Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the breast with blood flow. Phylloid or leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland: how to treat pathological proliferation of glandular and connective tissue of the milk ducts

What is it: leaf fibroadenoma mammary gland? This is a tumor that some doctors call phylloides. By its nature, it is a fibroepithelial neoplasm, initially of benign origin.

It can be confused with a cyst, but in fact it has the appearance of leaf-shaped lobular veins with small cysts. The neoplasm does not have a separate capsule, and its contents are a jelly-like mass.

The leaf-shaped form differs more complex structure compared to other types of fibroadenoma.

IN advanced cases the tumor can reach significant sizes. At the same time, it becomes visually noticeable, as the skin on the chest acquires a bluish tint and becomes thinner due to the existing tension. Changes also occur inside - polyp-like growths are formed.

Forms of the disease

Important! The leaf-shaped form of fibroadenoma is the most dangerous, as it can become malignant within a short period of time.

There are three types in total:

  • Benign. It does not threaten a woman’s health, since the tissues do not undergo pathological changes.
  • Borderline. This is an intermediate stage between benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Malignant. Acquires oncological properties, turning into sarcoma mammary glands capable of metastasizing.

Reasons for development

The exact causes of the pathology, as well as its degeneration into oncology, are unknown, but a number of provoking factors can be identified:

  • hormonal surges during puberty;
  • diseases reproductive system, for example, ovarian cysts or uterine fibroadenoma;
  • pathology endocrine system, incl. diabetes;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • previous abortions;
  • excess weight;
  • violation metabolic processes in the body;
  • liver pathologies;
  • bad habits;
  • stress;
  • reduced immunity;
  • other circumstances affecting the level of hormones in the body.

Important! Leaf fibroadenoma is very sensitive to the level of hormones in the body. When the balance of estrogen and progesterone is disturbed, the risk of developing a tumor in the mammary glands increases.

Symptoms of manifestation

Depending on the factors affecting the tumor, it may for a long time do not manifest clinically and grow at a slow pace. There are cases where the tumor did not manifest itself for more than 10 years. While its size is small, it does not cause concern to the patient. If the tumor grows to a size of more than 5 cm, it causes significant discomfort. In addition, such a development of pathology raises a lot of suspicion and requires immediate medical intervention.

Symptoms of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the breast are as follows:

  • palpation of a moving lump in the chest;
  • the appearance of a subcutaneous tubercle;
  • thinning of the skin, change in its color at the site of tumor growth;
  • the appearance of pain and discomfort in the chest;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of discharge from the nipple;
  • increased fatigue;
  • expansion of saphenous veins;
  • Maybe slight increase body temperature;
  • loss of appetite.


If a woman has been noticed similar symptoms or she simply has suspicions about the presence of a pathological neoplasm in the breast, she needs to immediately contact a medical facility.

Important! IN in rare cases the disease is diagnosed in men.

After examining the patient and palpating the tumor, the following diagnostic measures may be prescribed:

  • Ultrasound. Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma on ultrasound looks like a cystic neoplasm with a complex structure.

  • Dopplerography. Allows you to additionally examine the vessels in the pathological area and identify hypervascularization of the neoplasm.
  • Mammography. X-ray examination mammary glands, revealing changes in their structure. Especially recommended for middle-aged and older women.
  • Punch biopsy. It is carried out under ultrasound control. The collected material is sent for histological and cytological examination to determine the exact type of tumor and the degree of risk to the patient’s health.

Treatment method

Fibroadenoma can be treated in different ways. If the size is small and there is no intensive growth, conservative methods are sufficient.

Important! It is necessary to establish correct image life to naturally align hormonal background patients.

Medications are prescribed according to individual indications. Otherwise, it is important to regularly see a doctor to monitor the condition of the tumor.

Advice! Traditional methods can only be used with the approval of the attending physician. For example, cabbage leaf for fibroadenoma, it is applied to the affected breast at night to relieve discomfort and tissue inflammation.

If the size is more than 1 cm, as well as the risk of degeneration of the tumor is identified, surgical intervention is required. The tumor can be removed in the following ways:

  • radio or laser enucleation;
  • quadrantectomy;
  • sectoral resection;
  • cryoablation;
  • mastectomy.

If necessary, mammoplasty is subsequently performed to restore the shape of the breast. In the future, it is necessary to be regularly examined by a doctor, as the disease can recur.

