A plastic surgeon told how much the beauty of Sofia Rotaru, Laima Vaikule and other Russian singers costs. Laima Vaikule was accused of loving plastic surgery Who performed plastic surgery on Laima Vaikule

Interesting facts from the life of Laima: the singer denies plastic surgery, assuring that her appearance is the result the right image life and care; strenuously sought the attention of parents; planned to become a doctor; absolutely does not know how to save and save money; trusts her sense of touch when choosing clothes; Nikolai Baskov once broke Vaikule's arm during a concert rehearsal; once Laima Vaikule got a chance to become a Broadway star, but she refused because she did not want to dye her hair brunette; loves to play backgammon.

Recently, Laima posted a video on Instagram, which immediately caused heated debate. Many fans did not recognize the singer at all. Rumors immediately spread that Laima Vaikule did not quite successful plastic surgery. According to a specialist in plastic surgery, Laima carried out the following interventions:

  • Circular facelift. Now her face is without a single wrinkle, even too tense, which was not the case in her youth. After plastic surgery, Vaikule lost its naturalness.

Laima Vaikule, 61 years old
  • Blepharoplasty to make the look more open, like that of young people. But it turned out that her eyes began to look different, as if the cut had changed.
  • Lip surgery with hyaluronic acid. And here is Lima Vaikule succumbed to the fashion for plastic. She enlarged her lips a little, making them more sensual. And although the result is good, the look is no longer entirely natural. Previously, her lips were not full, but they were natural and more attractive.
  • Botulinum toxin injections in the forehead. Now she has a tight face without a single wrinkle.

Laima Vaikule is 48 years old

Despite the strange result, Vaikule’s facial plastic surgery was done as carefully and professionally as possible.

It can be assumed how much did Vaikule plastic surgery cost:

  • General circular lift– from 300 thousand rubles to 1 million rubles.
  • Eyelid lift – about 100-200 thousand rubles.
  • Fillers hyaluronic acid on the lips – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Botox injections – from 20 thousand rubles. per session.

Read more in our article about Vaikule plastic surgery and the results of the changes.

Read in this article

Interesting facts from the life of Laima

Honored singer Laima Vaikule has always had an interesting appearance and European features. But she is no less an amazing person. Laima told several intriguing facts about her life, Vaikule spoke about her attitude towards plastic surgery, thanks to which there was a chance to get to know the singer from a new side. Interesting moments are:

  • Laima Vaikule, according to her own statements, does without drastic interventions. The singer believes that until the age of 30, a girl looks the way nature created her. She doesn't need to do anything special to look beautiful.
  • But after 35 years, you need to take care of yourself. The way a girl looks is already the result of her lifestyle. Laima does not eat meat, does not smoke or abuse alcoholic drinks. In addition, she leads an active lifestyle and works a lot. Her occupation brings her pleasure. Therefore, the reflection in the mirror pleases her.

Vaikule at the beginning of his career and 2014
  • As a child, Laima Vaikule often tried to prove that she was the best and fought for her parents’ attention. The singer said that she did not get along with her middle sister. As a child, she felt that she was in last place for parents after all children.
  • Initially, Laima planned to become a doctor. She even entered medical school. The artist imagined that she would benefit people and see the results of her work. But the plans did not come true. And today she feels like she could do more.
  • According to Vaikule herself, she absolutely does not know how to save and save money. The main thing for her is to enjoy what she earns, otherwise the whole point is lost. If a family has everything they need, then the amount of money spent on entertainment, recreation, etc. does not bother them. She once spent a $100,000 fee on a vacation to the Hawaiian Islands.

Vaikule in his youth and at 56 years old
  • When choosing clothes, Laima trusts her sense of touch. She prefers natural and pleasant-to-touch fabrics.
  • Nikolai Baskov once broke Vaikule's arm during a concert rehearsal. But everything worked out well, all colleagues immediately provided assistance, and Vladimir Vinokur immediately called an excellent traumatologist.
  • Once upon a time, Laima Vaikule got a chance to become a Broadway star. But she didn’t like the proposed role of Mata Hari, and main reason To refuse, it became necessary to dye my hair brunette. And although she later darkened the color, it was on her terms, for life.
  • Also, one day she decided to work with Mikhail Baryshnikov, although everyone dissuaded her. Knowledgeable people warned that he would not agree. But the dancer decided to star in Vaikule’s video. Although she herself missed the chance, even twice, forgetting to call him back on time.
  • Vaikule loves to play backgammon. She even calls herself "queen."

