Diaskin test mantoux. What to choose: Mantoux test or Diaskintest

Adults usually check their lungs for tuberculosis by fluorography, while children starting from one year of age, put one of two main tests: Mantoux or Diaskintest.

But it is wrong to believe that these tests are not suitable for adults; on the contrary, the body, which has developed a stable immunity to the disease, will respond more purely to these methods.

What is the difference between Mantoux and Diaskintest?

The Mantoux test, named after the French doctor who first proposed administering tuberculin subcutaneously, has been used in medicine for almost a century.

Very often Mantoux 2 TE PPD-L is called a vaccine and it is seriously believed that it will protect against the disease. In fact tuberculin, which is a product of the processing of killed Koch tuberculosis bacillus, will not help in the fight against the disease.

But human body, which was once inoculated with live weakened bacteria, remembers their traces and immediately begins to attack, forming a so-called button at the injection site. It's nothing more than local inflammation, accumulation of lymphocytes.

Diaskintest is a fairly new invention. Not all tuberculin is used here, but only a special protein part, which is grown by genetic modification from coli. If the patient’s blood already contains a similar protein, the test will be positive and it will be able to recognize the disease even at the hidden stage.

Important! None of the samples presented contain live tuberculosis pathogens, so the tests are safe, it is impossible to become infected from their administration.

Comparative characteristics: which is better

Diaskintest owes its development largely to the claims accumulated over for many years to the Mantoux test. Both tests are given mainly to children, since they are the most It is dangerous to expose to x-rays.

But the anti-tuberculosis BCG vaccination is given just in childhood(usually a few days from birth), so the body does not have time to develop stable immunity to age 1 year when the Mantoux test is first administered.

So, first two or three years after vaccination, the Mantoux test is not very informative. The child’s body is actively producing antibodies, so the size of the papule that forms at the injection site can be much larger than normal.

In addition, in recent years there is a large an increase in the number of allergic reactions to this test.

In this sense, Diaskintest, which does not contain antigens, present in BCG vaccination and BCG-M, differs in better side. This test is more specific and accurate, it reacts only to living, multiplying bacteria in the body. Main advantage - practically complete absence false positive results.

Which analysis is more accurate?

So why not completely replace the Mantoux test with Diaskintest? The fact is that high specificity is also a disadvantage of the test, which gives large number false negative samples:

  1. Some children do not develop good immunity to tuberculosis after the first vaccination; they require re-vaccination at 7 years. Diaskintest does not allow tracking the level of immunity, since it responds only to the disease in the active phase;
  2. There is a so-called bovine pathogen. It causes a form of tuberculosis that is based not in the lungs, but in the bones, brain, kidneys and other organs. This form has been little studied and is poorly diagnosed. Diaskintest, due to its origin from human Escherichia coli, will not react to such a problem in any way;
  3. There's a chance that bacteria do not immediately begin to divide in the body, but for some time are in sleep mode— Diaskintest, introduced at this time, most likely will be negative;
  4. If you have problems with your immune system When it is difficult for the body to fight an infection, Diaskintest is also not a help. If there is no immune response, there is no reaction to the test.

How are they installed?

The principles of testing in both cases are similar. The drugs are injected with a thin needle under the skin with inside forearms.

In this case, you can choose any hand, preferably the one you use less, so as not to expose the injection site to additional physical impact.

The needle seems to move the skin a little, and a swelling forms at the injection site - a papule, the size of about 5 mm, she has the color of her skin. In the future, the assessment of the test result will depend on its size and color.

Both preparations contain stabilizers, which do not allow the substance to be immediately absorbed into the blood, but hold the sample at the injection site.

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How to decipher the results?

The result is evaluated in three days during which you need to try do not damage the injection site: Doctors advise not to wet the injection site, not to comb, not to tape, or to rub with a washcloth.

Decoding Mantoux

Size over 5 mm and up to 15 mm means possible infection or contact with sick people. After 3 days the doctor assesses the size of the papule. Normally it should not exceed 5 mm, however, in children during the first 2-3 years in life, the size of the papule can reach 12 mm, this does not necessarily indicate infection.

