be observed. Lymph nodes may enlarge on 1 or 2 sides. Often the process of swelling of the lymph nodes is accompanied by additional symptoms, the list of which includes:

  1. The child has an increase in general body temperature. He suffers from chills and fever.
  2. There are signs of intoxication. The patient may refuse to eat and feel nauseated. Dizziness is often present.
  3. The area around the lymph nodes turns red and feels loose to the touch. The person feels throbbing pain. Upon palpation, a characteristic crunching sound may be heard, which is reminiscent of walking in the snow on a frosty morning. All of the above symptoms indicate the presence of suppuration.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes can occur without additional symptoms. In this case, bumps appear on the baby's neck or back of the head. Additional symptoms are missing. Palpation may not cause discomfort. This may indicate problems with nearby organs or previous infection.

It should be borne in mind that inflammation of the lymph nodes is not independent disease. It always occurs against the background of other pathologies. To bring the lymph nodes back to normal, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease that causes their enlargement.

Possible complications

Lack of timely treatment increases the risk of transition of the inflammatory process to generalized sepsis. If this happens, toxic substances and the infection itself will penetrate the blood. This will lead to viruses and bacteria entering all cells of the body. The process develops at lightning speed. Symptoms increase very quickly.

The occipital lymph nodes are very close to the brain. Over time, the infection can penetrate into its tissues, which can subsequently lead to the appearance. This serious disease. It can lead to a whole list of consequences and even the death of the patient. Therefore, it is not worth delaying the treatment of the root cause that caused the enlargement of the child’s lymph nodes.

Particular attention should be paid to enlarged lymph nodes on the back of the head in young children, patients with immunodeficiency, and pregnant women. All of the above categories of people are particularly susceptible to any kind of infection and have restrictions on certain procedures. diagnostic procedures. Application medicines for these patients it is also carried out with restrictions.

Diagnosis of the root cause

If your child has enlarged occipital lymph nodes, you should consult a therapist. Rapidly developing symptoms are a reason to immediately call an ambulance. First of all, the doctor will perform an examination. A history will then be taken. Based on the data obtained, a decision will be made to begin treatment or redirect the patient to another specialist. The therapist may prescribe a visit to an endocrinologist, ENT specialist, oncologist, surgeon, hematologist or infectious disease specialist. A highly specialized specialist will also conduct an examination and confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis.

IN mandatory blood is also carried out. It allows you to get an idea of ​​the state of the body as a whole and identify the presence of inflammation, as well as other pathogenic processes. Based on the data obtained, the doctor will be able to understand the reasons for the enlargement of the lymph nodes and make a preliminary diagnosis. Carrying out additional research will confirm or refute it. In addition to general analyzes The composition of sputum is studied.

If there are no obvious causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes, a instrumental study. If the presence of cancer developing in the chest is suspected, or tuberculosis has been ruled out, the patient will undergo X-ray control and fluorography.

If instrumental methods diagnostics did not help to understand the root cause, a lymph node biopsy may be prescribed. The contents are sent for research. Based on its results, further treatment will be prescribed.

Treatment of enlarged lymph nodes on the back of the head

Only treatment of the underlying disease can help reduce the size of the lymph nodes on the back of the head. Under no circumstances should you warm up. The rule applies to all inflamed lymph nodes, including the occipital ones. Warming up will not prevent, but rather activates the flow purulent process. It can cause the development of sepsis. This condition has a high mortality rate and requires emergency care.

The treatment regimen directly depends on the underlying pathology that caused the enlargement of the lymph nodes. To bring their sizes back to normal and combat the main problem, the following can be used:

  • antibiotics;
  • immunostimulants;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment can be carried out at home or in a hospital if the lymph nodes are enlarged due to chronic disease. For appointment effective treatment A culture of sputum or purulent discharge is performed to determine sensitivity to antibiotics. IN similar situation there is a high risk that after years of treatment pathogenic microorganisms have already developed resistance to a number of drugs.

Treatment is usually carried out conservative methods. However, if the disease is advanced, it may be necessary surgery. Lumps on the neck and back of the head are opened if severe suppuration has formed. During the operation, the surgeon will make a small incision through which the pus will be removed. Then the resulting wound is washed with antiseptics and drainage is installed. All this contributes fast healing affected area. In the most severe cases, lymph node removal may be performed.

