Sound production p. Disadvantages of pronunciation of individual sounds and techniques for their production

The child first learns those sounds that are easy to pronounce, and sounds that are more complex in terms of articulation appear later. In the first months, the baby pronounces sounds involuntarily. The sounds pronounced by the child during this period are unclear, sometimes they are even absent in his native language, and some of them cannot be reproduced. Children of different nationalities during this period pronounce the same sounds, regardless of what language they subsequently learn. However, then the baby begins to pronounce only those sounds native language, spoken by the people around him.

1-2 months - the child says: “a, e, o, y.”
2 months - he connects these vowels with the consonant “x” (ha, ho, he).
3 months - begins to make sounds similar to the sound “f”, “s”, “v” or the English phoneme “th”.
3-6 months - the sounds made by the baby remain guttural, without the participation of the lips and tongue.
7-12 months - from vowels the sound “a” is most often produced, from consonants mainly the sounds “p, b, m, k, t” and some others. However, these sounds are not yet stable enough and are pronounced only in small sound combinations.
12 months - the child pronounces the vowels a, u, and, some consonants: m, p, b, n, t, d, k, g, and some children pronounce larger number sounds and more clearly, others - less and less clearly.
1-2 years - children quite clearly begin to pronounce such vowel sounds as “a, u, i, o”, but the sounds “s, e” are replaced with the sound “i”; Most children either do not pronounce most consonants at all, or pronounce them incorrectly, replacing them with sounds that are simpler in terms of articulation. A number of hard consonants are replaced by soft ones. This mainly applies to the front-lingual sounds "g, d, s, z" ("dyai" instead of dai, "syanki" instead of sangki). There are also no hissing sounds or sounds like “l, r, r”.
2-3 years - the sounds “p, p, b, b, m, m, f, fi, v, v, t, t, d, d, n, n, s, l, k, k” are pronounced correctly g, g, x, x." Physiological deficiencies - whistling, hissing, "r, r, l." It is possible to replace them with simpler ones or skip these sounds.
3-4 years - the sounds “s, z, c” are replaced with “t, s, z, t.” Hissing sounds may be skipped or replaced by whistling sounds. The sounds “l, r” are either skipped or replaced with “l, th”.
4-5 l. - Almost all speech sounds are pronounced correctly. Exceptions: sounds “ch, ts”, which can be skipped or replaced with “t, s, sch”. The sounds “r, l” may be missing or replaced with “y, r, l”.
5-6 l. - children fully master correct pronunciation.


1. Sound C
The hard sound C appears in children aged 2 - 2.5 years. There may be substitutions С - Сь, interdental or dental pronunciation. By the age of four, children have mastered the pronunciation of the hard sound C (however, substitutions and omissions are possible). By the age of five, as a rule, the pronunciation of the sound S is fixed. Sometimes confusion is observed sounds NW, S-C, S-Sh, etc. In senior preschool age you need to continue to work on clear and precise pronunciation of sound.

2. Sound Z.
The sound Z appears in the second year of life. Basically, the child replaces it with a soft version: Zoya, (Zoya). By the end of the third year the child appears solid sound Z, however, there may be a mixture of articulatory similar sounds: “beetle” - “zyuk”, “Zuby” - “suby”. By the end of the fourth year of life, most children have learned and pronounced sounds correctly.

3. Sound Ts.
The assimilation of the sound C goes through the following intermediate sounds: t-s-s-ts-ts (tiplenok - siplyonok - syplyonok - ttsyplenok - chicken). This system Substitutes are not required for all children. In the third year of life, the child may still lack the hard sound C and be replaced by the sound Tb or Sb (S). By the end of the third year, this sound appears in some children, and by the age of four, it is differentiated and pronounced correctly by the majority of children.

4.Sound Sh.
The hissing sound Ш usually appears in the third year of life. But he is still very unstable. Many children mix it with the whistling C (“suba” instead of “shuba”. Some children at 4-5 years old may experience incorrect formation of the sound: lateral, lower, etc. It is not always clearly differentiated in speech. It can be replaced not only by whistling, but also and the sounds X and F. By the age of 5-6 years, the pronunciation side reaches a fairly high level.

