Is mole removal painful? Laser removal of moles on the face and body

Despite the fact that moles (nevi) are often the highlight of a person’s appearance, there are also some among them that can cause significant harm to his health. It is best to get rid of them using modern methods. Recently, laser removal of moles has been very popular, which allows you to improve your appearance in a short time and protect yourself from the degeneration of such formations into a malignant tumor. What moles can be removed this way and how much does it cost?

The essence of the method

Among several modern methods of destroying unwanted formations on the skin, laser mole removal is one of the most popular. As a rule, it is recommended not only if there are nevi on the face, but also if they are located in places where they are subject to mechanical damage or exposure to ultraviolet rays. Laser removal of moles is also used for hormonal changes in nevi, which can lead to the formation of malignant melanoma.

Many potential patients wonder: is it painful to remove moles with a laser? In fact, this procedure is quite fast and safe. As with surgery, laser removal of these formations on the face and body involves their complete destruction. When using laser equipment, nevus tissue evaporates, while the surrounding skin tissue remains intact. Depending on the type and size of the nevus, the specialist will select a laser beam with the required wavelength. It will be focused on the melanin enzyme that is present in the cells of formation.

Laser removal of moles on the face or body leads to the fact that normal tissue cells begin to actively divide and quickly renew the area of ​​skin where there was previously a formation. The laser treated area heals very quickly. Within a few days, practically no traces of this operation remain. At the site of the removed nevus, soft, elastic skin is formed.

The procedure for removing one small mole lasts about 5 minutes. If the nevus is large, local anesthesia may be necessary, since the specialist will remove it layer by layer. After removal, a crust (scab) appears in that place. For 10–14 days after this procedure, it is regularly lubricated with special ointments prescribed by a specialist. Lubrication is carried out until the scab falls off on its own.

Laser removal of moles on the face

Laser removal of red moles

Many patients wonder: is it possible to remove red moles? These formations are called angiomas. They are vascular nevi that arise due to improper functioning of the vascular system. They are small red dots growing from blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries). All angiomas differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in the depth of their location.

The absolute indication for the destruction of a red mole is its transformation. Most likely, a specialist will advise removing it due to mechanical injury or for cosmetic and aesthetic reasons. Recently, such nevi are removed using a laser.

Advantages of the method

Many people are worried about whether such intervention is dangerous and what consequences might come from it? Laser mole removal is very popular due to its significant advantages, which include:

  • low skin trauma;
  • almost complete painlessness;
  • high efficiency;
  • small laser beam diameter;
  • high pointing accuracy;
  • selective laser action;
  • the short duration of the laser mole removal operation;
  • complete absence of bleeding;
  • rapid restoration of the skin;
  • the ability to remove several formations at once in one session;
  • no danger of infection of the wound surface of the skin;
  • absence of postoperative scars and scars;
  • short rehabilitation period.

Almost all unwanted moles can be removed in just one session. After this, small scabs form in place of the removed nevi, which disappear after 7-10 days, and new skin forms in place of the moles. After operations, negative consequences are unlikely, therefore, laser removal of such formations does not impose severe restrictions on human life. The only contraindication after this operation is exposure to the sun and visiting a solarium.

Disadvantages of the method

Some nevi can over time turn from a benign formation into a malignant tumor - melanoma, therefore, to prevent such cancerous tumors, timely histological studies are very important. With laser removal of nevi, it is impossible to analyze the tissue of the removed formation, which is the main disadvantage of this procedure. That is why the laser is used only after laboratory testing of the material taken from the nevus has confirmed its non-malignant nature. Anyone wishing to remove moles using this method must first do the necessary tests and only then proceed with this operation. Without a preliminary histological examination of a mole, it should under no circumstances be removed.

Laser removal of moles on the body


Like any other serious medical procedure, laser removal of skin lesions has its contraindications. So, in case of an allergic reaction to ultraviolet rays (photodermosis), laser beams can provoke the formation of redness and swelling on the skin. In the presence of various skin diseases (acne, herpes), laser removal of nevi requires medication support. Moles cannot be removed using this method during pregnancy, in immunodeficiency states, diabetes mellitus and cancer.

Laser removal of nevi can be used only if the benign nature of these formations is confirmed. If the malignant nature of the mole is confirmed, it can only be removed surgically in special medical institutions.

Side effects

Hypersensitive skin may blister after laser treatment. In rare cases, a change in skin pigmentation is observed, most often of a temporary nature. At the same time, the skin can either lighten or darken. If a person accidentally or intentionally damages the scab formed after the laser before it falls off on its own, then a colloidal scar will remain in this place.

