Su-Jok therapy in the work of a speech therapist. Examples of games

Hello, dear subscribers!
In this article I will tell you about an unconventional method of speech stimulation, in other words, how to use su jok in speech therapy. Undoubtedly, one of the most important indicators mental health the child is speech. She helps the child integrate into society in order to become a full member of it.

The child must be able to summarize and compose a coherent story in order to communicate freely and express his thoughts and feelings. The ability to speak is closely related to motor skills, because their centers are located nearby. As they say, a child's speech is at his fingertips. If the baby speaks poorly, then his fingers are also weak.

Undoubtedly, in lately There are many children with different speech pathologies. And not only that, they have problems with fine motor skills and sensory development. Speech underdevelopment is caused by:

  • communication problems,
  • emotional - volitional disorders,
  • various functional personality disorders,
  • problems with mastering educational material.

We conditionally divide into two types of methods that a speech therapist uses:

  1. Directly affecting the speech apparatus
  2. Acting indirectly, through the formation of sensory and development fine motor skills.

TO last group refers to a Korean invention that has recently begun to gain momentum.

Of course, knowledge about the meaning acupressure for the work of the whole organism have been accumulated since ancient times. Human internal organs and systems have a projection on the surface of the skin in the form of special zones or points, there are especially many of them on the upper and lower limbs. Impact on these zones allows you to activate the work of the corresponding organ, improve its condition and reduce negative manifestations.

A simple and completely harmless system, which was invented by South Korean professor Park Jae-woo. Surely she has no side effects or complications, therefore the use of this technique in classes gives very good result in children with speech disorders varying degrees expressiveness. Not only during the work of a qualified speech therapist - specialist, but also during use by parents at home.

For these purposes, a massager is used in the form of a round box similar to a chestnut. Inside it are two metal springs in the form of a ring, which are put on the fingers and toes. At the same time, pleasant sensations arise, sometimes it tickles, but it doesn’t hurt at all. The surface of the chestnut tree is uneven because it has thorns or pimples. Young patients are better off with the latter, they don’t inject themselves. They can be rolled in your palms, on your cheeks and other parts of the body.

Execution Rules

Of course, to carry out speech therapy exercises with the introduction of sujok effects, special balls will be needed different colors and rings. The uneven surface allows them to be used as effective massagers, as well as a tool for developing hand motor skills. General rules:

  • Of course, the impact should be pleasant and not cause negative reaction in a child;
  • massage is carried out until slightly pink color skin and sensation of warmth;
  • Such classes can only be carried out if the baby feels well and does not have a fever, rash or other manifestations of skin or infectious diseases;
  • You cannot leave the elastic ring on your fingers in one position for a long time, so as not to disrupt the blood supply;
  • Avoid intense movements so as not to injure the delicate skin of the person being massaged.

How to exercise with a chestnut ball

First of all, Su Jok ball and ring games are used to massage fingers and palms. Undoubtedly, you can use both balls and rings in classes. Sujok procedures will become more attractive and enjoyable for children if finger games are accompanied by interesting rhythmic verses.

Examples of games:

  • Ball
    Kids perform the actions mentioned in the poems.

    I roll the ball around in a circle and move it back and forth.
    I stroke and clean my palms, as if I’m sweeping away crumbs from them.

  • Hedgehog
    First, the baby rolls the ball in his palm, then rolls it along each finger.

    The hedgehog was running on his palm, his legs were tired.
    There are needles on the back, oh so prickly.
    The hedgehog is very small and showed us his needles.
    And the needles also look like hedgehogs.

  • Magpie
    A tale about a magpie who cooked porridge. Pronouncing Russian words folk nursery rhyme, first we move along the palm. Then we put a ring on each finger, naming the next guest. We roll it to the base and remove it.
  • Press the ball on the baby's hand, imitating steps, then make the pressure weaker. Increase the impact again and speed up the pace, then press the ball one by one on your fingers.

    The bear was walking, sleepy, and behind her was the bear cub.
    The kids came running and brought books in a basket.
    They began to open books and write on the leaves.

Working on your speech

Undoubtedly, working with grammatical and lexical categories, phonemic hearing, and sound pronunciation is also possible using balls:

  • One is many
    An adult rolls a ball on the table towards a child, while naming the object in singular. The patient catches the ball and rolls it back, converting it to the plural.
  • Big - small
    You can build a game in a similar way if you transform words using diminutive and endearing suffixes. For example, a fox is a fox, a cat is a kitten.
  • Syllabic structure of the word
    At the same time pronounces the word syllable by syllable and spins the ball in accordance with the rhythmic pattern. One movement per syllable. Or tap a given rhythm with a massager. We thread our fingers into the springs, while observing the rule: as many syllables, as many fingers.
  • Phonemic hearing
    Listening to the words that an adult calls, go through as many sound tracks as there are sounds in the word.
  • Fine motor skills
    Write a letter on paper, then ask the children to roll the ball with their palm or fingers along the contour of the letter.
  • Connected speech
    You can let yourself play with balls, developing creativity and imagination.

Exercises with a spring ring

In turn, put on and roll the sujok ring on each finger, while reciting rhymes, nursery rhymes or poems:

family of fingers
The first finger is grandfather, the second finger is grandmother, the third finger is dad, this finger is mom, and the little finger is me, this is my whole family.

For Vasily the eldest - to chop wood, for Styopka - the pointer - to pour water, for Fedka - for the middle one - to light a fire, for Vanka - the orphan - to cook porridge, for little Timoshka - to play the harmonica and amuse his siblings.

This massage, by activating certain zones in the cerebral cortex, stimulates not only speech, but also improves memorization. Undoubtedly, it improves concentration, activates thinking and other cognitive functions, which allows you to improve results and make you more efficient. correctional work speech therapist Of course, parents can also apply the technique themselves at home.

So today you met in an unusual way speech therapy sessions. I hope you found it interesting. As a result, you will begin to use the described techniques for the development of your children. Visit us again and you will learn about the most unusual techniques.

Su-Jock therapy

Massage with a special ball, elastic ring

Since there are many biologically active points in the palm, in an efficient way their stimulation is massage with a special ball. By rolling the ball between their palms, children massage their arm muscles. Each ball has a “magic” ring.

Massage with an elastic ring that helps stimulate work internal organs. Since the entire human body is projected onto the hand and foot, as well as onto each finger and toe, an effective way to prevent and treat diseases is to massage the fingers, hands and feet with an elastic ring. The ring should be put on your finger and the area of ​​the corresponding affected part of the body should be massaged until it becomes red and a feeling of warmth appears. This procedure must be repeated several times a day.

With the help of “hedgehog” balls with rings, children like to massage their fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby promoting the development of speech.

Manual massage hands and fingers. Massage of the fingers and nail plates of the hands is very useful and effective. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of mini-correspondence systems. Therefore, the fingertips must be massaged until a lasting feeling of warmth is achieved. This has a healing effect on the entire body. It is especially important to influence thumb, responsible for the human head.

