Good morning to a girl in words. Wish good morning to a beautiful girl

Today is the best day for the most attractive woman in the world! I would like to congratulate you on this day and wish you more greenery in your pocket. I hope you don’t spend your vacation in your bathroom! Better go to the ocean! And you drink not only Sprite! Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman in the world! I want to wish every woman in the world to be as beautiful, bright, and wise as you. And I want to wish you that your eyes always glow with happiness, that your heart sings romances, and that your soul blooms with a bouquet of white roses!

Happy birthday! I wish you to always be happy, because you, like no one else, deserve it! I wish you to always be healthy, because it is so important for those around you! I wish you to always be loved and have the opportunity to rely on loved ones, because the most important thing for a woman is family!

Happy Birthday! You are the most attractive of all women. I wish you not to know grief, and to smile at any troubles that come your way, a sea of ​​​​smiles, so that there is always a rustle of bills in your wallet, so that all your cherished dreams come true, so that there is always prosperity and laughter in your home, bright and peaceful skies above with your head!

Happy birthday! I wish you to always be beautiful and bright, to dream and realize your dreams, to be able to enjoy every day you live. Let love and mutual understanding reign in your home, let your eyes glow with happiness, and let the smile never leave your face!

The most beautiful, sweetest, feminine, happy birthday! Let your beauty become stronger, your health increase, so that you are surrounded by love, smiles, happiness, money! Dreams come true, more inspiration, joy, best moments, colorful fun!

Happy birthday! I wish you to conquer all seas - swim in the Sea of ​​Flowers, drown in the Sea of ​​Love, sail on the waves in the Sea of ​​Desires, catch luck in the Sea of ​​Luck! And may your life be like an oligarch’s yacht - beautiful, light, sophisticated and “everything according to the rich”!

Happy birthday! Be beautiful and sweet, success and luck, happy moments, shining eyes, more love and tenderness. I wish that you will always be a desirable, irreplaceable keeper of the hearth. Let Lady Luck never leave you, because without health and happiness now you can’t go anywhere!

Happy birthday to a beautiful flower like you! Everyone will wish for love, understanding and happiness, and I wish that people only make you happy, you radiate love yourself, happiness flows like a river, and money runs after you in bundles, the smile does not leave your face and every person on your path becomes exactly your person !

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. May every day you live, starting from this moment, from this second, be filled with light, love and joy. I wish you to sing with your soul, dance with all parts of your body, be loved and love the whole world! Let beauty become synonymous with reflections in mirrors, and let joy become a constant companion for life!

Happy birthday! Let your smile always shine, and let your soul be filled with delight and joy! I wish you creative inspiration, fun in life and most importantly, the absence of problems. Know that you are the best, kind, gorgeous, feminine, sweet, soulful, energetic, pretty, collected, rich, blooming, in love, warm-hearted. Let the 18th spring always be in your soul!

Happy birthday! Success, health, optimism, energy, fidelity, bright moments in life, prosperity, strong friendship, advancement career ladder, to always be so mischievous, happy, a lot of luck, appreciate happy moments, many joyful days, so that life seems like a fairy tale, without suffering and tears, so that all dreams come true, in personal life understanding and support and warmth, I wish you more happy occasions and fewer sad moments, love, and also romance for love, to be showered with flowers and compliments.

My dear, my dear woman! On this wonderful day, I congratulate you with all my heart. May this wonderful smile, bewitching look and joy in your delightful eyes not disappear on your face! I wish you health and boundless love, happiness and good luck. The most important thing is to remain as beautiful.

Happy best day of your life! I wish to see the reflection of the Goddess in every mirror of the world, in every surface of water! Almighty and beautiful, loving and beloved! Kind, passionate, skillful, bewitching and alluring! Joyful and cheerful, rich and happy! Happy holiday!

On a woman’s birthday, it is important not only to give her a long-awaited gift, but also to say warm regards who come from the heart, they are spontaneous and sincere. Happy birthday greetings in prose are as popular as in poetry. We are on our website Krasivo selected the most best congratulations. And if you want to wish a woman a happy birthday in prose, then you will find the most beautiful ones on this page.

