The role of additional services in a hotel. main types


Currently, the hotel business is a highly profitable sector of the economy of any country in the world. A hotel company is an ideal accommodation option for those going on vacation and for those awaiting business meetings.

Depending on the category, the hotel enterprise is obliged to provide a number of additional services. However, in reality, modern hotels are enterprises that produce and sell a wide variety of services. A hotel achieves its main advantage when it effectively uses the number of rooms and offers a range of additional services that takes into account both the needs of residential clients and clients from the street.

GOAL: to identify the segment of additional services and determine the target audience using additional services

identify the most important services for hotels;

Compile a list of additional services being introduced;

Analyze services in four and five star hotels;

Identify the requirements of the target segment for the development of additional services;

Make arrangements for organizing additional services.

SUBJECT OF RESEARCH: identifying the requirements of the target segment for the development of additional services.

THE OBJECT OF THE RESEARCH is hotels, using the example of which a comparative analysis was carried out.

The RELEVANCE in this topic is due to the fact that additional services make up the third part of the hotel’s profitability, after income from the room stock and food service, and are competitive for hotels.

Expanding the range of additional services develops, complements and adjusts promising directions for the development of a hotel enterprise, taking into account the specific situation. Development of new services is a necessary condition progressive development of any hotel enterprise.

The most significant factor for hotels today is the expansion of the existing range of additional services, the presence of which demonstrates the progressive nature of the development of the hotel enterprise.

The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that one of the main conditions for the successful development of enterprises in the hospitality industry is the presence wide range additional services. That is why, firstly, there is a need to expand the existing range, and secondly, to adapt it to the consumer segment that the enterprise is focused on. Thus, increasing efficiency and creating favorable conditions for development hotel business is possible only if there is a well-established technology for creating and implementing additional services.


In addition to mandatory and free services, hotels provide a whole range of various additional services that are paid additionally.

The list of additional services can be supplemented, modified and differentiated depending on the size of the hotel, its location and purpose, level of comfort and other reasons. Most often, hotels offer their guests the services of catering establishments (bar, restaurant, cafe, buffet, cocktail bar, herbal bar), grocery and souvenir shops, and vending machines.

Carry out free time and you can relax in a disco, casino, nightclub, slot machine hall, video game hall, billiard room and bowling alley. For lovers of active recreation, hotels offer the services of a sauna, steam bath, massage room, and swimming pool (outdoor, indoor and children's).

Similar services also include: gyms, playgrounds, mini-golf, gym, golf, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, tennis, stables, beaches on the sea, lake, river coasts, as well as equipment for water and underwater sports sports

You can also visit a beauty salon, hairdresser, and also use the services of a first-aid post, a storage room, a safe in the administration and a safe in the room, a currency exchange office, a ticket ordering station (airplane, train, bus, taxi, etc.), and a travel agency. and excursions, car rental, parking and parking, garage, shoe shine. For business people, the following facilities are available: a meeting room, a concert hall, business centers, a copy machine, fax, local and international telephone. In the rooms, guests are offered additional dishes in the room, iron, TVs, refrigerators, etc.

The list and quality of paid additional services must meet the requirements of the category assigned to the hotel.

Medium and large tourist complexes (tourist hotels, full-service hotels, etc.) with an average and high level of comfort are characterized by the presence huge list additional services:

Services of organizations catering(bar, restaurant, cafe, buffet, beer bar);

Shops (souvenir, grocery), vending machines;

Entertainment infrastructure (disco, casino, night club, slot machine hall, billiard room);

Excursion services, guide-translator services;

Organizing the sale of tickets to theaters, circuses, concerts, etc.;

Transport services (booking tickets for all types of transport, ordering vehicles at the request of guests, calling a taxi, car rental);

Purchase and delivery of flowers;

Sale of souvenirs, postcards and other printed materials;

Household services (shoe repair and cleaning; repair and ironing of clothes; dry cleaning and laundry services; storage of things and valuables; unloading, loading and delivery of luggage to the room; rental of cultural and household items - televisions, dishes, sports equipment etc.; watch repair, household appliances, radio equipment; hairdressing salon, manicure and massage parlors and other household services);

Beauty salon services;

Sauna, bathhouse, swimming pools, gym;

Rent of meeting rooms, conference halls;

Business center services;

Other services.

