Why do pregnant women need folic acid? All about folic acid What is the best way to take folic acid for pregnant women?

A woman who is preparing to become a mother must carefully prepare for a responsible mission. Healthy image life, parting with bad habits- truisms known to everyone. But few people know how important it is during pregnancy. This is one of the main means necessary for use by the expectant mother.

Determination of folic acid

Otherwise it is called vitamin B9. There is also a general name - folates, these are vitamin derivatives. It is these that a person receives from food, and the tablets are a synthetic product that is converted into folates inside the body.

Any derivatives of vitamin B9 are very important for the hematopoietic system, namely in the formation of new blood cells. Due to their deficiency, anemia develops.

Role in the body

It is worth highlighting the main functions that folic acid performs during pregnancy:

  • Participates in the formation of cell DNA, that is, the carrier of hereditary information.
  • Stimulates hematopoiesis.
  • Participates in the formation of the placenta.
  • Blocks the formation of cancer cells.
  • Restores muscle tissue.
  • Participates in the formation and subsequent development of fetal nervous tissue.

Why is it so important to get folate during pregnancy?

When asked, doctors cannot within the framework quick reception answer in detail, so it is worth explaining its meaning. On early stages its consumption increases sharply. There is an increased division of embryonic cells to form full-fledged tissues. The most difficult thing to transform is the baby's tissue. This is why it is worth taking folic acid.

Deficiency can occur for various reasons:

  • Insufficient vitamin intake from food.
  • Malabsorption - occurs when chronic diseases stomach, intestines.
  • Genetic disorders in the folate cycle. It very rarely happens that the body does not have the necessary enzymes. Because of this, folic acid is not converted into folate. There is an accumulation of intermediate metabolic products, leading to diseases cardiovascular system, infertility and inability to bear fruit. In this case, drink derivatives folic acid.
  • Taking oral contraceptives, barbiturates, sulfa drugs and alcoholic drinks reduces the level of the substance in the blood. If a woman took any of the above before conception, additional methods so that the norm of folic acid for pregnant women remains within its limits.

Required dosage

The ideal option is to take a vitamin before pregnancy, three months before conception and throughout pregnancy. Women are usually advised to drink 400 mcg per day. Sometimes the dosage needs to be increased. If the expectant mother diabetes mellitus or epilepsy, then for her daily norm is 1 mg. If children have previously been born with a neural tube defect, the dose of folic acid during pregnancy will be 4 mg. But only a doctor can make an exact decision after an examination.

Recommendations regarding the use of folic acid in women during pregnancy are being extended in many countries. Thus, American women who are at the planning stage take 400-800 mcg per day a month before conception and during three months of gestation.

A blood test for vitamin B9 levels should be taken by anyone diagnosed with anemia or homocysteinemia. Healthy pregnant women do not require such testing.

In what form is it best to take?

Pharmaceutical companies offer wide choice medications containing folate. Their main difference is in quantity, dosage and cost.

Some of the medications that come in tablets have a dosage of 1 mg, which is inconvenient. You have to break it in half so that the norm of folic acid during pregnancy is not exceeded. It is advisable to find a form that contains 400-500 mcg. This is the standard dosage of folic acid needed during pregnancy.

There is another option - complexes (, etc.). But they should be used by those who live in an unfavorable climate and have a poor diet.

A modern woman needs three components:

  1. Folic acid during pregnancy in a dosage of 400 mcg.
  2. Iodine preparations when in an area with iodine deficiency.
  3. If you have anemia, be sure to take iron supplements

Taking drugs with a multicomponent composition can be called inappropriate. Taking folic acid during pregnancy is sufficient, because this drug is safe. Its effectiveness has been proven through numerous studies. The question of how much folic acid a particular woman needs to drink during pregnancy should be answered by a specialist.

Excerpt from the instructions

Indications include the prevention of neural tube defects and vitamin B9 deficiency. Contraindications - childhood, pernicious anemia, cobalomin deficiency, presence malignant tumors, sensitivity to components.

According to the instructions for use, established daily dose folic acid for pregnant women - 400 mcg. Among side effects- itching, rash, hyperthermia, bronchospasm, bitterness in the mouth, erythema, loss of appetite, nausea and bloating. If you take folic acid for a long time, hypovitaminosis B12 may develop.

Also available special instructions. To prevent vitamin B9 deficiency, it is necessary balanced diet. The diet should contain green vegetables, legumes, beets, cheese, fresh liver, nuts, and eggs.

If large dosages are allowed and treatment becomes prolonged, a decrease in B12 concentration may develop. In the case where it seems that the doctor has overdone the prescription, you need to consult with another. Drink the amount that will be agreed upon with different specialists.

An overdose of folic acid during pregnancy is possible, but only for those taking 25-30 tablets per day. In other cases, the excess is eliminated from the body.

