The Russian cloud electronic document management system is modular. Documentation in the information society: cloud technologies and electronic document management

“Cloud document management” is a modern document management technology in which the necessary software for working with documents is provided to the user as an Internet service. This is a service based on the SaaS (Software as a Service) model - software as a service. This approach allows you not to buy a software product, but to temporarily use it when the need arises, paying for the actual time of use of the resource. At the same time, any employee of the company from his personal computer (laptop, tablet), with access to the Internet, can work with electronic documents: create, edit, coordinate and approve documents at any time, regardless of his location.

The advantages of cloud document management are obvious, which are expressed primarily in saving money on the purchase, installation and support of appropriate software, as well as the necessary IT infrastructure. The flexibility and scalability of the cloud solution allows you to connect any number of users to the system at any time from anywhere in the world - a need that is caused by the increasing mobility of modern business. The use of cloud document flow also allows companies with branches and subsidiaries to standardize document flow through the use of a single version of the software by all company structures.

We cannot exclude the disadvantages of cloud document management, which are associated with the need to transfer confidential information to third parties, as well as the likelihood of technical failures, for example, service shutdown as a result of force majeure.

But it should be noted that cloud technologies are now becoming more and more in demand.

According to IDC, the total cloud services market will reach $98 billion in 2016. Of these, $37 billion will be in software services (SaaS), $30 billion in infrastructure services (IaaS), $10 billion for platform provision (PaaS) and $20 billion for infrastructure software development.

The average annual growth of the cloud services market in Russia, according to IDC forecasts, in the period from 2013 to 2017, will be more than 40%, and the volume of the cloud services market in Russia in 2015 will reach $1.2 billion. Research by Gardner has shown that about 40% of companies plan to implement business process automation systems based on the SaaS principle. Document management using the SaaS model will allow companies to save more than 50% of infrastructure and management costs compared to traditional software implementation.

According to experts, the trend of placing EDMS in the clouds will intensify in the near future, especially among medium and small businesses.

Developers of industry solutions for electronic document management and electronic document management are bringing new products to the market and implementing corresponding cloud projects. Interesting solutions are presented by the companies EOS, Intertrust, DIRECTUM, Docsvision, etc. Let's consider some of them.


SaaS(Software as a Service) is a business model for selling and using software in which the supplier develops a web application and independently manages it, providing customers with access to the software via the Internet.

IaaS(Infrastructure as a Service) is the provision of computer infrastructure (usually in the form of virtualization) as a service based on the concept of cloud computing.

PaaS(Platform as a Service) is a cloud computing provision model in which the consumer gets access to the use of information technology platforms: operating systems, database management systems, middleware, development and testing tools hosted by the cloud provider.


The Electronic Office Systems company provides the eDocLib ECM system under the SaaS model. The EOS partner in this project is the Int-Inform company, which allocates the resources of its certified data center to host the system (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Access to the cloud service.

The eDocLib system implements all the functions of classic electronic document management systems:

  • translation of paper documents into electronic form (scanning);
  • registration in the system and systematization of documents;
  • management of the life cycle of electronic documents - from the creation of a draft document, its approval, approval, distribution, issuance of instructions and tasks on it, etc. to full execution and archiving.

eDocLib capabilities allow you to easily set up an employee’s personal space - a virtual desktop. When logging into the system, the user gets quick access to all necessary and frequently used resources: recent documents, personal folders, running and new tasks, received messages, selected sections of the rubricator, current collections of necessary data (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Interface of the eDocLib system.


Electronic office systems together with Rostelecom implemented the cloud-based electronic document management service “O7.DOK”, which is part of the O7 National Cloud Platform.

Service "O7. DOK" is intended for use in organizations of various forms of ownership, state and local government bodies, as well as in budgetary institutions. The service allows you to automate office processes and interdepartmental electronic document management, including for the provision of public services. The functionality of the service is presented in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. O7 functionality. DOK

By connecting to the “O7. DOK", any organization will be able to register all electronic documents, control the passage and execution of documents, work with projects and versions of documents. It also supports the functions of administering and storing documents, various types of document search, generating reports, integration with the e-government infrastructure, and using an electronic digital signature to organize legally significant document flow.


Docsvision offers the 4EasyCM service, a cloud-based document and business process management solution based on its own technology platform. This is a simple cloud service designed for small or medium-sized businesses. It provides storage of files and documents, backup, transfer of files and documents to work folders, search and viewing of documents, allows you to manage the life cycle of documents with the ability to control versions and configure the approval route (Fig. 4).

