Why do you dream about the death of a close relative: interpretations of dream books. Why do you dream about the death of a loved one? Good sign or danger

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one in a dream?

It is not uncommon to have dreams about the death of loved ones and relatives who are alive, but the dream book is death loved one should not be interpreted as a literal prediction, with rare exceptions. A dream about someone else's death is frightening, but can become prophetic only for those dreamers who have already seen prophetic dreams more than once in their lives, but simply, for mediums - people who have established contact with the subtle plane. And, as a rule, after awakening such a person has no doubts about prophetic dream or not.

The keys to the interpretation of a dream - why you dream about the death of a relative - are the symbols of death that may be present in the dream. For example, a stopped watch, a black handkerchief, broken mirror, flowers in pots and black flowers. Only then can you prepare for bad news... In other cases, do not worry about why you dream about the death of your dad, or why you dream about the death of your mother, or why you dream about the death of your grandmother, since this is only a reflection of the fear of losing loved ones, the dream book also speaks about this death of a child. Such dreams, on the contrary, hint that the “dead” will live for a long time and quite happily.

If you dreamed about the death of a loved one who is not a relative, then the dream has a slightly different interpretation. For example, why do you dream about the death of your husband, and also why do you dream about the death of a friend or why do you dream about the death of a friend? This means that the “deceased” is on the verge of changes in his life, in in this case death symbolizes the changes that will happen to this person. Less often, a dream promises some kind of crisis and a radical turning point with a “dead” person, after which a condition will follow inner harmony and balance for several years.

Why do you dream about the death of a relative? The influence of this person on your life will noticeably decrease, you will see him less often, and general topics for conversation will gradually dry up. This may be due to changes in life, changes in worldview, etc.

According to the dream book, death close relative- this is a reason to rejoice for the good health of this person. From a psychological point of view, a dream reflects causeless anxiety. And a feeling of guilt if in reality the relationship with a relative is far from good.

Why do you dream about the death of your parents? Apart from purely psychological reasons(concerns about the health of mom and dad, separation from them due to moving, quarrels and conflicts, etc.), there are interpretations of dream books. So, seeing the death of your father in a dream is a warning signal: in reality someone wants to deceive you or drag you into financial fraud. The death of your mother symbolizes significant changes in your waking life: moving, getting married, having a child, etc.

According to the dream book, the death of a grandmother also symbolizes the most important turning points, but they await not only the dreamer, but the whole family.
The death of a grandfather means that in reality he will live a long time and maintain good health.

The psychological explanation of a dream about the death of a grandmother or grandfather is associated with the dreamer’s concern about the health of his relatives and the desire to see them.

Why do you dream about your brother's death? This is a warning about the presence of people in your environment who are capable of meanness. The brother himself is not in danger - on the contrary, he will be in good health.

As the dream book explains, the death of a sister in a dream means that your family members need support, help, or simply attention from you. In a situation of a quarrel or disagreement, a dream reflects a subconscious desire to make peace with family.

If you dreamed about the death of a friend, this is a warning sign. In the near future, unpleasant news will arrive that needs to be treated with composure.

The death of a friend is deciphered as follows: in reality you are stressed due to accumulated tasks and lack of time.

Dream: You are shocked and saddened to learn of the death of someone you love with all your heart. This is often one of your parents or someone who has always loved and supported you unconditionally. Although this loss has devastated you, you work hard to ensure that everyone around you recognizes the incredible qualities that your loved one embodied in life. You wake up feeling deeply sad, but with joy and relief, you realize that your loved one is alive and well.

The meaning of the dream “Death of a loved one in a dream”

The death of a loved one in your dream often symbolizes the end of a certain path in life and the beginning of a new one. This is not at all a prophetic dream about the impending death of a loved one. When you dream of someone else, they usually represent a characteristic personal quality of yourself. If this person is ordinary life kind and caring, you reflect on your ability to show kindness and caring. If he often demonstrates responsibility and capacity, it means that you are concerned about these qualities in yourself. In a dream, the death of a loved one indicates that this particular quality in yourself is somehow being transformed.
This transformation is often the result important changes in your real life, when you have to leave old habits and learn new approaches. In such a dream, you are often standing near a grave, as the dream encourages you to respectfully bury your past so that you can move forward into a new future. If you are in a hospital in a dream, it usually means that you may be unhealthy dependent on a loved one and need to become more responsible and rely on yourself more in real life. The joy of realizing that your loved one is alive emphasizes that your relationship with him is being reborn and renewed, and this will help you establish an even stronger connection with him.

