The best remedy for runny nose for children. The best cold remedies for children and infants

A runny nose is a common symptom that indicates that the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is trying to eliminate pathogens and allergens that have entered the body. In this case, the help of special local remedies is required - drops or sprays. Sometimes special nasal gels are prescribed for children over 3 years of age. Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a huge number of drugs to cope with the runny nose. How not to make a mistake in choosing and choose the most effective remedy for your child?

Children's drops for the common cold should only be prescribed by the attending physician. Improper use of even the best drug can lead to serious and even dangerous complications. In order for a remedy for rhinitis to cope well with pathology, you need to know the following few rules:

  1. For children under 6 years of age, it is best to use medication in drop form. Sprays are intended for older children.
  2. You need to bury your nose in a lying position. First, 1-2 drops are dripped into the right nostril and turn the head to the right and up, then to the left, also turning the head to the left and up. Thus, the product reaches not only the nasal mucosa, but also the sinuses, which significantly increases the therapeutic effect.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage recommended by the doctor. Too frequent use of drugs, especially vasoconstrictors, can quickly become addictive and also contribute to the development of drug-induced rhinitis.
  4. Also, you should not increase the course of treatment with antibacterial nasal drops for children. Although these medications only act locally, they can still cause a host of side effects if used too frequently.

Stages of development of a runny nose

A normal runny nose lasts about 7-10 days. If the pathology is allergic in nature, then the duration of rhinitis is determined by the time of exposure to the allergen. In the development of a runny nose of an infectious nature, there are only three stages of development:

  1. Reflex. This is the initial stage of the development of the disease, which lasts several hours. It is characterized by pallor of the mucous membrane. Symptoms such as dryness, burning, and repeated sneezing occur.
  2. Catarrhal. The duration of this stage is about 2-3 days. It is characterized by lacrimation, copious discharge, and swelling of the nasal mucosa. The temperature may rise to 37.2-37.5º C.
  3. Recovery. The third stage of a runny nose may be final. The mucous membrane is restored, the symptoms disappear. But, since local immunity is still weakened, stopping treatment during this period may contribute to the disease becoming chronic.

Usually, with proper treatment of a runny nose, no problems arise. With normal functioning of the immune system, recovery can occur within 2-3 days. But a weakened body will not be able to cope with pathology so quickly.

Types of drops for children for the common cold - what is the purpose of the drug groups?

A runny nose is a common symptom of many diseases, so successful treatment is aimed at combating the root cause. There are several types of nasal drops:

  • vasoconstrictors – relieve swelling, reduce mucus production;
  • moisturizing – help restore the functions of the mucous membrane, disinfect cavities;
  • homeopathic – relieve congestion;
  • oil – help restore nasal breathing, eliminate pathogens;
  • antiviral – fight viral agents, support local immunity;
  • antibacterial – stop the proliferation of bacteria, reduce the amount of purulent secretion;
  • antiseptic – thin mucus, inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • hormonal – relieve swelling, reduce the need to use vasoconstrictors;
  • antihistamines – block the action of allergens;
  • immunomodulatory – help increase local and general immunity;
  • anti-inflammatory – relieve swelling, restore mucous membranes.

What drops to choose for a runny nose for children, in each specific case, should be determined by the doctor. Almost all modern drugs are approved for use in children and, when used correctly, do not cause side effects.

Children's vasoconstrictor drops

With a runny nose, inflammation of the mucous membrane, severe swelling, and increased mucus production are noted. The child's nasal passages become blocked and a feeling of stuffiness appears. Thanks to the use of vasoconstrictor drops, the lumen of blood vessels decreases (their narrowing), which helps reduce swelling and, accordingly, facilitate nasal breathing.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers several groups of drops for the treatment of the common cold, containing various active substances:

  • naphazoline;
  • oxymetazoline;
  • xylometazoline;
  • phenylephrine.

Products with naphazoline

Among the drugs that contain naphazoline, the following are considered the most effective:

  1. "Naphthyzin." These cold drops for children are also effective for nosebleeds. The effect of the drug lasts no more than 4 hours, so it requires four times a day. Children's dosage – 1 drop of 0.01% solution.
  2. "Sanorin". Intended for the treatment of various types of rhinitis, used to narrow blood vessels and relieve swelling before rhinoscopy. Treatment of runny nose in children is carried out with a 0.05% solution.

Drops based on oxymetazoline

The effect of drugs with such an active substance lasts more than 10 hours. Usually a 2-time use is prescribed. It is strictly forbidden to increase the recommended dosage to avoid side effects. Most often, to cure rhinitis they use:

  1. "Nazivin." Relieves swelling, thins mucus, makes breathing easier. Can be used for children from 1 year of age.
  2. "Oxymetazoline." Effectively eliminates congestion and other symptoms of a runny nose.

Preparations with xylometazoline

The effect of drugs with such an active substance is longer - about 10 hours. The recommended frequency of use is 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. For babies, a 0.05% solution is used. The most effective are considered:

  1. "Galazolin." Prescribed for a runny nose caused by a viral infection, an allergic reaction, as well as bacterial rhinitis. It reduces swelling, relieves inflammation, redness of the mucous membrane.
  2. "Rinostop". In addition to xylometazoline, the drug contains sodium chloride and potassium salts. Thanks to this, nasal discharge becomes less viscous and passes more easily.

Products containing phenylephrine

Nasal drops of this group are recommended for use in children of the first year of life. They tone the walls of blood vessels, reduce allergic swelling, thin out secretions and promote the removal of mucus. “Vibrocil” and “Nazol Baby” are considered the most effective. The first product is also available in the form of a nasal gel.

Moisturizing nasal products for children

The most popular way to treat rhinitis in children is the use of moisturizers. For young children they are produced in the form of drops, for older children in the form of sprays. The principle of action of such drugs is very simple: sea salt, which is part of the composition, gets on the inflamed mucous membrane, moisturizes it, tones the blood vessels. As a result, mucus production decreases and nasal breathing normalizes. List of moisturizing drops for runny nose for children over 1 year old:

  • "Aquamaris";
  • "Aqualor";
  • "Salin";
  • "Quix".

Homeopathic medicines

The principle of homeopathic treatment is the introduction of a small amount of a substance that provokes symptoms similar to those of a particular disease. As a result, a protective reaction of the body occurs, which tries to fight the drug that has entered the body. As a result, strong immunity is developed, promoting rapid recovery.

All homeopathic medicines require long-term use. To treat a runny nose, use:

  • "Delufen";
  • "Luffel";
  • "Euphorbium Compositum".

Their main advantage is the absence of side effects. These products strengthen local immunity, restore the nasal mucosa and keep it moist. The use of homeopathic drops is possible for any form of rhinitis.

Oil drops

Oil-based cold medicines are considered an auxiliary remedy. They are necessary to ensure that the mucous membrane of the nasal passages is constantly in a moist state. Such drops are more effective for prolonged runny nose, prolonged rhinitis, especially when atrophic processes are observed. For such purposes, Pinosol or Tizin are usually prescribed.


If the cause of rhinitis is a respiratory viral infection, antiviral medications may be prescribed. Many products are available in the form of drops. These include:

  • "Interferon";
  • "Grippferon";
  • "Aminocaproic acid" (solution for infusion).

