Tonya is the full name of Antonina or Antonida. The meaning of the name Tonya, Antonina

Antonina is a rare, beautiful and simple name. It endows Tonechek with responsiveness and delicacy. Such girls are friendly, kind and disciplined. However, the character traits of namesakes may vary depending on their zodiac sign.

Origin of the name

The name Antonina has two main versions of origin. One of them is Greek, according to which the word is translated as “entering into battle,” “competing.” Another meaning comes from the Greek root anthos (“flower”).

The second version says that Antonina is a derivative of the ancient Roman family name, meaning “from the Antonian dynasty.” Men's uniform Anton, who has the same origin, is more popular in our country.

Forms of the name Antonin

Short name forms:

  • Tonya;
  • Tosya;
  • Antonia;
  • Tasya;
  • Nina;
  • Nyura;
  • Nyusya.

The Antonines, who prefer to be called Tonya, are strong-willed and kind. Tosi are more pragmatic and reasonable.

Diminutive forms:

  • Antosha;
  • Antoninka;
  • Antoninushka;
  • Tonyunya;
  • Tonura;
  • I'm drowning;
  • Antosya.

When writing poems about a girl with that name, you can use the following rhymes: Antonina - picture, half, ballerina, middle; Tonya - pursuit, legitimizing; Tosya - discarded, golden-haired.

Photo gallery: name forms

Antonina - full form named Tonya - the most common short form named after Antonin Tosya - a soft and affectionate short form of the name Antonin Tonechka - an affectionate address to Antonina

The ecclesiastical form of the name is Antonina.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is ANTONINA.

Table: name options in different languages

The following patronymics harmoniously combine with the name Antonina:

  • Anatolyevna;
  • Vladislavovna;
  • Ivanovna;
  • Fedorovna;
  • Yurievna.
  • antonina;
  • tone4ka;
  • tonya;
  • tosik;
  • tonik.

Songs in which this name is mentioned: “Tonechka” by Lev Leshchenko, “Antonina” by the group “DDT”, “Dowry” by Alla Pugacheva.

Video: Yuri Shevchuk's song about Antonin

Patron saints of Antonina, name day dates

Patron saints of girls with this name:

  • Martyr Antonina Bryanskikh;
  • Venerable Martyr Antonina Novikova;
  • Martyr Antonina of Krodamnskaya;
  • Martyr Antonina of Nicea.

Antonina of Nicaea lived during the reign of Emperor Maximian, known for his cruel persecution of Christians. They wanted to torture the girl into renouncing Christ and making sacrifices to the pagan gods. She was tortured for a long time and then executed.

Antonina of Nicea is the patron saint of girls with this name

Tony celebrates his name day:

  • January 9, 22 and 23;
  • March 14 and 20;
  • June 23 and 26;
  • August 10;
  • December 15.

On Antonina's day, June 23, women collected medicinal herbs, it was believed that these days endow them with special power.

Characteristics and influence of the name

The positive qualities of Antonina include the following:

  • responsiveness;
  • the ability to support in difficult times;
  • delicacy;
  • practicality.

Negative character traits:

  • tendency to be depressed;
  • quarrelsomeness;
  • exposure to other people's influence;
  • excessive severity, even cruelty towards relatives.

Tonya in childhood

Tonechka is a friendly, kind, sympathetic and inquisitive girl. She is a cheerful fidget, but at the same time an obedient daughter. For her, her parents are an unquestioned authority. This child happily takes part in all kinds of active games with other children, but at the same time does not forget to help adults (washes dishes, cleans the room, looks after his younger sister or brother). Responsible, you can count on her in any situation.

As a child, Tonechka is open, sociable and obedient

Even though Toni has a cheerful personality, she can sometimes have problems communicating with friends. The reason for this lies in such a girl’s desire to command and teach others. Baby from the very early childhood does everything right, but other children consider her a bore.

At school, Antoninka shows balance and discipline. She easily masters information. Her academic performance is good. An important factor in her studies is her desire for leadership; it is important for Tonya to be better than others in almost everything. The girl has pronounced organizational skills. She actively participates in school amateur activities and is often the class leader.

Teen Tonya

Antonina in her youth is distinguished by activity, activity and energy. She plans her day minute by minute, and the girl is able to simultaneously perform several tasks. True, Tonya may still not finish the job she started if she gets carried away new project. But over time, she will learn to properly prioritize and organize her time.

Young Tonya is active, reasonable and serious

An optimistic attitude and an excellent sense of humor are Tosya’s reliable assistants in many life situations. Such qualities also help to win over other people, which is why she has quite a lot of girlfriends and just good acquaintances. Growing up, Antonina becomes a more serious, calculating, pragmatic and practical person. She is honest with herself and with strangers; the girl despises hypocritical people and liars. Tonya can express her opinion directly, without searching for words.

Parents greatly influence the development of a girl's character. A cheerful and trusting atmosphere in the family will prevent her prudence from fully manifesting itself, and the emphasis on material wealth will instill in Tonechka excessive commercialism and excessive pragmatism.

