Breast cyst surgery is required. Sectoral breast resection: photos, reviews, postoperative period, consequences

A cyst in the breast is a fairly common problem. Moreover, statistical studies have shown that young women of childbearing age most often suffer from this disease. So what causes the appearance of such a neoplasm? Is a cyst a serious health threat? Are there effective treatments? The answers to these questions are of interest to many representatives of the fair sex.

What is a cyst in the mammary gland?

Breast diseases in women can hardly be considered rare. And many patients have a cyst discovered during examination. What is this formation and is it dangerous?

A cyst, as a rule, forms at the site of dilation of the gland duct. Gradually, this place begins to become overgrown with a connective tissue capsule, and liquid contents accumulate inside it. Such a neoplasm can be round, oval, or have an irregular shape. Sometimes a woman is diagnosed with one cyst, and sometimes several at once ( similar condition called polycystic disease). Moreover, the cavities of nearby tumors can merge with each other, forming a multi-chamber cyst.

By the way, such formations may also have different sizes. In most cases, their diameter does not exceed a few millimeters. On the other hand, some women have tumors up to five centimeters in diameter.

In fact, today many women are faced with a diagnosis of a cyst. The photo shows an approximate appearance of this pathology.

Types of cystic neoplasms in the mammary gland

As already mentioned, a cyst in the breast can have different shapes and sizes. In addition, in modern medicine it is customary to distinguish several types of such neoplasms depending on the reasons for their formation and anatomical features.

  • An atypical cyst is formed due to the expansion of the gland duct, where fluid gradually accumulates. Such a neoplasm has a fairly stable fibrous capsule, and on its inner wall one can notice tissue growths directed towards the center of the cavity.
  • Solitary cyst is a rather large but benign neoplasm round shape with elastic wall. Its capsule becomes thicker over time. Quite often, such a cyst can be felt even independently.
  • A fibrous cyst of the mammary gland is considered dangerous, since its presence increases the chances of developing cancer in the future.
  • A rather unpleasant diagnosis is a multi-chamber cyst, which in most cases is the result of an incorrect lifestyle and changes in hormonal levels. Such a cyst consists of many chambers and tends to grow quite quickly.
  • The most dangerous is the ductal cyst, which in modern oncology is considered a full-fledged precancerous condition. Fortunately, such a neoplasm is diagnosed no more often than in 1% of cases.

The main reasons for the appearance of neoplasms

It's no secret that such breast diseases are most often the result of hormonal imbalance. Today it has been proven that such neoplasms in most cases are formed against the background of an increase in the level of female sex hormones - estrogens.

In turn, hormonal imbalance can develop under the influence of many internal or external environment, because the female endocrine system is extremely sensitive. Quite often, a cyst is diagnosed in women during menopause, less often during puberty. Why? It is at these moments that the body undergoes significant hormonal changes.

In addition, hormonal fluctuations can be caused by hormone therapy (including taking certain contraceptives), abortions or miscarriages (this is serious stress for the body), surgical interventions. Often, diseases of the mammary glands in women are caused by disorders in the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which regulates the functioning of all endocrine glands.

On the other hand, the causes of hormonal imbalance can be quite ordinary. For example, constant stress, emotional stress, prolonged physical or mental stress affect the functioning of the endocrine glands. Obesity can also be considered risk factors. Nutrition is of great importance in this case. Foods rich in cholesterol can cause an increase in estrogen. In addition, a cyst can be the result of excessive sunbathing, overheating of the body, physical trauma, etc.

What symptoms accompany the pathology?

To begin with, it is worth noting that clinical picture in this case it depends on the number and size of tumors. For example, a small cyst is discovered, as a rule, completely by accident, during a planned x-ray examination. But the cysts large sizes can be felt through the skin. Sometimes women can even independently determine the presence of a hard “lump” with smooth edges.

Of course, in some patients such neoplasms are so large that they can be seen even with the naked eye - sometimes they even cause physical deformation of the breast.

In any case, the cyst rarely causes any symptoms. Sometimes there is a feeling of heaviness or even pain in the chest, and the discomfort in most cases is associated with the onset of menstruation.

On the other hand, cystosis can be complicated by infection. Pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the cyst along with the blood or lymph flow, as well as through microcracks in the skin around the nipples. The inflammatory process is accompanied by an increase in temperature, severe swelling of the affected mammary gland, as well as pain, which intensifies with any touch to the breast. Sometimes the skin over the cyst becomes red and swollen, or becomes bluish tint. Cyst inflammation is an extremely unpleasant and dangerous process. Therefore, if a cyst in the chest hurts, you should immediately go to your doctor.

Basic diagnostic methods

If you have the slightest suspicion of any breast disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. To begin with, the specialist will definitely collect anamnesis and ask about complaints about your health. Next, the patient must undergo some additional tests.

In particular, one of the most accurate and at the same time available methods diagnostics is ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. This procedure helps determine the number and size of tumors, as well as carefully study the structural features of their internal walls. Radiography of the mammary glands (mammography) is also considered mandatory, although not every clinic has equipment for such an examination.

If there is a suspicion of a malignant process, magnetic resonance imaging is additionally prescribed. In some cases, fine needle aspiration biopsy is also performed. During the procedure, the doctor carefully pierces the outer tissues and wall of the cyst, extracting Not large number its contents. The samples are subsequently sent to the laboratory for additional testing.

Naturally, it is extremely important to determine the cause of the cyst. Therefore, women are usually referred for examination to an endocrinologist. A blood test for the level of sex hormones is also mandatory. It is worth noting once again that only a doctor knows what a cyst in the breast is, what to do in such cases and how to treat it correctly. Therefore, you should not engage in therapy on your own, since various home remedies can only aggravate the situation.

Are there any complications?

A cyst in the breast is a fairly common diagnosis. Therefore, the question of how dangerous the disease can be remains relevant. In fact, in most cases such a formation is benign and does not pose a serious threat to the health or life of the patient.

On the other hand, the presence of a cyst of any size and origin is a reason to carry out appropriate treatment. After all, the disease is often complicated by infection, inflammation and suppuration of the cyst, which is much more dangerous. Moreover, the risk of malignant tissue degeneration, although minimal, still exists.

Cyst in the breast: treatment with conservative methods

The treatment regimen in this case is prescribed individually. How to treat a cyst? It all depends on its size, shape, and results. medical research. Of course, if necessary, a woman is prescribed appropriate hormonal therapy, which helps prevent the appearance of new formations.

