Standard procedures during childbirth. What you need to know about the maternity hospital before going there  Documents and childbirth - is it necessary?

If a pregnant woman is “in labor”, this means that the woman arrived either with contractions or with broken amniotic fluid and will have to give birth in the next few hours. In this case, the sequence of the procedure is as follows:

  • conversation with the midwife, with the doctor on duty, who fills out the documentation - the birth chart;
  • determining the weight of a pregnant woman;
  1. A pregnant woman changes into maternity hospital clothes or her own clothes.
  2. A cleansing enema is performed. If a pregnant woman is admitted in the period of pushing, an enema is not performed; she is immediately transferred to the delivery room.
  3. If necessary, the genital area is treated (shaving), followed by a shower.
  4. The pregnant woman is sent to the department - physiological or observational.

If bleeding or other life-threatening conditions are detected and requiring immediate delivery, the pregnant woman can be sent to the operating room directly from the emergency room with only minimal or no processing.

In this case, the pregnant woman is sent to the pathology department or home. The procedures that are carried out in this case are as follows:

  • If the pregnant woman is not hospitalized, she is given an advisory report with further recommendations.

A pregnant woman may be in the pathology department, her birth may be planned, or contractions may begin at any time. In this case, she expects the following:

  • CTG recording - fetal heartbeat.
  • Cleansing enema and shower.

Cardiotocography (CTG)

If a woman is planning to have a caesarean section, the procedure is the same. A light dinner is allowed the night before; in the morning you can only drink a little clean water.

In the delivery room the woman is assigned to one of the prenatal wards, where she will be monitored and CTG monitoring of the fetal condition will be carried out. The doctor clarifies the woman’s complaints and medical history, studies the birth chart and, if necessary, conducts an examination on the chair.

All the time contractions the woman is in the prenatal ward, she is also allowed to move along the corridor and take a shower (as a method of pain relief).

With the beginning of the pushing period, the woman lies down on a chair in the delivery room, the doctor monitors the condition of the fetus by heart rate (listened to with a stethoscope or CTG monitor).

After the birth of the child, the birth canal is examined for rupture. For another two hours, the woman is under close supervision of medical personnel for timely detection of complications, after which the postpartum woman is transferred to the ward.

If an emergency or planned caesarean section is performed, then immediately after the operation the woman is transferred to the intensive care unit for observation - for at least two hours, most often for 12-24 hours.

What else will happen after childbirth

  • after a natural birth, women stay in the postpartum department for 3-5 days, after a cesarean section - up to 10 days;
  • treatment of sutures twice a day - perineum (for natural childbirth), postoperative scar (after cesarean section);
  • dispensing tablets for concomitant diseases;
  • installation of intravenous infusions - after gestosis, cesarean section, after heavy blood loss or other complications;
  • if necessary, women are talked to about breastfeeding and taught how to latch on to the baby;
  • in case of complicated labor, a woman may be referred for additional examinations or procedures.

Procedures before discharge from the hospital include:

  • blood and urine tests, biochemical examination, if necessary, in-depth urine tests;
  • inspection of seams and their treatment;
  • vaginal examination on a chair;
  • examination of the mammary glands;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

The newborn undergoes separate examinations and examinations. If any abnormalities or complications are discovered, the mother and child may be left for some more time in the maternity hospital. In some hospitals, in such cases, transfer to another department is assumed.

As soon as mother and baby are ready for discharge, all documents are drawn up: discharge summary, documents for the child, and others if necessary.

Read more in our article about procedures in the maternity hospital.

A maternity hospital is for many a medical institution full of mysteries, because since Soviet times it has been customary for pregnant women and women in labor not to be allowed out even to relatives from the moment of admission until discharge, but to communicate “through the glass window.” In order to feel calm and be prepared for all manipulations, it is useful to know what procedures are carried out in the maternity hospital at different stages.

Pregnant women enter the maternity hospital for two reasons:

  • by referral from a antenatal clinic doctor;
  • on your own or in an ambulance with some complaints.

If a pregnant woman is “in labor”

This means that the woman arrived either with contractions or with broken amniotic fluid and will have to give birth in the next few hours. In this case, the sequence of procedures that will be performed upon admission to the maternity hospital is as follows:

  • conversation with the midwife, and then with the doctor on duty, who fills out the documentation - the birth chart;
  • examination by a doctor, listening to the fetal heartbeat;
  • measuring the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus;
  • determining the weight of a pregnant woman;
  • blood pressure measurement.
  1. The pregnant woman changes into clothes (robe, slippers, underwear) from the maternity hospital or her own clothes - depending on the institution.
  2. A cleansing enema is performed. If a pregnant woman is admitted while pushing, an enema is not performed and she is immediately transferred to the delivery room.
  3. If necessary, the genital area is treated (shaving), then you should take a shower.
  4. The pregnant woman is sent to the department - physiological or observational, based on the clinical situation.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

If bleeding or other conditions that are life-threatening and require immediate delivery are detected, the pregnant woman can be sent to the operating room directly from the emergency room with only minimal or no treatment.

