Where the head should be on the bed. Eastern wisdom for home comfort

Everyone knows that good sleep is the key to health. However, many people don’t even think about how to sleep properly. This is especially true for the direction in which the person’s head is located. This article will tell you where to sleep with your head in order to get enough sleep and have good dreams.

Position of a person in a dream

Before moving on to the main topic, it is important to determine the position of the body in sleep. Surely you have noticed that what we sleep on and how it affects our further well-being throughout the day. If a person is used to sleeping in a curl, with his head on the back of a hard sofa, then there is no need to talk about good condition. All organs experience a lack of oxygen during sleep, the neck is tense and takes an unnatural position, which affects health, as well as mood throughout the day. Thus, the not so important question will be where to sleep with your head, but in what position. That is why it is better to first purchase a bed with an orthopedic mattress (if you don’t already have one) and get used to sleeping with an even body position.

Dependence of sleep on the location of the bed

An important factor will be how the bed itself is located. According to popular beliefs, if its head is directed towards the south, then an excellent reputation, respect, and honor awaits you. If in the northern direction, then such a location will help develop your own intuition. If the head of the bed is to the east, then you are guaranteed a healthy and restful sleep. The Western direction promotes prosperity.

Thus, it is very important that the bed in the room is positioned correctly and its head is directed in the direction in which you have good dreams. This is the only way to fully relax and get healthy sleep. The placement of a bed for one person is not always the same for another. Perhaps different people simply have different energy fields, which significantly affect the state during rest. To understand where it is better to sleep with your head, just move the bed.

Feng Shui

If you listen to the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, then from his point of view, in order for sleep and rest to be complete, it is necessary to follow several rules. First of all, special attention should again be paid to the location of the bed. Not only sleep, but also the general atmosphere in the house, as well as the emotional climate in the family, will depend on this nuance. So, where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui and how to position the bed?

According to basic recommendations, the bed should be placed against one of the walls, that is, it should not be in the middle of the room. The time of year in which a person was born also affects the arrangement of the bedroom. For example, for people born in summer, the headboard should be located towards the north. For those born in winter - to the south, to the west - for those born in spring, to the east - in autumn. Thus, answering the question of where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, you can see that everything depends on several interrelated factors. In addition to the location of the bed, the room must be clean for a favorable sleep. According to the theory of Feng Shui, everything that clogs energy flows has a negative impact on a person’s general condition and on his sleep, respectively.

What yogis say

According to yogis, the human body has a special energy field that is unique to everyone. The Earth also has such a field. At the feet of a person there is the southern part of the magnet, and at the top of the head there is the northern part. Thus, by correctly coordinating your field with the field of our planet, you don’t have to worry about restful sleep and good health. So, where should you sleep with your head, according to yogis? To get a great night's sleep and feel in a good mood all day, you need to sleep in the direction of the north or northeast. If the layout of the room does not allow you to position the head of the bed in the desired direction, then you can place it to the east. To correctly determine the cardinal directions, you need to use a regular compass. In addition, having decided on the most convenient option for the location of the bed, you should observe for a short period of time what began to happen in life. If things are getting better and the general mood has improved, then everything indicates that the biofield is in harmony with the energy of the Earth. If something starts to go wrong, you should move the bed in a different direction.

In any case, when wondering where to sleep with your head, it is important to take into account not only the advice of yogis, but also your own desires and feelings.

How to choose a bed

Success in various areas of life also depends on the shape of the bed. Some people do not attach any importance to this, but having come into contact with this theory, they begin to find answers to many questions related to their lives. That is why, when planning to buy a bed, you need to pay special attention to the following tips:

  • If you want to achieve success in the work sphere, it is better to purchase a bed with a square wooden back.
  • Having paid attention to a metal or rounded headboard, you can purchase it without hesitation if your goal is to achieve success in business.
  • For creative people striving for fame and prosperity in this field, you should buy a bed with a wavy backrest.
  • You should not pay attention to beds whose headboard has a triangular shape.

Depending on the layout of the room, whether it allows the bed to be placed in the desired direction and the person to sit comfortably, it will depend on where to go to sleep with his head. Sometimes, despite all the advice, a person becomes uncomfortable or uncomfortable sleeping. Thus, if the bed is to your taste and your inner feeling tells you where to put it, then it is better to act according to your individual convictions.

