Conditions ensuring the normal development of the child. Basic conditions for normal mental development (according to A.R.

We can identify the main 4 conditions necessary for the normal development of a child, formulated by A.R. Luria.

The first most important condition- “normal functioning of the brain and its cortex”; in the presence of pathological conditions arising as a result of various pathogenic influences, the normal ratio of irritable and inhibitory processes is disrupted, and the implementation of complex forms of analysis and synthesis of incoming information is difficult; the interaction between brain blocks responsible for various aspects of human mental activity is disrupted.

Second condition- “the normal physical development of the child and the associated preservation of normal performance, normal tone of nervous processes.”

Third condition- “preservation of the sense organs that ensure the child’s normal communication with the outside world.”

Fourth condition- systematic and consistent education of the child in the family, in kindergarten and in secondary school.

19. Causes of deviations in mental development.

divided by endogenous (hereditary) And exogenous (environmental).

During the period of intrauterine development, the fetus can be affected by diseases of the mother (viral infections, rubella, toxoplasmosis, etc. Etiological factors also include cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, toxicosis of pregnancy, immunological incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus, emotional stress, overheating, hypothermia, the effects of vibration, radiation, certain medications, use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc. during pregnancy. Birth injuries and asphyxia can also cause developmental abnormalities in early childhood.

socio-psychological determination. Separation of a child from his mother, lack of emotional warmth, a sensory-poor environment, callous and cruel treatment can act as causes of various disorders of psychogenesis.

20. Cause-and-effect relationships between pathogenic factors and impaired development.

There is a complex nature of the relationship between the etiological factor and deviant development. Clinical studies show that the same cause sometimes leads to completely different developmental disorders. pathogenic conditions that differ in nature can cause the same forms of disorders. The final effect of the pathogenic factor, that is, the specific form of impaired development, will depend not only on it itself, but also on various combinations of mediating variables. These variables include the predominant localization of the harmful effect, the influence of which is most often selective, as a result of which a variety of structures, organs and systems may be affected.

The strength of the pathogenic factor directly determines its final effect, the severity of a particular disorder. In addition to the above, a very significant variable is exposure and duration of exposure. Even if the adverse effect is short-term and fairly weak, if it is repeated frequently, a cumulative effect is likely that can lead to serious developmental disorders.

The smaller the child, the worse the possible consequences of various harms for him.

The final effect of destructive conditions is largely determined by how quickly and effectively the victim will be provided with qualified assistance, including psychological and pedagogical assistance. A pathogenic effect, as a rule, does not lead to the formation of the phenomenon of impaired development itself, but only to the appearance of anatomical and physiological prerequisites - relatively stable disorders of the central nervous system.

Under to compensation refers to the process of compensation for underdeveloped or impaired functions by using preserved or restructuring partially impaired ones.

Functional systems have high plasticity and the ability to be rebuilt. It is this ability that underlies the mechanisms of compensation for restructuring.

Traditionally, there are two types of restructuring of impaired functions - intrasystem and intersystem.

Compensatory processes occur under constant control and with the participation of higher nervous activity; they go through several phases (stages).

The first phase is the detection of one or another disturbance in the functioning of the body.

The second phase is assessing the parameters of the disorder, its location and depth (severity).

The third phase is the formation of a program for the sequence and composition of compensatory processes and mobilization of the individual’s neuropsychic resources.

The inclusion of this program necessarily requires tracking the process of its implementation - the content of the fourth phase.

the fifth, final phase is associated with stopping the compensatory mechanism and consolidating its results.

Compensatory processes, unfolding over time, are carried out at different levels of their organization. Usually there are four such levels.

First - biological or bodily level.

Second - psychological level significantly expands the capabilities of compensatory mechanisms, overcoming the limitations of the first.

Third - social. The content of this level is associated with the macrosocial scale of human existence.

Rehabilitation is defined as “a system of state, socio-economic, medical, professional, pedagogical, psychological and other measures aimed at preventing the development of pathological processes leading to temporary or permanent loss of ability to work, at the effective and early return of sick and disabled people (children and adults) to society and to socially useful work.

Habilitation literally translated - granting rights. activities should be understood as a system of early intervention in the child’s development process in order to achieve his maximum adaptability to the external conditions of existence, taking into account the individual characteristics of existing disorders.

Correction- the process of correcting certain impaired functions. Correction is always a certain influence on a person in order to correct something; it is an external process in relation to the individual, as opposed to compensation.

22. Classifications of children with mental retardation.

Children with mental retardation are children with special needs in psychophysical development.

Classification of children with OPFR:

- Children with sensory impairments (hearing, vision).

Children with speech disorders.