If there are signs of labor or other problems

In this case, the pregnant woman is sent to the pathology department or home (for example, if she refuses hospitalization or her condition does not require inpatient care). The procedures that are carried out in this case are as follows:

  • Conversation with the midwife and doctor, completing the necessary documentation.
  • Examination on a gynecological chair.
  • Measuring weight, blood pressure, parameters of a pregnant woman.
  • If the pregnant woman is not hospitalized, she is given an advisory report on her condition with further recommendations.
  • If necessary, the woman is sent to the pathology department or the delivery room for observation.

Procedures to prepare for the day of birth

If a woman enters the maternity hospital with contractions or broken waters, the algorithm of actions and all procedures before childbirth are described in the previous paragraph.

But a pregnant woman may be in the department of pathology of pregnant women and her birth may be planned, or contractions may begin at any time. In this case, she expects the following:

  • Examination by the attending or duty doctor, and, if necessary, by the head of the department.
  • CTG recording - fetal heartbeat.
  • Cleansing enema and shower.
  • Transfer to an observational or physiological maternity ward.

If a woman is planning a caesarean section, the procedure is the same. A light dinner is allowed the night before; in the morning you can only drink a little clean water.

Also, the pregnant woman must collect all her things if she was previously in the pathology department. Some can be taken with you to the delivery room, the other will need to be put in a storage room.

Watch this video about preparatory procedures before childbirth:

In the delivery room

The maternity room includes an examination room (usually several), prenatal wards where women are during contractions, as well as the maternity rooms (halls) themselves - they contain special chairs, a table for treating a newborn, as well as equipment and tools that may be needed during childbirth, everything is sterile, and consumables are disposable (diapers, etc.).

The delivery room also includes an operating room, where, if necessary, a woman can be sent urgently during childbirth.

After admission to the delivery room, the woman is assigned to one of the prenatal wards, where she will be monitored (including video), and CTG monitoring of the fetal condition is performed. The doctor, who is in charge of the delivery room at this time, clarifies the woman’s complaints and medical history, studies the birth chart and, if necessary, conducts an examination in a gynecological chair.

If childbirth proceeds without complications, then the frequency of vaginal examinations is as follows:

  • every four hours during labor;
  • after the rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • if complications are suspected.

The woman is in the prenatal ward throughout the contractions; she is also allowed to move along the corridor and take a shower (as a method of pain relief).

With the beginning of the pushing period, the issue of transfer to the delivery room itself is decided. Here the woman lies down on a chair, the doctor monitors the condition of the fetus by heart rate (listened to with a stethoscope or CTG monitor).

After the birth of the child, the birth canal is examined for rupture. If necessary, the doctor performs suturing, as well as additional manipulations. For another two hours, the woman is under close supervision of medical personnel for timely detection of complications. After which the postpartum woman is transferred to a ward with the baby.

If an emergency or planned caesarean section is performed, then immediately after the operation the woman is transferred to the intensive care unit for observation - for at least two hours, most often for 12-24 hours. After this, she is also transferred to the postpartum ward.

Watch this video on how to care for a suture after a caesarean section:

What else will happen after childbirth

As soon as doctors are confident that the woman’s condition is stable, she is transferred to the postpartum ward. After a natural birth, women stay here for 3-5 days, after a cesarean section - up to 10 days. If necessary, the period may be extended. What procedures a woman will undergo after this depends on how her labor progressed.

If necessary, women are talked to about breastfeeding and taught how to properly latch onto a baby.

If the course of labor is complicated, a woman may be sent for additional examinations or procedures (for example, physical therapy), which are done directly in the maternity hospital.

Features before discharge from the hospital

Depending on the condition of the postpartum woman, the doctor determines the time of her discharge. The day before you need to undergo a minimum examination and examination. Procedures before leaving the hospital include the following:

  • blood and urine analysis, if necessary - a broader study, including biochemical examination, in-depth urine tests;
  • inspection of seams and their treatment;
  • vaginal examination on a chair - the rate of uterine contraction and the nature of discharge from the genital tract are determined;
  • examination of the mammary glands;
  • The newborn undergoes separate examinations and examinations. If any abnormalities or complications are discovered in the baby, mother and child may be left in the maternity hospital for some more time. In some hospitals, in such cases it is assumed that the patient will be transferred to another department (rehabilitation) or even a children's hospital.

    As soon as the mother and baby are ready for discharge, all documents are drawn up - discharge summary, documents for the child, and others, if necessary. The woman should subsequently provide some of them to the pediatrician, and the other to the gynecologist at her place of residence.

    Preparation for childbirth is universal and is performed in all maternity hospitals, but each medical institution has its own approaches and nuances. For example, in some places visiting relatives is allowed during the entire stay in the maternity hospital and even during childbirth. In others, this is strictly prohibited and even wearing your own clothes is not allowed. Therefore, when sending to a hospital on a scheduled basis, you should find out such nuances in advance.

    Useful video

    Watch this video about the features of the postpartum period:

Usually what scares us the most is the unknown. And often for pregnant women this uncertainty reigns behind the walls of an institution called a “maternity hospital.” It is useful to have as much information as possible about what awaits you outside the threshold of this house, then you will have more confidence and there will be nothing to worry about.

Pregnant women either come to the maternity hospital or go to the hospital in advance. The procedures in these cases will be approximately the same, just some of them for those already staying in the hospital will be carried out not on the day of admission, but immediately before childbirth.

