Restoration of brain cells. Is it true that nerve cells cannot be restored? How can nerve cells be restored?

Despite the fact that neurogenesis was considered science fiction for a long time, and biologists unanimously argued that it was impossible to restore lost neurons, in reality this turned out to be not at all the case. A person just needs to stick to healthy habits in his life.

Neurogenesis is a complex process in which the human brain creates new neurons and their connections.

To an ordinary person, at first glance, the process described above may seem too difficult to understand. Just yesterday, scientists from all over the world put forward the thesis that in old age the human brain loses its neurons: they split and this process is irreversible.

Moreover, it was assumed that injury or alcohol abuse doomed a person to an inevitable loss of mental flexibility (agility and brain activity), which characterizes a healthy person adhering to healthy habits.

But today a step has already been taken towards the word that gives us hope: and this word is - neuroplasticity.

Yes, it is absolutely true that our brain changes with age, that damage and bad habits (alcohol, tobacco) harm it. But the brain has the ability to regenerate; it can again create nerve tissue and bridge connections between them.

But in order for this amazing action to happen, a person must act, be active and stimulate the natural abilities of his brain in every possible way.

  • everything you do and think about reorganizes your brain
  • the human brain weighs only a kilogram and a half, and at the same time consumes almost 20% of all energy available in the body
  • everything we do - read, study, or even just talk to someone - causes amazing changes in the structure of the brain. That is, absolutely everything we do and think is beneficial
  • If our daily life is filled with stress or anxiety that literally takes over us, then, as a rule, regions such as the hippocampus (associated with memory) are inevitably affected
  • the brain is like a sculpture that is formed from our emotions, thoughts, actions and daily habits
  • such an internal map requires a huge number of “links”, connections, “bridges” and “highways”, as well as strong impulses that allow us to stay in touch with reality

5 Principles for Stimulating Neurogenesis

1. Exercise

Physical activity and neurogenesis are directly related.

Every time we exercise our body (be it walking, swimming, or working out at the gym), we are oxygenating our brain, meaning we saturate it with oxygen.

In addition to sending cleaner, more oxygenated blood to the brain, it also stimulates the production of endorphins.

Endorphins improve our mood and thus help us fight stress by strengthening many nerve structures.

In other words, any activity that reduces stress promotes neurogenesis. All you have to do is find a suitable type of activity (dancing, walking, cycling, etc.).

2. Flexible mind - strong brain

There are many ways to keep your mind flexible. To do this, you need to try to maintain it in wakefulness mode, then it will be able to quickly “process” all incoming data (which comes from the environment).

This can be achieved through various activities. Leaving aside the above-mentioned physical activities, we note the following:

  • reading - read every day, it maintains your interest and curiosity in everything that happens around you (and in new disciplines, in particular).
  • studying of foreign language.
  • playing a musical instrument.
  • critical perception of things, search for truth.
  • openness of mind, receptivity to everything around you, socialization, travel, discoveries, hobbies.

3. Diet

One of the main enemies of brain health is food rich in saturated fat. Consumption of processed and unnatural foods slows down neurogenesis.

  • It is very important to try to stick to a low-calorie diet. But at the same time, nutrition should be varied and balanced so that there is no nutritional deficiency.
  • Always remember that our brain needs energy, and in the morning, for example, it will be very grateful to us for something sweet.
  • However, it is advisable to provide this glucose to him through a piece of fruit or dark chocolate, a spoonful of honey or a cup of oatmeal...
  • And foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are undoubtedly the most suitable for maintaining and enhancing neurogenesis.

4. Sex helps too

Sex is another great architect of our brain, a natural driver of neurogenesis. Can't guess the reason for this connection? And here's the thing:

  • Sex not only relieves tension and regulates stress, but also provides us with a powerful energy boost that stimulates the parts of the brain responsible for memory.
  • And hormones such as serotonin, dopamine or oxytocin, produced during sexual intimacy with a partner, are beneficial for the creation of new nerve cells.

5. Meditation

The benefits of meditation for our brain are undeniable. The effect is as surprising as it is beautiful:

  • Meditation promotes the development of certain cognitive abilities, namely attention, memory, and concentration.
  • It allows us to better understand reality and correctly direct our anxieties and manage stress.
  • During meditation, our brain works in a different rhythm: it produces higher alpha waves, which gradually generate gamma waves.
  • This type of wave promotes relaxation while stimulating neurogenesis and neural communication.

Although meditation does take some learning (it will take some time), make sure to do it as it is a wonderful gift for your mind and overall well-being.

In conclusion, we note that all these 5 principles that we talked about are actually not at all as complex as one might expect. Try to put them into practice and take care of the health of your brain.