Nasal medications act directly on viruses: they suppress the ability to reproduce. Additionally, such drops activate the child’s immunity, promoting faster recovery. By the way, “Aminocaproic acid” is not available in the form of nasal drops. This remedy is widely used in surgical medicine, but its effectiveness has been proven in the treatment of heavy nasal discharge. Also, “Aminocaproic acid” is considered an effective prophylactic against influenza and ARVI viruses.


If bacterial rhinitis develops, drops for the common cold with an antibiotic are prescribed for children. These drugs act directly on the problem: they help destroy pathogenic microorganisms, relieve inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane. The following children's nasal drops for a runny nose have proven effective in combating a runny nose of a bacterial nature:

  • "Isofra";
  • "Polydex";
  • "Bioparox".

The products are used only as prescribed by a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to reduce or increase the dosage of the drug to avoid serious complications.

Antiseptic drops

Preparations of this series have a powerful bactericidal and antiseptic effect. Drops help dry out the mucous membrane and remove accumulated secretions. Most often, these drugs are prescribed for purulent discharge. This group of drugs includes:

  • "Protargol";
  • "Sialor";
  • "Albucid".


In severe forms of allergic rhinitis, as well as in situations where vasoconstrictor drops no longer cope with their task, hormonal nasal medications are prescribed. These drugs contain glucocorticosteroids, which help reduce the body's excessive protective reaction to exposure to allergens. Such drops and sprays for the common cold for children have a local effect and do not enter the systemic bloodstream, which minimizes side effects. The most effective of them:

  • "Nasonex";
  • "Beconase";
  • "Nasobek."


This series of drugs is prescribed for allergic rhinitis. Principle of action: blocking the effect of histamines on the body - substances released under the influence of an allergen. They relieve itching, reduce the amount of pathological secretion, and also help relieve swelling. For children over 2 years old the following can be used:

  • "Cromohexal";
  • "Sanorin-analergin";
  • "Vibrocil";
  • "Tizin Alergy" (only from 6 years old).


With various forms of runny nose, the immune status of the little patient is not the least important. In addition to the antiviral effect, immunomodulatory drops promote the active development of local immunity, which has a positive effect on the child’s health. Medicines of this kind can be used both for medicinal purposes and for the prevention of viral diseases. Modern pharmacological companies supply the following drugs to pharmacies:

  • "Derinat";
  • "Poludan";
  • "IRS 19".


One of the main tasks of drops for the common cold is to relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane. Most often, combination products containing an antibiotic and a hormone are used for this purpose. The most effective are considered:

  • "Polydex";
  • "Sofradex".

Aminocaproic acid can also be classified as anti-inflammatory drugs. It helps reduce inflammation and strengthen blood vessels. It is strictly prohibited to use aminokapron without a doctor’s prescription.

Folk cold drops for children

You can fight various forms of rhinitis with folk remedies. For these purposes, decoctions of medicinal plants that can be instilled into the nose are best suited. Cheap medicinal herbs can be bought at any pharmacy. To prepare a home remedy for a runny nose, you usually use:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort.

Juices of medicinal plants are no less effective. Here are a few recipes that are good for helping to cope with a runny nose in a child:

Kalanchoe and aloe

These mini-trees are found in almost every home, but not everyone knows about their medicinal properties. When children have a runny nose, it is recommended to drop the juice of these plants into the nose. To do this:

  1. Two leaves of aloe or Kalanchoe are crushed to a paste.
  2. Squeeze the resulting mixture through cheesecloth.
  3. The juice is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 3:1.
  4. Use this remedy in the form of drops 2-3 times a day until the condition improves.


Regular garlic has a powerful anti-inflammatory and strong bactericidal effect. Drops from snot are prepared as follows:

  1. The cloves (3-4 pieces) are peeled and crushed using a garlic press.
  2. The resulting mass is poured with olive oil (can be sunflower) and allowed to brew for 7-8 hours.
  3. The garlic-oil mixture is filtered and instilled into the child’s nose, 1-2 drops in each nostril.

Such medicinal drops for the runny nose for children can cause slight discomfort, but after 1-2 minutes everything goes away. If the burning does not stop, you need to rinse your nose well with water and do not use this product again.

TOP 5 effective drops for children against runny nose

There are a lot of modern medications that help cope with rhinitis as quickly and effectively as possible. How to choose good drops for a runny nose? Which ones are the best? Below are the five most effective drugs for rhinitis:

  1. "Aqua-Maris". An effective remedy for treating runny nose in children. Available in two forms: spray and drops. Drops are approved for use in newborns from the first day of life. Thanks to the sea water included in the composition, the nasal passages are quickly cleansed and swelling syndrome is reduced.
  2. "Nazol Baby." A modern and quite effective vasoconstrictor drug. It is used for a runny nose caused by an allergic reaction, ARVI and other infectious diseases. Can be used in children up to one year old.
  3. "Otrivin Baby." These are effective drops for the common cold for children over one year old. They clean the nasal cavity well, moisturize the mucous membrane, and relieve swelling. For older children they are available in the form of a spray.
  4. "Polydex". A combined drug that has a complex effect. It contains an antibiotic, a vasoconstrictor component, and a hormone. Reduces the amount of mucus secreted, helps destroy pathogenic microorganisms, and facilitates nasal breathing.
  5. "Derinat." An immunomodulatory drug that promotes tissue regeneration. Relieves inflammation, has an anti-allergic effect, stimulates the immune system, helps remove toxins.

Despite the fact that today you can find a huge number of children's medications for the common cold, you should not self-medicate. Any medicine can cause unwanted side effects, so consult a doctor before use.

A runny nose can occur under the influence of a number of factors: from viral and bacterial pathogens to exposure to allergens. Drops for the common cold for children are used during complex treatment in conjunction with other groups of medications, as well as the organization of external conditions that help speed up the recovery process.

Depending on the composition and indications for use, drops can have a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, vasoconstrictor, and anti-allergic effect.

The effectiveness of local preparations lasts up to 12 hours, after which repeated use is required. Medicines with a vasoconstrictor effect are not intended for long-term use and can be addictive.

The advantage of the release form in the form of drops is the absence or minimization of systemic exposure and the rapid elimination of nasal congestion, swelling, itching, and discharge.

If you use the medication in strict accordance with the dosage regimen described by the manufacturer and the attending physician, the active component is not absorbed into the blood and does not have a negative effect on the excretory organs, cardiovascular system, or liver.

Groups of baby drops

Depending on the cause of the symptom, the following children's nasal drops for a runny nose can be used:

  • drugs that promote vasoconstrictor effects;
  • medications whose active ingredients are hormonal substances;
  • drops with antihistamine effect;
  • products with antiviral and antibacterial substances (for example, with silver ions);
  • combination medications, the action of which is aimed, for example, at providing a vasoconstrictor and antihistamine effect;
  • solutions based on sea water that help provide a moisturizing effect on the nasal mucosa.

The selection of a list of suitable medications should be entrusted to a pediatric otolaryngologist or pediatrician after a comprehensive examination. It is recommended to refrain from self-medication.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of nasal drops for local relief of a runny nose are to identify:

  • a condition in which the child cannot breathe normally through the nose;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • complications in the form of discharge turning green or the addition of pus;
  • acute respiratory viral infection or influenza;
  • complete lack of breathing through the nose;
  • hearing complications;
  • sinusitis.

Certain groups of drugs are prescribed before surgical or diagnostic procedures.

Moisturizing drops for mucous membranes

Moisturizing solutions based on sea water or saline are used for runny nose of any origin. Such medications help increase vascular tone in the nasal cavity, thin out thick mucus, cleanse the mucous membrane and accelerate its regeneration.

