Cyclodinone drops indications for use. Cyclodinone - a natural source of women's health

Menopause is a transitional period in a woman’s life when reproductive function fades, the menstrual cycle stops and symptoms appear due to hormonal changes. This stage occurs at 45-50 years of age, sometimes earlier or later. The herbal preparation Cyclodinone during menopause helps to cope with physiological problems and balance the emotional state.

Composition and release forms

The tablets are packaged in cardboard packs of 30 or 60 pieces. The pills are green-blue, flat, round, with a matte surface. Drops are sold in brown glass bottles with a capacity of 50 and 100 ml. The solution is yellowish-brown, transparent, and emits a faint aroma of the plant from the fruits of which it is made.

Before you start using Cyclodinone for menopause, you must read the instructions for use!

When the drops are stored for a long time, sediment may appear at the bottom, but this does not affect the quality. Before use, shake the bottle so that the substances are distributed evenly in the liquid.

The active ingredient in both forms is chasteberry extract. 100 g of drops contain 288 m of extract, one tablet contains 3.5-4.9 mg. Thus, in 1 mg of liquid there is an active substance in the amount of 2.88 mg, and a daily dosage of 40 drops of solution (2 g) contains 5.86 mg of the active ingredient.

Take 1 tablet per day. Thus, the amount of phytoestrogen entering the body when treated with pills will be slightly lower than when using drops. This has virtually no effect on the effectiveness of therapy. It is advisable to take pills at the same hours.

Additional substances in the tablets:

  • macrogol 6000;
  • povidone;
  • microcellulose;
  • starch;
  • yellow iron oxide;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • talc;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • silicon dioxide;
  • compounds of two acids;
  • indigotine;
  • Magnesium stearate.

Impact on the female body

Cyclodinone is a non-hormonal agent. Its action is to stimulate certain parts of the brain. As a result, the production of estrogen and progesterone increases. The effectiveness is due to the fact that the nervous system is directly involved in the production of sex hormones.

The drug acts on the body from the moment the brain receives a signal about the need for the hormone. The activity of the ovaries, which synthesize the required amount of the substance, increases and the condition of a woman in menopause improves. This is manifested in the stability of the menstrual cycle until it stops. In addition, the symptoms accompanying early menopause and premenstrual syndrome are reduced.

Typical indications for the use of Cyclodinone during menopause are hot flashes, swelling, pain, swelling and discomfort in the mammary glands, irregular menstrual cycle, increased excitability and irritability before menstruation.

The components of twig extract act on receptors like dopamine. During reproductive age, it is produced naturally, but with the onset of menopause, its level decreases. Dopamine is responsible for the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, preventing excessive production and increasing the level of prolactin in the blood. When there is more of it than needed, phenomena such as cycle instability, impaired thermoregulation, hot flashes, problems with blood pressure and heartbeat, and other things that affect premenopausal women occur.

Thanks to Cyclodinone, the ovaries are fully functioning, and the balance of hormones is approaching optimal. The drug should be taken only to eliminate menopausal symptoms caused by hormonal imbalances. In order to treat serious pathologies of the reproductive organs, other means should be used, which are prescribed after a thorough examination.

Instructions for use

The doctor, together with the patient, decides which composition and release form is most suitable. Food preferences, work schedule and individual characteristics of the female body are taken into account.


Take 1 tablet per day, swallowing it whole and drinking enough water. Improvements occur 3 months after the start of the course. From the time the therapeutic effect is achieved, another month or more must pass before the woman finishes taking the medicine.

Before using the drops, the bottle with drops should be shaken vigorously several times. Take 40 drops per day. The optimal time to take it is in the morning, a few minutes after eating. The solution is dripped into a glass, 100 ml of water is added, mixed and drunk in one gulp. If you do not add water, the effect will be the same, but some women do not like the taste of alcohol. You need to take the drug until the condition improves, and then for another 5-6 weeks. After this, you should take a break, agreeing on its duration with your doctor.


Like any medication, Cyclodinone is contraindicated in certain diseases and conditions. A woman may not know about her illnesses, so before starting therapy you need to come to an appointment with a therapist and gynecologist. If necessary, they will refer you to other specialists.

When not to take Cyclodinone:

  • pregnancy (including suspected);
  • natural feeding;
  • allergy to the components of the product or intolerance to them;
  • hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency;
  • other problems caused by dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • lactase deficiency.

If the patient’s nervous system is not in order, the doctor decides individually whether Cyclodinone can be taken during menopause. In this category of patients, the drug can cause the development of depression, apathy, and drowsiness. If such symptoms appear, the drug is discontinued. The mammary glands may also become swollen and painful.

Any deterioration in health is a reason to stop taking drops or tablets. The attending physician should select another remedy.

Side effects

Women who do not have any special health problems tolerate the drug well. Adverse reactions are rare and are mainly caused by overdose. A woman who intentionally or accidentally took more drops or tablets than recommended by the instructions may complain of the following phenomena:

  • skin irritation, redness, rash;
  • dizziness, migraine;
  • loose stools, stomach pain;
  • flatulence, constipation;
  • nausea;
  • dyspnea;
  • mental excitement;
  • confusion;
  • hallucinations.