A system of measures that ensure a high level of comfort and satisfy the various household and economic needs of guests is called service in the hotel industry.

The service must be built not only on the principle of demand (what the guest wants), but also on the principle of supply (the hotel offers new services that it can provide, and the guest chooses). But you cannot force services. In accordance with the “Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation,” the contractor does not have the right to provide additional services provided for a fee without the consent of the consumer. The consumer has the right to refuse to pay for services not provided for in the contract. It is also prohibited to condition the performance of some services on the mandatory provision of other services.

The list of services depends on the hotel category. Not all hotels have the opportunity to organize personal services for guests and provide them with full list services. However, everywhere they should strive to ensure that the range of services fully meets the needs of guests.

Businesses providing services must be located in an accessible location (most often on the ground floor). There should be information in the lobby, on the floors, in the rooms about how and where to get services, and the opening hours should be convenient for guests.

When providing any services, staff must show tact and correctness. When providing services, not only their quantity is important, but also their quality. Therefore, in many hotels, upon departure, residents are asked to fill out small questionnaires, which are handed in along with the keys to the reception service, and then they are studied by the advertising and marketing service.

Booking services

Hotel booking services are widespread all over the world and provide all the necessary hotel services for a comfortable stay for tourists and businessmen in another city. Hotel booking is a fairly popular service today. By booking a hotel through a booking organization, the client solves several problems at once. Firstly, you don’t need to look for available hotel rooms on your own. The reservation service operators will do this work for you. Secondly, hotel reservations are guaranteed, and the client can be sure that the room will be prepared for his arrival. Thirdly, in addition to booking a hotel, you can also order a number of related services.

Registration, applications and hotel reservations are made by phone or on the reservation service website. You can also send your application by email. An application for booking hotels does not oblige the client to anything, since by ordering a room in advance, you can pay for it a few days before departure or cancel the reservation. In order to book a hotel room, the client needs to decide in which category of hotels he would like to stay. In addition, the reservation application indicates the customer's last name, first name and patronymic, and his contact information. If the customer has wishes for additional services, comments on the choice of hotel, etc., then this must also be indicated. Also, when booking a hotel, be sure to clarify whether the price of the room offered to you is indicated including breakfast and other meals or whether it is paid separately.

By existing rules, confirmation of a hotel reservation by the service or reservation center occurs on the day the application is received from the client, but no later than 24 hours later. The booking confirmation must include the reservation number. If it is impossible to confirm a hotel reservation that meets the conditions of the client’s order, he is offered other accommodation options. When booking a hotel, you need to know that the estimated time for the start of service in each hotel is set independently and must be clarified when booking a room. The estimated end time for service in hotels is 12 noon. Departure later than checkout time is usually paid additionally.

There are rules for canceling reservations at hotel booking services. These may vary depending on the requirements of the hotels. According to existing rules, in order to change a reservation or cancel it, you must inform the reservation service no later than three days before the date of expected arrival. In case of no-show or late cancellation (less than 24 hours before arrival), the client will be charged a fine (according to global hotel booking practices) in the amount of the cost of one night's stay at the hotel. Reservations can be made either in cash or by bank transfer. Clients of booking services are also provided with information about discounts, special offers and various promotions taking place in hotels.

For example, many reservation services provide their clients with discounts of 1 to 5 percent when booking a hotel online on the reservation service's website.

It is also common practice for reservation services to provide sales offers for so-called “last minute” rooms in hotels of various price category, and also offer rooms during periods of high hotel occupancy, when there is highest probability lack of places.

There may be problems between the client and the hotel reservation service controversial issues. Such issues are resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For example, a client may not use the provided service in full when early termination use of services. That is, in the case when the client has booked a certain amount days and paid for my hotel accommodation, but for some reason I am forced to interrupt my stay at the hotel ahead of schedule. In this case, upon a written request from the client, the hotel reservation service may refund him the amount of the cost of accommodation and meals at the hotel for the unused number of days. All client complaints against the hotel booking service must be filed in in writing no later than 20 days after termination of use of hotel services. Before using the services of hotel reservation services and centers, you must carefully read the information on the websites of these companies.

Before making a hotel reservation, the client must read the information on the conditions of booking and cancellation of the order.

Contacting services and centers that professionally deal with hotel booking will help save not only the client’s time and money, but will also eliminate unnecessary fuss and uncertainty.