Where should you sleep with your head?

Thus, it becomes clear that each teaching has its own view on the position of a person in a dream. It can be seen that different theories contradict each other. Where is the right place to sleep with your head? The answer is very simple: where you sleep best and feel inner comfort.

In general, the Bible does not indicate the answer to the question of where to sleep with your head according to the Orthodox. That is why anyone who is interested in this should better contact a priest.

The fact in which area the apartment is located also plays a significant role. If it's a noisy place like a railroad, it will take a lot of time to get used to the constant noise. Sometimes you have to completely change rooms, for example, make a bedroom out of the living room, because neighbors are disturbing you, or there is extraneous noise on the street, and where you sleep with your head does not play a significant role.

If a person is subject to external influences or extraneous beliefs, then for his own peace of mind it is better to do everything according to the instructions of any teaching.

How to determine zones in an apartment

In order to determine where to sleep with your head correctly, you need to arrange the rooms relative to the cardinal directions or Feng Shui zones. To do this, it is better to use a compass, apartment plan and Bagua grid. So, to find the northern part, you need to use a compass. Depending on the time of year when the owner of the room was born, it is necessary to arrange the bed as written in the teachings of Feng Shui, or in any other way that the person trusts. Further, based on the Bagua grid, you can easily determine other sides and zones for favorable sleep and relaxation.

If all else fails

If all the requirements and advice on where to sleep with your head have been followed, but your sleep still remains restless, then it is better to listen to your inner feelings. In some cases, neurological disorders are the cause of sleep disturbances. With such a problem, you should contact a qualified specialist, and not experiment with rearranging the head of the bed.

Some people find it helpful to constantly change the location of their furniture. According to this opinion, the energy flows in the room change, and sleep becomes better. However, then the theory of Feng Shui or yogis loses its essence. That is why each person must decide for himself where it is better to sleep with his head.

Some believe that depending on the direction in which a person sleeps, one can achieve certain heights in various areas. This again resembles the theory of yoga, which says that the energy field of the Earth interacts with the biofield of each person. If someone cannot decide where to sleep with their head, then they can try different directions. First of all, the sleeping position should allow all energy impulses to pass through and give the body a good rest.

In any case, the ideal position will be the one in which the person sleeps most comfortably. Much has been said about which direction the head should be, but it is worth emphasizing that a person's feet should not be pointing towards the door. According to many teachings, this brings with it bad energy impulses and can negatively affect well-being and mood. That is why, when arranging your bed, you need to take into account all the nuances, and then your sleep will become like that of a baby.

Adequate sleep is the basis of human health. How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui, where to put your head and other useful tips can be found in this teaching.

Feng Shui Teaching: A Brief Overview

The phrase “feng shui” literally translates as “wind and water”. This ancient Chinese philosophical doctrine studies the basics of the correct organization of space, the location of the house and objects in it. Practice proceeds from the fact that different energy flows flow in separate directions. Therefore, a person’s task is to identify favorable waves and make the most of them for his physical and mental health.

main idea

The fundamental concept of Feng Shui is that space, incl. material objects, inanimate objects and living beings, are penetrated by energy flows. They are constantly changing, interacting with each other and creating more or less harmonious combinations. This explains why it is necessary to properly organize the space in the house - for example, go to bed according to the orientation of the bedroom and bed to the cardinal points.

Each point in space has a unique energy pattern. Just as there are no two identical people, there are no two identical zones. At the same time, the teachings of Feng Shui proceed from the fact that there are no zones of love, family comfort, health or wealth as such. The calculation of a harmonious combination and the correct ratio is different in each case. But there are also general tips on how to sleep according to Feng Shui, where to lay your head, etc.

Thus, this philosophical practice studies the harmony of a person’s living space and proposes a system of specific rules for the orientation of houses, rooms in them, objects in rooms, as well as people relative to the cardinal points and each other.

Energy of Qi and Shen Qi

The basic concepts of Feng Shui are two types of energy:

  1. Qi are flows that penetrate through the space of the house, individual rooms and areas. It should move freely through all objects and corners, so it is not recommended to clutter the apartment or create difficult-to-pass places.
  2. Shen Qi is a beneficial energy that helps you survive stress and life's challenges. This is the breath of life, which is calculated individually for each person, in accordance with his gua number.