Doctor's examination

When you arrive at the emergency department of a maternity hospital - it doesn’t matter whether on your own or in an ambulance - the first thing you will be examined by a doctor. The purpose of the examination is to determine your condition: whether you are in, how dilated the cervix is. The doctor will ask questions about contractions, their duration, regularity and intensity. He may send you back home, suggest hospitalization, or send you straight to the maternity ward.


If there is nothing urgent, after the doctor’s examination, the reception nurse will take care of your paperwork. You will need to present a passport, exchange card, insurance policy and birth certificate. The nurse will begin to fill out a document called the birth history. Passport data, place of residence and work, information about your current condition, and all medical data from the exchange card are entered there. The nurse will take your weight and blood pressure and record this information in your birth history. Subsequently, this document will be supplemented with information about your birth and its outcome. Upon discharge, information about your condition and the condition of the baby will be transferred from the “birth history” to an exchange card that will be given to you. And the “birth story” itself will remain in the maternity hospital.


If you are heading to the maternity ward, you will have to take off all your clothes. It may be given to your accompanying person, or it will be placed in a special bag and returned upon discharge. You will be given a nightgown and robe, and from your belongings you will need to wear rubber slippers. Usually you can take a mobile phone with you, and in some maternity hospitals - a player, a bottle of water or a massager.

If you are admitted to hospital, you will be able to take with you all the necessary personal hygiene items, clothing and books.

Cleansing procedures

In Russia, before giving birth, almost all pregnant women undergo shaving in the maternity hospital. Pubic hair is removed. Many doctors believe that the absence of hair is important in a situation where stitches will be necessary after tears or. In their opinion, the absence of pubic hair reduces the risk of infection at the sites of tears or incisions.

Despite the fact that in our country, shaving pubic hair is a mandatory procedure before childbirth, there is insufficient evidence in favor of its mandatory use in world practice. The authoritative research center Cochrane, based on the results of an analysis of studies conducted in this area, writes that there are no clinical indications for removing pubic hair before childbirth.
You can ask your doctor in advance if it is possible to skip shaving before giving birth. This depends mainly on the rules of the maternity hospital in which you are going to give birth.

Another unpleasant, but mandatory procedure in Russian maternity hospitals is a cleansing enema. Some doctors believe that an enema is necessary in order to empty the intestines to facilitate the passage of the baby through the birth canal, as well as to prevent spontaneous bowel movements during childbirth. The procedure is carried out in the first stage of labor as follows. The woman lies down on the couch, and the nurse fills a rubber reservoir similar to a heating pad - Esmarch's mug with 1.5-2 liters of water, and then hangs it above the level of the couch. From the reservoir comes a rubber tube, the tip of which is lubricated with Vaseline. After the water fills the intestines, you will head to the toilet, where the intestines will be cleansed.
In many countries, they have long stopped doing an enema before childbirth, since the advisability of bowel cleansing, according to research, has been refuted. There is no evidence that a cleansing enema prevents certain pathological processes during childbirth.
Analysis of materials published on this topic conducted by an international research center
Cochrane, revealed that the use of an enema before childbirth:

  • has no relationship with the frequency of mother and baby identification during childbirth
  • does not speed up the birth process
  • not associated with risk of dehiscence after episiotomy

In addition, many women note that just before giving birth they experienced loose stools and a frequent urge to defecate. This is an absolutely normal and natural process: the body cleanses itself and prepares for the birth of the baby.

Photo: Ⅿeagan / Flickr / CC-BY-2.0

News about unfair treatment of pregnant women in maternity hospitals, unfortunately, appears with enviable regularity. Recently in Voronezh, a woman in labor was administered a medicine to which she developed a severe allergy. In Kirov, a pregnant woman was asked to pay a bribe for urgency; in St. Petersburg, a woman expecting her first child was given an incorrect diagnosis... Of course, this does not happen everywhere and all the time: on many forums dedicated to pregnancy and childbirth, there are many comments containing gratitude to doctors. Another thing is that there are many questions regarding the rights of pregnant women.

What should a woman know about her rights in order to protect herself and her child during such an important period of life? After all, the future life, health and well-being of mother and baby depend on how the birth goes. What rights does the expectant mother have when she crosses the threshold of the antenatal clinic or maternity hospital?

Even before the maternity hospital

Remember: it is your legal right to decide where and how your baby will be born, and whether the father will be present. You and only you decide whether to go to the maternity hospital for preservation, whether to take the medications recommended by the doctor, or whether to do specific tests. You also have the right to change the doctor at the antenatal clinic if he seems rude or inattentive to you. Moreover, you can register not at your place of registration, but at the hospital that is more convenient for you. They cannot refuse you medical care; this is subject to criminal liability. If this happens, write a statement addressed to the chief physician indicating a violation of your rights. In the event that the chief doctor refuses you, you should contact the prosecutor’s office or the investigative committee at the location of the medical institution. During visits to the doctor, you have the right to receive any information you are interested in about the course of your pregnancy. The doctor should not brush aside your questions, but explain in detail how the baby is developing, and in an accessible form. In addition, you should be explained the purpose of the medications and the possible consequences of taking them.