During the treatment of runny nose in children, preference is given to isotonic solutions with 0.9% sodium chloride. May be recommended to use:
  • Humera;
  • Aqua Marisa;
  • Marimera;
  • Otrivina More;
  • Dolphina;
  • Aqualora.

Otrivin Baby is used in the treatment of children from birth.

When rinsing the nose, the child should be in a horizontal position, with his head moved to the side. A few seconds after administering the medicine, it is necessary to sit the child down and remove any remaining medicine from the nasal passages.


The use of vasoconstrictor drops makes it easier to breathe and improve hearing, normalize sleep, and improve the quality of life.

  • Nazivin - depending on the concentration of the active substance, can be used to facilitate nasal breathing in infants up to one year old (0.01%). For patients from one to 6 years of age, a concentration of 0.025% of the active component is recommended. The duration of treatment is no more than 5 days.
  • Tizin (0.05%) is used in the treatment of patients from 2 to 6 years of age. The effect develops after a few minutes and lasts for 6 hours.
  • Lazolvan rino - effective long-acting drops for the common cold, for children from 6 years of age. The drug does not have exact structural analogues on the modern pharmaceutical market. The recommended duration of therapy is no more than 1 week.


Antiviral drops Grippferon are effective for the prevention and treatment of colds, flu and acute respiratory viral infections. The medication is used to treat children under 1 year of age. The action of the active component is also aimed at providing an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug may provoke the development of allergic reactions. Drops should not be combined with medications that promote local vasoconstrictor effects.


In case of a severe allergic reaction, it is advisable to use local drugs with antihistamine effects:

  • Cromohexal. Drops for children over 5 years of age. Frequency of use up to 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is no more than 30 days. Cancellation of the use of the medicine must be carried out gradually, over 7 days. After a good therapeutic result has been achieved, the medication is used only in contact with an irritant substance (house dust, plant pollen, etc.)
  • Tizin Alergy is indicated for children over 6 years of age for the symptomatic treatment of seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis. Drops are used twice a day, the course of treatment is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.


Hormonal drugs help provide a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and can be used to eliminate allergic rhinitis.

These are fast-acting and effective drops for the common cold, which not only help improve breathing, but also prevent the development of sinusitis.

The list includes:

  • Flixonase is a drug for the treatment of children over 4 years of age. A single use of the medicine is recommended every 24 hours.
  • Nasonex is a one-component nasal drops based on mometasone, a synthetic corticosteroid for local use. In the treatment of allergic rhinitis, it is approved for use in patients over 2 years of age. Simultaneous use of the drug with systemic antihistamines (for example, loratadine) is allowed.
  • Avamis - the drug can be used from 2 years. To achieve the best therapeutic effect, the medicine must be used regularly. After the first use, the effect develops over 8 hours.
Hormonal drops increase intraocular pressure and can contribute to the suppression of local immunity and thinning of the nasal mucosa. Self-medication with the described means is strongly not recommended; the doctor should select specific names.

With antiseptics

Protargol is a drug with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent effects. The World Health Organization recommends the use of drops in the treatment of children from the age of five.

Thanks to the active components of the drug (silver ions), the following is observed:

  • prevention of bacterial infection proliferation;
  • decreased sensitivity of mucous membranes;
  • suppression of the inflammatory response.

Before starting to use Protargol, you must rinse your nose thoroughly. After this, the child is placed on his back and the medication is instilled in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

With antibiotics

The use of a drug with antibacterial components is advisable when a runny nose develops, accompanied by the development of purulent processes and other manifestations indicating the addition of a bacterial infection.

Comparison table
NameFeatures of applicationAdditional instructions
Isofra is a one-component drug with an antibacterial effect.The medicine is used in the complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract. Duration of use – no more than 1 week.You cannot rinse the paranasal sinuses with Isofra. Allergic reactions may occur during treatment.
Polydexa with phenylephrine contains 4 active components that provide a pronounced antibacterial and vasoconstrictor effect and combat nasal congestion.Drops can be used in the treatment of patients over 2.5 years of age. The duration of therapy is no more than 10 days.Prolonged, uncontrolled use of the medication is fraught with the development of sleep disorders, headaches, changes in blood pressure, pale skin, and tachycardia.

Combination drugs

Medicines in this group contain a substance that has a vasoconstrictor effect in combination with a hormonal, antibacterial or antihistamine substance.

Comparison table
NameFeatures of applicationAdditional instructions
Vibrocil contains substances with a vasoconstrictor and an antihistamine. The drug is indicated for acute, allergic, vasomoral rhinitis.Children from birth to 6 years old are prescribed a dosage form in the form of drops. The dosage is selected depending on the age of the child.
From 6 years old you can use the spray.
The use of Vibrocil is contraindicated in atrophic rhinitis. It is possible to develop undesirable side effects such as dry nose and burning sensation.
Pinosol is a medicine with an antimicrobial effect based on essential oils and vitamin E.

From 2 years old, you can instill 1-2 drops into each nasal passage up to 4 times a day.

Drops are contraindicated in the treatment of patients under 12 months of age. Allergic reactions and breathing difficulties may develop.
Sanorin-analergin - children's drops for runny nose from 2 years with a vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effect.The dosage is 1-2 drops of medicine up to 4 times a day.The drug can provoke the development of a rash, irritability, nausea, and headache.

Drops that thicken copious, liquid snot

In the event that the course of the disease is accompanied by nasal discharge, the pediatrician may recommend drops based on components with an astringent effect, for example, tannin.

A similar product can be purchased at a compounding pharmacy after presenting a doctor's prescription. The composition and dosage of the medication is selected individually for each patient.

Let's summarize

In order to speed up the recovery process, it is important not only to use medications, but also to follow the following recommendations:

  • monitor the temperature (no more than 20 degrees) and air humidity (45%) in the room where the child is;
  • provide nutrition with a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements, essential amino acids;
  • minimize the consumption of sugar and foods that increase the formation of mucus: potatoes, corn;
  • observe the drinking regime.

If a runny nose persists for a long time and is accompanied by deterioration (for example, or, etc.), it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and reconsider the treatment regimen.

Putting drops into the nose

Despite the seeming harmlessness of a runny nose, it causes a lot of discomfort to a sick person - it is impossible to breathe, talk, get enough sleep, or fully perform household and work duties.

Chronic congestion leads to changes in voice, development of brain hypoxia, complications of bacterial infections and other troubles. Fortunately, the pharmaceutical market today offers a lot of medicines to combat nasal congestion, but not many people know which remedy for a runny nose to choose and how to use it correctly.

It is worth considering that the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose is caused by a reaction to the invasion of viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergens and other pathogens. Rhinitis can also be vasomotor (occur due to hormonal imbalances and problems with the autonomic nervous system) and medicinal (result from the abuse of vasoconstrictor drops).

The doctor will tell you what medications will be needed to eliminate a specific problem after a detailed examination. Today we will talk in detail about the existing classes of remedies for the common cold, as informational information.

One of the signs of rhinitis is excessive dilation of the vessels of the epithelium lining the nasal passages, against the background of tissue edema - these are the reasons that provoke congestion.

Adults from the group of vasoconstrictors can choose an inexpensive remedy for the runny nose on their own, provided that the congestion does not bother you for more than a week, and the rhinitis itself does not cause suspicion of a bacterial or allergic form, otherwise another treatment plan will be required.