Vaikule plastic surgery and results for the face after

Laima Vaikule does not lag behind her younger colleagues and maintains an Instagram page. She recently posted a video that immediately sparked heated debate. Many fans did not recognize the singer at all. Rumors immediately spread that Laima Vaikule had undergone plastic surgery, and it was not entirely successful.

On the one hand, she really began to look younger, but, on the other, the singer stopped being herself. Many followers were unhappy with the result. According to a plastic surgery specialist, Lyma performed the following interventions:

  • Most likely Vaikule did. It's practically mandatory operation For older women after 45-50 years. Now her face is without a single wrinkle, even too tight, which was not the case even in her youth. It looked natural then. Therefore, in this sense, Laima Vaikule lost its naturalness after plastic surgery.

Before and after facelift
  • To make her look more open and younger, the artist probably did

Which this summer for the third time held its own festival in Jurmala, impressed not so much with its new songs as with its appearance. Fans of the star are concerned: time, which has no power over other stars, makes itself felt in the case of Laima. Doctors explained: this is due to the fact that Vaikule does not take care of his own appearance.

Laima has always been called a style icon. However, now the artist no longer corresponds to this status. Her photo with Alexander Revva was completely criticized online. “Lyma has lost a lot,” her fans complain. “Soon she will become an old lady!”

It is clear that Vaikule is not a supporter surgical intervention in the facial area, says the clinic’s plastic surgeon Alexander Vdovin. - It is noticeable that she did not undergo any maxillofacial plastic surgery. Laima can safely go for a consultation with a plastic surgeon.

According to the specialist, Laima’s face needs serious work. But thanks to this, she will be able to look younger and more impressive.

I would suggest Lyme to undergo high-quality blepharoplasty upper eyelid, as well as injections with biorevitalizants,” continues Alexander. - It won’t hurt the singer to increase the volume of her cheekbones - this can be achieved using fillers based on hyaluronic acid. Fat fiber in Laima Vaikule is little expressed, therefore this procedure she just needs it. I would advise the singer to undergo augmentation of the nasolabial folds (eliminate creases around the nose and lips). I would work on the lips to give fuller volume. Due to the possible dryness of the face, you can use Fractor and Body Tite devices. This will eliminate all expression and age wrinkles on lower third and the upper third of the face, especially in the area around the eyes.

Today, according to doctors, Lyme is limited only to the help of cosmetologists. But they cannot give a second youth to a star.

If we compare photographs of Laima different years, you can see that she used beauty injections based on hyaluronic acid and Botox injections to smooth out facial wrinkles- says cosmetologist Anna Ponomareva. - Most likely, cosmetology procedures were carried out: masks, cleansing, peelings with moisturizing.

Now the star needs radical rejuvenation. Capital cosmetologists believe that without thread lifting, which has become especially popular in lately, Vaikule cannot do without.

It is carried out using Aptos threads,” continues Anna. - Thanks to this procedure, you can tighten the facial frame, especially the lower third. I would also advise Lyme to add volume to the cheek-zygomatic area with preparations based on hyaluronic acid. At her age, it is recommended to work on skin renewal, which can be done using laser techniques, for example, a CO2 device. This will allow for regeneration of skin tissue.

Lyme is also advised to rejuvenate her hands - they, like the neck, primarily give away a woman’s age. In Vaikule their condition leaves much to be desired.

Laima Vaikule, at 63 years old, which is how old this actress of Latvian origin turned in 2017, looks great. If you compare photos of Laima Vaikule in her early and late years, or, as they now say, before and after, you can see that at 50-60 years old, she looked much more interesting and attractive than at thirty or twenty. Unique! Maybe the whole point is that Laima Vaikule changed her hair color? Dyed your dark brown hair blonde? She also changed the shape of her eyebrows, now they are beautifully curved, painted in a color that harmonizes with her hair color, wide and moderately thick. An ideally selected stylist does wonders for Laima Vaikule’s appearance. As far as I understand, for more than twenty years Laima Vaikule has been using the services of a stylist and makeup artist Sergei Usov, working under the pseudonym Striga. This guy appears next to Laima Vaikule so often at all sorts of events that if you search for “Laima Vaikule and her husband Andrei Latkovsky,” you will see exactly this guy next to the famous singer, and not her real life partner.

Some media outlets don’t bother and mistake her stylist Sergei for Laima’s husband, because he is almost always nearby. Laima got used to his magical hands and not a single one of her public appearances can be done without him. Indeed, the guy works wonders, he gives Laima Vaikule a variety of hairstyles and makeup, and they all suit her very well. For many years now, Laima Vaikule has never been in trouble with her images.