Labor begins

So, nine exciting months are coming to an end. And you are faced with the difficult task of choosing a maternity hospital. Know: it is not at all necessary to go to give birth at your place of permanent registration. Choose a maternity hospital based on its location, reviews about it, specialization, equipment and qualifications of the medical staff. If it occurs with complications, opt for a maternity hospital at the perinatal center level. You have the right to request hospitalization in advance.


Doctors are people too, and they can communicate with patients in different ways. However, when you get to the maternity hospital, you have the right to count on respectful treatment from the medical staff. Even if you then do not intend to sue the doctor, you can write a complaint against the doctor to his superiors. And if you or your baby were injured as a result of the actions of the maternity hospital staff, go to court and demand compensation for the damage caused.

Many people are not aware that, by law, a woman in labor must receive not only medical assistance during childbirth, but also free follow-up care. This includes consultation and assistance in establishing breastfeeding, as well as an ultrasound of internal organs before discharge from the hospital.


If contractions have already begun, doctors try to perform a set of standard manipulations: shaving the perineum, enema, drip.

– As for shaving, expectant mothers usually prefer to do this procedure at home. In the maternity hospital, a woman in labor can be forcibly depilated only if she has a stamp on her card with a diagnosis of “pediculosis.” In other cases, you have the right to refuse to shave your perineum. True, in fairness it should be noted that the medical staff is unlikely to be happy about this. What is important: the razor must be disposable, and the packaging can only be broken before your eyes.

– Enema is done only upon request. This procedure is not mandatory.

– Upon admission to the maternity hospital, you have the right to write a statement refusing vaccinations. The prescription of drugs and injections must be explained by a doctor. Open the drug for a dropper or injection and, again, take it only in your presence. You can refuse any injections during childbirth, as well as induction of labor, artificial opening of the membranes and episiotomy.

– Only you decide how to dispose of the placenta, so demanding its safety, if this is important to you, is quite legal.

Baby mode

As soon as you give birth to a baby, you have the right to demand that it be put to your breast immediately. And subsequently, the mother can completely refuse supplementary feeding and breastfeed the baby on demand. True, for this you still need to quickly recover after childbirth, which does not happen to all mothers.

Photo: Harald Groven / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

You have the right to demand explanations why your baby is going to be given this or that drug. If the explanations and annotations alarm you, you can refuse vaccination. You can also refuse visits from a visiting nurse, as well as scheduled visits to a doctor. Moreover, if controversial situations arise (you think that the baby is sick, but the doctor is sure that he is completely healthy and ready for vaccination), you have every right to trust yourself.

5 possible difficulties

1. Pay for hospitalization. Even if you have chosen a free maternity hospital, you may be required to pay additional money for services, but free medical care should be provided to the mother in full. By law, a woman in labor is required to be admitted to any maternity hospital, but to ensure an even distribution of pregnant women among such institutions, there are special amendments.

Maternity hospitals are divided into three groups:

– the number of births in which does not exceed 500 per year;
– the number of births in which varies from 500 to 1500 per year (there are intensive care and intensive care wards);
– regional, regional and federal institutions (there are intensive care units for mothers and newborns, as well as a pathology department for babies).

Based on this, the gynecologist at the antenatal clinic selects suitable maternity hospitals for the pregnant woman and offers this list to her to choose from. Usually, if there are no pathologies, referrals are given to maternity hospitals of the first group. A woman in labor falls into the second category if she has a large fetus, polyhydramnios, a narrow pelvis, or a multiple pregnancy. Thirdly, if the pregnant woman has previously had a cesarean section, has progressive chronic diseases, or has a transverse presentation of the fetus. Your stay in the maternity hospital and hospitalization, if necessary, should be free.

2. “Put the money in the envelope”. The desire to thank the doctor has been cultivated in us for years. Our grandparents did this, our parents did this, and almost everyone around us does this. However, if there is no extra finance in the family, then you should not be upset. Indeed, in some cases, new parents commit illegal actions. The fact is that, according to the rules of the Civil Code, employees of medical institutions are allowed to make gifts worth no more than three thousand rubles. And that’s on a voluntary basis.

3. “Pay with a new method”. You may be asked to pay for a more modern method of caesarean section. That is, using epidural or spinal anesthesia, with a small transverse incision above the pubis and subsequent suturing of the wound with absorbable threads. However, this method of caesarean section is officially prescribed in a letter from the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

4. “Daddy costs money too.”. You may be required to pay money for your father's presence at the birth, but the father has the right to attend absolutely free of charge. To do this, the maternity hospital may require him to undergo fluorography and tests for HIV and hepatitis. An important point: a loved one will be able to attend the birth only if there are individual delivery rooms, and such conditions are not available in all maternity hospitals.

5. “You don’t have a birth certificate”. This situation is quite possible, but is not an obstacle on the way to the maternity hospital. They must admit you there even without this document.

The fact is that upon admission to the maternity hospital, you may immediately be asked to sign a document stating that you a priori agree to any procedures and operations, but this is illegal. The reasons and consequences of such actions must be explained to any patient so that he himself can decide whether they are necessary. But in practice, a pregnant woman does not always have time to do this, so the best option here is to issue a notarized power of attorney for one of your close people, and they will be able to give or refuse consent to certain medical procedures on your behalf. It is also interesting how the patient’s rights change depending on the co-payment or lack thereof. For example, relatives are sometimes prohibited from visiting a “free” woman in labor, citing sterility. For some reason, this rule no longer works in the case of payment for childbirth. If you are asked to pay for hospital services, call your insurance company first. If these payments are illegal, you can send a complaint to the chief doctor of the maternity hospital.