What else you need to know about vitamin B9:

  • Folic acid is prescribed for pregnant women, since during this period it is eliminated from the body more quickly.
  • If a woman drank strong tea, the vitamin will be removed from the body faster.
  • Taking certain medications increases the need for vitamin B9.
  • It is important to remember that when taking folic acid during pregnancy, it is imperative to monitor the reaction - an allergy is possible.
  • In addition to the fact that the vitamin is necessary to create nerve cells baby, he goes to “repair” about 70 trillion of the mother’s cells, because they are constantly renewed.
  • It is imperative to drink folic acid, as its deficiency is passed on to the fetus and affects the quality of breast milk.
  • In order to important element preserved in foods, they must be eaten raw or steamed.

A woman may not notice that she lacks a vitamin. But already in the first trimester, the appearance of irritability, loss of appetite, and rapid fatigue is acceptable. Be sure to take folic acid so that all these symptoms do not interfere have a safe pregnancy. As a rule, when asked how to take vitamin B9, doctors answer that 1 tablet per day is enough. In some cases, the specialist increases the dosage, but this is strictly individual. Therefore, before starting to take even such a harmless drug, you should ask your gynecologist how much vitamin B9 to take and for how long. This will create for the health of the baby and mother optimal conditions. It would also be useful to clarify. The vitamin must be supplied to the body from natural sources.

Any woman planning a pregnancy is obliged to worry in advance about the health of her own and the future baby. For example, drinking folic acid during pregnancy, as vitamin preparation, helping to reduce the possibility of developing pathologies in the fetus.

Benefits of the drug

Vitamin B9 or folate is found in many foods, such as yeast, liver, cottage cheese, green vegetables, cereals, and some fruits. But, in order to get the daily requirement, it is necessary to consume all of them in very large quantities and raw or undercooked, since heat treatment practically destroys the vitamin.

Why take folic acid during pregnancy? At the very beginning of pregnancy, in the first twelve weeks, folate is prescribed. Starting from the second week, the neural tube is formed in the embryo, and acid is needed for its normal formation. The vitamin is also required for the formation of red blood cells, and reducing the risk of developing pathologies in the fetus.

Vitamin B9 is needed to the expectant mother to prevent the occurrence of anemia, leg pain, toxicosis. Taking it in the first trimester minimizes the risk of developing abnormalities of the nervous system by almost 70%.

At the time of cell division, with the help of folates, the structure of DNA and RNA molecules is formed and develops without mutations or damage. Acid is involved in the development of organs and tissues of the fetus, reduces the possibility of delays in mental development child, physical defects.

When telling women at the consultation why folic acid is prescribed, doctors advise starting to drink it at the planning stage, at least 90 days before pregnancy.

Dosage and rules of administration

Folic acid intake for ordinary person per day - at least 50 mcg. But, when carrying a child, the need for it increases repeatedly, and for expectant mothers, the norm is 400 mcg. The vitamin is available in the form of tablets or capsules.

In what dosage should pregnant women take folic acid? Many women are interested in how much folic acid a pregnant woman should drink per day. The norm is determined by the attending physician. Taken as an independent drug or as part of a multivitamin. Doctors recommend taking one tablet a day containing from 400 mcg to 1000 mcg. It is recommended that pregnant women take this dose of folic acid without fear of overdose. If a woman takes any prenatal vitamins and is not deficient in vitamin B9, then separate appointment no folate needed.

If there is a pronounced deficiency of the vitamin in the body, or if there have been cases of babies being born with neural tube pathology, the doctor increases the daily dose of folic acid, sometimes up to 4 mg, which is four tablets that need to be taken one or more times during the day. Tablets are taken at the same time, before meals or with meals. In addition to medications, you can also consume foods containing folates.

How much folic acid should you take during pregnancy? Most important period, in which you cannot do without vitamin B9 - the first trimester. The entire pregnancy depends on how the fetus develops at this time. Starting from the second trimester, the required amount of acid is supplied in sufficient quantities with the intake of multivitamins.

Folate deficiency

Lack of vitamins during pregnancy can lead to sad consequences not only for the fetus, but also for the mother. If there is a lack of the drug, the process of formation of the placenta and its nutrition is disrupted, which provokes early termination of pregnancy or birth premature baby. Causes abnormalities in the development of the baby, the occurrence mental disorders in newborns.

Deficiency also affects women's well-being. Especially, the need for vitamin B9 arises when its absorption by the body is impaired, or when there is an increased need for it, for example, during breastfeeding.

Symptoms indicating a lack of acid are:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • decreased immunity;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia.

A lack of folate also occurs when a pregnant woman has severe toxicosis, accompanied by vomiting, which interferes with the absorption of the drug. In order to determine the presence or absence of a vitamin deficiency, a blood test is prescribed to determine its concentration. Based on the results obtained, the attending physician will prescribe the optimal dose that should be taken until delivery. A lack of the drug can also complicate pregnancy.

