Who is Ernst Muldashev by nationality? Ernst Muldashev about love, greed and cancer cells


USSR → Russia

Scientific field: Place of work:

Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev(bashk. Muldashev, Ernst Rifғәt uly; genus. January 1, Verkhne-Sermenevo village, Beloretsky district, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - Russian ophthalmologist, surgeon of the highest category, organizer and director of the eye microsurgery center in Ufa. The general public is also known as the author of a number of books and newspaper publications on mystical topics, written by him in connection with expeditions to Tibet and Egypt.


Inventor of the surgical biomaterial “alloplant”, with the help of which it became possible (according to Muldashev himself) to treat some diseases considered “hopeless”.

There is a known case of the famous animal trainer Teresa Durova’s treatment of what was considered a hopeless illness, after which, according to the patient herself, she regained the ability to see.

According to reports, he transplanted a donor eye and restored the patient’s vision, but ophthalmologists deny the reality of an eye transplant operation, due to the fundamental impossibility of restoring the optic nerve. Commenting on the situation, Muldashev himself said that he had undergone a cornea and retina transplant.

Statements from other ophthalmologists about Muldashev

Now we enter the eye through a puncture of one and a half to two millimeters, remove the lens, install a new one and restore vision. We can reconstruct the entire eye, we can transplant the cornea, weld the detached retina, we can work in the posterior segments of the eye - at the junction with the tissues of the optic nerve. But we are not able to restore the dead nervous tissue.

Question:- Bashkir doctor Ernst Muldashev seems to be curing blindness and is undertaking to transplant eyes. His most famous patient is a famous singer.

I’m not afraid to say harshly: such treatment is quackery. At the same time, Muldashev is a truly knowledgeable ophthalmologist, a professor, who was engaged in plastic surgery. But at some point he got carried away and began to “shamanize.” We have been discussing with him for a long time. After all, he did not show a patient with an eye transplant to any professional doctor. Alas, today such a transplant is impossible.

Professor Valery Eckhardt, head of the Chelyabinsk Ophthalmo-Endocrinology Center, member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists:

Question:- But legends tell about the Ufa ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev. Is it true that he was the first in the world to have an eye transplant?

Ernst Rifgatovich and I have a good relationship. And I never cease to be amazed at the versatility and originality of this personality. He is interested in alternative medicine, walks in the Himalayas, and meets lamas. He has his own theory of the origin of man from Tibet (our predecessors were the three-eyed Lemurians and Atlanteans). He writes poetry and books. Perhaps all this allows him to maintain a certain direction in ophthalmology at a high level. He is the only one in the country engaged in the use of human tissue for reconstructive operations. But no one in the world has been able to regenerate the retina of the eye - the eye transplanted to a woman does not see. The ophthalmological community was very indignant about this.

Non-academic research


E. Muldashev and his like-minded people conducted an experiment where people were given photographs of the faces of famous people, cut into three parts - lower (mouth), middle (eyes), upper (forehead, hair). Identification was successful only based on the “eye part” of the face. Based on the results obtained, it was suggested that the eye, as a scanning beam, reads twenty-two parameters. As a result, a computer program was created with which it was possible to reconstruct a person’s appearance from the eyes.

By scanning photographs of the eyes of representatives of all races of the globe, it was calculated what the average eye might look like; According to the assumption made, such an eye belongs to representatives of the Tibetan race. By mathematical approximation, the location of the eyes of the peoples of all races of the world was made - the final result was four hypothetical routes of human migration around the globe, the sources of which led to the regions of Tibet.

Also, using ophthalmogeometry, a portrait of the creature whose eyes belong to the temples in Tibet was compiled.

Gene pool of humanity

The gene pool of humanity, according to Muldashev, is a hypothetical formation, which is a collection of samadhi caves, located mainly in the Himalayas, in which people of previous civilizations are in a “preserved” state (state of samadhi or samadhi).

According to Muldashev, the purpose of the Gene Pool is to revive humanity again in the event of its death as a result of war, man-made disaster, global cataclysm, etc.