Booking conditions vary from hotel to hotel. To avoid misunderstandings, these conditions should be explained in detail to clients when contacting the hotel.

The process of processing an accommodation request letter and issuing a booking confirmation is as follows:

Upon receipt of an accommodation request letter, a reservations department employee fills out the appropriate form or enters the most important data from the accommodation request letter into the room reservation log. Next, he registers the request in the hotel’s electronic reservation system and assigns a serial number to it. All bookings must be entered in computer system within 1-2 hours. Based on the entered information, a long-term hotel occupancy schedule is generated.

When registering a reservation request, special attention should be paid to the type of reservation and form of payment. For a guaranteed reservation, the application must indicate payment document details that guarantee receipt of payment for the room in the event of a guest’s no-show or late cancellation of the reservation by the client. How more information will be included in electronic system reservations, the better and faster the process of check-in and check-out of clients will be.

A reservations department employee prepares a reservation confirmation, which includes all the necessary data. The confirmation number will be the same number under which the application for placement was registered. As a rule, hotels already have booking confirmation forms. They can be forms already included in the electronic booking system, or printed forms. Reservation confirmation must be made in the same language in which the accommodation request was made. The text of the booking confirmation largely depends on the type of booking.

For a guaranteed reservation, the guest's waiting period is indicated, after which penalties apply in the event of late cancellation of the accommodation order or non-arrival at the hotel. For non-guaranteed reservations, the time until which the guest can expect to receive the room he has reserved is indicated. As a rule, the booking confirmation text begins with a thank you for choosing this hotel.

All services existing in the hotel business, with some degree of convention, can be divided into basic and additional. Providing the basic ones is usually free of charge. These usually include:

  • hotel information service;
  • bed linen, dishes, bathroom accessories in the client’s room;
  • first aid kit and, if necessary, calling emergency medical assistance.

Additional services are most often provided for a fee. Their number is much larger. In addition, they often depend on the location of the hotel and the culture of the country in which the hotel is located. There are completely exotic types of additional services:

As a rule, the organization of additional services is an important tool for attracting customers to the hotel. Typically the list includes:

  • various types of communication;
  • delivery of food and a variety of drinks to the guest’s room;
  • laundry and other types of household services;
  • the possibility of inviting a translator, guide or tour guide;
  • transport services and much more.

The convention of dividing services into basic and additional is due to the fact that each hotel has the right to independently establish service standards. Hotel management determines what to charge for and the price of this service, and what service to provide for free.

Laundry at the hotel

One of the most popular types of additional services in the hotel business is washing guest wardrobe items. This one is not surprising at all. Most hotel clients arrive either on vacation or for some serious business matters. Both options take quite a lot of time. In addition, while on vacation, it is quite understandable to want to deal with everyday issues as little as possible.

Currently, almost all hotels provide laundry services for clients. They either have their own laundries or have ongoing contracts with third parties. Since hotels are extremely profitable and large partners, they are always served at a decent level and in a short time. Therefore, using this service at a hotel almost always means both the quality of the wash and the item being returned on time.

The only disadvantage of this type of additional services is that they are almost always paid, which applies even to all-inclusive systems. The price level in most hotels is quite high. Therefore, each client decides for himself whether comfort and the removal of everyday inconveniences are worth some financial costs.

Delivery of food and drinks to the hotel room

No less popular and in demand is the delivery of food to the client’s room, often called the English term roomservice. It is provided in the vast majority of hotels, and in serious hotels that aspire to the level of service this type service is simply required.

Organizing the delivery of a variety of food and drinks for a hotel is not particularly difficult, since almost every hotel has its own restaurant or cafe. At the same time, customers can often order food prepared in third-party establishments. This possibility may be stipulated by the rules of each specific hotel.

Currently, despite the fact that food delivery to a guest’s room is an additional service, it is provided free of charge almost everywhere. This is not at all surprising, since it is extremely profitable for the hotel for the client to have breakfast, lunch or dinner inside the establishment, rather than going into the city. That is why, in order to increase the level of service, some hotels provide breakfast for free. In addition to food delivery service, many rooms have minibars, making your stay even more enjoyable.

