Which direction is better for a child to sleep with his head? Where to sleep with your head correctly? How to go to bed according to the teachings of Feng Shui

The East is such a delicate matter that it pays attention to those little things that Westerners do not attach any importance to. But gradually the boundaries between cultures are blurred, and Eastern traditions begin to penetrate our Western life. One of them was the coordination of the interior with the principles of the ancient teaching of harmony with the surrounding world - Feng Shui. How to sleep according to Feng Shui, where to turn your head and where it is better to place the bed - let's try to figure it out together.

What Feng Shui teaches

Feng Shui begins in the east with the choice of the location of the house itself. Then it is planned correctly, since the bedroom, according to this tradition, should be located in the northwestern part of the house, and in no case opposite the front door. This will contribute to a stable, long-lasting and harmonious relationship between spouses.

House layout

But selecting a site and independently planning a house or apartment is an unaffordable luxury for many, as is following absolutely all the principles of teaching. But everyone can choose a place for the bed and the direction where to sleep with their head according to Feng Shui. This, of course, will not lead to absolute harmony with nature, but according to followers of ancient teachings, it will significantly improve the quality of sleep.

Qi energy

To make it easier to follow the rules, you need to understand what underlies them. Feng Shui states that the universal life force or Qi energy constantly circulates in the home. It is believed that it enters the apartment through the doors, fills the entire space and exits through the window.

It is not worthwhile to constantly be in the path of energy movement, it will weaken a person and take away his vitality. But when energy stagnates in the house, and especially in the bedroom, this is also bad.

The flow of Qi is delayed by any rubbish that has not been used for a long time, but is still in the house. He needs to get rid of it regularly.

Sharp corners, mirrors, fountains and other interior and decorative elements can change the direction of energy flow. Even the colors in the room and the predominant materials: metal, wood, stone influence the intensity of its movement.

In traditional Feng Shui, absolutely everything is taken into account, down to the smallest detail. Therefore, the services of such a specialist are very expensive. We are primarily interested in how to position the bed in the best way for the sleeper.

Place and conditions for sleeping

To sleep correctly according to Feng Shui, you first need to bring the bedroom itself into maximum compliance with its principles. Its interior should be dominated by soft, natural tones. Peace and comfort are brought into the home by earthy shades: brown, chocolate, soft copper, delicate peach.

Blue or green colors will contribute to harmonious relationships. Discreet light lilac will attract healing energy. Pink will make relationships more romantic.

The following rules must also be taken into account:

Decorate your bedroom with flowers, hang wall sconces, make nice bed linens, and use aromatic scents.

Top destinations

There is no definite best direction for sleep, just as there is no best time of year or best element, everything is individual. You need to choose the position of your head based on whether it is even possible to correctly place the bed itself. After all, if it is poorly positioned, then no matter where you sleep with your head, your rest will be of poor quality. You also need to take into account the energy characteristics of each direction.


While the bedroom itself is best located in the northwestern part of the house, sleeping with your head to the west is not suitable for everyone. This position of the body contributes to the accumulation of sexual energy and single people will find it difficult to cope with it.

But for a couple in love, it is perfect - the sex life will be active, and the relationship itself will be harmonious.


If we take the universal position of the body, where it is better to sleep with the head, then this is the north. So the magnetic fields of the human body are located in strict accordance with the magnetic fields of the Earth, and throughout the night there will be an active accumulation of energy.

It has been noticed that people who sleep with their heads facing north wake up earlier and sleep better than others.


A person who sleeps with his head to the east reveals his spiritual capabilities. This direction gives additional energy and promotes success in all endeavors. On the other hand, it increases the level of personal ambition. So people with big Egos should avoid this position of the head.

The eastern position is very useful in the heat - it will give you a feeling of additional coolness, as energy flows in its natural direction.


A head located to the south will attract energy during the night for the implementation of the most daring projects. This position is perfect for those who have grandiose life plans. But it does not promote partnerships and is more suitable for ambitious singles.

In addition, the energy of the south can sometimes be too hot and aggressive and can cause anxiety and even nightmares.

Intermediate head positions: northeast, northwest and southeast, southwest combine the energies of the component directions. Their effect on humans is softer and more harmonious. How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui is determined only by you.