Time and space

In the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that energy simultaneously moves:

  • in time (measured according to the calendar);
  • in space (oriented by compass).

In accordance with this, a classification of the environment into 5 elements has been developed:

  • fire;
  • Earth;
  • metal;
  • tree;
  • water.

Each element has its own energy, which must be taken into account when organizing design in the bedroom and throughout the house.

Harmonization of sleep according to Feng Shui

Advice on how to sleep according to Feng Shui is one of the most interesting aspects of philosophical teaching. Recommendations concern where to lay your head, how to orient the bedroom and bed, so that the interaction of energy flows leads to harmonious combinations that have a positive effect on a person’s mental and physical health.

Sleeping place

Feng Shui states that not only the orientation of the head is important, but also the position of the bed:

  1. It is not advisable to rest with your feet forward towards the exit.
  2. You should not place the sleeping place close to the wall in which the interior door is located.
  3. Shelves, beams, chandeliers, mezzanines and other objects should not hang over the bed.
  4. You should not place the bed along the door-window line.
  5. Sharp corners of furniture should not “look” in the direction of the bed.

Gua numbers

Another facet of the teaching is the division of people into categories, in accordance with gua numbers. The required calculation is very simple:

  1. All numbers of the year of birth are added up to form one digit. For example, 1986: 1+9+8+6 = 24; 2+4 = 6.
  2. Next, 10 should be subtracted from this figure for men: 10-6 = 4; for females - add 5 to the number: 6+5 = 11.

If you get two-digit numbers, all the digits are added to get a single-digit number. As a result, two options are possible.

Correct house layout

The layout of the house is of great importance, since it determines the flow of energy, where one should sleep with one's head for normal rest. Therefore, it is important to know not only where to sleep with your head correctly according to Feng Shui, but also where to optimally position the bedroom:

  1. The room should be located as far as possible from the entrance to the apartment or house.
  2. The location of the room in the southwest and northeast is unfavorable; you can safely choose the other cardinal directions.
  3. It is optimal if the room has a regular square or slightly elongated rectangular shape.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to place a bedroom next to a bathroom or toilet.

If this is not possible, it is better to place the bed as far as possible from the wall adjacent to these auxiliary rooms.

Bed placement is another important feng shui principle, along with where to lay your head. To make your sleep as comfortable as possible, and for your sleep to become a full night's rest, you should correctly position the bed in accordance with the cardinal directions. It all depends on the characteristics of the person:

  1. It is undesirable for lonely people to sleep with their heads facing north, since such an orientation leads to an increased feeling of melancholy.
  2. Sleeping with your head to the north-west or south-east is recommended for those who currently have big life plans and strive for career development and personal development.
  3. Healthy people who lead an active lifestyle and do not suffer from any sleep disorders orient themselves towards the northeast. They are the ones who can lay their heads in this direction.
  4. Another tip on where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui concerns people with a romantic personality. It is better for them to orient themselves to the west.
  5. Southwestern orientation is not recommended for anyone. Because in this case, sleep will become restless, and self-confidence will begin to decline. In this case, you should not lay your head towards anyone in the southwest direction.
  6. But sleeping with your head to the east is a favorable position for all people, especially the elderly.
  7. The Southeast Recommendation is recommended for those who have been implementing an important plan for a long time, but have not yet been able to achieve reliable results. If you lay your head this way, you can bring your dreams closer to reality.
  8. People who would like to develop the qualities of communication and sociability can sleep with their heads in the south.

In any case, the head of the bed should not face the window - this is an unfavorable energy combination.

Organization of sleep directions in Hinduism

Hindu philosophy has its own unique ideas about how to sleep correctly, where to put your head so that night's rest is as beneficial as possible for human health.

The idea of ​​the teachings of yogis is that, like the Earth, each person has his own electromagnetic field: north is on the head, and south is in the feet. Therefore, in the question of where to sleep with your head, the teaching gives a clear answer: you should focus on the northern or northeastern direction. If it is impossible to position the bed in this way, place it with the head of the bed facing east.