Cable TV in hotel room

In modern conditions, it is difficult to imagine a person deprived of the opportunity to watch television or periodically access the Internet for a wide variety of purposes - find out the news, work, or simply play your favorite game. online game. Naturally, hotel managers perfectly understand and represent the interests of the guests staying in their establishments. Therefore, almost all hotels have installed and operate various systems cable television. Also valid almost everywhere free access to the Internet using Wi-Fi or local wired network.

This service, which until relatively recently was paid, is now universally provided without payment. Although in some cases, some of the channels that are in greatest demand (some sports, for adults) are given limited access at a low price. This situation This is rare and is always discussed when the client checks in.

It should also be taken into account that in the case of foreign trips, when staying in hotels in popular destinations for domestic tourists, the list of cable television channels shown necessarily includes several in Russian.

Availability of a safe in the hotel room

While on vacation, often with minimum quantity clothes and belongings, the question always arises of how to ensure the safety of valuables and documents. It is quite obvious that taking them with you to the beach is impractical and can simply result in loss.

To solve this problem, hotels install small safes in their rooms, the volume of which is enough to leave documents, valuables, bank cards or cash. Modern safes take up very little space and do not interfere with your room at all. At the same time, they are quite reliable, providing a high level of security.

Most modern safes are equipped with electronic locks with a code set by the client himself. For emergency access (for example, if a guest has forgotten the code), the hotel staff has a service device that allows you to open the lock.

The service for using a safe installed in the room is almost always paid. Moreover, the price in most cases is low, so the service is in demand and constantly used. There are often cases when when groups of several families visit hotels, they pay for a safe in one of the rooms, where all valuables and documents are stored.

Services provided by hotel enterprises are divided into basic and additional. The main services of the hotel include accommodation services.

Additional services are services provided in a hotel enterprise to the consumer for additional fee, excluding free additional services. Additional types of services are divided into additional free services and additional paid services. The “Rules for the provision of hotel services” regulate the list of additional services that the hotel enterprise is obliged to provide to the consumer without additional payment. This list includes the following services:

  • - Call an ambulance.
  • - Use of a first aid kit.
  • - Providing boiled water, needles, thread, one set of dishes and cutlery in the room at the request of the guest.
  • - Delivery to the correspondence number upon receipt. Guest mail may include regular or registered mail, packages and parcels, telegrams, telexes, faxes, courier mail, and personal notes left for guests. The classification system for hotels and other accommodation facilities provides for postal and tariff services for guests in all hotels, regardless of their category, including the delivery of correspondence. For guests staying in all 4 and 5 star hotels, the dispatch and delivery of registered mail is provided; and for guests staying in a 5-star hotel there is also telefax delivery. All correspondence received in the name of guests is stamped. The stamp indicates the time and date of receipt. Mail is usually placed in a special box at the reception desk. The guest must be immediately informed of the receipt of correspondence addressed to him. If correspondence was received before the guest’s arrival, a note about this should be made in the room reservation log and handed over immediately upon arrival. Unclaimed mail is stamped again and returned to the sender. Guests can also receive registered letters, express parcels or other postal items, upon receipt of which a signature is required. This signature is left by the administrator on duty, with a simultaneous entry in the shift log, and then asking the guest to sign upon receipt. Mail arriving after a guest's departure must be sent to the guest's permanent address. During the stay of guests, speed is essential for fax transmission, safety for registered mail, integrity for parcels; each type of mail requires its own standard procedures.
  • - Wake up the guest at a certain time. Very often, guests need a morning wake-up call. When a client receives a wake-up request, the administrator must fill out a “Wake-Up” service form. The administrator on duty is responsible for providing this service. A big advantage for a hotel is to be equipped with an automatic wake-up system, since even for a small hotel, waking up with the help of a telephone operator can be a problem, since most guests ask to be woken up at the same time - 7 o'clock.

Many hotels also provide the following services at no additional charge.