Drug therapy

First of all, treatment of inflamed lymph nodes is carried out using drug therapy. If it is chosen effectively, the problem can be eliminated in 2-3 weeks. Complicated or advanced diseases lead to more long-term treatment. The duration is also influenced by the cause of inflammation. For enlarged lymph nodes, the following can be used: children's,

Anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed in addition to or separately from antibiotics. They are able to stop the course of the inflammatory process, which provoked an increase in the size of the lymph nodes in the back of the head. The drugs are prescribed in a course. It usually takes several days for symptoms to resolve.

Sometimes multivitamin complexes are prescribed. They help strengthen the immune system, which subsequently leads to a reduction in inflammation. Vitamins and microelements can improve the child’s well-being and speed up his recovery. Typically, to achieve the effect you need long-term use multivitamin complexes. To strengthen the child's immunity and improve general state body, it is worth using the drugs for 1-2 months.

Preventive measures

Enlarged lymph nodes are easier to prevent than to treat. As a preventative measure, experts recommend not running inflammatory diseases. Parents should ensure that the child does not become hypothermic. Don't ignore the routine vaccinations. Treatment colds must also be carried out in a timely manner.

A child's immune system is still developing. Failures in the body’s defenses often occur, including the functioning of the lymph nodes. Problems with these important protective elements indicate the presence of certain ailments, and it is important to know what signals the inflamed “nodules” send us.

Lymph nodes: what they are and what their role is

The lymph nodes, which are part of the overall immune system, play a huge role in the body’s system of resisting infections. If the lymph nodes on the child’s neck or in other places become noticeably larger and hurt, it means that the body is fighting harmful microorganisms.

Nature has placed about 500 of these “nodules” throughout the human body to make them “traps” for pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Conventionally, they are divided into three groups: axillary, inguinal, cervical. When the lymph nodes behind the ear in a child or other groups are normal, they resemble a small pea, mobile, not delivering discomfort. And changes in their structure should be a reason to consult a doctor, since, most likely, this is a signal of the presence of any diseases.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck and other places

Sometimes microbes enter the blood and lymph nodes through scratches, cuts, or when earlobes are pierced for earrings. But much more often the cause is infectious or viral.

Most often, problems arise at the junction of the neck and head, where there is a “barrier” for the penetration of microorganisms into very important organs: auditory and visual systems, oral cavity etc. And inflammatory process in the glands (lymphadenitis), strictly speaking, is not an independent disease, but serves as an indication of the presence of other diseases in the body.

Why is there an increase in nodes? Because they have to produce new cells, the purpose of which is to fight infection. IN in some cases, when the load on them is too great, the lymph nodes in the child’s neck can even fester.

Other causes of these phenomena may be tumor manifestations or (in in rare cases) metabolic disease.

Symptoms of lymphadenitis in children

Often the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes begins with a rise in temperature and signs of intoxication. The child becomes lethargic, weak, and begins to have headaches. The lymph nodes in the child’s neck and in other groups swell, they can be easily felt, but pain is felt. The surrounding tissues swell and turn red.

These manifestations are especially striking when inflammation develops into suppuration, and in no case should you self-medicate. The purulent form of the disease can be determined by carefully palpating the site of inflammation: the finger will slightly fall into the tissue. The temperature in such cases may approach critical, and here it is necessary to help the child by giving him medicine to relieve the fever.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the back of the head

On a child’s head, the lymph nodes can become inflamed from such “natural” reasons as a bad tooth, a boil, or a wound from a cut or bruise. But these can also be symptoms of diseases such as measles or rubella, toxoplasmosis or mononucleosis. These are the most common diagnoses for inflammation of the lymph nodes on the back of a child’s head and in neighboring areas of the head. When the disease is particularly acute, the baby’s face becomes puffy and obviously sore.

Why do “balls” form behind the ears?

Inflammatory processes in cervical region often indicate diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Although diseases of the oral cavity, in particular teeth, express themselves in the same way.

Inflamed lymph nodes behind the ear are a typical sign of a sore throat or laryngitis, but sometimes the cause of dysfunction can be mumps or an allergy to food products or medications.

