Is it possible to have a cat? How to bring home a second cat without upsetting the first one

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For some reason, it is generally accepted that cats, unlike dogs, are not faithful, do not need the affection of their owners, and in general, people for them are service personnel who are obliged to feed them and change the litter in the tray. In fact, cats often become man's most devoted friends - ask any “cat lover” and he will gladly confirm this.

website He has admitted more than once that he has a weakness for cats, and today we found 15 more reasons to get a purr if you haven’t already.

Communication with a cat is excellent therapy

There is an opinion that cats do not make as good companions as dogs, but this is not true. Swiss scientists have proven that the feeling of having a cat in the house is comparable to a romantic relationship: pets always willingly initiate contact and remember kindness, returning it in the future.

A cat can become a child's best friend

Children with cats in their homes miss, on average, 9 fewer school days per year than others. For example, such children are less susceptible to ear infections. This is due to the fact that the immunity of owners of furry purrs is usually much higher.

Cats lower cholesterol levels

Researchers from the University of Missouri found that having a cat significantly reduces stress levels. The experiment involved 240 married couples who received tasks that put them in a stressful situation. Those participants who had their cats with them during the experiment tolerated this stress much more easily.

It has been a tradition for many centuries that the first thing you should do is let a cat into a new home. And following it, almost no one thinks about where this belief came from and what preceded its appearance.

Meanwhile, there are many versions of the origin of this tradition. Moreover, some of them even contradict each other. Therefore, everyone decides for himself which one to believe in, and whether to believe at all.

"Cat Diplomat"

In ancient times, the Slavs firmly believed that spirits live everywhere and that they surround a person almost always. Among the spirits there are evil and good. Residents, invisible to the eye, exist in every house, even if it is completely new. Therefore, when entering the house first, the cat “conducts reconnaissance”, she gets acquainted with the local spirits, makes friends with them, thereby ensuring a good attitude of the spirits towards the new owners of the house.

There is also a version that when moving, the owners take their brownies with them to their new home. And since the main function of these creatures is to protect the peace and prosperity of those who live in the house, they must be in a good disposition towards the owners. Otherwise, the brownies will misbehave.

The relationship of the cat with the world of spirits and its friendship with brownies (as the ancients believed) led to the fact that not a single housewarming party was complete without a cat. It was believed that a brownie, invisible to the human eye, entered a new territory riding a cat, bringing wealth into the house ahead of its new residents.

Energy version and ancient signs

Parapsychologists know for sure that subtle energies are perfectly felt by cats. Therefore, it is not difficult for the animal to identify those areas in the apartment where the energy is not the best. But then the opinions of experts differ.

Some argue that the places that the furry favorite of the family avoids are not suitable for long-term stays by people, and where the cat goes to sleep is the best place for the bed. Others believe that an energetically strong animal takes on all the negativity that has accumulated in the home, cleansing it, so in no case should you put a bed where the pet liked to lie.

For many years there has also been a belief that since the character of the brownie in the new home is unknown, it may turn out to be quite nasty. That is, if he doesn’t like the arriving residents, he will take out his anger on them by pulling various tricks. Usually all his negativity was directed at the one who enters the house first. Thus, this “honorable duty” was assigned to the cat.

Based on this sign (and in the absence of a cat), some people moving were the first to let the oldest ones into the house, as if sacrificing them, because they already had little left. Even taking into account the fact that this was just a sign, such an act looked quite cruel.

How to properly bring a cat into the house

When settling into a new home, the first thing a cat does is sniff it, and if she is in no hurry to cross the threshold of a new home, then she should not be dragged or pushed over the threshold by force. The animal needs time to feel and pass through all the information received, and only then adapt to a new place. When a cat moves, it also experiences stress; gradually it will calm down and decide which areas of the house it likes and which it doesn’t.

Before you get a kitten, you need to think through everything and prepare. We hope our help will help you. It is better to get a kitten when he is three months old, not earlier. When you go to pick up your pet, take a special carrier with you - this will be safer and more comfortable for both you and the baby.

Usually, breeders offer to take with you a diaper with the smell of the native “nest”, but just in case, take yours and rub it on the cat and other kittens, so that in the new home the baby will be surrounded by familiar and familiar smells at first.

Find out from the breeder

What do you need to know if you decide to get a kitten? There are several important questions to ask the breeder or owner of the mother cat.

  1. Was chipping carried out - electronic branding? Does the kitten have a veterinary passport?
  2. Has the baby been examined by a doctor, because there are diseases that only a specialist can recognize.
  3. Was treatment for worms (deworming) carried out, with what drug and how many times (this depends on the drug used and the age of the kitten)?
  4. Have you received preventive vaccinations? Find out the exact dates and names of the vaccine, as well as the diseases it protects against.
  5. What litter box and what kind of litter is the kitten accustomed to?
  6. Ask how the kitten ate and how its diet was structured. Was he fed natural food, canned food or dry food, which one?