Fig.4. 4EasyCM system interface

The company has another cloud solution “Docsvision: External Document Management”, based on the company’s basic electronic document management system Docsvision 5 and integrated with the Diadoc system.


Diadoc is a cloud service provided by SKB Kontur. It allows organizations to exchange any external and internal documents (agreements, acts, etc.), signed electronically, with their clients, suppliers, partners, and remote departments (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Main page of the Diadoc system

Diadoc provides a full range of capabilities necessary for full-fledged work with electronic documents in an organization. For its part, the “Docsvision: External Document Flow” module provides the integration of functions for exchanging documents with counterparties for any processes supported by the corporate EDMS:

contractual process, the process of exchange of correspondence, the process of supply orders, coordination of various documents with counterparties, etc.

Documents accompany the business processes of companies, the participants of which can be not only their employees, but also other companies, so the issues of exchange of legally significant documents, operational interaction of participants in business processes to coordinate various issues and other communications are very relevant today. The cloud solutions offered in this area are quite diverse.


The 1C-Bitrix company launched the cloud collaboration service Bitrix24, which is based on the concept of a social intranet. The Bitrix24 service is hosted in several data centers in the Amazon cloud.

Bitrix24 combines familiar working tools for managing tasks, documents, and working time with well-known social services (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Bitrix24 service interface

In the “live feed”, you can quickly create a message to one or more employees and attach a document to the message by dragging it to the upload area from your computer or from the library on the portal (Fig. 7).

Rice. 6. Creating a message in the Bitrix24 system

The service allows you to work with documents on the portal in any conditions, even in the absence of the Internet. When you connect to the Internet, documents on the portal and on your work device are synchronized.

On the portal, each employee has a “Files” folder, in which you can create data catalogs with any object storage hierarchy. When new materials are published, they are immediately indexed, with the help of which an instant search for the necessary documents is carried out. The history of changes is saved, so you can always restore the previous version of the document.

If you do not have the software necessary to work with documents on your computer, for example, an office suite, you can use Google Docs technology. This technology allows you to open, view and edit any files of popular formats directly on the website.

Many vendors already have cloud solutions for their products. The I-Teco company offers businesses cloud services based on technologies from the world's leading vendors, based on its own TrustInfo data center. The i-Oblako cloud services store has a fairly large range of cloud services, including those for document automation.


The DIRECTUM company offers a cloud option for deploying the DIRECTUM system in the infrastructure of cloud IaaS providers and is ready to supply licenses under the SaaS model.

In this case, the customer organization can purchase the DIRECTUM system under classic licensing schemes, and then place the system server on the provider’s servers or in a private cloud. Access to the system will be via a web browser and in terminal mode. The system provides web access from any browser and from almost any device, including mobile phones and tablets. If the cloud provider’s server hosts the client part of the system (desktop applications), then access to DIRECTUM is also possible using terminal access technology. In this case, the user gets the opportunity to fully work with the functionality of the DIRECTUM system, including all application modules.

To familiarize users with the capabilities of the system, the company deployed a DIRECTUM demo stand in the infrastructure of the cloud computing provider, which corresponds to the SaaS model. The demo stand contains all the functional modules of the system and provides the ability to work with the demo version of DIRECTUM via web access and in terminal mode (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. DIRECTUM system

In order to attract the attention of small and medium-sized businesses to cloud solutions, DIRECTUM conducted an experiment to deploy its system on the cloud infrastructure provided by ActiveCloud. The goal of the experiment was to identify the maximum number of users who could comfortably work through a thick client with the DIRECTUM system located on an inexpensive cloud server.


InterTrust, while developing a new version of the CompanyMedia system, took into account the requirements for modern EDMS put forward by the state and business, which were reflected in a number of architectural changes. Content socialization was carried out, an integration module with the interdepartmental electronic document management system (IDF) was developed, and the possibility of deploying the system in the cloud was introduced (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Cloud EDMS model

It should be noted that the company has an interesting approach to system development. The company invited all interested parties to discuss in an open dialogue the key aspects of creating a modern EDMS:

issues of choosing architecture, scalability, user interface design, usability, information security and other issues. Artemy Lebedev’s studio was involved in the development of the WEB interface (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. CompanyMedia interface

Features of the CompanyMedia 4 interface are platform and browser independence, customizability depending on the user's role in the system, and a case management system. The system supports several mobile clients, working on a personal computer, laptop, smartphone (BlackBerry) and tablet (iPad) (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Manager’s workplace

EMC Documentum 7.0

EMC Corporation offers a new version of the EMC Documentum 7.0 platform, optimized for deployment in the cloud. The optimization is based on the use of the new xCelerated Management System technology, developed jointly with VMware, which allows you to quickly, in just a few hours, deploy Documentum 7.0 in a private cloud based on VMware technologies.