Vasoconstrictors usually contain components such as oxymetazoline, naphazoline, xylometazoline, phenylephrine and others, they affect adrenaline receptors in peripheral capillaries and narrow them.

Thanks to this action, the swelling of the epithelium subsides, the nasal passages are cleared of mucus, and breathing is restored.

The following groups of drugs are considered the most effective:

Based on naphazoline– Sanorin, Naphthyzin, Naphazolin-Ferein. The effect after instillation or injection of the spray occurs after 3-5 minutes and lasts up to 6 hours. It is not recommended to use these drops in children under 3 years of age to avoid irritation of the mucous membrane and depression of the central nervous system.

Based on xylometazoline– Galazolin, Otrivin, Xymelin, Tizin Xylo. Drugs in this group are economical and safe, and they also have a longer effect, up to 12 hours in a row. For adult patients, drops and sprays are available in a concentration of 0.1%, for children - 0.05%.

Based on oxymetazoline– Nazivin, Nazol Advance, Oxymetazoline. Drugs in this group act against congestion for 6-8 hours in a row, and their convenience lies in the exact dosage intended for different ages of patients. Children under one year old are recommended to instill 0.01% of the drug; from one year to 6 years, drops containing 0.025% of the active substance are suitable, and adults are prescribed the drug in a 0.05% concentration.

Preparations based on tramazolin show good results., for example, Lazolvan Rino. This remedy does not irritate the mucous membrane and relieves congestion for 8-10 hours.

Drops containing phenylephrine are also popular– Nazol Kids and Nazol Baby, intended for children from 6 years old and from birth to 6 years old, respectively.

Some drugs combine a combination of several active ingredients, for example, tramazoline and phenylephrine (Adrianol), naphazoline and antazoline (Sanorin Analergin), phenylephrine and dimethindene (Vibrocil).

It is not recommended to use vasoconstrictors for more than 5 days in a row, without first consulting a doctor, since a runny nose can be caused by an allergic or bacterial pathogen, in which case treatment with simple drops will not give the desired effect and will contribute to the transition of rhinitis to a chronic form.

More information about this group of drugs for adults - a list of children's vasoconstrictor drops by age.

Antibacterial drugs

Medicines for the common cold with an antibacterial effect are intended to relieve the microbial infection that caused rhinitis, as well as to treat its complications (sinusitis and sinusitis).

The consequences of an infectious runny nose also require the prescription of antibiotics orally or by injection, but if there are no complications, local use of sprays and aerosols with an antibacterial effect will be sufficient.

Doctors consider the following drugs to be the most effective:

  • Isofra

The medicine is in the form of a spray, which contains the antibacterial component framycetin. The drug effectively stops the reproduction and growth of pathogenic microbes and is prescribed for upper respiratory tract infections.

Before injecting Isofra, the nasal passages should be cleared of mucus and rinsed with saline solution, then spray the drug into each nostril 1-2 times, three times a day.

The absence of a positive effect indicates that the infectious agent is resistant to the active substance, and the drug needs to be replaced.

  • Polydexa

Effectively fights inflammation in the nose thanks to the active substances neomycin and polymyxin.

In ENT practice, this remedy for the common cold is used to treat sinusitis and otitis of various etiologies; injections are carried out 2-3 times a day for children and 4-5 times for adults.

You cannot use an antibiotic for inhalation, as this will cause a severe allergy.

  • Bioparox

Aerosol based on fusafungine. Prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis and other infections of the ENT organs.

Sprayed several times a day, the positive effect is achieved after a few hours. It has a pronounced effect against fungi and bacteria, and has an antimicrobial effect.

For a runny nose, the drug is administered twice a day, 1 inhalation into each nostril, the course of treatment is no longer than 7 days.

Important information:

In 2016, Bioparox was discontinued, since the active ingredient increased the likelihood of bronchospasm in patients. In this regard, it is necessary to choose its analogue. You will find a list of nine drugs with similar effects.

It must be remembered that each of the listed drugs has its own contraindications and cross-reactions with other drugs prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis. Therefore, their independent use is not recommended to avoid overdose and side effects.


Allergic rhinitis occurs as a reaction of the body to the entry of an irritant into or onto the surface of the mucous membranes, after prolonged contact.

Nasal antihistamines are designed to relieve congestion and rhinorrhea by blocking histamine cells released into the blood, causing swelling of the epithelium and dilation of blood vessels.

Symptoms are observed in patients suffering from allergic reactions to food, medications, household chemicals, dust, animal hair, and pollen.

Finding an effective remedy for a runny nose of an allergic nature is not so simple; it must be prescribed by a doctor after examination and identification of the irritant.

Among these medications are:

Allergodil is a spray containing azelastine. Blocks histamine receptors, reducing itching and burning in the nose, eliminating sneezing and rhinorrhea.

The effect of the drug appears 15 minutes after administration into the nasal passages and lasts up to 12 hours.

Tizin Allergy - contains levoblastin, a substance that has an antihistamine effect. 5 minutes after spraying, it helps reduce itching, the amount of mucous discharge, and relieve congestion and swelling of the mucous membrane.

Cromohexal is a remedy for allergic rhinitis based on cromoglycic acid. It is more suitable for the prevention of seasonal rhinitis, since a good effect of use is noticeable after a few days. 1 dose containing 2.8 mg of active substance is administered into each nasal passage, up to 6 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Vibrocil is a spray containing phenylephrine and dimethindene, which has a complex effect against the runny nose and allergies. Effectively eliminates swelling of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses without affecting the functions of the ciliary epithelium. This is a good remedy for chronic runny nose, and is also used after surgical interventions on the ENT organs.

Sanorin Analergin– a drug for nasal use based on naphazoline and antazoline. It has a pronounced effect against swelling, itching and burning in the nose, eliminates sneezing and rhinorrhea. The effect occurs 10 minutes after spraying onto the mucous membrane and lasts about 6 hours. Indicated for rhinitis of various etiologies, especially allergic.

An overdose of antihistamines causes drowsiness, depression of consciousness, severe allergic reactions and other dangerous side effects, so they should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly in the indicated dosages.

Antiviral agents

This group of remedies for the common cold is used in cases of weakened immunity, if preventive measures are necessary against contracting a respiratory infection.

They activate active cells of the immune system, which makes it possible to stop the proliferation of viruses and ease the course of the disease if it has already begun.

The most popular and effective remedies for viral rhinitis:

  • Interferon

Available in powder form, which must be diluted with boiled water to the mark on the glass ampoule, or nasal drops.

It increases defenses, activates local immunity, and stops the proliferation of viruses.

Interferon should not be used more than once every six months, otherwise the body will not produce its own interferon and will remain defenseless against infections.

  • Viferon

For intranasal use it is available in the form of ointment and gel. The product must be applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages up to 4 times a day, this will ensure local fight against viruses and increase immunity.

Thanks to ascorbic acid and human interferon in the composition, it not only stops the proliferation of microorganisms, but also accelerates the healing process.

  • Ingaron

Powder for preparing a liquid solution similar to Interferon.

Causes the destruction of virus cells, increases the resistance of the mucous membrane to the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The dosage is determined by the doctor, the drug is administered once a day.

In order for the effect of using antiviral drugs to be pronounced, it is worth starting their use at the initial stage of the disease, when the first symptoms of a runny nose appear, and not when the disease lasts 4-5 days.