What to cook at home

What should you do when you get a kitten? Buy in advance 1-2 regular open trays and the filler that the kitten is used to - this way he will quickly get used to the toilet in a new place. In the future, when there are no more problems with hygiene, you can change the filler.

If over time you have a desire to use a closed tray with a door, then to accustom the kitten to it, first use only the lower part, then try to attach the top, and only after the kitten has completely mastered this “house”, install the door.

What and how to feed

Organizing the kitten's nutrition is the most important moment of getting used to a new home. At first, feed as recommended by the previous owner, but the most correct and easy way to organize nutrition is dry, balanced super-premium food. If you have a small kitten, buying the first thing you see in the pet supplies section of the supermarket is not the best option. After all, his well-being and development depend on feeding the baby; this is the foundation of the health of an adult animal.

Our line includes a special diet for kittens, which will provide all the necessary life needs of a kitten. The transition from the baby’s usual food must be carried out smoothly, gradually replacing the previous diet with Blitz food.

When switching from natural or canned food, Blitz dry food can be pre-soaked with warm water. Stick to the suggested feeding rate, but adjust it as needed. Make sure fresh water is always available.

What else should you buy if you have a kitten?

Remember that your baby needs to play a lot. Mice and balls, interactive toys will brighten up a kitten’s leisure time and give them the opportunity to develop, distracting them from curtains and tablecloths. Be sure to purchase a scratching post to help protect your wallpaper. The kitten also needs a house or a bed, or even better, purchase a special complex that will create the kitten the necessary comfort and safety, organize space and place for games.

Having a small kitten, you have acquired great love for many years. Your pet is considered a kitten until it is 12 months old. During the first year of his life, he will have many discoveries, and for you many joyful concerns and reasons for affection. But the next years, when the cat becomes more sedate and forms its own opinion about everything, will bring many joyful experiences and memorable moments.

What will happen next?

When your kitten reaches one year of age, you need to switch it to adult food. Blitz food offers a wide range of flavors:

  • with chicken;
  • with turkey;
  • with lamb.

If you have your female cat spayed, Blitz offers a special diet for neutered animals that helps control excess body weight, as cats tend to become overweight after spaying.

A cat is an independent and proud animal. Cats love solitude and are capable of leading a hermit or wandering lifestyle. Surprisingly, these animals make ideal pets and family members, bringing comfort and warmth to the home. A cat can become a true friend of its owner, while maintaining its personal space.

Reasons to get a furry pet

If you are wondering whether to get a cat or not, then we will give 10 compelling arguments in favor of why it is worth doing.

Personal psychologist

Should I get a cat? Definitely yes. Scientists conducted research and found that a cat can help its owner survive a difficult situation. For example, when you lose a loved one or break up with them, communicating with others often seems like a burdensome task. It’s hard to find a common language with people, and there’s no desire to waste energy on it. A cat can ease mental pain. Despite the fact that they cannot speak, furry pets purr quietly and gently sit on their owner's lap, creating a feeling of protection and care. By their behavior they seem to show: “I am with you, no matter what. I need you in any condition.”

The ideal companion

Having a cat in your apartment is a way to always be close to someone. Yes, the Internet is full of jokes about single women getting cats. Cats actually make great company. They make contact freely and easily become attached to their owner. Researchers compared the sensations of communicating with a cat with those experienced by a person during a romantic relationship. They are affectionate and playful, which is why it is so pleasant to be around them.

Live hot water bottle

No blanket, radiator or warm robe can compare with this gentle creature! Sitting in front of the TV in the evening or while reading a book, you can enjoy the warmth of your cat. You can stroke it and experience incredibly pleasant tactile sensations. This is why you should have a cat at home.

Great alarm clock

Every morning you hear the annoying sound of an annoying alarm clock. He screams at you that it’s time to get down to business and leave your warm bed. If you are completely tired of this situation, just get a cat. The morning of “cat people” begins the same way - with a familiar face crawling into bed and beginning to demand attention. It is impossible to fall asleep further and not notice your living “alarm clock”.

Gorgeous neat guy

If you have a cat in your house, you should pay attention to the fact that dust stops accumulating on them. Even the very top shelves, which are hard to reach, are absolutely clean. While you are working, cats carefully wipe the dust with themselves, moving around the furniture. Your pet takes care of cleanliness while you are not at home. This is a particularly valuable manifestation of cats.

Personal acupuncturist

Is it worth getting a cat? Cats often climb onto their owner and, purring, release sharp claws. At this moment, reflexogenic zones on the host’s body are irritated, as in a real acupuncture session.

Youth elixir

German gerontologists call cats this way. Scientists have concluded that people who have lived their lives with a cat live on average 10.3 years longer than those who could not or did not dare to have a furry pet.