Adult Antonina

According to Boris Khigir, Antonina is a very kind and sympathetic girl. But her kindness comes not so much from the heart, but from the fact that she clearly understands: how you treat people is how they treat you. Such a woman is responsible, she will not let you down. Economical and prudent in financial matters. Tonechka is friendly and friendly, so she has a lot of friends and good acquaintances, and they know about her friend’s pragmatism, but this does not stop them from loving her.

According to Mendelev, the bearer of such a name is sincere, open and vulnerable. Antonina's fate may turn out differently, but in any situation such a girl will be filled with kindness and tenderness.

According to Higir, Antonina is open and good-natured

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima claim that the energy of this name gives the girl balance, mobility, good nature and cheerfulness. Tonya loves to boss around people close to her, but she does it without self-will. This is a rather cautious person, she knows how to stop herself in time and turn any awkwardness into a joke. Such a woman perfectly combines love for people and self-respect. Her kindness creates a cheerful and friendly atmosphere in Tonechka’s family. The main thing is that excessive pragmatism does not interfere with the girl’s happiness.

According to Pierre Rouget, Antonina is an insecure person, she easily falls under the influence of others. He often dreams and has his head in the clouds. He never lets others into his inner world. Such a girl needs love like air. She is somewhat carefree. WITH childhood loves to have noisy fun, have picnics and parties, but still tries to stay apart when in company.

Talents and hobbies

Antonina is a girl with diverse interests. She enjoys doing handicrafts, reading, and traveling. She is especially interested in the secrets of the universe, which is why Tonechka is often fond of fortune-telling and mysticism.

Career and business

Antonina has a desire to command, high positions do not appeal to her. Such a girl is distinguished by her diligence, diligence, and organization. It is easier for her to responsibly carry out clear tasks, rather than make important decisions that could affect the work of a department or an entire company.

Antonina is diligent and diligent in her work.

This lady will be able to realize her abilities in creative activity, which involves communication with many people and makes it possible to deviate from established canons. She gets along well with both ordinary employees and management. But there are also colleagues who do not really like Antonina for her straightforwardness and sharp tongue. On leadership position Tonya shows fairness and prudence. A girl can become an authoritative boss whose decisions are not discussed.

Thanks to their pronounced organizational skills, Antoninas usually achieve success if they decide to open own business. For her business, such a woman does not need assistants and partners. She knows how to make the right contacts and establish communications with clients.


Antonina is susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, but good rest, proper nutrition and frequent walks fresh air will minimize the risk of such diseases. Also, this girl should not forget to take care of her nervous system.

Tony's love and marriage

Antonina is easy to talk to, feminine and cheerful, so she has many fans. But this girl is stingy in showing emotions. When communicating with members of the opposite sex, she can behave rudely, arrogantly and even aggressively. Such a woman appreciates smart, patient, reliable, gallant and wealthy men. It is possible that Tosya may fall madly in love and completely surrender to her feelings.

Everyone can guess -

Antonina is in love!

So what? She's almost twenty

And it's spring outside!

The phone just rings

Tonya whispers: “It’s him!”

Agnia Barto

Antonina's early marriage rarely turns out well, not only because she is not ready for married life, but also because, in a hurry, the girl makes a mistake in choosing a life partner. She wants to get rid of parental control as soon as possible and start an independent life and gain independence. But still, mostly Tonya gets married consciously. This woman makes high demands on her chosen one, but she herself is not eager to live up to someone else’s ideals. Only sincere love can make her compliant and soft.

Antonina chooses a patient, intelligent and wealthy man as her wife

After marriage, the wayward and independent Antonina becomes a wonderful wife and a wonderful housewife. She devotes herself entirely to the role of keeper of the family hearth. Her husband finds in her a devoted friend; he does not have to worry that his beloved will betray him. A woman loves her children very much, everything she owns free time dedicates to them. The main thing for Tony is a quiet and peaceful family life without violent passions.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Alexander100% 70% Both partners are independent individuals, they develop difficult relationship. Tony and Sasha can have a prosperous family life only if they can make concessions to each other.
Dmitry90% 40% Dmitry almost at first sight falls in love with the cheerful Antonina, but a serious man is unable to understand her carefree attitude and frivolous attitude towards life. Conflicts in the family most often arise due to Dima's jealousy.
Sergey90% 50% The partners have very different characters. They will be able to create a happy union if the woman is wise and patient, and the man learns to restrain his jealousy. It is important that Sergei does not encroach on Tony's independence.
Andrey100% 70% Love flares up between these people with lightning speed, but the longer they do not marry, the less chance they have for a long-term relationship. The love of freedom inherent in both partners can become an obstacle to creating a strong family.
Alexey90% 50% Union emotional people, whose mood often changes. However, together they are able to survive all the troubles in life if Tonya remains restrained and calm, and Lyosha learns to accept his restless chosen one for who she is.
Evgeniy50% 20% It is unlikely that this union will be stable and lasting. Zhenya lives in reality, and Tonya dreams of the future. Over time, accumulated grievances and unresolved situations will still lead to a breakup.
Maxim90% 50% Maxim is calm and balanced; it is difficult for him to accept Antonina’s adventurous antics. But if you want wise man will be able to direct his beloved’s ideas in the right direction.
Vladimir90% 50% The relationship between these people depends on how long the passion will rage between them. Partners do not swear to eternal love, they soberly assess every situation. Tony and Vova have a chance to create a strong alliance.
Anatoly50% 20% Antonina’s relationship can continue for a long time “out of habit.” But still, the time will come when both partners will understand that they are too different and they do not even have common topics for conversation.
Yuri90% 50% Yura and Tony have similar characters, they have many common interests and goals in life. The partners understand each other perfectly, they have fun, comfort and good time together. They can turn dull everyday life into an ongoing holiday.
Vyacheslav70% 30% In such relationships, Italian passions are seething; calm is unlikely to reign in this union. But as long as the basis of the relationship between Slava and Tony is love, no quarrels will separate them. It is important for them to learn to draw conclusions from each conflict situation.
Novel90% 40% Cautious Roman looks closely at this energetic woman for a long time, because he clearly understands how difficult it is to create a strong union between two opposites. Unfortunately, the feelings of these people alone are not enough to live together until old age.
Denis90% 70% A bright and prosperous union. Partners have the same goals for both and the same outlook on life. The couple resolves any quarrels and misunderstandings calmly and peacefully. Denis and Tonya have a wonderful future ahead of them.
Oleg80% 20% A bright couple, but such relationships are never strong. Neither Oleg nor Tonya are ready to give in to each other. Over time, accumulated grievances, misunderstandings and mutual reproaches destroy their relationship.
Nikolay90% 60% The life together of these people is happy and harmonious. For the sake of her reliable life partner, Antonina is ready to say goodbye to her freedom, and Nikolai happily pampers his beloved.
Igor100% 70% Cheerful and cheerful Igor gives bright emotions shy Antonina. She surrounds the chosen one with warmth, care, love and tenderness. Sometimes they have disagreements, but they are resolved quickly and easily.