Size more than 15 mm, the presence of severe redness, swelling, ulcers indicates activity of Koch's bacillus in the body.

If only a dot has formed at the injection site and there is no “button”, then the body is not infected. However, the same result may indicate a lack of immunity to the disease.

If the result is questionable, the decision on further examinations is made by the TB doctor after examining the patient.

If the result is positive, carry out additional diagnostics : snapshot chest and Diaskintest, sometimes a blood test to identify the causative agent of the disease. And only after that a decision is made about the advisability of treatment.

There is also such an important concept as “Mantoux turn”. It characterizes the change in the size of the papule compared to the previous year. A sharp increase in the magnitude of the reaction in most cases indicates infection.

Decoding of Diaskintest

It is somewhat easier to evaluate the results of Diaskintest. Normally, if the result is negative, there should be nothing on the arm other than an injection mark, at most a papule without redness up to 2 mm, that is, almost invisible.

The presence of redness without swelling is a questionable result; additional research. And if there is a “button”, then the result is definitely positive, the patient is highly likely to be sick active form tuberculosis.

What can affect the test results?

A positive result in both cases can occur in a healthy person if:

  • were contraindications to conduct tests (for example, the patient recently suffered from acute respiratory viral infection or was ill during the test);
  • the injection site itself inflamed due to infection(this happens in children, because they usually do not pay too much attention to hygiene);
  • present allergic diseases , in which the reaction to antigens can be specific;
  • immune problems— in their presence, the functioning of human immunity is generally difficult to predict.

The prohibition to wet a sample came to us from ancient times and is associated with a completely different test - Pirquet breakdown, when tuberculin was applied to the skin, and not under it.

Current tests don't work should not react to simple wetness. But it is better to avoid swimming in open waters, as the injection wound can easily become infected there.

No food restrictions before samples also does not exist. For people prone to allergies, it is better to play it safe so as not to call sharp increase sugar level in the blood, which provokes itchy redness, especially in children.

They can be confused with the result of the analysis. Sometimes doctors recommend that patients take antihistamines a few days before and after testing.

Is it possible to do a reaction and a test at the same time?

These two tests, according to the doctor’s decision, can be done even simultaneously on different hands; they have completely different detection mechanisms, which means they do not influence each other. But doctors usually wait after Mantoux from 2 weeks to 2 months so as not to immediately burden the body, especially children.

Contraindications for testing

Absolute contraindications there is no need for Mantoux and Diaskintest. Such tests should not be carried out when a person’s immune system is busy fighting acute infection or chronic illness in acute phase.

Reference! The composition of both drugs is safe: it is a buffer solution, a stabilizer (polysorbate or Tween 80), a preservative (phenol) and an active ingredient. There are toxicity claims only for phenol, but its dose is small ( 0.00025 gr.) even in comparison with the amount of this substance that our body itself produces (0.1 gr.)

Both tests are usually performed on children, but they are also suitable for adults as part of the advanced diagnosis of tuberculosis.

Photo 1. Diaskintest packaging: 1 bottle - 3 ml, manufacturer - Generium.

Any vaccination (except BCG) can be done immediately after assessing the Diaskintest result, but after Mantoux it is better to wait up to 2 months. If you need to do a test after vaccination, wait 1 month.

Many parents have a question - which is better, Mantoux or Diaskintest. All normal parents worry about the health of their beloved children. Moreover, no one is left with such a question as tuberculosis. A vaccine for this disease has not yet been invented, but for a hundred years in a row, all children have been given a Mantoux test to check for the presence of Koch bacilli (the causative agent of tuberculosis) in the child’s blood and tissues. But the hundred-year-old technology is long outdated. It has been replaced by a new test, safe and convenient.

So, in 2016, children in Russia began to undergo an alternative test for carriage of the tuberculosis bacillus. Its name is Diaskintest. What kind of test is this? Isn't he dangerous for our children? All these questions made our parents think deeply and for a long time. Is this one better? diagnostic test than good old Mantoux? Are there any consequences of using Diaskintest?