  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 1. The tragic message of the ancients. 544 pp. Circulation: 50000. ISBN 978-5-373-01414-4.
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 2. Gold plates of Harati
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 3. In the arms of Shambhala. 528 pp.
  • Circulation: 3000. ISBN: 978-5-373-02988-9.
  • Circulation: 100000. ISBN: 978-5-373-00025-3
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 4. Preface to the Matrix of Life on Earth
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 5. Matrix of Life on Earth
  • Tragic message of the ancients
  • In the arms of Shambhala
  • Gold plates of Harati. Volume 1. 320 pp. Circulation: 3000. ISBN: 978-5-373-02987-2.
  • Gold plates of Harati. Volume 2. 320 pp. Circulation: 180000. ISBN: 978-5-373-00031-4
  • From whom did we come? Part I Meeting with the master
  • From whom did we come? Part II. What the Tibetan lamas said
  • From whom did we come? Part III The world is more complex than we thought
  • The mysterious aura of Russia. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-5-373-02148-7
  • Matrix of life on Earth. 624 pp. Circulation: 2500.
  • ISBN: 978-5-373-02990-2.
  • ISBN: 978-5-373-01397-0.

See also

  • From whom did we come?
  • In search of the City of the Gods

He studied at school in the city of Salavat. 1972-1982 - researcher, head of the department of reconstructive and plastic surgery of the Ufa Research Institute of Eye Diseases; 1982-1988 - ophthalmologist at the eye department of hospital No. 10, Medical Unit OLUNPZ; 1988-1990 - head. Laboratory of Transplants for Ophthalmic Surgery MNTK "Eye Microsurgery"; since 1990 - Director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery (Ufa). In 1990-1993 - People's Deputy of Russia.

Master of Sports of the USSR, three-time USSR champion in sports tourism. One of the organizers and participant of expeditions to verify the version of the crash of the missing plane of S. A. Levanevsky in 1937 in Yakutia.


Muldashev is an Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Member of the Board of the Society of Ophthalmologists of Russia. Surgeon of the highest category, honorary consultant of the University of Louisville (USA), member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, certified ophthalmologist of Mexico, member of the International Academy of Sciences. According to him, he has published more than 400 scientific papers and performs 600-800 eye surgeries annually.

Inventor of the surgical biomaterial “alloplant”, with the help of which it became possible (according to Muldashev himself) to treat some diseases considered “hopeless”. However, no official confirmation of this has been provided at the moment.

There is a known case of the recovery of a well-known trainer Teresa Durova from a disease that was considered hopeless, after which, according to the patient herself, she regained the ability to see.

According to reports, he transplanted a donor eye and restored the patient’s vision, but ophthalmologists deny the reality of an eye transplant operation, due to the fundamental impossibility of restoring the optic nerve. Commenting on the situation, Muldashev himself said that he had undergone a cornea and retina transplant.

Statements from other ophthalmologists about Muldashev

Professor Hristo Takhchidi, former General Director of the Eye Microsurgery International Scientific and Research Center named after. acad. S. N. Fedorova:

Professor Valery Eckhardt, head of the Chelyabinsk Ophthalmo-Endocrinology Center, member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists:

Non-academic research


E. Muldashev and his like-minded people conducted an experiment where people were given photographs of the faces of famous people, cut into three parts - lower (mouth), middle (eyes), upper (forehead, hair). Identification was successful only based on the “eye part” of the face. Based on the results obtained, it was suggested that the eye, as a scanning beam, reads twenty-two parameters. As a result, a computer program was created with which it was possible to reconstruct a person’s appearance from the eyes.

By scanning photographs of the eyes of representatives of all races of the globe, it was calculated what the average eye might look like; According to the assumption made, such an eye belongs to representatives of the Tibetan race. By mathematical approximation, the location of the eyes of the peoples of all races of the world was made - the final result was four hypothetical routes of human migration around the globe, the sources of which led to the regions of Tibet.

Also, using ophthalmogeometry, a portrait of the creature whose eyes belong to the temples in Tibet was compiled.

Gene pool of humanity

According to Muldashev, the gene pool of humanity is a hypothetical formation, which is a collection of samadhi caves, located mainly in the Himalaya region, in which people of previous civilizations are in a “preserved” state (state of samadhi or samadhi).

According to Muldashev, the purpose of the Gene Pool is to revive humanity again in the event of its death as a result of war, man-made disaster, global cataclysm, etc.