The meaning of each letter

A is a symbol of energy and purposeful actions. Continuous development of spirit and body. Two letters “A” in the name Antonina make such a lady a bright leader in any area of ​​life.

N - criticality towards any statements of other people, scrupulousness in choosing friends. Constant care for health. Honest and responsible people. There are three letters “N” in this name, so the influence of the sign is tripled.

T - extraordinary thinking, resourcefulness, creativity, amorousness and temperament. The desire for novelty.

O - deep and diverse inner world. Amazing intuition and ability to see the main thing, distinguishing it from minor details.

And - natural grace, a subtle sense of harmony, elegance.

The eight letters in the name Antonina indicate that such a woman is clearly not a natural mother of the family. She is always dissatisfied with the real state of things, so she is constantly looking for something bright and new that evokes admiration. These ladies are the very embodiment of charm.

Table: name matches

StoneSapphireSymbol of innocence, modesty and devotion. It is believed that this stone gives happiness and tranquility, and also has the ability to eliminate family adversity, bringing peace and harmony.
ColorBluePracticality, patience, good nature and devotion. Distrustful people, sometimes overly strict. They often have difficulty communicating with other people.
Number3 These people are distinguished by openness and goodwill; they can see even in the most unpleasant situations positive aspects. They are able to charge everyone around them with their optimism. These are selfless people who are guided by their hearts. Bright personalities, which will quickly find with any person common language.
PlanetJupiterOptimists who boldly follow the path of life and do not regret anything. Winners in life, they are often lucky.
ElementWaterDeveloped intuition helps them accept right decisions, without particularly thinking. They will find a way out of any situation. Sociable, creative and talented people. Sometimes they can flare up, show unjustified jealousy or irritability.
AnimalDuckControversial symbol. This animal represents deception, talkativeness and superficiality, and at the same time symbolizes fidelity in marriage and happiness in the family.
Zodiac signFishVulnerable people. They sincerely sympathize with others and delve deeply into their problems. Always ready to listen and support. At the same time, they themselves also need the same support from others. Unconfident and own strength, sometimes they are not ready for drastic changes in life.
TreeWillowIn ancient Egyptian symbolism, this tree meant wisdom and power. In the East, willow is the personification of spring, femininity, elegance and renewal.
PlantPeonyIn China, the red peony is a symbol of female beauty, love, prosperity and longevity. These flowers (live, painted, embroidered), placed in the house, make family life more harmonious.
MetalLeadLead is believed to protect against evil spirits and dark magic. Items made of this metal are used as a strong and powerful amulet.
Have a good daySaturday
Time of yearAutumn

When was Antonina born?

Antonina, born in winter, is secretive, mysterious and silent. She does not like noisy companies, prefers to be in peace and quiet. She has few friends, and such a girl does not trust even them completely, because she is afraid of betrayal and does not want to be disappointed. Avoids responsibility and often just goes with the flow.

Winter Antonina is silent and mysterious

Tonya, who was born in the spring, has a cheerful disposition and openness. This is a cheerful and carefree woman who strives to get as much pleasure from life as possible. She cannot stand monotony and boredom. Such a girl has a wide circle of friends; she often organizes and attends various parties.

Spring Antonina is open and cheerful

Summer Antonina is a smart, sympathetic and ironic woman. She can laugh not only at others, but also at herself, although her jokes are not pleasant. But such a woman considers straightforwardness to be her main advantage. Despite all this, those around her are drawn to her, because this kind girl always knows how to find a way out difficult situations.