Description of the technique

As our statistics know, almost all reforms and innovations related to injections and vaccines are disapproved by the majority of conservative parents. There is a risk that the new technique will not pay off. That is why we need to figure out whether the Diaskintest test is suitable instead of Mantu?

To begin with, let’s look at what this very Diaskintest is. There is nothing complicated here. This is just an alternative option for determining the presence of tuberculosis, similar to the now outdated Mantoux.

How is tuberculosis diagnosed in humans? Unlike the majority opinion, Diaskintest is not a vaccination. This is a specific diagnostic method that replaced the Mantoux test, which has not changed in our country for almost a hundred years.

An innovative method for the emergency detection of tuberculosis bacillus in different phases makes it possible to reliably identify the presence of the disease in a person.

What is the operating principle of this alternative test for children? Its working principle is how human immune system and tuberculosis proteins. The person is given a subcutaneous injection of the drug, which contains protein antigens, and is subsequently monitored. If a positive result is visible, this means that the patient’s immune system has already encountered tuberculosis. This means that it is clear that the disease is already present, but it is not known in what phase, passive or active.

The Diaskintest or Quantiferon test is done in exactly the same way as the previous test - the Mantoux test. However, doctors inform that the new drug has positive features which significantly reduce side effects. After all, the components of this test are introduced by subcutaneous injection, and not in the blood. Parents are very happy about this. The vaccine is injected into the child's non-dominant arm. The vaccination is painless and does not leave any marks on the skin. In our modern realities, parents are divided into two opposing camps:

  1. those who count vaccinations the right means against the spread of diseases;
  2. their opponents.

That is why both are trying to find positive and negative aspects in every injection that is given to their precious child. An analogue of mantoux, diaskintest, gives rise to a variety of opinions. Its main alarming property is its novelty and unusualness. new vaccination. After all, to all vaccinations and medical techniques, which has not stood the test of time is not very trustworthy.

So should a child have a diaskintest or not? Parents need to think about this themselves. But one should take into account the fact that in Russia they want to completely abolish tuberculosis tests using the outdated Mantoux test. Based on this, parents need to reflect on the consequences of using this outdated and even dangerous test.

Contraindications and side effects

The difference is that, unlike the first test, Diaskintest has a very Not large number side effects. However, sad as it may be, they are still present. For example, not all categories of children can carry out this diagnostic technique. Therefore, such children need to use alternative options diagnosing tuberculosis. However, in all Russian educational institutions Diaskintest is starting to be used intensively. What to expect from him?

At the very beginning, we need to find out who is not recommended to carry out diagnostics in the described way. After all, a person’s individual reaction in this case can be completely unpredictable. Tuberculosis can occur even in a completely healthy person.

Testing for tuberculosis using Diaskintest cannot be carried out:

  • In people who have severe chronic diseases;
  • In people whose level of immunity is significantly reduced;
  • For those who have recently had serious illness, as a result of which immunity is reduced;
  • For those people who have negative reaction for injections;
  • For those people who are seriously ill with serious diseases.
  • Those who have a fever.

All of the above qualities are direct prohibitions on performing the tuberculosis testing procedure. In this case, it is necessary to wait some time until the causes of the ban are eliminated, or carry out diagnostics in another way. However, even when the Diaskintest analogue is used healthy people no contraindications, side effects may also occur. Which ones exactly?

Side effects

When this “vaccine” is used, such effects practically do not occur. As a rule, there are none at all. But in medicine it is customary to warn their patients about even the most minimal effects of the procedure.

The very first side effect from the injection of the test, there will be a mark from the syringe needle. This “side” is the most common. In any case, no matter what vaccine is administered to a person, a trace of the injection will always appear. There is no need to be afraid or worry about this. In just a week, all traces of the injection will disappear, and the skin will be clean and untouched again.

Also, after receiving a “vaccine” injection, a person often experiences a slight swelling at the injection site. Sometimes it looks like a positive diagnostic result. This small reddish lump usually appears within six hours after a dose of the substance is administered.

