Dill seeds are a storehouse of useful substances for various diseases. Eye and skin diseases

Anethum graveoleus L. Celery family - Apiaceae

Raw materials: grass, fruits.

Collection: herbs - during fruiting; fruits - during ripening.

Fragrant dill is an annual herbaceous plant 40-120 cm high. The leaves are vaginal, repeatedly pinnately dissected into linear-filamentous lobes. The flowers are small, yellow, collected in an inflorescence of a complex umbrella. All parts of the plant are fragrant. The fruits are plano-elliptical viscocarp. Blooms in June - August. The fruits ripen in August - September.

It is cultivated almost everywhere, sometimes goes wild. Fruits are used more often, grass is less often used. The grass is collected in the flowering phase, dried in the shade, tied into bunches. The fruits are collected in the ripening phase, cutting them with scissors. All parts of the plant contain a strongly odorous essential oil; fruits - up to 20% fatty oil; in fresh grass - flavonoids, carotenoids, phytoncides, ascorbic acid, vitamins B1, B2, PP.

Use in folk medicine

The use of dill in folk medicine was still known in ancient times. An infusion of dill herb has found application in initial stages hypertension. Especially good effect it gives when used with sodium bromide. Dill is also used as a means of improving gastrointestinal activity and as a mild laxative.

Powder of fruits or fresh herbs in hot milk with honey is taken orally as a means of increasing appetite and improving digestion, and as an expectorant, emollient for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Externally, an infusion of dill fruits in folk medicine is used in the form of lotions, rinses, in ophthalmic practice and for skin rashes. In veterinary medicine it is used as an expectorant. Widely used in food (as a spice, for preparing salads, used raw and dried).

Preparing dill

From the grass

Prepare an infusion: 5-8 g of raw material is poured with 1 glass of boiling water and left for a few minutes to infuse. Soak a cotton swab or a piece of gauze in the cooled infusion and apply a lotion to the eyes.

From fruits

Dill infusion: 2 tsp. crushed fruits are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and left for 10 minutes in a closed container. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals as a diuretic, laxative and expectorant, as well as an appetite stimulant and a stimulant of the mammary glands, therefore it is often prescribed to nursing mothers. The infusion is used for various types colic, cramps, shortness of breath, respiratory diseases and as a sedative and mild sleeping pill for insomnia.

Prepare dill water: 1 teaspoon of dill oil per 100 teaspoons of water. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3-6 times a day to improve bowel function and reduce flatulence.

Fees used for gastritis

  • Fragrant dill fruits 3 g
  • Calamus rhizome 2 g
  • Rhizomes with roots of Valerian officinalis 2 g
  • Oak bark 2 g
  • Chamomile flowers 1 g

Prepare an infusion: pour 400 ml of boiling water over the mixture, leave for 20 minutes, filter. Take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals for 3 months for gastritis accompanied by flatulence.

  • Peppermint herbs 2 g
  • Herbs St. John's wort 3 g
  • Herbs marshweed 1 g
  • Chamomile flowers 2 g
  • Knotweed herbs 2 g
  • Fragrant dill fruits 1 g

Prepare the infusion: (see collection No. 1). Take long-term, 3-4 months for gastritis with increased acidity stomach juice.

Fee applicable when urolithiasis

  • Knotweed herbs 5 g
  • Bearberry leaves 3 g
  • Carrot fruits 3 g
  • Horsetail herb 2 g
  • Fragrant dill fruits 2 g

Prepare an infusion: pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, infuse, and filter. Take 100 ml 3 times a day (course - 2 months) for urolithiasis.

Collection used for insufficient lactation

  • Common anise fruit 2 g
  • Fragrant dill fruits 2 g
  • Pharmaceutical fennel fruits 2 g
  • Oregano herbs 2 g

Prepare an infusion: pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Take 100 ml 3 times a day.

Fragrant dill (garden dill)

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The ancient physician Dioscorides used the herb and dill seeds to treat eye diseases, the medieval Crato to treat cataracts, and the Salerno school used them as a carminative.

Avicenna advised using them for hiccups and for better lactation, and used the ash from them for treatment non-healing wounds, and recommended the dried plant to men to relieve stress and increase male power(according to an ancient doctor, this plant helps women relax).