If the cyst is small (diameter does not exceed 0.5 cm), then conservative treatment will be sufficient. Various dietary supplements are considered quite effective, as well as plant extracts, teas, etc. If cystosis is caused by stress, then additional use of mild sedatives is necessary.

Diet is also extremely important in this case. In particular, it is worth minimizing the amount of animal fats, as well as reducing the amount of foods rich in cholesterol. In any case, you need to ask your doctor to give appropriate recommendations regarding nutrition.

Treatment of the cyst also depends on the presence of certain complications. For example, in the presence of infection and inflammatory process, it is necessary additional therapy. Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

Surgical treatment of cysts

Unfortunately, such a disease is not always amenable to conservative therapy. How to treat a cyst in such cases? If the size of the cyst exceeds 0.5 cm, then it is advisable to carry out certain surgical procedures.

Today there are several basic methods. For example, a puncture of a neoplasm is often performed. During the procedure, the doctor uses a thin needle to pierce the wall of the cyst and remove all its contents. This method the most affordable and gives good results. However, in the postoperative period, complications such as inflammation, suppuration and re-filling of the cyst with fluid are possible.

Cyst removal can be done in another way. For example, in some cases, oxygen or ozone is introduced into the formation cavity, which leads to its “collapse” and gluing of the internal surfaces of the walls. By the way, ozone is considered more effective means, since this gas has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which significantly reduces the likelihood of complications.

Removal of the cyst by surgical dissection of the external tissue is carried out only in extreme cases. For example, the procedure is indicated in the presence of a large tumor or its rapid growth. The same indications apply if the cyst has festered. The operation in such cases includes not only excision of this formation, but also washing of the tissues and cleansing them of remnants of purulent masses.

It is worth noting that today such operations are increasingly performed by laparoscopy. This technique allows you to remove the cyst and at the same time preserve the appearance of the breast, without leaving large scars on the skin.

If during diagnosis it was determined that there was a malignant degeneration of cells, then doctors refer the patient to the oncology department, where full-fledged anti-cancer therapy is carried out.

Treatment of cysts using traditional medicine

Today, many women are interested in questions about how to cure a breast cyst and whether it is possible to do it yourself, at home. It is worth understanding what to neglect medical assistance In no case should it be done, as there is always a risk of developing dangerous complications.

However, some home remedies can relieve or reduce some symptoms. For example, the usual white cabbage. The cabbage leaf needs to be greased on one side. vegetable oil and apply it to your chest. Cover everything on top with cotton cloth and secure. It is advisable to leave the compress overnight. Patients note that this procedure helps relieve pain during inflammation.

Another useful and affordable medicine is a carrot. Fresh vegetable need to be grated on a fine grater. Wrap the resulting pulp in gauze. Apply the compress to the sore chest and secure with bandages. Change the carrot puree several times a day. The duration is home therapy is about two weeks.

A decoction of burdock root is also considered an effective natural remedy to combat this disease. To prepare the medicine, you need to grind 10 g of fresh root to a pulp (you can grate it), then pour a glass of boiling water. Cover the product with a lid and leave for three hours. Now the broth can be strained. Take a tablespoon twice a day.

Compresses made from fresh beets, decoctions of burdock and St. John's wort can also be beneficial. Some traditional healers recommend ointments made from ghee and celandine extract, mixed in equal quantities.

In any case, it is worth understanding that treatment of breast cysts folk remedies You can start only with the permission of your doctor. Inept use of alternative therapy recipes can be harmful to health.

Breast cyst and pregnancy

Today, many women are interested in questions about whether a cyst in the breast is considered an obstacle to pregnancy and lactation. In fact, the presence of such a neoplasm is not considered a contraindication to bearing a child. Moreover, in some cases, it is pregnancy that contributes to complete recovery.

As mentioned above, the cause of the appearance of cystic formations is most often hormonal imbalances, namely, an increase in estrogen levels. It's no secret that during pregnancy a woman's hormonal background changes dramatically - the amount of progesterone produced increases, but the level of estrogen, on the contrary, decreases. In medical practice, there are often cases when the cyst resolves during pregnancy and feeding. But it is worth noting that this only happens with neoplasms, not large size- large cysts, as a rule, remain, and sometimes even increase.

In any case, no specific treatment is usually required. A woman must undergo regular medical examinations, since the doctor must be able to monitor the behavior of the cyst. As for treatment, it usually comes down to proper nutrition and taking mild hepatoprotectors. Only in case of intensive growth of the tumor can the doctor prescribe a procedure to puncture the cyst and “fuse” its walls.

Preventive measures

Are there ways to prevent the appearance of such tumors? In fact, prevention in this case comes down to the rules of a healthy lifestyle. In particular, experts recommend adhering to the principles proper nutrition- exclusion from the diet of coffee, cocoa, chocolate, fatty meat and fish, fried foods. It is these foods that increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, which is a substrate for the synthesis of estrogen.

In addition, it will have a good effect on the condition of the body physical activity, be it playing sports or just going for a walk fresh air. All infectious diseases and work disorders endocrine system must be treated, and on time. And, of course, twice a year every woman should undergo a standard preventive examination and tests - this will help determine the presence of tumors in the early stages. In addition, at least once a month you need to independently examine your breasts and, if you find lumps or tumors under the skin, immediately consult a doctor.

An effective remedy for CYSTS without surgery and hormones, recommended by Irina Yakovleva!

Breast cyst is a disease that belongs to a variety of fibrocystic mastopathy. During the course of the disease, the structure of the mammary gland is disrupted due to an imbalance between the connective tissue component and the epithelium. As a result, removal of the breast cyst is required.

Very often it is discovered only when it reaches large sizes. An infected cyst may begin to accumulate pus, which can lead to complications as the disease progresses.

First of all, examinations are carried out to confirm the diagnosis. This is mainly an ultrasound (you can see the size and general condition cysts), x-ray and biopsy. Mammography can also confirm correct diagnosis, but it is prescribed as a final study.

Cyst removal mainly occurs by puncture. This operation is performed in the presence of large cysts and without epithelium growing in them. During the procedure, the capsule is punctured and the liquid inside is completely sucked out. All this happens under ultrasound control. The walls of the cyst begin to collapse and stick together, the cavity completely disappears. After puncture, the cysts are usually no longer filled with fluid. The pumped-out secretion must be sent for laboratory testing. Small brushes, as a rule, are not touched, but carefully observed to see whether their size increases or not.

It happens that after a diagnostic puncture, a large number of negative cells are found in the collected fluid. Histological analysis may show growth within the cyst. In these two cases, surgical treatment is prescribed. The doctor may also recommend surgery as a result of a noticeable enlargement of the cyst or ineffective conservative therapy.