Summer Antonina is smart and straightforward

Tonys are born in the fall; they are sensible, enterprising and practical. Their actions are usually reasonable and balanced. Such girls always try to control their emotions and feelings. Stability in life is important to them, so the autumn Antonins clearly plan their future. Their organizational skills and discipline help them achieve great success in work and business.

Autumn Antonina is sensible and practical

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAntonina, born under the sign of Aries, is a purposeful, authoritarian and domineering nature. Usually has a clear plan of action for any situation. Trifles do not interest her, she is not distracted by them and confidently moves towards her goal. Such a woman does not like to weave intrigues and does not know how, so if your goals coincide, you can be sure that there will be no surprises on her part.
TaurusWhen building a family with Antonina-Taurus, you need to be prepared for the fact that she will disappear for days at work. Her career is very important to her; no obstacles will derail this prudent, persistent and far-sighted girl from her intended path. No matter how difficult it is for her, she will not accept help from other people.
TwinsAntoninas born under the sign of Gemini will brighten up any company. They are cheerful, optimistic, enjoy life and cheer up those around them. They live one day at a time and do not like plans and schedules. Such a girl chooses friends who are the same: cheerful and carefree playmakers.
CancerTonya-Cancer has a gentle character, kindness and responsiveness. Her biggest problem is her inability to say no. Such a girl is open and trusting; she is often disappointed in people.
LionNext to Antonina-Leo, you will not know what boredom is! Extravaganzas, scandals, and everyone's attention are guaranteed to you. Creativity is her native element, she is not afraid of new acquaintances, she is sociable and at the same time gives advice and criticizes everyone and everything.
VirgoA mystery girl that not everyone can solve. On the one hand, Tonya-Virgo is a sociable and emotional lover of daydreaming. On the other hand, she is reserved with her family, loves order in everything and stability. Dreams of a good career, but does nothing to get a high position.
ScalesAntonina-Libra is distinguished by such character traits as modesty, vulnerability, uncertainty and indecision. Such a girl will not turn out to be a careerist, especially because of her fear of making decisions, especially important ones. But she has more than enough responsibility and diligence.
ScorpionLike all Scorpios, Antonina is able to stand up for herself; she can say anything to her face without embarrassment. Such a girl is straightforward, arrogant and unpredictable. He does not admit his mistakes and mistakes.
SagittariusThis is a real heartbreaker. Always cheerful, it’s always easy to be with her. Antonina-Sagittarius's penchant for adventurism only makes her sexy in the eyes of men. In addition, she is an excellent housewife, a sensible, responsible and intelligent woman.
CapricornTonya-Capricorn is outwardly very strong, focused on the goal, and is simply an example of self-confidence. In fact, this is a mask, in her soul such a girl is fragile and vulnerable, although she is used to relying only on herself in everything. He doesn't listen to advice and never asks for it.
AquariusGoing with the flow is not always bad - at least that’s what Antonina-Aquarius thinks. Intelligence, erudition, modesty - these traits distinguish her from others. Such a girl does not make scandals and actively defends her point of view only in exceptional cases.
FishAntonina-Pisces is usually elegant, feminine and graceful. This is a quiet girl, you are unlikely to hear her making a row without a good reason. To piss her off, you need to try hard. Does not tolerate rudeness and familiarity.

Famous people

Famous women with this name:

  • Antonina Abarinova - Russian opera singer and dramatic actress;
  • Antonina Rzhevskaya is a Russian artist, one of two women painters accepted into the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions;
  • Antonina Nezhdanova - Russian singer, People's Artist of the USSR. The largest representative of the Russian vocal school;
  • Antonina Zernova - Russian book historian, bibliographer;
  • Antonina Shuranova - Russian actress, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Antonina Seredina is a Russian athlete (kayaking and canoeing), Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the USSR. Champion Olympic Games;
  • Antonina Zelikovich - Soviet and Russian rower, two-time Olympic silver medalist. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR;
  • Antonina Krivoshapka is a Russian runner. Olympic silver medalist, world champion in the 4x400 m relay, four-time bronze medalist at the world championships, three-time European champion;
  • Antonina Komissarova - Russian actress, TV presenter, model;
  • Tonya Predko is a host of StarLadder tournaments.

Photo gallery: famous Antonines

Antonina Abarinova - Russian opera singer and actress Antonina Komissarova - Russian actress Antonina Krivoshapka - Russian runner Antonina Nezhdanova - Russian singer Antonina Seredina - Russian athlete Antonina Shuranova - Russian actress “Girl at the Window” - one of the paintings by Russian artist Antonina Rzhevskaya Tonya Predko - presenter StarLadder tournaments

Antonina is a kind and sympathetic person. She is always ready to help not only in word, but also in deed. The owner of this name is responsible, reasonable and sociable. True, you shouldn’t count on her altruism, since Tony’s actions are mainly based on sober calculation.

Name symbol: “opponent”.

Antonina - kind person, but her kindness is somewhat different, not the same as, for example, Anna’s. It comes not so much from the heart as from a conscious understanding: how you treat people is how they will repay you in return.