In addition, EMC has its own cloud environment, EMC OnDemand. This is a public cloud that provides users with the ability to work with applications installed in the EMC data center. The following company solutions are available for use: solution for entering and processing paper data EMC Captiva 7.0, document automation solution Documentum 7.0, solution for creating and distributing documents EMC Documentum Sciences.

The company is constantly improving its application portfolio. Recently, the EMC Documentum EMA (Enterprise Migration Appliance) solution was released to the market, designed to support projects for migrating corporate EDMS/ESM to the EMC Documentum 7.0 platform.

E1 Euphrates

The cloud version of “E1 Euphrates” from Cognitive Technologies allows you to organize electronic document management by placing the configured server component of the system along with documents on a server located in the company’s own secure data center. The functionality of the E1 Euphrates SaaS solution allows you to:

  • store large arrays of structured documents;
  • manage folders and documents;
  • work with different versions of documents, saving the entire history of changes;
  • develop and work with document templates;
  • view documents within the system using internal tools;
  • coordinate and approve documents in the system;
  • carry out effective document searches;
  • access the system from various stationary and mobile devices.

The company provides information security for the SaaS version of the E1 Euphrates system. For this purpose, in June 2012, the latest security system was introduced for the company’s data center servers, providing the fourth level of reliability for E1 servers.

Experts in the field of electronic document management believe that at the present stage, the use of EDMS/ESM using the SaaS model can only satisfy small companies that need simple free services to organize document flow. For medium and large organizations, security issues come to the fore, and the SaaS model is still perceived by them as an unjustified risk. But despite this, cloud-based EDMS have a great future, which is built on the advantages of the model: ease of implementation, reduced costs for purchasing and operating the system, transfer of system maintenance functions, the ability to work with EDMS from any operating system and from any location.


National cloud platform is a complex of integrated information systems designed to provide executive authorities at various levels, local governments, commercial organizations and individuals with services using the cloud computing model.

Terminal operating mode- organization of network operation of the information system by placing all user applications and data on a central server (servers), access to which is carried out from terminal machines manufactured in a simplified design and, as a result, at low cost, occupying a minimum of space, silent and practically requiring maintenance.

T.V. Alekseeva, Associate Professor, Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"

Annotation: The article provides an analysis of the current state of the EDMS market in Russia. The advantages of using cloud technologies in the public sector have been identified. The features of the implementation of cloud-based EDMS in government agencies are considered.

Key words: cloud technologies, EDMS, public sector.

Currently, significant changes are taking place in Russia in the field of office automation and document flow. Experts note the active interest of domestic organizations in taking advantage of the benefits provided by electronic document management.

Stimulating the development of the Russian market for electronic document management systems (EDMS) is due to such trends as import substitution, the creation of a register of Russian software, the development of cloud technologies, as well as the process of scaling or replacing outdated IT solutions.

According to TAdviser, in 2016, EDMS projects were most actively implemented in the public sector and social structures. About 19% of almost 4 thousand implementations of this class of systems relate specifically to government agencies. High demand for EDS is also recorded in the financial industry, construction, trade, mechanical engineering and energy.

According to TAdviser data, the leader in the implementation of EDMS in the public sector is the company KS-Consulting, a partner of the Electronic Office Systems company (developer of the EDMS Delo). Next comes the EOS company itself, Digital Design (Docsvision integrator partner), ELAR and Office-Doc (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Shares of companies by number of EDMS projects in the public sector

I would like to note that a significant trend that is now observed by all experts and which has a significant impact on the entire domestic document management industry is “cloud document management.”

“Cloud document management” is a modern document management technology in which the necessary software for working with documents is provided to the user as an Internet service. This is a service based on the SaaS (Software as a Service) model - software as a service. This approach allows you not to buy a software product, but to temporarily use it when the need arises, paying for the actual time of use of the resource.

The use of EDMS in SaaS format has a number of advantages, which are expressed primarily in saving money on the purchase, installation and support of appropriate software. The flexibility and scalability of the cloud solution allows you to connect any number of users to the system at any time from anywhere in the world - a need that is caused by the increasing mobility of modern business. The use of cloud document flow also allows companies with branches and subsidiaries to standardize document flow through the use of a single version of the software by all company structures. Thus, for many organizations, EDMS based on the SaaS model are becoming the only option for intelligent management of resources and costs.