Anton Tsygankov


So, once you get to the maternity hospital, it is very important to understand that your well-being and the health of your baby depend not only on the doctors. First of all, everything is in our own hands, because any woman in labor has the right to refuse certain procedures by law. It’s another matter when the desire to maintain order turns into an obsessive desire to completely plan the birth process and refuse even the help that is vitally necessary for you. Therefore, trust doctors, but know: if your rights are really violated, you can defend them.

Pregnancy and preparation for the appearance of a “little miracle”, by definition, is one of the most pleasant periods in a woman’s life. However, the closer the day of birth, the more worries and worries expectant mothers have. The question of where the baby will be born becomes relevant. To this will be added preparations for the maternity hospital and worries about “how will I be there alone.” Together with MedAboutMe, we figure out how to safely survive your stay in the maternity hospital and remain satisfied at the same time.

Right to rights

In what status do people usually enter a medical facility? More like a supplicant than a client. This is a fact. Especially if it's an emergency. They look at the doctor with pleading in their eyes when someone close to them feels bad. They are embarrassed to disturb a nurse or orderly, so as not to hear in response another portion of “friendly instructions” about the rules of behavior for the patient, although we are talking about the direct responsibilities of the medical staff. Pregnant and giving birth women are especially vulnerable - they also worry about the child, especially if this happens for the first time.

Why does this happen? As a rule, because not everyone and does not always know about their rights when they get to the maternity hospital.

What to do? Just read the article. 30, which is in the “Fundamentals of Legislation” protecting the health of Russian citizens. If possible, consult with a lawyer in advance about what can and cannot be required in the maternity hospital. Believe me, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

Firstly, the medical staff and service personnel must treat a woman admitted to the maternity hospital with respect. Any woman who gave birth (well, perhaps, except for those who were assigned to special conditions at paid clinics) was faced with inhumane treatment of herself. The most “harmless” of the set is “What are you yelling about? I knew what I was getting into!” There are many psychological traumas after such “friendly” words. It is difficult to prove rudeness.

What to do? Don't get upset. You can go to court. In addition, the mother (or relatives) has the right to write a complaint about boorish behavior or the doctor’s words to her immediate superiors, citing the law on the protection of rights. It will definitely work. Medical staff must know that they are responsible not only for their actions, but also for their words.

Secondly, women are not always informed that partner childbirth is a free service, according to the law. Paid partner births are organized in private medical institutions.

What to do? Inform in advance that you want to exercise this right and prepare for it. Remember that medications for the mother and partner must be paid for independently.

Thirdly, a woman has the right to refuse any medical intervention. This can be demanded both in relation to the woman herself and in relation to the child. Reason: the same Law (Article 33).

What to do?

notify the doctor; listen carefully to his explanations about possible consequences; sign a record of this in the appropriate medical document. Specialist commentary Sergei Golovin, lawyer

The first thing you need to understand is that only you can determine where to give birth and how, whether the father will be present or not. If they demand money for the presence of the father, you must complain - this is illegal, unless there is no technical possibility.

Only you can make the final decision:

whether to save or not; refuse a doctor if he is rude or behaves unprofessionally; whether to take prescribed medications; whether to take the prescribed tests.

Upon admission to a medical institution, you may be asked to sign a statement where you immediately agree to any interventions and medical procedures.

Remember - this is illegal. You won’t always be able to understand what’s going on, so my advice is to give a notarized power of attorney to a person who can protect you and, if you need to refuse or allow doctors to perform certain procedures.

You or your authorized representative have the right to receive complete information about the progress of treatment and the course of pregnancy in an understandable form.

The doctor should answer all the questions that concern you. This also applies to prescriptions, medications - what they are for, side effects, how they can affect the child, the doctor must know and explain all this.

Using a birth certificate, a woman can register with any municipal or state antenatal clinic if she wishes, if she does not want to go to the one at whose address she is registered. In case of refusal, according to the law, criminal liability arises. If this happens, contact the head physician; if this does not help, write to the police or prosecutor’s office. If you do not have a birth certificate, you must be admitted to the maternity hospital.

After the birth of the baby, the mother has the right to attach him to the breast. In the future, she may refuse supplementary feeding and breastfeed on demand.

You are responsible for the child, so it is your right to refuse medications that may be administered to the child. Mom has the right to know what these drugs are, their effects and other information.

You have the right to refuse vaccinations if you think that this is not necessary or if you do not like the instructions for the drug. If you do not want to be seen by a doctor or health visitor, you can refuse this. If you think that the baby is sick, but the doctor says that everything is fine, ask for tests and ask the opinion of another doctor.

Also, according to labor law, you have the right to:

for leave and maternity benefits; you cannot be fired; You cannot be refused employment because of your position; cannot be required to work overtime or night work; send on a business trip; are obliged to reduce production standards while maintaining earnings. I’ll come quickly, I’ll give birth quickly

Depending on the type of birth a woman has, her behavior in the maternity hospital is determined.