Did you do it?Laima Vaikule interference in your face? You won’t find photos online in which the singer looks old and unkempt, there’s nothing like other artists where the oval of her face becomes deformed and her cheeks sag, and suddenly she suddenly looks younger and becomes beautiful, fit and young again. Nothing like that - Lyma is always in shape, the only thing that changes is the number of facial wrinkles, but hyaluronic acid, massages, hardware procedures, peelings, masks can cope with them, now a lot of things have been invented in cosmetology - if only there was money and time. Therefore, it seems to me that there are some gentle procedures, but they are all done very competently with minimal aggressive effects on the body. All to simply maintain beauty.

Although already after sixty years of age, Laima Vaikule clearly did something serious with her face, because if before the age of 60 it is quite possible, thanks to excellent genes and self-care, to look great, then after that miracles usually don’t happen. Laima Vaikule is thin, so she didn’t have any strong age-related changes. Competent make-up is discreet, but emphasizing the artist’s merits, the hair is dyed perfectly, the hand of the artist is visible. And Laima Vaikule herself has excellent taste, she is ready to try new things, and that’s what I like - she never puts anything unnecessary on public display.

Laima Vaikule has never been married, but at the same time, for more than forty years, she has had a devoted friend and comrade-in-arms with her - Andrei Latkovsky, she met him when she was a 16-year-old girl, she could not stand this guy for a year and avoided him in every possible way, although they worked in the same team, and two years later Laima and Andrey began to live together. Andrei Latkovsky considers Laima Vaikule his wife, but she prefers to say that she is a free woman. What kind of relationship they have there is to understand to the common man difficult. Not everything is as simple and banal as with traditional married couples.

Laima Vaikule is a unique woman, she is not the kind of wife that most people are married women. That is, she doesn’t boil borscht, doesn’t fry cutlets for future use, doesn’t iron shirts and doesn’t try to please her husband; the most she can do for him is make tea or coffee. This woman is a cat who walks on her own, but who you want to have cozy home, to which you want to return after a long and tiring tour. Laima Vaikule strong woman, she forces everyone to play by her rules, and her husband Andrei Latkovsky is no exception, she also experimented on him, for example, she specifically punished him with her inattention. Laima believes that there is no one better than her in the whole world. And despite the fact that Laima is still a dictator, her husband still cannot be called henpecked, it’s rare that the demanding Laima Vaikule could stand a man next to her, but she loves when people listen to her, but Andrei Latkovsky does not have a very pliable character, at least , so says our heroine.

Today, Andrei Latkovsky remains in the shadow of his wife, many know that he exists, exists, and for some time he was even the administrator of his illegitimate wife, her concert director, but later Laima decided that in this way her beloved was too dependent on her and her will, she was afraid to stop respecting him and insisted that he take care of his own business. Laima Vaikule's husband Andrei Latkovsky and his wife were in both sorrow and joy when many years ago the singer found out that she had cancer, he was the only one she needed at that moment, who was worried almost as much as she was. In the most bitter moment, he said that if Laima had nothing left to live, they would get into the car together, accelerate and crash into the wall. Laima Vaikule appreciated the words of her beloved. It’s an amazing thing, although they are not officially married and Laima Vaikule feels like a cat that walks on its own, she would not want Andrei Latkovsky to ever leave her, she also believes that she will never be able to stop loving her friend and colleague , she is confident in her feelings. And this is no longer just love and respect, this is not a banal habit of being close - it is something more. This is some kind of cosmic relationship. Laima Vaikule is confident that Andrei Latkovsky is faithful and devoted to her. Laima Vaikule does not wear gold and diamonds; she believes that her treasure is her husband Andrei, mother and dogs. The couple has no children, but they don’t regret it. The only thing that saddens Laima is that in her youth she had interruptions.

Laima Vaikule in her youth had sunken cheeks.

Photoshop changes Laima Vaikule beyond recognition.

Photo of Laima Vaikule in her youth.

On the left is Laima Vaikule, this is one of her first performances.

Laima Vaikule is a famous pop singer and actress, originally from Baltic country- Latvia. She gained great popularity because of her bright and unique manner of performance. In one of the last videos that Laima posted on social network, it is difficult to recognize her. The Internet audience concluded that such strong changes occurred due to plastic surgery. Fans condemned her, believing that “you need to grow old nobly.” But there were also many defenders who said that the artist remains an icon of style and graceful femininity in any form.