Side effects and overdose

Despite the fact that folates dissolve in water and their excess is excreted from the body, in some cases, with prolonged and uncontrolled use, an overdose is possible. Its symptoms include a bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, gastrointestinal imbalance, sleep disturbances, and kidney failure. Rarely, an allergic reaction occurs.

Between 20 and 100% of the population is deficient in folic acid. At the same time, they may not even realize that they have a similar problem, and they cannot even imagine what this means for them. Vitamin B9 (aka folic acid) is one of the most essential for human body. Moreover, it is vital important vitamin. But this is what is most often missing. Especially in children and pregnant women.

Folic acid deficiency can go unnoticed. But over time, a person loses his appetite, becomes irritable, gets tired quickly, then diarrhea begins, vomiting, and, in the end, ulcers appear in the mouth and hair falls out. Exchange processes, formation of red blood cells, work gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems - vitamin B9 is involved in many processes. Severe vitamin B9 deficiency inevitably results in megaloblastic anemia, which can be fatal.

Why does your baby need folic acid?

Every organism in good condition intestinal microflora can produce small quantity folic acid. However, it does not cover the needs for this vitamin. So we all must ensure that we receive it along with food and vitamin complexes.

During pregnancy, the need for folic acid increases significantly. Just like its importance. This vitamin is actively involved in the formation of the placenta, so its deficiency can cause placental insufficiency and cause premature termination of pregnancy. Together with vitamin B12, folic acid is necessary for cell division, which is especially important for tissues that are actively dividing - that is, during the formation and growth of the embryo. It is involved in hematopoiesis (in the formation of red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets) and is necessary for the formation nucleic acids(RNA and DNA) involved in the transmission of hereditary characteristics.

Very important role Folic acid plays a role in the formation of the fetal neural tube. Vitamin B9 deficiency is fraught with the development of very severe defects in the fetus. Risks for him with folic acid deficiency during intrauterine development(especially in the early stages) are very large:

  • hydrocephalus;
  • anencephaly (absence of the brain);
  • cerebral hernias;
  • delayed mental and physical development;
  • congenital deformities;
  • spinal column defects;
  • premature termination of pregnancy;
  • stillbirth.

Pregnant women also suffer from a lack of folic acid. Vitamin B9 deficiency causes leg pain.

When is folic acid needed during pregnancy?

Folic acid is necessary for absolutely every pregnant woman. This is the only vitamin whose importance and need for additional intake which even the most ardent opponents of artificial vitamins do not deny during pregnancy.

All processes occurring with the participation of folic acid during the formation of the fetus, the formation of its organs, physical and mental health, occur in the very early stages of pregnancy - when the woman doesn’t even know about it. On the 16th day after conception, the neural tube begins to form. This process is especially important and, as we have already said, for its normal completion it is necessary sufficient quantity vitamin B9. It is most important that it enters the body of the expectant mother in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, it is ideal to take.

But even if you found out about pregnancy much later than you would like, it is still not too late and you really need to take folic acid. The neural tube undergoes various changes throughout the first trimester.

Sources of folic acid for pregnant women

"Folium" on Latin means "leaf". So folic acid speaks for itself. The most vitamin B9 is found in wholemeal flour and leafy greens: spinach, parsley, lettuce, onions, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, as well as in green peas, avocados, citrus fruits and juices, melon, pumpkin, apricots, beans, yeast. Therefore, vegetarians, as a rule, do not lack it. However, if you consume little plant food(this is especially true winter period) - you definitely need to take an additional vitamin. Of the animal sources, the richest is liver. Significantly less B9 in meat, fish, cheese.

If the pregnant woman’s health is good and there is no need to take folic acid in increased doses, then for normal development and during pregnancy, the amount contained in vitamin complexes for pregnant women is sufficient. If you are prescribed it additionally, you should always consider its content in your vitamins and set the dosage with this in mind.

Daily dose of folic acid during pregnancy

An adult needs 200 mcg of folic acid per day for normal functioning. But during pregnancy, the need for it doubles - up to 400 mcg. And according to some data, it may be 800 mcg. Many women are embarrassed by what they consider to be high numbers. But there is no reason to worry. An overdose of folic acid can only occur when a person takes hundreds of times the dose of the drug - this is approximately 25-30 tablets per day. In other cases, excess folic acid is simply eliminated from the body without any consequences.

A larger prophylactic dose is required when a pregnant woman is deficient in folic acid, as well as for certain health problems and predisposition to their occurrence:

  • if there are factors that increase the consumption of folic acid or accelerate its excretion;
  • if available high risk development of neural tube defects (in women with epilepsy, s);
  • if there are any developmental defects in relatives;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • vomiting in pregnant women.

If at least one of the listed circumstances is present, the dose of folic acid should be increased additionally to 2-3 tablets per day. The tablets should be taken orally after meals.

Overdose of folic acid during pregnancy

Many women are embarrassed by what they consider to be high numbers. But there is no cause for concern, doctors assure. An overdose of folic acid can only occur when a person takes hundreds of times the dose of the drug - this is approximately 25-30 tablets per day. In other cases, excess folic acid is simply eliminated from the body without any consequences.