Children with musculoskeletal disorders.

Children with intellectual disabilities.

Children with complex disabilities.

Children with distorted development.

Children with disabilities who, as a result of mental and physical disabilities, have learning difficulties: deaf children and the hard of hearing; blind and visually impaired; children with mental retardation; mentally retarded children; autistic children; children with severe speech impairments, with musculoskeletal disorders, with complex (combined) disorders, etc.

Children with OPFR (features of psychophysical development) are divided into the following categories:

Children with learning difficulties

Disabled children

Children studying in integration classes

Children in need of psychological and pedagogical assistance.

Child development conditions
» what influences the formation of personality.

The mental development of a child is a complex process, which is based on a species-specific and genetic program that is implemented under conditions of constant change in environmental factors. Mental development is closely related to the biological properties of the body, its hereditary and constitutional characteristics, congenital and acquired qualities, the gradual formation of the structure and function of various parts of the central nervous system.

Normal mental development, namely the conditions for the development of a child, has strictly defined stages that the child must go through. If some stage is not passed properly, then in the future the human psyche will not compensate for this loss, and development will follow a flawed pattern. All stages of human mental development have their own characteristics.

The foundations of mental activity are laid in the first year of life. The perception of various stimuli and contact with the outside world are of great importance for an infant. There is an opinion that at this time the so-called primary training occurs. If the child does not receive enough information at this stage, further mastery of skills becomes noticeably more difficult. And this, naturally, affects the development of the child in a certain way. However, this does not mean that it is necessary to force the child’s mental development.

In the first year of life, the child is very closely connected with the mother. Which is quite natural. But this connection should be, so to speak, very dosed. The mother should be close to the child, this is normal conditions for the child’s development, but at the same time not interfere with his free development. Indeed, in the first year of life, a child will have to go through the longest, most intense and most difficult path of learning about the world around him. During this period, he gradually develops a greater craving for freedom, but at the same time, the baby still really needs the closeness of his mother. Striving for separation, he constantly returns back.

There are prerequisites for normal mental development. They are determined by various factors: body size and shape, growth and maturation rates, health status and many others. The embryo and fetus are particularly sensitive to the influence of these factors.

There are some known causes of serious disturbances in the development of the embryo and fetus, conditions for the development of the child, namely: incorrect division of chromosomes, placental insufficiency, viral and primary infectious diseases of the fetus, metabolic disorders resulting from maternal diseases, Rh conflict, the influence of ionizing agents. rays, the influence of certain medications, toxic drugs, which directly affects the psychosomatic development of the child in the future.

The reality surrounding him (family, social and living conditions, etc.) can be considered a condition for the mental development of a child. Conditions are determined by social and biological factors. What is meant by the term social factors is associated with the direct influences to which the organism is exposed during development (from birth to full maturity) and on which the implementation of heredity depends.

Factors are permanent circumstances that cause stable changes in a particular characteristic. In the context we are considering, we must determine the types of influences that influence the occurrence of various deviations in the psychophysical and personal-social development of a person.

But first, let's look at the conditions for normal child development.

We can identify the main 4 conditions necessary for the normal development of a child, formulated by G.M. Dulnev and A.R. Luria.

The first most important condition is “normal functioning of the brain and its cortex”; in the presence of pathological conditions arising as a result of various pathogenic influences, the normal ratio of irritable and inhibitory processes is disrupted, and the implementation of complex forms of analysis and synthesis of incoming information is difficult; the interaction between brain blocks responsible for various aspects of human mental activity is disrupted.

The second condition is “the normal physical development of the child and the associated preservation of normal performance, normal tone of nervous processes.”

The third condition is “preservation of the sense organs that ensure the child’s normal communication with the outside world.”

The fourth condition is systematic and consistent education of the child in the family, in kindergarten and in secondary school.

The analysis of the psychophysical and social health of children, carried out regularly by various services (medical, psychological, educational, social), shows a progressive increase in the number of children and adolescents with various developmental disabilities; healthy children in all parameters of development are becoming fewer and fewer. According to various services, from 11 to 70% of the total child population at different stages of their development, to one degree or another, need special psychological help.

The main dichotomy (division into two parts) traditionally goes along the line or congenitality (heritability (FOOTNOTE: Heredity is the property of living matter to transmit to the offspring the signs and developmental features of the parents, including hereditary diseases or specific weaknesses of the body in the form of a predisposition to certain diseases) which - characteristics of the body, or their acquisition as a result of environmental influences on the body. On the one hand, this is the theory of preformation (predetermined and predetermined psychosocial development of a person) with the defense of the rights of the child as an active creator of his own development, ensured by nature and heredity (represented, in particular). , in the works of the 18th-century French philosopher and humanist J. J. Rousseau), on the other hand, the idea of ​​the child as a “blank slate” - “tabula rasa”, formulated by the English philosopher of the 17th century. any records.