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is a tumor of the mammary glands. Education is formed during periods of active hormonal imbalance. Under the influence of provoking factors, malignancy of tumor cells is possible.

How to prevent the formation of fibroadenoma? When needed urgent consultation mammologist? What treatments are effective? The answers are in the article.

What is it

With pathological growth of the glandular and connective tissue leaf-shaped or phylloid fibroadenoma forms in the milk ducts and lobules. In the structure of a dense neoplasm, fibrous fibers predominate; there are significantly fewer glandular cells.

The tumor body consists of many cystic cavities similar to leaves. Inside each element there is a thick mass. The node does not have a dense capsule, is not attached to the skin, and easily moves when palpating the chest.

Important Features tumor process:

  • the size varies from 1 to 10 cm or more. In advanced cases, with active growth, the tumor reaches 30-35 cm or more, weighs 5-6 kg;
  • characteristic feature: high risk malignant degeneration of fibroadenoma into sarcoma. The likelihood of malignancy does not depend on the size of the tumor: a small tumor may turn out to be malignant, a large cavity often does not have atypical cells;
  • The risk group is women and girls during periods of active hormonal changes. Breast fibroadenoma is more often detected during puberty (from 12 to 18 years) and as menopause approaches (40-50 years). IN reproductive age leaf-shaped tumors rarely form in the structures of the mammary glands;
  • a specific feature is a long latent period: the neoplasm can develop for years without discomfort or enlargement of the fibroadenoma body. Under the influence of provoking factors, against the background of a sharp increase in the concentration of estrogen and a decrease in progesterone levels, the tumor begins to actively grow;
  • the risk of malignant degeneration is in 10% of patients with a leaf-shaped tumor. Phylloid fibroadenoma is rarely detected: no more than 2% of the total number of women with diagnosed breast tumors.

Reasons for tumor formation

The main factor provoking changes in fibrous and glandular tissue - . Sharp increase secretion with a simultaneous decrease in concentration negatively affects the structure of breast tissue, tumors of various types are formed.

Hormonal imbalance occurs in the following cases:

  • frequent abortions;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • liver damage;
  • development and;
  • development ;
  • pregnancy;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • pathological processes in the uterus and ovaries that negatively affect the secretion of hormones;
  • receiving oral contraceptives for several years. High doses estrogen-containing drugs can provoke the formation and growth of a tumor;
  • fluctuations in hormonal levels during age-related changes in the body.

To reduce strength negative manifestations premenopausal and menopause doctors recommend that women take herbal infusions, fenugreek and flax seeds, eat legumes, soybeans, fermented milk products, nuts, greens. Natural compositions contain substances that have a positive effect on the body. During the tumor process and for prevention hormonal disorders Flax seed and black cumin oil are useful. Hormone-like substances in plants and products act “gently”, normalize the condition of blood vessels, the central nervous system, and the functioning of the glands internal secretion, organs of the reproductive system. Taking herbal medicines eliminates the manifestations of hormonal imbalance, which negatively affects the skin, nails, and hair.

Clinical picture

Phyllodine adenoma develops in stages: long period the woman is unaware of the presence of a small nodule with viscous mucus inside the formation. Against the background of hormonal imbalance, increased tumor growth and malignant degeneration are possible.

When palpating the mammary glands, you can feel a small moving nodule. In most cases, the small tumor is located in the upper part of the breast. Sometimes tumors form in both mammary glands. If a mobile structure is identified, you need to visit a mammologist for further examination: it is small fibroadenomas that often have atypical cells.

With the growth of a leaf-shaped tumor in the chest, symptoms pathological process becomes more pronounced:

  • discharge appears from the nipple;
  • the epidermis in the tumor area changes color and becomes thinner. The problem area becomes cyanotic, dilated veins are clearly visible;
  • some women develop ulcers on the mammary glands;
  • often the tumor process leads to the development of weakness, deterioration of health, and increased temperature;
  • if a woman does not see a doctor, the disease progresses, fibroadenoma grows, reaching 10-15 cm in diameter;
  • with malignant degeneration, pain appears in the chest, fluid with bloody inclusions is released from the nipple;
  • in advanced cases, against the background of cancer pathology, the process of metastasis begins. Doctors identify distant foci in the lungs, bone tissue, liver, nearby lymph nodes are not affected.