It happens that these symptoms are aggravated by such phenomena as itching and flaking skin scalp, hair loss. Then with high probability a fungal infection may be suspected.

The most dangerous nature of the disease: malignant damage to the lymph nodes - lymphoma, but, fortunately, this is a very rare diagnosis.

Inflammation of the lymph node under the armpit

Antibodies to a number of diseases are also produced by axillary lymph nodes. As a rule, their inflammation means trouble in one of the organs located in the immediate vicinity.

One of the sources of deviations in the functioning of the lymph nodes under the armpit of a child is colds. Other reasons: infectious diseases or poisoning (both food and chemical).

We must not forget that children's love for pets also sometimes leads to similar problems. Doctors even identified this special kind: “benign lymphoreticulosis,” popularly called cat scratch disease. These claws really become dangerous because they carry bacteria quite deep under the skin, causing inflammation.


Lymph nodes can also become inflamed in the intestines, groin area and other areas. You cannot try to diagnose and treat yourself; this is the prerogative of doctors. They palpate the area of ​​inflammation, study the symptoms, and most often prescribe a blood test and targeted biopsy to exclude the most dangerous diagnoses and accurately determine the nature of the problem. Sometimes required ultrasound diagnostics and x-ray examination.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the back of the head, as in any other part of the body, is called lymphadenitis. Regardless of the cause, the disease is accompanied pain symptoms associated with inflammatory processes in the occipital nodes.

Lymphadenitis is not an independent disease in most cases. Almost always this is the result of pathological processes in the body.

The number of lymph nodes in the neck and head area is quite large, since they protect the brain from infections. Occipital lymph nodes in in good condition They do not make themselves felt in any way: they cannot be palpated and do not cause pain. If the nodes in this area become inflamed, the person begins to feel discomfort and even pain.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the back of the head

The trigger for the disease is always infections of various origins that spread in the body. Enlargement of nodes occurs in response to inflammatory processes in the head and neck area.

IN medical practice lymphadenitis is divided into two groups: specific and nonspecific.

  • Nonspecific inflammation of the lymph nodes at the back of the head has general characteristics: This is the body's response to a one-time (for example, flu) or regularly recurring attack of bacteria (for example, chronic inflammation internal organs).
  • Specific lymphadenitis is represented by more serious systemic diseases, each of which has special manifestations. These are acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, mononucleosis, tuberculosis. If the occipital lymph nodes are inflamed long time, this indicates the development of a tumor or oncological processes.

Let's consider the causes of inflammation cervical lymph nodes in more detail:

1. Bacterial infections are caused by streptococci, staphylococci, etc. entering the body. Bacteria begin to multiply in the affected organs, causing activation of the immune system. If such bacterial foci are located on the face, head and neck, then the lymph nodes on the back of the head, near the ears, and under the jaw become inflamed. Bacteria often enter through skin lesions: scratches, shaving cuts, etc. Examples of such diseases are:

  • otitis, laryngitis, sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • stomatitis, caries,
  • carbuncles, boils.

2. Viruses. Once entering the body, viruses cause an immune response in the form of painful nodes lymphatic system. This almost always occurs with reduced immunity. The reasons that can cause pain in the lymph nodes are the following: flu, colds, chickenpox, measles, mononucleosis, pink, scaly lichen.

3. Mycoses. Diseases caused by fungi, even if they are located on the surface of the scalp or body, sometimes provoke lymphadenitis. These include the following types of lichen: ringworm, multicolored, white.

4. Systemic diseases: plague, syphilis, tuberculosis, bucellosis.

5. Tumor processes and the development of oncology.

The development of lymphadenitis can be triggered by almost all diseases of an infectious or systemic nature. In some cases, decreased immunity and vitamin deficiency during the off-season also cause enlargement and pain in the lymph nodes.


Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves differently depending on the cause and characteristics of the human body. But there are a number of basic signs by which the presence of inflammation of the lymph nodes can be determined.

When diagnosing inflammation of the lymph nodes in the back of the head, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • Increase. When inflamed, the lymph nodes become enlarged and can sometimes appear on the skin as bulges. In addition, they can be easily felt with your hands.
  • Pain. Soreness of the lymph node manifests itself when palpating and turning the head. If the pain is throbbing, this may indicate suppuration.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Apathy, fatigue, deterioration of general condition.