These are just a few well-known examples from history, in reality, greens and dill seeds, the use of which by the ancients was very wide, were used by both medieval and ancient doctors, and possibly even more ancient ones, although there is no reliable evidence about this yet.

And in our time, it has not been ignored: both official and folk medicine know and use dill in their recipes. Among the people, it has found many uses: it is a carminative, a sedative, and a diuretic - a whole list of diseases can be cured with one herb according to folk recipes.

Composition of dill

The plant did not become so popular out of nowhere - its composition is rich in various useful and interesting components, including essential oil, micro- and macroelements.

Greens and dill seeds contain a large dose of vitamin C, vitamins B1, P and PP, flavonoids, nitrogenous compounds and carotene, macro- and microelements (calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, sodium) , proteins, essential oil. In addition, the seeds, as part of the essential oil, contain necessary for a person acids: palmitic, oleic and linoleic.

Dill in folk medicine

In folk medicine, medicinal infusions and decoctions of herbs and seeds are prepared from this plant. The benefits of dill seeds are undeniable: infusion and decoction of them reduce blood pressure, treat cystitis and enuresis, cope with conjunctivitis, gases in the intestines, act as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent. They are effective in treating insomnia and hiccups, constipation and stomach colic. In folk medicine, infusions and decoctions of dill seeds are used to treat heartburn, heart pain, cleanse blood vessels and strengthen nerves. Dill seeds are a lifesaver for a newborn and his parents: they are used to make “dill water” to relieve colic in a baby.

Here are some simple and effective recipes that can be easily prepared at home:

  1. For pain in the stomach and intestines, the infusion will help. It will require one teaspoon of seeds and a glass of boiling water. Pour into a thermos or enamel pan (clay pots and mugs are also good) and leave in a warm place for 2 hours. Strain and drink 1/3 cup three times a day.
  2. To treat frayed nerves and good sleep: Pour two teaspoons of seeds into two glasses of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, then strain. You need to drink this infusion 3 times a day before meals, 100 grams each, and 1 full glass at night, for at least a month.
  3. For constipation: pour 1 teaspoon into a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and drink 2 tablespoons (or 50 grams) 4 times a day.
  4. The following recipe helps well against hypertension: pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs into 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Wine balm for sound sleep and good bowel function: dill seeds, 10 tablespoons, pour 750 ml. wine (one bottle). It is advisable to take good wine, or homemade.

The wine with seeds should be cooked in a water bath over low heat for 15 minutes, then put in a dark place to infuse for a week. The last stage of preparation is straining through a fine strainer.

Drink 30 ml of the resulting balm daily before bed (a vodka glass is well suited for this - there are even glasses whose capacity is strictly 30 ml). The same balm normalizes blood pressure well.

Official medicine: dill as a medicinal product

IN official medicine Only the fruits of dill (Anethi graveolentis fructus) are used. As a result of research, dill seeds have been used as an antispasmodic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and carminative. This good remedy for milk production in young mothers.

The infusion has a hypotensive effect, that is, it can lower blood pressure. Treatment with dill and its seeds is carried out for flatulence, constipation, colic, and also, together with other plants, it is used in the treatment of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

In the form adverse reaction allergies may occur. In addition, the drug should be used with caution by those who are sick arterial hypotension. Also, fragrant dill should not be taken during pregnancy.

Cooking method

The method of preparing an infusion according to the recipe of modern official medical science is quite complex and requires at least an hour. To get 200 ml of finished infusion (enough for 1 day), you will need 2 tbsp. dill fruits and 200 ml hot boiled water. Steam in an enamel bowl with a lid.

Seeds of fragrant dill are poured into a container and poured hot water. In a boiling water bath, stirring constantly, the infusion is heated for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat, cool (for 45 minutes), filter, and squeeze out the fruits. Add boiled water to what is left so that you end up with 200 ml (one glass). Ready medicinal infusion take 3-4 times a day, 1/3 cup. This infusion of seeds can be stored for no more than two days in a cool, dry and dark place.

In folk medicine, unlike official medicine, there are several methods of preparation: decoctions and infusions of herbs and seeds are used. But it is useful to keep in mind the following, this applies to any herbs, bark of shrubs and trees, fruits and seeds. To understand how to brew dill seed correctly, you need to remember these rules.