  • - Preparation and delivery of tea and coffee to your room (not including the cost of tea, coffee, sugar).
  • - The provision of a baby cot in the room is carried out by the housekeeping service.
  • - Call a taxi from the city taxi service. When a taxi order is received from the city service, the hotel administrator who accepted the order must fill out the “Order a Taxi” service form. The administrator on duty is responsible for the performance of this service.
  • - Carrying hand luggage at the request of the guest. Meeting and greeting arriving guests, unloading, loading and delivering luggage to the room are the first responsibilities of hotel employees. When leaving the hotel, luggage delivery from the room to the car is also organized. These services are free, however, as a rule, they are paid for with tips - the hotel organizes a queue of bellboys in order to receive the same tips.
  • - Providing information on booking tickets to theaters and entertainment halls and other information. Such information is provided to the guest by the reception service or information desks located in the hotel lobby. Each hotel room, as a rule, has a folder containing information about the possibility of obtaining these services. To make it easier for their consumers to navigate, some hotels publish and provide information guides to guests. Such directories usually include simplified maps of the city, telephone numbers for taxis, airports, train stations, banks, churches, various shops, schedules of the most important, recurring events and other information. A computer information terminal is installed in the lobby of some hotels for this purpose. This ensures that guests are less likely to distract staff from their main work and save their time.

For an additional fee, hotels provide various types of services. These are household, transport, sports, business services, tourist and excursion, entertainment and other types of services.

Let's look at the main ones.

Household services:

  • 1. Laundry services (washing, dry cleaning, ironing, clothing repair). If a guest wants to have their clothes washed or cleaned, they must put them in a bag and hang them out a special plate on the door handle of the room or tell the floor attendant about it. Orders for clothing repairs are processed in a similar way. Laundry and cleaning order forms are available in each room. There are also instructions on how to hand over your clothes for washing. Items handed over from 8.00 to 12.00. must be ready on the same day from 17.00 to 20.00 hours. Laundry operating hours: washing and ironing open seven days a week, dry cleaning all days except Saturday, Sunday and holidays. An iron and ironing board for rent.
  • 2. Urgent repairs and shoe cleaning. Many hotels have shoe repair shops. Shoe cleaning machines are installed in the lobbies of upscale hotels.
  • 3. Storage of personal belongings of residents:

Luggage storage. When accepting items, the employee responsible for this area of ​​work records the guest's name, room number, number of pieces of luggage, luggage storage period and issues a corresponding luggage token. As a rule, storage of hand luggage of no more than two pieces is provided free of charge; storage of large items is subject to a fee according to the tariff.

Deposit cells (safes). This is one of the ways to store valuables. They are located in the reception area. The principle of operation of the deposit safe is that there are two keys, one of which is kept by the administrator, the other is given to the guest. It is possible to open the locker only if both keys are available, that is, in the presence of the guest and the hotel employee. When using a safe deposit box, you must comply with a number of formalities and maintain appropriate documentation.

Individual electronic safes located in the guest room, in a place convenient for the guest. In some hotels the cost of use is included in the room price, but in most hotels it is additional paid services. hotel tourist service trend

Household services also include rental of cultural and household items (dishes, towels, sports equipment and others), as well as minor repairs of watches, electric shavers, radio, film, and photographic equipment; photographic works.

Transport services. Transport services are one of the important species services in modern hotel complexes. These include: booking tickets, ordering a taxi, renting a car.

1. Booking tickets for various types of transport. Currently, ticket booking is carried out using the latest information technology. Some global computer networks have achieved great success in this. American companies are the main supplier software for European systems. Thus, the System One company provides programs for the Amadeus system.

Currently, the largest hotel companies, travel agencies and computer system manufacturers are striving to create a super-global unified computer reservation system. Airfare accounts for the bulk of bookings. Booking tickets for various types of transport is carried out with the help of travel companies, usually located in the hotel lobby, or the travel company has direct contact with companies providing ticket booking services.

  • 2. Car rental. The provision of this service is subject to certain requirements. The tourist must be at least 21 years old and not exceed 70 years old. The rental service employee is presented with a passport and driver's license (Russian or international). By the time the contract is concluded, the certificate must be valid for at least two years. In some countries, customer service is provided only if there is availability. credit card. The rental price depends on the class of the car. Before signing a car rental agreement, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself in detail with what is included in the rental price. Typically, rental fees include: unlimited mileage of the car; delivery of a car to a tourist within the city; repair or replacement of a vehicle in the event of a technical malfunction (except for damaged tires, windshield or engine); full insurance in case of a traffic accident not due to the driver’s fault (if at the time of the traffic accident the driver was intoxicated, insurance is not paid); insurance covering damage caused to the car in a traffic accident due to the fault of the client; insurance for passengers (except the driver) against accidents; taxes. For an additional fee, you can purchase the right to drive a car with a second driver.
  • 3. Order a taxi. The hotel provides the guest with the opportunity to order a taxi in two ways: using the services of the city taxi service or providing the hotel's own taxis.