Vastu is an ancient Indian philosophy that, like Feng Shui, gives advice on the harmonious organization of living space, including where to sleep with your head. The main recommendation is to orient the head of the room to the east. Vastu Shastra indicates that such an arrangement is harmoniously combined with the movement of the Earth and other celestial bodies.


Along with vastu, there is also Vedic teaching, which suggests that a person should not go to bed with his head to the north, but it is always better to orient himself to the south. Then the energy of the Earth itself will be harmonized with the human body. This has a beneficial effect not only on sleep, but also on the health of the body as a whole.

Very often, the realities of apartment planning do not allow it to comply with the teachings of Feng Shui, the Vedas and other philosophical practices. Then you need to take into account the most important tips as much as possible and do what you can at least do, for example:

  • do not place any objects above the bed;
  • do not place a mirror in front of the bed;
  • curtain the computer and TV at night or remove them from the bedroom;
  • place the bed as far as possible from both the door and the window.

Body position in sleep

Maintaining the correct body position while sleeping, as well as Feng Shui tips on where to sleep with your head, is very important. Each person, if desired, can verify this by his own example.

Correct energy flows largely depend on the orientation of the bed and body to the cardinal points - almost all Eastern practices agree on this. The consequences of non-compliance are expressed in chronic sleep disorders, lack of sleep, and anxiety. Ultimately, this adversely affects the condition of the entire organism.

Taking a Critical Look at Teachings

Feng Shui is usually criticized as a pseudoscientific teaching that has no material and scientific evidence. At the same time, the presence of the earth’s magnetic poles, electric fields and their influence on the human body has been proven. Therefore, everyone can independently choose whether to listen to the advice of practitioners or not. In such cases, it is important to pay attention to your own feelings and listen to your intuition.

The necessary tips on where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui, how to orient the bed and properly organize the space, work only if there is a reasonable combination of each of them. If some advice cannot be followed, you should try as much as possible to implement the basic rules. In special cases, when it is difficult to fall asleep and fully rest during sleep, a Feng Shui specialist is invited.

Few people think about the correctness of their sleeping position. But in vain! After all, not only the quality of sleep itself and the state of the body, but also the internal harmony of a person depends on this. The leaders of the philosophical school of Feng Shui have their own specific, sometimes mysterious, explanations for this.

Which direction is the right way to sleep with your head?

There are a lot of opinions regarding the correct position of the body during sleep. In the modern world, the teachings of yogis and Chinese Feng Shui have become especially popular and widespread.

Yogis are sure that the human body is a kind of compass with south and north poles. Consequently, the body must be positioned in a similar way to the operation of this tool.

Proponents of mind-body practice claim that you should go to bed with your head on the south side and your feet on the east. The human body in this case is similar to the structure of the Earth, the magnetic field of which has a direction from south to north. Human magnetic field - the energy flow is charged and directed from head to toe.

Coordination of magnetic fields, according to yogis, will provide a person with:

  • cheerfulness;
  • excellent health;
  • lack of drowsiness;
  • wealth;
  • family well-being.

In contrast to this position, there is another, earlier thought in the teaching called Vastu. It says that linking the fields of the Earth and man in a single position will make the latter broken, drooping and powerless.

Which side of the world should you go to sleep with your head on?

And yet, which option will be the right choice? Here we will talk about the goals and plans that you have outlined for yourself. Each side, according to Eastern teachings, is responsible for a certain component (or set of components) in the life of each person.

Vastu's views on the north position of the head during sleep actually dominate the world today, and sleeping with the head facing north is considered to be the most beneficial for health. But this knowledge is not applicable to everyone, since it will have a different impact on different people.

For young active people, a head located in the north side is unlikely to bring anything useful. This position is ideal for adults with a measured, calm and stable life.

The head in the west activates creativity and inner potential. “Dream to the East” is, first of all, a charge of vigor, fortitude and confidence.

If the layout of the apartment or other circumstances do not allow you to install a bed directed in a certain direction, there is a docking option.

So, placing your head in the southwest, expect good changes on the love front. Northeast is good for improving work affairs; the north-west accompanies the arrival of fortune, and the south-east will give perseverance and perseverance.