Be calm with

The nervous system is the most complex and little studied part of our body. It consists of 100 billion cells - neurons, and glial cells, of which there are approximately 30 times more. To date, scientists have only been able to study 5% of nerve cells. All the rest are still a mystery that doctors are trying to solve by any means.

Neuron: structure and functions

The neuron is the main structural element of the nervous system, which evolved from neurofector cells. The function of nerve cells is to respond to stimuli by contracting. These are cells that are capable of transmitting information using electrical impulses, chemical and mechanical means.

The neurons behind the executive functions are motor, sensory and intermediate. Sensory nerve cells transmit information from receptors to the brain, motor cells - to muscle tissue. Intermediate neurons are capable of performing both functions.

Anatomically, neurons consist of a body and two types of processes - axons and dendrites. There are often several dendrites, their function is to capture signals from other neurons and create connections between neurons. Axons are designed to transmit the same signal to other nerve cells. On the outside, neurons are covered with a special sheath made of a special protein – myelin. It is prone to self-renewal throughout human life.

What does it look like transmission of the same nerve impulse? Let's imagine that you put your hand on the hot handle of a frying pan. At that moment, the receptors located in the muscle tissue of the fingers react. Using impulses, they send information to the main brain. There, the information is “digested” and a response is formed, which is sent back to the muscles, subjectively manifested by a burning sensation.

Neurons, do they recover?

Even in childhood, our mother told us: take care of the nervous system, the cells do not regenerate. Then such a phrase sounded somewhat frightening. If the cells are not restored, what to do? How to protect yourself from their death? Modern science should answer such questions. In general, not everything is so bad and scary. The entire body has great recovery capabilities, why can’t nerve cells. After all, after traumatic brain injuries, strokes, when there is significant damage to brain tissue, it somehow regains its lost functions. Accordingly, something happens in nerve cells.

Even at conception, the death of nerve cells is “programmed” in the body. Some studies suggest death 1% neurons per year. In this case, within 20 years, the brain would wear out to the point where a person would be unable to do the simplest things. But this does not happen, and the brain is able to function fully into old age.

First, scientists conducted a study on the restoration of nerve cells in animals. After damage to the brain in mammals, it turned out that the existing nerve cells were divided in half, and two full-fledged neurons were formed, and as a result, brain functions were restored. True, such abilities were discovered only in young animals. In older mammals, cell enlargement did not occur. Subsequently, experiments were carried out on mice; they were released into a big city, thereby forcing them to look for a way out. And they noticed an interesting thing: the number of nerve cells in the experimental mice increased, unlike those that lived under normal conditions.

In all tissues of the body, repair occurs by dividing existing cells. After conducting research on the neuron, doctors firmly stated: the nerve cell does not divide. However, this doesn't mean anything. New cells can be formed through neurogenesis, which begins in the prenatal period and continues throughout life. Neurogenesis is the synthesis of new nerve cells from precursors - stem cells, which subsequently migrate, differentiate and turn into mature neurons. The first report of such restoration of nerve cells appeared back in 1962. But it was not supported by anything, and therefore had no meaning.

About twenty years ago, new research showed that neurogenesis exists in the brain. In birds that began to sing a lot in the spring, the number of nerve cells doubled. After the singing period ended, the number of neurons decreased again. It was later proven that neurogenesis can only occur in certain areas of the brain. One of them is the area around the ventricles. The second is the hippocampus, located near the lateral ventricle of the brain, and is responsible for memory, thinking and emotions. Therefore, the ability to remember and reflect changes throughout life due to the influence of various factors.

As can be seen from the above, although 95% of the brain has not yet been studied, there are enough facts confirming that nerve cells are restored.

Thanks to many scientific studies, it has been established that human nerve cells are able to recover. The decrease in their activity with age is not due to the fact that areas in the brain die off. Basically, these processes are associated with the depletion of dendrites, which are involved in the processes of activation of intercellular impulses. The article will discuss ways to restore nerve cells in the human brain.

Features of the cells in question

The entire human nervous system consists of two types of cells:

  • neurons that transmit basic impulses;
  • glial cells, which create optimal conditions for the full functioning of neurons, protect them, etc.

The sizes of neurons vary from 4 to 150 microns. They consist of a main body - a dendrite - and many nerve processes - axons. It is thanks to the latter that impulses are transmitted in the human body. There are many more dendrites than axons, and the impulse response extends from them to the very center of the neuron. The processes of neuron formation begin during the period of embryonic development.

All neutrons, in turn, are divided into several types:

  • unipolar. Contain only one axon (found only during embryonic development);
  • bipolar. This group includes neurons of the ear and eyes; they consist of an axon and a dendrite;
  • multipolar ones contain several processes at once. They are the main neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • pseudounipolars are located in the skull and spinal cord.