When the clinical picture is accompanied by fever and chills, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help. If the manifestations of the disease occurred after the flu or a cold, then it is most likely that the processes of enlargement of the lymph nodes on the back of the head will stop after full recovery from the underlying disease.


For effective treatment, it is necessary to find out the source of infection, which causes inflammatory processes in the body. Without correct diagnosis medicinal products will not give the desired effect, since they will not affect the source of infection.

If lymphadenitis is caused bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. Depending on the general clinical picture The following medications can be used: amoxiclav, clindamycin, ceftriaxone, benzylpennicillin.

Sometimes medications that stimulate the immune system are prescribed. Immunomodulators are necessary to restore the body's defenses: groprinosin, cymevene, laferobion, amixin.

Antiviral drugs help to cope faster with viral infections: acyclovir, rimandatin, lyophilisate, ridostin.

If the cause of an enlarged node is infection with a fungus, then, first of all, prescribe antifungal drugs: terbinafine, voriconazole, fluconazole.

Additionally, antiallergic drugs may be prescribed. These medications may be relevant for both fungal and bacterial infections: levocetrizine, mebhydrolin.

Treatment specific lymphadenitis depends on the main diagnosis and may differ in each specific case. If treatment does not give the required result within six months, the occipital lymph nodes do not shrink, but painful sensations are present, it makes sense to reconsider the diagnosis and undergo additional examination.

Lymphadenitis in children

Lymphadenitis on the back of the head is observed more often in children than in adults. Not yet strong the immune system very sensitive to the appearance of bacteria and viruses. During infectious disease and even after recovery, you can notice an increase in lymph nodes on the back of the head in children. The likelihood of infection increases with scratches and other damage to the skin, through which children's body infection may occur.

A child should be examined by a doctor when:

  • occipital lymph nodes are enlarged for a long time;
  • the nodes are painful not only when pressed, but also when turning the head;
  • the skin at the back of the head turns red and feels swollen;
  • the child has a high temperature;
  • the child is regularly observed low-grade fever (37*).

Making a diagnosis on your own is very difficult, and in the case of a child, dangerous. There are many diseases in which different shapes inflammatory processes of the occipital lymph nodes, so it is important to examine the child in a timely manner to prevent complications.


Lymphadenitis in advanced stages may manifest itself as suppuration of the nodes of the lymphatic system. There are several negative aspects to this situation. Firstly, when suppuration occurs, the lymphatic system loses its ability to destroy harmful microorganisms in the affected areas of the body. Secondly, suppuration can spread if the lymph node bursts.

The spread of pus has different consequences, but they are all very serious, especially when its focus is in the back of the head. If pus gets into the brain, it will have irreversible consequences.

A serious complication is lymphangitis. This is an inflammation of the lymphatic system of a bacterial nature, when all parts of the lymphatic system are affected. In this case, the lymph nodes enlarge in the neck and throughout the body, and also become inflamed lymphatic vessels and capillaries. Redness and soreness occur along the lymph flow on the skin of the arms and legs, on the neck and in areas where lymph nodes accumulate.

Inflammation of the occipital lymph nodes always indicates other diseases, sometimes quite serious. Timely treatment will quickly get rid of such problems. Prevention is healthy way life and strengthening the immune system.

There is little pleasantness in a child’s illness, or rather, there is nothing pleasant about it at all. But along with the usual chickenpox or colds, which do not pose a great danger to the baby, there are diseases that require special attention parents, because they often lead to severe consequences for the child's health.

One of these diseases is inflammation of the lymph nodes, which is also called lymphadenitis. This symptom occurs when the human body is under the pathogenic influence of any infection, because the lymph nodes are the body's protective barriers. In other words, a disease such as lymphadenitis does not appear on its own; for the most part it serves as a signal of the underlying disease. For example, the lymph nodes in the neck can become inflamed due to sore throat or laryngitis. Often, children's cervical lymph nodes swell when they get mumps.

Lymph nodes enlarge as follows. At the moment when bacteria enter through the lymphatic channels to the lymph nodes, the latter, when they receive information from immune cells, begin to produce cells that will suppress the infection. While this process is underway, the size of the cervical lymph nodes increases significantly.