What should you not be afraid of when swelling occurs?

If there is a slight swelling on the skin in the injection area, there is no need to be afraid. Normally, it is light pink, very similar to the one that occurs when performing the Mantoux reaction. IN good option, there are no traces other than what remains from the injection. However, swelling always occurs. It is necessary to ensure that no papular rash occurs and that the skin tone at the injection site is not bright pink. If such marks are visible, then you should be wary, because they indicate the presence of tuberculosis.

On the skin after diagnostic procedure Minor bruising is common. Their size, as a rule, does not exceed 2-3 centimeters. Even in cases where the bruise is purple or bluish color, no need to worry. This is the body’s natural behavior to the test reaction caused by Diaskintest. Here the most important thing is to consider the absence of the result of tuberculosis. Then you can to the fullest believe that children's body this disease is unknown.

False positives

When using Diaskintest, you need to take into account that sometimes the test results may be inaccurate. Medical professionals confirm that sometimes after this test, the child’s body can give a false positive reaction. These cases have sometimes been encountered in medical practice; they create a negative aura and a wary attitude towards the drug.

In what cases can you not trust the test result? When a reddened area or papular rash appears at the injection site. Then you need to see a doctor. Medical specialist with the help of fluorography and some additional examinations, he can easily make or reject a terrible diagnosis.

Diaskintest is allowed to be repeated only two months after the first test injection. It doesn't count side effect, but parents should always remember this. If we analyze the reviews of parents whose children have already undergone similar study, then we can conclude that this technique is completely safe. She has practically no adverse reactions, it can be easily done for both adult patients and children; the test has a small list of contraindications.

Conclusion on the Mantoux or Diaskintest methods

Some parents are wary of this method of diagnosing tuberculosis, because in some cases it produces a positive result, despite the fact that the child does not have tuberculosis. This adds a lot of problems. Therefore, experienced doctors suggest performing both the Diaskintest and the Mantoux test in different hands of the child at the same time.

Another disadvantage of diagnostics is that the test does not show whether the disease is in an active or passive stage. To do this, you will still have to perform additional examinations. And yet, the analogue of the Mantoux test - Diaskintest is modern and safe method diagnosis for tuberculosis and you should not be afraid of it, but boldly allow these tests to be done for your children.

When something new appears, it is always compared with the old. And methods for diagnosing tuberculosis do not stand still. Just 100 years ago, apart from x-rays and the Pirquet reaction, doctors had nothing to offer the population. All that remained was to rely only on their knowledge and understanding infectious process and competence. Then the Mantoux test appeared, which took root among our population for several decades under the name “button”. And now, a new product, Diaskintest. Parents want to choose what will be as safe as possible and will give the most reliable answer about whether their child is infected with the tuberculosis bacillus or not. Therefore, in this article we will figure out whether the Mantoux test or Diaskintest is better?

Mantoux test

It is an intradermal injection of 0.2 ml of tuberculin solution. In order to prepare such a solution, 2 types of bacteria (human and cattle) are killed and then filtered so that only antigenic memory remains. Therefore, the exclamation that the Mantoux test can cause tuberculosis is nothing more than darkness and ignorance.

But the test can provide the most valuable information: if a child has already encountered Koch’s bacillus, then his body has antibodies to it. How will they react in response to the introduction of tuberculin (antigen)? Attack, of course! Here are the results, when the button is large or surrounded by a large red corolla (more than 17 mm) indicates that the person is infected. It is too early to judge the disease; it depends on many factors. A good immune response, living conditions and nutrition will lead to the fact that a person will live a long and happy life with the infection to deep gray hairs. It is not for nothing that it is believed that 90% of the population over the age of 45 is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

There are also disadvantages to all this: the reliability of the Mantoux test is about 60–70%. Because it can turn out to be either a false positive after BCG vaccination, for example, or a false negative with a weak immune response and blooming tuberculosis. That is why this method is called screening and mass. If an infection is suspected, it will certainly be supplemented with a blood test, computed tomogram, and sputum analysis. We will return to the question of Mantoux or Diaskintest, which is better.