However, even in these cases, they help speed up healing if a bacterial infection does not occur.

Hormonal drugs

The use of hormonal drugs for a runny nose is due to the severity of its occurrence and the need to administer additional amounts of corticosteroids produced by the human adrenal glands through the nasal mucosa.

Thanks to their immunosuppressive, desensitizing and anti-inflammatory effects, such drugs quickly relieve chronic and severe runny nose of various etiologies.

They are used in the treatment of year-round and seasonal allergies, nasal polyposis, sinusitis and sinusitis.

Prominent representatives of hormonal nasal agents are the following sprays:

  • Flixonase is a drug for topical use based on fluticasone. It has a pronounced anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect. Indicated for children over 4 years of age and adults; pregnant women use it after prescription by a doctor.
  • Nasonex is a dosed aerosol containing mometasone. It fights well against rhinitis of an allergic and vasomotor nature, eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane, stops the production of mucous secretion in the nose, relieves itching, sneezing, and burning.
  • Beconase is a spray based on beclomethasone. It is used for severe inflammation of the nasal mucosa and signs of allergic rhinitis; it is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of seasonal sensitization.
  • Nasobek is an aerosol containing beclomethasone. It is administered only intranasally and has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. Prescribed to patients over 6 years of age.
  • Aldecine, an analogue of beclomethasone-based sprays, is successfully used to treat allergic rhinitis (both seasonal and year-round, with periods of remissions and exacerbations). Not prescribed for children under 6 years of age and nursing mothers; during pregnancy, the need for use is decided by a doctor.

Many patients, having learned about the hormonal components included in nasal sprays, are afraid of side effects and complications.

It should be clarified that local application reduces absorption into the blood and systemic effect to a minimum, so there is practically no risk of complications, with the exception of an overdose of the drug.

This is the best replacement for vasoconstrictors for the common cold today. Detailed description of this group of drugs and features of their use.


Since nasal congestion is the main companion of a runny nose, almost all patients immediately run to the pharmacy to get relief from a vasoconstrictor, using it without a doctor’s recommendation, uncontrollably and without following the dosage.

Long-term use of such drugs, especially with an unspecified form of rhinitis, leads to complications in the form (depending on vasoconstrictor drops).

As a result, the capillaries of the nose lose the ability to independently return to their normal state, and the use of vasoconstrictors does not bring relief; on the contrary, after the end of the action, the vessels dilate even more.

To save the patient from this condition, doctors prescribe drugs with the opposite effect.

All of them have a hormonal basis, but they allow you to eliminate the symptoms of drug-induced rhinitis in the initial stages, when surgical intervention is not yet required:

  • Flixotide;
  • Avamis;
  • Tafen Nazal;
  • Nazarel;
  • Rinoklenil.

These drugs not only tone the nasal vessels, but improve the absorption and effect of drugs used for the complex treatment of rhinitis.

They should be used with caution in patients with an allergic predisposition; in such cases, the doctor is responsible for the prescription and dosage.

Sea salt solutions for runny nose

The best remedy for a runny nose at its initial stage is a saline solution. All doctors tell patients that at the first symptoms of rhinitis, you should not immediately use vasoconstrictors and other drugs; first you need to try rinsing with regular table salt, or prepare a solution from sea salt purchased at the pharmacy.

The procedure will help thin the mucus accumulated in the nasal passages, remove it out, and also disinfect the mucous membrane.

To prepare the solution, you need to take 1 teaspoon of sea salt, dissolve it completely in a glass of boiled water and wash it at least 2-3 times a day.

You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the composition, this will stimulate local immunity and increase the body's resistance to colds.

If you do not want to prepare the solution yourself, you can purchase a ready-made isotonic drug from the list below at the pharmacy:

  • Aqua Maris - it contains water from the Adriatic Sea, due to which the drug helps to normalize the functioning of ciliary cells, reduce the viscosity of secretions, remove allergens, bacteria and viruses from the nasal cavity, cleanse the tissue and reduce swelling. The composition also contains useful elements magnesium, chlorine, sodium, calcium and others.
  • Marimer is an isotonic solution of sea water, which is used for the treatment and prevention of ENT infections, allergic rhinitis, acute bacterial pathologies of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Allows you to wash away harmful agents (viruses, bacteria, allergens) from the surface of the mucous membrane, relieve a person of congestion and excessive mucus production.
  • Dolphin is a drug in powder form, which, after mixing with boiled water, is used to rinse the nose. In addition to sea salt, it contains extracts of rose hips and licorice root, which provides a thinning, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effect. The rinsing system is equipped with a convenient nozzle that regulates the flow of solution into the nasal cavity and does not create excess pressure.

Also, isotonic solutions Humer, Aqualor, Rinostop Aqua and even simple Sodium chloride (saline solution) are successfully used in the treatment of a runny nose.

To combat rhinitis, it is necessary to rinse the nose regularly, and if it is necessary to use additional agents, administer them after using saline solutions (this will increase their absorption and effectiveness).

Cold remedies with essential oils

Some remedies for the treatment of rhinitis contain essential oils of plants that have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antiviral effects.

In addition to performing these functions, natural essential oils help soften and restore the mucous tissue of the nasal passages, to avoid unnecessary irritation.

It is necessary to talk in more detail about several representatives of such medicines:

  • Pinosol.

Contains extracts of eucalyptus, pine and fir, as well as auxiliary substances thymol, guaiazulene and vitamin E.

Drops perfectly relieve tissue swelling, facilitate breathing, help thin mucus, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Vitamin E is a component that restores damaged mucosal tissue, accelerates their regeneration and has an antioxidant effect. Drops are used even in children and pregnant women, which indicates their safety and non-toxicity.

  • Eucasept.

These are drops similar in composition and action to the drug Pinosol, but they cost much less (about 40 rubles), which makes them an effective and inexpensive remedy for combating rhinitis.

The plant extracts included in the composition are not addictive, so they can be used for quite a long time.

Products containing eucalyptus oil are dangerous only for allergy sufferers, who may experience an unexpected reaction to the use of Eucasept. Therefore, before use, consultation with an allergist is necessary.

  • Sanorin.

These are drops with a combined effect; they have a vasoconstrictor and softening effect.

The product also effectively relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and acts on pathogenic microorganisms, causing their death.

Many patients appreciated the restoration of the nasal epithelium and the powerful antimicrobial effect while using the drug.

  • Nazol Advance.

Spray based on oxymetazoline, with the addition of eucalyptol (concentrated eucalyptus extract). Oxymetazoline has a long-lasting effect, it makes breathing easier for 12 hours in a row, and the plant extract fights the proliferation of viruses and bacteria in the nasal cavity, relieves inflammation, dilutes viscous secretions and promotes their removal to the outside.

The drug has a powerful effect, so it cannot be used for more than 3 days in a row.

Preparations for the common cold based on essential oils are a good help in treating the disease. But for the best effect, you must first establish the type of pathogen and differentiate rhinitis from or, since in this case relieving congestion alone will not be enough.

Herbal remedies

This is the name for products of natural origin that help quickly eliminate signs of rhinitis. Most pharmaceutical medicines are chemical based, except those containing eucalyptus extracts and essential oils (described above).