  • Sometimes, especially difficult situations, the lymph nodes are unable to cope with the load, and as a result, inflammation occurs. In some cases, an abscess may develop, and then not only enlargement of the lymph nodes occurs, but also redness and swelling of the skin.
  • Sometimes inflammation can be only a secondary disease, but there are cases when it is primary. Then the infection penetrates directly to the lymph nodes, without affecting the internal organs. Such situations arise if there has been a violation of the integrity of the skin, namely: scratches, abrasions, wounds, etc. Often, lymph nodes in children can become inflamed due to scratches from cat claws.

Usually in such situations, the disease begins with the general condition of the body deteriorating sharply, pain appears in the area of ​​the affected lymph nodes, the temperature rises, and symptoms of general intoxication may even be noted. If these signs are detected, parents should immediately seek help from specialists; doing anything on their own is strictly prohibited. The only safe measure that can be taken before the ambulance arrives is to give the child an antipyretic. However, this can only be done if the body temperature rises above 39 degrees.


Most often, the causative agent of the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes is infection, but sometimes it happens that everything becomes to blame malignancy. In the case when the body experiences malignancy, the lymph nodes begin to behave like “biological filters”, preventing cancer cells quickly spread throughout the body. This explains the fact that during the removal of tumors and metastases, all nearby lymph nodes are necessarily removed. This measure can significantly reduce the risk of relapse, namely - re-education cancerous tumors. In the case of leukemia, the same thing is done: the nodes are also irradiated so that the child’s treatment is as effective as possible.

However, in the greatest number In most cases, the cause of enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes in a child, like any other nodes, will simply be inflammation. However, the inflammatory process must also be dealt with only under the constant supervision of a doctor. If something goes wrong in the treatment, the doctor will be able to notice the deviation immediately and immediately take all necessary measures.


Before we dwell in more detail on which groups of lymph nodes become inflamed during certain diseases, the reader should learn about the morphology of the lymphatic system of the human body.

  • The final completion of the formation of the lymphatic system occurs only after the child is born. In newborn children, the capsule with lymph nodes is still too thin, and the tubercles themselves are not yet sufficiently developed. The nodes themselves are quite small, they are practically not felt during palpation, since their consistency is very soft.
  • Around the sixth month of the baby’s life, the lymph nodes increase in size and there are more of them. It is possible to palpate the lymph nodes well only at the end of the first year of a person’s life. Palpation takes into account the fact that in the first years of a child’s life, the formation of lymph nodes is not completed: the valves do not form completely, and constrictions remain in their place. Thus, upon palpation, a clear, pronounced, specific structure is felt in the lymph nodes.
  • At approximately three years of age, the shape of the connecting capsule of the lymph node becomes clearer, and reticular cells appear in the capsule. By the age of eight, tubercles and additional lymphatic vessels begin to form in the lymph nodes. Until the onset of puberty, the number of lymph nodes continues to increase, and subsequently the reverse process occurs. The largest number of nodes in the lymphatic system is achieved by the age of ten.

The appearance of inflammation

  • Carrying out your protective function and the lymph nodes begin to respond to the invasion of infectious agents from the age of 3 months.
  • At one and a half years, the process of performing this function stops for a while, which is due to the generalization of the infection.
  • Lymphadenitis appears in children most often at the age of five to seven years, because it is at this age that the lymph nodes begin to function as a powerful barrier to a variety of infections. This explains the fact that about 70% of all diseases with purulent lymphadenitis occur at the age of 5-7 years.
  • Only by the age of eight or nine years does the body begin to suppress the infection in the lymph node, and purulent inflammatory processes occur less and less often.

Enlarged lymph nodes in various diseases

As noted earlier, enlargement of lymph nodes occurs when various infectious diseases and diseases of internal organs. For example, the occipital lymph nodes in children may become enlarged in the following cases:

  • Toxoplasmosis,
  • Infectious mononucleosis,
  • Measles-like rash,
  • Rubella.

The above diseases are just some of the most common. With toxoplasmosis, not only the occipital lymph nodes increase in size, but often the inguinal ones as well. Lymph nodes may swell to the size of hazelnuts. Despite their condition, however, they are usually soft on palpation, pain does not occur, there is no suppuration, and the normal shape quickly returns.