Little Tonechka behaves in the children's group like a teacher. From an early age she likes to lead and command. At the same time, she is kind and does not seem to notice the tricks - the children willingly obey her, and a real teacher can always leave her to look after the group for a minute.

At home, Tonya is my mother's assistant; If there is a younger brother or sister in the family, she willingly tinkers with them. Antonina in school years patronizes younger schoolchildren, and although her studies are not easy for her, she enjoys authority due to her good organizational skills. She is responsible and you can rely on her in many ways. Indispensable at work, but in the role of a boss she is somewhat tyrannical.

Before the wedding, Antonina has enough fans. She doesn’t particularly stand on ceremony with them, and doesn’t care at all about being faithful to one person. Having gotten married, she is transformed: yesterday’s carefree girl turns into the keeper of the family hearth. All of Antonina’s activities, her thoughts and plans are aimed at ensuring prosperity and happiness for the family. She does not waste money, she is prudent in her purchases, before buying something, she will go around the entire bazaar and bargain with every seller. She is sympathetic and kind, she has many friends and casual acquaintances, and although they all know that Antonina’s friendship is not without pragmatism, they continue to love her. For the sake of preserving the family, she is ready to endure the antics of her drunkard husband and put up with her husband’s infidelity.

“Winter” is mysterious. Secretive, unsociable, indecisive, but very trusting.

“Autumn” is enterprising, but also secretive. He can be a businessman, a seller, or have his own store or cafe.

“Summer” is more sociable, but keeps secret topics to herself.

“Spring” is a little uncollected, careless. Loves luxury.

  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • Color - blue.
  • Auspicious tree- willow.
  • Treasured plant- lily.
  • Patron name- herring.
  • Talisman stone - sapphire.

Health: weak lungs, heart and liver. You should improve your liver health by taking milk thistle, and introduce chicken and grains into your diet. Lungs are useful physical exercise in the fresh air.

Other meaning of the name:

Possessing enormous hidden energy, she is confident that she is the only one who has the knowledge that gives her the opportunity to make real plans to solve any problem that interests her. She is confident that she knows how to live correctly, as she is able to analyze any situation and arouse her interest in any topic or problem.

She easily finds a common language with everyone, as she has easy character And good energy. She is an analytical mind, not lazy, interested in science and loves to read. She could become a brilliant scientist in any field of knowledge (especially strong as a mathematician and technician), but she is greatly hampered by her groundedness: the desire for work and life, for family and the flesh (motherhood). Her spirituality requires enormous responsibility, which can crowd out any interests, replacing them with innumerable responsibilities related to the family. Lack of luck can cause an unsuccessful family, where the husband will become another child who will need to be fed and supported. To avoid such a fate, it is necessary to develop and encourage her interest in science and creativity from early childhood, focusing on the choice of the following professions: doctor, diagnostician, designer, mathematician, writer, engineer, university teacher, school teacher, economist , programmer. The closer it is to science and creativity, the further it is from problems and failures. She is very feminine; her principle in bed is “all or nothing”, the husband must be as strong as possible in temperament, have a good understanding of women (diagonal 5 digits). Stability, like goals, changes abruptly, which leads to a spontaneous, unexpected change of goals or their underestimation, since self-esteem is overloaded. It must be remembered that she was already born talented and this can manifest itself at any age. The main thing to remember is that life and work for her are a trap where tolerance and trials await her. Science and creativity are the path to happiness and freedom.

The flesh and family are inseparable for her, which means that as soon as a family is created, all her creative plans and plans for self-improvement and self-development will fade into the background, giving way to everyday worries, work and family. It would seem that this is her happiness, but everything is exactly the opposite, since it is in family life Problems may arise that will affect your entire life.

Names: origin and forms

Antonina- (from Latin) extensive.

Folk: Antonida.
Derivatives: Antoninka, Tonya, Tonyunya, Tonyura, Tonyusya, Nyusya, Tonyukha, Tonyusha, Antosya, Tosya, Antosha, Tosha, Nina, Ina.

Directory of Russian names

Extensive(from Latin).

Responsive. Gullible. They know how to support in word and deed, with money. They like to cry, to ease their souls, but they tactfully keep their worries to themselves. Well-built, with soft lines, lyrical, but suddenly out of the blue they can get carried away and lead you along.

The mystery of the name

Antonina, Antonida- opponent (Latin) - female uniform on behalf of the Roman emperors Antoniev.
The name is ancient, but not forgotten, but alive. Nowadays, although not often, it is given to newborn girls.
Zodiac name: Fish.
Planet: Neptune.
Name color: blue.
Talisman stone: sapphire.
Auspicious plant: willow, lily.
Patron name: herring.
Happy day: Thursday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Diminutive forms: Tonya, Tonyunya, Tonyura, Nyusya, Tonyukha, Antosya, Antosha, Tosya, Tasya, Nina, Ina, Nida.
Main features: excitability, receptivity, daydreaming.