If negative symptoms appear, stop taking tablets or drops until the condition improves. Also, some women experience spotting at the wrong time when they should. After 2-3 days they end without taking any action.

Cyclodinone does not have contraceptive properties, so taking it does not eliminate the need to use contraceptives.

Special instructions

Treatment of menopausal symptoms is carried out only with the approval of a doctor.

Women. who have a history of fibroids, diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system or malignant tumors, the drug is prescribed with caution.

Pituitary gland diseases have specific symptoms, which are mitigated by taking Cyclodinone. You need to pay special attention to this. An unclear clinical picture makes diagnosis difficult.

Tablets and drops are not contraindicated in patients suffering from diabetes. But their digestion may be impaired, which is manifested by loose stools, pain and heaviness in the stomach. Also at risk are women who suffer from alcoholism, including those with a history of alcoholism.

Cyclodinone should be combined with caution with other medications, including oral medications containing artificial hormones.

Reviews from women and doctors

Patients note that the product helps with menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea and lack of ovulation. Thanks to Cyclodinone, pain stops or decreases, and PMS symptoms are mitigated.

There are few negative reviews, and they are mainly due to the return of unpleasant symptoms after discontinuation of the drug. This rarely happens. Sometimes women note that taking the medicine does not bring improvement. This happens if it is assigned incorrectly. For example, the patient’s condition is good, but she asks to be prescribed something for prevention. Isolated cases have also been identified when Cyclodinone is prescribed to eliminate endometrial hyperplasia, although it is not intended for this. In such cases, the condition not only does not improve, but even worsens, which is why there are also negative reviews about Cyclodinone during menopause.

Gynecologists treat the drug differently. Objective opinions based on observation of patients are positive. Specialists who are distrustful of herbal medicines prefer to prescribe stronger drugs. Some believe that there is not enough data on the effectiveness of Cyclodinone, while others believe that the results from its use are rather weak.

Cyclodinone analogs

The phytohormonal preparation has 2 synonyms - a product with the same composition. This is an extract of Vitex vulgaris fruit and Agnukaston capsules. The effect of their use is similar to that achieved by taking Cyclodinone.

There are several drugs with a similar mechanism of action. All of them help reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms.

Popular analogues:

  • tablets - Estrovel, Femiwell, Aloe Compound, Luteina, Tribestan Plus;
  • phytohormonal pills - Utrozhestan, Angelica Forte, Femicaps Easy Life, Normotsikl;
  • drops - Remens;
  • granules - Masto-gran;
  • injections - Ovarium compositum.

Selection of analogues without consulting a doctor is not allowed!

The product is sold in pharmacies and licensed online pharmacies without a prescription. Designed to relieve symptoms of early natural and artificial menopause. The price of drops starts from 436 rubles, tablets cost 487 rubles. and higher. Cyclodinone can be purchased on the manufacturer's official website.

Any drug during menopause should be prescribed taking into account the severity of symptoms. If the disturbances are minor, they can gradually disappear without the use of strong medications, but Cyclodinone helps to get through difficult times. If your health condition has deteriorated significantly with the onset of menopause, you should not postpone visiting a gynecologist, much less self-medicate.

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Indications for use

  • Severe premenstrual syndrome
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Signs of mastodynia, endometriosis.

Cyclodinone is also prescribed for menopause to eliminate the characteristic symptoms of estrogen deficiency.

Cyclodinone drops (100 g) contain a plant monocomponent represented by common twig extract, its mass fraction is 193-288 mg.

Additional components of the drops include:

  • Mint flavoring component
  • Sorbitol (70% solution)
  • Sodium sucrose dihydrate
  • Polysorbate
  • Povidone
  • Ethanol 96%

Cyclodinone tablets (1 piece) include 3.3-4.8 mg of the phytocomponent in dry form (twig extract). Each tablet contains an additional component:

  • Cellulose in microcrystalline form
  • Talc
  • Copolymer of ethacrylic and emethacrylic acid
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Lactose monohydrate
  • Iron oxide
  • Starch
  • Macrogol
  • Indigotine
  • Povidone
  • Silicon dioxide and titanium.

Medicinal properties

Many people are interested in the question of whether Cyclodinone is a hormonal drug or not, why it is prescribed to take it. It is worth noting that this product is a non-hormonal plant-based product; it is intended to normalize the level of sex hormones.

The therapeutic effect of homeopathic tablets and drops is associated with the specific properties of the phytocomponent, namely twig extract, which is one of the plant dopaminomimetics. Prutnyak triggers complex chemical processes in the body and has almost the same effects as the substance dopamine, which is produced in the human body by brain cells. Along with this, dopaminomimetics have a stimulating effect on the synthesis of natural dopamine. Cyclodinone activates the work of some brain structures (pituitary gland and hypothalamus), this occurs when the level of dopamine in the brain increases.