Game index

according to Sujok therapy

1. Su-Jock massage with balls (children repeat the words and perform actions with the ball in accordance with the text)

I roll the ball in circles

I drive him back and forth.

I will stroke their palm.

It's like I'm sweeping away crumbs

And I'll squeeze it a little,

How a cat squeezes its paw

I'll press the ball with each finger,

And I'll start with the other hand.

2. Massage the fingers with an elastic ring. /Children alternately put massage rings on each finger, reciting a poem finger gymnastics/

One - two - three - four - five,/extend fingers one at a time/

The fingers went out for a walk,

This finger is the strongest, thickest and largest.

This finger is for showing it.

This finger is the longest and stands in the middle.

This ring finger is the most spoiled one.

And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.

3. Using Su-Jock balls to automate sounds. /the child alternately puts a massage ring on each finger, while reciting a poem to automate the given sound Ш/

On the right hand:

This baby is Ilyusha,(on the thumb)

This baby is Vanyusha,(pointing)

This baby is Alyosha,(average)

This baby is Antosha,(nameless)

And the smaller baby is called Mishutka by his friends.(little finger)

On the left hand:

This little girl is Tanyusha,(on the thumb)

This little girl is Ksyusha,(pointing)

This little girl is Masha,(average)

This little girl is Dasha,(nameless)

And the younger one's name is Natasha.(little finger)

The child rolls the ball between his palms, while reciting a poem to automate the sound J.

A hedgehog walks without paths

Doesn't run from anyone.

From head to toe

A hedgehog covered in needles.

How to take it?

4. The use of Su-Jok balls in improving lexical and grammatical categories

Exercise “One-many” " The teacher rolls the “miracle ball” across the table to the child, naming the object in the singular. The child, having caught the ball with his palm, rolls it back, naming the nouns in the plural.

Similar exercises“Call me kindly”, “Say the opposite”

5. Using Su-Jock balls for memory development and attention

Children follow the instructions: put the ring on the little finger of your right hand, take the ball in right hand and hide behind your back, etc.; the child closes his eyes, the adult puts a ring on any of his fingers, and he must name which finger of which hand the ring is on.

6. Using balls to sound words

To characterize sounds, massage balls of three colors are used: red, blue, green. On the instructions of the speech therapist, the child shows the ball corresponding to the designation of the sound.

7. Using marbles to improve your skills in using prepositions

There is a box on the table, according to the speech therapist’s instructions, the child places the balls accordingly: a red ball - in the box; blue - under the box; green - near the box; Then, on the contrary, the child must describe the adult’s action.

8. Using balls for syllabic analysis of words

Exercise " Divide words into syllables": The child names the syllable and takes one ball from the box, then counts the number of syllables.

9. Take 2 massage balls and pass them over the child’s palms (his hands lie on his knees, palms up), making one movement for each stressed syllable:

Stroke my palms, hedgehog!

You're prickly, so what!

I want to pet you

I want to get along with you.

10. TALE " Hedgehog on a walk»

Exercises with a Su-Jock massager ball

Purpose: to influence biologically active points according to the Su-Jok system, stimulate the speech zones of the cerebral cortex.

Equipment: Su-Jock ball - massager.

Once upon a time there lived a hedgehog in the forest, in his little house - a hole(hold the ball in your palm).

The hedgehog looked out of his hole(open your palms and show the ball)and saw the sun. The hedgehog smiled at the sun(smile, fan out one palm)and decided to take a walk through the forest.

A hedgehog rolled along a straight path(roll the ball with straight movements on your palm),rolled and rolled and came running to a beautiful, round clearing(join palms in the shape of a circle).The hedgehog was happy and began to run and jump across the clearing(hold the ball between your palms)

I started smelling flowers(touch the spines of the ball to the tip of your finger and do deep breath) . Suddenly clouds came running(hold the ball in one fist, in the other, frown), and the rain started dripping: drip-drip-drip(knock the ball's spines with your fingertips in a pinch).

The hedgehog hid under a large fungus (use the palm of your left hand to make a hat and hide the ball along it)and took shelter from the rain, and when the rain stopped, they grew in the clearing different mushrooms: boletuses, boletuses, honey mushrooms, chanterelles and even porcini mushrooms(show fingers).

The hedgehog wanted to make his mother happy, pick mushrooms and take them home, and there are so many of them... how will the hedgehog carry them? Yes, on your back. The hedgehog carefully placed the mushrooms on the needles(prick each fingertip with a ball spike)and ran home happy(Roll out the ball with straight movements across your palm).

11. In the clearing, on the lawn

Bunnies galloped all day long./jump on your palm with a ball/

And rolled on the grass/roll forward - backward/

From the tail to the head.

The hares galloped like this for a long time,/jump on your palm with a ball/

But we jumped and got tired./put the ball on your palm/

Snakes crawled past/lead along the palm/

I began to stroke and caress

The mother hare of all the bunnies. /stroke each finger with a ball/

12. The bear was walking sleepily,/walk the ball along the hand/

And behind her is a bear cub.

And then the kids came/walk the ball along the hand/

They brought books in briefcases.

They began to open books

And write in notebooks.

13. The child rolls the brush between his palms, saying:

“At the pine, at the fir, at the Christmas tree

Very sharp needles.

But even stronger than the spruce forest,

The juniper will prick you.”

14. Exercise “Autumn”.


15. Exercise “Rain”.


Develop manual skills and fine motor skills;

Normalize muscle tone;

Stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex;

Consolidate the dictionary on a lexical topic.

Equipment: massage balls.

16. Exercise “In the garden”.


Develop manual skills and fine motor skills;

Normalize muscle tone;

Stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex;

Consolidate the dictionary on a lexical topic.

Equipment: massage balls.

17. Exercise “Harvest”.


Develop manual skills and fine motor skills;

Normalize muscle tone;

Stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex;

Consolidate the dictionary on a lexical topic.

Equipment: massage balls.

18. Exercise “Kolobok”.


Develop manual skills and fine motor skills;

Normalize muscle tone;

Stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex;

Consolidate the dictionary on a lexical topic.

Equipment: massage balls.

19. Exercise “Loaf”.


Develop manual skills and fine motor skills;

Normalize muscle tone;

Stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex;

Consolidate the dictionary on a lexical topic.

Equipment: massage balls.

20. Exercise “My hands”.


Develop manual skills and fine motor skills;

Normalize muscle tone;

Stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex;

Consolidate the dictionary on a lexical topic.

Equipment: massage balls.

21. "Vegetables"

Little girl Zinochka has vegetables in her basket,

Children make a “basket” with their palm and roll the ball

Here I put a pot-bellied zucchini on its side,

I deftly placed the peppers and carrots,

Tomato and cucumber.

Children put the ring on their fingers, starting with the big one.

Our Zina is great!

Show thumbs up.

22. "Fruit."

This finger is an orange; of course, it is not alone.