Which way to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui does not give a single answer to the question of the position of the head and body during sleep. The Chinese worldview also aims to determine the dominant goals of a person. You must clearly understand what exactly needs to be fixed and what to achieve. Only in this case will the teachings of Feng Shui become effective and useful.

Which direction is better to sleep with your head in the Orthodox way?

Unlike Eastern dogmas, the Orthodox Church does not focus on the position of the head during sleep.

A person has the right to choose his own position during a night's rest, and he can do this based on motives for convenience and comfort, rather than on caution or ambition.

And yet, there are Orthodox Christians who have their own opinions on this matter. In particular:

  1. The head located in the north during sleep can interrupt the connection with God;
  2. Try to position your head in the eastern direction, since the connection with the Almighty in this case will gain the greatest strength;
  3. Orthodox canons tell of the longevity of one who falls asleep with a pillow on the south side;
  4. It is better not to point your head to the west, as this will negatively affect a person’s character.

However, apart from individual groups, Christianity as a whole does not teach laws regarding the proper placement of the head during sleep.

Folk signs

Everyone knows: “Don’t sleep with your feet towards the door” is the most popular sign, not only among us, but also among the people of China. Feng Shui, as well as Russian beliefs, prohibits positioning in this way. The reason for this is that only dead people are carried out feet first, and in order not to disturb forces from the other world once again, do not place your feet towards the door.

It is not advisable to sleep under the window. It is believed that the air entering the house through the window should “blow away” all the accumulated negativity and “take it out” through the door. And by lying in this position, you risk that your luck and success will also be blown away.

A sleeping person should not be reflected in the mirror, and his head cannot be directed in that direction. Otherwise, illnesses and failures will appear on his way.

How to install a bed: common sense, expert opinion

Somnologists are skeptical about various teachings, beliefs and signs regarding sleep. From a rational point of view, they recommend focusing on the internal state and needs of the body. The body itself will tell you in which position and side it will be most comfortable for it to be.

The main thing is that a person gets enough sleep, is cheerful in the morning and does not feel unwell in the form of headaches or discomfort in the joints.

The ideal option would be a round bed, on which you can arbitrarily change the position and location of the entire body.

Thus, the modern number of theories and hypotheses regarding sleep is countless. The choice of any of them depends only on the internal motivators of a person. And the result that unites them all is healthy, full sleep, vigor and activity at the beginning of each day.

There is some more useful information on the topic of the article in the following video.

The desire of an Orthodox Christian to check each of his actions for compliance with church canons is very commendable. This helps to strengthen one’s faith and live righteously.

The fact that you need to pray before going to bed is firmly known to every church-going believer. But once the evening prayers are read, you can go to bed. And here the question arises: where should the head look? In the direction of the window or door, north or south, west or east? What happens if you sleep “wrongly”? Let us note that in Christianity in general and Orthodoxy in particular this aspect is not covered. The clergy call attempts to connect the direction of the head and legs in a dream with any benefits or, conversely, troubles and superstition. Let's consider where it came from and what scientists and holy fathers think about this.

Superstitions of Orthodox Christians

Orthodoxy is one of the 3 fundamental directions in Christianity. The literal translation is “correct teaching.” His canons (and there are a lot of them) say absolutely nothing about which direction the head of a sleeping person should look. Every Christian is given the right to choose. Therefore, he may well decide on his own where it is better for him to put his head.

However, there are many folk signs that are mistakenly associated with Orthodoxy. In fact, these are the fruits of superstitions that have come down to us from ancient times, invented by our distant ancestors.

Among the ancient Slavs, the door was a symbol of entry into another world. They noticed that people often die from natural causes (old age or illness) at night. This means that the soul that wanders through other dimensions may not have time to return back before morning.

Therefore, when our ancestors went to bed, they made sure that their feet did not face the door. By the way, deceased Orthodox Christians are carried out of the house feet first - as if following their departed soul.

Contrived rules

Here are a few more “rules” invented by Orthodox Christians:

To adhere to them in such an interpretation, of course, is extremely stupid and unworthy of a believer. Although these rules were likely made with the best of intentions, they are unacceptable.

You cannot lose contact with God just because you move your bed. And the spiritual connection with the Lord is strengthened by prayer, fasting and good deeds, and certainly not by changing the direction of the head in bed.