When ordering a taxi from the city service, the hotel administrator who accepted the order issues a card containing the following information: hotel name, room number, car number, time, destination. The card is issued by the administrator who works on the ground floor of the hotel. The completed card is given to the driver, since the guest may be a foreigner. Payment for the taxi is made by the guest himself to the taxi driver - depending on the route of the trip.

If the hotel has its own taxi service, the guest's order is transferred by the administrator directly to the service. At the same time, a card is also issued and given to the driver. The hotel’s own taxi service is organized if the hotel has its own parking lot and garage vehicles. All cars have a hotel logo (name, emblem), taxi service telephone number, and so on. As a rule, each hotel provides parking services, since many clients travel in their own cars.

Business services. Business center services:

  • - use of satellite long-distance, international telephone and fax communications;
  • - copying, laminating, stitching;
  • - providing the guest with a computer for use or installing a computer in the room (at the guest’s request), performing work on the computer;
  • - provision of translation work (written translation, simultaneous interpreter services);
  • - provision of secretary and stenographer services;
  • - editing;
  • - rental of video and audio equipment;
  • - ability to work on the Internet;
  • - rental of special premises for conferences, meetings, negotiations, presentations with simultaneous translation systems, including equipment for teleconferences. The business center is open 24 hours a day or on weekdays from 7.30 to 23.00, on weekends and holidays from 9.00 to 200.

Service bureau services include:

  • - ordering train tickets, reserving seats and confirming flight reservations;
  • - organization of excursions and tours, ordering tickets and organizing visits to theaters, concert halls, museums, exhibitions, stadiums;
  • - provision of information and reference material and other services.
  • - Service bureau operating hours: around the clock or on weekdays - from 7.30 to 23.00, on weekends and holidays - from 9.00 to 200.

Sports and recreation services:

  • - Sports services health center. The sports and fitness center is a range of services, including the use of indoor and outdoor swimming pools, visits to solariums, swimming pools with hydromassage, jacuzzi, saunas (Turkish, Finnish), gyms, as well as massage, aerobics, water aerobics, etc. Visitors to the wellness center are provided with bathrobes, slippers, towels, and personal hygiene products. Mandatory requirement is the presence of experienced specialists (trainers, medical workers), having the appropriate qualifications.
  • - Beauty salon services (hairdressing, cosmetology, manicure and massage rooms). If desired, the guest can be served in the room; in this case, these services have an extra charge.

Tourist and excursion services. Almost every modern hotel has an excursion and tourism bureau and a translation agency. They provide translation services, conducting excursions around the city or region, and selling tour packages to various regions of the country or abroad.

Communication services. Telephone city, long-distance and international communications must be carried out around the clock. Sometimes telephones installed in rooms are equipped with a signal indicator light, this is a conventional sign that there is a message addressed to the guest at the reception service. These conventions must be known to hotel residents.

You can also highlight trade services provided by various retail outlets located on the hotel premises.

High-class hotels are required to provide special services to such categories of consumers as disabled people, blind people, people with disabilities, old people, children. Guests using a wheelchair must be able to access all areas of the hotel. For every 50-100 regular rooms, there is one room specially adapted for a disabled person in a wheelchair: the wheelchair can enter the bathroom, which also has an internal telephone in case the disabled person needs help from staff.

Some luxury hotels provide guests with the services of a personal servant who looks after the guest's wardrobe.

Thus, the services provided at the hotel can be divided into several levels:

  • - the main hotel product (rooms and minimum requirements to them);
  • - related hotel product: services or goods necessary for the consumer to use the main product (telephones, laundry/dry cleaning services, transportation, etc.);
  • - an additional hotel product that gives the main product additional benefits and helps differentiate this product from the offers of competitors (for example, a beauty salon, a cinema and concert hall, tour desk etc.) .

The composition of additional services in the tourist and hotel complex is not limited to the above list of additional services. Modern hotels strive to expand the range of additional services offered as much as possible.