To cure a runny nose safely and effectively, you can use decoctions and tinctures of plants that have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Such means include the following:

  • calendula is a herb with pronounced antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is used to treat viral and bacterial runny nose, the plant also has a healing and restorative effect on the nasal mucosa;
  • eucalyptus - increases the body's resistance by activating local immunity, has antimicrobial properties, thins and removes thick mucus from the nasal cavity;
  • St. John's wort– fights the proliferation of pathogenic flora in the nose, eliminates mucus stagnation, facilitates breathing, reduces inflammation, and also increases the body’s resistance;
  • aloe and Kalanchoe - the juice of these plants has long been used as a means of combating rhinitis, it relieves inflammation, increases local immunity, and accelerates the restoration of damaged tissue of the mucous epithelium;
  • bergenia thick-leaved– the roots of the plant are successfully used as a remedy for nasal congestion without a runny nose, which occurs in an advanced or chronic form. Based on dry raw materials, a powder is prepared for instillation into the nasal cavity;
  • ephedra bispica– based on this medicinal plant, nasal drops are made with a powerful vasoconstrictor effect.

Tablet form

In addition to the topical use of natural extracts of medicinal plants, doctors prescribe herbal preparations in the form of tablets, for example, Cinnabsin.

This homeopathic remedy is used even for sinusitis caused by bacterial infection, relieves inflammation, reduces mucus secretion in the sinuses, facilitates breathing and increases local immunity.

Among the homeopathic remedies intended for the treatment of runny nose, there are:

  • Euphorbium Compositum– drops and spray for local treatment of rhinitis, even in complex and advanced forms, accompanied by dryness and atrophy of the mucous membrane. The drug does not have vasoconstrictor properties, it treats the cause of the runny nose, so its use is long-term.
  • Rinitol Edas-131 – cleanses the nasal passages of viscous and thick mucus, acts as a means of preventing complications of the common cold.
  • Delufen is a spray that is safe for treating patients of all ages. It is active against viruses, bacteria and allergens, and even treats chronic forms of the common cold.
  • Aflubin-Naze is a spray for rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. It contains mercury components, so the use of the product is contraindicated for patients under 12 years of age and suffering from thyroid pathologies.

Treatment of rhinitis with herbal remedies causes a lot of controversy, both among doctors and patients; for some they successfully help cope with a runny nose, for others they turn out to be useless.

However, medicine has long identified homeopathy as a separate branch of science, which once again confirms the effectiveness of correctly prescribed and administered treatment.

Preparations for inhalation

Treating a runny nose with an inhaler is effective, reliable and safe. If a nebulizer is used, the drugs will be required without the content of essential oils and suspended particles, since when they enter the respiratory system, they clog the lumens of the bronchi and cause their obstruction.

The following groups of drugs are used for ultrasonic inhalations:

Saline solutions– they effectively cleanse the nasal cavity of viscous mucus and have a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. For the nebulizer, choose Sodium chloride (saline solution), as well as pharmaceutical isotonic drugs - Aqua Maris, Marimer, Humer, Aqualor, Dolphin. Read more about how and with what medications to carry out the procedure with a nebulizer.

Alkaline solutions– table mineral waters of Essentuki, Borjomi, Narzan are successfully used to eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis. They allow the sinuses to get rid of thick secretions, dilute purulent masses during bacterial infections, and serve as a preventive measure for runny nose of various etiologies.

Antimicrobial solutions– prescribed for the treatment of bacterial rhinitis. The drugs Furacilin, Tobramycin, Dioxidin, Fluimucil are used. These products dilute mucus, and then promote its gentle removal from the nasal passages and sinuses, and have a disinfecting effect.

Immunomodulators– allow you to increase the body’s resistance and activate local immunity. The drugs Cycloferon, Gripferon, Interferon can be used in the inhaler.

Antiallergic drugs– for a runny nose caused by sensitization and accompanied by shortness of breath, the drugs Berotek, Berodual, Ventolin are prescribed. They relieve swelling of the mucous tissue of the nose, larynx and bronchi, making breathing easier.

Steam inhalations can be carried out using a soda-salt solution (a couple of drops of iodine are added for a disinfecting effect), essential oils of thuja, fir, pine, lavender, sea buckthorn, and mint. All types of runny nose and medications for their treatment.

Let's summarize

As you can see, there are many remedies for treating a runny nose. Determining which one to choose on your own can be not only difficult, but also dangerous, since any drug must be approved by a doctor before use.

Particular attention should be paid to people prone to allergies and forced to use antihistamines and hormonal nasal medications; these groups of medications always require a doctor's prescription and compliance with the prescribed dosages.

The only products that can be used without fear are solutions of sea salt and those containing natural herbal ingredients, but you should stop using them if there is no positive effect within 1-2 weeks, and then consult an ENT doctor.

  • Stage 1 – reflex. Its duration takes several hours. Vascular constriction occurs, the surface of the mucous membrane acquires a pale tint. Dryness and irritation appear in the nose;
  • Stage 2 – catarrhal. Lasts two to three days. Vasodilation, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane occurs. Difficulty breathing and clinical signs of a runny nose are observed;
  • Stage 3 – recovery. The functional abilities of the nasal mucosa are restored. The inflammation stops. Breathing through the nose returns to normal. There is a disappearance of dryness, itching, and burning in the nose. Nasal discharge thickens and its color changes.

In total, with the right approach to treatment, the duration of a runny nose is 7 - 10 days.

When providing assistance to a child, it is necessary to consider which medications are permissible to use and when. is complicated by the fact that the number of medications for children for the common cold is very limited.

Children's vasoconstrictor drops

An interesting and informative article from a children's doctor about pharmaceutical and folk remedies.

It will also be useful for parents to know and use an aspirator with interchangeable nozzles for their child.

To relieve a child's runny nose, you can use vasoconstrictor nasal drops for children.

A runny nose causes swelling of the nasal mucosa, which prevents the child from breathing. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops are administered during an allergic reaction or during. Therefore, it is necessary to have such a drug in your medicine cabinet at home. This medicine should not be the mainstay in the treatment of various diseases. Rather, it is used to help the child breathe normally during the course of the illness.

Children's vasoconstrictor drops are divided into three classes: short-acting agents, medium-acting agents, and long-acting agents. A medication for children for nasal congestion is selected taking into account the goals to be achieved.

If nasal breathing is impaired due to a cold, long-acting medications should be used. It is important to follow the instructions. Use the medicine in precise dosage, preferably before bedtime or at night. If the swelling of the mucous membrane is caused by an allergic reaction, you can buy a short-acting drug.

Short-acting vasoconstrictor nasal drops for a runny nose

The duration of action of these drops for children is 4 hours. Medicines based on tetrazoline, phenylephrine and naphazoline are being prepared.

Droplets may cause pediatric rhinitis medicamentosa. This is a disease that develops as a result of an overdose of nasal vasoconstrictor drugs. Because of the feeling of good results from the drops, most people, despite the instructions, greatly increase the dosage. Children's addiction to drugs develops rapidly. This leads to a long treatment period for colds.

Preparations based on phenylephrine are ideal for preschool children. The drugs can be used for children under 3 years of age.

Drops are made on the basis of naphazoline at a dose of 0.05%. The drug Naphthyzin, upon contact with the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity, quickly relieves inflammation and swelling of tissues. When you have a cold, the medicine acts on the capillaries, thereby increasing the amount of air that enters through the nose.

Doctors rarely prescribe Naphthyzin vasoconstrictor drops to children when there is acute sinusitis and frequent bleeding.

Naphthyzin is not administered to babies under one year of age, to women during pregnancy, for.

When using the medicine, side effects may occur - lethargy, dizziness, low body temperature, and the possible development of medical rhinitis.