Operations are divided into two types:

  1. The cyst is removed inside healthy tissue. The capsule containing the tumors is removed to prevent the formation of new cysts.
  2. Sectoral resection. During the operation, part of the breast is removed. This becomes necessary due to the development of the tumor. The nature of the formation does not matter - even if it is a benign process, the affected area must be removed to avoid worsening the development of the disease.

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation, the doctor always conducts a preparatory conversation with the patient, explaining to her how the procedure will take place and what the consequences may be. The issue of anesthesia during surgery is of no small importance; the body’s reaction to painkillers is checked. The type of anesthesia is determined by the complexity and type of cyst. If it can be palpated well, it is injected local anesthesia. The general one is used only for deep and impalpable formations.

Progress of the operation

Before the procedure for removing the cyst, another ultrasound examination is performed, during which the surgeon makes markings of where the resection will be performed. The operation is performed with increased precision to avoid removing healthy areas of tissue.

After the onset of anesthesia, the doctor makes incisions according to the markings prepared in advance. They are drawn radially in relation to the nipple and look like two curved lines. The incision begins near the cyst (three centimeters from its edge) and ends at the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle. The doctor's hand should fix the cyst nodule. Skin on both sides relative to the incision, they are separated from the tissue that is located deeper, and only after that the edges of the formation are determined.

After removing the cyst, the bleeding is stopped. The wound is stitched in layers. First, the edges of the subcutaneous tissue are connected, then cosmetic suturing of the skin occurs. On the first day, drainage is installed. This is done to prevent the accumulation of secretions. A sterile bandage is applied on top.

Material removed during the operation must be sent to histological examination. The result will show the final nature of the cyst and will help decide on further therapy and possible repeat surgery.


  1. Wound suppuration - due to infection during or after surgery.
  2. The appearance of a hematoma due to incomplete stopping of bleeding or low blood clotting.

Postoperative period

Even before the operation begins, the patient is prescribed sedatives, since surgery is stressful for the body.

Usually the dressings are changed by a doctor or nurse, but if you have to do it yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  • wash your hands thoroughly with regular soap;
  • treat them with alcohol or disinfectant;
  • carefully and slowly remove the bandage;
  • wipe the surface of the wound with a disinfectant using a swab;
  • fold the bandage in several layers and apply to the wound;
  • secure the bandage using adhesive tape.

If suppuration, severe pain at the incision site is detected, or the temperature rises to 39 degrees, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is very serious illness requiring immediate medical intervention. Most often, the disease occurs in women of childbearing age. In order not to progress the course of the disease, you need to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist and mammologist.

In secret

  • Incredible... You can cure a cyst without surgery!
  • This time.
  • Without taking hormonal drugs!
  • That's two.
  • In a month!
  • That's three.

Follow the link and find out how Irina Yakovleva did it!

Breast cyst is one of the manifestations of fibrocystic disease that develops in women. This condition is precancerous, that is, it can potentially serve as a source malignant formation mammary gland.

Fibrocystic disease of the mammary glands is a set of processes accompanied by an imbalance between the epithelial and connective tissue components in the gland tissue. As a result, the epithelium can grow, forming nodes, or connective tissue with the formation of fibrous layers or limited cavities - cysts. Depending on the tendency of cells to multiply (proliferate), proliferative and non-proliferative forms of the disease are distinguished, with the former transforming into cancer in a third of cases. The frequency of malignant degeneration of non-proliferative cysts is lower, it is 1-2%.

Why does the disease occur?

A cyst in the breast develops when there is a hormonal imbalance in the female body. The disease occurs in 50% of women of fertile age and in almost all patients with gynecological diseases.

Formation of mammary glands, their changes during menstrual cycle, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during perimenopause, are regulated by complex hormonal interactions. In one of the parts of the brain - the hypothalamus - the so-called releasing factors are produced, which stimulate the secretion of pituitary hormones.

The pituitary gland is the most important endocrine gland, also located inside the brain tissue. It secretes prolactin, which stimulates the production and release of milk. In addition, the pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, which act on the gonads, and they, in turn, secrete estrogens and gestagens, which actively affect the mammary glands.

During pregnancy, the glands are affected by human chorionic gonadotropin produced by the placenta. In addition, their tissue is influenced by hormones of the adrenal glands (corticosteroids and androgens), pancreas (insulin), and thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland. Any disruption of these interrelated processes can lead to the formation of mammary cysts.

Most important role Ovarian hormones – estrogens and progesterone – play a role in the formation of dysplasia (improper development, changes) of mammary gland cells. One of the estrogens, estradiol, is contained in the gland tissue in a concentration several times higher than its level in the blood. This hormone causes the development and reproduction of the epithelium lining the ducts of the gland, stimulates the formation of lobules (acini), and increases blood supply to the tissue.

The concentration of progesterone is also higher in gland tissue than in the blood. It has the opposite effect: it inhibits the development of lobules, prevents increased permeability of vascular walls and edema.

With a deficiency of progesterone or an excess of estradiol in the mammary gland, swelling and an increase in the connective tissue located inside the lobules occurs, the ductal epithelium grows, which leads to the formation of cysts.

The causes of cysts can be divided into several groups:

  • stressful situations, especially strong or persistent ones; among them is dissatisfaction family life, and conflicts at work, and financial dependence;
  • reproductive disorders: a large number of abortions, early menarche, late first childbirth, large fetus, absence breastfeeding or its duration is more than a year, absence of pregnancy and childbirth in a woman’s life;
  • gynecological diseases: salpingitis, oophoritis, as well as hyperplastic conditions of the endometrium;
  • sexual changes: anorgasmia, use of interrupted coitus as a;
  • diseases thyroid gland or adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the liver and biliary tract, in which the inactivation of estrogens is impaired - hepatitis, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, fatty liver;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Variants of breast cysts and their manifestations

The size of the formation ranges from a few millimeters to 3-5 cm. Sometimes giant cavities are formed, noticeably changing the shape of the breast.

  • Solitary cyst and Reclus disease

In young women, small, numerous formations are more often observed, causing severe pain syndrome. Solitary breast cyst is diagnosed at a later age. Less common is the so-called Reclus disease, or polycystic mammary gland, in which a multi-chamber breast cyst is formed.

Cysts, or cavities in the gland, are formed when, which over time can turn into another variant, for example, into. The cavity is formed when the milk duct is blocked and liquid contents accumulate in it.