Cost of the procedure

What is the price of this procedure? In different regions of the country, the cost of laser mole removal may vary slightly. But at the same time, the same rule applies everywhere: the larger the nevus, the more expensive it is to remove it. Today, laser removal of moles on average costs 1-3 thousand rubles per 1 piece.

The laser method of mole removal is popular due to its painlessness, absence of scars and serious complications. Almost all patients who destroyed nevi in ​​this way were satisfied with the results of this procedure. But we should not forget that before it, a histological examination of the tissues of the formation must be carried out to confirm its benign nature.

Medical indications, location and aesthetic discomfort are the reasons why people decide to undergo a nevus removal procedure. Today there are several methods for getting rid of moles. What people worry most about is whether it hurts to remove moles. What is the least secure way to do this? What methods are there? The answers are in our article.

Indications for nevus removal

A nevus or mole appears on a person’s body from birth or throughout life. These are pigmented spots on the skin, usually brown in color. But they also come in red, black, green, blue, and purple.

Basically, there are no problems with the presence of moles if they are not localized on the face or neck, which can spoil a person’s appearance, giving him a lot of negative emotions.

However, sometimes nevi can degenerate into melanoma, which puts human life at risk. If there is the slightest change in the appearance of the nevus, you must urgently contact an oncodermatologist. He is the one who specializes in moles.

The main indications for their removal are:

  • Color change.
  • bumps, ulcers, fissures or nodules.
  • Itching and peeling.
  • Fuzzy boundaries.
  • Bleeding nevus.
  • Rapid increase in size.
  • Thickening or changes in consistency.
  • Disintegration into several parts.
  • Burning.
  • Location of moles in dangerous places on the body - neck, feet, back, eyelids or scalp.

If the mole has become hanging and interferes greatly with changing clothes, you should also consult a doctor. He will help you choose a method for its removal, since there is a high risk of deforming the nevus, which can lead to its malignancy. In addition, the doctor will explain whether it is painful to remove moles, which method is best to choose for a particular patient, because not everyone is suitable for the same methods. The doctor selects a specific method for each patient, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the nevus itself.


Each method of mole removal has its own prohibitions on the procedure. However, there are also general indicators under which deletion is prohibited. These include:

  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Some of the skin around the mole looks unhealthy.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

Now let's find out what methods for removing nevus exist. Is it painful to remove moles for each of them?


This procedure is carried out with a special knife that has a loop at the end. It is heated by current to a high temperature. The doctor applies it to the base of the nevus for a short time.

The main advantage of electrocoagulation is the rapid regeneration of the site where the mole was. In addition, this method allows you to avoid bleeding. With its help, you can remove growths in hard-to-reach places of the human body.

The crust that forms at the surgical site will quickly fall off. A light pink spot will appear under it. It will have to be treated with special ointments and antiseptic for several weeks.

The disadvantages of this method are some pain of the procedure, the likelihood of burning adjacent tissues and the potential appearance of a scar.

Contraindications include infectious diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases and inflammatory processes.


Using this method, the mole is exposed to liquid nitrogen. The method is bloodless, painless, fast.

The disadvantages include longer healing, the inability to treat moles that are too large, and the likelihood of a scar. This method is not used to remove lesions on the face. In addition, when using this method, sometimes it is necessary to repeat the procedure if the entire mole is not removed the first time or the root remains in the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Contraindications include acute inflammation, infections, and diabetes.

Excision is carried out using high-frequency radio waves. It is considered one of the best methods for removing pigmented growths, papillomas, etc.

This is a very fast, painless and low-traumatic method. The only disadvantage is the inability to influence large skin formations.

Radio wave removal of a mole is contraindicated during pregnancy if the presence of herpes, glaucoma, epilepsy, diabetes and suspected malignancy of the mole is detected.

Laser procedure

The least dangerous method for destroying a mole. It consists of high-precision exposure of the nevus to a laser beam. The method eliminates damage to neighboring tissues.

When asked whether it is painful to remove a mole with a laser, the answer is negative.

This is an absolutely painless method that does not take much time. After the procedure, rapid tissue regeneration occurs. Bloodlessness and the absence of relapse make laser therapy the best way to remove nevi, especially those on the face.

Contraindications include blood diseases, cancer, pregnancy, hypersensitivity, and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Surgical intervention

The surgical method of removing moles is the most commonly used method. It is only used when it is determined that the nevus has degenerated into a cancerous tumor. In addition, excision allows you to remove large spots without the risk of further relapse.

Most often, this operation is performed under local anesthesia. The mole is cut out along with the tissues surrounding it.