The importance of sleep hygiene

But no matter how you arrange the bed and your own body, remember that if the basic rules of sleep hygiene are not followed, the bed itself is uncomfortable, and the clothes hinder movement and do not allow the body to breathe, there will be no benefit from sleeping according to Feng Shui. wait.

The teaching does not cancel the natural physiological processes and characteristics of the human body, but only complements them.

The main conditions for a normal night's rest remain unchanged:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • proper moderate nutrition;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • compliance with the daily routine;
  • regular physical activity;
  • correct response to stress.

If you follow these principles, plus decide how to sleep according to Feng Shui is best for you - sound healthy sleep with pleasant dreams will not keep you waiting.

Otherwise, no matter how much you move the bed around the apartment and in which direction you lay your head, your body will not get proper rest. No amount of Feng Shui will save you from chronic fatigue and symptoms of regular lack of sleep.

However, Feng Shui also teaches this - harmony with the outside world begins, first of all, with inner harmony. First, we put our thoughts and body in order, and only then we begin to transform the world around us. Or rather, he himself begins to change in accordance with the new energies that you have let into yourself and your home.

We choose the side of the world where to sleep with our heads based on the teachings of Feng Shui, yoga, Vastu Shastra, Veda, Western magical traditions, Islam, Orthodoxy, scientists and our own experience.

Feng Shui

The optimal head position can be found from:

  • 1, 9, 3, 4 - north, south, southeast, east;
  • 2, 6, 7, 8 - northeast, northwest, west, southwest.

If the bed is intended for two, and the favorable directions do not coincide or at the moment you need luck in a certain matter, be guided by the meanings of the directions:

  • north – development of intuition;
  • northeast – activation of brain activity and ease of decision-making;
  • east - for those who suffer from insomnia;
  • southeast - development of perseverance and perseverance;
  • south and north-west – development of communication skills;
  • southwest - personal life will improve;
  • West – planning for children.

Whatever the favorable direction, the main rule is:

Under no circumstances should you sleep with your head to the window, face to the mirror and feet to the door.


You need to sleep with your head facing north, east or northeast.

Yogis believe that the electromagnetic poles of a person are located according to the principle: south - legs, north - head. They must match the earth's magnetic field. Therefore, for effective sleep, the head should be in the northern part, and the legs should be in the southern part.

In one meditative practice of yoga, it is indicated that you need to lie down against the rotation of the Earth, that is, with your head to the east. At the same time, you need to imagine how earthly energy passes through the head throughout the body. You definitely need to learn to feel it.

If we combine these two theories, it turns out that the optimal direction for the head is northeast.

Vastu Shastra (Hindu science of construction and design)

This is explained, as in yoga, because of the poles. Only Vastu Shastra believes that the principle of multi-polarity must be observed, since unipolarity, as in yoga, can be harmful to health.

The theory of sleep against the rotation of the Earth is completely consistent with yoga. Vastu Shastras believe that when the head is directed to the east, a person’s energy is charged due to subtle torsion fields.


You need to sleep with your head facing south or east.

In their opinion, it is in this position that the body is recharged with earthly energy, and accordingly the person gets better sleep and is more energetic during the day.

Western Magical Traditions

You need to sleep with your head facing north or south.

In this case, the Earth's magnetic lines run along the person. This means that a person will have increased immunity and strong nerves.


You need to sleep facing the mosque.


It is not regulated in any way.


You need to sleep with your head facing north or east.

Russian scientists conducted an experiment. The volunteers slept on the floor, so they could freely change positions throughout the night to allow the body to choose the desired position.

During the experiment, it turned out that if you go to bed tired, then you need to lie down with your head to the east, and if you are excited, then to the east.

Own experience

Result: The direction of the head relative to the cardinal direction had no effect on well-being, sleep, vigor, etc.

However, if you sleep with your head towards the window (it is always slightly open for ventilation), the number of night awakenings increases significantly, and in the morning you feel a lack of sleep. If you fall asleep facing the mirror, you will have problems falling asleep. Sleeping with your feet towards the door is no different from usual, but problems may arise if there is a draft from the door. Therefore, the feng shui rule turned out to be closer to the truth.

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Few people think about the correctness of their sleeping position. But in vain! After all, not only the quality of sleep itself and the state of the body, but also the internal harmony of a person depends on this. The leaders of the philosophical school of Feng Shui have their own specific, sometimes mysterious, explanations for this.

Which direction is the right way to sleep with your head?