Beautiful way to congratulate a woman on her birthday

Happy birthday! I wish you to be loved, desired, irresistible, dizzying! Health, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of the most secret desires, women's joys, life's sweets, wonderful moments and endless happiness!

Dear, congratulations on your holiday! Today is your day and that's it Best wishes today for you! I wish you to remain as beautiful, feminine, sweet and wonderful! I wish you to drown in love, respect and admiration. Good health, patience, strength! Be truly happy!

Congratulations to the dearest, most tender and most beloved woman today. May your birthday give you great mood and joy. Let the most beautiful words and compliments are coming to you today, my dear. I wish you good health, great happiness and many years in the circle of friends who love you. May life be bright and calm, may fate give only joyful moments. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and prosperity. May the angel always protect you.

On such a bright and joyful day you have a holiday. And the sun shines today only for you and the birds in the sky sing in your honor. I wish you never to be sad, no matter what. And let there be only bright colors, from which your eyes will glow with happiness. I wish you a strong family, true friends and a good job.

Life is like a coloring book - it can be black and white, or you can take paints and paint it, making it bright and colorful! I want you to always have many ways and colors at hand, so that at any moment you can paint your life in all the colors of the rainbow! Live and enjoy every day, be happy, have fun and have fun! Happy birthday!

Congratulations and I wish that there are no unsolvable problems in your life, that there will always be people nearby who can help and support. May every day bring joy and happiness! And I wish you that there will always be a strong, reliable and very loving man next to you, with whom you will feel easy and calm! Love, be loved, be desired and happy!

I sincerely congratulate the most beautiful and kind woman in the world! I wish you to always combine fragility and strength, kindness and strength of character, sophistication and the ability to find a way out of any situation! I wish you to remain cheerful, positive and optimistic! Let the smile illuminate more often your face, because when a person smiles, everything goes great for him!

Happy birthday to a woman in prose

Happy birthday! I wish you immeasurable happiness, good health, true love, good luck, prosperity, fulfillment of desires! Let life be full positive emotions, true friends, joyful days. Bright, bright, happy events to you!

Let life become a long journey, full of adventures and discoveries, let every day promise a holiday, and the night - fairy tale! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday, Queen! I wish this year to be full of pleasures, surprises, falling in love, bright meetings, travel, shopping, tenderness, romance and good news! Become even more beautiful, even kinder, even smarter, richer, more useful, more interesting and happier! And I wish you a wonderful celebration of your birthday!

We wish you never to change, but to remain yourself. Never work, but do what you love. Not to exist, but to truly live. Don't wait for the holidays, but enjoy every day. And your birthday is a holiday for us, because on this day you were born!…

Happy birthday to the sweetest woman I have ever met. I wish you to always remain as beautiful and sociable, have as many happy moments as possible, so that your lovely smile never disappears, and your dreams always come true!

Happy birthday to a wonderful woman. I sincerely wish to conquer the world with inimitable beauty, incredible kindness and bright sincerity. I wish you to be loved and happy, successful and cheerful, dreamy and tender.

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to bloom like a rose, like a tulip, and always be as tender as their petals. So that life in you is in full swing, or better yet, like a volcano. Be strong and powerful, like a pine tree, so that you don’t care about a hurricane, a storm, or severe cold or heat. Live without knowing thunderstorms and troubles for at least another 1000 years!

Congratulate a woman on her birthday in your own words

Dear (name), happy birthday! On this wonderful day, I would like to wish you one thing: may a smile always illuminate your face - both in moments of joy and in moments of sadness. When a woman smiles, everything goes smoothly for her; she is lucky not only in business, but also in love. A smile is our weapon and our assistant. So let every day be a little holiday, and let you always have a reason to smile!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you and wish you to always remain the most charming, sexy, alluring and desirable, beloved, luxurious, simply unforgettable woman! May your dreams come true and your wishes come true, may the bouquets of the most beautiful flowers Today they will fill your home with their aroma.