Family doctor

The reasons to get a cat are varied. For example, cats are excellent healers. Scientists have experimentally confirmed that these animals are capable of providing therapeutic assistance to people with heart and nervous diseases.

Source of wealth

You will have a good chance to get rich. Photos and videos of cats receive millions of likes and views on social networks. For example, the owner of the legendary “grumpy cat” Grumpy Cat earned several million dollars thanks to her pet.

Personal guru

The cat will teach you to enjoy every day you live. These animals, unlike their owners, are never in a hurry. They know that rest and sleep are the best way to relax and be in good shape. If you get a cat, you will soon stop rushing and accept life with all its advantages and disadvantages.

Should I get a cat for my child?

Having a pet will teach your child to take care of someone younger and weaker than him. He will understand how difficult it is to care for a cat, to learn to love and appreciate our little brothers. In addition, the son or daughter will understand that a lot of effort must be made to maintain order in the house or to cure a pet when it is sick.

Why you can't have a cat

Perhaps there can be two good reasons: you or your family don’t like cats, or someone in the family is allergic to wool.

If this fate has passed you by, then feel free to get a furry pet and enjoy communicating with him.

Having a cat in the house means not only comfort, a lot of joy and fun, but also a huge responsibility. You need to consciously get a cat. And our advice should help you gain this very awareness.

So, here's what anyone planning to become a cat parent needs to know:

1. A cat adopted from a shelter is no worse than a purebred animal.

2. The average life expectancy of a cat is 13 – 17 years, but in an atmosphere of total love and mutual understanding this figure can increase to 20 years or more.

3. There is no need to cut out the cat's claws.

This is a very painful procedure, but its consequences - deprivation of the main means of self-defense - are much more terrible for the animal.

4. There are so many stray cats in the world. To save hundreds, thousands of lives, experts recommend sterilizing their animals to everyone who does not plan to breed them seriously.

Of course, kittens can be given away every time a cat gives birth, but believe me, not all people who take babies will treat them as reverently as you do. How do you think homeless people appear?

5. Before getting a cat, get everything necessary for his comfortable life.

You will need a plate, a drinking bowl, a tray, a supply of food, nail scissors, litter, a bed, toys, and a scratcher.

6. Scratching is a must because cats need to sharpen their claws.

7. Moreover, it should be high enough. Otherwise, when the cat grows up, what he will reach at that moment will become a scratch.

8. It is recommended to trim cats’ claws every 2 – 3 weeks. This way the animal will not feel infringed, will not damage furniture and curtains, and will not be able to scratch anyone.

9. It will take some time for the cat to get to know its new home. This is fine. Give the new tenant a week or two to get comfortable, and he will show his true character.

10. It is ideal if the cat has its own corner where it can hide from everyone and everything and be alone with itself.

No owners, their children, other animals, problems of existence, you know...

11. A new cat should be introduced to other animals carefully so that no one gets stressed.

12. Domestic cats must have their own litter box. Otherwise, get ready to clean up after your pet throughout the apartment.

13. Most cats will never go into a dirty litter box. Therefore, you should try to clean the toilet regularly, completely changing the filler at least once a week.

14. Establish rules of conduct from the very beginning. Explain to your pet who is boss in the house and why this happened.

15. Try to feed your cat at the same time every day.

16. Check if the plants in your home are poisonous. A cat cannot determine toxicity without tasting the flower, and after that it may be too late.

17. Grapes, raisins, avocados, sweets and many other table foods are harmful. It is advisable to feed the cat with special food.

18. Milk causes stomach problems in cats.

19. Cats are clean, but extra brushing won’t hurt them. After this procedure, they will have to eat much less wool.

20. Cats communicate with each other by purring. So when your cat meows, pay attention. Thus, he addresses you specifically!

21. Cats need to have their ears cleaned from time to time.

22. Sometimes it is desirable to brush your teeth, but, however, not many animals allow you to do this to yourself.

And yes, under no circumstances should you brush your cat’s teeth with human toothpaste.

23. The pads on cats' paws are very sensitive.

24. If necessary, rub your cat's eyes.

25. The cat should always have free access to water.

27. Check your cat for ticks and fleas regularly.

28. Talk to your veterinarian about vaccinations and get all necessary shots.

29. Regularly prevent urolithiasis.

Special food (which is called that) is perfect for these purposes.

30. If the kitten doesn't want to eat, add some warm water to his food.

31. If possible, microchip your cat.

32. Cats love to play and use anything as a toy.

33. Domestic cats do not need to be bathed.

34. Be prepared for the cat to become a separate item in your family budget.

35. If possible, insure your pet. Protect yourself and him from trouble.

36. Install reinforced bars and locks on all windows to prevent your pet from flying.

37. The number of the veterinarian and emergency services should always be at hand.

38. Get to know nearby veterinary clinics and the doctors who work there and find your doctor.

39. And of course, be tolerant. A cat is like a child who knows nothing about life, but perfectly understands love and kindness towards himself.