5. Sound Zh
Appears at 2 years 3 months. Some children pronounce it correctly right away, but most replace it with a whistling one: “zouk” instead of “zhuk.” At 3-4 years old, most children learn the correct pronunciation of the sound zh.
By the age of 4-6 years, the sound is usually clear, but sometimes children have difficulty pronouncing words rich in whistling and hissing sounds.

6. Sound [h]
Appears at 2 years 3 months. But some kids replace it with a corresponding hard whistling one: tsasi instead of clock. At the age of 4, most children learn and correctly pronounce the sound h. Difficulties arise when pronouncing words that are full of both hissing and whistling sounds. At 5-6 years old, h is pronounced clearly. But it can be observed mixing black, sch-h. Work is needed to develop phonemic hearing.

7. Sound [sch]
Some children appear at 2 years 3 months. But the majority do not yet pronounce the hissing one, replacing it with a hard whistling one: “senok” instead of puppy, savel instead of sorrel.
At 4-5 years old it can be observed reverse replacement, when the newly appeared sound u is pronounced in those words where its use is inappropriate. By the age of 5-7 years, the absorption of sizzling cabbage soup ends. But there may also be confusion: sch - h, sch - s.

8. Sound [l]
The soft sound "l" appears in the second year of life. At 3 years old, children replace the missing sounds l, ry, r with a soft "l". Sometimes they replace l with the sound th: “boyno” (hurt). By the age of four, the sound l appears, but sometimes children replace it with i or l.” At 5-6 years old, pronunciation improves, but there may be difficulties in using words that are simultaneously saturated with the sounds l and r (laboratory).

9. Sound [r]
The hard sound p appears in children between 2 and 2.5 years old. The process of assimilation of the sound p occurs through the following system of substitutes y-l-l-r-r (fish - fish - liba - lyba). This substitute system is not mandatory for all children. Most children at 4 years old may experience a replacement of the sonorant sound p with th or l. By the end of the fifth year, most children have learned and correctly pronounced the r sound.
Some children are unable to vibrate the tip of their tongue and pronounce r as a guttural or grating (“French”) sound.

Yanson Greta Yurievna,
speech therapist teacher,
MBDOU No. 181 of the city of Rostov-on-Don

Certificate of Publication:

Often the educator and teacher primary classes I have to work with children who have deficiencies in the pronunciation of sounds.

The reasons for pronunciation deficiencies may be different: some people functional character, others are more persistent organic. To identify the causes of the disorder, the child should be referred to specialists: a psychoneurologist, a speech therapist. Their conclusion will help outline ways to eliminate existing pronunciation deficiencies. In progress correctional classes The child will learn to control his speech, oral and written, and gain confidence in success.

Conduct correctional work You need to be in contact with the child’s family. It is necessary to tell parents about the difficulties that children encounter in learning correct pronunciation.

The procedure for correcting pronunciation deficiencies is as follows:

First, the child is taught to distinguish sounds by ear through exercises. Then they pronounce this sound together in words and sentences, emphasizing it in the word with clearer articulation and drawing the child’s attention to the incorrectness of its pronunciation. After this, the correct articulation of sound is shown and taught to perceive it.

By showing and telling the child about the position of the speech organs when pronouncing the sound being practiced, they develop the ability to monitor the position of the speech organs.

If a child has impaired whistling and hissing sounds, then correction begins with whistling sounds. First of all, showing the correct articulation of pronunciation, they say that when pronouncing the sound -s- the lips are stretched in a smile, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the lower front teeth. The exhaled air flows in a long stream through midline tongue and exits into the gap between the teeth.

An explanation of articulation must be carried out in front of a mirror so that the child can see his mistakes and correct them.