Experts say that the use of cloud-based EDMS will only increase in the future, especially for medium and small businesses. According to experts, electronic document management systems of large companies will develop in so-called “private” clouds, which make it possible to centralize the document management tools of geographically distributed companies in a single Data center.

I would like to note that the tendency to include cloud services in the IT strategy on the part of government agencies has become noticeable only recently. The implementation of software using a cloud model by Russian ministries and departments reflects national specifics in the context of changing international relations, on the one hand, and the complication of the economic situation in Russia, on the other. At the moment, authorities are forced to optimize the costs of performing their functions, including saving on IT services against the backdrop of the general trend of e-government development.

In general, government customers are more ready to build their own private clouds than to rent public services. The work of government agencies with public clouds is hampered by security and regulatory requirements, including restrictions on the purchase of foreign-made services. Using the SaaS model, government agencies today consume solutions in the field of content management, electronic document management, collaboration or projects.

In 2016, the New Cloud Technologies company and the TAdviser analytical center conducted a study “Cloud services in government agencies”. According to the study, the most common types of cloud software among the surveyed authorities are electronic document management systems and data storage services (about 80%) (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Types of software used according to the cloud model

The most advanced regions in terms of the use of cloud solutions in the public sector are: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, Tula region (Table 1).

Table 1.

TOP 5 regions of the Russian Federation for migration to cloud solutions on a 10-point scale

Use of cloud services by authorities

Availability of local cloud providers

ICT expenses for 2016

(million rubles)

Saint Petersburg



Tula region

In these regions, migration of the public sector to cloud EDMS is widespread. In particular, the cloud-based EDMS “Practice” has been implemented in government agencies in Moscow and the Moscow region. In total, this solution is used by more than 40 federal and regional authorities.

It is worth noting that for a long time the main factor limiting the spread of cloud technologies, including cloud EDMS, in Russian regions was the limitations of communication channels and, mainly, the insufficient level of development of broadband access.

At the moment the situation is leveling out. As the study “Cloud services in government agencies” showed, more than 60% of the surveyed regional organizations confirm the use of cloud services or migration plans. A definite driver for regional cloud coverage was the O7 platform of the Rostelecom operator, which was focused primarily on services for regions and municipalities.

On the basis of this platform, the EOS company created a cloud service for electronic document management O7.DOK. This service is combined with a unified identification and authorization system (USIA), with the regional e-government infrastructure, including the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEI), and makes it possible to exchange data with WEB services of government authorities.

Of course, the use of SaaS-based EDMS in government agencies requires serious consideration in connection with the requirements for security and quality of remote connection to the system. The main way to solve the problem of information security today is to place an EDMS for subordinate enterprises and organizations, as well as for local governments, not on the Internet, but on the network of a regional government authority with the organization of channel protection, which takes into account the necessary requirements. Today, this practice has already developed in many regions of the country. Thus, since 2011, the Moscow government has been developing an electronic document management system based on the Praktika product, connecting departments and budgetary institutions to it.

When using this scheme, a private cloud is created at the level of a subject of the Russian Federation, in which all the solutions necessary for automating both the regional government body itself and all subordinate institutions are deployed. This ensures the effective transfer of documents both to higher authorities and between subordinate organizations, including between municipal authorities, and transparent monitoring of the status of execution of documents received from higher institutions. At the same time, a unified approach is ensured both to the regulation of work and to the protection of information.

It should also be noted that the area of ​​document automation is unevenly developed in Russia. Large government agencies at the federal level have this component better developed than at the regional and local levels. Experts note that government agencies that are weak in terms of informatization benefit most from the introduction of cloud-based EDMS. In addition, the dominant reasons for not using cloud services continue to be information security issues as well as regulatory restrictions. Representatives of regional authorities also see limited funding as a problem.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the trend of “moving” to the “cloud” of services for organizing electronic document management and, in particular, providing solutions using the SaaS model has become one of the main ones in the industry under consideration. Progress in the field of cloud computing in many cases today already makes the model of hosting EDMS in the cloud and providing organizations with the appropriate services for their use cost-effective.


  1. "Clouds" in the public sector: research by TAdviser and "New cloud technologies". [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (access date: November 20, 2017)
  2. Document flow in the clouds. Benefits and risks. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of access: November 21, 2017)
  3. How to launch the state into the clouds. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (date of access: November 22, 2017)
  4. EDMS in SaaS format. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: (access date: 11/22/2017)
Larisa Sitnikova
December 25, 2015 11:28 am

There is no doubt that cloud technology is changing business. Small companies value the ability to store documents in the cloud and conveniently manage them, while large business players value the opportunity to save money on purchasing and maintaining their own data storage infrastructure.