The general rule on how to prepare a plant, in the form of an infusion or in the form of a decoction, is as follows: the leaves, flowers and stems of the plant are infused, and the fruits or seeds are boiled (since many seeds are in a hard shell, and more exposure is needed to extract useful substances from them). However we're talking about about dill, which contains up to 5% essential oil. Under the influence of boiling, many useful substances simply evaporate.

Who should not use it?

As can be seen from this list, dill seed has limited contraindications:

  1. A person suffers from hypotension. Dill lowers blood pressure, so people who already have low blood pressure should treat the plant with caution and use it only if the potential benefits outweigh the possible harm.
  2. A person is allergic to dill or one of its components. It is not always possible to find out this in advance - someone eats salads with it all their life, and nothing, but as soon as they use the oil or decoction, a reaction appears. Allergies can progress and seriously complicate life, so if you have dill, it is better to avoid it or cure the allergy itself.
  3. You should not drink strong decoctions and infusions during pregnancy. Dill is effective for normalization menstrual cycle, and may have undesirable effects on pregnant women. If there is no strong need, it is better for pregnant women not to drink the broth at all.

Dill essential oil: properties and uses

Dill seeds have also been used as a raw material for the preparation of essential oil. Essential oils are very concentrated substances. A 5 ml bottle of oil contains beneficial and medicinal properties huge amount plants. Therefore, therapeutic doses are very small - literally a few drops, from 2-3 to 10-15.

Not every essential oil can be taken orally, but they are actively studied by scientists and practicing aromatherapists, so information about each is on specialized forums and in good books you can find a lot. At correct use oils can heal very quickly: if time therapeutic effect infusions or decoctions from plants - several months, then the effect of essential oil is counted in weeks. But if there is an error with the dosage or the oil itself, you can get zero effect, or even feel unwell.

Dill essential oil is made from fennel (Anethum graveolens) and sweet fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var. Dulce). The latter is also called pharmaceutical dill or sweet dill.


An annual or biennial plant, its oil calms, relieves shock and tension, and helps cope with shocks. Like many other oils, it has a complex effect on several body systems: it treats hiccups and stagnation of mucus in the bronchi, flatulence, and helps with menstrual irregularities. Dill oil has a mild diuretic, carminative effect, relieves colic, abdominal pain and constipation. It is also a strong disinfectant.

According to some reports, essential oil of this plant enhances lactation (dill seeds have the same properties).

Dill oil is actively used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology: as a moisturizing component (for dry or loose skin) and lightening cosmetics as a means for wound healing.

Sweet fennel, also known as sweet dill and dill

This is a perennial plant with similar properties - according to research, it has carminative, diuretic, antiseptic, expectorant, cleansing and antispasmodic effects.

Its EO helps with calluses, it can be used to increase the elasticity of the abdomen, bust and hips, to treat cellulite (but not on its own, but in combination with oils from other plants). Perfect for caring for sagging, dry, aging skin, smoothes wrinkles, helps with dry and dehydrated skin.

Its claimed effect on the body is much broader than that of dill (or maybe this oil has been studied better): it affects the digestive, lymphatic, respiratory, genitourinary, reproductive and musculoskeletal system. Dill water from it helps with colic in babies and is good for pustules on the face.

The only obstacle in dealing with essential oils (not counting contraindications) is their strong smell. From this point of view, dill seed beneficial properties is “more careful” - decoctions and infusions have a soft, light and unobtrusive smell.

Dill in cosmetology

Women have not ignored dill in preserving beauty. The components of this plant are included in many industrial cosmetics, and greens and seeds - both fresh and dry - are successfully used in the form of masks, decoctions, infusions - toning, refreshing, tightening pores, brightening the skin.

Dill fruit cleanser

Decoction: dill seeds, 2 tablespoons, pour 2 glasses of water and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then they filter and squeeze. Cool the resulting broth and wash it in the evenings. After it, a nourishing cream goes well.

Perfect for those with dry skin. IN finished form Can be stored for no longer than 2 days.

Dill for children

Dill seeds are very useful for a newborn baby - “dill water” is prepared from them. Excellent product for colic, has been known for many years: grandmothers and great-grandmothers already used it, and it does not lose its popularity now that many modern medicines have appeared.