  • Ductal cyst of the mammary gland

Another name for cystadenopapilloma is proliferation epithelial tissue lining the milk ducts, forming a cavity containing blood. It communicates with the ducts, so it may be accompanied by discharge from the nipple. In addition, cystadenopapilloma is much more likely to become infected.

  • Fibrous cyst

A single, long-existing cavity in the gland tissue, filled with non-inflammatory contents, not directly connected to the milk ducts and surrounded by a dense wall of connective tissue. Such a formation can exist for a long time, almost without bothering the woman, but it can be easily felt in the gland tissue.

  • Complex cyst

It differs from the usual one in the presence of a thick wall, partitions inside the cavity, parietal growths or marginal liquid structures that form, as it were, leaks behind the walls of the cyst. This conclusion is given by an ultrasound diagnostic doctor, but clinically it may hide cancer, papillomatosis, or a cyst with signs of inflammation.

Symptoms of pathology

  • Soreness and engorgement of the gland before menstruation;
  • Constant nagging pain in the chest;
  • Palpable compaction;
  • Changing the shape of the breast.

In some cases, there are no signs of the disease, and a woman finds out about it by chance, during a visit to the gynecologist or during a procedure.

Why are cysts in the mammary glands dangerous?

In addition to affecting quality of life, these formations can cause inflammation. It occurs when pathogens enter a closed cavity through the blood or lymphatic tract and is accompanied by fever, severe pain in the gland, swelling, redness and cyanosis of the skin. With purulent melting of the surrounding tissues, an abscess and phlegmon may occur, threatening the patient’s life.

We should not forget about the possibility of malignancy of the cyst, as well as the difficulty of differential diagnosis of this condition and breast cancer. Therefore, you cannot leave it to chance; it is necessary to be examined and treated in a timely manner.


Any examination of the mammary glands in patients who have not entered the postmenopausal period should be carried out in the first half of the cycle. At this time, minimal concentrations of hormones act on the glandular tissue; it does not become rough or painful.

The mammary glands are examined and palpated by the doctor with the patient standing with her arms raised and lowered, and then in a supine position. The symmetry of the glands, the skin, the presence of discharge from the nipples, compaction or cords in the tissue structure are assessed. At the same time, the lymph nodes in the axillary areas, above and below the collarbones are palpated. These are the groups lymph nodes primarily affected by breast tumors.

Any woman should know the techniques of self-examination of the mammary glands. This will help timely identify not only mastopathy, but also more serious diseases. Such an examination consists of a thorough examination of the glands in front of a mirror, assessing their symmetry, as well as palpating the breast in a circle or radially from the nipple to the periphery, up to the axillary region. This is especially important for patients who have a family history of breast diseases.

Inspection and palpation are carried out every time a woman visits a gynecologist, usually once a year during a medical examination. If the doctor identifies any lumps, proceed to the next stage of diagnosis.

Mammography is an examination of the mammary glands using x-rays. The photograph is taken in two projections, contrast agent not used. Mammography allows you to identify formations in the thickness of the gland that are not even detectable by palpation (up to 1 cm in diameter), but their differential diagnosis is difficult.

This method is a screening method, that is, it is performed annually on all women over 40 years of age to exclude the early stages of breast cancer. Mammography is not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In young women, it does not give a reliable result due to the increased density of gland tissue.

Ultrasound examination is becoming increasingly popular. It can be performed on young women, it is harmless and allows the detection of formations with a diameter of 2 mm, for example, small cysts . An ultrasound examination helps evaluate the condition of the lymph nodes, as well as signs. The only limitation to the use of this method is poor visualization of tissue during involution of the mammary glands that comes with age.

On the echogram you can see inner layer formation and discover the difference between a cyst and. Almost the only distinguishing feature of these conditions is their consistency: a cyst is a cavity filled with liquid contents, and a fibroadenoma is a (nodule) consisting of glandular and connective tissue cells.

If a cyst or tumor is detected, the next stage of diagnosis is a puncture of the breast cyst with examination of its contents under a microscope. The main goal of such a study is to make sure that the woman does not have a malignant degeneration of the tumor. The puncture is performed with a special needle under ultrasound control.

If the doctor does not have a good ultrasound device at his disposal, then air is pumped into the cyst cavity through a biopsy needle, straightening it, and an X-ray is taken - a pneumocystogram. If the walls of the formation are smooth and there are no growths, then drug treatment is started. If irregularities are detected in the cavity, surgical treatment is immediately prescribed.


How to treat a breast cyst? A gynecologist or mammologist will help you in resolving this issue; if necessary, you should also consult an oncologist.

Psycho-emotional state

The basis of treatment of any disease is proper nutrition and lifestyle. A woman must protect herself from unbearable physical and emotional stress that often falls on her shoulders. As an example, we can cite the so-called “sandwich syndrome”, when middle-aged women are forced to take care of aging parents and raise their still minor children. At the same time, society believes that this is the direct responsibility of a woman, and she should not feel negative emotions about this.

However, studies show that “sandwich syndrome” becomes the cause of many psychosomatic diseases, which include breast cysts. Don't be shy to ask for help if you need it, know how to refuse if you can't do something and don't feel guilty about it. This line of psychological self-defense will allow you to stay healthy longer.


The diet of women who have a cyst should be adjusted. It has been proven that in some patients cysts are sensitive to the consumption of chocolate, coffee, tea and other products containing xanthines. After excluding them from the diet, the well-being of such patients improved, in particular, pain in the gland before menstruation ceased to bother them. However, another part of the patients with cysts did not respond to such changes. Therefore, it is worth limiting the listed products for 2-3 months, and if there is no effect, then they will not harm you, of course, with moderate use.

Patients with breast cysts need to normalize the condition of the liver and biliary tract and lose weight. They are recommended to follow diet No. 5 with a limit on fried and fatty foods and animal fats. It is recommended to steam food with a predominance of fish, dairy products, and vegetables (except legumes and cabbage).

It is necessary to normalize intestinal function and avoid constipation. For example, this will help: oat bran, which is very useful to eat 100 grams per day. If eating them in their pure form is not very pleasant, you can add bran to porridge or a glass of kefir.

You should wisely limit the number of calories, reduce the content of food table salt. This will help reduce the severity and pain of the chest.

Conservative therapy

Treatment of breast cysts without surgery is possible if the formation has a smooth inner surface and responds well to medication. In this case, it is necessary that no atypical cells are found in the aspiration material after a fine-needle biopsy - a sign cancerous tumor.