This finger is a plum, tasty, beautiful.

This finger is an apricot, growing high on a branch.

This finger is a pear, asking. “Well, eat it!”

This finger is a pineapple

Children take turns straightening their fingers from their fists, putting on the ring.

Fruit for you and for us.

Children roll the ball on their palm.

23. "Mushrooms"

I’m taking the basket to the forest, where I’ll pick mushrooms.

Children make a “basket” with their palm and roll the ball.

My friend is surprised.

“There are so many mushrooms around here!”

Show surprise, spread their arms to the sides

Boletus, oiler, boletus, honey fungus,

Boletus, chanterelle, milk mushroom - let them not play hide and seek!

I will find saffron milk caps and waves at the edge of the forest.

When I return home, I take all the mushrooms with me.

But I won’t carry the fly agaric, let it stay in the forest!

They leave the thumb of the left hand and threaten it.

24. “Late Autumn.”

The sun is already barely warming,

Migratory birds have flown south,

The trees are bare, the fields are deserted,

The first snow covered the ground.

The river is covered with ice in November -

It's late autumn in the yard.

25. "Berries."

Berries – gooseberries, cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries,

Raspberries, strawberries, rose hips, currants and wild strawberries

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

I finally remembered the berries. What does it mean?

They raise their shoulders and are surprised.

I'm great! The thumb is pulled forward.

26. "Furniture".

Chair, table, sofa, bed,

Shelf, bedside table, sideboard, wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

That's how much furniture he named.

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

27. "Clothes."

I wash it cleanly and thoroughly.

Children make movements with their fists that imitate washing.

Shirt, jacket, dress, skirt, sundress and T-shirt,

And also a T-shirt, jeans, sweater and trousers.

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

My hands are tired!

Shake both hands.

28. "Dishes."

The girl Irinka was putting things in order.

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

The girl Irinka spoke to the doll.

"Napkins should be in a napkin holder,

The oil should be in the butter dish, the bread should be in the bread bin,

And the salt, of course, is in the salt shaker!”

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

29. " Wild animals in winter"

The bear is sleeping soundly in the den, he will sleep all winter until spring,

A chipmunk, a prickly hedgehog and a badger sleep in winter.

But the little bunny can’t sleep - he’s running away from the fox.

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

He flashes among the bushes, makes a little noise and is gone.

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

30. "New Year"

The holiday is approaching, the Christmas tree is decorating.

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

We hung up toys: beads, balls, crackers.

And here the lanterns hang, delighting the children with their sparkle.

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

31. "Winter Fun"

What do we like to do in winter?

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

Play snowballs, run skiing,

Skating on ice, racing down a mountain on a sled.

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

32. "Transport"

We'll play with you, we'll call the transport

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

Car and helicopter, tram, metro and plane,

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

We will clasp five fingers into a fist,

We will name five types of transport.

Children clench their fingers into a fist.

33. “Animals of hot countries.”

A baby elephant walks behind the mother elephant,

Behind the crocodile is a baby crocodile,

A little lion cub follows the lioness,

A baby camel runs after a camel,

A striped zebra is hurrying after the zebra,

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

Who does every child rush after?

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

34. "Animals of the North"

Tepy - tyapy, typy - tyapy,

These are flippers, not paws.

Seals have these flippers

Worn by moms, dads, children.

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

35. "Wild Animals in Spring"

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel, this is a fox, this is a wolf,

And this one is in a hurry, a brown, shaggy one waddles sleepily,

Funny little bear.

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

36. "Poultry".

The hen has a chick, the goose has a gosling,

The turkey has a turkey chick,

And the duck has a duckling.

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

Every mother has babies

Everyone is beautiful and good!

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

37. "Pets."

The cow is happy with her calves,

The ewe is happy with her lambs,

The cat is happy with her kittens

Who is the pig happy with? Piglets!

The goat is happy with her kids,

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

And I'm happy with my guys!

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

38. “Birds of Migratory.”

Tili - teli, tile - teli,

Birds have arrived from the south!

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

A squirrel flew to us - a gray feather.

The lark, the nightingale, they were in a hurry, whoever was faster.

Heron, swan, duck, swift, stork, swallow and siskin -

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

Everyone has returned, arrived,

They sang sonorous songs!

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

39. “Underwater world.”

Look around quickly!

What do you see, dear friend.

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

Here clear water, a seahorse is swimming here,

Here is a jellyfish, here is a squid, this is a ball fish.

But having straightened his eight legs,

An octopus greets guests.

Place the ring on your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger of your right hand.

40. “Insects.”

Together we count our fingers and call them insects.

Children roll Su-Jok between their palms.

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly, this is a beetle with a green belly.

Who is it that is ringing here, oh, a mosquito is flying here!

41. "Hedgehog"

We take 2 massage balls and pass them over the child’s palms (his hands lie on his knees, palms up), making one movement for each stressed syllable:

Stroke my palms, hedgehog!

You're prickly, so what!

Then the child strokes them with his palms and says:

I want to pet you

I want to get along with you.

42. "Hares"

In the clearing, on the lawn/roll the ball between your palms/

Bunnies galloped all day long./jump on your palm with a ball/

And rolled on the grass/roll forward - backward/

From the tail to the head.

The hares galloped like this for a long time,/jump on your palm with a ball/

But we jumped and got tired./put the ball on your palm/

Snakes crawled past/lead along the palm/

"WITH good morning!” - they were told.

I began to stroke and caress

All bunnies will be mother bunny./stroke each finger with a ball/

43. The bear was walking sleepily,/walk the ball along the hand/

And behind her is a bear cub./walk quietly with a ball along your hand/

And then the kids came/walk the ball along the hand/

They brought books in briefcases.

They began to open books/press the ball on each finger/

And write in notebooks.

44. Here are my helpers

Here are my assistants.(show fingers)

Turn them however you want.

Along the white, smooth path

Fingers gallop like horses.

(run the ball along your arm, up to your elbow)

Chock, chock, chock,

Chock, chock, chock -

A frisky herd gallops.(repeat with the other hand)

45. “To the Meadow”

Bunnies came to the meadow,

Bear cubs, badgers,

Frogs and raccoon. (put the ring on each finger one by one)

You're on a green meadow

Come too, my friend!(roll the ball over your palm)

46. ​​"Cabbage"

We chop the cabbage, chop it,(knock on the ball with the edge of your palm)

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,(we touch the ball with our fingertips)

We three, three cabbage(Rub your palms on the ball)

We press and press cabbage.(squeeze the ball in your fist)

47. "Fish"

The fish are having fun

In clean warm water,(toss the ball from hand to hand)

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They'll bury themselves in the sand,(compress and unclench the ball in the fist)

48. "Toys"

On a large sofa in a row

Katina's dolls are sitting:

Two bears, Pinocchio,

And cheerful Cipollino,

And a kitten and a baby elephant.

(alternately roll the Su Jok ball to each finger, starting with the big one)

One, two, three, four, five.