Thus, today we can identify the following main trends in the development of modern hotel industry:

  • 1. Extending the scope of interests of the hotel business to products and services previously provided by enterprises in other industries (for example, catering, leisure, entertainment, exhibition activities). The development of such segments of the hospitality industry as the entertainment industry, including gambling, theme parks, and convention activities, has turned previously unattractive resort and tourist areas into fashionable tourist destinations.
  • 2. The growing democratization of the hotel industry, which greatly contributes to increasing the availability of hotel services for the mass consumer. If before the difference between hotels different classes were significant, now the bar for the “lowest standard” has been significantly raised: even fairly cheap hotels provide quality service and a minimum set of amenities.
  • 3. Strengthening the specialization of the hotel business makes it possible to more clearly target certain consumer segments, taking into account various signs. Thus, taking into account the price level, three segments are clearly defined - low (budget), medium (economical) and high (luxury). In addition, segmentation is carried out by purpose of travel, by age, by gender labor activity consumers and other characteristics.
  • 4. Widespread introduction of new means of communication and information technologies. All this ultimately contributes to solving the problems of loading hotel enterprises.

Large hotels offer their potential guests to take excursions around the hotels without leaving their home. Thus, website visitors can get acquainted with the interiors of hotels, menus of restaurants and bars, and receive a variety of background information.

Thus, the main trends listed above modern development hotel industry are ultimately aimed at solving the main problems:

  • - search for your own competitive advantages;
  • - creating a stable clientele through the ability to find your consumer;
  • - searching and creating new ways of development, constantly updating our own policies, taking into account the dynamically developing market of hotel and tourism services.

Hotel is an enterprise whose goal is to make a profit by selling its “product” in the form of a set of services (accommodation services and food services).

There are different concepts of service. In the narrow sense, service- This is an action that brings benefit, helping another.

In a broad sense, the service– this is the result achieved through direct interaction between the performer and the consumer, as well as the performer’s own activities to satisfy the consumer’s needs.

Service is an intangible thing, and therefore cannot be measured, but can only be assessed.

The hotel service consists of:

1) services for providing special premises that can be used to meet your needs;

2) services provided by hotel staff (room cleaning, client registration, meals).

The main element of the accommodation service is, of course, hotel room(room equipped for rest, sleep, work of the client). The main function of the room is the ability to sleep. Depending on the purpose of the hotel and the needs of the guests, no less significant may be such functions as the ability to work in the room (typical for business class hotels that have a desk, telephone, fax, computer in the room).

Regardless of the category, area, equipment, each room must have a bed, a table or bedside table for each bed, a chair or armchair according to the number of guests, lighting in all rooms of the room, and a waste basket.

In order to feed guests, it is necessary to prepare dishes in the kitchen, sell prepared foods, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, and serve hotel guests in a restaurant, bar, cafe, and hotel rooms.

There are additional services in the form of a swimming pool, gym, conference rooms, car rental, dry cleaning, laundry, hairdressing services, massage room.

Nowadays, accommodation services are taken for granted, and in order to attract customers it is necessary to develop additional services that will help to stand out from hotels of the same category.

Let's consider features of hotel services.

The process of production and consumption occurs in one time period. To receive a hotel service, it is necessary to involve both the consumer and the performer in the consumption process. To provide a service, hotel staff have to come into direct contact with the consumer. For the client, this contact is an integral part of the service itself.

Intangibility of hotel services. A hotel service cannot be touched or seen, as it is intangible. In order to evaluate a service, it must first be consumed. A service is a promise to fulfill certain actions to meet customer needs.

Hotel services cannot be prepared in advance, since they are not expressed in material form. The hotel product is produced to satisfy the real needs of customers, and they need to be satisfied within a certain time frame.

Variability of quality. The quality of the services provided depends on the provider and the environment in which they are performed. Qualification, mood and other factors can have a great influence on the quality of the service. After all, the same performer can serve a client in completely different ways (for example, at the beginning of the working day, when the performer has more strength, the quality of the services he provides will be higher than at the end of the working day, when his strength is running low). Service variability very often provokes dissatisfaction on the part of consumers.

Seasonality of demand for hotel services. Depending on the situation, the demand for a hotel product can change almost every day. Seasonality is very pronounced in countries with a changing climate (most tourists prefer to relax in the summer months).