What the clouds offer us

The most important thing is cloud storage. Digital documents are always accessible from anywhere in the world and do not take up space in the office in the form of files. Some cloud services allow you to store files and documents without size restrictions. There are also services that provide access to different clouds through one portal, i.e. When accessing data, you will not notice that you are moving from server to server.

Organizing collaboration with data. This is one of the most important aspects of working in the cloud. Each employee can access the services from any device, which allows for improved collaboration on a project, reducing time spent on work and endless correspondence by email. When it comes to data security, documents can be protected with a password or set to be deleted after a certain amount of time (a few minutes, hours or days).

New trend - cloud CRM, ERP andECM-systems. This kind of local system is used in almost every company, regardless of its size. They have all the advantages of cloud storage and collaboration, and at the same time have a single structured database for storing information. The benefits of a cloud-based system are that you can always access important data. At the same time, you are protected from data loss if your internal server suddenly fails.

There is no need to locate servers directly in the office. You can use services of a third party company, which will provide you with a complete computer infrastructure: servers, data storage systems, network equipment, as well as software for managing these resources. Control and management of the infrastructure remains with the provider, allowing you to save money on equipment maintenance.

In the event of a system failure, you will always have disaster recovery plan. Companies that store their information on third-party resources do not have to worry about losing this information in the event of a fire or natural disaster (flood, etc.), because all necessary data can be obtained via the Internet.

When assessing the capabilities of new technologies, it is necessary to take a critical look at the potential risks:

● Your data is in the hands of third parties, so before choosing a vendor, you need to carefully check the security issue.

● Cloud service providers appear quickly and disappear just as quickly. In this case, there is a risk of losing all data. You will avoid it if you have multiple backups.

● Reliable and high-quality Internet connection. If there are communication problems, you will have to work with paper documents (or local copies).

● Increased costs can also come as a surprise if the cloud migration process has not been carefully planned. It is necessary to consider the scalability of the system for the future and at the same time stay within budget.

● You may also encounter different federal data storage laws if your cloud storage is physically located in another country. You need to know in which country your information is located.

Mistrust of clouds is primarily related to security issues. It is worth noting that some vendors allow companies to use your encryption keys. You can also encrypt files before transferring them to cloud storage. Encryption will ensure that only authorized users have access to confidential information. Besides:

● Most providers protect information using AES with key lengths of 128 or 256 bits.

● Cloud providers always back up data, which ensures the safety of files even if they have not been accessed for some time.

● Cloud storage is well-secured and keeps your data safe, while an external hard drive or USB drives containing information can easily be stolen.

Why clouds?

The answer to this question is simple: the biggest factor in migrating to the cloud is ease of use of the infrastructure and cost savings*.

*According to AIIM. 362 respondents took part in the survey; up to 3 answers could be selected.

Hybrid clouds and the future

Many experts in this area of ​​the market see the future in hybrid clouds, keeping in mind the security of information sharing. In a hybrid cloud, IT resources are combined: some of them are located in the internal (private) cloud of the organization, and others are in the public cloud, which is provided by a commercial provider. Thus, the number of resources increases and the internal control of applications is strengthened. “If hybrid clouds take off, it will be the right solution for many companies. They will still gain momentum,”


2 ORDER IN DOCUMENTS AND PROCESSES To coordinate and jointly edit documents, companies often use regular mail and various online services. Behind the apparent convenience of such tools, there are problems of searching for information and violating its confidentiality, scattered storage of documents and the accumulation of a large number of duplicates. Enterprise Content Management systems, such as DirectumRX, will help overcome “information chaos” and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of work. DirectumRX takes the processes of medium-sized companies to a new level: speeds up document flow; ensures transparency of employee interaction; increases control over performance discipline; streamlines office work, work with contracts and invoices; allows you to establish the exchange of electronic documents with counterparties; ensures effective project management. DirectumRX guarantees order in documents and processes.