Dopamine is a so-called inhibitory transmitter in both the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, reducing the increased activity of these important brain structures. Under the influence of dopamine, there is a decrease in the production of gonadotropic hormones (prolactin, somatoliberin, and somatotropin). The more dopamine is produced, the lower the level of prolactin and other gonadotropic hormones in the blood will be. Due to this action, dopaminomimetics are used for the complex treatment of various ailments associated with excessive production of prolactin, somatropin, and somatoliberin.

It is worth noting that the regulation of prolactin production plays an important role in the female body. With a high level of this hormone, menstrual irregularities develop, pain and severe engorgement of the mammary glands, PMS are observed, and in some cases the occurrence of fibrocystic mastopathy is diagnosed. In addition to the increased production of the hormone prolactin, the synthesis of other hormones - FSH, LH - is activated, while the process of follicle formation, the onset of ovulation and the subsequent formation of the corpus luteum are disrupted. In patients with such disorders, hormonal imbalance is diagnosed, the amount of progesterone and estrogen produced changes, and pathologies of the reproductive system appear. A lack of dopamine is associated with the appearance of amenorrhea, aggressiveness, and the development of restless legs syndrome.

A woman taking a homeopathic remedy reduces the production of prolactin in her own body, thereby normalizing the levels of progesterone and estrogen. Against the background of herbal medicine, the menstrual cycle is corrected, the activity of the genitourinary system is normalized, manifestations of mastopathy, pain in the mammary glands and their engorgement are eliminated, PMS is completely eliminated, and the course of the second half of the MC is normalized. Treatment of mastopathy is carried out by neutralizing the effect of prolactin on the proliferative processes occurring in the mammary glands.

Release form

Homeopathic medicine is available in two forms:

  • The tablets are bluish-green with a matte coating (there are 15 pieces in a blister pack, 2 blister packs are placed inside the pack along with instructions)
  • The drops contain a translucent yellowish-brown solution with a characteristic herbal aroma (produced in glass bottles with a dosing cap, additional instructions are included).

Cyclodinone: instructions for use

The dosage regimen depends on the use of a particular dosage form.

How to use the pills

It makes no difference on which day in the menstrual cycle a woman started taking a homeopathic remedy. Simultaneous food intake does not affect the rate of absorption of the phytocomponent.

Usually take phytotablets orally, one twice a day (preferably in the morning and evening), unless the doctor has prescribed a different dosage regimen. Drink this drug regardless of when you eat. While using the medicine, you should take the herbal tablets with a sufficient volume of liquid.

If you do not take other drugs to normalize hormonal levels, then the course of treatment is 3 months. After relief of symptoms, there is a need to extend the prescribed treatment for 2-3 weeks.

How to take the solution

It is best to take Cyclodinone in solution before meals. Non-hormonal drops act on the body in almost the same way as drugs in tablet form. The extracts contained in the medicine are quickly absorbed by the mucous membranes and enter the general bloodstream, influencing the production of sex hormones.

The woman begins treatment by taking 40 drops. daily in the morning; in the future, the doctor may adjust the dosage regimen. The duration of herbal treatment with a non-hormonal agent is 3 months.

Cyclodinone is also prescribed to relieve symptoms of menopause and treat endometriosis. It is recommended to start treatment after consulting a doctor. Cyclodinone for endometriosis may be prescribed according to a different regimen. From what day of the cycle is it better to take drops, check with your gynecologist.

Use during pregnancy and pregnancy

It is contraindicated to start using the herbal medicine in this group of patients.


Excessive sensitivity to medicine based on common twig and similar herbal preparations.


According to the instructions, the tablets contain lactose; the herbal medicine is not prescribed for use by patients intolerant to this substance.

If a woman took the drug according to the regimen and during treatment an individual susceptibility to Cyclodinone arose, the MC was disrupted, and tenderness of the mammary glands was observed, it is worth completing the therapy started and contacting an obstetrician-gynecologist.

It is worth noting that a single dosage of non-hormonal tablets and phytodrops contains 0.03 XE.

Cross-drug interactions

The interaction of some drugs with Cyclodinone can lead to a weakening of the therapeutic effect of the latter.

By taking dopamine receptor antagonists, you can observe a weakening of the medicinal effects of each drug.

Alcohol compatibility

You cannot combine drinking alcohol with herbal medicine based on twigs, as multiple adverse reactions may develop. Cyclodinone and alcohol are not compatible.

Side effects

If long-term herbal treatment is prescribed, the following reactions may develop with the drug:

  • Appearance on the skin in the form of rashes
  • Psychomotor overexcitation, development of hallucinations, confusion of consciousness.


If a woman takes the drug as prescribed by the doctor, the risk of overdose is minimal.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Drops with tablets do not require the creation of certain conditions for their preservation; each of the drugs retains its medicinal properties at a temperature of 15-25 C. The shelf life of herbal remedies is 3 years

Biologische Heilmittel Heel, Germany

Price from 420 to 918 rubles.