In cases where the sound -s- is missed in speech, its production begins with the child producing a long air stream running in the middle of the tongue. To do this, they suggest blowing on the protruding tongue, making sure that it is not caught between the teeth. Once the child has mastered this, you can show how to move the tongue to a lower position behind the lower teeth. The result is a long-lasting air stream running in the middle of the tongue, necessary for the correct pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds. The child's attention is drawn to the teeth, which are visible during blowing, and stretched lips.

The child repeats the correct articulation shown several times, controlling his actions during pauses. If at the next lesson he cannot reproduce the correct articulation, he must be shown again. It is not difficult to introduce the learned sounds into words and sentences.
If a child pronounces the sound -s- with his tongue sticking out or resting it on both rows of teeth, he should be taught to hold his tongue behind his lower teeth when speaking, showing in front of the mirror how ugly the tongue sticks out when speaking. Suggest pronouncing these sounds with clenched teeth in syllables and words.

Setting the sound -z- will not cause difficulties after the sound -s- has been consolidated in words, phrases, and coherent speech. Feeling the vibration of the vocal cords in the larynx with your hand helps to create the sound -з-. With the palm of one hand, the child touches the front of the adult’s neck, and with the other hand he lightly touches his own neck. First, the adult pronounces the sound -s-, then smoothly switches to the sound -z-. The pronunciation of sounds is repeated 2-3 times, after which the child pronounces them himself. The quality of sounds and the nature of vibration of the ligaments are compared.

Sound -ts- complex, it consists of two sounds -t- and -s-, which are pronounced together. In this case, the front part of the tongue is pressed against the front edge of the palate, and the tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth. A stream of air breaks between the tongue and the palate.

The production of the sound -ts- is possible only after the sound -s- is introduced into speech. The child is asked to pronounce the sounds -ts-, -ts-, -ts- (at first slowly, then at a fast pace) or a combination of sounds - -ats-, -ats-. It must be remembered that consolidating the pronunciation of the sound -ts- must begin with closed syllables(ats, ots, uts) and words ending with such syllables (finger, fighter).

The production of hissing sounds begins when the child has mastered the whistling sounds well. They first check whether he can lift the tip of his tongue by upper teeth and whether it can make the tongue wide (spread it out). If these movements make it difficult for the child, then he is taught exercises articulatory gymnastics in order to master individual elements of tongue movements.

The following exercises help develop the necessary movements of the tongue and air stream:
1.Open your mouth slightly, calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce the syllables: five-five-five. Keep your tongue spread out in a calm position while open mouth counting from 1 to 5 or more.
2. Smile, place the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and, as if pronouncing a long sound -f-, blow the cotton wool off the palm of your hand.
3.Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving your tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side.
4. Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your upper lip so that its side edges are pressed together and there is a groove in the middle of your tongue, and blow off the cotton wool placed on the edge of your nose. The air should go through the middle of the tongue.

Having mastered these tongue positions, the child will be able to hold the wide tongue “cupped” behind the upper teeth, which is necessary when pronouncing sibilants.

Sound -w- is formed like the sound -sh-, but with the addition of a voice.

Sound -h- complex, but staging it does not cause difficulties; it is carried out most simply by imitation of correct articulation. The child is shown that at the beginning of the pronunciation of a sound, the wide tip of the tongue is pressed to the palate at the upper incisors, then quickly comes off, thrown away by a strong air stream, leaving wide gap between the palate and the edge of the tongue. The sides of the tongue are always pressed against the upper molars, the lips are extended forward.
The sound -ch- can be formed using the position when pronouncing the sound -t-, moving the tip of the tongue from the upper incisors inwards. It is necessary to show the child where the tongue is and how far it moves back. When the child accurately copies the movements, move his lips forward, pressing on his cheeks while he pronounces the sound -t-, and the sound -ch- will be heard.

Sound -sh- often appears on its own after the sounds -sh-ch- are introduced. In the case of learning to pronounce it, you should invite the child to pronounce the sound -sh-, slightly tightening it while slightly lifting the middle part of the tongue upward (show in front of a mirror), or explain and show that first you need to pronounce -sh-, and then quickly -ch- , so that the sound is -sch-.