Let's help our Katya

49. Finger game “Turtle” (in children’s hands Su Jok).

A big turtle was walking

And she bit everyone out of fear,

(children roll Su Jok between their palms)

Kus, kus, kus, kus,

(Su Jok between thumb and the rest, which the child holds with a “pinch”. Press rhythmically on Su Jok, moving from hand to hand).

I'm not afraid of anyone

(children roll Su Jok between their palms).

50. Finger game “Hedgehog”

The exercise is performed first on the right hand, then on the left.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, cunning hedgehog,

you look like a ball.(children roll Su Jok between their palms)

There are needles on the back (massage movements thumb)

very, very prickly.(massage movements of the index finger)

Even though the hedgehog is small in stature,(massage movements of the middle finger)

showed us the thorns(massage movements of the ring finger)

And the thorns too (massage movements of the little finger)

look like a hedgehog (children roll Su Jok between their palms).

51. "Hands"

This handle is rightBall on the right palm

This is the left handleBall on left palm

I press the ballHold the ball between your palms

And I do exercises:

The right one will be strongClench in right fist

The left will be strongClench in left fist

My hands will be dexterous and skillful.Roll the ball between your palms

52. Self-massage with a Su-jok ball.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

I'll roll the ball.

I'll stroke your palm

And I'll tickle her.

I roll the ball in a circle

And I stretch my palm.

And I'll run it on my fingers

I'll tickle everyone.

Up and down, up and down,

Roll the ball on your finger.

I will squeeze the ball tightly,

I'll hold it and unclench it.

53. Palm massage

The hedgehog pricks our palms,

Let's play with him a little.

If we play with him -

We will develop our hands.

Your fingers will become dexterous,

Smart - girls, boys.

The hedgehog pricks our palms,

Our hands are getting ready for school.

54. Material from the book: "Ball Games"

T. A. Vorobyova, O. I. Krupenchuk


I will squeeze the ball tightly

And I’ll change my palm.Squeeze the ball with your right hand, then with your left.

“Hello, my favorite ball! »

Each finger will say in the morning.

Hold the ball with your index and thumb, then your middle and thumb, ring and thumb, little finger and thumb.

He hugs the ball tightly,

Doesn't let him go anywhere.

Squeeze the ball tightly with your index finger and thumb.

Only gives to his brother:

Brother takes the ball from his brother.

Pass the ball held by the big one and point. fingers into the corresponding fingers of the left hand.

Two kids goat butted a ball

And they gave it to other kids.

Hold right and left with your index fingers. hands ball. Then with the middle fingers, etc.

I roll circles on the table,

I’m not letting it out of my hands.

I rock him back and forth;

Right or left - as I want.

Roll the ball with the palm of your right hand left and right, back and forth.

Dance can dance

Every finger is on the ball.

Roll the ball with the tips of the fingers of your right hand: index, middle, ring and little fingers.

I knead the ball with my finger,

I'm kicking the ball along my fingers.

Roll the ball with the entire length of the fingers of your right hand.

My ball doesn't rest -

Walks between the fingers.

Hold the ball between your index and middle fingers, your middle and ring fingers, your ring and little fingers.

I'll play football

And I'll score a goal in the palm of my hand.

Hit the ball with your palms.

Top left, bottom right

I ride him - bravo.

Use your left palm to roll the ball over your right palm.

I'll turn it around, and you check -

Top right now!

With your right palm, roll the ball on your left palm.

55. Exercises from the book by Ermakova I. A. “Developing fine motor skills of children”

1. The ball is between the child’s palms, fingers pressed against each other. Make massage movements by rolling the ball back and forth.

2. The ball is between the child’s palms, fingers pressed against each other. Make circular movements, rolling the ball between your palms.

3. Hold the ball with your fingertips and do rotational movements forward (as if you were screwing on a lid).

4. Holding the ball with your fingertips, press them firmly onto the ball (4-6 times).

5. Hold the ball with your fingertips and make a backward rotational motion (as if you were opening a lid).

6. Throw the ball with both hands to a height of 20-30 cm and catch it.

7. Hold the ball between your palms, fingers clasped together, elbows pointing out to the sides. Press your palms onto the ball (4-6 times).

8. Transfer the ball from one palm to the other, gradually increasing the pace.

SU-JOK therapy in the work of a speech therapist teacher

"A child's mind is at his fingertips"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Fine developed speechthe most important condition comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development. But recently there has been an increase in the number of children with disorders of gross, fine motor skills and speech development. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the formation of children’s speech, its purity and correctness, warning and correcting various disorders, which are considered to be any deviations from generally accepted norms of language. Today in the arsenal of those who are engaged in raising and educating children preschool age There is extensive practical material, the use of which contributes to the effective speech development of the child. All practical material can be divided into two groups: firstly, helping the child’s direct speech development and, secondly, indirectly, which includes non-traditional speech therapy technologies.

One of the non-traditional speech therapy technologies is Su-Jok therapy (“Su " - hand, "Jock" - foot)

In the research of South Korean scientist Professor Park Jae-woo,

who developed Su-Jok therapy, the mutual influence of individual parts of our body is substantiated according to the principle of similarity (the similarity of the shape of the ear with a human embryo, human arms and legs with a human body, etc.).

These treatment systems created not by man - he just discovered them - but by Nature itself. This is the reason for her strength and security. Stimulation of the points leads to healing. Improper use never causes harm to a person - it is simply ineffective. Therefore, having defined necessary points In correspondence systems, the child’s speech sphere can also be developed. On the hands and feet there are systems of highly active points corresponding to all organs and areas of the body. By influencing them, we can regulate the functioning of internal organs.

For example, the little finger is the heart, the ring finger is the liver, the middle finger is the intestines, the index finger is the stomach, the thumb is the head. Consequently, by influencing certain points, it is possible to influence the human organ corresponding to this point.

In correctional - speech therapy work I actively use Su-Jok therapy techniques as a massage for dysarthric disorders, for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, as well as for the purpose general strengthening body.The ribbed needle-shaped surface of the ball affects nerve endings, improves blood flow and activates blood circulation. The massage ball accelerates capillary blood flow, reduces venous congestion and increases skin and muscle tone. Massage spikes on the surface of the ball affect the biologically active zones of the cerebral cortex and help improve the condition of the entire body. The massage ball has a positive effect on the development of children.

Thus, Su-Jok therapy is one of effective techniques, ensuring the development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of the child.

Target: correct speech disorders using Su-Jok therapy.


    Influence biologically active points according to the Su-Jok system.

    Stimulate the speech areas of the cerebral cortex.

    Increase the level of competence of teachers and parents in matters of correction speech disorders in children.

Methods and techniques of Su-Jok therapy :

Massage with a special ball.

Since there are many biologically active points in the palm of your hand, an effective way to stimulate them is to massage them with a special ball. By rolling the ball between their palms, children massage their arm muscles. Each ball has a “magic” ring.

