Coral alfalfa - description and instructions for use. Eramin - plant extract from Alfalfa

Alfalfa is a grass that is used to feed livestock and is a medicinal product for treating people from various ailments. Alfalfa has proven effective in relieving symptoms cardiovascular lesions, allergies, anemia, respiratory diseases, cystitis. It is used to make drugs for hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gum and dental diseases. Can be used in the treatment of radiculitis. In addition, the plant is included in some types of dietary supplements.

Alfalfa is a grass that is used to feed livestock and is a medicine for treating people from various ailments.

Some information about the plant

The Latin name of this representative of the flora is Medicago sativa. It belongs to the order of leguminous plants. In countries with a predominance English language she is called Alfalfa. The stem, leaves and flowers of Alfalfa are used as animal feed. They are also made from them various types medicines. In many cases, young alfalfa sprouts are used to create medicines. It grows wild in the Balkans and Asia Minor. In many countries, the cultivated alfalfa grass grows in fields, on screes, pebbles, and grassy slopes. You can meet Alfalfa in the steppe, on the edges of the forest. There it grows like a weed.

Alfalfa has proven itself in eliminating the symptoms of cardiovascular damage, allergies, anemia, diseases of the respiratory tract, cystitis

Description and characteristics of the plant: Alfalfa has a tetrahedral stem that branches at the top. The plant reaches a height of 0.8 m. Its stems can be completely straight, look like bushes or lie on the ground. The roots are powerful and quite thick, lying at great depths. The plant has leaves on petioles. The sheet dimensions reach 2 cm in length and can be up to 10 mm in thickness. The peduncles are axillary type, the raceme contains many flowers, and reaches a length of 3 cm. Alfalfa flowers are painted in blue and purple tones. The plant is harvested when flowering. Drying is done in the open air under a canopy, where the collected specimens are laid in a layer of 3 to 5 cm. The cups have a size of 0.5 to 0.6 cm. They look like tubular funnels covered with hairs.

Using Alfalfa for Food Additives

Leaves, stems and flowers contain ketones, carbohydrates, various organic acids, steroids. Found in alfalfa and essential oil, calcium, fluorine, chlorine, iron, phosphorus and other useful microelements. Alfalfa contains estrogens, fructose, saponins, tocopherols and other substances.

Scientists have discovered substances such as carboxylic phenol acids, alkaloids, and various amino acids in the stems and leaves. Alfalfa also contains vitamins C, B, E, D2, D3. Moreover latest types vitamins are very rare in plants. They can prevent the development of rickets or brittle bones.

Alfalfa sowing, beneficial properties which allows it to be used as a basis for the creation of various medicines, most often it is used to create dietary supplements. For example, they are produced biologically active substances, allowing you to purposefully influence a person:

  1. Improve metabolism in the body.
  2. Eliminate problems in the gastric and intestinal tract.
  3. The dietary supplement has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.
  4. A dietary supplement based on alfalfa tidies up the circulatory system.
  5. The dietary supplement sharply reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

But such a supplement can only be used after a comprehensive examination by a doctor, since it is difficult for a person to determine on his own the right dosage. You must strictly follow all the recommendations contained in the instructions for using such a substance, otherwise an allergic reaction may develop.

It is best to use proven medications such as Alfalfa NSP. Such drugs help prevent the development of atherosclerosis and reduce the severity of inflammatory processes in the patient’s body. Alfalfa NSP helps stabilize the condition of patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. Stabilization of cholesterol levels in the blood occurs when using the drug Lucerne NSP for 7-12 days. Within a week, the composition of blood plasma improves and hemoglobin levels stabilize.

Pharmacological action

  • Not specified. See instructions

Description of pharmacological action

Alfalfa is an excellent antihemorrhagic remedy, as it contains a significant amount of vitamin K, which prevents hemorrhages and bleeding. Can be used when various forms hemorrhagic syndrome, one of the causes of which is radiation damage.

This dietary supplement contains fluoride plant origin, which is known to promote the formation of tooth enamel, protects teeth from the development of caries and has a bactericidal effect on microorganisms that appear in the dental cavity during caries and periodontal disease.

Thanks to a complex of active compounds, alfalfa has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect against arthritis of various origins, tuberculosis, and fungal diseases. Alfalfa – good diuretic, helps with illnesses urinary system, acts as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, promotes the excretion of uric acid salts, which facilitates the treatment of gout.

Alfalfa due to a complete set of vitamins, proteins and others nutrients improves skin nutrition and prevents aging. Alfalfa is rich in chlorophyll, which helps treat anemia of various origins and diseases of the upper respiratory tract.