Your actions after the dream

Such a dream confirms that you have reached the end of a certain period of activity in your life and a whole new area of ​​opportunity is opening up for you. Letting go of the past gives you the freedom to step into a new future. Although many tend to think similar dream a harbinger of real death, this almost never happens. Instead of worrying about possible death, you must think about the new opportunities that are opening up to you and how to use them to enrich and expand your life.

Prerequisites for the dream “Death of a loved one in a dream”

One of the first fears we experience as children is the fear of separation from our parents, who take care of us, providing us with comfort and security. Parents leave and then come again, but while they are gone, we can feel a lot of anxiety. The more independent we become, the less dependent we are on our parents and loved ones. But when we find ourselves in situations of uncertainty, we always hope that they will appear again and everything will be okay again. Although death is often considered an absolute end, it is actually a natural ending that leads to new beginnings.

There are joyful dreams and those that foreshadow sad events. Some dreams recur regularly.

Every dream is worth interpreting. Why do you dream about the death of a loved one? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one - basic interpretation

Death in a dream does not always foreshadow death in reality. You should not panic and expect unpleasant events; if you saw such a tragic event in a dream, most likely everything in your life will work out exactly, but vice versa.

What you should pay attention to special attention, if you dreamed of the death of a loved one?

Did he die a natural death?

Who was responsible for his death;

Did one relative die in his sleep, or several;

What emotions accompanied your dream.

If you wake up confused and very worried, then you should carefully listen to your emotions - there may be large share truth and in reality you may be concerned about the health of your loved one. If you woke up in a good mood and very joyful, it means you anticipate positive changes that await you in the near future.

If you dream that your relative is saying something in a dream, such a dream means that in reality you should really talk to him. Perhaps he has something for you important information. If in a dream you have difficulty understanding what it is about, such a dream means that you pay little attention to your loved ones. You attach little importance to their words and actions. More busy with themselves. This could soon lead to significant disagreements with relatives and even scandals.

If you dream that a deceased relative left a suicide note, and it is addressed specifically to you, you will receive important news that will radically change your life. You may even have to change your place of residence and social circle. If you dream that a relative is calling you to him before his death, you will be entrusted with significant obligations, you will not be able to avoid responsibility for any slightest mistake in completing the work, so you should be very attentive to every assignment that is entrusted to you.

If you doubt your abilities and doubt whether you can personally complete this assignment, you should not agree to it in the first place. It’s better to delegate the work to someone else and don’t waste your time.

It is worth noting that a dream in which your close relative dies somewhere far from you promises you a quick promotion and an improvement in your financial situation. After such a dream, the dream book advises you not to get involved in the decisions of others important issues, and put all your efforts into resolving issues related to work and earnings. If you listen, you will get maximum profit in quite short term.

If you dream that a relative died in your arms, such a dream means that colossal changes await you in your life. personal life. You will soon receive a lot of new acquaintances and a lot of interesting proposals from the opposite sex. The dream book advises to consider all options. Perhaps among the potential chosen ones you will find exactly the one who will fully satisfy all your requests for your soulmate.

If you dream that you are trying to save someone close to you from death, but it fails, such a dream means that you will play big role in solving his pressing problems, you may even have to take responsibility for his actions.

If you dream that your relative died in the war, such a dream means that you will have to become a participant in some sort of showdown between people who are completely strangers to you. The dream book advises not to take their discontent and whims personally. It will be better if you step away from other people's problems and focus on developing your own life.

If you dream that your parents have died, you will soon receive a huge amount of money. It’s better to think in advance what you will spend it on. The money can be a gift or an unexpected bonus. The dream book also indicates that it is from this period that your life will begin white stripe. You can also win the lottery, or beat someone in a money dispute.

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that one dreams of the death of a loved one as a harbinger of significant changes in one's personal life. You may soon receive not only a marriage proposal, but also news that there will be an addition to the family.

If a lonely girl dreams that her mother has died, such a dream means that she will soon receive an offer to enter into a new and very profitable relationship. If a single man dreams that he is dying best friend– he will start a relationship with his former passion again.

If a pregnant girl dreams that her husband is dying, such a dream promises them happiness in their personal life and happy birth firstborn. There is no need to panic, even if after sleep you experience some anxiety and heaviness. These are just unjustified fears. In fact, nothing unpleasant will happen to you in the near future.

If you dream that your relative has become hostage to an accident, such a dream means that you will accidentally meet the person who will share the rest of your life with you. If you dream that one of your children has died in a dream, such a dream means that the relationship that has just begun will develop into a serious relationship.

If you dream that a person close to you suddenly came to life in a dream, such a dream means that soon you will face troubles in relationships and constant showdowns with your significant other. The reason for this will be unexpressed grievances and anxieties.