Experienced mothers know everything and even more, so they can give professional advice to “firstborns.” Don't be alarmed - this word is sometimes also used to describe women giving birth for the first time. And your status will soon change - you will become a mommy.

Those who have a difference of 5-6 years between the first and second visit to the maternity hospital will notice changes. If you're lucky, they'll be for the better.

And yet, every woman on the eve of childbirth will face the following question: how to survive there?

It's not that scary. We need to prepare for what awaits there. Mentally and physically. However, for those mothers who already have a child, the option “I already know everything, so I’ll quickly come, give birth and go home” will not work.

Expert commentaryMichelle Oden, obstetrician-gynecologist, researcher, author of the book “Revived Childbirth”

The circumstances of a person’s birth influence the following qualities: sociability, aggressiveness, friendliness, and the ability to love. Over 50 years of work, I had the opportunity to attend 15 thousand births.

The main advice for a woman who is about to give birth is that she needs a special atmosphere and environment. Everyone knows this, but few people care about it and not everyone understands it.

Thanks to research, we have begun to better understand the true reasons that make childbirth difficult. This is cause for concern.

A woman giving birth needs to produce a whole cocktail of hormones produced in the brain. Not the whole brain participates in this during childbirth, but only its oldest part. Using modern scientific language, it can be explained that if during childbirth some events begin to activate the cerebral cortex, which is more developed in humans than in animals, then this slows down the process of childbirth. Any stimulation of thought processes can interfere with the progress of labor.

What are these factors that prevent the intellect from resting?

Firstly, the language. Especially rational. A woman giving birth enters a certain state that allows her to relax. All her sensations are directed inward. Any questions at this time disturb the woman.

Secondly, bright light. During childbirth, a woman does not need vivid visual impressions. On the contrary, dim lighting helps her.

Thirdly, the feeling that the whole world is watching you. It gets in the way. Studies have been conducted in the West that have confirmed that it is calmer for a woman when there are not a lot of people around during childbirth, except for the midwife.

Fourthly, the release of adrenaline (and during childbirth this is fear) also negatively affects a woman. Any impressions that frighten the woman in labor slow down the process. A woman needs security. The midwife must play the role of an advocate.

In the traditional sense, feeling protected during childbirth means that there is someone nearby whom the woman trusts and feels protected. The midwife in this situation is the prototype of the mother who will protect.

And one more important question. For thousands of years people have tried to describe love, but no one was interested in how the ability to love develops.

I have an answer to this question - love begins at the moment of childbirth. If you interfere with the natural course of childbirth (pain relief, for example), this ability to love may not be formed.

Lifehacks for the maternity hospital

Any woman who appears in a building where they help the birth of new citizens of the country will benefit from the experience from previous “races,” which is now called a “life hack.”

1. Experienced mothers know: you need to get ready for the maternity hospital in advance (about a month in advance) and you need to do it yourself in order, as they say, to “remember everything.”

2. Upon admission (unless labor has already begun), certain procedures are required, some of which the woman can do at home in advance, in order to:

firstly, reduce the reception time; secondly, exclude manipulations with someone else's shaving machine and scissors.

3. Throw out of your head “horror movies” about incessant unbearable fights. Consult a doctor, midwife or more experienced mother in advance and get down to business. Instead of mental suffering about “Oh, I can’t stand this unbearable pain!”, screams from the heart and endless calls to the medical staff, walk, breathe, count contractions. Before the time (before the pushing begins), do not pull the nurses and doctors.

Personal experience

Svetlana Zolotareva, perinatal and analytical psychologist

When should mommy “move forward” to the maternity hospital?

If your water breaks at home, start counting the water-free period. You can't wait more than 12 hours.

About contractions.

Subjectively, contractions occurring once every 5 minutes are really sensitive. If you are counting on anesthesia in advance, then it is at this moment that the doctor will ask: “Shall we take pain relief?” The decision whether to take pain relief or not depends on how this process goes for you. This largely depends on your motivation, since many women now want to minimize the intervention of doctors. Someone is waiting in advance for the anesthesiologist. You make the decision. Everyone's pain threshold is different and you will have your own experience.

What awaits you in the maternity hospital?

I want to warn you. In any maternity hospital, three procedures await you in the emergency department:

asking questions that seem unnecessary to women - you can write everything off from the exchange card - but this survey is necessary for verification; shaving the perineum (to avoid anything, take a razor with you or do it at home); magic enema (our domestic women are unusually shy and the feeling of shame covers all labor, so take a shower after the enema and before “sending” to the maternity ward).

If you have contact lenses.

It is better to take glasses for childbirth. If you don’t want to, be sure to take a spare container with a spare pair of lenses. Glasses, in my opinion, are more convenient. This is temporary while you are in the maternity hospital.

4. You’ll be lucky if they take you to the ward “after that” on a gurney. Usually, with the air of a philosopher, you have to accept the fact that you will have to get to it yourself, trying not to drop the diaper lining and things. You'll be lucky again when the pediatric nurse follows the child and grabs your things.

5. Many people know that a woman who has given birth is “attacked by zhor.” However, you may be late for the next lunch or dinner due to your busy childbirth, so stock up on something conveniently edible in advance: everything that you can eat quickly and without unnecessary preparations. The hospital catering unit should not be completely written off. Sometimes there is quite edible food there.