518.5 mg. alfalfa.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for:
- diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
- peptic ulcer;
- cystitis;
- anemia;
- hemorrhagic syndrome;
- allergies;
- skin diseases (acne, fungal diseases, etc.);
- diseases of teeth and gums (caries, periodontal disease, etc.);
- rheumatism;
- gout;
- radiculitis;
- inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

Release form

tablets 615 mg;

Contraindications for use

Not described.

Side effects

Not identified.

Directions for use and doses

Take 2 tablets daily, 2 times a day with meals.


Not described.

Precautions for use

Consult your doctor.

Storage conditions

Store in a cool, dry place. Keep away from children.

Best before date

The description of vitamin Coral Alfalfa is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. To get more complete information Please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace specialist advice and cannot be a guarantee positive effect the drug you are using. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Lucerne - natural spring nutrients. It has a multifaceted effect on the body: helps fight infection, reduces cholesterol levels, maintains the balance of beneficial microflora in the intestines, and strengthens the circulatory system.


  • Prevents various inflammatory processes
  • Normalizes the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Improves blood circulation
  • For diabetes
  • Strengthens the body's defenses

Action of Alfalfa:

  • Provides the body with nutrients
  • Helps prevent and treat inflammatory diseases
  • Improves the functioning of the circulatory and digestive systems
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels and prevents the development of atherosclerosis
  • Improves general condition patients with diabetes

Directions for use and dosage:

  • 1 capsule 3 times a day with meals.


  • Individual intolerance to product components.


  • In a cool (temperature no more than +25°C) and dry place.

Release form:

  • Capsules (100 capsules in a jar).


  • 1 capsule contains 340 mg of alfalfa grass

Description of components:

Lucerne (Medicago sativa) has been grown since ancient times in Europe, Asia and Africa as a fodder crop. Alfalfa surpasses any other forage plant in terms of the amount of protein contained in the harvest collected from one hectare. Rich in fiber, alfalfa belongs to the legume family.

Many years ago Chinese doctors used young alfalfa leaves for problems gastrointestinal tract. In traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, alfalfa was prescribed to improve digestion. It was also believed that alfalfa promotes the elimination excess liquid from the body, helps with arthritis.

Indians North America This plant was used to treat jaundice and improve blood clotting.

In the 19th century, American doctors recommended alfalfa as a tonic for indigestion, dyspepsia, anemia, and loss of appetite. They also used the above-ground part of alfalfa to increase lactation in nursing mothers, and the seeds were used to make poultices used to treat abscesses and insect bites.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first studies of the properties of this plant were carried out. Animal studies have confirmed the high nutritional value alfalfa. In addition, alfalfa has been found to be very beneficial for human health.

Alfalfa differs from other plants in having a unique root system. Alfalfa roots penetrate deep into the soil and gain access to moisture as well as minerals that are unavailable to most plants. Alfalfa roots reach 20 meters or more in length, supplying the plant with nutrients that are poor in the top layer of soil. Thanks to this, alfalfa contains huge amount nutrients in an easily digestible form for humans.

The spectrum of action of alfalfa is due to its active constituents, including saponins (approximately 2-3%), flavones, isoflavones, sterols and coumarin derivatives. In addition, alfalfa is rich in chlorophyll, fiber, proteins, contains vitamin A, vitamins B1, B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc, polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as a number of proteolytic enzymes that break down proteins and promote their absorption.

Alfalfa is a rich source of protein. If you take the same weight of milk, eggs and alfalfa, then the protein content in alfalfa will be the highest. Natural coumarins prevent blood stagnation and exhibit capillary-strengthening activity.

Alfalfa contains phytoestrogens called isoflavones, which have mild estrogen-like effects on the body. Thanks to this property Alfalfa is used to reduce symptoms of menopause.

This amazing plant has the ability to cleanse the body of toxins, support the functioning of the heart and liver, improve appetite and digestion, and increase the body's endurance.

Saponins, contained in alfalfa, bind cholesterol and promote its removal from the body, and also prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. As a result of one of clinical trials It has been revealed that alfalfa has the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the human body.

In addition, saponins, like those found in ginseng, can exhibit adaptogenic activity and stimulate the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Vitamin K plays important role in blood clotting processes: necessary for the liver to produce prothrombin (a substance that promotes the formation blood clots). Thanks to this, alfalfa helps prevent bleeding in case of impaired (reduced) blood coagulation and normalizes (increases) coagulation in case of bleeding - by strengthening vascular wall and increasing prothrombin production.

Alfalfa, perhaps due to its alkaline nature, has a detoxifying effect on the body.