Drugs for the treatment of breast cysts act on the main links in the pathogenesis of the disease:

  • sedatives(valerian, motherwort, Novo-passit) and adaptogens (schisandra, eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea) in courses of 4 months with a break for 2 months, the duration of treatment is 2 years;
  • vitamins A (has an anti-estrogenic effect), E (increases the effects of progesterone), B6 ​​(reduces the concentration of prolactin in the blood), P and C (improves microcirculation and relieves tissue swelling);
  • hepatoprotectors, for example, herbal preparation Chophytol, which protects and restores liver cells, improves fat metabolism, increases emotional background;
  • diuretics a week before the start of menstruation to prevent engorgement of the gland - lingonberry, kidney tea, Hypothiazide, Triampur, small doses of Furosemide as prescribed by a doctor;
  • hormone therapy, in particular, the use of gestagens for local use (Progestogel gel), and, if necessary, drugs in tablet form (Utrozhestan), implantable and injection forms long acting(Norplant, Depo-Provera);
  • According to indications, Danazol, combined oral contraceptives, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (Zoladex), dopamine agonists (Parlodel) can be prescribed.

Previously, iodine preparations were widely recommended, but due to the spread of thyroid diseases, in which these drugs can disrupt the balance of thyroid hormones, the use of iodine is abandoned or prescribed only after consultation with an endocrinologist.

After six months of conservative therapy, mammography or ultrasound examination is repeated. If sclerosis of the breast cyst has occurred, that is, its walls have collapsed, there is no cavity, conservative treatment is continued. If aspiration of the cyst was ineffective and fluid has accumulated again, surgery is prescribed.

The operation is usually carried out by sectoral resection, that is, removal of the formation and healthy tissues forming a sector (part) of the gland with the apex directed towards the areola. During the operation, an urgent histological examination of the affected tissue is performed to exclude a malignant neoplasm. If signs of cancer are detected - volume surgical treatment expand.

Multiple breast cysts that cannot be treated with medication are removed using extensive operations, up to subcutaneous and prosthetic glands using a silicone or other implant.

Of course, many women are interested in whether cysts can resolve if nothing is done. Yes, such a possibility exists, but its probability is low. Often patients, hoping for the spontaneous disappearance of the cyst, do not go to the doctor right away, but come with an advanced stage of cancer, when it is already very difficult to help.

In some cases, women complain that a cyst in the breast has burst . At the same time, its contents were released from the nipple in the form of a light or greenish liquid. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor and determine what actually happened, and if necessary, aspirate the remaining contents.

What to do if a woman discovers some kind of formation in her breast? First of all, do not panic and immediately contact a gynecologist and mammologist. Modern diagnostic methods are effective and safe. Treatment is based on preserving the organ and preserving the aesthetic function of the mammary gland. In the vast majority of cases, the patient gets rid of the disease after treatment, although quite often the cysts recur if predisposing factors remain (stress, hormonal imbalance and so on). Therefore, treatment of this disease should be combined with therapy of the underlying pathology.


To prevent pathology, it is necessary to influence the factors that provoke its occurrence:

  • avoid stressful situations, do not take on an unbearable load, give up “deadlines”, learn the basics of time planning, and get proper rest;
  • be reasonably active sex life with a permanent partner;
  • realize childbearing function, avoid abortions;
  • be observed by a gynecologist and treated gynecological diseases;
  • after 40 years of age, undergo annual mammography;
  • do not smoke, do not drink alcohol in excess;
  • limit visits to baths, saunas;
  • keep extragenital pathology, especially liver disease, under control;
  • follow a diet with a reduced calorie content, rich in vitamins and fiber, with a reduced content of animal fats and salt.

The materials are published for informational purposes only and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you consult an endocrinologist at your medical institution!

Breast cyst - the most frequent illness which occurs in women reproductive age. If the tumor grows rapidly or the presence of atypical cells is suspected, the doctor always recommends surgical removal of the mammary gland.

Breast cysts are diagnosed in every second woman. This disease occurs not only as a result hormonal disorders, but also for chest injuries, psychological disorders, wearing tight underwear.

A cyst in the mammary gland causes severe discomfort to a woman

Important. Timely detection of a cyst makes it possible to resort to drug treatment. If the cyst has already grown to a large size, or the doctor suspects that the cyst may degenerate into malignancy, the patient is recommended to have a breast cyst removed.

Cyst removal methods

A breast cyst can have different origins and be hormone-dependent or hormone-independent. After a complete examination of the patient, the doctor concludes that it is necessary to remove the cyst and discusses the methods by which the breast tumor can be removed.

At the moment, there are several ways to remove a cyst from the breast:

  1. Puncture - performed in cases where the cyst is a cluster of vesicles, the walls of which are connective tissue, and there is liquid inside.
  2. Surgical operation - used for dense cysts, as well as large formations.
  3. Laser removal- the most modern and minimally invasive method. It is carried out under ultrasound control and local anesthesia. IN in rare cases General anesthesia may be indicated.

Before the operation, the patient must be examined. A breast biopsy is often prescribed as an additional diagnostic method.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, which are best discussed with your doctor in advance and weigh all the risks. If the patient is initially aware of how a breast cyst is removed, then the preparation for surgery and the postoperative period will go more smoothly.


During this manipulation, the cyst is punctured and all the contents (secret) are pumped out of it. As a result, the walls collapse and stick together, and over time the cyst completely disappears.

Attention! Removal of a breast cyst by puncture is possible only if its contents are liquid and there are no dense growths or formations inside.

Puncture of a breast cyst is performed under local anesthesia and ultrasound guidance. Duration surgical intervention is 30-60 minutes.

Removal of a cyst by puncture should be carried out under the control of an ultrasound sensor, so as not to leave some of the fluid in the cyst, causing its re-growth

Important! The fluid removed from the cystic formation must be immediately sent to the laboratory to be examined for the presence of atypical cells that indicate degeneration benign neoplasm to malignant.

Video broadcast about the main causes of breast cysts in women

If you do not examine the resulting fluid, you may notice too late the progression of the pathology, repeated rapid growth of the cyst, the appearance of a cancerous tumor and its metastasis (the spread of atypical cells throughout the body with the appearance of secondary tumor foci).


In cases where it is impossible to perform a puncture, a standard operation to remove the breast cyst is prescribed. It includes the following stages:

  1. Preparing the patient - choosing drugs for anesthesia, various diagnostic measures which help the surgeon determine the location of the incision, the volume upcoming surgery, general health of the patient.
  2. The surgical intervention itself - surgery to remove cysts in the breast - is carried out with high precision so as not to affect healthy breast tissue. After removing the cyst, the doctor begins to stop the bleeding and stitch the tissue layer-by-layer at the incision site.
  3. Rehabilitation after surgery is carried out in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

Surgical removal of the cyst is one of the most effective methods that allows you to get rid of the cyst forever

Important! After surgical removal of a breast cyst, relapses occur only in very rare cases. As a rule, such intervention permanently frees the woman from re-education cysts at the site where the previous one was removed.