The advantage is that the procedure is carried out in a hospital setting, under the supervision of a professional doctor. With this method, it is possible to further study the removed material. In addition, this method is considered one of the most budget-friendly.

The disadvantages include the subsequent appearance of scars and long recovery. Complete epithelization of the injured area requires at least a month.

Contraindications are:

  • Herpes.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases and inflammatory processes in the acute stage.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.

The suture requires careful care, which consists of treating the wound with anti-inflammatory ointments, antiseptics and changing the dressing. Avoid exposure to water and sunlight. Solarium is also prohibited.

The surgical removal of moles is approved for use in children.

Possible consequences of nevus removal

There are practically no negative consequences if the operation was performed by a professional, in proper conditions and with proper further care.

You cannot tear off the scab yourself, because it is under it that healing occurs. It is necessary to follow all the doctor's recommendations for caring for the wound to prevent it from becoming infected.

After operations, the damaged area of ​​the skin should not be wetted, that is, go to the bathhouse, sauna or beach, or take a bath. Exposure to sunlight is also dangerous. Do not apply cosmetics to the mole removal site.

The most common consequence that patients encounter is a scar. But you can get rid of it over time with the help of doctors.

Is it painful to remove moles? in the modern world? At the moment, there are a huge number of techniques for eliminating moles. The removal procedure is completely painless in a short period of time. In some cases, it is necessary to remove moles, since this neoplasm can develop into a malignant tumor that can provoke the development of cancer cells.

Laser removal technique

Often, main reason The occurrence of moles is due to improper functioning of the vascular system. The most advanced method of removal is considered laser method. It has the following advantages:

  • No bleeding.
  • The infection stops spreading.
  • High efficiency of positive results.
  • Accelerated skin recovery.
  • No postoperative scars.
  • Adjustment of beam penetration depth.
  • Removal of a tumor in one session.
  • Painless.

Mole removal in this case, it occurs by evaporating the affected layers of skin tissue.

This method is strictly contraindicated for inflammation of the skin, the presence of herpes, malignancy, women on their menstrual cycle, pregnant and lactating women, allergic reactions to ultraviolet radiation and acute infectious diseases.

Disadvantages of the method:

  1. High risk of burns.
  2. You cannot get rid of a malignant tumor.
  3. Unpleasant sensations during manipulations.

The average cost of this procedure is 1000 rubles per procedure.

After the laser procedure, for two weeks, it is forbidden to stay in the sun and visit the solarium!

Removing moles through surgery

Surgical removal of moles- This is the most popular method of getting rid of tumors. It is ideal for removing deep and large growths.

There are advantages such as:

  • No repeated manipulation is required.
  • Painless.
  • Full observation of doctors during the operating and postoperative periods in hospital conditions.
  • Possibility of getting rid of malignant growths.

Despite all the positive aspects, this method has the following flaws:

  • Huge risk of scarring.
  • Possibility of introducing infections.
  • Long recovery period after surgery.
  • Use of local anesthesia.

The surgical process begins with treating the affected area of ​​skin with an antiseptic solution and administering anesthetic drugs. After which, using a scalpel, the mole and a small part of the healthy layer of skin are removed. The resulting hole is filled with a specialized solution and stitches are applied.

It is important to know that during the entire recovery period, under no circumstances should the operated area be exposed to direct sunlight or contamination. Otherwise, the wound may become suppurated. Also, it is forbidden to independently tear off the formed protective film in order to avoid the formation of a large scar.

There are contraindications: people with acute herpes, infectious diseases, intolerance to anesthesia and inflammatory processes, as well as women during pregnancy and lactation.

The average cost of this procedure is 1,400 rubles.

Other methods and methods of removal

In addition to the laser and surgical method of eliminating growths, there are alternative procedures such as: burning with liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction) and radio wave exposure.

Destruction of formation by cryodestruction is prescribed for:

  • Changes in the size of moles.
  • Changing their shape.
  • Presence of pain.
  • Bleeding.
  • An increase in the number of growths.

The average cost of the procedure is 1300 rubles.

Disadvantages of the method: This method cannot get rid of deep-seated moles; pain during manipulation; often, repeated surgery is required; high risk of the following side effects:

  • Light skin pigmentation.
  • Residual scar.
  • Gross damage to healthy areas.
  • The occurrence of allergic shock.
  • The appearance of burns.

For people with frequent seizures and signs of epilepsy, burning a mole with nitrogen is strictly prohibited!

Radio wave removal method mole treatment combines three main functions: cutting, stopping hemorrhage and disinfection. This is the most effective method for removing growths.