After the given whistling and hissing sounds are correctly pronounced in words, sentences and connected texts, the child is taught to distinguish between them. This is important to prevent errors in replacing and mixing letters when writing.

Sound -r- pronounced by a trembling of the tip of a widely spread tongue raised to the front edge of the palate (behind the upper gums). Its lateral edges are tightly pressed to the molars. Under the pressure of a strongly exhaled stream of air, the tip of the tongue, vibrating, hits the edge of the palate. The tongue should be flexible and elastic, its tip should be free, and the exhalation should be strong.

To train the tip of the tongue, the same articulation exercises are used as for the sounds -sh-zh-. In addition to them, you can suggest the following exercises:
1.Open your mouth slightly and click the tip of your tongue, like a horse clicking its hooves.
2.Open your mouth and stroke with the tip of your tongue hard palate, making movements of the tongue back and forth.
3.Open your mouth slightly and use the tip of your tongue to “brush” your upper teeth with inside, making movements with the tongue from side to side.

When making the sound -r-, this technique is used. By repeating the sound -sh-, they ensure that this articulation becomes easy, fast and free. Then ask the child to say before the sound -sh- sound-d-, repeat this combination several times. Repeating the combination -dsh- at a fast pace resembles the sounds -dr-, but without vibration of the tip of the tongue. By strengthening the air stream and then adding the sound -a-, we hear the combination -dra- more clearly. With other vowels the combinations -dro-, -dru-, -dry-, etc. are obtained. Now this combination is introduced into words, for example: firewood, friend. At the same time you can get the combination -tr-. By adding a vowel to it, they introduce it into the words: grass, tractor, labor. By using this sound combination in all words, the child sometimes independently achieves a booming pronunciation of the sound -r-. You can learn to pronounce the sound -r- with vibration of the tip of the tongue as follows. The child is asked to raise his wide tongue behind his upper teeth and pronounce the sound -z- or -zh- for a long time. At this time, the outstretched right index finger the child himself, placed under the tip of the tongue, produce frequent oscillatory movements, causing a rumbling sound to be heard. When the child’s hand gets used to it and the tongue is soft and relaxed, he can independently cause these vibrations.

Correct articulation of the sound -l-: the front edge of the tongue is pressed behind the upper incisors, and middle part it is lowered, the root is raised. The air stream passes forward over the raised root of the tongue to its tip pressed against the upper teeth and, meeting an obstacle, exits on both sides of the tongue in its lowered middle part.

If the sound -l- is missed by the child, it is convenient next way his productions. Show how you can bite the wide tip of your tongue, then open your mouth, leaving the tongue in the same position. When the child has mastered these exercises, offer to pronounce the sound -a- while he lowers his tongue. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times, holding your tongue tighter with your teeth and alternating this movement faster and faster with the sound -a-, pronounced when opening the mouth. At a certain fast pace of the exercise, the syllables -la-la-la will be heard. After this, you need to invite the child to lift his tongue by the upper incisors and, pressing it firmly to the palate, pronounce the syllables -la-la-la, then -ly-ly-ly. Later they offer words starting with the syllables -la, -ly, etc. Sounds are gradually introduced into words, phrases, and independent speech.

If the sound -l- is replaced by the child with the sound -y-, then this can be corrected by teaching him to hold the tip of his tongue up, pressing it firmly against the upper incisors. To ensure that the back of the tongue is lowered and the root is raised, the child is asked to insert the tip of the tongue between the teeth and say protractedly -y-. The child practices until he masters the necessary movements of the tongue. To correct the replacement of the sound -l- with the sound -v-, it is necessary to slow down the movement of the lower lip when pronouncing the sound -l-, and then put the sound in the same way as when skipping -l-. When correct sound will be learned, you need to teach the child to distinguish the sounds -l- and -v- by ear.