Laser cyst removal

This method of removing mammary gland cysts appeared relatively recently, but has already become firmly established in some clinics. Equipment for laser ablation is expensive, as is the operation itself to remove a breast cyst, but despite this, patients whose financial capabilities allow it always choose laser excision of the cyst.

The advantages of this method include:

  • painlessness (both during the removal of the cyst and in the postoperative period, the woman does not feel pain);
  • reducing the likelihood of developing postoperative complications;
  • no need for hospitalization;
  • the duration of the operation is no more than an hour;
  • absence of scars after surgery.

Laser cyst removal is the most modern method, in which the likelihood of complications or scars is minimal

Removal of breast cysts with a laser is a low-traumatic and highly effective method. During the operation, a puncture occurs in the chest, through which to the affected area glandular tissue An LED with a strong laser light beam is supplied.

Laser radiation has a destructive effect only on atypical cells, without damaging healthy ones, due to which, within two months, complete renewal and replacement of the destroyed cellular conglomerate with healthy glandular cells occurs.

Complications after cyst removal

A small cyst poses virtually no danger to a woman’s health, but if an inflammatory or infectious process develops in it, the consequences can be very serious.

Attention! It is necessary to regularly examine the mammary glands, which will allow timely detection of cystic formations and will make it possible to eliminate them conservatively.

Any surgical intervention into the structures of the body can result in the development the following complications:

  • breast deformation;
  • suppuration;
  • the appearance of tumors and malignant neoplasms.

Depending on the location of the cyst, the doctor selects a place for incision and removal of the tumor in the breast

The likelihood of complications and the degree of their progression directly depends on how the cyst in the breast was removed.

In order not to deal with such complications, it is better to visit a doctor in a timely manner and carefully monitor the condition of your mammary glands. Help prevent the appearance of cysts:

  • wearing special supportive underwear that does not put pressure on the breasts and thus does not disturb the blood and lymph flow in this delicate area;
  • maintaining proper nutrition;
  • reducing the amount of coffee you drink per day or complete failure from this drink;
  • maintaining your psycho-emotional health normal, no stress, overwork, or depression;
  • regular self-massage of the chest and compresses;
  • maintaining hormonal levels in acceptable standards;
  • regular visits to the doctor.

All these measures will allow a woman to prevent the appearance of cysts in the mammary glands, and, accordingly, protect herself from the complications listed above.

During surgical intervention, sectoral resection of the mammary gland is most often used. The change in breast shape is almost invisible.

If the question has already arisen whether to remove a cyst in the breast, then you need to carefully think it over together with your doctor after passing all the necessary diagnostic examinations.

About breast cyst removal surgery

Breast cyst is a disease that belongs to a variety of fibrocystic mastopathy. During the course of the disease, the structure of the mammary gland is disrupted due to an imbalance between the connective tissue component and the epithelium. As a result, removal of the breast cyst is required.

Very often it is discovered only when it reaches large sizes. An infected cyst may begin to accumulate pus, which can lead to complications as the disease progresses.

First of all, examinations are carried out to confirm the diagnosis. This is mainly an ultrasound (you can see the size and general condition of the cyst), x-ray and biopsy. Mammography can also confirm the correct diagnosis, but it is prescribed as a final examination.

Cyst removal mainly occurs by puncture. This operation is performed in the presence of large cysts and without epithelium growing in them. During the procedure, the capsule is punctured and the liquid inside is completely sucked out. All this happens under ultrasound control. The walls of the cyst begin to collapse and stick together, the cavity completely disappears. After puncture, the cysts are usually no longer filled with fluid. The pumped-out secretion must be sent for laboratory testing. Small brushes, as a rule, are not touched, but carefully observed to see whether their size increases or not.

It happens that after a diagnostic puncture, a large number of negative cells are found in the collected fluid. Histological analysis may show growth within the cyst. In these two cases, surgical treatment is prescribed. The doctor may also recommend surgery as a result of a noticeable enlargement of the cyst or ineffective conservative therapy.

Operations are divided into two types:

  1. The cyst is removed inside healthy tissue. The capsule containing the tumors is removed to prevent the formation of new cysts.
  2. Sectoral resection. During the operation, part of the breast is removed. This becomes necessary due to the development of the tumor. The nature of the formation does not matter - even if it is a benign process, the affected area must be removed to avoid worsening the development of the disease.

Preparing for surgery

Before the operation, the doctor always conducts a preparatory conversation with the patient, explaining to her how the procedure will take place and what the consequences may be. The issue of anesthesia during surgery is of no small importance; the body’s reaction to painkillers is checked. The type of anesthesia is determined by the complexity and type of cyst. If it can be easily felt, local anesthesia is administered. The general one is used only for deep and impalpable formations.

Progress of the operation

Before the procedure for removing the cyst, another ultrasound examination is performed, during which the surgeon makes markings of where the resection will be performed. The operation is performed with increased precision to avoid removing healthy areas of tissue.

After the onset of anesthesia, the doctor makes incisions according to the markings prepared in advance. They are drawn radially in relation to the nipple and look like two curved lines. The incision begins near the cyst (three centimeters from its edge) and ends at the fascia of the pectoralis major muscle. The doctor's hand should fix the cyst nodule. The skin on both sides of the incision is separated from the tissue that is located deeper, and only after that the edges of the formation are determined.

After removing the cyst, the bleeding is stopped. The wound is stitched in layers. First, the edges of the subcutaneous tissue are connected, then cosmetic suturing of the skin occurs. On the first day, drainage is installed. This is done to prevent the accumulation of secretions. A sterile bandage is applied on top.

The material that was removed during the operation must be sent for histological examination. The result will show the final nature of the cyst and will help decide on further therapy and possible repeat surgery.


  1. Wound suppuration - due to infection during or after surgery.
  2. The appearance of a hematoma due to incomplete stopping of bleeding or low blood clotting.

Postoperative period

Even before the operation begins, the patient is prescribed sedatives, since surgery is stressful for the body.

Usually the dressings are changed by a doctor or nurse, but if you have to do it yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  • wash your hands thoroughly with regular soap;
  • treat them with alcohol or disinfectant;
  • carefully and slowly remove the bandage;
  • wipe the surface of the wound with a disinfectant using a swab;
  • fold the bandage in several layers and apply to the wound;
  • secure the bandage using adhesive tape.