, ufology, wave genome

Sciences Date of birth Place of birth

Verkhne-Sermenevo, Bashkir ASSR, RSFSR, USSR


USSR, Russia


Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev(Ernest Rifqat ulı Muldaşev) (b. January 1, 1948 in the village of Verkhne-Sermenevo, Beloretsky district of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - author of a number of scandalous books and newspaper publications on mystical topics, written by him in connection with expeditions to Tibet and Egypt, Russian ophthalmologist , surgeon of the highest category, organizer and director of the eye microsurgery center in Ufa.

He studied at school in the city of Salavat. 1972-1982 - researcher, head of the department of reconstructive and plastic surgery of the Ufa Research Institute of Eye Diseases; 1982-1988 - ophthalmologist at the eye department of hospital No. 10, Medical Unit OLUNPZ; 1988-1990 - head. Laboratory of Transplants for Ophthalmic Surgery MNTK "Eye Microsurgery"; since 1990 - Director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery (Ufa). In 1990-1993 - People's Deputy of Russia.


Inventor of the surgical biomaterial “alloplant”, with the help of which it became possible (according to Muldashev himself) to treat some diseases considered “hopeless”. However, no official confirmation of this has been provided at the moment.

There is a known case of the famous trainer Teresa Durova’s treatment of a disease that was considered hopeless, after which, according to the patient herself, she regained the ability to see.

He also became famous worldwide for transplanting an eye to a woman, after which she allegedly began to see with it. However, ophthalmologists deny the reality of eye transplant surgery, due to the fundamental impossibility of restoring the optic nerve. However, Muldashev himself talks about transplanting only some parts of the eye and confirms the impossibility of transplanting the entire eye.

Statements from other ophthalmologists about Muldashev

Professor Hristo Takhchidi, General Director of the Eye Microsurgery Institute named after. acad. S. N. Fedorova:

Now we enter the eye through a puncture of one and a half to two millimeters, remove the lens, install a new one and restore vision. We can reconstruct the entire eye, we can transplant the cornea, weld the detached retina, we can work in the posterior segments of the eye - at the junction with the tissues of the optic nerve. But we are not able to restore the dead nervous tissue.

Question:- Bashkir doctor Ernst Muldashev seems to be curing blindness and is undertaking to transplant eyes. His most famous patient is a famous singer.

I’m not afraid to say harshly: such treatment is quackery. At the same time, Muldashev is a truly knowledgeable ophthalmologist, a professor, who was engaged in plastic surgery. But at some point he got carried away and began to “shamanize.” We have been discussing with him for a long time. After all, he did not show a patient with an eye transplant to any professional doctor. Alas, today such a transplant is impossible.

Professor Valery Eckhardt, head of the Chelyabinsk Ophthalmo-Endocrinology Center, member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists

Question:- But legends tell about the Ufa ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev. Is it true that he was the first in the world to have an eye transplant?

Ernst Rifgatovich and I have a good relationship. And I never cease to be amazed at the versatility and originality of this personality. He is interested in alternative medicine, walks in the Himalayas, and meets lamas. He has his own theory of the origin of man from Tibet (our predecessors were the three-eyed Atlanteans). He writes poetry and books. Perhaps all this allows him to maintain a certain direction in ophthalmology at a high level. He is the only one in the country engaged in the use of human tissue for reconstructive operations. But no one in the world has been able to regenerate the retina of the eye - the eye transplanted to a woman does not see. The ophthalmological community was very indignant about this.

Non-academic research


E. Muldashev and his like-minded people conducted an experiment where people were given photographs of the faces of famous people, cut into three parts - lower (mouth), middle (eyes), upper (forehead, hair). Identification was successful only based on the “eye part” of the face. Based on the results obtained, it was suggested that the eye, as a scanning beam, reads twenty-two parameters. As a result, a computer program was created with which it was possible to reconstruct a person’s appearance from the eyes.

By scanning photographs of the eyes of representatives of all races of the globe, it was calculated what the average eye might look like; According to the assumption made, such an eye belongs to representatives of the Tibetan race. By mathematical approximation, the location of the eyes of the peoples of all races of the world was made - the final result was four hypothetical routes of human migration around the globe, the sources of which led to the regions of Tibet.

Also, using ophthalmogeometry, a portrait of the creature whose eyes belong to the temples in Tibet was compiled.