This cell is covered with a special membrane – neurilemma. All metabolic processes and transmission of impulse reactions occur in it. In addition, each neuron contains cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum. Among the organelles, neurofibril ones can be distinguished.

This cell in the body is responsible for certain processes:

  1. Sensory neurons are located in the ganglia of the peripheral system.
  2. Intercalators take part in transmitting impulses to the neuron.
  3. Motor, located in muscle fibers and endocrine glands.
  4. Auxiliary, act as a barrier and protection for each of the nerve cells.

The main function of all nerve cells is to capture and transmit impulses to the cells of the human body. It is important to note that only about 5-7% of the total number of neurons is included in the work. Everyone else is waiting their turn. Individual cells die every day; this is considered an absolutely normal process. However, can they recover?

Concept of neurogenesis

Neurogenesis is the process of formation of new neuron cells. Its most active phase is intrauterine development, during which the formation of a person occurs.

Not so long ago, all scientists argued that these cells are not able to recover. Previously it was believed that there was a constant number of neurons in the human brain. However, already in the second half of the 20th century, studies began on songbirds and mammals, which proved that there is a separate area in the brain - the hippocampal convolutions. It is in them that a specific microenvironment is found in which the division of neuroblasts (cells formed in front of neurons) occurs. During the division process, about half of them die off (programmed), and the other half are converted into. However, if some of those destined for death survive, then they form synaptic connections between themselves and are characterized by long-term existence. Thus, it has been proven that the processes of regeneration of human nerve cells occur in a special place - between the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus of the brain.

Clinical confirmation of the theory

Today, research in this area is still ongoing, but scientists have already proven many processes of neuronal restoration. Regeneration occurs in several stages:

  • formation of stem cells capable of division (precursors of future neurons);
  • their division to form neuroblasts;
  • movement of the latter to separate areas of the brain, their transformation into neurons and the beginning of functioning.

Scientists have proven that there are special areas in the brain where the precursors of neurons are located.

When nerve cells and areas of the brain are damaged, the process of neurogenesis accelerates. This starts the process of moving “spare” neurons from the subventricular region to the damaged areas, where they turn into neurons or glia. This process can be regulated with the help of special hormonal drugs, cytokines, stressful situations, electrophysiological activity, etc.

How to restore brain cells

Dying occurs due to weakening of the connection between them (thinning of the dendrites). In order to stop this process, doctors recommend the following:

  • Healthy food. It is necessary to enrich your diet with vitamins and beneficial microelements that improve reaction and concentration;
  • actively engage in sports. Light physical exercise helps improve blood circulation in the body, improve coordination of movements and activate areas of the brain;
  • do brain exercises. In this case, it is recommended to solve crossword puzzles more often, solve puzzles or play games that help train nerve cells (chess, cards, etc.);
  • load the brain more with new information;
  • avoid stress and nervous disorders.

It is imperative to ensure that periods of rest and activity alternate correctly (sleep at least 8-9 hours) and always have a positive attitude.

Neuron restoration products

In this case, you can use both medications and folk remedies. In the first case, we are talking about and, which are directly involved in the processes of neuronal regeneration. Medicines to relieve stress and nervous tension (sedative) are also prescribed.

Among the folk methods, decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants (arnica, celandine, hawthorn, motherwort, etc.) are used. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor before use to reduce the risk of developing negative consequences.

Another excellent way to restore neurons is the presence of the hormone of happiness in the body.

Therefore, it is worth bringing more joyful events into your daily life, and then problems with brain disorders can be avoided.

Scientists continue to work on research in this area. Today they are trying to find a unique opportunity to transplant neurons. However, this technique has not yet been proven and requires many clinical trials.


Thanks to many scientific studies, it has been proven that the human cells in question are capable of recovery. Proper nutrition and lifestyle play a very important role in this process. Therefore, in order not to face problems of memory loss, etc. in old age, it is necessary to take care of your health from a young age.

Until they finally reach a critical number. That's when senility sets in.

People who support this belief try with all their might to avoid stress, and therefore any changes in life, be it a job change, moving, an unplanned trip or a second education. And in vain. Because nerve cells in an adult are restored. But this requires certain conditions.

Neurogenesis, or the formation of new nerve cells, occurs in adults in the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain responsible for memory. It is believed that new neurons may also appear in the area responsible for planning, decision-making and volitional acts - the prefrontal cortex. This revolutionary discovery disproved the previous theory that the adult brain is only capable of forming new connections between existing nerve cells. And it immediately created the ground for commercial speculation.