If suppuration, severe pain at the incision site is detected, or the temperature rises to 39 degrees, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Fibrocystic mastopathy is a very serious disease that requires immediate medical intervention. Most often, the disease occurs in women of childbearing age. In order not to progress the course of the disease, you need to undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist and mammologist.

In secret

  • Incredible... You can cure a cyst without surgery!
  • This time.
  • Without taking hormonal drugs!
  • That's two.
  • In a month!
  • That's three.

Important to know! ×

Surgery to remove a breast cyst: indications, preparation and possible complications

Breast cyst or fibrocystic mastopathy is an unpleasant but quite common disease. This is one of the so-called “female” diseases, and if the outcome is unfavorable, the cyst can even lead to cancer.

In addition, the disease, especially in the later stages, is accompanied by severe pain in the chest area and a constant feeling of discomfort due to the capsule growing in the tissues.

At the initial and middle stages, it is possible to cope with the cyst with conservative treatment, however, old formations, multiple or too large in size, are removed surgically.

In the article we will look at this issue and find out: in what cases is surgery indicated for this disease, how the intervention is carried out, whether there may be complications, what postoperative care is needed, as well as many other questions.

  • Three stages of the operation
  • Possible complications
  • Doctors' recommendations

Indications for surgery

As already mentioned, not all cases of cystic mastopathy require surgical intervention. Let's take a closer look at when surgery is necessary.

  1. If conservative treatment was carried out for a long time, but it did not give any significant positive results. If treatment has stalled, there is no progress, and the cyst is growing, the doctor most often decides to surgical removal capsules.

    If there is a risk of degeneration of the cystic capsule into malignant form, then the decision to operate is made immediately.

  2. If the patient complains of severe pain and noticeable lumps in the breasts immediately before menstruation. In addition, if at any other time severe pain in this area prevents the patient from living and working normally, the question of surgery also arises seriously.
  3. An increase in temperature, the source of which is localized in the chest area, may indicate the onset of an inflammatory process. In this case, surgery is also usually performed to prevent complications.
  4. If a cloudy, pus-like liquid containing blood is released from the nipples of the mammary glands, this is a very bad sign. In addition, if an ultrasound examination shows the presence of purulent accumulations in the mammary gland, surgery is usually also prescribed. If urgent surgical intervention is not performed, sepsis is possible in this case.

Do I need to remove a breast cyst?

This question worries many women who are affected by this disease. Of course, in the early stages of mastopathy, cyst removal may not be necessary - there is every chance of coping with the disease with conservative treatment.

However, all the indications for surgical intervention discussed above clearly demonstrate those cases when the issue of cyst removal should be resolved positively. If surgery is not performed serious cases diseases, the consequences can be very sad, including cancer, sepsis, severe inflammation, and other complications.

How can I get rid of the seal?

After a complete examination of the body has been carried out and the need to remove the cyst has been determined, the doctor considers all the methods that are possible for surgical intervention in this case. Let's take a closer look at all the methods of removing breast cysts that exist today.


This is the easiest method of surgical intervention, does not carry significant postoperative complications, and is used if the cyst is a small accumulation of vesicles. This operation does not involve an incision: the skin is simply punctured and the capsular fluid is pumped out through the puncture.

Pumping out the contents leads to the walls of the cyst sticking together, and over time they dry out, and the capsule disappears.

Such surgical intervention is prescribed only if the contents of the capsule do not imply dense inclusions, clots, or lumps.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and monitored by an ultrasound device. How many hours or minutes does it last? this operation? Its average duration is 30-60 minutes. The procedure is aimed at pumping out fluid from large formations. Small cysts are not touched: but then the woman is under regular medical supervision to ensure that the remaining formations increase in size.

Surgical intervention

This method is used in most cases of cyst removal.

Surgery is necessary if the cyst is already old with dense walls or is of significant size.

In most cases, intervention makes it possible to forget about the cyst forever.

In addition, if all precautions are followed, as well as the stages of the operation, and the affected tissue is carefully removed, the risk of relapse is minimal.

Laser removal

Removing a cyst with a laser is the most modern, high-tech, and gentle method today. Laser surgery is carried out under the control of ultrasound devices, local anesthesia is used, which is also important. But, if the case is very severe, and the cysts are large and multiple, general anesthesia is used.

Since this is the most highly effective and safe method of surgical intervention, which also requires the latest high-precision equipment, it is also the most expensive.

The great advantage of the procedure is that it is painless: neither during the procedure nor after it does the woman experience discomfort. In addition, laser cyst removal minimizes postoperative complications, and there is also no need to keep the woman in the hospital.

Important: women will appreciate the fact that laser intervention allows them to avoid unsightly scars on such a delicate area of ​​the body as the breasts. So after surgery, the breasts will look almost the same as before.

Three stages of the operation

Let's consider all the stages of surgery to remove a breast cyst. There are three main stages, these are:

  • preparation for surgery;
  • the operation itself;
  • postoperative recovery.

More details about these important stages of surgery below.


Before a woman undergoes surgery, her body is subjected to a thorough and comprehensive examination. Typically, a breast biopsy is prescribed for diagnosis: this procedure accurately demonstrates the current state of the cyst.

The preparatory conversation that the doctor conducts with the woman preparing for surgery is very important. The specialist needs to explain to the patient in an accessible form exactly how the operation will be performed, what risks the procedure has, and what positive results can be obtained.

Required in preparatory stage includes the selection of the necessary anesthesia: sometimes you can get by with local anesthesia. Most often, general anesthesia is prescribed only if the cyst is located deep and cannot be detected by palpation.

Also check whether the patient is allergic to medications, and make sure that there is no negative reaction of the body to painkillers in the postoperative period.

Progress of the operation

Immediately before surgery, a control ultrasound examination is performed, which shows current state business During this examination, the surgeon outlines where and exactly and how he will perform the resection. This is very important stage, since it avoids the removal of healthy tissue located in close proximity to the cyst.

The patient is given anesthesia, after which the doctor begins the operation. He makes cuts according to the previously provided markings. Typically, these incisions are two curved lines running towards the nipple.

After the cysts can be cut out through the incisions, the bleeding is forcibly stopped, and then the wound is sutured layer by layer through the tissues.

The first day after surgery, the wound needs drainage to avoid the accumulation of fluid: lymph, blood, ichor in the wound. A sterile bandage must be applied on top.