Medical contraindications for this procedure include: people with skin diseases, high blood sugar levels, infectious colds and epileptic seizures. And also for pregnant and lactating women and during menstruation.

Is it painful to remove moles using radio waves?? - absolutely not! This is a painless procedure with a short recovery period. At the same time, damage to healthy tissues and scar formation are completely excluded.

Moreover, this method allows you to select high-quality material for research to determine the malignancy of the growth.

The average cost of removing one formation is 700 rubles.

After the procedure, for two weeks, it is forbidden to visit the sauna, solarium, allow direct sunlight, or lubricate the skin with creams and antiseptics.

Important! Do not self-medicate if the affected area is not healing well! In this case, you need to consult a doctor immediately!

The best method for removing moles

The best method for removing moles, is radio wave. It puts people at the least risk of side effects and does not require repeating the procedure. Also, this method does not require special preparations for the manipulations and is considered the most gentle.

Of course, we cannot push aside the advice of experts. If the attending physician insists on removing a mole in a different way, you should listen to him! After all, only after undergoing thorough examinations and passing the necessary tests can one determine the nature of the growth and the correctness of its treatment.

Sometimes, medical staff advise combining mechanical effects with antiviral drugs, rarely with antibiotics, to carry out complex therapy in particularly advanced cases.

A timely visit to a dermatologist is the key to quick and effective treatment!

Almost all people have moles on different parts of the body; it is believed that on average one adult can have up to ten to fifteen of them. In most cases, these characteristic marks become the “highlight” of the appearance and do not interfere with their owner in any way, however, in some situations, moles can be deadly. Some nevi can degenerate into skin cancer and melanoma; in order to prevent a dangerous disease, dermatologists recommend removing suspicious tumors. “Does it hurt to remove a mole?” - a question that worries everyone who is faced with the need for this procedure. The answer can be found in this article.

Removal methods

The reasons why people seek to get rid of skin tumors can be aesthetic or medical. According to the first, moles that are located in an inconvenient place and are often injured or suppurate are removed. For medical reasons, nevi are removed, which can develop into cancer and precancerous tumors.

There are many methods for removing moles; the doctor chooses the optimal method depending on the location of the formation and its external characteristics. This can be a surgical method, radio wave, or removal with liquid nitrogen.

Currently, the laser method of removing moles is considered the most popular and effective. This is a quick and bloodless operation that allows you to get rid of almost any tumor on the body or face in a matter of minutes.

According to patients, the procedure is almost painless, the recovery period does not last long, and no traces or scars remain at the site of the removed nevus.

Features of the method

Most patients prefer to remove the mole with a laser. This is one of the most progressive methods with which you can get rid of red moles, warts, as well as fibroids and lipomas of any location.

During the procedure, the skin tumor is “evaporated” and a small wound remains in its place, which becomes covered with a crust and heals within a few days. All nevi are removed without scarring or skin defects.

Is it painful to remove moles with a laser? This technique is considered the safest and most painless. This effect is achieved through the use of modern local anesthetics. When applied locally, they effectively anesthetize the area of ​​skin with a nevus and make the procedure as comfortable as possible for the patient.

The only thing that a person undergoing laser excision of moles can notice is a feeling of warmth at the site of the device’s impact and the smell of “fried meat.”

Recovery period

After removing the nevus, a crust appears in its place, which doctors call a “scab.” Under no circumstances should you rip it off yourself, as it protects the skin at the operation site from infections.

The recovery period, during which new skin is formed and the crust falls off, lasts on average 5–10 days. In some patients it is painful.

In order to make you feel better and speed up the healing process, experts recommend following the following rules:

  • Do not scratch the surgical site or rub the skin with a washcloth.
  • Treat the crust daily with special ointments containing an antibiotic and an anesthetic component.
  • Do not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and use sunscreen.
  • In case of severe pain, after removal of multiple tumors, experts may recommend an anesthetic drug in tablet form (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac).

Painful sensations can occur due to accidental or intentional damage to the crust, the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, or suppuration. Careful adherence to medical recommendations will help avoid these possible complications.

Low trauma, almost complete painlessness, short recovery period and affordable cost have made the laser mole removal procedure one of the most popular in the modern world.

Despite the fact that moles (nevi) are often the highlight of a person’s appearance, there are also some among them that can cause significant harm to his health. It is best to get rid of them using modern methods. Recently, laser removal of moles has been very popular, which allows you to improve your appearance in a short time and protect yourself from the degeneration of such formations into a malignant tumor. What moles can be removed this way and how much does it cost?