Gynekohel is a herbal medicine based on plant extracts. Prescribed for the treatment of gynecological ailments associated with hormonal imbalance and active inflammatory process in the internal genital organs. Gynekohel is produced in the form of drops.

  • Natural composition
  • Low likelihood of adverse reactions
  • Available without a prescription.
  • High price
  • Inconvenient dosage regimen (three times per day)
  • Drops contain ethanol.


  • Mechanism of action for endometriosis?
  • Composition of the drug
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Result of application
  • In what form is it available, dosage
  • Price

Endometriosis is a disease that can lead to big problems. Cells of the uterine lining that have grown into neighboring tissues and “walked on their own” can harm almost any organ. Endometriosis is caused by hormonal imbalances. Therefore, to treat it, doctors usually prescribe unsafe hormone therapy. It is not suitable for everyone.

Hormonal drugs are harmful to people with hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, serious kidney diseases, diabetes, hypertension and fibroids. When a woman suffers from one of these diseases, doctors prescribe natural herbal remedies. For example, cyclodinone is prescribed for endometriosis in the initial phase of its development.

Mechanism of action for endometriosis?

Cyclodinone is a medicinal non-hormonal herbal medicine. Its main task is to put the body’s hormonal levels in order. To complete the task, the “herbal medicine” “tames” prolactin. An excess of this hormone in the body is one of the main causes of endocrine disruptions leading to endometriosis. In addition to prolactin, the herbal remedy affects the sex hormones estradiol and progesterone - they again begin to be produced in the proper quantities.

Cyclodinone eliminates not only endometriosis. It also copes with menstrual cycle disorders, lack of ovulation and infertility.

Composition of the drug

The “exclusive” active ingredient of cyclodinone is common twig. This plant is known for its healing properties, namely, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, disinfectant, and sedative.

It is filled with vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, trace elements, essential oils, and tannins. The balanced composition of twigs provides cure for a considerable number of gynecological diseases, including endometriosis.

Contraindications and side effects

Cyclodinone has very minor contraindications and side effects. Poisoning and overdose with natural non-hormonal medicines occur extremely rarely - no more often than in one case per 10 thousand people.

It is better not to use the product for people with:

  • severe allergic reactions to common twig, its fruits or any other components of the herbal medicine;
  • women carrying a child and breastfeeding.

It is also better not to use the drug in children under 12 years of age.

The fido product has the following side effects:

  • minor vomiting and nausea, minor spasmodic phenomena in the stomach and intestines;
  • small rash, hives;
  • fainting states, drowsiness, short-term headaches, increased irritability and excitability.

Symptoms disappear after a few days of use.

Result of application

Cyclodinone is able to eliminate all the main manifestations of endometriosis. Natural remedy:

  1. Normalizes hormonal levels. To do this, the drug eliminates anemia and heavy bleeding that often accompany endometriosis.
  2. Eliminates inflammation in various organs and tissues caused by “stray” cells from the surface of the uterus.
  3. Corrects the immune system - the body again begins to fight the disease at full strength.

Treatment of endometriosis with cyclodinone should begin when the disease is still in its initial phase. When the pathology is advanced, natural drugs become ineffective, and it is impossible to do without dangerous hormonal drugs. If you wait until the last stages of the disease, then you will have to go under the surgeon’s scalpel.

In what form is it available, dosage

Cyclodinone is available in several forms:

Always take your medication with plenty of water.


Cyclodinone can be freely purchased at almost any private or public pharmacy. Its price is around 500-700 rubles for one pack of 30 tablets. 50 ml of medicine in drops is sold for 450-650 rubles.

The drug is produced by the German company Bionormika.

Herbal medicines are an excellent alternative to synthetic drugs. But often their action is not enough for a complete cure. To get rid of pathology, you cannot do without regular consultations with a specialist, examinations and tests. The doctor will prescribe a different treatment if taking cyclodinone does not bring the desired result.

What is mastopathy?

Hormones are responsible for the growth, development and health of the mammary gland:

  • estrogen;
  • prolactin;
  • progesterone.

When the ratio of these hormonal units is normal, the mammary gland is healthy. But when the balance is disturbed, various pathologies develop, including mastopathy.

Most often, this disease occurs with increased concentrations of estrogen, less often with excessive production of prolactin.

Mastopathy is a large group of pathologies, which is divided into two types:

  • diffuse;
  • nodal

Each of these types is in turn divided into numerous forms, which differ in the predominance of one or more components:

  • fibrous;
  • glandular;
  • cystic.

There are also mixed forms.

Mastopathy is characterized by the appearance of pain in the mammary gland, breast engorgement, heaviness, and increase in size due to swelling. In some cases, secretion from the nipples is observed.

Read about other symptoms of mastopathy here.

Despite its benign nature, mastopathy is a serious disease that can lead to the development of an oncological process. Therefore, it must be treated immediately and thoroughly.