It just so happened that in the West people are accustomed to going to bed with their heads in the northern direction, and in eastern countries - towards the rising of the sun. It is known that the magnetic field of our planet affects a person’s well-being, his sleep and the nervous system. The field lines of this field extend between the poles in the north and south. How do you still need to sleep correctly? What position exactly helps the body regain strength? The answer is simple. It is necessary to position the bed in such a way that the magnetic fields of the Earth and the sleeping person coincide.

You should sleep with your head facing north. By the way, it is believed that in this position it is possible to fall asleep faster and the quality of sleep improves. In addition, the northern vector has a beneficial effect on metabolism and the circulatory system.

The German theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg concluded that over many millions of years the human body has become in tune with the magnetic field of our planet. This powerful energy flows through the body, replenishing resources wasted during the day. The most energy is “pumped” into the body during sleep, when the head is directed to the north. Even some doctors advise their patients to go to bed in this direction. This should help improve sleep quality and eliminate insomnia.

Russian scientists conducted an interesting experiment. Volunteers were instructed to lie down to sleep on the floor in a random direction. In the morning we began to analyze what impact our well-being had on the direction of our body.

It turned out that a very tired, exhausted person, as a rule, sleeps with his head to the east. When highly excited, the subject's head pointed north. Hence the conclusion: it is better to trust your instincts and give your body the opportunity to choose the position it needs for sleep.

As already mentioned, neither the Orthodox canons nor any Christian literature says anything about in which direction the head of a sleeping believer should be. But there is some information about preparing for bed. Let us tell you what advice the holy fathers gave to the ascetics.

These tips initially concerned ascetics (monks). However, if we consider them without in-depth details, we can see that they are also useful for ordinary parishioners. Moreover, the attitude towards sleep is reflected in morning and evening prayers.

Let's summarize

Since Christianity does not have any specific guidelines regarding the direction of the head during sleep, believers need not worry about this. You can relax as you wish. There are no restrictions.

The only recommendation is that you need to find your place through trial and error. There you will feel very comfortable no matter where your head is facing. It’s not difficult to recognize this place - by pleasant dreams and waking up in a great mood.

Sleep in the right direction for you is usually healthy and sound. It even helps cope with some diseases. You will also feel an unfavorable direction for you - insomnia, various ailments, weakness and a feeling of heaviness in the morning will notify you of this.

Sleep is a need that every person has, so we often try to figure out how to make it healthier and more fulfilling. Choosing the direction in which to sleep with your head is one of these searches. It is believed that the correct position of a person’s head and body during rest can not only improve sleep and well-being, but also bring well-being into the home. The statement about well-being is, of course, controversial, but the power of faith sometimes works miracles, so if you believe in such ideas, it is worth sticking to them.

Where to sleep with your head Feng Shui: wisdom of ancient China to improve quality of life

From the point of view of specialists in ancient Chinese philosophy, knowing how to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui and implementing this knowledge in reality is very important, because the correct position of the head will improve health, improve the quality of life, and help protect against troubles. This opinion was formed due to the fact that this philosophy considers a person as a small part of the Universe, which must obey higher laws. As long as a person follows directions, everything in the world takes care of him and helps him.

Feng Shui is a movement that aims to harmonize the space around a person. All decisions of adherents of this philosophy are based on the fact that each side of the world has its own energy that affects a person. The sleeping body is especially vulnerable to negative and positive waves, so it is important to lay down correctly so that energy flows pass through the body, saturating it with health, giving success and well-being.

So where to sleep with your head according to Feng Shui? It all depends on what problem you are trying to solve. You can choose the direction of the headboard according to the following general recommendations:

  • North. This position brings harmony and stability, helps the sick to recover and raises the tone of the body for the healthy.
  • South. Suitable for those who want to improve their financial situation and build a career. Not recommended for easily excitable, impressionable people.
  • West. Helps to bring new adventures and bright emotions into life. Not suitable for those who support the Slavic belief that you cannot sleep with your feet facing east. Although burial rituals among the peoples of the world differ and have almost nothing to do with sleep, if you believe in this prohibition, you should not violate it.
  • East. This direction recharges you with solar energy, helps you wake up with new strength and ready for new achievements.
  • Northeast. Helps you make important decisions faster and become more confident in your own plans and capabilities.
  • Southeast. Relieves psychological problems and complexes.
  • Southwest. Helps you gain wisdom, become more practical and serious.
  • Northwest. Develops leadership skills and helps attract money to the house.