Note! Modern mammology distinguishes three types of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma: benign, borderline and malignant tumor process.


On early stage It is difficult to identify a neoplasm: breast fibroadenoma is small, painful sensations are missing. Most often, doctors discover small tumors by chance, during an ultrasound or mammography to diagnose other types of pathologies. If a woman examines her breasts every year for preventive purposes using ultrasound or X-ray method, then even a small leaf-shaped fibroadenoma in the chest can be detected in time.

If the development of a tumor process is suspected, the following is prescribed:

  • (the technique is indicated after 40 years and with low information content of ultrasound examination);
  • carrying out . The best option examination of the mammary glands in young women (up to 35-40 years).

In difficult cases, if cell malignancy is suspected, additional types research:

  • Doppler ultrasound to assess blood flow in the affected area;
  • conducting MRI to obtain high-precision sections in increments of 1-2 mm;
  • or puncture biopsy of tumor tissue. The method shows with 100% certainty whether malignant changes or leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is benign.

Effective treatments

If phyllodes fibroadenoma of the breast is detected, surgery is indicated. It is important to prevent active tumor growth and cell malignancy.

It is imperative to stabilize hormonal levels and eliminate the main cause of the tumor process. If confirmed, additional radiation or chemotherapy is prescribed.

Optimal view surgical intervention chosen by a mammologist. If a cancerous tumor develops, you need to consult an oncologist. Delay in starting therapy can lead to the development of metastases and rapid growth of the tumor. It is important not only to remove the tumor body, but also to reduce the risk of relapse.

After resection of borderline or malignant fibroadenoma, radiation therapy. In the presence of distant pathological foci (metastases), chemotherapy is needed.

Go to the address and read about the treatment features trophic ulcers on the legs with diabetes.

Types of operations to remove breast fibroadenoma:

  • enucleation. The method is used to confirm the benign nature of fibroadenoma and the small size of the tumor. Through a small incision, the surgeon removes the tumor body;
  • lumpectomy or sectoral resection. The optimal method for preventing the re-formation of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma. During the operation, the surgeon cuts out not only the body of the tumor, but also adjacent tissue at a distance of 1 to 3 cm around the tumor;
  • mastectomy. Removal of the affected mammary gland. Depending on the size of the tumor, partial or complete resection of the organ is performed. Indications: active growth of the tumor, the tumor has a diameter of 5-10 cm or more, the presence of several nodes. Mastectomy is performed if the breast is small and it is impossible to remove fibroadenoma without damaging a significant area of ​​the gland.

If provoking factors persist, non-compliance preventive measures or with incomplete removal of tumor cells, relapses of the pathological process are possible. In most cases, new tumor growth begins a year or two after surgery. For timely detection pathological changes Once every 6 months, the patient must have a mammogram or ultrasound and donate blood for tumor markers. If the tumor develops again, a mastectomy is performed.


Breast self-examination in combination with annual ultrasound or mammography - effective methods diagnostics of the tumor process. A woman needs to pay more attention to monitoring the health of the reproductive system, visiting a gynecologist and mammologist once every 12 months. When negative symptoms Be sure to make an appointment with a specialized specialist.

It is important to find an experienced doctor to reduce the risk of making inaccurate diagnoses. The best option is to monitor a woman with one highly qualified specialist throughout her life.

Measures to prevent tumor processes in the breast:

  • proper nutrition;
  • normalization of psycho-emotional state;
  • weight control;
  • treatment of pathologies that cause hormonal imbalance;
  • prophylactic use of drugs with phytoestrogens in premenopause and menopause;
  • regular visits to a mammologist and gynecologist.

The prognosis for the treatment of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma depends on the type of tumor, the stage of the malignant process, and the size of the tumor. With timely detection and removal of one or more nodes, the risk of severe complications is reduced. It is important to follow preventive measures and pay more attention to monitoring the condition of the mammary glands. It is useful to study information about the causes and symptoms of diseases of the breast, reproductive and endocrine systems.

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm. It often appears as a result of hormonal imbalance. The likelihood of such a tumor turning into a malignant pathology is quite small. It is about 5 percent.

Features of the disease

The sizes of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma can vary. IN medical practice There are both very small and quite large neoplasms. Some patients are diagnosed cancerous tumors this kind, in others the pathology is benign. The disease usually develops in the fair sex.