Sunyaeva Daria Olegovna
Conditions that determine the development of a child’s speech

Terms, determining the development of a child’s speech

In order for the speech process development children proceeded in a timely and correct manner, necessary certain conditions. So, child must be mentally and physically healthy, have normal mental abilities, have normal hearing and vision; have sufficient mental activity, the need for verbal communication, and also have a full-fledged speech environment. Normal (timely and correct) speech child development allows him to constantly assimilate new concepts, expand his stock of knowledge and ideas about the environment. Thus, speech, her development are most closely related to development of thinking.

In the practice of working with young children, numerous techniques have been developed with which adults help child master speech faster and more perfectly, enrich your vocabulary, develop correct speech. Undoubtedly, the role of the most important adults, with condition of raising a child in a family, his parents play. In this case, the main responsibility for speech child development falls squarely on them.

In this section, we discuss the basic techniques and techniques that ensure speech child development.

Mandatory conversation with child from the very first days of his life is the first and most important condition and method of speech development. Any communication with child or action must be accompanied by speech. In a family, the baby is naturally provided with an individual approach, since most of the time he is alone and the attention of the whole family is paid to him. Of particular importance is the speech of the mother, who baby is a source of life, love, affection, positive emotional and purely intimate experiences. Speech from the mother’s lips, in this regard, is perceived as especially effective.

But the most favorable conditions of speech perception and development young children are created through a combination of family and social education.

Residence baby in a children's team, in a group, has a unique effect on children's speech development. Child communicates with children in class, shares his impressions with them and finds in them an appropriate understanding of him speeches, sympathy for his interests, promotion of his activity. All this mobilizes child for the further development of his speech. The influence of the children's team on speech development can be attributed to what is called language self-learning.

For successful speech development For children, it seems very important to influence not only hearing, but also vision and touch. Child must not only hear the adult, but also see the face of the speaker. Children seem to read speech from their faces and, imitating adults, begin to pronounce words themselves. For development understanding it is desirable that child not only saw the object in question, but also received it in his hands.

Storytelling is one of the techniques development of children's speech, children really like it. They tell children short works that are simple and easy to understand, they also tell fairy tales, and read poems. For children to better understand them, it is recommended to recite poems, stories and fairy tales by heart. It is necessary that children, while listening to the storyteller, sit comfortably around him and clearly see his face. And the narrator himself must see the children, observe the impression of the story, the children’s reaction. Nothing should stop children from listening.

Good welcome speech development is to look at pictures, since speech becomes clearer and more accessible to understanding. That is why it is good to accompany the story by showing pictures and talking about the pictures.

One of the best means development of children's speech and thinking

is a game that delivers child's pleasure, joy, and these feelings are a powerful means of stimulating active perception speeches and generating independent speech activity. It is interesting that, even when playing alone, younger children often speak, expressing their thoughts out loud, which in older children proceed silently, to themselves.

Helps a lot speech development and young children's thinking about

playing with toys, when they are not only given toys for independent play, but also shown how to play with them. Such organized games, accompanied by speech, turn into unique little performances that entertain children so much and give them so much development.

Children, from the words of adults, are able to remember and reproduce by heart what they hear. This requires repeated repetition of speech material.

Recitation and singing accompanied by music are also important ways development of children's speech. They are especially successful in memorizing poems and songs, which they then recite and sing.

In addition, means speech development and children's thinking is reading books to children. This captivates children, they like it, and quite early, imitating adults, children themselves begin to look at the book, "read" her, often retelling by heart what they had read. Children sometimes memorize an interesting book in its entirety.

Familiarizing children with the world around them helps development of children's speech and thinking. At the same time, it is important to draw children’s attention to objects and the life around them, and talk with them about it.

So everything the above methods and techniques are mandatory for parents to follow, as they provide versatile conditions for child speech development at all stages of his growing up

One of the important factors speech development is development fine motor skills in children. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the formation of oral the child's speech begins then, when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. In other words, the formation speeches occurs under the influence of impulses coming from the hands. Electrophysiological studies have found that when child makes rhythmic movements with his fingers, his coordinated activity of the frontal muscles sharply increases (motor speech area) and temporal (sensory area) parts of the brain, that is, speech areas are formed under the influence of impulses coming from the fingers. For determining the level of speech development children of the first years of life the following has been developed method: baby They are asked to show one finger, two fingers, three, etc. Children who succeed in isolated finger movements are talking children. Until finger movements become free, speech development and, therefore, thinking cannot be achieved.