3 Representatives of medium-sized businesses require full-fledged ECM capabilities to automate document flow, but large corporate systems are often redundant and too expensive for them. In addition, building your own IT infrastructure requires significant time resources, which can serve as an obstacle to the development of the organization's core activities. Virtual capacities from the cloud, as opposed to purchasing equipment and software, allow you to get quick results without any capital investments or hiring IT staff. But it is worth remembering that not all cloud services have sufficient functionality for document management and can be adapted to the company’s individual business processes. Konstantin Istomin Executive Director of DIRECTUM: The SaaS model is well suited for document automation when the customer needs a ready-made solution with rich capabilities at minimal initial costs. It is with these requirements in mind that we created DirectumRX. DirectumRX ECM system combines functionality for solving problems of medium-sized businesses and ease of use in the SaaS “Software as a Service” format. The idea of ​​DirectumRX is based on the “Rich Cloud System” approach SOLUTION FOR MEDIUM COMPANIES

4 RICH CLOUD SYSTEM As part of the Rich Cloud System concept, the DirectumRX ECM system combines the best characteristics of cloud (SaaS) and local (On-premise) solutions. Minimum initial costs for deployment and maintenance of SaaS Access at any time from anywhere SaaS Quick start of work SaaS Rich Cloud System On-premise On-premise On-premise Try the demo at Rich functionality of the ECM system Intuitive user-friendly interface Possibility adaptation to business processes

5 All this makes it possible to solve the problems of medium-sized companies without burdening the system. ADVANTAGES Functionality and flexibility Out of the box, powerful solutions are available to automate key business tasks: document and business process management, contracts and invoices, office work, meetings and projects. And you can customize their functions to suit the specific processes of your enterprise. Easy and convenient interface Operation is similar to Windows Explorer and Microsoſt Outlook. Visual covers and graphical representation of data speed up work. The system analyzes the actions of employees and suggests the necessary functions, flexibly calculates the deadlines for completing tasks for end-to-end business processes. Distributed and mobile work Uniform regulations, document templates, and confidentiality rules are supported for the work of geographically remote units, taking into account differences in time zones. All employees have access to mobile applications with the ability to work both online and offline. Exchange of electronic documents with counterparties You no longer need to think about what to automate first: internal or external document flow. The system has built-in capabilities for exchanging documents with counterparties through services such as Synerdocs. Roaming with key exchange operators is supported. The advantages of DirectumRX are implemented in the functionality of the system

6 SOLVED TASKS Document management: a unified corporate archive of documents easy stream scanning templates with automatic data substitution access rights and electronic signature document versions and work history linking documents by topic convenient and fast search Business processes and employee interaction: easy task setting control of performance discipline end-to-end correspondence by groups of work compliance with approval regulations management of meetings Orderly office work: registration of incoming, outgoing and internal documents tracking the location of documents issuing resolutions and issuing instructions monitoring the execution of decisions made

7 Comprehensive management of contracts and invoices for payment: templates of contracts and applications, regulations for approval and payments, unified registers and control of obligations, accounting for the availability of original documents. TASKS TO BE SOLVED Exchange of electronic documents with counterparties: quick connection to exchange services; easy sending of invitations to exchange to counterparties; sending, processing and control return of documents in one interface Effective project management at all stages: a unified register of company projects templates for project documents automatic assignment of access rights coordination and approval of documents according to regulations And it’s cheap

8 CONVENIENT RATES Choose the required number of users and connection period (month, quarter or year). RX10 RX25 RX50 RX75 RX100 Number of users 10 employees. 25 employees 50 employees 75 employees 100 employees Available data volume 20 GB 50 GB 100 GB 150 GB 200 GB Basic tariff cost* 3340 r r r r r. Document management Business processes and Meetings Office work Contracts and Invoices Exchange with counterparties Jazz mobile application Solo mobile application r r r r r r r. Projects r r r r r. Integration with 1C r r r r r. Full information about tariff plans on the website * When connecting to DirectumRX for 1 month.

9 Connecting to the system is just the beginning. The next step is setting up processes, regulations, training and user support. Options for setting up business processes and implementing the system CLIENT SUPPORT Independent implementation: only training the customer’s team to work in the system, implementing the project on their own. Implementation support: team training and online consultations on organizing work and initial system setup. Departure of experts if necessary. Turnkey implementation: complete project management by our specialists. We guarantee achievement of implementation goals and results to the specified performance indicators. Training to work in the system Administrator course (24 hours, 3 working days): includes learning the functions of DirectumRX applied administration and practice of independently setting up processes in the system. Seminar for users (3 hours): focused on solving applied business problems by employees when working with documents and their approval. Support and support, methodological support in project management and building new business processes; additional system configuration by our experts; technical support. And it's also safe