In the process infectious mononucleosis There is an increase in almost every group of lymph nodes, but the lymph nodes at the back of the child’s head are most inflamed. Moreover this symptom can be noticed even without palpation: the child has lymphostasis and severe swelling of the face, pain is pronounced.

Almost the same thing happens when a child suffers from rubella. Lymph nodes greatly increase in size and hurt on palpation. In the case of rubella, suppuration of the lymph nodes practically does not occur, but lymphadenitis can be a consequence of this disease.

In the groin

Lymph nodes in the groin in children become inflamed when damage to the integrity of the skin of the legs appears. Often, inflammation does not occur immediately after damage to the skin, but after 2-3 weeks. The infection reaches the lymph node, then it remains dormant for some time. And only after a certain period of time does the lymph node begin to swell.

In some cases, the body is able to cope with the infection itself, and the tumor subsides on its own. In other cases inguinal lymph nodes children begin to fester, then it is necessary surgical intervention. It is important to be able to pay attention to any damage to the child’s skin and treat them immediately the right way. When proper care behind wounds and scratches, a situation will not arise when a small wound becomes a big headache. Other causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in children may be:

  • Severe form of diaper dermatitis with multiple skin lesions;
  • The appearance of boils in the buttocks;
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes can occur with BCG vaccination when the vaccine is injected into the thigh.

On the head

In addition, the lymph nodes on the child’s head enlarge due to the occurrence of diseases such as inflammation of the middle or external ear, furunculosis of the scalp, sometimes with allergic dermatitis. In these situations, children experience enlarged lymph nodes behind the ears. Also, enlargement of the lymph nodes on the child’s head is observed due to diphtheria of the tonsils or streptococcal tonsillitis. These cases are considered the most dangerous for children's health. In the chin area, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs during an abscess, stomatitis or other dental diseases.

In the armpits

Lymph nodes in the armpits of children can become inflamed under the most various diseases, as well as with severe damage to the skin of the shoulders and arms. In the largest number of cases, the cause of inflammation lies in the so-called “cat scratch disease.” Medical name of this disease– “benign lymphoreticulosis.” The course of the disease goes like this: first the cat scratches the baby, then the lymph node closest to the scratch becomes inflamed, because it is like a gateway for infection. If a child is scratched by a cat, the wound should be immediately treated with brilliant green or iodine, and then carefully monitor the baby’s well-being for a while. Sometimes toxoplasmosis is also accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits in children.

General inflammation

If you have diagnosed inflammation of the lymph nodes in children, begin treatment immediately and under the strictest supervision and control of a medical specialist. Usually in such cases, when lymphadenitis begins due to infection, antibiotics can do a very good job. Lymph nodes for a short time return to their normal state, the pain goes away, and blood test values ​​also normalize.

Often, compassionate parents, having listened to someone’s advice, try to warm up the inflamed lymph nodes in any way. Doing this is strictly prohibited, since such a measure can lead directly to suppuration and even infection. Warming up can be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and only in a hospital or clinic where there are specialists and suitable equipment for this.

If lymph nodes become inflamed in children, then treatment should be directed not at the lymph node as such, but at the disease that was the source of this pathology. Unfortunately, the doctor cannot always make the correct diagnosis only from the words of the child himself or his parents. Even test results do not always show a complete picture of what is happening in the body. If this happens, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound painful lymph node, as well as some other internal organs, such as the liver, spleen, abdominal lymph nodes. If after all the studies the diagnosis still cannot be made, the doctor may prescribe X-ray examination, study of the latent course of tuberculosis infection.

When a doctor suspects the presence of a CMV pathogen in a child’s blood, or herpes, or toxoplasmosis, he prescribes serological study blood in the laboratory. If even these measures have not led to the establishment of the exact causes of inflammation of the lymph node, then the only way will be a puncture followed by a biopsy of the lymph node.


Parents, of course, should never overlook such a symptom as the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes. Of course, there is no need to panic or be frightened, because often the cause of inflammation is so trivial that it can be easily eliminated. But there are cases when health care becomes simply necessary. Of course, parents will not be able to adequately assess their child’s condition, nor will they be able to immediately correctly identify the cause of the disease. It is best to leave diagnosis and treatment to medical specialists.

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