It most often occurs in girls under the age of 20 or in women 40 and older. It's comparative rare species breast tumors.

Main characteristics of the neoplasm

Leaf fibroadenoma is divided into three types:

  1. Benign.
  2. Cancerous.
  3. Intermediate or borderline.

This tumor has a fairly dense consistency and consists of lobules or large grains. What leaf-shaped fibroadenoma looks like is clearly shown in the photo.

Inside the neoplasm there are small nodules filled with mucous contents. It has a pinkish or light gray tint. The size of the tumor varies from one to thirty-five centimeters. However, the nature of the neoplasm is not determined by its volume. A small value does not guarantee the absence of cancer pathology.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

The tumor appears as a result various reasons. Experts say that leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland can form under the influence of the following circumstances:

In very rare cases, a neoplasm is diagnosed in representatives of the stronger sex. The cause of the development of the disease in men can only be a hormonal imbalance.

Main signs of the disease

One of the features of the development of pathology is its ability not to manifest itself for many years. The patient does not feel unwell and is not aware of the presence of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma. Symptoms make themselves felt only as a result of exposure to provoking factors, under the influence of which the tumor begins to grow. As a rule, a neoplasm is discovered at a doctor's appointment, during an examination of the mammary glands. But sometimes the woman herself notices a compaction in the tissues of the organ. It has a dense structure. Over several months, the tumor can increase significantly in size. The growth of the tumor is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the chest area.

Other signs of pathology

In the presence of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma, a woman notices a change appearance mammary gland. Skin in the place where the neoplasm is located, they acquire a bluish color, become thin, and enlarged vessels are visible on them. Fluid is released from the nipple. In rare cases, the surface of the gland becomes covered with ulcers, the patient’s temperature rises, and a feeling of weakness occurs.

If the neoplasm transforms into cancer pathology, from discomfort I can’t get rid of it even with the help of medications. The woman experiences loss of appetite and decreased ability to work. Possible development of anemia.

Typical tumor location

Only a specialist can determine the localization of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma using ultrasound. This method allows you to identify the size of the tumor, as well as the part of the gland in which it is located. Typically the tumor is located in the upper or central quarter of the organ. Often fibroadenoma reaches large volumes. Then it occupies most of the gland. It forms both in one breast and in both. A malignant neoplasm can lead to the formation of metastases in the lungs, liver, and bones. The pathology does not affect the lymph nodes.

Diagnostic measures

On early stages Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is quite difficult to recognize. The neoplasm, which is small in size, is practically not palpable. In order to diagnose the disease, specialists use the following methods:

  1. Examination using ultrasound.
  2. Tissue biopsy.
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging.
  4. Assessment of the condition of the mammary glands using mammography.

If the trend towards enlargement of the tumor continues for three to four months, it is most likely a leaf-shaped fibroadenoma. To accurately determine what stage the tumor is at and whether it has transformed into cancerous pathology, the patient is prescribed the above diagnostic procedures. Depending on the results of the medical events the specialist selects therapy for the woman, which usually consists of surgery and medication.

Treatment of the disease

First of all, the patient with similar diagnosis An operation is performed to remove the tumor.

If the tumor is benign or borderline, one of two possible types of surgery is performed:

  1. Removal of the area of ​​the gland in which the pathology develops. The procedure lasts about half an hour. It is carried out under general anesthesia. After surgery, a woman spends three to four days in a hospital setting.
  2. Removal of the quarter of the breast where the tumor is located. This procedure involves subsequent radiotherapy.
  3. An operation to remove the entire organ and surrounding tissue. This surgical intervention is performed if the tumor is large or it has transformed into an oncological pathology.

After removing a section of the gland, specialists perform laboratory analysis neoplasms. This study allows you to determine the presence cancer cells in organ tissues.

The sutures that are placed during surgery heal quite quickly. However, a woman should pay attention to her health even when the tumor has already been removed. After all, leaf-shaped fibroadenoma may appear again. Does this tumor affect the condition of the fetus during pregnancy? Doctors give a negative answer to this question. However, the tumor interferes with the process breastfeeding, as it provokes lactostasis. For this reason, and also due to the fact that fibroadenoma quickly increases in size in expectant mothers, in this situation the neoplasm must be removed as soon as possible.