In selection speech material it is necessary to maintain consistency in the system of exercises, moving from simpler to increasingly more complex forms speech, from the pronunciation of syllables and words to the pronunciation of sentences and connected texts. First, select words that begin with the sound open first syllable (rama, hand), then - words in which this sound is at the end (ball, choir), and only after this words in which the sound is in the middle (sparrow, magpie). The exception is the sound -ts-. When fixing it, words ending with this sound are taken first.

To fix the sound in oral speech The following types of work can be used:
1.Repetition after the teacher of syllables, sound combinations, words, sentences, connected texts, rich in the sound being studied.
2. Independent naming of words from pictures, coming up with words for a given sound, composing sentences with them, reading words, sentences, small texts.
3. Learning and speaking aloud proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems that include this sound.
4. Retelling what you read, answering questions about a complex picture, independent stories from personal life children.

When correcting pronunciation, especially in the case of replacing some sounds with others, after setting the sounds and their automation, they should be differentiated, i.e. teach to distinguish between a given sound and its former substitute in independent speech, because There are still errors in the pronunciation of this sound. You need to teach your child to pronounce these sounds in comparison: r-l, s-sh, z-zh, ch-ts, etc. To complicate the task, they offer a comparison of sounds in syllables: ra-la, ro-lo, ry-ly, sa-sha, za-zha, etc., then in words: lak-rak, scythe-goat, ears-snake, etc. p.

The next type of exercise is the difference between these sounds in phrases. To teach a child to distinguish the sound being studied in his own speech, you can use the following technique: ask to select pictures depicting objects whose names contain the sound being studied, and repeatedly pronounce the name of the objects.

Marina Prozherina
How to teach a child to pronounce sounds correctly. Consultation with a speech therapist

First of all, it is necessary to clarify which Your child cannot pronounce sounds. Let's consider sounds, which are most often violated when sound pronunciation.

Alone sounds"live" on ground floor, this means that the tongue with their pronouncing located behind the lower teeth. Other sounds"live" on the upper floor, the position of the tongue is behind the upper teeth.

U lower teeth are formed sounds: С – Сь, З – Зь, Ц - this is a group of whistling sounds. The head of their family is sound C. Articulation style (tongue position) with their saying almost the same thing. So, if the child is unclean pronounces S, then they suffer and sounds Z, Ts.

If the child is unwell makes sounds, which form near the lower teeth, most likely the child’s lateral edges and the tip of the tongue are not pronounced, or the tongue is overly tense. To work off a clean sound pronunciations a specialized complex for whistling patients is needed sounds.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics for whistling people sounds


Smile, open your mouth slightly and bite your tongue.


1. Bite the tip of your tongue.

2. Bite the middle of the tongue.

3. Bite your tongue, moving it gradually back and forth.

During the exercise pronounce"ta-ta-ta".

Blowing on the blade

Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide edge of your tongue on your lower lip and calmly blow in the middle of your tongue. Complication: Using the wide tongue lying on the lower lip, you can blow into a bottle, onto a turntable, or into balls.


Smile, sing "and-and-and" (tongue will expand). Without changing the position of your tongue, bite its edges with your side teeth 10-15 times.


Smile, open your mouth. The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth. Curl your tongue and hold it for a count of 5-10.


Smile without tension so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. Hold your lips in this position for a count of 5-10.


Smile, open your mouth, show your teeth. Use the tip of your tongue to brush the inside of your lower teeth.

Articulation should be done together with as a child and as an adult, giving an example of how to perform the movements.

Be sure to do articulation gymnastics in front of a mirror.

You shouldn't do all the exercises at once. It is better to practice several times, performing 2-3 exercises.

Studying with as a child, don’t be upset yourself and don’t upset your baby if he doesn’t copes with the task.

Sounds Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch are called hissing and are combined into one group: they are all formed behind the upper teeth, the position of the tongue is almost the same. Among this group sound Sh is the most important one in their hissing family. If a child cannot cleanly pronounce the sound Ш, then he doesn’t pronounce Zh, Ch, Shch very clearly.