Actovegin, Cortexin, Cerebrolysin - all these drugs are very popular in Russia and for some reason are unknown to anyone outside its borders. Manufacturers claim that these drugs help the formation of new nerve cells in the place of those killed by a stroke, injury or other disease. They cite as evidence two and a half studies done “on the knee” and “the invaluable experience of many thousands of doctors and patients.” In fact, all these drugs are just marketing fluff. They do not and cannot lead to the emergence of new neurons. Despite this, the drugs listed above continue to be actively prescribed by doctors and used by patients. And the trouble is not even in the use of “bullshit”, but in the fact that many do not suspect that the brain can actually create new nerve cells.

Enriched environment

The researchers placed one group of mice in an empty cage, adding only the essentials - water, food and straw bedding. And another group of rodents were sent to all-inclusive cages with hanging swings, a wheel, mazes and other interesting things. After some time, it turned out that the brains of mice from the first group remained unchanged. But in rodents, new neurons began to appear from “all-inclusive” cells. Moreover, neurogenesis was most active in those mice that spun a wheel with their paws every day, that is, they were physically active.

What does an enriched environment mean for a person? This is not only a “change of scenery”, trips and travel. To novelty must necessarily be added complexity, that is, the need to explore and adapt. New people are also part of an enriched environment, and communicating with them and establishing social connections also helps the emergence of new nerve cells in the brain.

Physical activity

Any regular physical activity, be it cleaning the house or cycling in the park, stimulates the formation of new nerve cells. The brain is a “zealous housewife.” The appearance of new neurons in it will occur only when it is justified, namely, in an unfamiliar environment and provided that the person is determined to survive, that is, he moves and explores, and does not lie down and indulge in melancholic thoughts.

Therefore, movement is an excellent cure for stress. Physical activity neutralizes the effect of the stress hormone cortisol (it causes the death of nerve cells) and brings a person confidence, calmness and new ideas for overcoming a difficult life situation.

The work of intelligence

Research shows that training is another effective way to increase the number of nerve cells in the brain. However, studying does not mean learning something, and this is of fundamental importance for the emergence of new nerve cells.

When a person begins to learn a new skill, the survival rate of neurons in the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory increases. Yes, nerve cells die not only from stress. Remembering, gaining new experience is associated with the opposite process - forgetting, eliminating unnecessary information. For this purpose, the brain “turns off” old neurons from working. This is a natural cycle that occurs even when a person is calm, content with life and happy. Learning new things helps old neurons survive, but has no effect on the emergence of new ones. In order for new nerve cells to appear, a person needs to use the acquired knowledge in practice and repeat the information received.

Therefore, for the appearance of new nerve cells, it is not enough just to attend a sketching master class. You will need to draw something regularly using the knowledge you have acquired. It is optimal to combine this activity with walks in nature: physical activity combined with training gives the best results.


The phenomenon of the appearance of new nerve cells in adults was unexpectedly discovered by researchers in those patients who took... antidepressants! It turned out that patients forced to take these drugs not only began to better cope with stress, but also found an improvement in short-term memory. However, to obtain such encouraging results, the experiments required long-term antidepressant therapy. While the “treatment” of physical activity in combination with an enriched environment worked much faster.

Some researchers suggest that depression is not based on a deficiency of serotonin and other neurotransmitters, as is commonly believed in the scientific community today. As a person with depression recovers, they find an increase in the number of neurons in the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory. This may mean that the death of nerve cells is the cause of depression. This means that treatment options are expanding (it is also possible that manufacturers of “bullshit” drugs will join this area of ​​research and begin to recommend treating depression with them).


Researchers suggest that psychotherapy may have a beneficial effect on the number of neurons in the brain. This is due to the fact that a person learns to actively resist stress, and it is also assumed that psychotherapy is the same enriched social environment that makes it possible to “pump up” the brain thanks to the factors of novelty and complexity mentioned above.

People who experienced psychological or physical abuse and then developed post-traumatic stress disorder showed decreased hippocampal volume. They experienced massive death of nerve cells in this area. The researchers suggested that it was possible to prevent the problem. Experimental data have shown: if within a month after a traumatic exposure the victim works with a psychotherapist, there is no decrease in the volume of the hippocampus. Then the “magic window” closes, and although psychotherapy further helps the patient, it does not affect the death of nerve cells in the brain. This is associated with the mechanisms of formation of long-term memory: after its traces are formed, the “casket” with the traumatic experience experienced “slams shut” and it becomes almost impossible to influence these memories and the started process of death of nerve cells. All that remains is to work with what we have – the patient’s emotions.

The appearance of new neurons and an increase in the number of connections between them in adults is the secret to a happy old age while maintaining normal intelligence. Therefore, you should not believe that nerve cells are not restored, which means you have to live with what is left of the brain after the numerous stresses that we are exposed to every day. It is much wiser to consciously work on increasing the number of your own nerve cells. Fortunately, you don’t need mandrake root or unicorn tears for this.