This is also important for timely speech development, and - especially - in cases where it is development is disrupted. In addition, it has been proven that both thought and eye baby move at the same speed as the hand. This means that systematic exercises to train finger movements are a powerful means of increasing brain performance. Research results show that the level speech development in children is always directly dependent on the degree development subtle movements of the fingers. Imperfect fine motor coordination of the hands and fingers makes it difficult to master writing and a number of other educational and work skills.

So, speech is improved under the influence of kinetic impulses from the hands, or more precisely, from the fingers. Typically a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills, can reason logically, he is quite good at developed memory, attention, coherent speech.

The speaker's muscular sensations from the movements of his articulatory organs are "matter of language" in her subjective perception; orally speeches In addition to muscle sensations, auditory sensations are added, which are present in the form of ideas (images) and at talking to yourself(internal speeches) . Child who has learned to perceive this or that complex of sounds as a word, that is, who has understood it as a sign certain phenomena of reality, remembers auditory and muscle sensations from a given word. Since child does not yet know how to control his articulatory apparatus, first he learns to hear the word (speech, and then pronounce it. However, the auditory image of the word and its "muscular" image of baby are created simultaneously; another thing is that "muscular" the image of a word can be very inaccurate at first. It is known that children of the third and even fourth year of life, who do not know how to correctly pronounce certain words, nevertheless have their correct auditory images and notice when adults distort these words. Therefore, the sensory basis speeches for every person - this is his sensations: auditory and muscular (speech motor). According to physiologists, it is speech movements, "giving away" in the brain, make the brain work (certain parts of it) as an organ speeches. That's why baby need to learn to articulate sounds speeches, modulate prosodemes, i.e. we need to help him learn "the matter of language", otherwise he will not be able to learn speech. This is a pattern. It was already said above that the components of the articulatory apparatus are the tongue, lips, teeth, vocal cords, lungs, and when mastering written language speech - hand, fingers of a writing hand. But it should be noted that the fingers are not only a writing organ. speeches, but also influence oral speech development. It turns out that this role of the fingers was known (unconsciously understood) a very long time ago to talented people from the people who, in time immemorial, created such children's nursery rhymes as "Okay", "Magpie" etc., in which the mother, nanny makes her fingers work baby(“I gave it to this, I gave it to this one”, - she says, starting to finger the baby’s fingers). Experiments carried out by physiologists in recent years have confirmed the role of fingers baby as a speech motor organ and explained the reason for this phenomenon.

This is how M. M. Koltsova describes what was done by the staff of the Laboratory of Higher Nervous Activity baby at the Institute of Physiology of Children and Adolescents of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Russian Federation, an experiment with children aged 10 months to 1 year 3 months with a delay speech development. Based on the situation that in the process speeches muscle sensations from the work of the speech apparatus play a large role; experimenters suggested that children with delayed speech development, you can help if you strengthen the training of their speech apparatus. To do this, you need to challenge them to onomatopoeia. It was training, including mainly onomatopoeia, that accelerated speech infant development.

An important role for oral speech development children play with the correct positioning of their breathing. Of course the sounds speeches, prosodemes are formed with a known position of the articulatory organs, but with the indispensable condition: A stream of air coming from the lungs must pass through the articulatory organs. The air stream is primarily intended for breathing; Means, child must learn to breathe and speak at the same time. In the first years of life this is not so easy, and here you should come to the rescue child's teacher with professional knowledge.

Speech Research development twins give grounds to assert that psychological rather than biological factors apparently play a larger role in their lag behind single-born children. At the same time, the above facts allow us to conclude that in the case of twins we can talk not only about quantitative differences, but also about a qualitatively unique way of acquiring speech in comparison with the situation of a single-born child. baby. Application of a communicative approach (research of dialogue, pragmatics, features speeches in various social contexts) to the analysis of verbal interaction in twin children makes it possible to highlight those unique techniques that they develop in order to adapt to conditions twin situation, which ultimately allows them to go through the stages of speech characteristic of single-born children development faster or slower and demonstrate phenomena speeches, not found in single-born peers. Although there are few studies organized in this direction, they deserve closer attention.

Thus, necessary conditions to form the correct child's speech are his good somatic health, normal functioning of the central nervous system, speech motor system, hearing, vision, as well as the early activity of children, the wealth of their direct perceptions, ensuring the maintenance of the child's speeches, as well as a high level of professional skills of teachers and good preparation of parents for the process of education and training. These conditions do not arise on their own, their creation requires a lot of work and perseverance; they need to be constantly maintained.