Alfalfa promotes the removal of fluid from the body, enhances the outflow of secretions from the prostate gland, and normalizes water-salt metabolism and purine metabolism.

Alfalfa is very useful for problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Normalizes metabolism.

Alfalfa increases lactation in nursing mothers.

Alfalfa grass is one of the few plants that contains fluoride of plant origin, which is accumulated by the body primarily in the tissues of teeth. It promotes the formation of tooth enamel and protects teeth from the development of caries.

Alfalfa has numerous beneficial properties for the human body, which is why it is widely used as a biologically active food supplement.

Additional information

Blood plays the role of a connecting element that ensures the vital activity of every organ, every cell. Thanks to blood circulation, oxygen and nutrients, as well as hormones, enter all tissues and organs, and waste products are eliminated. In addition, blood maintains a constant body temperature and protects the body from harmful microbes.

Nutrients enter the blood plasma from the digestive organs and are distributed to all organs. Despite the fact that the human body enters with food large number water and mineral salts, a constant concentration is maintained in the blood minerals. This is achieved by releasing an excess amount chemical compounds through the kidneys, sweat glands, lungs.

The movement of blood in the human body is called blood circulation. The continuity of blood flow is ensured by the circulatory organs, which include the heart and blood vessels. They make up circulatory system.

Circulation- blood movement through the vascular system (arteries, capillaries, veins).

English physician, anatomist, physiologist and embryologist William Harvey the first, based on experiments and observations, came to the conclusion that the center of blood circulation is the heart, and not the liver, as previously thought. He first voiced his observations at a lecture on anatomy. The notes of these lectures, dated 16, 17 and 18 April 1616, are today kept in the British Museum.

Heart human is hollow muscular organ, consisting of two atria and two ventricles. It is located in chest cavity. Left and right side the hearts are separated by a continuous muscular septum. The weight of an adult’s heart is approximately 300 g. The heart works non-stop, performing the function of a pump, pumping about 350 liters of blood per hour, while the time full turn blood in the body takes seconds.

At the border between the ventricles and atria there are openings that can be closed and opened using special valves. The valves consist of leaflets that open only into the cavity of the ventricles, thereby ensuring the movement of blood in one direction. On the left side of the heart, the valve is formed by two leaflets and is called bicuspid. Between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the tricuspid valve. Between the ventricles and arteries are the semilunar valves. They also ensure that blood flows in one direction - from the ventricles to the arteries.

In the work of the heart, which consists of pumping blood, there are three phases: contraction of the atria, contraction of the ventricles and a pause, when the ventricles and atria are simultaneously relaxed. Contraction of the heart is called systole, relaxation is called diastole. In one minute, the heart contracts approximately 60–70 times. The alternation of work and rest of each part of the heart ensures that the heart muscle does not tire.

Blood circulation in the human body occurs along two main paths - small and big circle blood circulation

In a small circle, blood circulates through the lungs, as a result the blood is saturated with oxygen and returns from the lungs to the left atrium.

The systemic circulation supplies organs and tissues with oxygenated blood. The left atrium contracts, pushing blood into the left ventricle, from where the blood enters the aorta.

The aorta branches into arteries and arterioles that go to various parts of the body and end with a capillary network in organs and tissues. It is through capillaries that tissues are supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

Lymphatic system– another transport system of the body. Unlike circulatory system it does not have a “pump”, and the vessels do not form closed system. The lymphatic system produces special immune bodies - lymphocytes - and delivers them to the blood vessels. Blood and lymphatic system form together immune system person.

General positive influence alfalfa for human body prompted representatives of the NSP company to create a highly effective food supplement. As a result of the joint work of scientists and pharmacists, the Lucerne NSP product was created, which is well absorbed and retains everything useful qualities natural component. The product contains all the minerals and vitamins that are needed for life. But abundance useful substances- this is not the only advantage of the drug. Under its influence, the functioning of a number of internal organs improves.

Alfalfa NSP: composition and release form

Alfalfa NSP goes on sale in jars, each of which contains 100 capsules of 440 mg. The capsule contains 340 mg of alfalfa aerial parts, which are a source of:

  • Calcium;
  • Manganese;
  • Zinc;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Gland;
  • Vitamins A, D, C, E, K and group B;
  • Enzymes and isoflavonoids.

Alfalfa NSP: properties

Alfalfa NSP affects the body as follows:

Normalizes the condition of the circulatory system;

Reduces cholesterol levels;

Helps reduce the risk of development and occurrence of atherosclerosis;

Improves the balance of intestinal microflora;

Helps cope with inflammatory diseases and warn them;

Improves the condition of diabetic patients.