How to brew dill seeds to make “dill water”

You can buy this water ready-made in state pharmacies, but it is easy to make. It is easy to prepare at home. It is important to know this - it is prepared from the seeds of dill, otherwise known as fennel. Not from the dill that is cut into salads - although you can use it too, the effect will be, but weaker.

The easiest way to prepare a decoction at home is 1 tsp. seeds is poured with hot water and boiled over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then it should be cooled to room temperature, strained, and you can give the child 1 teaspoon after feeding, 3 times a day.

There is another recipe in use among young parents. How to brew dill seeds - in the form of a decoction or make an infusion - is the choice of the parents themselves. Both work, but the difference in action can only be seen from your own experience.

Infusion dill water Prepared like this: 1 tsp. fennel fruit is poured with boiling water, infused for about 20 minutes, filtered, and you’re done. Give one teaspoon after feeding, two to three times a day. If there is no allergy, you can gradually increase to 6 times a day.

The benefits of dill seeds are slightly reduced due to their short action - they “work” for 15-20 minutes, but this time should be enough for the child to feel better.

This kind of water needs to be prepared fresh for every day; its shelf life is only two days. The remainder dill water You can wipe your face; such a “wash” will refresh your facial skin and moisturize it.

In the pharmacy they make this water with essential oil - this can also be prepared at home, but it is a little more complicated.

Marinade as medicine

Marinades and brines with dill are a well-known hangover remedy, which is where dill seed demonstrates its beneficial properties. to the fullest and without any compromises.

Of course, it also helps the “treatment” that the brines contain other herbs and spices - often bay leaves and garlic, horseradish, peppers. In the end it turns out the best folk medicine- everyone knows about it, everyone can use it, and, most importantly, there are no side effects.

Cucumber cumin, an herb for gas.


An annual herbaceous plant 40-150 cm high. The main root is thin, branched. The stem is erect or slightly bending, branched, rounded, with alternating longitudinal light green (or almost white) and green stripes, often with a thin whitish layer of waxy coating. The leaves are alternate, three or four pinnately dissected. The lower leaves have long petioles, the middle or upper leaves are short-petioled or sessile. The inflorescence is a complex multi-rayed umbrella; There are no wrappers or wrappers. The flowers are small, bisexual, five-membered; The petals are yellow, with a narrow tip turned inward. The fruit is a viscocarp, which splits into two half-fruits (mericarp) when ripe; semi-fruits (seeds) elliptical or broadly elliptic, grayish-brown. The aerial part of the plant is characterized by a fragrant “dill” smell of essential oil and a sweetish-spicy taste.


The fruits of dill contain essential oil (2-4%), flavonoids, carotene, up to 20% fatty oil, nitrogenous substances, phytoncides, sugars, vitamin C.

Pharmacological action

Increase secretion gastric glands, have choleretic, antispasmodic, diuretic and carminative effects, regulate intestinal motor activity, and exhibit expectorant properties.

Regions of germination of medicinal plants

General information

Dill (garden) grows wild in many countries and is also cultivated for its use in medicine and cooking. It is an annual herbaceous plant with a distinct aroma. The fruits are in the form of two-seeds up to 5 mm long and gray-brown in color in late summer - early autumn. It is grown as a garden herb and used fresh and dried in cooking as a seasoning.

Procurement of raw materials

The fruits of dill are used in medicine. They are harvested when the seeds are 50–60% ripe (approximately in July). In this case, the lower leaves, as a rule, have already turned yellow, and the fruits of the central umbrella have turned brown. Cut inflorescences of the odorous dill herb are tied into bunches and dried. To avoid fruit loss when shedding, the bunches can be wrapped cotton fabric. At the end of drying, the inflorescences are threshed. The resulting fruits are left to dry if necessary. This can be done using a dryer at a temperature of 30–40°C. Raw materials are stored in glass jar about 2 years.

Medicinal properties

Action and use of dill fruits

Descriptions of the fruits of dill are contained in ancient Egyptian papyri and confirm that the plant was used five thousand years ago. It was also used in Ancient Greece, Rome. Dill was considered an effective carminative, soothing, wound healing agent.

IN modern medicine The following properties of fragrant dill fruits are most widely used:

  • Expectorant.
  • Choleretic.
  • Carminative.
  • Diuretic.