There are a lot of opinions regarding the correct position of the body during sleep. In the modern world, the teachings of yogis and Chinese Feng Shui have become especially popular and widespread.

Yogis are sure that the human body is a kind of compass with south and north poles. Consequently, the body must be positioned in a similar way to the operation of this tool.

Proponents of mind-body practice claim that you should go to bed with your head on the south side and your feet on the east. The human body in this case is similar to the structure of the Earth, the magnetic field of which has a direction from south to north. Human magnetic field - the energy flow is charged and directed from head to toe.

Coordination of magnetic fields, according to yogis, will provide a person with:

  • cheerfulness;
  • excellent health;
  • lack of drowsiness;
  • wealth;
  • family well-being.

In contrast to this position, there is another, earlier thought in the teaching called Vastu. It says that linking the fields of the Earth and man in a single position will make the latter broken, drooping and powerless.

Which side of the world should you go to sleep with your head on?

And yet, which option will be the right choice? Here we will talk about the goals and plans that you have outlined for yourself. Each side, according to Eastern teachings, is responsible for a certain component (or set of components) in the life of each person.

Vastu's views on the north position of the head during sleep actually dominate the world today, and sleeping with the head facing north is considered to be the most beneficial for health. But this knowledge is not applicable to everyone, since it will have a different impact on different people.

For young active people, a head located in the north side is unlikely to bring anything useful. This position is ideal for adults with a measured, calm and stable life.

The head in the west activates creativity and inner potential. “Dream to the East” is, first of all, a charge of vivacity, fortitude and confidence.

If the layout of the apartment or other circumstances do not allow installing a bed directed in a certain direction, there is a docking option.

So, placing your head in the southwest, expect good changes on the love front. Northeast is good for improving work affairs; the north-west accompanies the arrival of fortune, and the south-east will give perseverance and perseverance.

Which way to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui does not give a single answer to the question of the position of the head and body during sleep. The Chinese worldview also aims to determine the dominant goals of a person. You must clearly understand what exactly needs to be fixed and what to achieve. Only in this case will the teachings of Feng Shui become effective and useful.

Which direction is better to sleep with your head in the Orthodox way?

Unlike Eastern dogmas, the Orthodox Church does not focus on the position of the head during sleep.

A person has the right to choose his own position during a night's rest, and he can do this based on motives for convenience and comfort, rather than on caution or ambition.

And yet, there are Orthodox Christians who have their own opinions on this matter. In particular:

  1. The head located in the north during sleep can interrupt the connection with God;
  2. Try to position your head in the eastern direction, since the connection with the Almighty in this case will gain the greatest strength;
  3. Orthodox canons tell of the longevity of one who falls asleep with a pillow on the south side;
  4. It is better not to point your head to the west, as this will negatively affect a person’s character.

However, apart from individual groups, Christianity as a whole does not teach laws regarding the proper placement of the head during sleep.

Folk signs

Everyone knows: “Don’t sleep with your feet towards the door” is the most popular sign, not only among us, but also among the people of China. Feng Shui, as well as Russian beliefs, prohibits positioning in this way. The reason for this is that only dead people are carried out feet first, and in order not to disturb forces from the other world once again, do not place your feet towards the door.

It is not advisable to sleep under the window. It is believed that the air entering the house through the window should “blow away” all the accumulated negativity and “take it out” through the door. And by lying in this position, you risk that your luck and success will also be blown away.

A sleeping person should not be reflected in the mirror, and his head cannot be directed in that direction. Otherwise, illnesses and failures will appear on his way.

How to install a bed: common sense, expert opinion

Somnologists are skeptical about various teachings, beliefs and signs regarding sleep. From a rational point of view, they recommend focusing on the internal state and needs of the body. The body itself will tell you in which position and side it will be most comfortable for it to be.

The main thing is that a person gets enough sleep, is cheerful in the morning and does not feel unwell in the form of headaches or discomfort in the joints.

The ideal option would be a round bed, on which you can arbitrarily change the position and location of the entire body.

Thus, the modern number of theories and hypotheses regarding sleep is countless. The choice of any of them depends only on the internal motivators of a person. And the result that unites them all is healthy, full sleep, vigor and activity at the beginning of each day.

There is some more useful information on the topic of the article in the following video.

During sleep, in relation to the cardinal directions, it is important for internal harmony, health and even family happiness.