Prognosis for the disease

After surgery, a woman should visit the doctor regularly. Experts warn that a relapse of the pathology is possible within two years. This especially applies to malignant neoplasms.

Every six months, the patient should undergo a doctor's examination and a mammography procedure. In addition, it is important to follow all the instructions of your doctor. If you follow the recommendations, a woman has a chance to get rid of it dangerous disease once and for all.

Leaf-shaped (phylloid) fibroadenoma occurs in the soft tissues of the chest and is a growth epithelial cells, which do not degenerate into malignant ones. There is a possibility of such a neoplasm turning into sarcoma.

The phyllodes form of the disease is characterized by a separate benign course. The disease is accompanied by the development of a single node, consisting of a connective and. Most often, such a tumor develops in women over 30 years of age. Mostly, the size of the tumor reaches 3 cm, but giant tumors are occasionally observed.

Causes of development of leaf-shaped fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma foliaceus occurs during periods of hormonal activity, which occur in the following age intervals: from 11 to 20 years and from 40 to 50 years. Rarely this type tumors are also diagnosed in men.

The leaf-shaped form of fibroadenoma can occur for the following reasons:

  • overweight
  • uterine fibroadenoma
  • diabetes mellitus
  • frequent abortions
  • ovarian tumors
  • liver diseases
  • pathology of the endocrine gland
  • lactation period and pregnancy

Receiving funds emergency contraception or use of hormonal contraceptive drugs can also affect the development of formation in the mammary glands.


We recommend that you familiarize yourself with new technique, based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva. At the Research Institute of Mammology, based on a study of a group of volunteers, they confirmed the fact of recovery from mastopathy and the disappearance of tumors in the breast.

Signs of illness

A leaf-shaped lump in the breast is most often detected by women when they feel the mammary glands. The tumor has a round shape with clear contours, an elastic consistency and a smooth surface. When pressed, the fibroadenoma is not painful, due to the fact that it is not fused with the surrounding soft tissue. Characteristic Features The leaf-shaped form of fibroadenoma is its mobility and limitation from surrounding tissues. The formation is often fused with the skin and consists of atypical cells that have characteristic external differences, but are not malignant.

Mostly fibroadenoma occurs in the form of single nodular compactions, but in rare cases, multiple nodes may appear, palpable in both breasts. Sometimes the tumor grows very quickly: 2-3 times in a couple of months. This is explained by the presence of pronounced hormonal changes in a woman's body.

Phyllodes fibroadenoma - hypercellular stroma

Phyllodes fibroadenoma - pseudosarcomatous stroma

Phyllodes fibroadenoma - sarcomatous stroma

Making a diagnosis

After discovering a lump in the breast, it is recommended to immediately visit a mammologist’s office. The doctor will collect a history of the disease and palpate the tumor, as well as prescribe diagnostic procedures to determine the type and stage of fibroadenoma.

The following diagnostic procedures are usually prescribed:

  • Ultrasound - allows you to identify compactions and distinguish a cyst from a fibroadenoma.
  • Mammography is an x-ray of the breast, which can be used to identify a tumor and determine the nature of its edges.
  • Needle biopsy - allows you to study cellular composition education.
  • Histological examination is carried out after removal of fibroadenoma to make a final diagnosis.

Therapeutic measures

When the size of a leaf-shaped fibroadenoma does not exceed 1 cm, the tumor is examined dynamic observation, which consists of periodic mammography and ultrasound. Other cases of the leaf-shaped form of the disease require surgical intervention.

There are the following readings for leaf-shaped fibroadenoma before surgery:

  • rapid increase in tumor size
  • presence of a cosmetic defect
  • formation more than 5 cm
  • planned pregnancy

Surgery for phyllodes fibroadenoma is performed using enucleation and sectoral resection. Enucleation removes the tumor from the breast through a small incision. Scars after similar surgical procedures absent or insignificant. With sectoral resection, not only the tumor is removed, but also the surrounding area. soft fabric 3 cm from the edge of the nodes.

At the time of the operation, material is taken for urgent histology. This makes it possible to timely identify the process of degeneration of fibroadenoma into sarcoma. After surgical procedures, relapse of the disease occurs quite rarely.