In order for the answer to be as close to reality as possible, it is necessary that the sample be given only healthy child without signs of ARVI (this point can be omitted when lingering cough with low-grade fever), against the background of remission, if there are chronic diseases.

A few myths about Mantoux:

The sample must not be wetted. This is not true, water will not get inside, since the sample is intradermal and not cutaneous, as it was 100 years ago. It really wasn’t recommended to get that one wet.

Mantoux will be positive for an allergic person. No, the immune system has 4 response mechanisms. Typical allergic reactions proceed according to type 1 with the participation of immunoglobulin E. And the Mantoux test proceeds according to type 4 - with the participation of sensitized (previously in contact with the allergen) T-lymphocytes. To exclude the first type of reaction, allergy sufferers are advised to take antihistamine medicine, as this will eliminate possible allergies, but will not affect the test result.


Before answering the question, Mantoux or Diaskintest, which is better, let's talk about new technique which, by the way, is praised by Dr. Komarovsky himself.

In 2009, a recombinant allergen was created, that is, for its production it was no longer necessary to kill and filter bacteria; modern scientists were able to isolate a protein to which the body will respond with almost 100% accuracy (in the presence of infection). This protein is found only in mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis in humans.

The test is done in a similar way: 0.1 ml of the drug is injected intradermally on the forearm and the result is assessed after 3 days. The evaluation of the test results occurs as with the Mantoux test:

  • If a person is not infected with Koch's bacillus, the skin will remain unchanged and the result will be negative.
  • If the result is positive, we can talk about infection or disease, the presence of which must be additionally confirmed by other methods.
  • Sharp positive result in the absence of a clinic, it indicates a change in the test, and after consultation with a phthisiatrician, the child will be prescribed a preventive course of chemotherapy.

Mantoux or Diaskintest, which is better? Let's talk about the pros and cons of the new method.

The advantage of Diaskintest is:

  • Higher reliability of the result.
  • No false positive results in other severe infections (brucellosis).

Despite the development of medicine, preventive measures, exists high risk tuberculosis infection. Most diagnostic methods can detect the disease by early stage, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. When choosing which is better and safer for testing immunity in children - the Mantoux test or Diaskintest, parents have to first study the effect of the drugs used, indications and contraindications for them.

Mantoux test

Every schoolchild is familiar with this procedure, but not everyone knows why it is performed. The purpose of the test is to detect antibodies produced by the body against the causative agent of the disease. The drug tuberculin, which is destroyed mycobacteria, is injected under the skin using a syringe. The injection is painless and does not cause any discomfort in children.

The result is determined by the reaction that occurs at the injection site on the third day. Use a transparent ruler to measure the size of the seal. Its size from 4 to 16 mm indicates stable immunity and the presence of antibodies. If the compaction is more than 17 mm, there is a possibility of infection with tuberculosis. Then you need to carry out additional examination. The appearance of ulcers and blisters at the injection site may be the result of an allergy.

The Mantoux reaction is one of the methods primary diagnosis, the reliability of which is not absolute.

In addition, there are contraindications to the test:

  • Stage of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Taking medications.
  • Manifestation of allergic reactions.
  • Cough, runny nose, other cold symptoms.
  • Skin problems.

If at least one of these factors is present, the procedure is postponed or replaced by another testing method.

The first test is performed on children aged one year. If there are no indications for a repeat test, Mantoux is done once a year. If the result is positive, it is allowed to increase the number of vaccinations per year to three.

What is Diaskintest

This test is a safe alternative to Mantoux. It allows you to determine the body’s response to the causative agent of tuberculosis and has been used recently. Unlike Mantoux, the drug contains a tuberculosis allergen and two types of associated protein antigens, which make it possible to identify the body's immune response.

Indications for Diaskintest:

  • A test done to detect active and inactive forms of tuberculosis.
  • The need to assess disease activity, monitoring changes in response during treatment.
  • Differentiation from non-tuberculous diseases.

Diaskintest is sometimes performed if the latter case a positive result is found.

How is Diaskintest performed?