However, a scientific experiment was conducted in Norway that found next fact: women whose blood plasma had an increased level of folic acid were one and a half times more likely to give birth to children prone to asthmatic diseases. Unfortunately, there are no specific doses at which an excess of vitamin B9 occurs during pregnancy.

If you are worried about your prescription being too high dosage, consult another doctor about this. But, as we have already mentioned, a slight excess of the dose is not dangerous.

What else do pregnant women need to know about folic acid?

  • The removal of folic acid from the body accelerates during pregnancy.
  • Strong tea accelerates the removal of folic acid from the body.
  • The need for folic acid is increased by some medications: antacids (Almagel, Phosphalugel), estrogens, anticonvulsants(Carbamazepine, Phenytoin), zinc preparations.
  • Just like any other medicinal product, allergic reactions to folic acid can also occur.
  • In addition to participating in the creation of cells of the fetal nervous system, this vitamin is spent on “repairing” and replacing about 70 trillion of the mother’s cells, since human cells are constantly renewed.
  • Folic acid deficiency is transmitted from mother to fetus or newborn baby due to insufficient folic acid levels in the mother's body during pregnancy and a lack of folic acid in breast milk.
  • To preserve the folic acid in vegetables, eat them raw or steamed.

Especially for - Elena Kichak

From Guest

The gynecologist also prescribed me folic acid, it is part of Folionorm. It’s convenient that just 1 tablet contains the necessary vitamins for my doll.

From Guest

In general, it’s good to start taking folk music at the planning stage. About three months before the expected conception. The doctor prescribed me folic acid for 9 months, the dosage is very convenient - 400 mcg, exactly the daily norm. No hassles, just take one tablet a day. And already during pregnancy, as prescribed by your doctor, you can take 2 tablets. In any case, it is very convenient and beneficial compared to the same angiovit. The article is very correct because many people still underestimate the importance of taking folic acid before and during pregnancy. But this is the baby’s health!

From Guest

I also took vitamin B9 both before and during pregnancy. I liked folic acid for 9 months the most, because I don’t need to bother with the dosage and calculate, I took one tablet a day and that’s it! I believe that the fact that our daughter was born healthy is thanks to this drug. And of course correct image life in general is also very important!

From Guest

Folic acid is a B vitamin, prescribed when planning pregnancy, treating anemia. I think many of us took it during pregnancy. I took the German drug Folio (folic acid + iodine in one tablet) in the first trimester of pregnancy, and during the period when breastfed. Folic acid almost halves the frequency. birth defects development in newborns. Necessary for the formation of blood cells, accelerates wound healing, and is necessary where constant cell division occurs. Therefore, it is very important to take in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Folio - convenient packaging of 150 pcs., reasonable price, German quality, ease of administration (once a day in the morning). This is why I chose this drug.

From Guest

From Guest

Angiovitis is a drug that was prescribed to me by the supervising doctor during pregnancy. As the doctor explained, this drug contains folic salt, which is necessary for the unborn baby. Especially in the early stages of pregnancy, when it is determined what the mental and physical health. This drug also contains vitamin B9, which is necessary for fetal development in the first three months of pregnancy. I started taking the drug as soon as the delay began, but in general doctors recommend taking Angiovit while planning a child. By the way, absolutely all doctors recommended this drug to me, so I can safely take it.

From Guest

From Guest

I learned about the drug "Angiovit" from my older sister. At forty-five years old, she was on the verge of a heart attack. Her condition often frightened us. Whatever we did to help her. And so they bought her a ticket to a sanatorium, where she could treat her heart. she arrived from the sanatorium cheerful and clearly with positive results. There were amazing doctors and procedures there. The cardiologist prescribed her to take "Angiovit" for one month, and we saw the result after two weeks of taking the drug. When she finished taking this amazing drug, her heart problems also ended. We now advise everyone, if they have heart problems, to take a course of "Angiovit", of course, after consulting with their doctor first... This drug is recommended for pregnant women to take to control the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood.

From Guest

Folic acid during pregnancy is like brilliant green for a wound, the simplest thing you can think of. Now there is a more advanced remedy, when I was in conservancy, the doctor attributed to me vitamin complex Angiovitis. Partially oriented and safe drug for pregnant women, has a good effect on circulatory system mother and baby, and is also good for the heart. Contains the daily requirement of all essential vitamins, which cannot always be obtained from regular food, and some are completely impossible. Took full course, I felt much more cheerful and better, I recommend it.