If your child says everything badly sounds living on the top floor, this means that the tongue is pronouncing sluggishly holds on to the upper teeth, has not achieved good mobility of the upper movements. Therefore, special articulation exercises for practicing the upper elevation of the tongue will help solve the problem.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics for hissing sounds


Smile slightly, open your mouth slightly, place the wide edge of your tongue on your upper lip ( "hug" lip with tongue). Hold your tongue upper lip count to 5, put it in your mouth.


Smile, open your mouth and lick your upper lip with your tongue in a cup shape, making movements from top to bottom. You can continue moving and remove your tongue into your mouth without destroying "cup".

Smile, open your mouth wide. Stick out your tongue wide and give it a cup shape. (the edges of the tongue are at upper teeth) .


Smile, open your mouth, show your teeth. Using a wide tongue, brush your upper teeth from the inside.


Place a ball of cotton wool on the tip of your nose. Press a wide, cup-shaped tongue against your upper lip. Blow gently upward and blow the cotton wool off your nose.

Practice daily or every other day in a friendly, playful manner.

Be sure to perform the exercises accurately.

Remember, deadlines to overcome speech disorders depend on the degree of complexity of the defect, on age and individual characteristics child, regularity of classes,

Don’t focus your child’s attention on what he can’t do; it’s better to encourage him.

Parents with disabilities pronunciation, it is useful to study with your child.

Be patient and be sure to complete the course of correction child's pronunciation to the end.

Nurture in child perseverance, independence.

Believe in your child's strength.

Let's be optimistic: the one who walks will master the road!

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“How to teach a child to read poetry with expression.” Consultation for parents“How to teach a child to read poetry with expression.” How to different people read poetry! One - monotonously, sluggishly. Another is highlighting features.

The role of a speech therapist in shaping a child’s speech development Currently, there is a steady increase in the number of children with problems in speech development. Therefore the question integrated approach to correction.

Consultation for parents “Parents are the first teachers for their child” Dear moms and dads! You are the very first teachers for your child. The first family stage of a child’s life, which will have a great impact.

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“First of all, it was necessary to understand at what position of the mouth, lips, and tongue the correct sounds of consonants are created.”


Let's begin to consider the work of correcting the most frequently distorted sounds, dwelling in detail on each of them separately. · ·



Sound "S" - correct articulation:

When pronouncing the sound “s” correctly, the organs of articulation work as follows:

The lips are half-opened, the corners of the mouth are slightly stretched to the sides.

The lower jaw is slightly lowered, the distance between the upper and lower incisors is 1-1.5 mm. The tongue is flattened, spade-shaped, slightly arched upward towards the hard palate.

The sides of the tongue are adjacent from the inside to the upper lateral teeth and at the same time touch the lower teeth. A small depression is formed along the middle longitudinal line of the front part of the back of the tongue. At the upper lateral incisors, contact between the lateral edges of the tongue and the teeth ceases. The front part of the back of the tongue is curved upward and, as it were, tends to the alveoli of the upper teeth. A gap forms between the tongue and the alveoli.

The tip of the tongue is tucked down and touches the lower incisors and partially the alveoli.

The air stream passes through the slot narrowing along the light longitudinal depression created by the tongue, and the sound “s” is formed between the incisors.

When pronouncing a soft “s,” the middle part of the back of the tongue rises upward.

The sound “z” is formed with the same position of the organs of articulation as “s”, only the tongue is less tense and the work is included vocal cords. The tip of the tongue vibrates slightly.

Options for distorting the sound "s".· In live speech, the options for pronouncing this sound are extremely diverse, but when developing stage speech skills, it is usually necessary to eliminate shortcomings, which can be divided into four groups: ·

1. There is a sharply mutilated “DULL SOUND “S”, shades of distortion come in all kinds of character.

2. Hissing "S".

3. Sibilant "S". The sound "s" whistles, this overtone has an irritating effect on the listener, the "s" seems to be mixed with the "ts", in most cases this "s" is weak, "thin".