Important: the biomaterial that was removed from the mammary gland during surgery must be subjected to mandatory histological examination. The doctor’s verdict depends on this study: whether the operation is final or not. In addition, the study will allow us to outline further stages of treatment, if necessary.

Postoperative recovery

As a rule, even before the start of surgery, the patient takes sedative medications for some time in order to minimize the stress that inevitably occurs after the operation.

After the operation, you need to change the bandages every day: while you are in the hospital, this is done by a nurse, but after discharge you will have to do it yourself. But there is nothing particularly complicated here; you just need to know and follow the recommendations for maintaining the sanitary condition of the wound and using certain medications.

If, after surgery, suppuration begins on the wound, accompanied by high temperature, you need to urgently call an ambulance if you are already at home. In this case, delay is very dangerous, since it threatens the development of sepsis, and the woman’s general well-being leaves much to be desired.

Possible complications

Most often, breast cysts can be removed surgically without special problems. But sometimes complications can arise. Usually there are only two of these complications. Let's tell you more about them.


In this case, an infection penetrates into the wound, causing it to fester.

As a rule, this process is accompanied by high temperature.

It may last up to several days.

General weakness, poor health of a woman.

If such a problem arises, urgent measures are necessary to avoid the development of sepsis.


This is a milder complication and is a normal bruise in the breast area.

A hematoma occurs due to the fact that after the operation the flow of blood was not immediately or completely stopped or due to individual characteristics patient: low blood clotting.

Hematoma does not require treatment and goes away on its own after some time.

Let's find out what advice doctors give regarding surgery to remove a breast cyst.

  1. Remember that surgery is an extreme form of treatment, so it is better not to push the disease to this limit. To avoid harsh interference with the body operational methods, regularly undergo examination by a mammologist, especially if you are over 35 years old.

    Important: you need to know that the risk of this disease is much higher if a woman has crossed the 35-year mark and has not yet given birth.

  2. Feel your breasts periodically to look for lumps. If lumps are felt by palpation, and if, moreover, the shape of the breast has already begun to deform, you should consult a doctor immediately.
  3. You need to know that once a cyst appears, it will not resolve on its own. Although people use such tanks, they are just bikes. You will have to get rid of a cystic capsule, even if it is very small, with the help of medications, and if it is large or multiple, with the help of surgery.
  4. Sometimes a cyst in the breast may burst - and this will be indicated by characteristic greenish discharge from the nipples. In this case, a visit to the doctor is necessary to carry out the procedure of aspiration (pumping) of fluid from the cavity of the mammary gland.

So, we looked at the features of surgical intervention to remove a breast cyst. As you can see, surgery is performed only in the most severe cases, when all the more gentle treatment methods have already exhausted themselves without yielding results.

Be sure to consult a doctor if you have any lumps in the mammary glands in order to have time to carry out conservative treatment for early stage.

There is no need to panic with such a diagnosis - modern medicine has already reached the level where the presence of a cyst in the mammary gland is not a death sentence at all, but a disease that readily responds to competent treatment.

Home > Other diseases > Cyst > Removal of a breast cyst: types of surgery and possible complications

The choice of treatment for a breast cyst is decided by the attending mammologist after a complete examination of the woman. The doctor decides whether it is necessary to remove the cyst surgically or whether it will be enough drug treatment cysts.

Surgical treatment indicated in the absence of the effect of drug treatment, progression of the disease, if the cyst is larger than 1.5 cm, or there is a suspicion or presence of a malignant process in the mammary gland.

Sectoral resection

A common type of surgery to treat the disease. The big advantage of this operation is that it allows the woman to save her breasts.

The essence of the operation is that breast tissue that is affected by a benign or malignant tumor is removed.

Before the operation it is necessary to carry out preparatory activities(enema, shower, diet, refusal to take hormonal medications), all laboratory tests are taken (general blood and urine analysis, biochemical blood test, etc.), breast ultrasound, MRI, biopsy or puncture, mandatory examination by specialized specialists (endocrinologist, dentist, therapist, gynecologist, anesthesiologist).

For the period of the operation and rehabilitation period the woman is in a specialized institution. Contraindications for surgery:

Sectoral resection surgery is often performed under local anesthesia. The analgesic lidocaine or novocaine is injected into a vein.

In some cases, general anesthesia is used (allergy to painkiller, bad psychological attitude patients for surgery). The resection operation itself is not complicated or difficult for the doctor.

It begins with the surgeon making a contour drawing along which the future incision will be made. Using a scalpel, two semilunar incisions are made towards the nipple.

The skin and subcutaneous fat are dissected. The tumor formation is located, fixed with clamps, and removed with a scalpel. In some cases, when the cyst has clear boundaries and is liquid, it is exhumed (scraped out with a special instrument).

Then careful hemostasis is performed (stopping bleeding, ligating damaged vessels). The formation is immediately sent for histological examination to establish an accurate diagnosis.

The tissue is sutured layer-by-layer with absorbable threads. A cosmetic suture is applied to the skin. The sutures usually heal on the seventh day after surgery.

If histological examination confirms the presence of atypical (malignant) cells, then further treatment is carried out. If the disease is benign, symptomatic antibacterial therapy and care postoperative wound.

Complications after surgery:

  1. Wound suppuration. Occurs when microbes get into the wound, non-compliance with hygiene rules, improper care postoperative suture.
  2. Hematoma. If the bleeding vessel was not ligated during the operation.
  3. Increased body temperature, fever. This indicates an aggravation chronic disease, accession secondary infection, septic complications.
  4. Pus from the wound. The most severe surgical complication. Occurs when the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not followed, or improper care of sutures.

It is important to know: if these symptoms are present, the patient should urgently seek medical attention. medical care, otherwise severe complications and irreparable consequences will appear.

Sectoral resection of a breast cyst is effective method treatment of a common disease. Does not negatively affect the patient’s future quality of life. After the operation, a woman will be able to live a full life, endure pregnancy, give birth, breastfeed, and play sports.

Laser removal

If there is a small benign lesion in the mammary gland, a breast surgeon can remove the formation with a special surgical laser. A similar procedure is performed directly during a puncture of the mammary gland.

Laser treatment does not require special preparation; the woman goes home the same day. Laser cyst removal has proven to be a gentle method of treatment; there are no severe postoperative complications.

That is why reviews about this method only positive treatments.

Please note: after any surgical operation on the mammary gland, a woman should regularly visit a mammologist, have an ultrasound examination and x-ray of the breast once a year, and lead a correct lifestyle.

Be sure to avoid stress at work and in personal life.

What is a breast cyst, see the doctor’s answer in the following video:

2018 Blog about women's health.