From Guest

In general, folic acid, according to my gynecologist, should be taken before pregnancy, during it, and after, when breastfeeding. They didn’t prescribe it to me in its pure form, I took it in the drug Angiovit, in addition to it there are several other substances useful for pregnant women. And the prices are not outrageous, I took about 150 rubles, which is quite inexpensive compared to other analogues. I took the course 2 times, in the first trimester and before giving birth. Side effects there were none, and the tests were always good

From Guest

Oh, I don’t know, girls, I’ve heard completely opposite opinions about this folic acid. It's better not to take risks, I think so. Now there are a lot of alternatives, for example, Angiovit. Very good drug to support the heart and blood vessels in general. With our ecology and weather changes, even healthy person Like it or not, the body needs support. It is also suitable for pregnant women; even at the stage of fetal formation it helps to avoid the development various diseases in the baby, regulates the level of homocysteine ​​in the mother. Of course, you need to see a doctor, but the drug is good, I repeat.

From Guest

My friend felt very bad during pregnancy and didn’t know what to do. The doctor prescribed Angiovitis for her because higher level homocysteine. After the first trimester she felt better. In general, angiovitis is usually prescribed because of folic acid, which is in the composition.... Her weakness disappeared, she felt light, wanted to move more, and the swelling went away. The baby was born on time and healthy.

From Guest

This drug was recommended to me by my gynecologist before planning a pregnancy. It contains vitamins that have a good effect on the condition of blood vessels. It normalizes microcirculation of the walls of capillaries and all blood vessels. I have been taking Angiovitis for almost two months now. Afterwards I felt better emotional state, became less nervous. My sleep improved and I became more alert. It is intended to prevent vitamin deficiency in the body.

IN modern society Increasingly, pregnancy has become a planned event. Most expectant mothers already understand that in order to prevent any conditions and diseases before conception, it is necessary to conduct a health examination of the expectant parents. This preparation also includes taking folic acid.

Folic acid is very essential vitamin during pregnancy, if it is deficient, problems may arise not only for the mother, but also for the unborn baby.

What is folic acid for?

Folic acid or vitamin B9 is a very important compound for the body. Acid plays big role in the vital activity of the mother’s body and in the development of organs and growth of the fetus in the womb. Vitamin B9 controls the following body systems:

  1. Cardiovascular;
  2. Immune;
  3. Hematopoietic system;
  4. Liver;
  5. Gastrointestinal;
  6. Central and peripheral nervous system;
  7. Enzyme system;
  8. Participates in the formation of chromosomes;
  9. Cellular development.

Folic acid deficiency does not manifest itself in any way specific signs. In case of insufficiency of other vitamins, you can find out what vitamin is depleted.

Clinical manifestations folic acid deficiency:

  • Indigestion;
  • Mood changes;
  • High probability of atherosclerosis formation;
  • Heart attacks and strokes occur by blockage of blood vessels in the corresponding organs (heart and brain);
  • Deterioration in the process of remembering information;
  • Children experience growth retardation;
  • Inflammation in oral cavity, the tongue becomes bright red;
  • Anemia often occurs;
  • The appearance of gray hair at an early age;
  • Threat of miscarriage and spontaneous abortions;
  • Often, embryo rejection occurs in the early stages, even before a woman finds out that she is pregnant and therefore a diagnosis of infertility is made;
  • If a woman is deficient in the vitamin, the cells and tissues of the fetus do not develop properly. The result may be deformity or developmental anomaly.

How and why to take folic acid before pregnancy

Changes constantly occur in the cells of the whole body throughout a person’s life under the influence of pathological factors. Therefore, cells must renew themselves, some cells die, and new ones appear in their place.

If this system is disrupted, tissue neoplasms (tumors) occur. It is the lack of folic acid that can disrupt cell death.

For the formation of DNA and RNA - acids that are responsible for genetic manifestations, folic acid is needed. In the event of severe genetic or chromosomal diseases in the early stages of pregnancy, termination occurs.

Vitamin B9 is involved in the development of the fetal nervous system. The nervous system of the fetus at the beginning of the first trimester is a neural tube. The health of the brain and nerves depends on how successfully the cells and tissues of this tube are laid down.

Folic acid is prescribed to all parents when planning pregnancy. Future fathers are no less responsible for the health of their baby than the mother, and it is important that genetic material both parents were of “quality”.

The pregnancy preparation plan includes taking folic acid by both parents at a dosage of 400 mcg. within three months before conception. Folic acid before pregnancy is necessary not only for the formation of a healthy egg and sperm, but also for the formation of a depot of this vitamin in the woman’s body for the future.

Sources of vitamin B9

Folic acid is also found in food; even a small amount can be synthesized by the human intestine.

The vitamin is contained in significant amounts:

  • In green products (parsley, beans, parsley and green peas, asparagus, broccoli);
  • In wholemeal flour. Therefore it is necessary to choose bakery products with content whole grain or coarse flour;
  • Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts);
  • Liver;
  • Cottage cheese, cheese;
  • Citrus;
  • Avocado.

Folic acid is broken down and eliminated from the body faster if a woman takes oral contraceptives, alcohol, strong tea, drugs that suppress acidity in the stomach.