We wish you more pleasant surprises, new places and wonderful people nearby! May your life be harmonious, your health excellent, and may you have enough time for everything! Success in all your endeavors, good spirits and peace of mind. Happy birthday!

Today we celebrate the birthday of a modern, businesslike, intelligent, cheerful woman. What do you wish? Of course, health is the best gift! Of course, happiness is the most beautiful gift! And, of course, you would like to wish you love. Let it be huge, pure, like a diamond! We want the smile to never leave your face and your eyes to shine with joy!

Birthday is a wonderful holiday, catchy and beautiful! I greet you with all my heart and wish this birthday to reveal the next blissful step of your life! I wish you prosperity and love, fortune and prosperity! Always keep it warm in your heart and boldly fulfill your dreams! You are the queen of your own destiny, the happy ruler of your own personal family beautiful kingdom!

On your birthday, I want to give you one bright candle of happiness, a wave of joy. My woman, my mischievous ray of sunshine, I wish you that everything in your life is A+, that you find time for creativity. I wish you that inspiration will be a frequent guest in your home. You are not a random woman in my life, I want to wake up with you. And this means a lot to me.

Today we sincerely congratulate the most beautiful, most desirable, kindest woman in the world. On your birthday, we wish you to always combine fragility and great strength, kindness and strength of character, sophistication and the ability to find a way out of any situation. We wish you simple female happiness, we wish you to love with all your heart and be loved, and let there be only true friends in your life who will support you in any situation. Let your life be filled with new, unforgettable impressions, joyful events and enchanting moments that will make you truly happy, because you deserve it. Happy birthday!

On this day, your anniversary, may the sun shine brighter, may the joy of life cover the darkness! What can I wish for you? Of course, health is the best gift! Happiness is the most beautiful gift! And I would like to wish you more love. Let it be huge, pure, like a diamond! We want the smile to never leave your face and your eyes to shine joyfully!

Beautiful congratulations in prose to a woman on her birthday

Happy birthday! I wish you to successfully overcome temporary spaces, circumstances, obstacles and negativity, desperately fight for your place in the sun and win in the ring of passion. I also wish to constantly increase the carrying capacity of my wallet, massage movements attract wealth and those you have tamed, leave indelible impressions from communication, gush with ideas and excite others with the embodiment of your creativity in life! Let your cherished desires come true, and let the successful completion of the work begun! And I wish you a little more: the warmth of home, the comfort of the hearth, prosperity and health, vigor and freshness, eternal youth and grandiose, mind-blowing happiness!

Let good sorrows and dreams come to you to the sound of drops. Spring is the time of love and let it be a reality, not a dream. Let a smile illuminate your face. And laughter and smiles + 50% medicine and the result is known - 100% health!

In life, many people make mistakes quite often, because of which they have to really suffer. And so that this doesn’t happen to anyone, every person must watch everything he does. So on your name day, I so badly want to tell you, happy holiday. You truly deserve to celebrate as much as you can. You and I have been friends for so long that it’s simply amazing for me to stop at how it all happened. And now I will try to do everything possible for you so that you are truly happy, so that the holiday becomes irreplaceable for you. Try to cope well, and then you will actually be able to achieve everything that you so badly need. And life is not easy, but you can fight it, the main thing is to wish it. You tried, and you will succeed.

Birthday is exactly the holiday that brings pleasure to many people. Every time we remember this holiday, a smile appears on our faces, and we even become a little sad that this holiday always passes so quickly. But no matter what happens, we will always rejoice at him, and wait for him more and more each time. And now I would really like to tell you that I have always respected you very much. And all because for me you have always been an ideal that needs to be imitated. And now, on your holiday, I would really like to wish you that you never change. It may be difficult for you to remain so correct, but you should still try to completely cope. After all, this is so important for all of us. And may it not be difficult for you to overcome obstacles.