To improve lactation, normalize intestinal motor activity. Infusions from the fruits of this plant are effective for diarrhea, neuroses, and are prescribed at the first manifestations of angina pectoris and hypertension. Also indications for use are bronchitis and pharyngitis.

Dill is well known in folk medicine. For cystitis, urolithiasis and lack of milk in nursing women, dill fruits are used in the form of decoctions. If you have problems with the intestines (increased gas formation, constipation, etc.), you need to take an infusion. Externally, the plant is prescribed for eczema and ulcers. When used externally, dill helps in the treatment of eye diseases.

Contraindications, features of use

According to indications, dill is used for children from birth. Reception is allowed during lactation. Contraindications include pregnancy and individual intolerance.

Based on materials:

1. Maznev N.I. Golden Book of Medicinal Plants / N.I. Maznev. - 15th ed., add. - M.: LLC "ID RIPOL Classic", LLC Publishing House "DOM. XXI century", 2008. - 621 p.
2. Maznev N.I. Herbalist / N.I. Maznev. - M.: Gamma Press 2000 LLC, 2001. - 512 p. from ill.
3. Tovstukha E. S. Phytotherapy / E. S. Tovstukha. - K.: Zdorovya, 1990. - 304 p., ill., 6.55 arc. ill.
4. Chukhno T. Great encyclopedia medicinal plants / T. Chukhno. - M.: Eksmo, 2007. - 1024 p.
The information is provided for informational purposes and should not be used for self-medication.

Medicinal plants and phytocollections specified in the material

Medicinal herbs and plants - Dill, fragrant, garden: description, medicinal properties, preparation, application, folk recipes, contraindications and precautions, recommendations.


DILL (Anethum graveolens L.)

Dill is a fragrant garden dill - an annual plant with thinly dissected leaves. The fruit is an elliptical two-seeded seed; when ripe, it splits into two semi-fruits.
The homeland of dill is Asia Minor, but it has long been cultivated as spicy plant on garden plots. It often runs wild and is found near housing, along the edges of fields and along roads.
Dill seeds and herbs are used for medicinal purposes. Fragrant dill contains essential oil, which includes kaempferol, phellandrene, carvan-limonene, terpinene, proazulene, anethole, flavonoids and other substances. Up to 20% fatty oil was found in the seeds, which includes linoleic, oleic, palmitic, and petroselinic acids. Fresh stems contain large number vitamins C, B1, B6, nicotine and folic acid, as well as substances from the group of flavonoids - rutin, quercetin, kaempferol, calcium salts, potassium, iron, phosphorus, phytoncides and essential oil.


The herb is collected during flowering, but before the seeds ripen, and dried in the shade, scattered in a thin layer. The fruits are harvested as they ripen. Inflorescences with brown fruits are cut, tied into bunches, dried, threshed and dried at a temperature of 30-40C.
When harvesting, to avoid fruit shedding, mow and reap the dill grass in the early morning or evening. Harvesting begins when at least half of the umbrellas are ripe. The fruits ripen while the plants are dried in sheaves, after which they are threshed and cleaned of leaves, stems and other impurities by sifting. If necessary, the fruits are dried in air to a standard humidity of 13%.

Properties. Application.

Dill preparations have anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, antiseptic, mild laxative, expectorant, anticonvulsant, sedative, hypnotic effect, and also improve appetite, increase the body's resistance to various diseases, and stimulate the activity of the mammary glands.
An infusion of dill herb is used for hypertension stages 1 and 2, angina pectoris, the fruit extract is used to treat chronic coronary insufficiency, prevention of angina attacks, with neuroses accompanied by spasms coronary vessels, and spastic conditions of the abdominal organs.
A decoction and infusion of dill seeds is used to improve appetite, as a carminative, choleretic, diuretic, expectorant and sedative.
Dill greens fresh, infusion or tea from dried dill herb increases secretion gastric juice, have active choleretic effect, due to which, after taking the above-mentioned dill preparations, appetite improves and the feeling of heaviness in the stomach caused by eating heavy food is relieved.
Dill essential oil is used to prepare dill water, used for flatulence and stomach colic in children. The essential oil also moderately irritates the secretory cells of the bronchial glands, resulting in easier secretion of bronchial mucus.
An infusion of dill herb is used in the initial stages of hypertension. Decoctions and infusions of the fruit are used to improve appetite, as a sedative for insomnia, cramps and colic, and to stimulate milk secretion in nursing women. Dill seeds are often used as an expectorant and carminative.
Infusions and decoctions of dill fruits increase the secretion of the digestive glands, have a choleretic, antispasmodic and diuretic effect, and also regulate intestinal motor activity and have some antibacterial effect.
Infusions and decoctions of dill fruits are prescribed to improve appetite and digestion, eliminate stomach and intestinal spasms, to obtain a carminative effect, increase the secretion of gastric and pancreatic juice and bile secretion.
It has been noted that infusions and decoctions of dill fruits have a calming effect on some patients.