Some consider this nonsense, others believe and are ready, like Charles Dickens, to position their bed using a compass.

This article is about where to go to sleep with your head correctly from the point of view of yogis, feng shui and common sense.

Yogis believe:

Each person has his own electromagnetic field, just like the Earth. The north of our “magnet” is at the top of the head, and the south is at the feet.

The electromagnetic north of the Earth is located at the south geographic pole, and the magnetic south is located at the north. To wake up cheerful and in a good mood, you need to coordinate your electromagnetic field with the Earth's field.

Yogis advise sleeping with your head in the north or northeast direction. This is most beneficial for our health and well-being. If the bedroom layout does not allow the bed to be placed in a north direction, turn the head of the bed to the east.

In addition to directing your head in your sleep, you can significantly improve the quality of sleep, falling asleep, and overcome insomnia using other safe methods.

Eastern teaching attaches great importance to the correct organization of the bedroom, the position of the bed in it, and the direction of the body in sleep. All these factors play a big role in and for a person personally.

Feng Shui divides all people into two categories, Western and Eastern. For each category, the direction of the head in a dream is different. Moreover, within the category, these directions have individual meanings for each individual person.

For example, if for one person sleeping means health, then for another it means, for a third it means development.

To determine which category you belong to, you need to determine your Gua number.

Calculating the Gua number

Write the year of your birth so that you get four numbers in a row. Add the last two numbers. If you get a two-digit number, then add the two digits you received again. For example, you were born in 1985, add 8 + 5, you get 13. Next add 1 + 3, you get 4. If the number comes out to two digits, then add it again until you get one digit.

Men should subtract the resulting number from 10. Teenagers born in 2000 and later need to subtract it from 9.
For women, the resulting number should be added to 5. For girls born in 2000 and later, add to 6.


  • There is no Gua number equal to 5! If your final total is 5, then for men it will be 2, and for women it will be 8.
  • To ensure correct calculations, please set your year of birth according to Chinese.

By calculating our individual Gua number, we can determine which category we belong to:

Eastern - 1, 3, 4, 9.
Western - 2, 6, 7, 8.

Guided by the Gua number, you can learn how to arrange your home in the best possible way, how to place a bed and other furniture, how to hang a mirror and many other subtleties so that life, troubles and failures are avoided.

But today we will not be distracted and decide on the direction of the head during sleep.

Favorable direction for the head according to Gua numbers

1 - northern, eastern, southern, southeastern.
2 - choose northeast, west, northwest and southwest.
3 - southern, northern, eastern, southeastern.
4 - northern, southern, southeastern, eastern.
6 - northeast, northwest, west, southwest.
7 - northeast, northwest, southwest and west.
8 - southwestern, western, northwestern, northeastern.
9 - southeast, north, east, south.

Unfavorable head positions:

1 - northeast, northwest, southwest, west.
2 - eastern, southern, northern, southeastern.
3 - northeast, west, northwest, southwest.
4 - northeast, west, northwest, southwest.
6 - eastern, northern, southern, southeastern.
7 - eastern, southern, northern, southeastern.
8 - eastern, northern, southeastern, southern.
9 - northeast, northwest, southwest, west.

There are several options:

Define priorities: give preference to a direction favorable to the spouse who makes a greater contribution to the financial well-being of the family.

Make a compromise decision: Place the bed in such a way that the direction of your head in sleep is less favorable for you, but also less unfavorable for your significant other. And vice versa.

Don't think about directions at all. This option is especially suitable for those whose bedrooms do not allow placing a bed taking into account the cardinal directions.

If it’s impossible not to think about directions, and rearranging the bed is not an option, then lie down slightly diagonally, approaching a favorable position.

And yet, you should not lie with your head towards the window. If you can’t do it any other way, move the bed as far away from the window as possible. You should also not sleep with your feet facing the door.

Using common sense

Trust your intuition if you don’t trust the recommendations of Feng Shui and yogis: your body itself will tell you which position is most favorable for you.

To do this, you can use a round bed, if funds and the size of the bedroom allow, or “settle” on the floor for a while. Go to bed at random, and in the morning analyze where nature has “directed” you. This position will be “yours”. True, they can influence the result of the experiment, so observe for several days.

To confirm the validity of this method, an interesting study of Sverdlovsk doctors can be cited. In the evening, the experiment participants went to sleep on the floor, randomly choosing a direction. In the morning, the researchers analyzed the influence of mood and well-being on body position.