Sleep according to Gua number: calculating which direction you need to sleep

Not everyone is ready to move their bed when they need money or self-confidence. Therefore, the Chinese have developed a universal method for determining where it is better to sleep with your head. It is calculated on the basis of the personal Gua number, which will indicate the ideal direction. This is done according to the following rules:

  1. Take the Chinese calendar and make sure that according to it your date of birth falls in the year that you are used to calling it. The beginning of the New Year in China falls between January 20th and February 20th and may vary depending on lunar cycles.
  2. Add the last 2 digits of the year so that the result is a number of no more than one digit. For example, if you were born in 1989, you need to add 8 and 9, you get 17. This is a two-digit number, so we add it again, getting 8.
  3. If you belong to the fair sex, add five to the resulting number, if you are a man, subtract the number from 10. As a result of the calculations, did you get a two-digit number again? Add both numbers again.
  4. Check to see if you got the number 5. If so, then the Gua number for a man will be 2, and for a woman - 8. Five is not taken into account in the calculations, since it does not allow people to be divided into two large groups.

Now you can define your group. People with 2, 6, 7 and 8 belong to the west and for them the favorable direction is either that which gave the group its name, or southwest, northwest or northeast. The rest belong to the eastern type and, when deciding where it is better to sleep with their heads, they need to choose the east, southeast, south or north.

In addition to the right direction, adherents of the Feng Shui philosophy recommend furnishing the room correctly. Somnologists agree with them on this, who are sure that there is no point in deciding which way to sleep with your head if the room is too hot or cold, the TV does not turn off, there are no thick curtains or the environment is too stimulating.

When choosing where to sleep with your head, it is important to focus not only on controversial philosophical movements, but also on the recommendations of scientists. They were divided into two camps: physicists, who determine the position of a person during sleep by magnetic fields, and somnologists, who claim that there is not much difference in how to lay down.

How does a magnetic field affect where you should sleep?

Physicists and other people close to this science are confident that the earth’s magnetic field affects the quality of sleep and the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, you need to position the bed so that the magnetic fields of a person and the Earth coincide. One of the founders of this theory is physicist Werner Heisenberg, who studied magnetic fields and humans, coming to the conclusion that over millions of years of evolution, our bodies have become completely attuned to the planet where we live. He believes that during sleep, energy passes through the body, returning resources spent during the day.

If you adhere to this opinion, then the answer to the question of which direction you should sleep with your head is the same: to the north. It is this position that helps you fall asleep quickly, has a positive effect on metabolism, and restores the nervous system. Many are sure that in this position, sleep becomes less disturbing, insomnia and some other related problems go away.

The opinion of somnologists about which direction you should sleep

Scientists who study sleep in laboratories and conduct observations in special sleep rooms are confident that the answer to the question of which direction you should sleep does not depend on magnetic fields or Feng Shui energies. The main causes of poor sleep, according to this science, are:

  • unhealthy atmosphere in the room;
  • health problems;
  • increased stress, exhausted nervous system;
  • dirty bed linen, crumbs on the bed;
  • lack of fresh air.

Even a person must decide for himself whether it is possible to sleep with his head towards the door. Some religions say that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door, as this is the “dead man's position.” But you can sleep with your head towards the door, although this is an unsafe position for those who are afraid of an attack: if an attacker enters the room, your head will be closer to him than you would like.

A similar answer, based on the realities of life, is given to those who want to know why you can’t sleep with your head towards the window. This is not the best location, since it often blows near the window (especially if the window is open), and noise from the street can be clearly heard. Moonlight or sunlight can also interfere.

Healthy sleep is the key to good health and long life. If you're not sure that any of the recommendations will help you achieve peace of mind throughout the night, you don't have to follow them. The main rule here is to listen to your body and carefully monitor all the changes that happen to your health, mood, general tone, after sleep or experiments with the position of your body and head.