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said why one dreams of the death of a loved one. Such a dream often means significant health problems that will attack you. Illnesses can begin with significant discomfort and develop into significant illness. It is important to remember the warning of the dream book and seek qualified help in time.

If you dream that your mother got sick and died, you shouldn’t trust the people around you so much. You will most likely become a victim of their deception, and not only your moral character will suffer, but also your financial situation.

If you dream that a loved one knocked on your house in the middle of the night, and it was in your house that he died, someone has long and diligently wished you grief. It’s worth figuring out who it could be and taking all measures to avoid negative consequences.

If you have secrets, they can miraculously become public knowledge. If you are dishonest at work, it’s time to stop the shenanigans and think about your reputation. It may be irrevocably damaged. If you dream that someone from your work died and this person was close to you, such a dream means that significant changes will soon take place at work, and they will give you the opportunity to improve your financial condition.

Why do you dream about the death of a loved one according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book it is said that the death of your parents promises you material well-being and stability. The death of your beloved promises you troubles and troubles at work, but they will be temporary.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that the death of your brother or sister in a dream means that in reality you are a very callous person, you have little interest in the problems of others. If you dream that a loved one has lost a lot of blood and died from it, such a dream means that conflicts will await you in the family; in order to avoid them, try not to accept anyone’s point of view, but be guided only by common sense.

In any case, it is very unpleasant to see the death of a loved one in a dream. This can cause panic and apathy. But it is worth remembering that most dream books interpret such a dream as a harbinger of positive changes. If you want to make sure that everything is really okay with your loved one, dream books advise you to visit a relative in the near future. Perhaps you really didn't spend enough time with him.

Having fully considered the options for interpreting a dream in which the death of a loved one occurs, you can understand real reasons the occurrence of this phenomenon. This once again proves that any dreams should be treated more carefully, as they can convey a lot of information. useful to a person information.

The interpretation of this dream by psychologists will be interesting. They argue that the death of another person (relative or loved one) rather indicates that in this way the dreamer simply wanted to distance himself from him for a while or be alone.

Sleep is rightfully considered the most mysterious part of human life, and even modern science cannot fully explain the reasons for the occurrence and meaning of dreams. AND to modern man, inevitably, it is necessary on our own understand what warnings dreams are trying to convey to us.

It happens that in such a dream, death is perceived by the dreamer at a physiological level (lack of control over the body, paralysis, etc.). This state speaks of the defenselessness of the owner of the dream before life’s turns and the difficult choice of a life path.

A work colleague brings news of the death of someone close to me. Tears welled up in her eyes and she was upset and couldn’t clearly explain which of my loved ones specifically died... but she says my last name and doesn’t remember my name...

    ___li____ In dreams, death appears in different forms- this could be the FEELING OF DEATH or the realization of your desire. Subjectively, death can be both terrible and joyful.
  • ___li____ The feeling of death can be both psychological and physical. The physical sensation occurs in lucid dream when you have nightmares. This threat can be quite obvious or simply felt in a dream. If the threat is obvious, then the main subject of reflection should be its source (who, why, how is your life threatened?).
  • ___li____ We can also talk about the spiritualistic feeling of death. People who actively have an OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE often feel during their sleep that they cannot return to their body in time. In such dreams, the influence of space and spiritual phenomena on our lives is clearly revealed.
  • ___li____ The thought of one's own death always causes anxiety.
  • ___li____ Seeing a loved one/close person dead in a dream can be various reasons. Death has a symbolic character if you simultaneously struggle with feelings of love and suppressed anger towards this person.
  • ___li____ And finally, the death of people dear to you may mark the end of a relationship: for example, if not one of your relatives dies, but the person with whom you had a love affair romantic relationship. The death of strangers is a continuation and transition of various aspects of your Self. Perhaps the central issue is the disorder of your life. The death of strangers also symbolizes stereotypes that are worth rethinking or exploring in order to better understand yourself. Have you encountered a situation where your stereotypical perception of others does not coincide with reality?
      • ___li____ Seeing yours in a dream own death- a sign that a long time awaits you happy life with your loved one. Such a dream suggests that you are destined for the fate of God’s messenger on Earth.
      • ___li____ If you dreamed that a very important person in the world, then this dream is a great prophecy. He says that soon a wise ruler will come to power in one of the developed countries of the globe, who will be able to establish peace and harmony between the inhabitants different states. People will stop fighting and cursing each other. You will be offered a lucrative deal, as a result of which people will suffer. The salvation of your soul will depend on the decision you make.
      • ___li____ Seeing death in a dream large quantity people - a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies terrible epidemic, as a result of which millions of people around the world will die. A person whose opinion is not currently being listened to will find a cure for this disease.
      • ___li____ Seeing a person dying a painful death in a dream is a harbinger nuclear war, which will be started by the future ruler of one of the developed countries of Europe. As a result of this war, the great state will be wiped off the face of the earth, and the surviving people will sooner or later die a slow, painful death.
          • ___li____Death is also a symbol of transformation and change. In some dreams, death should be perceived as a process of spiritual transformation, and the signal of the death of someone in a dream does not at all mean real sad events. Many processes associated with internal development, are unexpected for a person, and the realization of this often causes anxiety, since he does not know what exactly will come to replace his previous one: how this will affect his life - will it become better or will it only get worse.