Description of the drug

Mastodinon is a homeopathic drug that is very often prescribed to women for mastopathy, menstrual irregularities, and premenstrual syndrome.

The effect of the drug is to reduce the synthesis of prolactin in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. This effect is achieved due to the content of twig in the preparation. When the concentration of prolactin in the blood is normalized, processes are stimulated that negatively affect proliferation in the breast tissue.

The drug is used both separately and in combination with other drugs.

Since Mastodinon has a dopaminergic effect - it reduces the synthesis of prolactin, it is a fairly effective remedy for mastopathy.

However, the disease can be cured only with long-term and continuous use of the drug - you can get rid of the disease only if the low prolactin level persists for a long time.

Mastodinon also facilitates the clinical picture of the pathology, so even in advanced cases of the disease, taking this drug is advisable, but treatment will require complex therapy.

Expert opinion

Shustova Olga Leonidovna

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

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Do not underestimate the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines. Of course, Mastodinon cannot cure severe stages of mastopathy, but if the disease is diagnosed in the early stages, it is quite possible that only it will be sufficient for treatment. Only a competent specialist who will take into account all the nuances should choose a treatment regimen, therefore, despite the relative safety of Mastodinon, self-administration of this drug is not advisable. In some cases, Mastodinon is prescribed to women as a prophylaxis for mastopathy, especially those who are at risk. You need to know that the drug does not combine well with drinking alcohol and smoking, so during treatment it is better to give up these bad habits.

As a rule, treatment with Mastodinon is prescribed for diffuse mastopathy.

The nodular form of the pathology is most often treated surgically, but even in this case the drug can be prescribed to eliminate negative symptoms in the preoperative period, as well as for preventive purposes after surgery.

Release form and composition

Mastodinon is available in tablets and drops. Which form will be more preferable is decided by the doctor in each specific case.

If during treatment it is necessary to abstain from drinking alcohol, then tablets are prescribed. The tablet form is also prescribed for pathologies of the liver and brain. However, if you are intolerant to milk sugars, it is better to use drops.

As such, there are no differences between the release forms; they were created for maximum convenience for patients.

There are times when it is inconvenient or unpleasant for a person to swallow tablets, and sometimes it is inconvenient to take drops. Therefore, the choice of the form of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Depending on the form of release of the drug, the content of active ingredients may vary slightly.

The active ingredients in the drug are:

  • twig;
  • violet;
  • chestnut;
  • lily;
  • iris;
  • cohosh.

Lactose, starch, magnesium stearate are added to the tablets, and ethanol alcohol at a concentration of 53% is added to the drops.


The main active ingredient of Mastodinon is prutnyak. This plant is able to influence dopamine receptors, as well as accelerate the reactions of dopamine joining them. This leads to an increase in the concentration of dopamine in the blood.

Dopamine is a biologically active substance. It is formed in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain, and is responsible for the functionality of the endocrine system.

In addition, dopamine inhibits the synthesis of prolactin in the pituitary gland, which leads to a general decrease in the concentration of the hormone in the woman’s body.

Indications and instructions for use

Mastodinon drops and tablets are prescribed in the following cases:

  • with premenstrual syndrome;
  • with fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • in case of disruptions in the menstrual cycle, which are caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum;
  • with infertility, developing with insufficiency of the corpus luteum.

It is more effective to use the drug as a complex therapy, combining it with other medications.

Drops and tablets are taken orally with water.

If a woman is diagnosed with pregnancy while using the drug, the drug should be stopped immediately. It is advisable to protect yourself from pregnancy during the course of treatment and plan to conceive a couple of months after stopping the drug.


Taking Mastodinon should be stopped if pregnancy occurs. Despite the fact that this is a herbal preparation, it contains substances that affect the synthesis of hormones. This can lead to changes in the functioning of the female body and negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Mastodinon does not affect the reaction speed, so the patient can drive a car, work with precision mechanisms, or engage in other activities that require composure and attention.

Mastodinon should be taken half an hour before meals or an hour after meals.

If your doctor has prescribed drops, shake the bottle before use to remove any sediment. Cloudiness of the drug or the presence of sediment does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

Tablets are taken 1 piece twice a day, without chewing.

The drug is not addictive and can be used for a long period of time. According to the instructions, the course of treatment should be at least 12 weeks. In the future, the doctor prescribes the duration and dosage of the drug on an individual basis.

As a rule, improvement is observed after a month of continuous use. If the symptoms do not stop, you should consult a doctor and change the medication.

Contraindications and side effects

The medicine is not prescribed:

  • children under 14 years of age;
  • patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for the treatment of malignant tumors.

Mastodinon is well tolerated, but the following side effects are possible:

  • skin rash, redness;
  • hives;
  • nausea;
  • gastralgia;
  • headache.

Comparison with Cyclodinone

Unlike Cyclodinone, Mastodinone contains several components that were listed above. Cyclodinone contains only one plant component - twig.

The duration of treatment with Mastodinone is significantly less than with Cyclodinone.