Antonina Krodamskaya, virgin, martyr, June 23 (10). After severe torment for the faith of Christ, she was thrown into a pit of fire and covered with earth in 313. Antonina, holy martyr, June 26 (13). The Holy Martyr Antonina suffered in the 3rd century during the persecution of Christians under the Emperor Diocletian in the city of Nicaea. For confession Christian faith They tortured her in every possible way - they burned her with fire, laid her on a hot frying pan, drilled her into her arms and legs with hot rods, and finally threw her into prison, where the saint languished for two years. But the torment did not break the spirit of Saint Antonina; she confessed her faith in Christ until her death. Finally, convinced of the futility of their attempts, the executioners threw the martyr into the sea.
Antonina Nicea, martyr, March 14 (1). Saint Antonina suffered in Nicaea during the persecution of Christians by Emperor Maximian (284-305). After cruel torture, Saint Antonina was thrown into prison. But the cruel emperor could not force her to renounce the Lord and sacrifice to pagan idols. Frightening the executioners, the angels of God appeared to the holy martyr. Miraculously strengthened by the grace-filled power of Christ, she remained unharmed even when she was placed on a red-hot iron bed. Finally, after much torture, Saint Antonina was tied into a sack and drowned in the lake.


If you sow cabbage seedlings in pots on March 14, Antonina Day, they cannot be damaged by frost.
It is believed that “all the underground springs boil” on Antonina, so they begin to whitewash the canvases.


As a child, Tonya is her mother’s first assistant: she cleans the apartment, waters the flowers, and takes care of her younger brothers and sisters. She loves to lead and command them, they obey her with pleasure.

At school, Tonya studies well, reads a lot, and a good library is being collected for her; Tonya loves poetry and knows a lot of poems. Supervises younger schoolchildren. She is very responsible and you can rely on her. She has good organizational skills, especially if she gets excited about some idea, she can captivate others. She loves to dream, sometimes she leaves everything and goes into endless dreams.

Adult Antonina flourishes in a team that is friendly to her, but finds it difficult to tolerate the conditions everyday life. Everyday work is a cruel necessity for her. Daydreaming plays a big role in her life. She tries to hide from reality and does not reveal her inner world to others.

Antonina has great intuition, can solve dreams, and is often religious. Sometimes she is susceptible to mental depression, becomes aggressive and uncooperative. Often influenced. If she is the boss, she is even tyrannical.

Antonina is most often a teacher, educator, doctor, archivist, librarian, designer, literary critic, art critic. Antonina does her job conscientiously and is always in good standing. Passionate about some part of her activity, she reveals herself especially brightly. Rarely achieves the intended goal, but does not suffer from it.

In her youth, Antonina had many fans. She is very charming, well-built, most often she has long beautiful hair, her head held high. She does not value men, they disappear one after another, and it happens that Antonina does not marry. If a man appears whose feelings and devotion she does not doubt, Antonina marries him and becomes a wonderful wife, a wonderful housewife, a loving mother. Her best husband will be Efim, Vitaly, Oleg, Sergey, Semyon, Yuliy.

Antonina is sympathetic and kind, she has friends and acquaintances, and although they all know that it is very difficult with Antonina, they continue to love her.


Antonina Vasilyevna Nezhdanova (1873-1950) - Russian singer, from childhood, with her whole being, born for art, she was drawn to song. She showed her musical talent very early. Antonina sang in the church choir, the voice of a seven-year-old child touched her fellow villagers: “here is a canary, here is a gentle voice.” At the Odessa gymnasium, Nezhdanova stood out noticeably for her voice and general musicality, grace of movements and sense of rhythm. She led the gymnasium choir and often performed with it at evenings. After graduating from high school, Antonina Vasilyevna lived and worked in Odessa, often visited the magnificent opera house where Italian singers sang, and enthusiastically sang at home the arias she heard in the theater. Listening to flawless singing is one of the the most important factors in raising a young singer. A.V. Nezhdanova, even before she began studying, was already developing as a singer under the influence of Russian church music, folk songs and Italian vocal art. She passionately dreamed of studying vocals and, after an unsuccessful attempt in St. Petersburg, entered the Moscow Conservatory. Reviews of Nezhdana's performances in conservatory performances predicted a great future for her.

Chance often helped many wonderful artists to emerge. It is unknown how Nezhdanova’s fate would have turned out if one day all the performers of the part of Antonida in Glinka’s opera “A Life for the Tsar” had not fallen ill and the announced performance would not have been in danger of being cancelled. The management of the imperial theaters remembered the young singer and asked her to help out the performance.

On April 23, 1902, Antonina Nezhdanova’s debut performance took place. The review noted the debutante’s ability to control her beautiful voice. A contract was signed with the young artist, and she became a professional opera singer.

Of the complex of qualities that make up Nezhdanova’s creative individuality, the most striking is the timbre of her voice and virtuoso skill; contemporaries quite rightly called her the Russian nightingale.

Nezhdanova wonderfully sang the most difficult roles in Rimsky-Korsakov’s operas. She was a wonderful Snow Maiden, Martha in "The Tsar's Bride", an amazing Shemakha queen in "The Golden Cockerel", although the latter image is sharply different in character from the first two.

She worked a lot on stage movement. When she needed to create a fabulous image of the Shemakha queen, she studied the plastic movements of oriental dances. Before starting work on the part of Iolanta, Nezhdanova visited an infirmary for the blind. The movements of the blind people noticed there helped the artist create complete illusion blind Iolanta. The image of Iolanta, in terms of the power of artistic impression, was one of the most outstanding in Nezhdanova’s repertoire.