If in a dream the death of a loved one occurred far from you, then expect career growth and increase wages Why do you dream of an unnoticed departure from life? But for this you will have to make every effort. The Dream Interpretation recommends postponing the resolution of other issues for a while, since now is the moment favorable for career advancement.

The dream book considers the death of a sister or brother in a dream as a symbol of problems in relationships. If this happened, then it is important to spend time and energy on restoring friendly relations.

In general, death is a sign of the destruction of pleasures, the delights of life and their loss. And sometimes it indicates a life of contentment and prosperity for someone who is in difficulty and poverty, and also vice versa. For someone who remembers her in a dream, she is also a sign of his insight and intelligence. Sometimes she points to afterlife and the need to prepare for it by repenting and stocking up in this life good deeds. And sometimes it is a sign of deep conviction and true knowledge. Multiple deaths are troubles. Death also indicates the father-in-law, i.e. the husband's relatives, and also indicates peace and rest. It sometimes points to fear, horror and discord. It is also said: death is a journey. If a dead person comes in a dream and says that he is not dead, then he is in the degree of Shahids (martyrs for the faith). And whoever sees a deceased person in a dream good condition and laughing, then this is so (i.e. his soul is in Paradise and his sins are completely forgiven by Allah Almighty). Death is also a sign of good for one who is in fear or sadness. Whoever sees that he has revived the dead, a Jew or a Christian or a lost person will accept Islam, and if he sees that he is resurrecting many dead, then he will guide an entire lost people to the True Path. It is also possible that an innovation will be introduced into the religion if an Alim dies in a dream. The death of a parent is a life of lack, the death of a wife is a loss. vital energy and loss of taste for life. Anyone who saw in a dream that the imam of a mosque had died will experience devastation in his homeland. Anyone who sees someone else's death regrets something important. Seeing your own or someone else’s death, observing that the deceased is lying naked on the damp ground, means that the person who died in the dream will go broke or will be in great need of something. Dying yourself in a dream means longevity. To die and then come to life means to commit a sin in life and then repent. The one who sees that he died, how people gathered, washed him, wrapped him in a shroud, will achieve great success in worldly affairs, but his faith and religious affairs...

To understand why you dream about the death of a loved one, great value has who exactly died. If your parents passed away in a dream, then the dream book associates this event with receiving a large sum of money. It may appear as an unexpected gift, an inheritance, or a big win. In the coming month, feel free to buy lottery tickets and take part in promotions: success and good luck will accompany all your actions.

When the death of a loved one is accompanied in a dream by a large loss of blood, expect minor family conflicts. It is important to remain calm and restrained, otherwise a small quarrel threatens to develop into a protracted scandal, which is what dreams of flowing blood mean. In this case, the Dream Interpretation recommends giving in on unprincipled issues, which will help preserve home comfort and a friendly atmosphere.

If the mother is alive, such a dream can cause shock for many. However, such a dream is one of the most favorable signs. It portends longevity for your mother. If she is sick, then the dream predicts get well soon And long period good health. If you dreamed about the death of your mother, this is a symbol of attention higher powers to your business. Also, perhaps the dream speaks of the need to improve your relationship with your mother. This is a cause for concern for you, which is what your subconscious reflected in your dream. In any case, such a dream will cause closer contact with your mother.

Despite discomfort, seeing a person’s death in a dream is not at all bad sign. Such a dream does not foretell someone's death or serious illness. Most often, a dream about death is a warning that serious changes will soon occur in life. Perhaps your life will change radically. But these will be changes for the better.

Dream interpretation of the death of a relative

A rather difficult interpretation of a night dream is a plot where you happened to see or hear about the death of a relative. In real life, such a tragedy can leave a deep and unpleasant mark for the rest of your life. Many religions believe that death is the beginning of a new round of development human soul. Therefore, the interpretation of sleep does not have an exact unambiguous value. For a complete and accurate decoding, it is necessary to remember the dream with maximum accuracy and consistency.