Name Name Folic acid content per 100g
Yeast 550 mcg. Spinach 80 mcg.
Cheese 19 mcg. Milk 5 mcg.
Curdled milk 7.4 mcg. Jerusalem artichoke 18.5 mcg.
Gherkins 18.5 mcg. Tomatoes 11 mcg.
Beet 13 mcg. Beet tops 18.5 mcg.
Green pepper 10 mcg. Cucumber 4 mcg.
Carrot 9 mcg. Onion 9 mcg.
Potato 8 mcg. Cauliflower 23 mcg.
Red cabbage 19 mcg. White cabbage 10 mcg.
Brussels sprouts 31 mcg. Zucchini 14 mcg.
Eggplant 18.5 mcg. Kiwi 18.5 mcg.
Apples, pears 2 mcg. Peach 8 mcg.
Lemon 9 mcg. Watermelon 5 mcg.
Banana 10 mcg. Pomegranate 18 mcg.
Grape 2 mcg. Cherry 6 mcg.
Strawberries 20 mcg. Figs 10 mcg.
Gooseberry 5 mcg. Raspberry 6 mcg.
Sea ​​buckthorn 9 mcg. Black currant 5 mcg.
Buckwheat 28 mcg. Durum wheat 46 mcg.
Rice 35 mcg. Peas 16 mcg.
Beans 90 mcg. Oatmeal 29 mcg.
Buckwheat 32 mcg. Coarse flour 40 mcg.
Walnut 77 mcg. Hazelnut 68 mcg.
Walnut almond 40 mcg. Cheremsha 40 mcg.
Dill 27 mcg. Parsley 110 mcg.
Salad 48 mcg. Green onion 18 mcg.
Beef tongue 6 mcg. Beef liver 240 mcg.
Chicken egg 9 mcg. Quail egg 5.6 mcg.
Turkey 9.6 mcg. Chicken 4.3 mcg.
Quail, duck 7.5 mcg. Pork 4.1 mcg.
Mutton 8 mcg. Beef 8 mcg.
Rabbit 7.7 mcg. Champignons 30 mcg.
White mushroom 40 mcg. Butter 30 mcg.

It must be remembered that during pregnancy the need for all vitamins increases, folic acid is no exception. It is impossible to maintain its level with diet, so your obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe you a vitamin B9 supplement.

Use during pregnancy

During gestation, rapid growth and development of the cells of the unborn child occurs. This involves the mother quickly using up the necessary substances. The task is to harmoniously replenish the depot.

It is best to ask your doctor about how to take folic acid during pregnancy. Do not self-medicate, as the dose of the drug may depend on:

  1. From the presence of even minimal clinical manifestations;
  2. From the place of residence and the nature of food in a given region;
  3. From the nutritional habits of the woman herself (drinking strong tea and large quantity zinc will lead to leaching of the vitamin);
  4. From the presence of abortions due to underdevelopment or abnormalities of the neural tube;
  5. A history of infertility of unknown origin will force you to prescribe high dose or preparation for IVF;
  6. If a woman takes complex vitamins or dietary supplements containing B9.

The dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is selected individually and in no case should you change it if your neighbor was prescribed more or less.

Another example of the importance of taking FC before and during pregnancy. It is known that with family ties (cousins), the risk of having children with genetic abnormalities increases sharply. In 2009, a study was conducted among such couples, it turned out that taking folic acid before and the first three months of pregnancy reduces the risk of having children with developmental defects from 8.2% to 3.5%.

During pregnancy, the amount of vitamin is increased compared to preconception (before conception) preparation.

  • Mothers in the “position” take tablets with a dosage of 400 mcg. up to 800 mcg. per day;
  • If relatives of one of the parents had abnormalities in the development of the neural tube, a dose of up to 2 g (2000 mcg) per day is required;
  • In case of birth of children with anomalies, unexplained terminations of pregnancy or infertility, up to 5 g (5000 mcg) per day is prescribed.

Capsules are taken after meals 2 hours or 30 minutes before. These are recommended standards, we remind you that exact dosage your doctor should prescribe it for you.

Which is better - multivitamins or folic acid alone?

Before choosing a drug, consult your doctor.

A multivitamin complex is undoubtedly more convenient to use. Considering the number of vitamins and minerals that a woman must take during pregnancy, taking one tablet saves the situation.

But there are also disadvantages to consuming everything at once:

  • Very often in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman experiences a feeling of nausea from many medications. The iron contained in the complex is often the reason for this;
  • If the drug contains zinc, it will reduce absorption;
  • As a rule, the concentration of folic acid is not high and, if necessary, you will need to take additional vitamin B9;
  • Doctors usually recommend giving up dietary supplements and taking vitamins purchased at pharmacies.

Symptoms of folic acid overdose

“The best is the enemy of the good” - we must not forget this. In everything you need to know when to stop. An overdose of folic acid is extremely rare, since the substance is easily excreted in the urine.
But the likelihood of exceeding the amount of vitamin in the body after taking large doses for a long time, especially during pregnancy.