6. A warning that it is strictly forbidden to take linen into the maternity hospital - both bed linen and underwear. Everything is explained by the requirement to maintain sterility. Do not take into account the lack of three times (according to the rules) wet cleaning in the room, but rather do not be too lazy to stock up on sterile pads and sterile disposable panties.

7. The maternity hospital provides diapers. True, they have holes and are rough for a delicate body, but mommy needs to provide an option that the laundry is not open on weekends and holidays. Stock up strategically in advance. Disposable diapers are also useful, but you need to wrap the baby in something. Many maternity hospitals allow you to take baby clothes - bodysuits and rompers.

8. Bring earplugs. Mom must sleep sometime. If your own baby is calm, your neighbor’s may start screaming. If this “trouble” has passed, then any woman will wake up from the sound of buckets rattling late in the evening or early in the morning, doors swinging open at dawn with the simultaneous switching on of lights and screams notifying that the temperature is being measured.

9. Rumors about sterility in the maternity ward should not confuse either expectant or established mothers when they head to the shower or toilet. Suggested disposable toilet seat covers are not commonly observed. Not everyone will be able to handle the weight, especially the “caesareans”. A roll of regular transparent bags will help a lot. Some mothers use cling film.

10. A woman who has just given birth can, of course, ask a “stupid” question to the doctor, but experienced mothers know: doctors do not like this outrage. Especially during the rounds. It is worth asking your roommates or nurse any questions you may have in advance. If the question still remains relevant or the baby’s condition raises real concerns, you need to ask the doctor again - preferably after a round.

11. Don't forget to take water with you. Lots of water. Childbirth is a strenuous physical exercise. Remember how much water you drank after fitness classes “before.” It is not recommended to drink water from the hospital tap, and tea provided during breakfast or dinner runs out quickly.

12. When collecting a cosmetic bag for the maternity hospital, put chapstick in it. Your lips dry out, during childbirth you often lick them, and even try to bite them. After childbirth, your lips will “thank you” for your forethought.

13. Bring warm clothes: a jacket, a shawl, socks. Drafty corridors are common, and after childbirth, women often feel cold.

14. Phone charger is your everything. The flow of congratulations, chats and messages after a joyful event cannot be handled by any phone. He will have to be “fed.”

15. Be sure to take your husband with you to the maternity hospital - it is irreplaceable and very useful.

Childbirth is a unique process. Any woman needs timely support. She hopes that everything will go well for both her and the baby.

The main thing is confidence, a calm attitude towards what is happening and positivity. Add knowledge to the kit - success is guaranteed.

Today we have to figure out what documents to take with us to the maternity hospital. In fact, this question is extremely important. Usually, expectant mothers think about packing things, but not enough attention is paid to documents. What can be useful to a woman in labor in this or that case? When and why to prepare a package of documents for the maternity hospital? The answers to these questions will be found below. In fact, understanding the topic being studied is much easier than it seems.

Documents and childbirth - is it necessary?

What documents will each girl need for the maternity hospital? And in general, are they needed at such a crucial moment? The answer is not so simple.

On the one hand, documents do not play any role directly for labor activity. They will not be needed either during labor or after the baby is born. On the other hand, it will not be possible to register a woman in labor at a medical institution without certain papers. In the best case, the girl will give birth in an observation room, along with unexamined people. At worst, the lack of certain documents will lead to the woman being denied services. Yes, according to the law they should not do this, but such cases do occur.

What does it mean? Documents for the maternity hospital must be collected without fail. It is recommended to prepare them in advance. This process will be described in more detail below.

When to start preparing

The first step is to choose the moment to start preparing all the documents. This question is individual. The answer to this directly depends on the course of a particular pregnancy. It is best to prepare documents for the maternity hospital along with the main bags.

More precisely, every woman at approximately 35-36 weeks of pregnancy should put all the documents necessary for childbirth in a separate file. It is advisable to keep it ready. Even better - always carry it with you. After all, in late pregnancy, contractions can begin at any time.


Now a little about what kind of papers a girl may need during childbirth. Where to start preparing for this process?

What documents are needed for the maternity hospital? The first piece of paper that a woman in labor should have in her bag is an identity card. More precisely, we are talking about a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is impossible to do without it. This applies to both paid and free births.

If at the time of the expected date of birth the identity card is at the production stage (for example, if it is replaced or lost), you will have to take with you a certificate replacing the passport. It is issued by the Federal Migration Service.


The next important document is the medical insurance policy. Every person living in the Russian Federation should have it.

A policy is issued at the request of a citizen from insurance companies. For example, in Sogaz-Med. The procedure is absolutely free.

Documents for the maternity hospital do not end there. If the policy is exchanged at the time of contractions, you will have to use its temporary analogue. Without this document, a citizen may simply not be accepted into a medical institution or provided with services for a fee. Not the best scenarios.

Exchange card

What documents are needed for the maternity hospital? The next extremely important piece of paper is the exchange card. This is the “calling card” of every woman in labor. It must be issued to all expectant mothers.

The exchange card is a small A4 format magazine folder. It records data about the future mother, father, and family living conditions. But the main feature of exchange cards is that they contain information about the woman’s health status. Tests, ultrasounds, examinations by specialists - everything is stored in the “exchange”.