AND next appointment This:Massage with an elastic ring,

which helps stimulate the functioning of internal organs. Since the entire human body is projected onto the hand and foot, as well as onto each finger and toe, an effective way to prevent and treat diseases is to massage the fingers with an elastic ring. The ring should be put on your finger and the area of ​​the corresponding affected part of the body should be massaged until it becomes red and a feeling of warmth appears. This procedure must be repeated several times a day.

With the help of “hedgehog” balls with rings, children like to massage their fingers and palms, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body, as well as on the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, thereby promoting the development of speech.

Manual massage of hands and fingers. Massage of the fingers and nail plates of the hands is very useful and effective. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of mini-correspondence systems. Therefore, the fingertips must be massaged until a lasting feeling of warmth is achieved. This has a healing effect on the entire body. It is especially important to influence the thumb, which is responsible for the person’s head.

During correctional activities active points located on the fingers are stimulated using various devices (balls, massage balls, walnuts, prickly rollers)..

Foot massage . The impact on the points of the feet is carried out while walking along ribbed paths, massage mats, rugs with buttons, plugs from mineral water, pencils, etc.

For speech therapy purposes, su-jok therapy, together with finger games, mosaics, lacing, shading, modeling, and drawing, activates the development of children's speech.

I recommended all of the listed techniques for use by our kindergarten teachers and parents for use at home. For this purpose, I conducted consultations, seminars, workshops, and presentations for them.

Let's look at someforms work with children, pronunciation correction (sound automation), development of lexical and grammatical categories, improvement of spatial orientation skills, development phonemic hearing

Look, guys!
There are hedgehogs on the table!
They don't run away anywhere
They are waiting for you, kids!
Take them quickly and place them in the palm of your hand!
You will play with them and develop your hands!
To get along with a hedgehog, you need to pet the hedgehog!
Roll your palm and count the needles!

1. Massage Su – Jock balls. /children repeat words and perform actions with the ball in accordance with the text/

"Butterfly" "Football"

Doesn't crawl or run, I'll play football

She circles above the flower.

Turn after turn comes turn, And I score into the goal - a goal

So she sat down on a flower!

"Masha and the Bear"

Masha wandered into Misha's.

That's how things are! The bear lost his peace
Games with Masha every day:

Blind man's buff, hide and seek, catch up,
Relay races, horse racing, tag,
Leapfrog and cat and mouse,
Coloring pages in a children's book,
Pillow fights, burners,
Fortress, cones, shootouts,
Mothers and daughters, riddles,
Again tag, again hide and seek...

Games with a massage ring

What's inside the ball?
Take a look quickly!
You put on the ring and roll it on your finger.
Back - forward, forward - back
Your finger will be very happy!

2. Massage the fingers with an elastic ring. /Children alternately put massage rings on each finger, reciting a finger gymnastics poem/

All my fingers are very friendly, they are all very important to me:
1. Thumb - roll the ring along the thumb of the right hand

4.Finger four
5.And the fifth, last one!
They are all fingers, friendly brothers! They are not afraid to get down to business!
1. Thumb - roll the ring on the thumb of the left hand
2. Index – roll along the index
3.Medium – roll the ring along the middle one
4.Finger four - roll on the fourth
5. And the fifth, last one - roll the ring on the fifth finger.

3. Using a massage ring to automate sounds. /the child alternately puts a massage ring on each finger, while reciting a poem to automate the given sound Ш/

On the right hand:

This baby is Ilyusha,(on the thumb)

This baby is Vanyusha,(pointing)

This baby is Alyosha,(average)

This baby is Antosha,(nameless)

And the smaller baby is called Mishutka by his friends.(little finger)

On the left hand:

This little girl is Tanyusha,(on the thumb)

This little girl is Ksyusha,(pointing)

This little girl is Masha,(average)

This little girl is Dasha,(nameless)

And the younger one's name is Natasha.(little finger)

Automation of sound P

The sound [R] is complex but pleasant

We'll say it now.

And it’s like being in a car

We'll start the engine


We will fix this sound.

Will help us true friend!

We play with rings

We call the sound [R] at the beginning of a word!

Children take turns naming words in which the sound [R] is at the beginning of the word. For each word they put a ring on their finger. The first one to put on five rings wins.

We call the sound [R] in the middle of a word!

We continue to play with rings,

We call the sound [R] at the end of a word!

Children take turns naming words in which the sound [P] is in the middle of the word. For each word they put a ring on their finger. The first one to put on five rings wins.

The child rolls the ball between his palms, while reciting a poem to automate the sound J.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, cunning hedgehog,

you look like a ball (roll the ball between the palms)

There are needles on the back (roll the ball between the palm of the right hand and the thumb of the left hand)

very, very prickly.(same with index finger)

Even though the hedgehog is small in stature,(same with the middle finger)

showed us the thorns(same with ring finger)

And the thorns too (same with the little finger)

look like a hedgehog (children roll the ball between their palms

4. The use of Su-Jok balls in improving lexical and grammatical categories

Let's say a short name,

Full name we'll pick him up.

The speech therapist calls the name, the child puts the rings on his fingers one by one, starting with the little finger, saying the full name.





Well, Rita-Margarita!

I conduct the “Call me kindly” exercises in the same way.

We continue the game with the rings,

Now we call him an affectionate name.



Regina - Reginochka;



Exercise "One-many". The speech therapist rolls a “miracle ball” across the child’s table, naming the object in the singular. The child, having caught the ball with his palm, rolls it back, naming the nouns in the plural.

I do the “Say the other way around” exercises in the same way.

5. Using Su-Jok balls for development of phonemic hearing, to improvesound analysis of words.To characterize sounds, massage balls of three colors are used: red, blue, green. On the instructions of the speech therapist, the child shows a ball corresponding to the designation of the sound.

Game “I’ll look at the ball and tell you everything about the sound”

The ball is selected according to the sound characteristics:

“Tell us about the sound, pick the right ball.”

red - for vowels;

blue with a ring - for voiced hard consonants;

blue without ring - for voiceless hard consonants;

green with a ring - for voiced soft consonants;

green without ring - for voiceless soft consonants.

Game“If your ears hear the sound, raise the ball above the top of your head.”

Game “Ball” we use our palm to “knock” if we hear the right sound»

6. Using Su-Jock balls when improving spatial orientation skills, orientation in the body diagram, memory development,

“Listen and remember, repeat and perform”

“I distinguish between left and right, I know each of my fingers.”

“I knock on the right, on the left - I don’t want to mix it up”

“Close your eyes, guess which finger has the ring on it”

Children follow the instructions: put the ring on the little finger of your right hand, take the ball in your right hand and hide it behind your back, etc.; the child closes his eyes, the adult puts a ring on any of his fingers, and he must name which finger of which hand the ring is on.

7. Using balls when performing gymnastics

I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body, a ball in the right hand.

1 - spread your arms to the sides;

2 - raise your hands up and transfer the ball to the other hand;

3 - spread your arms to the sides;

4 - lower your hands.