4. Inaudible, missing "s". Let's consider under what conditions distorted sibilants arise and how they are normalized.

Blunt "s" · Blunt "s" occurs if one of the following cases occurs. ·

1. The tip of the tongue will fall between the front teeth, moving slightly outward, the tongue being flat.

2. The tip of the tongue rests from the inside against the closed teeth; the tongue is also sheet-like and smooth.

In both cases, both the body of the tongue and the tip are in the wrong position. The entire body of the tongue is inert.

3. The lateral edges of the tongue do not fit tightly enough to the lateral teeth, since the tongue is significantly displaced downward compared to what is necessary: ​​it lies on the bottom of the oral cavity and does not bend upward. The tip of the tongue can be bent down. Thus, the tip of the tongue is in the correct position, but the middle and posterior sections of the edges of the tongue are passive.

4. The tongue is raised slightly higher than in the previous case, and its middle and back sides touch the molars. The tip of the tongue lies at the lower teeth. However, there is no or insufficient lifting of the anterior part of the back of the tongue to the alveoli, i.e. the anterior part of the back of the tongue is passive. The resulting sound is perceived as a “toothless” “s”.

5. Top or lower lip, or both together “stick” to the teeth, block the path of the outgoing air stream, with their mass they seem to eat up, absorb the sharpness, sonority of this sound: “s” becomes dark, dull, dull (sometimes inert lips contribute to the appearance of “whispering” ).

Correcting the stupid "s".· 1. With a blunt “s,” the tongue is usually extremely passive, therefore, when mastering correct pronunciation, you should do tongue gymnastics. ·

It is useful, when preparing the apparatus for pronouncing the correct “s,” to use “chewing” of the tongue. Lateral teeth lightly compress the wide elastic tongue, and it resists pressure, as if springing. The tip of the tongue is located at the front incisors, and the sides extend beyond the teeth; the distance between the teeth during maximum - but not painful - pressure on the tongue is 1.2 cm. Then “push” the closed lateral teeth to the sides with your tongue (the tongue springs in the horizontal direction). These exercises train the sensitivity of the lateral edges of the tongue and the controllability of their movements.

2. Having prepared the muscles of the tongue in this way, we master the articulatory setup described above, characteristic of the correct pronunciation of the sound “s”.

We make sure that lower jaw was slightly moved forward compared to the resting position: the lower incisors should be under the upper ones, on the same vertical line with them.

3. Having properly installed the organs of articulation, carefully blow air through a small depression located along the middle longitudinal line of the tongue. ·

The lips should not meet in the path of the air stream passing between the incisors. They diverge slightly up and down, as if they are “opening”, making way for her. When the described conditions are met, a sound is formed that has the obligatory features characteristic of the correct consonant “C”.


During this period, the formation of this sound should be purely mechanical: a certain articulatory structure is created through which the exhaled air stream is blown. If, using a new articulation setting, you start trying to pronounce the correct speech sound“s”, then the newly mastered position of the organs of articulation will be destroyed by the old incorrect skills in pronouncing this consonant.

During the first period of work to correct defective sound pronunciation, the muscle sensations that accompany the work of our articulatory apparatus often deceive us: the actual position of the organs of articulation does not correspond to the apparent position represented. Muscular sensations will only be analyzed accurately by us over time. In connection with the above, articulation training and subsequent work on mastering the correct articulatory setting must necessarily be carried out with a mirror, i.e. The leading role in this work should be given to the visual controller.

“Vision is one of the most important natural habitual regulators in our activities. Due to the anatomical and physical connection visual systems brain with auditory motor, it is an excellent controller that promotes the development of correct musculocutaneous sensation in the articular apparatus. The visual controller not only clarifies, but also enhances the movement,” we read in “Speech Therapy” by M.E. Khvattsev. ("Speech Therapy", 1951, p. 93). Thus, in the work of re-educating speech skills, vision should become our assistant, especially at first. ·

If the correct pronunciation of the sound "s" in isolated form will be mastered, the student can proceed to the next stage of work - the inclusion of the corrected sound in speech.