Where can I get this document? It is issued when registering for pregnancy. An exchange card is issued either by an antenatal clinic or by any private medical center that has the right to manage pregnancy in women.

Birth certificate

What documents should every expectant mother prepare for the maternity hospital? Among the main mandatory documents is a birth certificate. This is a small paper, usually pink. It is divided into several parts. One is left in the maternity hospital, one is given to the antenatal clinic where the woman was observed, and the last part is transferred to the clinic for monitoring the newborn in the first year of life.

A birth certificate allows a medical institution to receive additional money for delivering births. The document is issued after the 30th week of pregnancy (usually later, around 36-37 weeks) at the antenatal clinic.

However, the absence of a birth certificate will not affect the progress of labor in any way. If the document has not yet been prepared at the antenatal clinic, the maternity hospital itself will issue it. Or one of your loved ones can bring a certificate after the birth of the child.


Documents for the maternity hospital must be collected carefully. Especially when it comes to paid childbirth. Why?

The thing is that everyone in the Russian Federation offers both paid and free services. In the first case, a woman and her baby receive increased comfort, a specific doctor during childbirth, a personal obstetrician, as well as an individual room (if paid for). Without a contract, even a girl who paid for the services will give birth as a “free woman.” Not the best prospect.

That is why it is important not to forget the contract with the medical institution during childbirth. The document serves as confirmation that the expectant mother has paid for certain services and increased comfort.

For a partner

Now it’s clear what documents will be required for the maternity hospital. But that's not all. Today in Russia the practice of partner childbirth is actively developing. This is when someone close to you is with the woman in labor. This technique helps to provide the expectant mother with peace of mind. Often, such a service is provided only to women who have entered into a contract with one or another maternity hospital, although by law it is a free service.

Partner births also require certain documents from the accompanying person. What are we talking about? Most often, medical institutions require from a person who comes with a woman in labor:

  • ID card (passport);
  • blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • fluorography.

Typically, no further documentation will be required. As practice shows, each maternity hospital puts forward its own requirements for accompanying persons. Some simply recommend taking your passport with you. And have fluorography and tests “just in case.”

Upon discharge (required)

Now a little about what documents you will have to pick up upon discharge from the maternity hospital. It's hard to believe, but childbirth is not only the birth of a baby. The event is burdened with a little paperwork.

So, upon discharge, a woman must have the following papers:

  • passport;
  • policy;
  • birth certificate (2 parts).

These are required documents. But in practice, most often the list is supplemented with several more papers. What are we talking about?

What documents do they give from the maternity hospital? The mother is required to receive a birth certificate for the baby. She will help register the newborn in the registry office. You cannot leave the maternity hospital without this paper.

Extract (additional documents)

The thing is that if she refuses the first vaccinations (BCG and hepatitis B), the mother will receive a document indicating this decision. In addition, the child will not be issued a vaccination card. This document will later be issued at the clinic where the baby is being monitored.

The exchange card is sometimes given to women as a souvenir. In addition, every new mother must be given a sheet from the “exchange” indicating the health status of the girl and the newborn.

But that's not all. In practice, among the mandatory documents upon discharge, there is a certificate about the outcome of the birth and its features. This paper is given to the antenatal clinic or remains with the new mother.

If you didn't give the documents

From now on it is clear what documents are given from the maternity hospital. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. What to do if they refuse to issue some papers?

Without them, a woman may not be discharged from the maternity hospital. It is imperative to require:

  • a certificate about the characteristics of childbirth;
  • a page from the birth certificate about the mother’s health status;
  • baby exchange card;
  • vaccination card (if vaccinations were given in the maternity hospital);
  • a certificate for the registry office about the birth of a child.

All of the listed documents, as already mentioned, are issued to all women giving birth. Without a certificate from the registry office, a child cannot be registered. And the lack of information about the health status of the newborn will interfere with normal monitoring of the baby in the clinic. Sometimes maternity hospitals immediately transmit information about the mother and newborn to the intended place of observation of the baby.

Conclusions and Conclusions

From now on, it is clear what documents may be required for the maternity hospital. A list of all papers was presented earlier. Documents must be provided in originals. Copies of these will not be accepted. This is normal.

Some mothers are interested in whether SNILS is needed when entering the maternity hospital. In fact, there is no need for this document. SNILS is not needed for childbirth. But it is advisable to have it with you.

Documents for childbirth in a maternity hospital must be collected and prepared in advance. Otherwise, a woman may face a number of unpleasant surprises. For example, instead of contract services, she will be provided with general conditions for childbirth. Or a healthy woman will be taken to give birth to an observation room and placed not in a general ward, but in an observation room. This is far from the most pleasant thing. After all, in this case, you can end up in the same room with sick women in labor.

As a rule, collecting all the necessary papers does not cause any trouble for a woman. Every expectant mother should have all the documents, if correct. And if you put them in one place in advance, then during labor or during planned hospitalization you won’t have to worry about making sure that the woman in labor has all the papers.

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. Every woman is required to provide documents to the maternity hospital. Upon discharge, almost all the documents provided are returned to new parents, and they are also given certificates to register the baby at the registry office and to inform doctors about the progress of labor/the health status of the newborn. Minimum paperwork! It is not difficult to collect documents upon admission to the maternity hospital.