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Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the mammary gland or phyllodes tumor is a fibro-epithelial formation and a borderline form between ordinary fibroadenoma and sarcoma, arising from intraductal fibroadenoma. The leaf-shaped tumor got its name because of its specific structure, reminiscent of leaf veins. This fibroadenoma belongs to the group of potentially malignant tumors.


A leaf-shaped tumor is a clearly demarcated compaction with a lobular structure that does not have its own capsule. Fibroadenoma is usually very mobile and does not stick to the skin. In the context dense lesion contains a viscous mass of mucus and consists of slit-like cavities with small cysts. A large tumor has polyp-like growths in the cystic cavities. This type of tumor may contain one or several nodules. Compared to ordinary fibroadenoma, a leaf-shaped tumor has a more complex structure and greater polymorphism of stromal cells.

Leaf-type fibroadenoma can occur in women of any age, but the most common periods are considered to be periods of hormonally active age: 11-20 years, 40-50 years. Quite rare similar education also occurs in men. This neoplasm is prone to rapid development, degeneration into malignant tumor and relapses. With large leaf-shaped fibroadenomas of the mammary gland, the skin of the breast becomes thinner, with clearly visible dilated saphenous veins and bluish tint affected area of ​​the chest.

Leaf-shaped tumor is divided into 3 main forms:

  • benign;
  • malignant;
  • borderline or intermediate.

The size of a leaf-shaped breast tumor ranges from 1 to 35 cm, which does not matter, because even the smallest tumor can be malignant. Fibroadenoma foliaceae may be accompanied by chest pain and nipple discharge. Malignant formation mammary gland can metastasize to skeletal system, liver or lungs.


It has not yet been possible to determine the exact causes of the occurrence of phyllodes tumor, but usually leaf-shaped fibroadenoma and its appearance are associated with an imbalance in estrogen production and a decrease in progesterone. The following factors are considered to provoke its appearance:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • repeated abortions;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity;
  • thyroid tumor;
  • ovarian tumors;
  • uterine fibroadenoma;
  • pathological processes of the liver;
  • other processes that cause hormonal imbalance body.

Flow of this disease has a staged nature; at the beginning, the process of development of education can proceed hidden and without obvious symptoms. A leaf-shaped tumor can be in a frozen state for a long time, but its growth can be provoked various factors, among which there is pregnancy. Leaf-type breast fibroadenoma can develop slowly, its growth period sometimes reaching up to 10 years.


To accurately determine the type of tumor and its nature, you need to undergo a series of examinations, including ultrasound, palpation, mammography, Doppler ultrasound, needle biopsy and cytological examination of the material.

Palpation reveals compaction, delimitation of the tumor, and the number of nodes. Ultrasound of the mammary gland reveals a hypoechoic junction with multiple fluid cavities and crevices, resembling a head of cabbage in structure. Doppler ultrasound detects the network of various veins and arteries surrounding the fibroadenoma. Mammography determines the shape of fibroadenoma, its structure and intensity of development. Cytological evaluation of the tumor is necessary preoperatively.


For leaf-shaped fibroadenoma, radiation and hormone therapy, also the operation of lymphadenectomy, during which the lymph is removed, is not performed. A benign leaf-shaped tumor with a diameter of no more than 1 cm does not require urgent treatment, it is enough to be regularly observed and examined using ultrasound and mammography tests. When a benign phyllodes fibroadenoma enlarges or grows rapidly, an operation called “enucleation” is performed - enucleation of the tumor or “quadrantectomy”, removing a quarter of the mammary gland.

Fibroadenoma of malignant nature with rapid growth And large sizes requires immediate surgical intervention. This operation is carried out sectoral resection- removal of the cancer along with the surrounding tissue.

Leaf-shaped tumor is also dangerous because it is prone to relapses, the duration of which ranges from a month to 5 years. Benign fibroadenoma of the mammary gland can degenerate into borderline or malignant form. In case of repeated relapse, the entire mammary gland is removed. After radical measures have been taken, mammoplasty can be performed using either one’s own tissue or endoprostheses.

Leaf fibroadenoma is insidious disease, the course of which is characterized by unstable and sudden development, which can lead to malignancy of the tumor. At early detection The prognosis for treatment is quite favorable. Therefore, women are recommended to undergo a timely examination by a mammologist and regularly examine their breasts by touch in order to promptly identify and prevent the development of dangerous leaf-type breast fibroadenoma, as well as to avoid surgical interventions, deforming the mammary gland.