The essence of the method

Among several modern methods of destroying unwanted formations on the skin, laser mole removal is one of the most popular. As a rule, it is recommended not only if there are nevi on the face, but also if they are located in places where they are subject to mechanical damage or exposure to ultraviolet rays. Laser removal of moles is also used for hormonal changes in nevi, which can lead to the formation of malignant melanoma.

Many potential patients wonder: is it painful to remove moles with a laser? In fact, this procedure is quite fast and safe. As with surgery, laser removal of these formations on the face and body involves their complete destruction. When using laser equipment, nevus tissue evaporates, while the surrounding skin tissue remains intact. Depending on the type and size of the nevus, the specialist will select a laser beam with the required wavelength. It will be focused on the melanin enzyme that is present in the cells of formation.

Laser removal of moles on the face or body leads to the fact that normal tissue cells begin to actively divide and quickly renew the area of ​​skin where there was previously a formation. The laser treated area heals very quickly. Within a few days, practically no traces of this operation remain. At the site of the removed nevus, soft, elastic skin is formed.

The procedure for removing one small mole lasts about 5 minutes. If the nevus is large, local anesthesia may be necessary, since the specialist will remove it layer by layer. After removal, a crust (scab) appears in that place. For 10–14 days after this procedure, it is regularly lubricated with special ointments prescribed by a specialist. Lubrication is carried out until the scab falls off on its own.

Laser removal of moles on the face

Laser removal of red moles

Many patients wonder: is it possible to remove red moles? These formations are called angiomas. They are vascular nevi that arise due to improper functioning of the vascular system. They are small red dots growing from blood vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries). All angiomas differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in the depth of their location.

The absolute indication for the destruction of a red mole is its transformation. Most likely, a specialist will advise removing it due to mechanical injury or for cosmetic and aesthetic reasons. Recently, such nevi are removed using a laser.

Advantages of the method

Many people are worried about whether such intervention is dangerous and what consequences might come from it? Laser mole removal is very popular due to its significant advantages, which include:

  • low skin trauma;
  • almost complete painlessness;
  • high efficiency;
  • small laser beam diameter;
  • high pointing accuracy;
  • selective laser action;
  • the short duration of the laser mole removal operation;
  • complete absence of bleeding;
  • rapid restoration of the skin;
  • the ability to remove several formations at once in one session;
  • no danger of infection of the wound surface of the skin;
  • absence of postoperative scars and scars;
  • short rehabilitation period.

Almost all unwanted moles can be removed in just one session. After this, small scabs form in place of the removed nevi, which disappear after 7-10 days, and new skin forms in place of the moles. After operations, negative consequences are unlikely, therefore, laser removal of such formations does not impose severe restrictions on human life. The only contraindication after this operation is exposure to the sun and visiting a solarium.

Disadvantages of the method

Some nevi can over time turn from a benign formation into a malignant tumor - melanoma, therefore, to prevent such cancerous tumors, timely histological studies are very important. With laser removal of nevi, it is impossible to analyze the tissue of the removed formation, which is the main disadvantage of this procedure. That is why the laser is used only after laboratory testing of the material taken from the nevus has confirmed its non-malignant nature. Anyone wishing to remove moles using this method must first do the necessary tests and only then proceed with this operation. Without a preliminary histological examination of a mole, it should under no circumstances be removed.

Laser removal of moles on the body


Like any other serious medical procedure, laser removal of skin lesions has its contraindications. So, in case of an allergic reaction to ultraviolet rays (photodermosis), laser beams can provoke the formation of redness and swelling on the skin. In the presence of various skin diseases (acne, herpes), laser removal of nevi requires medication support. Moles cannot be removed using this method during pregnancy, in immunodeficiency states, diabetes mellitus and cancer.

Laser removal of nevi can be used only if the benign nature of these formations is confirmed. If the malignant nature of the mole is confirmed, it can only be removed surgically in special medical institutions.

Side effects

Hypersensitive skin may blister after laser treatment. In rare cases, a change in skin pigmentation is observed, most often of a temporary nature. At the same time, the skin can either lighten or darken. If a person accidentally or intentionally damages the scab formed after the laser before it falls off on its own, then a colloidal scar will remain in this place.

Cost of the procedure

What is the price of this procedure? In different regions of the country, the cost of laser mole removal may vary slightly. But at the same time, the same rule applies everywhere: the larger the nevus, the more expensive it is to remove it. Today, laser removal of moles on average costs 1-3 thousand rubles per 1 piece.

The laser method of mole removal is popular due to its painlessness, absence of scars and serious complications. Almost all patients who destroyed nevi in ​​this way were satisfied with the results of this procedure. But we should not forget that before it, a histological examination of the tissues of the formation must be carried out to confirm its benign nature.