There are certain factors that influence sales volumes. These factors include:

1) hotel location. This factor undoubtedly plays a very important role big role, since the price of travel to the hotel and the attractiveness of environment, infrastructure development of a country or city;

2) service level. This factor depends on the quality and completeness of the services provided, the availability various types amenities, their style and quality;

3) price. This factor can sometimes be decisive when choosing a hotel;

4) ease of maintenance;

5) range of services. Today, hotels offer a wide range of services that can satisfy almost all the whims of their guests. The most common are accommodation services and catering services. In a good hotel, without leaving the hotel, you can get a quality haircut, take a steam bath in the sauna or play billiards. The main income of the hotel comes from accommodation fees, but with well-developed additional services you can also make a good profit;

6) image of the hotel. Every hotel values ​​this factor very much, as it helps it remain competitive and receive additional profit (in the case of a positive image). Image is a complex consisting of all of the above factors.

The main object of the hotel business is, of course, the hotel room. Hotel services is a special hotel product that can be purchased through exchange transactions. The client pays not for the right to own the number, but for the right to have access to it at the agreed time. Modern conditions businesses require hotels to resolve all production and other issues as quickly as possible short terms. People do not like to wait, so to improve the quality of service it is necessary to provide services quickly and efficiently.

Organization of additional services in hotels - effective way fight against competition. This is another source of profit and an opportunity to improve the quality of service. An up-to-date offer of additional services will benefit the image of the entire business.

In this article we will look at the most current methods increasing the income of hotels and other accommodation facilities by organizing additional services. This is a general list from which every entrepreneur can compile a list of ideas suitable for implementation.

Additional service #1 ➨ Rental of space for business and events

If there is free space and your own restaurant, it is possible to hold various banquets and animated events. This service will significantly expand the target audience of the hotel or other accommodation facility. So, for example, having rented a restaurant for a banquet, it is highly likely that city residents will then become its regular visitors.

In the hall it is possible to install vending machines, souvenir shops and tourist departments. The guest will thus be able to find all necessary information immediately within the hotel walls, which will have a positive impact on reviews and the level of service.

Large hotels practice opening their own beauty salons and spas, swimming pools and gyms, or rent out space for them.

Additional service #2 ➨ Cooperation with third parties will increase profits

The most popular cooperation is with taxi services and excursion companies. Food delivery to your room is popular, especially in mini-hotels and hostels where meals are not provided. Cooperation with travel agencies will provide an additional flow of tourists and tour groups to fully fill the hotel during the season.

An advantage will be agreements with the information service, which will allow guests to be aware of all events and activities planned in the capital. It is possible to create your own information service. To fill and update it, one employee is enough; the coordination of tourists will be carried out by hotel administrators.

Additional income will also be provided by service #3 ➨ Ticket booking

We are talking about organizing transfers, booking plane and train tickets, and bookings for cultural events. Booking services are closely related to the advertising of certain events. Advertising can be carried out on the following favorable terms: mutual offset, advertising of the accommodation facility as a partner of the event, or advertising on a paid basis.

Popular service to increase profits #4 ➨ Development of entertainment infrastructure

Creation of a bar, restaurant, billiard club, a nightclub and holding animated events at their base will provide an additional flow of visitors at the expense of city residents. Important condition- good sound insulation, or placement of halls separately from the hotel rooms.

It is also possible to organize master classes and performances here. All this will diversify the leisure time of vacationers, attract local residents and increase profits.

Modern way to earn extra money #5 ➨ Cooperation with corporate clients

Recently, this service has become quite popular in Moscow. Corporate clients use a whole range of additional services that will significantly increase profits.

Corporate clients ensure the hotel's occupancy during low seasons. Their main requirement is the placement within one hotel of everything necessary for holding corporate events: halls for trainings and conferences, a minimum of office equipment for work, powerful Wi-Fi, banquet hall, transfer.

Service #6 will provide advertising and profit ➨ Organization of forums and trainings

This can range from simply renting a conference room to accommodating event guests and additionally organizing their leisure time. As part of such events, it is expected that participants will be accommodated from different cities. This work is in many ways similar to cooperation with corporate clients. However, target audience more broadly, in case of media coverage of the event, business advertising is provided. Cooperation with forum organizers is possible on a partnership basis.

Additional earnings will be affected by service #7 ➨ Exclusive offer

In modern realities, the choice of additional services is practically unlimited. Moreover, it makes sense to focus not only on guests, but also on city residents. Providing exclusive services can become business card hotel or other accommodation facility. If you decide not to open a new business, but