An overdose may occur:

  1. Changes in the sense of taste (metallic or bitter taste);
  2. Changes in excitability nervous system(excitability, hyperactivity, irritability);
  3. Gastrointestinal tract disorder. May manifest as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain;
  4. Changes in sleep and behavior;
  5. Zinc deficiency, which manifests itself in epilepsy, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, attention disorders;
  6. Cramps.

If the dosage of folic acid you are taking is higher than the recommended dose and you experience any of the above symptoms, consult your doctor. In the hospital, infusion detoxification should be carried out.

Before you decide to take medications, carefully read the instructions for use.

Folic acid is one of the first vitamins that pregnant women should take. expectant mother. Planning a pregnancy should first of all be associated with this technique. One small capsule a day will help you give birth to happy and healthy babies.

For women expecting the birth of a child, the most important thing is to take care of their health. This includes a lot. Nutrition is the basis. What else is needed, in addition to high-quality products, you will learn from this article.

Useful for everyone

Many people have probably heard about folic acid. It is extremely important for our body. It was obtained relatively recently (in 1941) from spinach leaves. And it was synthesized for the first time in 1946.

This acid is a capricious and unstable thing. About half of it disappears if you keep the product in the light for a long time. And if you boil or fry vegetables and herbs that contain folic acid, it can be destroyed by 90%!

However, (the second name for folic acid) is very necessary for a person, especially since it is almost not produced inside the body by itself. In any case, it is synthesized in such small quantities that daily requirement There is no way to cover this.

What is the role of folic acid? It is easier to say in which organs it is not involved than to list where this substance is involved.

So, its role in activities is important hematopoietic organs and intestines, as well as in the functioning of the liver. Acid perfectly supports the immune system, and also promotes transformations in redox processes and helps the functioning of blood cells (white and red). It definitely participates in protein biosynthesis and has a great effect on the brain, its functioning, and so on.

What if there is a shortage?

Don’t be surprised, because our bodies are quite complex physical and chemical devices! And when there is not enough B9 in them (and this happens to almost everyone!), then fatigue and insomnia, anxiety and loss of appetite, problems with breathing and memory begin. Add apathy with anemia, different pains in the stomach and unpleasant nausea, mouth ulcers and general depression. There is even graying of hair and hair loss. Let's not even talk about dementia and birth defects in newborns.

These are the kind of troubles (and sometimes grief) that small flat yellow pills can free us from, which we should take regularly, but do not do this, either out of ignorance, or out of carelessness.

But the largest is observed in women who take hormonal medications and are addicted to alcohol.

By the way, the drug is sold without a prescription, and it will not ruin you at all. Any pharmacy has folic acid. The price will surprise you: from 27 to 35 rubles (per package of 1 mg, 50 pieces, from different manufacturers).

Important for everyone

Until recently, B9 was for some reason considered a ladies’ vitamin. But recent scientific evidence reports that it will not harm the stronger sex, especially when they want to become fathers. And in general, for any adult, such pills are a good and simply mandatory help for strengthening the body.

In what other cases will these tablets be indispensable? extremely necessary. What is its use? She provides correct speed growth and development of the expected baby. You can’t do without this substance cell division cells, including blood cells. But the most valuable thing is that folic acid is very necessary in the early stages of pregnancy. Moreover, many experts advise taking it already when you are just planning to have a baby. So to speak, it is better to start strengthening your body in advance, because with a lack of vitamin B9 there will be much more high danger the appearance of a variety of congenital defects in the fetus.

Many experiments by scientists have proven that folic acid is a strong barrier that protects against abnormalities in the development of the fetus’s neural tube, which threaten many pathologies, such as prematurity and malnutrition. And the latter is nothing more than a disorder (and a chronic one) of nutrition and digestion in general in young children. They begin to develop exhaustion, their immunity drops greatly, and many vital functions are impaired. important functions young body.

Therefore, you need to take your pregnancy very seriously! And then the baby will be born strong and healthy.

Growing in the garden

Of course, vitamin B9 can be consumed without going to the pharmacy, because it often grows in our garden. The same spinach is rich in it. Don't forget about seeds, soybeans, beans, asparagus, cabbage and even peanuts.

Most of all, yeast and liver are saturated with it, both animals and birds. Herbs that are good in this regard are: basil, rosemary, parsley and other herbs. Include all this in your diet, if not daily, but at least once a week.

True, in order to provide yourself with the necessary amount of vitamins per day, you will have to consume literally kilograms of vegetables. Yes, and it can cost a pretty penny today. Pharmacies always have folic acid. Its price is low, as mentioned above.

In some countries, by the way, a law has been passed on the mandatory fortification of flour products and bread with folic acid.