Gene pool of humanity

The gene pool of humanity, according to Muldashev, is a hypothetical formation, which is a collection of samadhi caves, located mainly in the Himalayas, in which people of previous civilizations are in a “preserved” state (state of samadhi or samadhi).

According to Muldashev, the purpose of the Gene Pool is to revive humanity again in the event of its death as a result of war, man-made disaster, global cataclysm, etc.

Alien portals on Crete

According to Muldashev, the famous Cretan Labyrinth is actually an alien “portal” that “opens” from time to time, letting people inside.


USSR → Russia

Scientific field: Place of work:

Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev(bashk. Muldashev, Ernst Rifғәt uly; genus. January 1, Verkhne-Sermenevo village, Beloretsky district, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - Russian ophthalmologist, surgeon of the highest category, organizer and director of the eye microsurgery center in Ufa. The general public is also known as the author of a number of books and newspaper publications on mystical topics, written by him in connection with expeditions to Tibet and Egypt.


Inventor of the surgical biomaterial “alloplant”, with the help of which it became possible (according to Muldashev himself) to treat some diseases considered “hopeless”.

There is a known case of the famous animal trainer Teresa Durova’s treatment of what was considered a hopeless illness, after which, according to the patient herself, she regained the ability to see.

According to reports, he transplanted a donor eye and restored the patient’s vision, but ophthalmologists deny the reality of an eye transplant operation, due to the fundamental impossibility of restoring the optic nerve. Commenting on the situation, Muldashev himself said that he had undergone a cornea and retina transplant.

Statements from other ophthalmologists about Muldashev

Now we enter the eye through a puncture of one and a half to two millimeters, remove the lens, install a new one and restore vision. We can reconstruct the entire eye, we can transplant the cornea, weld the detached retina, we can work in the posterior segments of the eye - at the junction with the tissues of the optic nerve. But we are not able to restore the dead nervous tissue.

Question:- Bashkir doctor Ernst Muldashev seems to be curing blindness and is undertaking to transplant eyes. His most famous patient is a famous singer.

I’m not afraid to say harshly: such treatment is quackery. At the same time, Muldashev is a truly knowledgeable ophthalmologist, a professor, who was engaged in plastic surgery. But at some point he got carried away and began to “shamanize.” We have been discussing with him for a long time. After all, he did not show a patient with an eye transplant to any professional doctor. Alas, today such a transplant is impossible.

Professor Valery Eckhardt, head of the Chelyabinsk Ophthalmo-Endocrinology Center, member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Ophthalmologists:

Question:- But legends tell about the Ufa ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev. Is it true that he was the first in the world to have an eye transplant?

Ernst Rifgatovich and I have a good relationship. And I never cease to be amazed at the versatility and originality of this personality. He is interested in alternative medicine, walks in the Himalayas, and meets lamas. He has his own theory of the origin of man from Tibet (our predecessors were the three-eyed Lemurians and Atlanteans). He writes poetry and books. Perhaps all this allows him to maintain a certain direction in ophthalmology at a high level. He is the only one in the country engaged in the use of human tissue for reconstructive operations. But no one in the world has been able to regenerate the retina of the eye - the eye transplanted to a woman does not see. The ophthalmological community was very indignant about this.

Non-academic research


E. Muldashev and his like-minded people conducted an experiment where people were given photographs of the faces of famous people, cut into three parts - lower (mouth), middle (eyes), upper (forehead, hair). Identification was successful only based on the “eye part” of the face. Based on the results obtained, it was suggested that the eye, as a scanning beam, reads twenty-two parameters. As a result, a computer program was created with which it was possible to reconstruct a person’s appearance from the eyes.

By scanning photographs of the eyes of representatives of all races of the globe, it was calculated what the average eye might look like; According to the assumption made, such an eye belongs to representatives of the Tibetan race. By mathematical approximation, the location of the eyes of the peoples of all races of the world was made - the final result was four hypothetical routes of human migration around the globe, the sources of which led to the regions of Tibet.

Also, using ophthalmogeometry, a portrait of the creature whose eyes belong to the temples in Tibet was compiled.

Gene pool of humanity

The gene pool of humanity, according to Muldashev, is a hypothetical formation, which is a collection of samadhi caves, located mainly in the Himalayas, in which people of previous civilizations are in a “preserved” state (state of samadhi or samadhi).