A.V. worked for over thirty years. Nezhdanova at the Bolshoi Theater, sang large number coloratura and historically lyrical roles - Tatiana in the opera "Eugene Onegin" by Tchaikovsky, Elsa, "Lohengrin" by Wagner, Manon Massenet, and many others, in which she performed with great success.

Antonina Vasilievna was involved in concert activities a lot and was an outstanding chamber singer.

Once she sang works by S. Rachmaninov. According to the program, the composer was not supposed to accompany Nezhdanova. He sat in the audience and listened to Nezhdanova's performance of Francesca's aria from his opera Francesca do Rimini. What a force of artistic excitement Nezhdanova’s singing must have evoked in S. Rachmaninov if, contrary to tradition, the official situation and the composer’s personal restraint, he himself went on stage and sat down at the piano to accompany the singer. Of course, the performance of both musicians, beautiful and inspired, captivated the audience.

Antonina Vasilievna Nezhdanova received worldwide recognition by touring around largest cities Western Europe.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology. Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to replenish your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Tonya, manifestation in love

Tonya, the logical conclusion of a romantic relationship for you is marriage and the creation of a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your life positions. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

Antonina- “extensive” (lat.)

Usually responsive, trusting, able to support both in word and deed. Someone is always complaining to her, counting on her sympathy. At the same time, she is secretive and keeps her problems to herself. Well-built, the lines of the figure are soft. Lyrical, sentimental. Can suddenly be fired up by an idea and captivate others. Antonina blossoms in a friendly full family. Has difficulty enduring life's adversities. Has a tendency to avoid responsibility, to run away into a carefree life, into endless dreams. Easily susceptible to other people's influence. She lacks self-confidence. Daydreaming plays a big role in her life. But Antonina tries not to reveal his inner world to others. She considers herself worthy only of a carefree and prosperous life: she does not bother herself with darning socks, washing, or any “dirty” household work. Labor activity for her it is a sad necessity. He can be a caretaker in a museum, an archivist, a secretary, and also work as a librarian or laboratory assistant. He has extraordinary intuition and can solve dreams. However, you should pay attention to its aggressiveness. Happens and mental disorders. She should avoid nervous breakdowns so that this condition does not become the norm for her. He has a synthetic mindset, which contributes to success in life. But her intelligence somehow does not manifest itself and does not develop in fully. This happens due to indecision, secrecy, timidity.

Antonina needs love like air. True, she herself expresses this feeling in a unique way: she expresses love in a material form or in a rough, aggressive form. Sex means nothing to her. She is even afraid to touch on this topic.

Antonina's health is average. She needs a balanced diet and rest after lunch. Required long sleep, walks and tranquility. WITH early age loves entertainment, picnics with friends, but still keeps to himself. Communicating with nature is a joy for her.

"Winter" Antonina- mystery. Secretive, unsociable, indecisive, but very trusting.

“Autumn” is enterprising, but also secretive. He can be a businessman, a seller, or have his own store or cafe.

Name Antonina more suitable for patronymics: Svyatoslavovna, Vladislavovna, Gavrilovna, Klimovna, Leonardovna, Lyudvigovna, Anatolyevna.

“Summer” is more sociable, but keeps secret topics to herself.

“Spring” is a little uncollected, careless. Loves luxury.

The name matches patronymics: Naumovna, Mikhailovna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Khristianovna, Yuryevna, Stefanovna.

Meaning of the name Antonina option 2

1. Personality. Those who know how to listen.

2. Character. 76%.

3. Radiation. 68%.

4. Vibration. 74,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Red.

6. Totem plant. Peony.

7. Totem animal. Duck.

8. Sign. Cancer.

9. Main features. Excitability - morality - receptivity - intuition.

10. Type. Like a duck that feels confident on the water, but worse on land, these women thrive in a friendly environment, but find it difficult to endure the conditions of everyday life.

11. Psyche. They run away from reality into endless dreams. They are easily influenced and lack self-confidence.

12. Will. Not too strong.

13. Excitability. Daydreaming plays a very important role in their lives.

14. Reaction speed. Antonina very slow. They never reveal their inner world to others, where wonderful flowers often bloom and colorful butterflies flutter. Behind all this lies some kind of bitterness, reminiscent of the taste of peony - their totem plant.

15. Field of activity. In the distant past, such women were obviously wonderful shepherdesses in airy dresses. They work as necessary as museum curators, archivists, librarians, and laboratory assistants.

16. Intuition. Extraordinary. They know how to solve dreams. However, they are susceptible to mental depression. Reflection, which tears apart their tender soul, should be avoided.

17. Intelligence. They have a synthetic type of thinking, which contributes to success in life, but their intellect is somewhat depressed due to indecision and lack of courage.

18. Receptivity. They need love like air, but they are somewhat careless.

19. Morality. This word means nothing to them. They simply exclude for themselves any moral responsibility for whatever it is.

20. Health. They must adhere to balanced diet, relax after lunch and take walks.

21. Sexuality. Weak, sex for them represents an area that scares them.

22. Activity. Not too active.

23. Sociability. Since childhood, they love entertainment, picnics and parties, but they still keep to themselves.

Conclusion. Antonina loves nature. It is difficult to catch them, since in their thoughts they are constantly running away into the sunny distances...