From the very first days

But, you say, if the products themselves contain natural B9, then why and how much should you drink pharmaceutical folic acid during pregnancy? This must be done because during the preparation of lunches, part of the vitamin is destroyed. In addition, the range of foods rich in folic acid in our diet is not so large. And even if you have super-nutritious food, it still will not cover the body’s normal needs for B9. And the availability of this substance natural origin small when compared with those tablets sold in pharmacies.

Many people take the drug “Folic acid” during pregnancy. Reviews about it are only positive. It is advisable for any expectant mother to take B9 for preventive purposes (up to 12 weeks inclusive). And for some, based on test results, “loading” doses are prescribed. The main thing is that all your actions should be directed by doctors, specialists, and not by an acquaintance, friend or even relatives.

What is the dose?

The question of how much folic acid to drink during pregnancy is decided by the gynecologist. The daily norm has now been established for those women who are expecting a child, and this is 0.4 mg. But there are cases - and there are many of them - when the dose can become much larger. For example, this applies to patients whose children have some developmental defects. Also, for those who are already taking other medications, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 4-5 mg (if taken daily). Next, the drug is prescribed based on the results of studying how the baby is formed.

But at the same time, as scientists have found, in any case, an overdose of B9 cannot harm the embryo in its development.

Features of use

So when is the best time to start taking folic acid during pregnancy? How many tablets per day? Women who are serious about the health of their unborn child should take them even before conception, exactly from the moment they want to give birth. Dose per day - 0.4 mg. And then, when pregnancy occurs, there is no need to stop taking it.

Why do you need to immediately go to the pharmacy at the first hint of pregnancy? Because you may miss the most active phase of development in the neural tube embryo. And it ends in the sixth week.

Whether or not to use all the sets of vitamins that the doctor strongly recommends is up to each woman to decide for herself. This is, after all, her own business. But, as we know, not all ladies are obedient, and many are simply frivolous and neglect advice. Others believe that the opinion of experienced pregnant women is more important. And doctors, they say, only need to prescribe more pills.

But deny real facts- means deliberately causing harm not only to yourself personally, but also to the unborn baby. And then you will cry that you didn’t listen to what the gynecologist said.

After all, it’s not at all difficult at the first thought that you are a lady in interesting position, hurry to the clinic. And they will tell you how to take folic acid during pregnancy.


If a woman finds out that she is having a child, she registers with the doctor. And he immediately prescribes her another drug. Because folic acid and vitamin E during pregnancy are the two most necessary things.

And again, some ladies do not want to follow the specialist’s recommendations. For what? Like, they feel great. And doing so is actually very bad.

In general, tocopherol is the second. In the translation of the Greek language, this means the following: “tokos” - birth, and “ferro” - burden, carry. In other words, the drug promotes conception itself, gestation, and even the birth of a baby. This is his triple invaluable mission.

Please note: he is in equally useful for both mothers and their children. It is not enough to know how to take folic acid during pregnancy. I also need this one useful supplement. Which we will now prove.

Visible advantages

We present to doubters a whole list of positive properties of tocopherol. It prevents the danger of miscarriage, and that's the first thing. Then, he takes a significant part in creating the baby’s breathing system. It helps the placenta mature in a timely manner and preserves flexibility blood vessels, prevents blood clots from forming, supports the functioning of hormones, and also promotes the production of prolactin (it is this that “supplies” the mother with milk after the birth of the child). As you can see, the question is not only how much folic acid to drink during pregnancy.

Even without tocopherol, there would be a threat of leg cramps in a pregnant woman. Vitamin E also affects the way her skin, hair and nails look, both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Finally, the drug begins to treat the same dysfunction of female ovaries and more.

One minus

But this is why this important vitamin is always recommended in This is interesting. As it turned out, despite the great advantages, you cannot drink tocopherol for a long time. It has the property of accumulation in tissues (fat). Over time comes an oversupply of this substance, which leads to very adverse event. Before giving birth, a woman’s muscles become overly elastic, and this is not at all necessary at such a crucial moment.

Not yesterday it was proven that a person needs to take only 20 mg of tocopherol per day. But pregnancy is a special case! And here the dosage of the vitamin depends on many things: the condition of the gynecologist’s ward, the results of recent tests. Even the height and weight of the pregnant woman matter. So they usually prescribe this vitamin at 200-400 mg per day.

Rosehip and bran

Pregnant women should also take into account the following: how the doctor prescribed tocopherol for them - alone or together with other microelements.

And the most unexpected thing is that you don’t have to drink vitamin E at all! In some, of course, individual situations and unlike the same folic acid. It is quite possible to receive it simply at the dinner table. Eat eggs more often, don't forget about seeds. Do not give up rosehip decoctions. Cook yourself some buckwheat and oatmeal. There is also a lot of tocopherol in bran and wheat germ.

Be reasonable. Be sure to find out how much folic acid to drink during pregnancy and exactly how much tocopherol you need. Don't stop caring for yourself and your unborn child. This will allow you to give birth to wonderful babies and experience the true happiness of motherhood.