As it turned out, people, tired and overworked, intuitively laid their heads to the east. If a person was in bed before going to bed, then his body chose a position with his head facing north.

Thus, You can’t talk about the direction of your head in a dream as something constant. It is advisable to have sufficient freedom to move during sleep so that the body itself finds the best position for it. Apparently, this is why round beds have come into fashion, allowing you to sleep either lengthwise or across.

I hope you have found the answer to the question: where to go to sleep with your head. Listen to your feelings. Do not unconsciously take into account other people’s recommendations; this is dangerous for the body and soul.

My grandmother told one of my friends when he was a child that sleeping on his back was harmful: he would have nightmares and a heart attack. After that, all his life he was afraid to sleep on his back, although he also wakes up in it in the morning.

Be healthy!

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

Those who like to sleep with their heads to the west are concerned with the question: are they in the correct position while sleeping? Many teachings recommend this particular pose. Sleep is necessary to restore the energy spent during the day. It is important for a person to replenish it overnight in order to feel vigorous and full of energy. Since ancient times, it has been known that each of the cardinal directions has a special energy that affects sleeping people differently. Some of the ancient teachings are also popular among our generation. Let's look at some of them and learn to better understand the physiology of a sleeping person.

What lies at the basis of many theories about the position of a sleeping person? Answer: the energy with which the Earth is saturated. Its flows pass in different directions and create certain fields: magnetic and torsion.

  1. Magnetic fields. They move from north to south, which is noticeable on the compass. Humans also have an electromagnetic field. If a person’s body is located along magnetic lines, he will receive powerful energy, and the body will replenish its strength naturally.
  2. Torsion fields. These fields are formed due to the rotation of the Earth from east to west. They are perpendicular to the magnetic fields. If you sleep with your head facing west, it will restore strength and strengthen the aura of the sleeper. He will need much less time to sleep. He will wake up active and cheerful.

This is what the well-known Chinese teaching of Feng Shui says, which is aimed at building harmony between a person and the outside world.

According to the teachings of this philosophy, all four cardinal directions are favorable for sleep. But only his position suits the sleeper.

Feng Shui describes the general rules for where it is better to lay your head:

Feng Shui philosophers have also developed a scale by which one can calculate an individual’s Gua number, which helps one decide in which direction to go to bed.

Gua calculation:

What position a person sleeps in is important, but Feng Shui philosophers advise adhering to some rules that must be followed to organize good sleep.

This is: do not place the bed in front of the mirror, do not sleep with your feet towards the door, as well as your head, and do not lie with your head towards the window.

This teaching is aimed at achieving harmony by a person and studying his essence. It recommends sleeping strictly towards the east, west or south.

Here are the tips Vastu Shua gives:

  • sleeping with your head to the south means wealth, since Kuver, the god of wealth, is located in the north;
  • head in the west - if people sleep like this, it means the gods Indra will come for wealth and glory;
  • sleeping in the east means going in a western direction to the water god Varun for kindness;
  • in the south is Yama - the god of death, which is why you should not sleep with your head in the north direction.

The teachings of Vastu Shua prohibit taking intermediate directions during sleep, for example, southeast or southwest. It is believed that in this situation the internal flows of a person’s energy “conflict” with external flows.

Basically, teachings recommend sleeping with your head facing west. But modern scientists are inclined to spontaneous choice of body position during sleep. For example, people notice: “in the evening I lie down in one position, and in the morning I find out that I sleep in a completely different position.” Scientists conclude that nature is interconnected and man occupies a natural position for him. In connection with this judgment, furniture manufacturers began to produce round beds.

Is it possible to sleep with your head in a certain direction and get full sleep? Not really.

For sound and healthy sleep, it is also necessary to take a number of measures:

  • clean the bedroom;
  • ventilate the room;
  • do not overeat before bedtime;
  • turn off electrical appliances;
  • turn off the lights.

In order to get a good night's sleep, you need to relax your body before going to bed. A little exercise to stretch the muscles, a massage or a warm bath will help with this.

A person can find out how to fall asleep correctly with the help of various ancient teachings, as well as study modern knowledge. But at the same time, it is very important to listen to yourself and your body, which will help you draw conclusions about how it is more comfortable for you. Then the morning will always be cheerful and energetic.