Cyclodinone is more often prescribed for the treatment of gynecological problems and for mastopathy is prescribed only in combination with other drugs. Mastodinon has a complex effect - it affects both the woman’s reproductive system and breast tissue.

As for side effects, when taking Cyclodinone, “side effects” are a rare occurrence; when taking Mastodinone, allergic skin reactions can occur quite often.

The price of Mastodinon and Cyclodinone is almost the same.

Existing analogues

There are no Russian analogues of Mastodinon; among the imported ones, the following are known:

  • Lakzenov solution. This is a cheaper analogue of Mastodinon, which is used to treat mastopathy. The dietary supplement is available in powder form, which must be dissolved in a special solution immediately before use. Contains royal jelly, chamomile, fennel, lemon balm, goat's rue, potassium sorbate and fructose;
  • Gormel. Homeopathic medicine in the form of drops. The composition includes cyclamen extract, marjoram, medicinal cuttlefish, nutmeg, columbine, lumbago;
  • Gynekohel. Homeopathic drops, which include ammonium bromide, lily, chamelirium, palladium, platinum, sweet clover, ethanol;
  • Remens. Homeopathic drops based on the venom of the surukuku snake, sanguinaria, cosimifuga, pilocarpus and the secretion of the cuttlefish gland;
  • Tazalok. Herbal preparation produced in the form of drops. The composition includes celery root, tincture of meadowsweet roots, parsley root, bedstraw, calendula;
  • Mammoleptin. Herbal preparation in capsule form. It has an anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The composition of the drug includes an extensive complex of plant components.

When choosing Mastodinon analogues, you need to consult with a specialist, and also remember that all homeopathic remedies can only be used in combination with basic medications.

Cyclodinone: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Cyclodynon

ATX code: G02CX

Active ingredient: Common twig fruit extract (Vitex agni casti fructuum extract)

Manufacturer: Bionorica CE (Germany)

Updating the description and photo: 26.11.2018

Cyclodinone is a herbal remedy that has a dopaminomimetic effect.

Release form and composition

  • film-coated tablets: round, biconvex, with a matte surface, greenish-blue color (15 pieces in blisters, 2 or 4 blisters in a cardboard pack);
  • drops for oral administration: a transparent liquid of yellow-brown color with the smell of the fruits of common twig; during storage, a slight sediment may form (50 and 100 ml in bottles, 1 bottle in a cardboard box).

Composition of 1 film-coated tablet:

  • active substance: dry extract of common twig fruit (Agnus castus) – 3.2–4.8 mg (corresponds to 40 mg of medicinal plant material);
  • auxiliary components: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, povidone, potato starch;
  • shell composition: copolymer of methacrylic and ethacrylic acids, macrogol 6000, titanium dioxide (IV) (E 171), talc, indigotine (E 132), yellow iron oxide (E 172).

Composition of 100 g drops for oral administration:

  • active substance: dry extract of common twig fruit (Agnus castus) – 0.192–0.288 g (corresponds to 2.4 g of medicinal plant material);
  • auxiliary components: sodium saccharate dihydrate, sorbitol 70% (non-crystallizing), ethanol 96%, polysorbate 20, povidone, purified water, peppermint flavor.

Pharmacological properties


The components of Cyclodinone help normalize the concentration of sex hormones.

The drug causes a decrease in prolactin production, thereby eliminating hyperprolactinemia. Due to the increased concentration of prolactin, the secretion of gonadotropins is disrupted, which can lead to disruption of follicle maturation, ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum. In the future, this leads to an imbalance between progesterone and estradiol, which is fraught with menstrual irregularities and the development of mastodynia. Prolactin, unlike estrogens and other hormones, also has a direct stimulating effect on proliferative processes in the mammary glands, causing dilation of the milk ducts and enhancing the formation of connective tissue. With a decrease in prolactin content, pathological processes in the mammary glands reverse development and pain is relieved. With the rhythmic production and normalization of the ratio of gonadotropic hormones, the second phase of the menstrual cycle is normalized.

Indications for use

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • mammalgia.


According to the instructions, Cyclodinone is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components.

Instructions for use of Cyclodinone: method and dosage

The drug should be taken orally in the morning: tablets should be swallowed whole and washed down with water, drops should be taken with a small amount of water. The bottle of liquid must be shaken before taking.

Usually prescribed 1 tablet or 40 drops 1 time per day. The duration of the therapeutic course is at least 3 months (without a break during menstruation). After the condition improves and the unpleasant symptoms disappear, it is recommended to continue taking the drug for several more weeks. If symptoms recur after discontinuation of Cyclodinone, consult a doctor.

Side effects

In rare cases, Cyclodinone causes allergic skin reactions. There are isolated reports of the development of transient psychomotor agitation, hallucinations and confusion.


To date, no cases of overdose have been reported.

Special instructions

Cyclodinone tablets contain milk sugar (lactose) - it can cause diarrhea and pain in the epigastric region.

In both dosage forms, the drug can be prescribed to patients with diabetes, since a single dose contains less than 0.03 XE.