The test is placed in the forearm, usually in the less active hand - for right-handers it is the left, for left-handers it is the right. Parents are wondering whether it is possible to administer Mantu and Diaskintest at the same time. This option is allowed if you do a test on different hands. The drug is administered intradermally using a special tuberculin syringe with a very thin needle. The Ministry of Health recommends testing every year for all children age group from 8 to 17 years. The following standards are provided for the frequency with which Diaskintest can be done: if the result is negative, re-testing is carried out after 2 months, after vaccination or previous infectious diseases no earlier than 1 month. For those who are registered with a phthisiatrician, the test is performed at intervals of 3 to 6 months.

Result evaluation

Like Mantoux, Diaskintest shows results on the third day. Based on examination of the injection site, measurement of the size of the papule,

The presence of redness distinguishes 4 variants of the result:

  1. Negative. The size of the zone of hyperemia and swelling does not exceed 2 mm or is absent altogether. This is an indicator that there is no active infection in the body. Even if the Mantoux result is positive and the Diaskintest is negative, the person cannot be called sick.
  2. Doubtful. There is slight redness, the size of the compaction is no more than 4 mm.
  3. Positive. The size of the infiltrate (papules) is more than 5 mm. This indicates inflammatory process associated with infection. However, this does not always lead to the development of the disease. Strong immunity often copes with mycobacteria.
  4. Hyperergic reaction. Large size of compaction (exceeds 14 mm), possible presence of ulcers, inflammation of the lymph nodes.

All measurements must be carried out medical worker. In children and adults, the norm is when the result is negative.

Contraindications and side effects

Even in the absence of infection with the tuberculosis bacillus, the test may give a positive, questionable or hyperergic reaction. The reason is the presence of contraindications for which Diaskintest cannot be done.

They are almost no different from the Mantoux test:

  • Infectious and colds.

  • Exacerbation phase of chronic pathologies.
  • Allergy.
  • Skin diseases (rash, pustules).
  • Epilepsy.
  • Vaccination performed less than a month ago.

It is important to consider all indications and contraindications. Not only in a child, but also in an adult, Diaskintest can provoke the appearance side effectsheadache, general malaise. They pose no danger and pass quickly.

Main advantages and disadvantages of the method

Diaskintest has been used since 2009 as an alternative to Mantoux.

It has many advantages:

  • High sensitivity to strains.
  • Ability in people with BCG vaccination, as well as in those who have non-pathogenic microflora.
  • Allows you to track your recovery, do Diaskintest during the treatment process.

The disadvantage is the likelihood of a false negative result when cow form tuberculosis, chronic diseases, with weakened immunity.

Despite this, it is highly reliable. The effectiveness of the method is almost 100%.

Diaskintest and Mantoux - what is the difference

Both methods have significant advantages over x-ray methods. They are completely safe and do not require irradiation of the body. The likelihood of contracting tuberculosis after injection of Diaskintest or Mantoux is excluded. Both tests work on the same principle - a drug is injected intradermally, which determines the degree of familiarity of the body with the causative agent of the disease. The Mantoux test and Diaskintest are painless procedures that are well tolerated by children.

Tests are different active substance included in the administered drug. The Mantoux test contains tuberculin, a protein present in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, it is found in bacteria similar to tuberculosis and in BCG. Diaskintest contains a protein containing only the causative agent of tuberculosis.

In this regard, there is also a difference in the reaction to the tests performed. Mantoux reveals whether the body has previously encountered tuberculin. Diaskintest is positive only in response to active mycobacteria. Compared to Mantoux, the test performance is higher. Therefore, it is considered a more advanced test and is prescribed for the purpose of differentiated diagnosis. Test results may vary. The option when with a positive Mantoux Diaskintest is negative means that the child is healthy, his immune system is successfully fighting the causative agent of the disease.