Folk recipes.

Infusion of fruits (herbs) of dill: 10 g (2 tablespoons) of fruits (herbs) are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of boiled water at room temperature, cover with a lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes at room temperature, filter, and squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water. Adults take 1/3 cup warm 3-4 times a day. For children, depending on age, from one teaspoon to one tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Store the infusion in a cool place, in the refrigerator, at a temperature not exceeding +10°C. Optimal mode storage from +3 to +5C. Shelf life: no more than 2 days.

At inflammatory diseases respiratory tract, use dill infusion, prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of seeds per 1 glass of boiling water; Take chilled 1-2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day.

For flatulence, drink the same infusion 1/2 glass 2 times a day before meals.

For hypertension: 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped herbs per 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/3 -1/2 cup 4 times a day.

If a child has bloating, grind the dill seeds in a coffee grinder, take 1 teaspoon, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, strain. Let your child drink 1 teaspoon 4-6 times a day before feeding.

In case of shortage breast milk(to stimulate lactation) take 1 tablespoon of crushed seeds and dill herb, pour 2 glasses cold water, simmer over low heat for 2-3 minutes, leave for 1 hour, drink 1/2 cup hot 4-5 times a day.

Preparation of seed infusion: 1 tbsp. l. crushed seeds are poured with a glass of boiling water, left for 15 minutes in a closed container and filtered.

As a diuretic, take 30-50 ml 5-6 times a day.

Infusion: two teaspoons of chopped dill fruits are poured with two glasses of boiling water, filter after 10 minutes; this will be a two-day dose.

The infusion is recommended as a sedative for insomnia and colitis of various origins. It is also used to enhance milk secretion in nursing women. You can also take 1 gram (on the tip of a knife) of dill seed powder orally 3 times a day, drinking a small amount water, half an hour before meals.

Essential dill oil is taken 10-15 drops per piece of sugar, three times a day.

Dill is made from medicinal product anetine, which is used in the treatment of heart diseases. The content of anetine in dill herb ensures dilation of blood vessels in the heart muscles and brain, which enhances their nutrition and prevents the emergence and development of a painful condition.

Contraindications and precautions.

Should not be taken during pregnancy.
Treatment of children under two years of age by any means plant origin poses a potential danger.

There are contraindications. Self-medication is contraindicated. Before using any prescription, consult your doctor for advice and permission to use.

Dill is known for its amazing aroma and spicy taste. It is actively used as a seasoning and is the most important part salads

Biological description and distribution

Dill belongs to the herbaceous annual plants of the Umbrella family. In various industries, only one type is used. It is called “Scented Dill”, as well as “Garden Dill”.

In the wild, the plant can be found in central, southwestern and Asia Minor, and northern Africa. People grow it in their gardens all over the world.

Dill needs warm to hot summers and bright light. It grows well in fertile, well-loosened soils, and its seeds remain viable for 3-10 years.

The plant is characterized by a strong spicy odor. It has a single, branched, straight stem, sometimes reaching half a meter in height, and a branched upper part.

Application of dill

  1. In medicine.

Dill seeds are used for the treatment and prevention of various ailments. They are collected at initial stage ripening, cutting off the inflorescences, then put them in a paper bag and place them in a dry, dark place for about a week. Then the seeds are separated from the stems and sealed in an airtight container.

An infusion of dill stems and leaves is often used to treat the first two stages of hypertension, and also as a diuretic. Essential oil is used as a carminative, sedative and antispasmodic. It can irritate the secretory cells of the bronchial glands, therefore it serves to thin the sputum. An infusion of seeds is taken orally for hemorrhoids, and is used externally to heal wounds and relieve allergic skin itching.

