How to find inner harmony with yourself.

  • What is harmony?
  • Harmony in our lives

What is harmony?

Regularly and universally using certain words and terms, we often don’t even think about their meaning. Life modern man It is difficult to call it harmonious, since everyday bustle and burden with many problems prevent one from realizing the beauty and integrity of the world around us, and this is the essence of the concept of harmony.

Let us consider the meaning of the word “harmony” in more detail. In antiquity, the concept of “harmony” was studied by philosophers and thinkers, one of whom was Pythagoras. He put forward the idea of ​​harmony of spheres, which formed the basis of idealism and exists to this day in the new philosophy of Shaftesbury, Kepler, Giordano Bruno, Leibniz in a modified form.

Harmony was considered as the main feature of existence as a whole, as the orderliness of the Universe, opposing itself to chaos. So, if you follow the worldview of the Greeks of the ancient period, together with the terms “symmetry”, “order” and “measure”, harmony forms the basis of beauty.

Over the centuries, the meaning of the word harmony has changed, new adjustments have been made to it, and its connection with beauty has been interpreted differently. Already in Renaissance aesthetics, harmony began to be considered not only the main feature, but also an inexhaustible source for creativity.

Modern theorists describe harmony as the unity of sometimes opposing, contradictory elements or entities.

Harmony in our lives

What is the secret of a harmonious person?

Let's try to move from theory to practice and understand how much harmony means in life modern man or women and where to look for her. Why do people with inner harmony more often achieve success in life and quickly find contact with others?

Personality harmonization occurs in stages. It takes years to form a harmonious, balanced human personality, and not everyone eventually comprehends the essence of harmony, even having achieved impressive results in understanding this state. Harmony can be internal and external.

Find out how to achieve harmony right now using information from free program Alexey Tolkachev – “ Life at full capacity».

Inner harmony manifests itself in a person when he clearly understands what he wants in his soul. If you think about the inner world of a harmonious person, then it is not disturbed by internal disagreements and contradictions; he lives and acts according to his inner convictions. A harmonious person is one whose emotional, spiritual, intellectual and physical components are in complete balance and do not contradict each other. The secret of a person who has revealed his inner harmony is simple: he does not allow himself to be carried away by bad thoughts, and drives anxiety and sadness away, i.e. he is simply happy accepting himself as he is. This attitude allows him to achieve success and prosperity.

Every person dreams of success in life, one way or another. In any society, a person’s success is judged by three main criteria:

  • Does the person consider himself successful?
  • who are his friends?
  • What goals did he manage to achieve in life?

Harmonious relationships between people in society

“To be in harmony with others, you need to be in harmony with yourself.” – Martin Gray

A harmonious life gives a feeling of satisfaction from the fact that a person is the creator of his own destiny and leads a full life, rich in pleasant events. The first rule for achieving harmonious relationships with other people is to treat them the way you want them to treat you. Be independent from the opinions of others, confident in own strength, not everyone can motivate themselves with a clearly defined goal and at the same time have strict self-control, but this approach helps to achieve success through harmony with oneself and the people around.

Understanding harmony occurs differently in men and women. Both men and women sometimes commit actions that contradict their inner beliefs, which creates an internal imbalance. In search of a solution that would smooth out this imbalance or get rid of it altogether, many resort to spiritual practices or seek harmony in the family, surrounding themselves with loved ones, loving people. In the relationship between a man and a woman, harmony is also achieved due to their differences, both internal and external.

The main signs of a harmonious woman:

  1. The ability to create a sense of order around oneself, to surround loved ones with care and love.
  2. A combination of inner and outer beauty.
  3. Balance in relationships with parents and employees at work.
  4. The ability to be flexible and adapt to the situation.
  5. The ability to create and create.
  6. Purity and chastity.

The main signs of a harmonious man:

  1. Confidence in yourself and your actions.
  2. Knowing how to be sincere and grateful.
  3. Showing generosity and at the same time restraint in relationships with loved ones.
  4. Respect for others, their tastes and preferences.
  5. Resilience and strength of character.
  6. The ability to be patient and sometimes even sensitive towards a child and wife.
  7. Stress resistance.