According to Muldashev, the purpose of the Gene Pool is to revive humanity again in the event of its death as a result of war, man-made disaster, global cataclysm, etc.



  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 1. The tragic message of the ancients. 544 pp. Circulation: 50000. ISBN 978-5-373-01414-4.
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 2. Gold plates of Harati
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 3. In the arms of Shambhala. 528 pp.
  • Circulation: 3000. ISBN: 978-5-373-02988-9.
  • Circulation: 100000. ISBN: 978-5-373-00025-3
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 4. Preface to the Matrix of Life on Earth
  • In search of the City of the Gods. Volume 5. Matrix of Life on Earth
  • Tragic message of the ancients
  • In the arms of Shambhala
  • Gold plates of Harati. Volume 1. 320 pp. Circulation: 3000. ISBN: 978-5-373-02987-2.
  • Gold plates of Harati. Volume 2. 320 pp. Circulation: 180000. ISBN: 978-5-373-00031-4
  • From whom did we come? Part I Meeting with the master
  • From whom did we come? Part II. What the Tibetan lamas said
  • From whom did we come? Part III The world is more complex than we thought
  • The mysterious aura of Russia. 400 pp. ISBN: 978-5-373-02148-7
  • Matrix of life on Earth. 624 pp. Circulation: 2500.
  • ISBN: 978-5-373-02990-2.
  • ISBN: 978-5-373-01397-0.

See also

  • From whom did we come?
  • In search of the City of the Gods

Ernst Muldashev was born in 1948 in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the village of Sermenevo, and graduated from school in the city of Salavat. He wanted to become a geologist, but together with his brother he went into medicine in the footsteps of his mother, a doctor. Ernst Rifgatovich - Honored Doctor of Russia, surgeon of the highest category, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. He also has international recognition: he is a certified ophthalmologist in Mexico, an honorary consultant at the University of Louisville, and a member of the US Academy of Ophthalmology.

E.R. Muldashev wrote about 400 scientific papers, more than half of which had a wide resonance in medical circles. He has developed more than a hundred new types of operations and received many patents, both in Russia and throughout the world. Every year, the professor personally performs about 600 operations, successfully transfers his experience to foreign colleagues, giving lectures in different countries.

The professor created a fundamentally new direction in medicine - regenerative surgery, which consists of growing new human tissue. And this began with the creation of alloplant biomaterial by Bashkir scientists. With the help of an alloplant, blood and lymphatic vessels are grown, and they already make it possible to obtain new sclera, cornea and even bone in place of damaged tissue. Alloplants are used not only in ophthalmology, but also in traumatology, orthopedics, gynecology; with their help, it is possible to heal stomach ulcers, regenerate areas of the liver affected by cirrhosis, and much more.

And although Muldashev himself keeps the secret under what circumstances the sensational discovery was made, it is known that an alloplant can be created by placing cadaveric tissue in a specially developed solution. The most suitable tissue for this is the heel tissue, since it can withstand a lot of pressure and is also accustomed to poor blood supply. Ufa scientists receive materials for their work mainly from the Bureau of Forensic Medicine of the country's regions, which are donor bases for such institutions.

58 types of alloplants from Ufa are supplied to clinics around the world; about a million successful operations have already been performed with their use. Despite the fact that the Muldashevsk clinic has branches in Moscow and Kislovodsk, and is also preparing to open European and Latin American branches, the production of alloplants is carried out only in Ufa. The production of biomaterial is established in a separate building and goes through 11 stages of control.

Muldashev is the author of such books as “In Search of the City of the Gods”, “From Who We Came From?”, “In the Embrace of Shambhala”. All of them were written under the impression of the scientist from his travels to Egypt, Tibet and the Himalayas, where he made not a single philosophical discovery. These books have been translated into different languages ​​and have gone through several reprints.

E. Muldashev developed ophthalmogeometry, with the help of which he analyzed the structure of the eyes of representatives of various races and nationalities. He came to the conclusion that the average eye is closest in structure to the eye of a representative of the Tibetan race. The professor made a bold assumption that the cradle of humanity is Tibet. He also believes that the gene pool of humanity is preserved in a conserved form in the caves of the Himalayas. Professor Muldashev writes about all this, as well as about “living” and “dead” water, yoga, the theory of the origin of humanity and the cataclysms of the Earth in his books.