Based on the fruits of the plant, the drug “Anetin” was developed. It is used to relieve muscle spasms, treat chronic coronary insufficiency, prevent angina attacks, and for neuroses with coronary spasms.

  1. In cooking.

Due to its very strong aroma, dill is used in any form. It is used to make vinegar for canning vegetables. Dried herbs are added to dishes as a spice.

Young leaves are often used as a seasoning for dishes. Greens and fruits are used to flavor baked goods, marinades, tea, sauerkraut. Phytoncides contained in the plant prevent spoilage of pickles.

Essential dill oil is used in the food, canning, soap and alcoholic beverage industries.

  1. In cosmetology.

Extracts from dill herbs and seeds serve as raw materials for the production of perfumes and cosmetics, and are also included in creams, toothpastes and colognes. Lotions made from herbal infusion are used to eliminate swelling and redness of the eyes.

Composition of dill

To understand the beneficial properties of dill, you need to get acquainted with its composition:

In 100 gr. Dill contains about 43 kcal.

Nutritional value (per 100 g):

  • fats – 9.7%;
  • proteins – 29.8%;
  • carbohydrates – 60.5%.

Dill leaves contain nicotine and ascorbic acid, riboflavin, carotene, thiamine and flavonoids (isoramenthin, quercetin, kaempferol), as well as pectin substances, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Green fruits are rich in proteins and oleic, petroselinic, palmitic and linoleic acid. The whole plant is saturated with essential oils, which give it a specific smell, as well as flavonoids.

Useful properties of dill and contraindications for use


Including greens in your diet provides the following benefits:

  1. Increases appetite.
  2. Improves digestion.
  3. Normalizes metabolism.
  4. Tones blood vessels.
  5. Prevents atherosclerosis.
  6. Normalizes the choleretic and diuretic functions of the body.
  7. Helps treat cystitis and inflammatory kidney diseases.
  8. Improves sleep.
  9. Prevents cancer.
  10. Removes waste and toxins from the body.
  11. Normalizes cardiovascular activity.

It is advisable to eat dill for people suffering from obesity, diseases of the gallbladder, liver, kidneys, anacid gastritis and flatulence.


It should not be used if you have low blood pressure. Greens have a vasodilating effect, so eating them in excess can lead to temporary vision impairment. Dill essential oil should absolutely not be used by pregnant women, and the plant itself can be eaten with caution. People suffering from atony should exclude dill from their diet. smooth muscle gastrointestinal organs.

Folk recipes

  1. To restore potency.

Place dill seeds (250 g), ground valerian root (30 g) and honey (50 ml) in a thermos and pour a couple of liters of boiling water. Infuse the product for about a day. Drink 15 ml of the drink 30 minutes before meals.

  1. For diseases of the urinary tract.

Dill seeds (30 g) pour water (200 ml). Infuse the product Minct 15 in an airtight container, strain. Drink 30-50 ml medicinal composition 6 times a day. You can also use it as a diuretic (100 ml 3 times a day before meals) or for flatulence (15 ml 5 times a day 1/4 hour before meals).

  1. To improve lactation.

Pour boiling water (250 ml) over dill seeds (15 g). Leave the product for 20 minutes, strain. Take the healing drink 15 ml 6 times a day 1/4 hour before meals.

Mix the crushed anise fruits (10 g), dill fruits (10 g), fennel fruits (10 g) thoroughly. Pour 15 g of the composition with boiling water (250 ml) and leave for about an hour, then strain. Take 100 ml of the medicinal composition 2 times a day an hour after meals.

  1. For night blindness.

Mix dill juice (30 ml) with carrot juice (150 ml). Take the drink strictly on an empty stomach in the morning.

  1. To improve bowel function and eliminate flatulence.

Combine 1 ml of dill oil with 100 ml of water. Use approximately 15 ml of the product 5 times a day.

  1. For constipation.

Thoroughly chop 2 parts of juniper fruits and dill fruits and mix with one part of dry aloe powder. Pour 5 g of this mixture with boiling water (250 ml) and let it brew. Take the product 15 ml 3 times a day.

  1. With difficulty urinating.

Combine ground dill fruits (30 g) with crushed elderberry roots (50 g) and camel hay (15 g). Pour 15 grams of the mixture with boiling water (250 ml) and let it brew. Drink 15 ml of the drink 3 times a day.