8. Using marbles to improve your skills in using prepositions

“We play cleverly with the ball and name prepositions”

There is a box on the table, according to the speech therapist’s instructions, the child places the balls accordingly: a red ball - in the box; blue - under the box; green - near the box; Then, on the contrary, the child must describe the adult’s action.

9. Using balls for syllabic analysis of words

« We “knock” the ball with our palm, repeating the sound in the word (syllable)”

“Give me back the ball, repeat the syllables (word, phrase) correctly”

“Name the word syllable by syllable and take out a ball for each syllable.”

Exercise “Divide words into syllables”: The child names the syllable and takes one ball from the box, then counts the number of syllables.

10. Connection of sound with letter, prevention of dysgraphia

Rolling a ball along a written letter. Writing a letter and its elements by rolling a ball on the surface of the table in the palm of your hand.

These are just some examples of the use of su-jok therapy in our work. Creative approach, usage alternative methods and techniques contribute to more interesting, varied and effective implementation correctional education and joint activities teachers and children in kindergarten.

The undeniable advantages of Su-Jok therapy are:

High efficiency - at correct use a pronounced effect occurs.

Absolute safety misuse never causes harm - it is simply ineffective.

Versatility - Su-Jok therapy can be used by both teachers in their work and parents at home.

Ease of use – to obtain results, stimulate biologically active points using Su-Jok balls. /they are freely sold in pharmacies and do not require large expenses/

Thus, SU-Jok therapy is highly effective, universal, affordable and absolutely safe method self-healing and self-healing by influencing active points located on the hands and feet with special massage balls, the use of which in combination with exercises for correcting sound pronunciation and developing lexical and grammatical categories helps to increase the physical and mental performance of children, creates a functional basis for a relatively quick transition to more high level motor activity muscles and the possibility for optimal targeted speech work with the child, providing a stimulating effect on speech development.

The combination of exercises such as finger gymnastics, self-massage with exercises for correcting sound pronunciation and the formation of lexical and grammatical categories can significantly increase the effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy activities in conditions kindergarten, optimize the performance of speech exercises at home.

From the above, it should be concluded that the use of Su-Jok therapy helps to correct speech disorders in children.Favorable health-improving treatment is carried outimpact on the entire body. The speech areas of the cerebral cortex are stimulated. Coordination of movements and fine motor skills develops. Voluntary behavior, attention, memory, speech and others develop mental processes necessary for the development of full-fledged educational activities.

In his work during frontal and individual lessons I use Su-Jok therapy. Children love to play with the prickly ball and ring, performing self-massage with the Su-Jok ball, accompanied by easy-to-remember verses.
Classes to develop fine motor skills must be carried out systematically for 2-5 minutes daily.

List of sources used

1. Vorobyova T.A., Krupenchuk O.I. Ball and speech. - St. Petersburg: Delta, 2001.

2. Ivchatova L.A. Su-jok therapy in correctional and pedagogical work with children // Speech therapist - 2010. No. 1. - With. 36-38

3. Filicheva T. B., Soboleva A. R. Speech development of a preschooler. – Ekaterinburg: Argo Publishing House, 1996.

4. Tsvintarny V.V. We play with our fingers and develop speech. – St. Petersburg. Publishing house "Lan", 2002.

5. Shvaiko G. S. Games and game exercises for speech development. – M., 1983.

6. Ammosova N. S. Self-massage of hands in preparing children with speech disorders for school: Speech therapist, No. 6, 2004. – P.78 -82.
7. Krupenchuk O.I. Speech therapist lessons: Finger games/ Krupenchuk O.I. - Litera, 2008 – P. 32.
8. Park Jae Woo Questions of theory and practice of Su Jok therapy: Series of books on Su Jok therapy / Jae Woo Park - Su Jok Academy, 2009 - P. 208

9. Lopukhina I. S. Speech therapy, 550 entertaining exercises for speech development: a manual for speech therapists and parents. – M.: Aquarium, 1995.

10.. Akimenko V. M. New speech therapy technologies: teaching aid. – Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2009.

Well-developed speech is the most important condition for the comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and fulfilling his relationships with peers and adults, the more active his mental development is. A feature of some children with disabilities is the absence of speech and delayed speech development.
One of the unconventional speech therapy methods is Su-Jok therapy (“Su” - hand, “Jok” - foot). Su-Jok therapy - the latest world achievement oriental medicine. Speech therapist of the State Budgetary Institution "Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities "Anastasia" (Langepas, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Ugra) uses elements of Su-Jok therapy. Su-Jok therapy improves articulatory movements, prepares the hand for writing and, equally important, increases the performance of the cerebral cortex. Therefore, Su-Jok therapy is the most important factor, stimulating speech development and the development of small differentiated movements of the fingers. Studies by neuropathologists, psychiatrists and physiologists have shown that the morphological and functional formation speech areas cerebral cortex occurs under the influence of kinesthetic impulses coming from the fingers. Hand massage is also a means of increasing immunity, since nerve endings are located on the palms. If their activity is activated, it improves functional state internal organs. In addition, hand massage is an important component of sensory education and speech development, which helps improve the physical and mental performance of children.
When working with children, it is useful to use self-massage of the hands. There are many energy points on the hand. Each point has its own name and purpose. If you influence certain points, you can achieve healing effects. Thus, Su-Jok therapy is one of the effective techniques that ensures the development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of the child, allowing:
- combine games and exercises to train your fingers with speech activity children;
- make work on improving finger motor skills regular, allocating for it optimal time;
- increase children's interest in exercises by turning them into an entertaining game.

Brief description of the health-saving method used - Su-Jok therapy

It's gentle and effective method influencing the points of the child’s hand using a ball and metal rings. The method irritates the receptors located on the palms of children and promotes pleasant sensations. Using a massager activates the activity of inhibited children and, conversely, calms hyperactive ones. In addition, this method develops fine motor skills. Traditional finger gymnastics excites local areas of the brain, and the Su-Jok massager is a unique tactile gymnastics that has a total effect on the cerebral cortex, which protects its individual zones from overwork, evenly distributing the load on the brain. Su-Jok therapy is carried out with a special medical prickly ball with spikes made of plastic, with two massage rings inside. Massage balls come in different colors. There are two ring springs inside the massager. The ring is made of metal wire so that, when stretched, it can freely pass up and down the finger. This allows for rapid stimulation of multiple points around the circumference of the finger.
Massaging certain areas of the palm helps treat internal organs.