Video - death after Diaskintest

What to choose

Both methods can be used. The choice of the most effective for each specific case should be made taking into account the recommendations of the attending physician. Due to the higher reliability of the results and minimum quantity side effects, many parents choose Diaskintest for their babies. State clinics prefer to detect tuberculosis using the Mantoux method, tested over several generations. However, due to the child’s contraindications or for any other reasons, parents have the right to refuse the traditional test, replacing it with a more modern drug.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that Diaskintest, an analogue of Mantoux, is much more effective and safer. But if it is not possible to perform it, the old proven method of diagnosing tuberculosis will also serve as a replacement. The main thing is to take into account the existing indications and contraindications for the test.

Due to the fact that the risk of contracting tuberculosis is high and the disease is very dangerous, it is better not to refuse diagnostics.

Life, schoolchildren will no longer be given a Mantoux test to check for tuberculosis. An order was adopted according to which instead children from the age of seven will undergo a diaskintest.

One of the initiators of the transition to Diaskintest - g the country's leading children's phthisiatrician Valentina Aksyonova. At the same time, she herself took part in the development of the drug by order of the Generium company, which is now its manufacturer. Obviously there is a conflict of interest here. At the same time, according to experts, there are no extensive studies that would clearly prove that Diaskintest is better.

Life studied those relatively small scientific works that exist on this issue. It follows from them that both the Mantoux test and Diaskintest have their pros and cons. Which of them is more important - decide for yourself.

Diaskintest did not “see” 23% of patients

In 2011, employees of the Astrakhan State medical academy examined "100 patients with various clinical forms pulmonary tuberculosis." The diagnosis was precisely known in advance (all patients were given an X-ray and tests were taken from them). As part of the study, each patient was given two tests: on one hand - the Mantoux test, on the other - the Diaskintest.

Diaskintest showed negative result in 23 people out of 100 (that is, in almost a quarter of cases). People were sick with tuberculosis, but the test did not see this. The Mantoux test gave eight negative results out of 100. That is, switching to Diaskintest on a national scale is a risk of an epidemic, because the test often mistakes sick people for healthy people. According to Rosstat, in 2016, 11 thousand Russians died from tuberculosis.

A similar study was conducted in 2014 by employees of the Samara State medical university. They examined 100 children with local forms tuberculosis (tuberculosis lymph nodes, bones, etc.). The diagnosis was known in advance. The children had a Mantoux test done on one arm and a Diaskintest on the other. Diaskintest did not see 16 cases of tuberculosis out of 100, the Mantoux test - one case.

The Mantoux test mistakes the healthy for the sick

Scientists from Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky examined 109 students in 2012. They also underwent the Mantoux test and the Diaskintest (on different hands) at the same time. At the same time, they had fluorography done in advance - and it showed that everyone’s lungs were fine.

Despite this, the Mantoux test showed a positive result in 83% of students (obviously false in most cases). Diaskintest showed a positive result in 15% of cases. Students who had the most strong reactions, and for both tests, scientists checked additionally - and identified only one case of active tuberculosis.

Most complaints about the Mantoux test are due to the fact that it shows tuberculosis when the child only has an allergy. His parents have to take him to a tuberculosis clinic (where he might actually catch the infection) so that he can undergo additional examination. And Valentina Aksyonova previously said that the Mantoux test is so useless that it is simply a “waste of money” for the state.

Mantoux test fails after vaccinations

Also, the Mantoux test is wrong if the child has a complication after vaccination for tuberculosis (it is called BCG, it is carried out in the first days after birth and at seven years). This showed the very first clinical trial Diaskintesta. 150 people took part in it, and among them there were 20 children with complications after vaccination (they definitely did not have tuberculosis). In all 20 cases, the Diaskintest gave a correct negative result, and the Mantoux test in all 20 cases gave an erroneous positive result.

Diaskintest causes inflammation more often

Diaskintest often causes hyperergic (that is, excessive) reactions. There may be inflammation lymphatic vessels, formation of blisters, pustules, etc. on the skin. This is stated in many studies, including the work of scientists from Mordovian state university them. N.P. Ogareva. They analyzed "68 case histories of patients with infiltrative form of tuberculosis."

With Diaskintest, hyperergic reactions occurred in 33% of patients, with the Mantoux test - in 1.5%.