Alfalfa NSP: indications and contraindications

Erosions, ulcers, open wounds;


High cholesterol;


Diabetes mellitus;

Gout, arthritis, arthrosis;

Bronchial asthma;

Periodontal disease;

Pustular formations on the skin;

Chronic and acute cystitis;


The benefits of the drug for nursing mothers have been proven as a means of increasing lactation.

Taking the drug is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to alfalfa and autoimmune diseases.

Alfalfa NSP: instructions for use

Take 1 Alfalfa NSP capsule with meals 3 times a day. Storage of the drug is recommended in a cool, dark place.

Not a medicine (dietary supplement).

Alfalfa NSP: price and sale

If you are interested in the drug, you can buy Alfalfa NSP in our online store. Leave a request in the shopping cart on the website or by phone. We will send your purchase to any locality Russian Federation using transport or postal services. A courier delivery service is provided for clients from Moscow. You can also pick up the drug yourself at a distribution point in the capital. The price for Alfalfa NSP is indicated next to the product image.

There is a toll-free number for regions 8 800 550-52-96 .

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When ordering from 6500 rub. delivery in Moscow and beyond the Moscow Ring Road (up to 10 km) - 150 rub.

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When ordering outside the Moscow Ring Road for the amount less than 6500 rub.- 450 rubles + transportation costs.

By courier in the Moscow region - price is negotiable.

Delivery in Moscow is carried out on the day the goods are ordered.

Delivery within Moscow region is carried out within 1-2 days.

Attention: You have the right to refuse the goods at any time before the courier leaves. If the courier has arrived at the delivery point, you can also refuse the goods, BUT paying for the courier's departure according to delivery rates.

Sales and delivery medicines is not implemented.

Delivery in Moscow is carried out only for order amounts over 500 rubles.

Delivery within Russia:

1. Express mail 1-3 days (to your door).

2. By Russian Post within 7-14 days.

Payment is made by cash on delivery or by transfer to a bank account (download details).

As a rule, the cost of express delivery is not much higher than delivery of goods by Russian Post, but you have the opportunity to receive the goods in a guaranteed short time with home delivery.

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1. The price of the product you ordered on the website.

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Important: For order amounts up to 1,500 rubles, parcels within the Russian Federation are sent only with prepayment.

Important:All orthopedic products are shipped within Russia only upon prepayment.

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AlfAlfa (“Alfalfa”) dietary supplement – ​​a complete set of nutrients in one tablet

AlfAlfa (“Alfalfa”), 650 mg, 500 tablets – one of the most popular dietary supplements of plant origin. The drug provides the human body with a set of natural nutrients, has positive impact on the functioning of all organs, serves to prevent many diseases.

Composition, properties, indications for use

The main component of the dietary supplement Alfalfa 650 mg 500 tablets is alfalfa extract. This herb has long been successfully used in folk medicine. Moreover, it is considered the ancestor of all medicinal drugs. This explains the name this drug.

The benefits of alfalfa for the human body are difficult to overestimate. It is rich in chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, isoflavonoids. In addition, alfalfa contains a significant amount of easily digestible protein and all necessary for the body macro- and microsubstances: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, fluorine.

"Alfalfa" ("Alfalfa") has a wide spectrum of action:

  • strengthens the heart, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, prevents the development atherosclerotic changes, lowers cholesterol, regulates blood pressure;
  • accelerates the healing of ulcers and wounds;
  • binds toxins, removes harmful substances;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels, improves the general condition of people suffering from diabetes;
  • prevents bleeding and hemorrhage;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • has an antitumor effect, neutralizes carcinogens, removes them from the body;
  • has a diuretic effect, eliminating salts uric acid;
  • helps in the treatment of lung diseases and anemia of different origins;
  • prevents the development of caries;
  • has estrogen-like activity, reduces negative symptoms during menopause;
  • increases lactation.

The main indications for the use of Now “Lucerne” dietary supplement in tablets:

The dietary supplement should be taken 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals.

Contraindications for use

There are no contraindications for this drug Now Alfalfa. The only exception is individual increased sensitivity. Side effects Now "Lucerne" is also not identified. But you should take the drug after consulting your doctor.

Don't forget that Now AlfAlfa "Alfalfa" is biologically active additive. Medicine it is not, therefore it can be recommended by a doctor only for preventive purposes. For treatment various diseases it can be used as additional means to the main therapy.

The tablets should be stored in a cool, dry place in a tightly closed container.

You can order AlfAlfa (“Lucerne”) in the NowFoods-Shop online store. The current price and availability of the drug in stock should be checked with the manager. The sale of dietary supplement Alfalfa 650 mg 500 tablets is carried out with delivery to any city in Russia.