Today is such a wonderful holiday for all of us. And all because today is our dear woman’s birthday. The hero of this very celebration is now standing in front of us, and it is clear that she is incredibly happy. And now I want to congratulate her on her holiday. Knowing how much she loves you, I really want to do everything possible so that you can always smile your beautiful smile. You know, on this day so many words will be said to you. But they shouldn't make you sad. On the contrary, you should take from them only the best and most useful. And only in this case will you actually cope completely. And even if something doesn’t work out for you, don’t be upset at all. Because the time will come, and you and I will definitely be able to overcome everything the way we need to.

No matter what happens in this life, you must always remain a person who will be fully responsible for all your actions. And now, when I look at you and see how much you enjoy everything, I want to tell you that never change for the worse. After all, then you will be a person who cannot at all be responsible for his actions and actions. And for your birthday, I decided to prepare for you a gift that will be memorable for you. I really hope that you can appreciate everything. And it’s also quite important for me to tell you that no matter what happens, you can simply always count on me. And then I will definitely try my best to help you in everything. And may we spend the holiday better today than we usually do. Happy birthday!

Birthday - how many words can be said on this occasion. But, I still probably just won’t say anything. And all because I want you to spend your name day just the way you want it. Looking at you, I perfectly understand that today you should enjoy peace and a pleasant festive atmosphere. That's why I won't interfere with you at all. And now, when time flies so quickly, I’ll just leave you alone so that you can realize how short-lived life is. Also try to understand what is really important for you to learn and understand in this life. And no matter what happens, always look forward. And only in this case will you be able to go through a lot and overcome it all. I will always love you very much. And you also give your love to the people around you.

Happy birthday to a woman, beautiful poems...

Happy birthday greetings in prose are short but meaningful - a great way to show respect to a close friend, acquaintance or relative. Such greetings can be sent via instant messengers or via SMS. It won’t take much time, and the birthday girl will be happy with the attention and wishes expressed.

Happy birthday greetings in prose to a colleague, friend

Happy birthday greetings in prose are a simple but very pleasant gift.

It is not always possible to congratulate a friend or acquaintance on her birthday in person. In this case, they will come to the rescue short congratulations Happy birthday. Complete them beautiful photos flowers or sweets for an elegant and beautiful greeting.

Choose which congratulations in prose will suit the recipient. Take into account the nature of the relationship, age and individual characteristics birthday girls. For example, send the following greetings to a friend, acquaintance or colleague:

On your birthday I wish you bright flowers, a riot of impressions, a sea of ​​love and an ocean of desires!
On your birthday I wish that all your dreams come true. Be loved and desired, beautiful and happy!
Let your plans come true on your birthday. I wish you inspiration, more bright and joyful moments!

Life is like an ocean in which the sky is reflected. May God grant you a boundless ocean of love and a life path illuminated by the bright sun. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Let your eyes sparkle with joy, let your heart fill with love, and bank card- cash receipts to fulfill your desires!
On your birthday, I wish you joyful and pleasant meetings, bright and bright friends. Be happy and cheerful!

Happy birthday! I wish you to be indecently happy and rich, beautiful and young to the envy of everyone!
On your birthday, I wish you spiritual harmony, the accomplishment of all your plans and fruitful self-realization!
Happy birthday to a beautiful and kind woman! I wish you sincerity from your friends, love and respect from your husband, gratitude and respect from your children!
On your birthday I wish you a life full of joy, health and beauty, with wine poured over the edge!

Funny happy birthday greetings to a woman

Happy birthday greetings in prose can be playful and fun.

If you congratulate a close friend or sister, then you can write like this:

I wish you to have a head full of compliments today. May your life be easy and fun, may your dreams be born quickly and come true just as quickly!
On your birthday, I wish you to buy a shovel in order to row away the goodness, health, and happiness that will definitely fall on you!
Happy birthday, congratulations and I wish you mink coat(and more than one), a diamond set and a trip to the Maldives. And let your beloved and generous man pay for all this!