  1. For cataracts, glaucoma.

Dip the bandage in dill juice. Squeeze the compress lightly and apply it to your eyes for 1/4 hour. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

  1. With uric acid diathesis.

Pour 1 part dill seeds with 20 parts water. Infuse the product for about a day. Take the drink approximately 200 ml 3 times a day.

  1. For persistent hiccups.

Pour 5 g of dill seeds with boiling water (250 ml) and leave to steep for half an hour. Take 100 ml of the product 3 times a day.

  1. From worms.

Pour 15 g of dill seeds with milk (250 ml) and cook for 10 minutes. Drink the warm drink in 2 doses.

  1. To relieve hangover.

Pour crushed dill (150 g) with kefir (500 ml), stir and leave for 8 hours. Drink the product in several doses.

  1. For inflammatory gum diseases.

Essential oils of sage, lavender, pine, mint (1 ml each), dill (2 ml), fennel (2 ml) pour water (250 ml). Rinse with this mixture oral cavity 4 times a day.

  1. For bronchitis.

Crush dill seeds (15 g) and pour boiling water (500 ml). Infuse the product for a couple of hours, then strain. Take the healing drink 15 ml 4 times a day.

  1. For headaches and insomnia in children.

Add milk (250 ml) to dill juice (5 ml), honey (5 g). Give the child 5 ml warm after meals. Store the product in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

  1. For pain and inflammation in the kidneys.

Dill seeds (15 g) pour water infusion bean pods (500 ml). Boil the product for 10-20 minutes, remove from the burner, strain and take 2/3 cup strictly at night.

  1. For hypertension.

Mix 30 g of crushed herbs: horsetail, oregano, motherwort, marsh cudweed, coltsfoot, immortelle, birch leaves, hawthorn flowers, dill greens with 15 g of licorice root and the same amount of rose hips. Pour boiling water (500 ml) over 15 g of the collection and leave for an hour, then strain thoroughly. Take the product approximately 150 ml 3 times a day before meals.

  1. For gastritis with high acidity.

Mix mint leaves (15 g), trifoliate (20 g), yarrow herb (15 g), dill fruits (15 g). Pour 15 g of the composition with boiling water (500 ml) and leave for a couple of hours, then strain thoroughly and drink little by little all day long for hyperacid gastritis without constipation.

Connect together: mint leaves (20 g), marsh cudweed herb (15 g), yarrow herb (20 g), St. John's wort herb (30 g), knotweed herb (15 g), pharmaceutical chamomile flowers (10 g), dill fruits (10 g), caraway fruits (10 g), hop fruit (5 g), valerian rhizomes (10 g) and buckthorn bark (20 g). Pour 60 g of the collection with boiling water (1 liter) and leave for about 12 hours in the oven, then strain thoroughly and take 250 ml strictly on an empty stomach for hyperacid gastritis, accompanied by constipation.

Dill in cosmetology: folk recipes

  1. Nourishing mask.

Mix 15 g of dill with steamed oatmeal(30 g), almond oil(5 ml) and sour cream (15 ml). Apply the mixture to the skin for 1/4 hour, then rinse.

  1. For skin whitening.

Combine dill and parsley (15 g each) and pour boiling water (250 ml) over them. Infuse the product for 3 hours. Wipe your face with this lotion a couple of times a day.

  1. For oily skin.

Mix grated carrots with dill (15 g each), add about 10 g of flour and bring the mixture with kefir to a paste. Apply the mixture to the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse.

  1. For acne.

Pour essential dill oil (2 drops) into water (250 ml). Wipe the skin with this product.

Dill: photo

  1. The ancient Egyptians treated dill broth headache. This apparently explains the use of cucumber pickle to remove hangover syndrome, because when pickling vegetables, dill is always used, the essential oil of which is famous for its amazing properties.
  2. The Romans and Greeks gave bouquets of dill to women. Poets of antiquity wrote poems about this greenery. The winners of the competition were awarded not only laurel wreaths, but also dill wreaths.
  3. The word “dill” translated from Latinized Greek means “fragrant”.
  4. Avicenna wrote that this greenery helps to cope with hiccups.

The beneficial properties of dill can be listed for a very long time.. This plant is rightfully considered folk healer. Its judicious use helps prevent various ailments.