Application of the Su-Jok method in the correctional and developmental process

Along with finger games, mosaics, shading, sculpting, and drawing for correctional purposes, Su-Jok therapy activates the development of the child’s speech and develops fine differentiated movements of the fingers. With the help of hedgehog rings, it is convenient to massage your fingers for a beneficial effect on the entire body. It is advisable to combine massage of the palms and fingers with speech exercises that are relevant at this stage of work (this can be repeating syllable chains, singing simple phrases, etc.).
Game self-massage with a massager is carried out in the form of five-minute exercises between the main parts of classes. Children are asked to choose the ball they like best. You can simply roll the ball in your hands, normalizing the functioning of the body as a whole. Thanks to the impact of pointed protrusions on biologically active points, well-being improves and stress is relieved. Rolling the ball between your palms daily for up to 10 minutes or massaging your feet for 10 to 15 minutes relieves hypotension, migraines, and increased blood pressure, calms the nervous system.
Some techniques for using Su-Jok therapy:
- rotation of the massage ball between the palms clockwise and counterclockwise;
- rolling the ball in the palms back and forth over the entire surface;
- squeezing the ball with your fingertips;
- squeezing the ball into a fist 5 to 10 times, then opening the palm completely, spreading the fingers to the sides, holding it in the center of the palm for 5-10 s.
By influencing the palms and fingers with a massager, we reflexively force the speech and speech zones to work. cognitive activity. Children take turns putting ring springs on each finger and moving the rings, intensely influencing the fingers, relieving tension. Using the health-saving Su-Jok method has the following advantages:
the product is certified in accordance with the law Russian Federation, Russian manufacturer;
there are no contraindications to self-medication with stimulants, such as the Su-Jok massage ball, and harm to health is excluded;
the ball is used for general massage and self-massage of reflexogenic areas of the body;
contraindications: high temperature, purulent diseases, open wounds;
this is a medical massager that can be purchased at any pharmacy, it is inexpensive, so even a family with a low cost of living can afford to purchase such a massager;
the massage ball takes up little space (can be carried in your pocket), which is very convenient;
a minimum of time is spent on performing a massage, no special preparations are needed, which is very valuable for any teacher;
Children enjoy massage not only in class, but also at home.
The forms of work using the Su-Jok massager are varied and are used in speech therapy practice when performing finger exercises, automation of sounds, sound and syllabic analysis of words, when improving lexical and grammatical categories, developing memory and attention.
Finger gymnastics in verse using a Su-Jok ball - unique remedy for the development of a child's speech. Children love to play with a spiky ball. By rolling it between their palms, they massage the muscles of the arm. Children repeat words and perform actions with the ball in accordance with the text.
To prevent the massage process from seeming boring to children, poetic material is used, and at the same time as the massage effect, the sound in speech is automated. When working with a certain sound during a massage, a poem corresponding to this sound is spoken. And in addition to the impact on the correspondence zones and the massage effect, which affects the development of fine motor skills, which together stimulate speech development, automation of the delivered sound in speech occurs.

For example, automation of the sound "Zh":
A hedgehog walks without paths
Doesn't run from anyone.
A hedgehog covered in needles from head to toe.
How to take it?

When improving lexical and grammatical categories, the Su-Jok ball is used as follows:
Exercise "One - many." The speech therapist rolls a “miracle ball” across the child’s table, naming the object in the singular. The child, having caught the ball with his palm, rolls it back, naming the nouns in the plural.
Exercises “Call it kindly”, “Say the opposite”. The exercises are carried out in the same way.
When using Su-Jok balls to develop memory and attention, children follow the following instructions: put the ring on the little finger of your right hand, take the ball in your right hand and hide it behind your back, etc.; the child closes his eyes, the adult puts a ring on any of his fingers, and he must name which finger of which hand the ring is on. When conducting sound analysis of words, massage balls of three colors are used: red, blue, green. On the instructions of the speech therapist, the child shows a ball corresponding to the designation of the sound.
Using balls to improve your skills in using prepositions:
there is a box on the table, according to the speech therapist’s instructions, the child places the balls as follows: red - in the box; blue - under the box; green - near the box; then the child must describe the adult's action.
Using balls for syllabic analysis of words:
exercise “Divide the words into syllables”: the child names the syllable and takes one ball from the box, then counts the number of syllables.
These are just some examples of using the Su-Jok massager in our work.
Thus, Su-Jok therapy is a highly effective, universal, affordable and absolutely safe method of self-healing and self-healing by influencing active points located on the hands and feet with special massage balls. The use of balls in combination with exercises for the correction of sound pronunciation and the development of lexical and grammatical categories helps to increase the physical and mental performance of children, creates a functional basis for a relatively quick transition to a higher level of motor muscle activity and the opportunity for optimal targeted speech work with the child, providing a stimulating effect on speech development.
The combination of exercises such as finger gymnastics, self-massage with exercises for correcting sound pronunciation and the formation of lexical and grammatical categories can significantly increase the effectiveness of correctional speech therapy activities in conditions rehabilitation center, optimize the performance of speech exercises at home.

Su Jok therapy in speech therapy work.


Translated from Korean language Su means hand, Jock means foot. Thus, Su Jok therapy is a treatment method using the hands and feet. The structure of the hand and foot shows an amazing similarity to the structure of the human body. In the human body, we can distinguish a torso and five protruding parts - a head with a neck and four limbs. Looking at our hand, we see that the hand also consists of a palm and five protruding parts - fingers.

The thumb, consisting of two phalanges, resembles the head and neck. Each of the four limbs of the body consists of three parts. The arm is divided into the shoulder, forearm and hand; in the leg - thigh, lower leg and foot. Each of the four fingers of the hand, from the second to the fifth, consists of three phalanges. These and other signs of similarity confirm that the thumb corresponds to the head, the second and fifth to the arms, and the third and fourth to the legs. Among all parts of the body, the foot is most similar to the hand and is in second place in terms of similarity to the body. The similarity is evidence of the deep internal connections that exist between the body, hand and foot, and explains the great possibilities of Su Jok therapy, which thousands of people have already experienced.

Non-traditional methods of influence in the work of a speech therapist are becoming a promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders.

These methods of therapy are among the effective means of correction, increasingly used in special pedagogy and helping to achieve the maximum possible success in overcoming the speech difficulties of preschool children. Against the background of comprehensive speech therapy assistance unconventional methods therapy, without requiring much effort, optimizes the process of speech correction for children of speech pathologists and contributes to the improvement of the child’s entire body.

The effect of their use depends on the competence of the teacher. The ability to use new opportunities, to include effective methods in the system of correctional and developmental process, creating psycho-physiological comfort for children during classes, providing for a “situation of confidence” in their abilities. In addition, alternative methods and techniques help organize classes more interesting and varied. Thus, the therapeutic possibilities of alternative medicine help create conditions for speech expression and perception.

Today, quite a lot of methods of unconventional influence are known. Along with finger games, mosaics, shading, sculpting, and drawing, Su Jok therapy can and should be used for speech therapy purposes, which activates the development of a child’s speech. Su Jok therapy is highly effective, safe and simple, the best method of self-help that currently exists. With the help of balls (“hedgehogs”) and rings, it is convenient to massage your fingers for a beneficial effect on the entire body. This allows you to increase the child’s potential energy level, enriches his knowledge about his own body, and develops tactile sensitivity.

Su Jok therapy.