10 GUARANTEES There are many myths about the reliability of cloud technologies. The reason is lack of user awareness and a large amount of unreliable information. We pay great attention to the security aspect of working in the cloud. DirectumRX guarantees*: Confidentiality of your data. We have developed a number of organizational, administrative and technical measures aimed at ensuring the security of your information. Availability of 99% of the time the service is provided, achieved through consistently high quality of service. Security of your data. Backup and performance monitoring are performed 24/7, which guarantees timely detection of problems and their prompt elimination. * All guarantees and obligations for the provision of DirectumRX services are recorded in the SLA (Service Level Agreement; service level agreement). Our clients appreciate it

11 The largest aviation terminal in the North-West of Russia, offering a full range of services in the cargo transportation market CUSTOMER REVIEWS Automation of office work and contract management processes allowed us to take the company’s operating efficiency to a new level. DirectumRX fully meets our requirements both in terms of technical characteristics and in terms of user experience. Igor Rogozin Head of Information Technology Department Online booking and purchase system for tickets for cultural and sports events The DIRECTUM company offers quick implementation, and setting up business processes is not difficult, DIRECTUM specialists are always in touch and ready to help. Evgenia Popova Head of Administrative Department

12 Manage documents and processes easily DirectumRX is a cloud-based electronic document management system for automating medium-sized businesses and individual departments of large companies with user connections. Want to know more? Visit our website and get access to the demo stand Izhevsk +7 (3412) Moscow +7 (499)

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December 15, 2016 5:03 pm

Conversations about document management using cloud IT models began about five years ago, at which time the first offers began to appear on the market. At that moment, many experts said that it was the EDMS direction that could become one of the leaders among various types of enterprise application systems in terms of the use of cloud services, but it quickly became clear that these forecasts did not come true. There was, of course, some progress here, but not at all as rapid as it was seen at first.

What is the state of affairs with the use of cloud document management systems now? What are the trends, what are the challenges and how are they being addressed? To questions from PC Week as part ofreview answers Vasily Babintsev, Marketing Director of DIRECTUM.

Cloud models of EDMS use

Cloud computing is a general concept that implies that the customer, to one degree or another and in certain formats, uses certain computing resources of the IT supplier on a lease basis. This formulation shows that the level of cloudiness of IT systems can vary over a fairly significant range, and this level is often not determined by any one characteristic, but is multi-parametric.

Probably, this multi-parameter nature is especially typical for the field of document management. After all, various options for cloud models can be used here, for example, SaaS (ready-made cloud services for which cloud providers are entirely responsible) or placement of traditional on-premises solutions in a cloud IaaS infrastructure (then the provider is responsible for the infrastructure, but not for the software solution itself). Hybrid schemes are also possible, when the EDMS solution is deployed at the customer’s site, and the cloud is used as a document storage.

PC Week: So what do we mean by the definition of “cloud EDMS” or “document flow in the clouds”, which models are most in demand on the market? Who is the SaaS EDMS provider?

Vasily Babintsev: Behind the “we” union there may be several parties interested in the topic of clouds. It would be more logical to look at two of them – customers and vendors.

On the part of customers, clouds are a promising technology that allows them to obtain new benefits from the use of IT by reducing costs (start-up and infrastructure), other elasticity of consumption and opportunities for introducing changes in the company. Specific models of deployment (private, public or hybrid cloud), service (SaaS, Iaas and further up to *aaS) and interaction with suppliers (and providers) are selected by the client based on economic considerations.

DIRECTUM is a vendor of ECM systems, and we offer our customers the most popular options from their point of view. Now this is a SaaS solution in public and private clouds based on the DirectumRX system. We can also deploy an IaaS solution in a private cloud based on the DIRECTUM system. We are actively considering hybrid schemes with the removal of some business functions beyond the contours of only one cloud (for example, scanning and recognition of documents, preparation of complex reporting, exchange of documents with counterparties, long-term storage of documents). We are also conducting negotiations with service providers, but so far we have not seen widespread demand for their services from clients.

The current state of affairs with the use of cloud EDMS

PC Week: What is the general situation in Russia with “document flow in the clouds”? What trends are observed here?

Vasily Babintsev: Monitoring the RF EDMS market is our core task. In 2014-2016, we conducted a survey specifically on the topic of readiness to switch to SaaS for document management. The results were published on ECM-Journal in the article "".

General conclusions: out of 495 responses from respondents, companies in the SMB sector and Moscow companies showed greater interest in SaaS (regardless of the use of EDMS); companies already using EDMS are more conservative in matters of changing architecture and prefer to remain on the on-premise model; There is an interest in SaaS among large business companies when connecting new business functions.

Companies, regardless of category and size, are still wary of transferring part of their business processes beyond the external boundaries of enterprises (public clouds), especially financial ones. But small businesses, due to limitations in the IT infrastructure, in some cases are forcing the transition to cloud document exchange through SWDO services (such as Synerdocs). Large customers use cloud services, but still store documents in their closed corporate systems.