In case of menstrual irregularities, development of pain in the mammary glands, weakness and/or depression, you should consult your doctor.

When stored in a bottle with drops, a slight sediment may form. This phenomenon does not affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

The components of Cyclodinone drops and tablets do not have a negative effect on human cognitive and psychophysical functions.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Cyclodinone should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Drug interactions

With simultaneous use of dopamine receptor antagonists, a mutual decrease in effects may be observed.

Cases of interaction with other drugs have not been established to date.


Analogues of Cyclodinone are Agnukaston, Bromocriptine, Mastodinone, Indinol, Prefemin, Mastopol.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store at temperatures up to 25 ° C in a place protected from light, out of reach of children.

Shelf life – 3 years.

The work of the female body is sometimes accompanied by a number of unpleasant sensations. So, probably, many of us are familiar with the condition of premenstrual syndrome, when deteriorated physical well-being is accompanied by certain psychological disorders. However, few people know that particularly strong PMS is not normal; such a symptom requires careful attention. It may well be that it develops against the background of disruptions in hormone synthesis. In this case, a medicine such as Cyclodinone can be used to correct it. Let's talk about the features of this drug.

What is the release form and composition of Cyclodinone?

This drug can be purchased in several forms, as tablets and also as a solution. They are based on such plant components as dry extract of the fruits of common twig. It is this ingredient that is the main active ingredient of Cyclodinone, thanks to which the product acts on the level of sex hormones, optimizing their concentration. In addition, Cyclodinone in the form of a solution also contains purified water, polysorbate 20, povidone, sodium sucrose dihydrate, sorbitol 70%, as well as ethanol 96% and peppermint flavor.

As for the tablet form of this medication, in addition to the active component, it contains excipients such as povidone, colloidal dioxide, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, potato starch, as well as microcrystalline cellulose.

What is the effect of Cyclodinone?

After entering the body, the drug has a dopaminergic effect, reducing the synthesis of prolactin. It is known that an increased level of this hormone leads to suppression of the activity of gonadotropins, and this in turn is fraught with ovulation disorders and a failure in the formation of the corpus luteum. Such factors can provoke disruptions in the menstrual cycle and development.

Prolactin also stimulates the occurrence of proliferative processes inside the mammary glands, increasing the formation of connective tissue and significantly expanding the milk ducts. Accordingly, after a decrease in prolactin levels, pain in the chest is relieved, and pathological processes begin to decline.

What is the use of Cyclodinone?

The drug can be prescribed to relieve premenstrual syndrome, eliminate mastodynia and menstrual cycle disorders.

Before using the solution, it is advisable to shake it thoroughly. The medicine is consumed orally once a day, dissolved in some water. A single dose is forty drops of the drug, and it is best to take it in the morning.

The tablets are also consumed orally once a day. They do not need to be chewed - the drug is swallowed and washed down with a small amount of regular cool water.

The duration of treatment is most often three months, and there is no need to stop taking it during menstruation. It is worth considering that after optimizing the condition and eliminating unpleasant symptoms, the medicine should be taken for another two to three weeks.

What are the side effects of Cyclodinone?

In certain cases, consumption of this medicinal composition may provoke the development of a number of side effects. So sometimes Cyclodinone causes allergic skin rashes. Quite rarely, the drug causes psychomotor agitation, hallucinations or manifestations of confused consciousness.

What are Cyclodinone analogues?

Such medicinal compositions as “Agnukaston” and “Common fruit extract” have a similar composition and effect. Before replacing a drug prescribed to you with a similar one, do not forget to consult your doctor.

What are the contraindications and side effects of Cyclodinone?

The instructions for use of the drug Cyclodinone prohibit its use if the patient has individual hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug. Also, Cyclodinone cannot be prescribed during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

To date, there is no scientific data on the possibility of overdose of this medicinal composition.

It is worth taking into account that the effect of this drug may be somewhat weakened if it is used together with dopamine receptor antagonists. You also need to remember that the medicine contains ethyl alcohol. People who are lactose intolerant should be especially careful when consuming this medicine, since this substance is one of the auxiliary components in Cyclodinone.

If a medicine provokes the development of depression, pain in the mammary glands, or severe weakness, its use should be stopped.

You should not self-medicate. Before using Cyclodinone, you must consult your doctor.

Active ingredient

Common twig fruit extract (Extractum fructuum Agni casti)


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)


Description of the dosage form

Pills: round, biconvex, greenish-blue in color with a matte surface.

Drops for oral administration: transparent, yellow-brown liquid with the smell of common twig fruit. Slight sediment may form during storage.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action- dopaminomimetic .


The components of the drug have a normalizing effect on the concentration of sex hormones.