On your birthday, let the fairy give you a beautiful convertible, let the prince give you a new dress and shoes, and let your friends be jealous of your youth and beauty!
Happy birthday! Let your restless nature continue to look for adventures to your advantage and give you a sea of ​​positive impressions and emotions!
Let you have everything old on your birthday: a rare car worth a million, old French wine aged fifty years and blue cheese. Prosperity and prosperity to you!
I wish you to take a walk today so that tomorrow you only have money left for a lottery ticket. I wish to win a million with it and go to trip around the world, meet a wonderful man there and dissolve in the ocean of love and happiness!

Before the sand starts to fall, friend, have a blast on your birthday so that in old age you will have something to brag about to your grandchildren.
Happy birthday! Let only problems rain down on you: how to spend billions, what new car buy, which resort to go to and which new coat to buy. Have fun solving them!
Let your life be like a boundless ocean, happy and joyful! I wish that you do not encounter clown fish, and that aggressive sawfish and sharks avoid you. I wish you to meet a lion fish and angel fish who will give you love and friendship!

Short birthday greetings to mother, mother-in-law, boss

Happy birthday greetings to a woman in prose should be beautiful and meaningful, especially when we're talking about about a mother or a woman who plays a significant role in the life of the congratulator - mother-in-law, leader, boss.

Short toasts in this case should be special. For example:

I thank the kindest and strictest woman for her instructions and advice. I wish you on your birthday kind words and hugs from dear people, health and joy!
Sending my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday! Let everything go well in life, let the children not call, but come. I wish you strength and health to raise your great-grandchildren until their retirement!
Happy birthday, hugs and kisses to the best and most loved one- mom. Long and joyful years of life, happy days and prosperity!

On your birthday, I wish you to smile more often, worry and be sad less. Let your home always be filled with the voices of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. May your life be as long as Milky Way, and bright as a sunny day!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful, wise and sincere woman. I wish you patience and strength, health and prosperity!
Love and respect to a beautiful woman on her joyful birthday! I wish you a waterfall of emotions and feelings, an ocean of desires and a sea of ​​pleasures!
On your birthday I want to wish you excellent forecasts, favorable horoscopes, long-awaited guests on your doorstep, a happy smile and good friends.

I wish you a sunny and clear life, smiles and sincere and warm words, strong nervous system and pockets full of money!
Let dreams come true on this day, let plans be made, and wonderful feelings be born. I wish long life to a beautiful and intelligent woman!
Let life be like the sky, endless, like water, sparkling with joy, like the sun, bright, like the earth, generous. Happy birthday!

Beautiful happy birthday greetings in prose - great sign respect and love, and also a wonderful addition to a gift.

You don't have to be eloquent to wish a loved one a happy birthday. A short, but bright and memorable phrase is enough.

Choose the appropriate words from the options provided and complete them.

There are many men, but few real men! So, today I wholeheartedly congratulate the most worthy man on your birthday! More sun, love, happiness, warmth and joy to you. Let everything that they wish you well today, then let it all come true later in your life.

We wish you unwavering health, a hundred years of life, a pack of shares, a new car, good luck, a dacha and money to boot!

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what you can and what is given. After all, you can’t relive life again. Always love and you will be loved. May this bright and high day bring you only joy, success and health.

Happy birthday, wonderful young man. I wish you a wonderful and happy life, in which there will be many exploits and good glory. Be a real knight true friend, a brave and fearless guy. May there be many real adventures on your way, may your luck and luck travel with you all the way.

Happy birthday wishes for a guy in short prose

Happy birthday to you! With all my heart I want to wish you happiness, health, well-being, as well as as many undertakings as possible, which in the future will end the way you intended! May there never be any sharp turns in your destiny, and life goes on smoothly and measuredly, while leaving room for fun adventures. May you always be lucky and may happiness never end in life!

Happy birthday! With all our hearts today we wish you great human happiness, a lot of joy, an ocean of love and tenderness.

I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday! I wish that your life develops at lightning speed and is as limited as the universe. May as many of your wishes come true as there are stars in the sky, and may your ears hear kind words, as few as grains of sand on our big planet. Love and affection that fairy tales are written about

Happy birthday, we wish you unimaginable wealth, dizzying love, inspiration, prosperity, the realization of your plans, may good luck and success accompany you.