Meaning of the name Antonina option 3

Feminine form of the name Anton.

Antonina- a kind person, but her kindness is different, not the same as, for example, Anna’s. It comes not so much from the heart as from a clear understanding: how you treat people is how they will pay you. Little Tonechka behaves in the children's group like a teacher. Since childhood, she likes to lead and command. At the same time, she is kind and does not “notice” tricks - the children willingly obey her, and a real teacher can always leave her to look after the group for a minute.

At home, Tonya is my mother’s assistant; if the family has a younger brother or sister, she willingly looks after them. Antonina During her school years, she mentors younger students, and although her studies are not easy for her, she enjoys authority due to her good organizational skills. She is responsible and you can rely on her in many ways. Indispensable at work. In the role of a boss, she is somewhat despotic.

Before the wedding, Antonina has enough admirers. She does not stand on ceremony with them; she does not care at all about being faithful to one. Having gotten married, she is transformed: yesterday's carefree girl turns into a real keeper of the family hearth. All of Antonina’s activities, her thoughts and plans are aimed at ensuring prosperity and happiness for her family. She does not waste money, she is prudent in her purchases, before buying something, she will go around the entire bazaar and bargain with every seller. She is sympathetic and kind, she has many friends and casual acquaintances, and although they all know that Antonina’s friendship is not without pragmatism, they continue to love her. For the sake of preserving the family, she is ready to endure the antics of her drunkard husband and put up with her husband’s infidelity.

Antonina will be in the top ten if her husband is Efim. Yuri, Oleg, Semyon, Sergey, Vitaly are also favorable for marriage. Failure awaits Ivan, Ignat, Denis, Maxim.

Meaning of the name Antonina option 4

Antonina- from lat. extensive; folk Antonida.

Derivatives: Antoninka, Tonya, Tonyunya, Tonyura, Tonyusya, Nyusya, Tonyukha, Tonyusha, Antosya, Tosya, Antosha, Tosha, Nina, Ina.

Folk signs.

On Antonina, all the underground springs boil, so in the villages they begin to whitewash canvases.


Antonina From birth she was endowed with the talent of a homemaker. It is difficult to imagine a more caring and skillful housewife and cook; she is economical, thanks to which she manages to provide her family with prosperity and happiness. She is responsive and kind. This is a woman who will endure anything to save her family. At work she is also thorough and punctual. Her composure, neatness, and order are evident in everything. No sky-high fantasies! Debt and labor.

Meaning of the name Antonina option 5

ANTONINA - opponent (lat.).

Name day: March 14 - Holy Martyr Antonina, after cruel torment for the faith of Christ, she was drowned in the lake (IV century).

June 23 - Holy Martyr Antonina-virgin, after being tortured for the faith of Christ, was thrown into a pit of fire and covered with earth (313).

  • Zodiac sign - Pisces.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • Color - blue.
  • The auspicious tree is willow.
  • The treasured plant is the lily.
  • The patron of the name is herring.
  • Talisman stone - sapphire.


Antonina as if born in order to become the keeper of the home. You cannot find a more caring and skillful housewife; Antonina prudent; Everything is aimed at ensuring the family prosperity and happiness.

Meaning of the name Antonina option 6

Antonina At first glance, he is a kind person, but, unfortunately, not in the generally accepted sense of the word. Her actions are guided not by a cordial attitude towards a person, but by calculation. She understands well that people will treat her in the same way as she treats them.

That is why she carefully analyzes the behavior of each of her acquaintances, and only then builds her relationships with them. Being active and, most importantly, practical, Antonina tries to extract the greatest benefit from contacts with people, and those around him, as a rule, understand this. And not very devoted friends gather around Antonina, and even those do not stay near her for long, since greed is abhorrent to many.

Antonina and does not hide the fact that business contacts interest her most. But Antonina also has positive qualities. She is fair, energetic, a good organizer, and you can rely on her in her work. If you entrust her with any task, you can be sure of success: she will get everything, solve it, and provide it. At work she is an ideal business executive, in the family she is a caring mother, but she does household chores without much pleasure. She is hospitable, but will not stand at the stove all day to cook something special. She will go for more the easy way: will buy semi-finished products, even delicacies, and as a last resort ask a neighbor for help. She practically knows how to do everything: sew, knit, drive a car, work with a hammer, but she does not consider it necessary to do this. Antonina tries to follow fashion. Many admire her, but, unfortunately, not as a woman, but as a reliable comrade.

Meaning of the name Antonina option 7

Antonina- “extensive” (Latin), usually responsive, trusting, able to support both in word and deed. At the same time, she is secretive and keeps her problems to herself. Lyrical, sentimental. Can suddenly be fired up by an idea and captivate others. Has difficulty enduring life's adversities. Has a tendency to avoid responsibility, to run away into a carefree life, into endless dreams. She lacks self-confidence.

For her, working is a sad necessity.

Antonina has extraordinary intuition. From birth she was endowed with the talent of a homemaker. It is difficult to imagine a more caring and skillful housewife and cook; She is economical, thanks to which she manages to provide her family with prosperity and happiness.