Normalize muscle tone,

Indirectly stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex.

Su Jok therapy, the latest achievement of oriental medicine. Every person can master this and, without turning to a doctor or medications, help themselves and their loved ones. The correspondence systems of all body organs on the feet and hands are “remote control” created so that a person can maintain himself in a state of health by influencing certain points.

Studies by neuropathologists, psychiatrists and physiologists have shown that the morphological and functional formation of the speech areas of the cerebral cortex occurs under the influence of kinesthetic impulses coming from the fingers. Therefore, Su Jok therapy activates the child’s speech development.

The effectiveness of non-traditional methods of therapy largely depends on their combination with traditional means corrections. In the process of this combination, the child gradually gradually masters the necessary speech skills and abilities.

Finger game “Turtle” (children hold Su Jok).


A big turtle was walking

And she bit everyone out of fear,

(children roll Su Jok between their palms)

Kus, kus, kus, kus,

(Su Jok between the thumb and the rest, which the child holds with a “pinch”. Press rhythmically on Su Jok, moving from hand to hand).

I'm not afraid of anyone

(children roll Su Jok between their palms).

Finger game "Hedgehog"

Description: The exercise is performed first on the right hand, then on the left.

Hedgehog, hedgehog, cunning hedgehog,

you look like a ball.

(children roll Su Jok between their palms)

There are needles on the back

(massage movements of the thumb)

very, very prickly.

(massage movements of the index finger)

Even though the hedgehog is small in stature,

(massage movements of the middle finger)

showed us the thorns

(massage movements of the ring finger)

And the thorns too

(massage movements of the little finger)

look like a hedgehog

(children roll Su Jok between their palms).

Finger game "Finger Boy"

Description: The exercise is performed first on the right hand, then on the left.

Thumb boy

Where have you been?

(put the Su Jok ring on your thumb)

I went to the forest with this brother,

(put the Su Jok ring on your index finger)

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

(put the Su Jok ring on your middle finger)

I ate porridge with this brother,

(put the Su Jok ring on the ring finger)

I sang songs with this brother

(put the Su Jok ring on your index finger).


1. Ammosova N. S. Self-massage of hands in preparing children with speech disorders for school: Speech therapist, No. 6, 2004. – P.78 -82.

2. Krupenchuk O.I. Speech therapist lessons: Finger games / Krupenchuk O.I. - Litera, 2008 – P. 32.

3. Novikovskaya O.A. Mind at your fingertips: fun finger games / O.A. Novikovskaya - M. AST, 2007 P. 94

4. Osmanova G.A. New games with fingers for the development of fine motor skills: Popular speech therapy / Osmanova G.A – KARO, 2008 – P. 160

5. Park Jae Woo Issues of theory and practice of Su Jok therapy: Series of books on Su Jok therapy / Jae Woo Park - Su Jok Academy, 2009 - P. 208

6. Svetlova I. Developing fine motor skills. – M., 2002. – P. 72

Introduction of Su-Jok therapy into the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Su-Jok therapy is a method of acupressure on the hand and foot.

The healing effect of the proposed method is based on the fact that the human body has correspondence systems - areas of the body where the anatomical structure of a person is projected in a reduced form. The body and compliance systems actively interact. The slightest pathology in an organ is reflected in its projection zone, and stimulation of this zone has a normalizing effect on the organ.

Our hands and knowledge are always with us. You can influence the point using massage rings, special magnets, stars, special or natural needles, seeds, pebbles... The method is especially useful for children.

By influencing the point you can:

strengthen the body's defenses;

relieve attacks of acute pain;

get rid of some chronic diseases;

help the body recover when the body is tired and weakened;

perform indirect massage of internal organs;

restore blood pressure;

relieve acute attacks of toothache;

cope with a runny nose, cough, sore throat;

help in in case of emergency(attacks of heart pain, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness);

Currently, it is possible to use the non-traditional Su-Jok method in correctional pedagogical work with preschool children. This method is highly effective, safe and simple, and is based on traditional acupuncture and oriental medicine for self-healing. “Su” in Korean means hand, “Jok” means foot.

All work on this method carried out using Su-Jok stimulants: “chestnut” type massagers. Inside these balls - “chestnuts”, like in a box, there are two special rings made of metal wire so that you can easily stretch them and move them freely down and up your finger, creating a pleasant tingling sensation.

The use of "Chestnut" massage balls complete with two metal rings in combination with exercises for correcting sound pronunciation and developing lexical and grammatical categories helps to increase the physical and mental performance of children, creates a functional basis for a relatively quick transition to a higher level of motor muscle activity and the opportunity for optimal targeted speech work with a child.

The combination of exercises such as finger gymnastics, self-massage with exercises for correcting sound pronunciation and the formation of lexical and grammatical categories can significantly increase the effectiveness of classes.

Here are some forms of this work with children to normalize muscle tone and stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex, correct pronunciation, develop lexical and grammatical categories, and improve spatial orientation skills.

Automation of sounds. Children roll massage balls between their palms, reciting a poem to automate the sound [c]: “An owl sits on a pine tree, she says words...” For the same purpose, you can invite the child to put massage rings on each finger one by one, reciting the poetic text of finger gymnastics: “This finger found a mushroom (on the thumb), this finger began to clean (index finger), this one cut (middle finger), this one ate (ring finger), well, this one looked at everything (little finger).”

Improving lexical and grammatical categories. Exercise "One-many". The teacher rolls “Chestnut” across the table to the child, naming the object in the singular. The child, having caught the massager with his palm, rolls it back, calling the noun in the plural. The exercises “Call it kindly”, “Say the opposite”, etc. are carried out in a similar way.

Improving spatial orientation skills, developing attention and memory. Children follow the adult’s instructions: put the ring on the little finger of the right (left) hand, etc. The child closes his eyes, the adult puts a ring on any of his fingers. The child must name which finger the ring is on.

Using a massage ball when performing gymnastics. Children can complete the teacher’s task of transferring the “Chestnut” from one hand to the other hand.

Sound analysis of words. To characterize sounds, massage balls of three colors are used: red, blue, green. According to the teacher’s instructions, the child shows the ball corresponding to the sound designation.

Improving skills in using prepositions. According to the teacher’s instructions, the child places multi-colored balls in the box, under the box, near the box, respectively. Then, on the contrary, the child must describe the adult’s action.

The syllabic structure of the word. Exercise "Divide words into syllables." The child names the syllable and takes one ball from the box, then counts the number of balls.

But we have found other uses for massage balls. We use them not only to develop fine motor skills, but also to develop color perception, when learning to count, etc. You can use the following games: “Arrange the balls by color”, “Find all the blue ones (red, yellow, green)”, “Make multi-colored balls” (blue-red, green-yellow).

These are just some of the methods of using Su-Jok therapy in correctional and pedagogical work with children. The creative approach of teachers, the use of alternative methods and techniques contribute to a more interesting, varied and effective conduct of classes and routine moments in an educational institution.