Difficulties in correcting a blunt “s” and ways to overcome them · Sometimes, when correcting a blunt “s”, a student fails to “find” the desired position of the tongue for quite a long time. He cannot force the body of the tongue to rise upward, he cannot establish contact between the back of the back of the tongue and the molars, and the front part of the back of the tongue does not rise sufficiently towards the alveoli. The laxity of the tongue muscles prevents him from achieving the correct position. ·

In addition, it is often difficult for a student to regard the “s” sound pronounced “in a new way” as mechanical and not related to speech.

Incorrect pronunciation of the C sound is one of the most frequent violations in children during the preschool period. This could be replacing the sound S with Ш (dog - “shabaka”), distorted pronunciation (interdental, predental), etc. You should pay attention to this problem in a timely manner and provide the child with qualified assistance in producing and automating the sound S. Of course, it is best to seek advice from experienced ones. However, parents can and should work with their children at home. If your baby has difficulty pronouncing the sound C correctly, in our article you can get detailed information. advisory assistance sound production S.

Articulatory gymnastics to prepare the speech apparatus for the correct pronunciation of the sound C, the formation of phonemic perception of the sound C

Exercise “Smile”. The lips are closed, alternately stretched in a smile and return to their original position.

Exercise "Fence". Smile so that your upper and lower teeth are visible. Hold this position for 5 seconds.

Exercise "Swing". Smile, open your mouth wide, lift the tip of your tongue up behind the alveoli, and then lower it behind your lower front teeth. Perform the exercise at least 5 – 10 times. While performing the exercise, only the tongue should move; the lower jaw and lips should be kept motionless.

Exercise “Brushing your teeth.” Smile, open your mouth wide and use the tip of your tongue to make circular movements along your teeth (under your lips).

Exercise “Ride on a hill.” Smile, open your mouth wide, lower the tip of your tongue behind the front incisors, raise the back of your tongue high up. Hold the articulation organs in this position for 5-10 seconds.

Isolated pronunciation of the sound C

Sound C will be correct if the lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are closed, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth, a stream of air flows through the middle of the tongue, as a result of which one can feel a sharp cold stream on the back of the hand brought to the mouth. If your child has difficulty imitating your actions and still raises his tongue, use a spatula to hold the tip of the tongue down behind the lower front teeth.

Improving the pronunciation of the sound C in different positions in syllables and words

If the child pronounces the isolated sound correctly, you should move on to consolidating it in syllables and words. Initially, the direct position is used, when a consonant is followed by a vowel sound. Invite your child to repeat the following sequences of syllables: so, sa, sy, su, sa-sa-sa, so-so-so, su-su-su, sy-sy-sy, sa-so-sy, etc. When the baby learns to pronounce the sound C in syllables well, move on to words. Invite your child to repeat the words after you, name what is drawn in the picture, what surrounds him, etc. Examples of words in which the sound C is in a direct position: juice, Sonya, garden, sugar, drying, cheese, etc.

The next stage of work is in intervocalic and reverse positions, in a combination of consonants on the material of syllables and words: asa, oso, usu, ysy, aso, osu, braid, wasp, wheel, as, os, us, ys, kvass, class, ear , pineapple, sva, svo, sla, slu, smy, smu, cook, your own, smog, chair, table, dreams, tablecloth, bench, etc.

Automation of the sound C in different positions in phrases and coherent speech

In order for the child not to think about how to pronounce the sound C correctly, but to feel confident, we gradually give him tasks that allow, on the one hand, to improve this sound, and, on the other hand, to develop grammatical structure language, coherent speech. For this purpose, you can offer your child the following exercises: complete or make sentences based on the picture; choose words with the studied sound C for adjectives; come up with words in which the sound C is in different positions (in the middle, at the beginning, at the end of the word); come up with sentences that contain words with the sound C; retell a story you heard; come up with a story from a set of words; learn a poem, etc.