The long-awaited day that I had been waiting for for so long has arrived. Your birthday has arrived! And on this beautiful day that means so much to me. On your birthday, beloved, I wish you not to know anything bad in life. Always smile and remain as kind as you are now. May all your plans come true in your life soon. Beloved, on your birthday, I wish you good luck, so that it always accompanies you on your path, so that luck does not leave you and so that joy visits you every morning! I love you darling! Happy holiday.

May this holiday bring you everything that makes you smile. From here on, another exciting day begins. This time and this life belong to us. Don't forget this. You strong man who goes his own way. And I wish that this road brings you only pleasure, and that it leads you to the place that you imagine in your dreams.

Happy holiday! We wish you to conquer new heights so that your achievements will always be pride for your family. You are intelligent, well-mannered, honest, smart, may everything be fine with you. Appreciate what you have, but always strive for a better life.

Happy next birthday to you! I wish you success and good luck in all endeavors that you decide to undertake. Be confident in your abilities and professionalism. This will make it clear to other people that you are a man of your word and a master of your craft. Let the beautiful half of humanity appreciate you. And you will find the one who will turn your life into a series of pleasant moments!

You courageously go through all obstacles towards your goal. Happy birthday. Always set goals for yourself and move towards them! After all, you are one of those men who achieve what they want! Happy name day. Let every day bring bright colors and positivity into your life.

My dear and irreplaceable, the best man in the world, the kindest, strongest, most generous and most beloved! Happy Birthday and I wish that your every day begins and ends with a smile, and that your heart is always fragrant with joy! May your body and soul not grow old, but grow younger year by year to the joy of all those who love you! I wish you: vigor for the body, peace for the soul, wisdom for the head, and skill for the hands! And to all of you together - happiness and love!

Short prose for a guy happy birthday

Dear (Name)! I want to speak kindly about you and in simple words. We all love you very much. Live long, happy, calm, smart, ageless. Invite us to visit more often and fascinate us with your inner wealth for many years to come!

Life may be harsh at times, but be strong. And quickly open it for yourself reliable path. Learn not to survive, but to live, always go forward, always be friends with luck and try to catch your bird of happiness! Good health to you!

With a special feeling on your birthday, I want to wish you happy years, joy, health, victories and career advancement! I wish you that everything comes true, that wings of glory find you, and your name turned out to be among the great figures of the whole Earth!

Our life depends on small accidents, which sometimes become fatal, therefore, I wish you that all accidents and patterns lead only to good and happy consequences. And let fate, on the board of life, arrange its pieces so that the game is only in your favor.

Let Experience, Wisdom, Strength always help steer the ship of your Life. Let Confidence, Reliability and the Desire to achieve your goal always accompany you! Throw failures and sorrows overboard like unnecessary ballast, Bad mood and longing. And then your heart will always be open to new Achievements and Victories! Happy birthday to you!

I congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to bloom like a rose, like a tulip, and always be as tender as their petals. So that life in you is in full swing, or better yet, like a volcano. Be strong and powerful, like a pine tree, so that you don’t care about a hurricane, a storm, or severe cold or heat. Live without knowing thunderstorms and troubles for at least another 1000 years!

On this day, your anniversary, may the sun shine brighter, may the joy of life cover the darkness! What can I wish for you? Of course, health is the best gift! Happiness is the most beautiful gift! And I would like to wish you more love. Let it be huge, pure, like a diamond! We want the smile to never leave your face and your eyes to shine joyfully!

May everything be as you dream today - the weather outside will be beautiful, and you will be in a wonderful mood! May everything that your guests wish for you today come true, and may your life be filled with light, happiness and kindness! Let congratulations and toasts never stop, and let them sound in your honor best words! May there be many smiles in life, sunlight, warmth and joy, and happiness always lives in the house!

I congratulate you on your birthday, and I want to wish you to always remain as sincere, cheerful, sincere and joyful, because everything that happens is ultimately for the better! Let your life be a bright streak, let it be replete with all the colors of the rainbow! Let all your plans end with the expected result, so that you are always proud of yourself! Let all your hopes and desires come true, turning life into a real fairy tale! Happy Birthday, the most beautiful woman on Earth!