Witnessing the death of a loved one

Why do you dream about the death of a relative? When interpreting a dream about the death of a relative who is alive in real life, it is necessary to take into account what kind of real relationship you have with him.

Despite the terrible word “death,” the dream does not foretell anything bad; on the contrary, the one who dies in the dream will have long life and the person will not have any health problems.

if you dreamed that one of your relatives died

According to the interpretation of Loff’s dream book, this plot indicates that you are not indifferent to this person and in real life you are very worried about him. French dream book interprets it differently: the dreamer who sees the death of a loved one will face great grief in reality.

A bad sign is considered to be a dream in which the dreamer also saw: a stopped watch, a black scarf, a broken mirror.

It is always unpleasant to see a dream about the death of a loved one, but most often it symbolizes that you need to change your attitude towards loved ones, visit, talk, and provide help.

Also, such a dream can, at the subconscious level, indicate your actual quarrel with the person you dreamed of being dead, or perhaps you have completely stopped communicating with him.
The dream book advises taking a night dream as a warning about imminent changes in your life.

I happened to see the death of a loved one who was sick in real life - the interpretation of the dream foreshadows news of his recovery in the near future.

To see that all your relatives have died means you are in a difficult situation. financial situation and need help.

Death occurred before the eyes of the dreamer

The interpretation of a dream in which you saw the death of a loved one before your eyes is negative meaning and portends a difficult period in life.

Did a loved one die and immediately come back to life before your eyes? The vision symbolizes new pleasant acquaintances.

Hearing a message or conversation about death - favorable dream, indicates your readiness for a new relationship.

Cause of death

Seeing that the cause of death was an accident means that the person is actually afraid of being alone.

Suddenly, it is necessary to note here exactly how the person died:

  • He experienced great torment - a difficult period begins in the dreamer’s life.
  • The dying person died quickly - all difficulties will be resolved on their own.

Who died

Which relative died?

A close relative is seen in a dream by the deceased as a sign that this person’s health will not cause concern.


  • Seeing your deceased mother in a dream - the dream indicates that you are tired mentally and physically. It's time to relax and take care of your well-being. The dream book also indicates that the plot is dreamed on the eve of a wedding or the birth of a baby.
  • Father - the subconscious sends a signal: someone needs your support and communication.
  • Children of the dreamer - quarrels and scandals will occur in life.
  • Grandmother - in real life there will be a turning point that will affect the whole family.
  • Grandfather is alive, but dreams of his death mean he will live a long time.
  • Had a dream: she died sister? The interpretation calls for forgetting quarrels and grievances. Provide assistance to a loved one who is in dire need of support.
  • You dream of your husband being dead - as a signal that you should take a closer look at his behavior, perhaps he will tell you not entirely pleasant news. A beloved spouse dreams of a deceased person - as a fear of parting with him.

Distant relatives

Distant relatives died in your dream - this means that in real life, moments of mutual misunderstanding await you with these people. But if you dream of a plot involving a person with whom you are actually on at the moment in a quarrel - the interpretation of the dream foreshadows an imminent truce.

People say that if the dreamer saw a deceased relative in a dream, it means that there will be changes in the weather.

Close friends

Knowing that a friend is alive, but dreams of the deceased means bad news.

Girlfriend - points to stressful situation in life.

Seeing a fresh grave

if you visited the grave

To see a dream in which you visited the grave of only a deceased close relative - now you are in difficult situation and don’t know how to find a way out of this situation.

Receive news of death

The news of death indicates that it is worth visiting relatives soon. To find out in a dream the news about the death of a loved one - the dreamer is prone to exaggerating events in life.

The news was false - you should be careful, they want to mislead you.

See the deceased

Did the dead man call the dreamer? This night plot dreams of death.

Washing the deceased means leaving the past where it should be and starting to live in the present.

Interpretation of dreams in famous dream books

Family dream book

The meaning of a dream in which relatives dream of being dead indicates that this night’s plot is a warning.

Seeing a deceased father and talking to the deceased in a dream - the dream book indicates that you should think carefully and weigh all your undertakings.

A conversation with your mother in a dream encourages you to control your desires in real life.

If in a night dream you happened to see a deceased relative and he tried to force you to promise something, then do not lose your fortitude and listen to the dream.

Modern dream book

Seen relatives dead? Trouble and sadness are coming. Hearing unpleasant news about the death of a loved one means in real life you will receive a bad message. Seeing yourself as a dead person in a dream means that you will be forced to commit an offense. A relative or friend died in severe agony - night dream indicates wrong actions in real life. Dead enemy - you must definitely overcome the evil thoughts within yourself.

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