Pros and cons of cloud EDMS

PC Week: What do customers see as the advantage of “document flow in the clouds”?

Vasily Babintsev: Here it is worth separating SMB and large companies, because... their arguments for clouds differ.

Small and medium-sized companies, as a rule, do not have their own IT infrastructure, the capacity of IT services is limited, and there are no large budgets for software purchases and implementation. Clouds allow them to quickly start with minimal investment, and modern solutions such as DirectumRX provide electronic document management functionality at the level of corporate systems.

Large customers are trying to solve the problem of trying out new processes through the clouds, because... IT is bound by the serious infrastructure of an already implemented corporate system and is not so flexible for one-time tasks. Cloud services allow you, without changing the current architecture, to test new business solutions of ECM systems and, if they turn out to be convenient and effective, implement them into your infrastructure. If new processes relate to working with external contractors, then such end-to-end business solutions can take hold at the cloud level, while current users will not notice this, continuing to work in the interface of a familiar ECM system (this ability to work with services through one familiar interface is already implemented in DIRECTUM and DirectumRX systems)

PC Week: What problems (technical, organizational, regulatory) do vendors and providers have to solve when creating cloud EDMS services?

Vasily Babintsev: The DIRECTUM company has been operating in the RF EDMS market for 13 years. Since 2016, we have intensified the promotion of the DirectumRX cloud ECM system to the mass market in the form of boxed software. This was a definite challenge for us.

On the organizational side, we have created a new model for fast sales from the first contact with the consumer, to invoicing and automatic creation of a tenant. Regulatory – we switched to the model of an adhesion agreement (offer). In this case, the process takes place electronically, and the customer is immediately connected to legally significant document flow based on the Synerdocs service. In this case, the client begins to work in the system on the day of the application. True, it is worth recognizing that not all customers are ready to work on a paperless basis, but this is a matter of time. From a technical point of view, this means ensuring secure and trouble-free operation of the client in the public cloud. We monitor the status of client systems around the clock and guarantee operability at least 99% of the time, and for each hour of unavailability (if any) we compensate 1% of the monthly contract amount.

PC Week: What hinders and what helps vendors and customers implement cloud EDMS?How are issues of operation, modernization and development of such systems resolved?

Vasily Babintsev: Again, we will talk about the cloud ECM SaaS market for SMBs.

An organizational issue is the distrust of internal customers in the clouds. Despite the fact that recently many security issues have been removed and providers participate in regular audits and inspections to confirm compliance with the requirements of standards and legislation, technical and psychological resistance has not been completely removed. Incl. the argument is complete dependence on Internet providers (and here we have to admit that we will have to deploy backup communication channels). Sometimes we encounter the unpreparedness of individuals IT professionals who are biased towards emerging technologies on the market, and even clear cost-effectiveness benefits may not always change their security priorities.

The mentioned security also acts as the main technical limiter due to the presence of specific security settings in the IT infrastructure of the customer company:

● proxy servers with a large number of restrictions (some cloud applications use specific protocols and are not able to work with all types of proxy servers);

● Traffic and leak monitoring tools introduce significant delays into the operation of cloud applications, which reduces application performance, and in some cases leads to the inability to use the application.

Such technical problems can only be solved by adapting the infrastructure to the requirements of cloud providers.

From a regulatory point of view, network and cloud providers provide users with the parameters of their own services (SLA). They include the guaranteed availability of the service, the time of scheduled work, information about backup storage of information, etc. In cases where the existing SLA is not suitable for customers, and special conditions will cost much more, which makes it difficult to start work.

But, as practice shows, cloud system vendors and customers are moving towards each other, trying to bring requirements as close as possible, and developing a common infrastructure. So many problems are completely solvable.

Typical customer misconceptions regarding cloud EDMS services

CloudThe ECM system is greatly reduced in functionality; They are mainly compared with free consumer cloud services, although enterprise cloud document management software contains powerful functionality already in the box.);

Insufficient level of information protection when working in the cloud; This requires serious work on competently informing about the development of modern cloud software; for example, the DIRECTUM company launched the “” section on ECM-Journal;

● No matter how strange it may seem, but cumulative expensive use of the modelSaaS; The truth is that customers often forget to take into account all the components in the cost of on-premise solutions, for example, ownership of infrastructure software (including its regular updating) and the need to have their own paid IT specialists.

Full text of the review “Document flow automation: the difficult road to the clouds” .