The main active component of the drug is common twig. The dopaminergic effects of the drug, causing a decrease in prolactin production, eliminate hyperprolactinemia. An increased concentration of prolactin disrupts the secretion of gonadotropins, which can result in disturbances in follicular maturation, ovulation and the formation of the corpus luteum, which further leads to an imbalance between estradiol and progesterone and can cause menstrual irregularities, as well as mastodynia. Unlike estrogens and other hormones, prolactin also has a direct stimulating effect on proliferative processes in the mammary glands, enhancing the formation of connective tissue and causing expansion of the milk ducts. A decrease in prolactin content leads to the reverse development of pathological processes in the mammary glands and relieves pain. The rhythmic production and normalization of the ratio of gonadotropic hormones leads to the normalization of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Indications of the drug

menstrual irregularities;

premenstrual syndrome;



Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug should not be used during pregnancy or during breastfeeding.

Side effects

Rarely - allergic skin reactions. There is evidence of rare cases of transient psychomotor agitation, confusion and hallucinations.


When combined with dopamine receptor antagonists, a mutual decrease in effect is possible. Interactions with other drugs are still unknown.

Directions for use and doses


Take 40 drops or 1 tablet. 1 time per day in the morning, with a small amount of water (the tablets are not chewed). Drops should be shaken before use.

The duration of treatment is at least 3 months (without a break during menstruation). After the symptoms disappear and the condition improves, treatment should be continued for several weeks. If after completion of treatment complaints appear again, you should consult a doctor.


Cases of overdose are unknown.

Special instructions

If you develop weakness, depression, pain in the mammary glands, as well as in the case of menstrual irregularities, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In the life of every woman, there comes a time for hormonal changes in the body. This condition is called menopause and it is often accompanied in most women by various disorders in the psycho-emotional sphere. In this case, doctors recommend Cyclodinone, the side effects of which have now been fully studied.

Cyclodinone is a medicine entirely of plant origin. It is intended not only as a remedy for psycho-emotional disorders. Basically, this drug is prescribed for the treatment of unfavorable and so-called premenstrual syndrome.

Today this medicine can be purchased in pharmacies in different types of packaging.

  • In the form of biconvex and coated green tablets.
  • As drops for oral administration, resembling a transparent yellow-brown liquid in appearance. In addition, a distinctive property of this medicine is the characteristic smell of the common twig plant.

It is the fruits of this medicinal plant that are the main source of this medicine.

Active substances of the drug

A Cyclodinone tablet contains several mg of active substance. But that's not all. In addition, other auxiliary components found a place in the tablet:

  • Magnesium stearate
  • Silicon dioxide
  • Povidone
  • Potato starch
  • Lactose monohydrate, etc.

As for the drops of the drug, they contain a larger amount of the active substance. The auxiliary components include:

  • Povidone
  • Mint flavor
  • Ethanol
  • Sodium saccharate
  • Water, etc.

This drug is able to influence women and normalize their concentration levels.

First of all, the regulation of a woman’s sex hormones is due to the dopaminergic effect of the active substances of the drug.

When using this medicine, the level of prolactin in a woman’s body normalizes. In other words, proliferative processes begin to occur differently in the mammary gland, and this ultimately leads to the expansion of the milk ducts.

Thanks to Cyclodinone, various pain syndromes disappear. All doctors and specialists confirm with great confidence that pathological processes in a woman’s body begin to subside very quickly.
You can learn about a woman’s hormonal balance in the following video:

Side effects

Like all other drugs, Cyclodinone also has side properties, which are the purpose of our article. We will try to consider all these effects and give practical advice.

Cyclodinone is a herbal medicine prescribed for anxiety and depression. Is he really able to help without harming?

Naturally, experiments and tests were carried out. 28 women suffering were admitted to a clinic where they were administered Cyclodinone or given it to drink. The treatment cycle lasted about 90 days.

The women were not easily selected for the tests. Their anxiety level had to correspond to the following parameters:

  • The Beck scale score should have been 17-25 points.
  • Symptoms of depression were expected to increase in the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • The level of prolactin in the body should have fluctuated between 560-678 mIU/l.

In addition, other demands were made. After treatment with the drug, women began to feel much better.

Here are the results of this test:

  • Beck's score is 10-12.
  • For most women, depressive moods completely disappeared.
  • Prolactin levels decreased significantly.

It is extremely rare to experience any complications or problems after taking a course of this drug. Mainly due to the fact that this medicine is completely, or mostly, of plant origin. In addition, this drug has a mild stimulating effect on the central nervous system. This is not a strong drug and a priori cannot cause serious consequences.

On the other hand, some of the most excitable subjects may

There is significant stimulation of the nervous system after taking the drug. Fussiness, increased physical activity, excessive talkativeness, often leading to a nervous breakdown.

This very degree of excitability can also lead to confusion. A woman may lose orientation regarding her surroundings, location, etc. As for hallucinations, both visual and auditory, they are rare among the side effects of Cyclodinone.

Because of side effects, cyclodinone should be used under the supervision of a physician, who can reduce the dose and even discontinue the drug if necessary.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you about other side effects of this medicine. Under no circumstances should it be taken by patients who have individual intolerance. Cyclodinone is also not prescribed, because the drug can cause unpredictable changes in hormonal levels.

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