In pregnant women, the medicine causes vasoconstriction in the nasal sinus and other organs. This situation is often the cause of fetal hypoxia. Therefore, it is contraindicated for pregnant women to use even children’s vasoconstrictor drops without consulting a doctor.

Vasoconstrictor drops for infants should be used after consultation with the attending physician.

The drug Otrivin

Medicine Tizin

Drops are based on tetrizoline. The active substance of the drug for children is 0.05%.

Drops lead to a narrowing of blood vessels and improve the nasal mucosa. The effect occurs within 5 minutes and lasts more than 10 hours.

The medicine has several contraindications: age under 2 years, hypersensitivity to individual components.

Side effects include a decrease in body temperature, a feeling of dryness and irritation in the nose, disturbances in sleep and wakefulness in children under 3 years of age. The mechanism of action of the drug Tizin is similar to the drug Otrivin.

Not only the name of the drops is different, but they also differ in price. The drug Tizin is much cheaper. Therefore, when children have nasal congestion, it is preferred by most modern mothers.

Long-acting vasoconstrictor drugs for the common cold

The duration of vasoconstrictor drops is ensured by the presence of oxymetazoline. This ingredient not only removes swelling of the mucous membrane, but also reduces the secretion of mucus in the sinuses during sinusitis and rhinitis. For various allergic reactions, medications based on oxymetazoline are also used.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, age under 6 years.

The most common drugs are Afrin, Fazin, Nazivin. All of these products have different dosages. They are suitable for adults and children.


This medicine based on oxymetazoline perfectly relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and normalizes breathing through the nose. The drug Nazivin is generally well tolerated by young patients.

Sometimes there may be side effects - a decrease in body temperature, a feeling of dryness and irritation in the nose.

Moisturizing nasal drops for newborns contain isotonic seawater that is filtered and microbiologically controlled to ensure it is sterile. Isotonic means that seawater has been diluted so that it contains the same concentration of salt as the cells in the human body.

Fine drops of seawater work by softening and loosening nasal mucus. This helps clear the nasal passages, allowing the child to breathe easier, thereby making it easier for him to eat and sleep. The drops also clear the nasal passages of viruses and bacteria, as well as irritants and allergens such as dust and pollen.

If your child has a nasal injury or has recently had nasal surgery, you should consult your doctor before using this group of medications.

Treatment of a runny nose in children under one year of age will be easier when using drugs from this group. One of these products are drops, sprays, and aerosols of the Aqualor brand.

The company produces a wide range of medications for moisturizing and rinsing the nasal passages. Aqualor contains water from the Atlantic Ocean collected near the coast of Brittany.

  • - nasal drops for newborns. Produced in the form of drops and spray. They contain diluted sea water;
  • Aqualor soft aerosol and Aqualor norm spray for colds for children contain diluted sea water. Prescribed for dry nasal mucosa during colds. The product can be used by children from six months;
  • Aqualor forte used when the nose is very stuffy. In this product, the concentration of seawater solution exceeds the standardized 0.9%. Aqualor forte can be used for children from two years old.

Another well-known drug intended to moisturize the baby’s nasal cavity is Aquamaris. For children under one year old it is produced in drop form. For children over one year old, the spray can be used.

Sterilized isotonic sea water in Aquamaris maintains the normal condition of the nasal mucosa.

The microelements contained in this medicine increase the resistance of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses to viruses and bacteria.

If a child has allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, the drug helps to wash away and remove allergens and irritants from the nasal mucosa and reduce the local inflammatory process. Aquamaris is used for hygienic purposes, cleanses the mucous membrane of street and house dust.


Most doctors have developed a distrustful attitude towards homeopathic remedies. However, homeopaths are confident in the effectiveness of such medicines.

Advantages of funds in this category.

  1. Their use is not dangerous in the treatment of runny nose in young children.
  2. Ingredients only of plant origin.
  3. There are no side effects.

Many homeopaths are convinced that with an individual approach to drawing up a treatment regimen, a positive result can be achieved. Homeopaths also recommend using these drops for the purpose of prevention. It is worth noting that homeopathic drops will not help, but will cause harm in the treatment of viral or bacterial sinusitis.

When using homeopathic drops, you must adhere to a clear scheme. Treatment should last 1-4 months, because homeopathy has a cumulative effect.

Below are details of the two brands available to patients. Each brand is unique, but all of them, according to experienced homeopaths, are very effective.


You may have heard of xylitol as a natural, calorie-free sugar substitute. It is used in natural resins and food products. But xylitol has many uses, one of which is nasal cleansing.

Xlear is a nasal spray made with xylitol, which stimulates the natural cleansing of the child's respiratory system.

Xylitol actually prevents bacteria and other irritants from “sticking” to the tissues of the baby’s nose, preventing re-infection and irritation. This way the body is able to heal itself faster. By stopping the entry of bacteria and irritants that bother your child, you can protect him from possible infection and prevent bacteria from getting into the nose.

This product will not only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but, first of all, will prevent their occurrence, which is something you are unlikely to see from a regular drug for the common cold. The formula was formulated by a doctor and contains only natural ingredients such as purified water and grapefruit seed extract, which acts as a natural preservative.

In fact, you can store the medicine in the room for several months, and it will not spoil. Since this drug does not contain any chemical elements, you can use it for various purposes - for illness, allergies, general irritation of the nasal mucosa. The drug is completely safe for children and does not contain antibiotics.

This is a product whose main ingredient is olive leaf extract.

Seagate Olive Leaf Nasal Spray is made with natural, herbal ingredients that reduce mucus production and ease congested breathing.

Similar to the xylitol product described above, olive leaf extract actually helps prevent irritation in the nasal passages.

Seagate Olive Leaf Nasal Spray

It contains only three ingredients.

  1. Olive leaf extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties due to oleuropein.
  2. Baptista Tinctoria. Also known as wild indigo yellow. The root of this plant has long been used to treat infections of the throat, mouth and gums. Recently, it has been shown to have a stimulating effect on the immune system.
  3. Grapefruit seed extract is used as a natural preservative. This extract is full of antioxidants and nutrients. Contains vitamin C and minerals, used to combat harmful organisms and bacteria.

These ingredients have amazing properties on their own and form a powerful composition when combined with each other. Not only will your baby's sinuses be free, but you'll also experience the added benefits provided by these ingredients.

The antifungal properties as well as the immune system-boosting effects of the ingredients will help prevent infections.

Oil drops in the nose for children

Nasal drops based on various oils are used to moisturize and soften the nasal cavity.

Currently, for different types of runny nose, the most popular drugs are the following, which are openly available in every pharmacy.

Oil drops in the nose for children

These are drops for runny nose for children over 1 year old. Contains a mixture of vegetable and essential oils, pure natural substances with antimicrobial action.

Improves blood circulation in mucous tissues and restores its natural functions. Pinosol is a complex medicine that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral effects.

Reduces the intensity of local exudative inflammation, reduces the viscosity of mucus, facilitates its separation and expectoration. In case of chronic disease, it increases blood flow in the nose, larynx, trachea and promotes functional recovery.

Indications: infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi.

At the first stage of a runny nose, doctors recommend dripping 1 drop into each nostril at three-hour intervals. If you feel better, switch to four times a day. For infants, wet an ear swab with the solution and rub the nasal passages in a circular motion.