Congratulations to the dearest, most tender and most beloved woman today. May your birthday give you great mood and joy. Let the most beautiful words and compliments ring out for you today, my dear. I wish you good health, great happiness and many years in the circle of friends who love you. May life be bright and calm, may fate give only joyful moments. All earthly blessings to you, prosperity and prosperity. May the angel always protect you.

Heartfelt, beautiful birthday greetings to a woman in prose

We sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts congratulate you on your birthday. It’s not every day that such personalities are born that people want to imitate and that people are so drawn to. You are one of the few! I would like to wish a lot, but not a single word has such power to convey the entire ocean of goodness, light and warmth that we wish you! May all your hopes and goals come true. You have sufficient strength and inner potential to turn any dream into a long-awaited reality.

We sincerely congratulate the kindest and most cheerful lady on the holiday! We wish you inspiring compliments, spring sunny smiles and fulfillment of your most cherished desires! Let your mood be great no matter what!

Happy Birthday, Queen of Kindness! I wish you a wonderful celebration of your birthday! May this year be full of pleasures, surprises, falling in love, bright meetings, travel, shopping, tenderness, romance and good news! Become even more beautiful, even kinder, even smarter, more useful, more interesting and happier!

I sincerely congratulate you on this significant day! I really want your home to always be filled with peace, harmony and comfort. May happiness, joy, surprise, and enjoyment of all life’s minutes never leave you. Don’t stop cherishing your cherished dream, don’t forget about your devoted friends and always remember that love is guiding star. And, of course, may your kind soul be as young as your face and body. Happy birthday!

Dear (name of the birthday girl), happy birthday to you! On this wonderful day, I would like to wish you only one thing - may a smile always illuminate your face, both in moments of great joy and in moments of little sadness. After all, when a woman smiles, everything she takes on becomes a success. At the same time, she is lucky not only in business, but also in love. A smile is our weapon and our assistant. So let every day be a little holiday for you - so that you always have a reason to smile.

Congratulations for the most dear and beloved woman must be original! But they haven’t yet come up with new words and names for happiness. That's why we wish you true female happiness, to always be desired and loved, kind and attractive. Let difficulties and problems bring you only the pleasant taste of victory over them. Follow your path openly and honestly, without giving up what you have, but also without clinging to the low and unworthy. You are a real beauty, and everything in your life will be wonderful. We sincerely believe in this!

I congratulate you, so sincere, happy and incredibly attractive, on your anniversary! Let everything that has not yet come true in life come true! Let your eyes burn with love and joy, and let the light sparkling with happiness never leave your heart! May all the gifts that life gives you be only welcome and important to you! I wish you to live your life in such a way that you don’t have to regret anything later! I wish you health, stronger steel and such love that you will be afraid of trouble approaching you! Everything you need you already have, and what you want will definitely be there, because such good man how you just can’t have something wrong! Congratulations!

Original beautiful birthday greetings to a woman in prose

Happy birthday, woman-miracle, fairy tale, dream. I wish you to be groovy and invigorating, like expensive coffee, I wish you good mood to be weird without a button accordion, I wish in moments of sadness to call for help to a team of faithful friends with a bottle of sparkling wine, I wish to never feel like a tired horse, I wish to always feel like a magnificent queen of this world.

Happy birthday, I congratulate you and wish you to always remain the most charming, sexy, alluring and desirable, beloved, luxurious, simply unforgettable woman! May your dreams come true and your wishes come true, may bouquets of the most beautiful flowers fill your home with their aroma today.

Happy Birthday to the most beautiful, desirable, kind, cheerful, appetizing girl! Your beauty conquers the hearts of men, your intelligence makes you respect, your wisdom delights, and your strength of spirit commands respect! You are a rare diamond, so I wish you to find your exclusive cut and unite in harmony and love, so that another (and maybe more) beautiful diamond appears on the planet!