Laima Stanislavovna Vaikule was born in 1944, on March 31, in the small provincial town of Cesis. The family did not have any special relationship to music - the parents had the most ordinary job. Only my grandmother was in the choir at the church. When Laima was old three years, the family moved to Riga and settled in a small one-room apartment. Here, later, she began to go to school, and at the age of 12 she made her first debut on stage. She took part in a competition for young vocalists where she received a diploma - this was the first award for talent. From this day it began creative biography singers. Laima dreamed of becoming a doctor. For this reason, after finishing the 8th grade, he enters medical school. During her studies, she reconsiders her views on life. She was destined to please the people with a controlled voice, and not to heal. The young singer was attracted by the stage. At the age of fifteen, Laima successfully passed the competition for the role of soloist of the Riga Radio and Television Orchestra, led by Raimonda Paulsa.

Singer career

The young Leech began to actively engage in creativity in 1979. While Laima was studying at GITIS, Ilya Reznik, a famous songwriter, drew attention to the aspiring singer. He considered her a worthy candidate to fulfill his new song"Night fire". The work was first heard on radio broadcasts, and then it was presented on the popular program “Song-86” in the USSR. At the same time, Laima, in a duet with Leontyev, performed a new song “Vernissage” at a Soviet-Italian concert of pop stars. This was a success and secured Laima Vaikule’s status as a popular singer. The next day she was famous. Her photographs began to appear on the main pages of publications.

The singer confirmed her status a year later by performing the song “It’s not evening yet.” She performed the work in her unique style, from which the song sparkled with new colors and took the top places in the charts on radio and radio. television programs. Vaikule was able to earn popularity throughout the USSR in February 1987. This happened after her performance at the author’s evening by Raymond Pauls, held at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. This was the time when Laima worked tirelessly. Without interrupting his studies, Vaikule managed to prepare a large individual program for a performance. At the beginning of 1988, she presented it at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. This was another steady step up. In 1989, the girl was invited to the USA by American producer Stan Cornelius to record an album. The overseas press nicknamed Laima the “Russian Madonna.”

If there were changes in appearance, what were they?

Laima Vaikule has the perfect stylist. She has been using his services for about 20 years. Sergey Usov produces with his own with magic hands incredible manipulations with the star's appearance. Nothing can happen without his intervention. public speaking. You won’t even remember when last time fans or envious people discussed the unsuccessful image of Laima Vaikule. She always looks perfect. At the beginning of 2018, the public was very animatedly discussing the artist’s face. Was present at it severe swelling, the surface of the skin was of an unhealthy color. Many then assumed that the singer had serious illness.

However, as time passed, it became clear that this effect was due to performing plastic manipulations with his face, which is why it turned into a mask and became emotionless. We can conclude that the star has undergone several procedures to tighten her facial skin and regularly resorts to Botox injections. There really are no wrinkles on her face. But, as fans say, this is no longer the same Laima that everyone loves and admires. Many believe that the presence of minor signs of aging on the singer’s face would complement her amazing image. But this thought clearly does not coincide with the thoughts of the artist.

63-year-old artist for a long time didn't use the services plastic surgeons. She didn't need it. Laima was loved for her stylish hairstyle, clothes and interesting repertoire. However, over the past few years everything has changed dramatically.

Photo: Instagram @laima_vaikule_official

Now Vaikule is sure that a public figure, especially a woman, should look perfect. Wrinkles and sagging skin are unacceptable. The singer was too carried away by the pursuit of youth. Fans say that Laima no longer looks like herself.

Lima doesn't look like herself

At the beginning of 2018, the public was discussing the celebrity’s face. It didn't look in the best possible way: severe swelling, unhealthy color. Some then suggested that the singer has serious problems with health.

Changed complexion

However, a little later it turned out that plastic surgery was to blame, which turned Laima’s face into a mask. It seems that it is carved from stone: not a single muscle works. Presumably, the star has had several lifts and regularly uses Botox. You really can't see a single wrinkle on your face.

Laima Vaikule uses Botox

But this is no longer the same Laima that her stage colleagues and loyal fans are used to seeing. Followers are sure that minor signs of aging on the singer’s face are an integral part of her amazing image. However, the stage star herself seems to think differently.

Laima Vaikule: photos before and after unsuccessful plastic surgery

Vaikule continues to use the services of plastic surgeons, and it seems he has no intention of stopping.