It is used in the treatment of various forms of rhinitis. Pinovit reduces inflammation, swelling, and has a thinning property. The drug is contraindicated when there is an allergy to its components.

The product is intended for children aged 2 years and older. The dosage for children is 1 drop in each nostril no more than 4 times a day. The duration of treatment is about 6 days.

Pinovit drops

Other nasal oil drops with a similar effect and the same treatment regimen are Equasept, Sinusan, Vitaon.

Antiviral drops

The basis of almost all antiviral nasal drops is interferon.


An antiviral drug whose main component is interferon. Release form: ointments, drops, children's spray for runny nose.

Grippferon has a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect.

Its undoubted advantage is the almost absolute absence of side effects and contraindications. This is an effective medication for the common cold of viral origin for children under 1 year of age.



Ingaron is produced in the form of a white powder. Before using it, you need to make a solution. The powder must be diluted with distilled water. Ingaron is based on interferon gamma. It is more effective against viruses. The drug has a wide spectrum of action. Contraindicated for children under 7 years of age.


Derinat differs from other antiviral drugs in that it does not contain interferon. The main component of the drug is deoxyribonucleate.

The medicine has a fairly strong immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect. The dosage for children is calculated only by the pediatrician individually for each case.

Antibacterial drops

Antibacterial nasal drops are the “heavy artillery” for treating diseases of the nasopharynx and the entire upper respiratory tract system. These drops will help cure nasal diseases that are not amenable to conventional therapy.

Antibacterial drops contain powerful substances that fight infection and relieve runny noses in children. These medications quickly remove swelling of the mucous membranes and normalize respiratory function.

Compared to the same drugs in tablet form drops have a number of advantages.

  1. They can act directly on the source of infection at the local level, which makes it possible to more effectively and quickly cope with the disease.
  2. Helps avoid allergic reactions and the emergence of resistance to certain antibiotics.
  3. The drugs have no negative effects on the digestive tract.
  4. Do not harm healthy flora.
  5. The product is not applied locally to other parts of the body and is safe for the immune system.
  6. Does not have a destructive effect on blood vessels and capillaries.

Despite the rather significant benefits, this type of antibiotic treatment is not safe. Therefore, they cannot be prescribed independently.

- nasal drops with antibiotics polymyxin and neomycin. The exclusivity of the medicine lies in the combination of different groups of antibiotics.

This allows you to cover more types of infection.

The medicine is considered effective because it has a wide spectrum of action.

But when it is used for children, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s prescriptions and be under medical supervision.

The drug contains a hormonal ingredient, so it is tended to be prescribed in extremely difficult cases. Children can use the product after reaching the age of three.


Isofra contains the main active ingredient framycetin. The medication is produced in the form of sprays. This type of antibacterial medication is good for certain types of infections.

Therefore, it is prescribed in cases where the causative agent is known. Effectively eliminates all classes of aerobic microorganisms. When the drug does not work after a week of use, it is stopped and replaced with another type of antibiotic.

These medications can be given to children and adults. It must be taken into account that the drugs belong to the group of antibiotics and each of them is intended for a specific age group.

Antiseptic nasal drops for infants Protargol

This is an anti-inflammatory astringent colloidal solution of silver ions. It is used for children from birth. The drug is broad spectrum, but it has limitations.

This drug does not work for viral infections. An infection of bacterial origin goes away quickly when using Protargol, without complications.

Always talk to your pediatrician before choosing and using any effective cold medicine for children. Be sure to call your pediatrician if your baby's symptoms worsen or the temperature rises.

A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Unfortunately, in children this area is very sensitive to external irritants due to fragile immunity.

A child may develop a runny nose for various reasons , starting with banal dust and ending with a viral infection.

Parents choose different ways to combat runny nose in children , and we will look at the most effective of them today.

Treatment of runny nose for children with the best folk remedies

First of all, it is necessary to understand the reason why a runny nose appears. This is swelling of the nasal mucosa, resulting in more abundant mucus secretion.

Most pharmaceutical drugs do not cure a runny nose, but only help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. Many of them are addictive, and therefore you can use them no more than 5-6 times. And if the dose is exceeded, there is a great danger of poisoning. Realizing this, many parents choose traditional methods .

Let's try to describe some of them.

Folk remedies for runny nose for children

Review of the best medications for the common cold for children

If traditional methods are not suitable for one reason or another, and you still have to resort to medication methods, then the issue of selecting drops for treating a baby should be approached with great responsibility . Not all of them are the same, and not all of them can help. It all depends on the nature of the runny nose.

Pharmacy remedies for runny nose for children

The modern pharmaceutical industry distinguishes between the main five types of nasal drops . Let's try to figure them out.

Vasoconstrictor drops

  • The principle of action of such drugs is based on the narrowing of blood vessels under the nasal mucosa, which, in turn, leads to to relieve swelling and reduce mucus secretion.
  • Such drugs do not cure, but only have a temporary effect. It lasts no more than 40 minutes, maximum – an hour .
  • When using such drops, it is worth remembering a rather impressive list of side effects, such as increased blood or eye pressure or even hypertension.
  • Also, they should not be used for more than seven days, as they cause the opposite effect. With prolonged and frequent use, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs.

The main active ingredients of vasoconstrictor nasal drops are oxymetazoline, xylometazoline and naphazoline.

Moisturizing drops

  • The principle of operation of moisturizing drops is based on rinsing the nasal mucosa , cleaning it from mucus and bacteria with a mild saline solution.
  • But the effect of using such drops can only be seen in a few days , since the drug has a non-systemic effect.
  • They include either purified sea water, or classic saline solution .
  • For complex diseases, moisturizing drops are not used as the main drug. They always have to go in the complex with other medications.
  • But an absolute advantage can be considered no contraindications or side effects all moisturizing drops.

The most commonly used drops can be called “Salin”, “AquaMaris”, “Aqualor”, “Physiomer”.

It is worth noting that for children of any age moisturizing drops are absolutely harmless, since sea water is healthy, and everyone knows this.

Antiviral drops

  • The principle of action of antiviral drops is aimed at virus suppression , which develop in the nasal cavity and on the mucous membrane.
  • They always include interferon . This substance is produced by the human body during viral attacks - as a defense against them. Thanks to this, antiviral drops can relieve you of a runny nose in just a couple of days.
  • But there is also a small detail. All of them effective in the early stages of the disease . When the runny nose is already in full force, their healing effect will no longer be enough to alleviate the suffering of the patient.
  • Their advantage can be considered complete safety . They can even treat infants.

Pharmacies will offer you the following medications: "Grippferon" or "Nazoferon".


  • The operating principle of phytodrops is based on neutralization of viruses and infections in the nasal cavity and on the mucous membrane with the help of essential oils obtained from a variety of plants.
  • They do not relieve a runny nose, not recommended for children under three years of age.
  • It is also worth remembering that such drops are based on essential oils, which means Allergy possible.

In pharmacies you can buy the most famous of them called “ Pinosol", "Glycirfit" and "Valogen".

Combined drops

  • Combined drops are good because, thanks to a properly selected and mixed set of substances, they fight a runny nose more efficient than everyone else. Because they influence in several directions at once.
  • They often contain antibiotics .

One of the most popular drugs is considered "Vibrocil." The pharmacy may also offer “ Polydex", "Gikomycin".

But, in any case, it is worth using such a powerful weapon against the runny nose only if the disease has become serious.

Before using pharmaceutical drops, especially for young children, it is better to consult a doctor!