“Harmony is... the relationship of qualitative differences and, moreover, the totality of such differences, as it finds its basis in the essence of the thing itself.” –G.V.F. Hegel

Harmony cannot be achieved in one day; this internal state arises in a person’s life thanks to the ability to live for today, love oneself and be honest with oneself and others. Each person has his own path to achieving harmony, which is no less important and valuable than the goal itself - achieving internal balance in relationships with oneself and the world around us.

How to achieve harmony in yourself and in relationships with people?

There is probably no clear answer here. Everyone seeks inner harmony by their own means and methods. You can engage in self-development, create, take risky actions, or simply live for today.

The main thing in all these actions is that a feeling of happiness, freedom, peace fills a person to the brim and helps him move through life easily and energetically. Success and self-sufficiency are closely related to how fully a person was able to fill his life with harmony and order.

Elena Bikulova

Likes to write texts that inspire. She tries to open the eyes of herself and the people around her to this world.

Dependence on a partner

This is perhaps one of the main reasons that prevents us from finding inner harmony and feeling truly happy. When people meet, their inner worlds collide. Each of them is beautiful in its own way and has its own unique features. Before this meeting, each of us had traveled a certain path, made mistakes and gained valuable experience. And at some point, these worlds begin to come closer and closer together: we share each other’s feelings and emotions, share our experiences or plans for the future with our partner, and begin to gradually introduce a person into our environment.

It would seem, what's bad here? We all dream of healthy and harmonious relationships, in which we will want to share each other’s interests. Only sometimes it gets out of our control under the pressure of surging romantic feelings, we dissolve in the person, forgetting about ourselves.

Remi Walle/

I would call it a kind of mimicry. We enthusiastically watch our partner’s life, his hobbies become our hobbies. We share personal victories with each other and celebrate joint ones, and so on.

Everything would be fine, but for a second imagine that this person is no longer in your life. What will be left of you after he leaves? Will your life still be interesting and vibrant? Will you be in a constant process of creating something? Or will you wait for a new collision?

Comfort zone: create or destroy

IN lately is the most discussed topic among psychologists and bloggers. The glossy magazine is teeming with articles about ways to get out of this notorious zone in order to improve your standard of living and self-confidence.

Undoubtedly, leaving your comfort zone is very important and useful, but you cannot do it thoughtlessly. First you need to understand where your comfort zone begins and ends. There is very fine line between what is simply unusual for you and what can become a real test for you. It is difficult even for the most relaxed and sociable to leave the comfort zone, not to mention people suffering various kinds phobias.

You cannot break someone who breaks himself day after day.

J. Nesbø, Norwegian writer and musician

Indeed, it is difficult to break the self-confidence and self-confidence of a person who is constantly creating himself through constant growth and leaving the familiar environment. The reason for discomfort when taking the first steps in a new business is sometimes not that it is difficult for a person to adapt to an unusual way of life, but that he does not need it.

It is vital to break yourself in order to stay in the flow, but you need to be aware of why you are doing this, evaluate everything sensibly possible losses. Otherwise, constantly breaking yourself, you will turn into an empty vessel, lose what was given to you by nature itself, and your life guidelines will go astray.

Tearing off the masks

How often do we hide our essence from prying eyes and ourselves. We try to be like someone, we look back at other people’s successes, in some ways we envy people passing by, sometimes we even get angry and offended. Without a doubt, there are many role models who have achieved unprecedented success and live a different life: bright, devoid of routine and waking up early every day for a job that is not fun.

But why get angry and give up when we have the power to change the course of events? Our life was not given to us in order to remain in the image of a victim and complain about the injustice of fate. It is necessary to act and preferably without delay.

Don't like your hairstyle or wardrobe? Change and reinvent yourself. You should admire your own reflection in the mirror, and not turn around at every random person you meet with the thoughts: “She is so beautiful and well-groomed, why is everything different for me...”

There is no need to suppress feelings and the realization that you do not like to be the way circumstances force you to be. Take off the mask of normality and routine and stop worrying about what other people think of you. Think about it: many of them are worthy of respect and admiration precisely because they once stopped caring about the opinions of others.

Maybe it is at that moment when you unleash your inner beast that you will realize what you want to devote your life to. And as you know, one of the main components of happiness is doing something that brings us pleasure.

Endless cycle of desires

We always want to get something or achieve something, and this is wonderful, otherwise it would be impossible to talk about any development and internal growth. What's the catch?

Everyone has their own dream: new couple shoes or a dress, the most sophisticated SUV or supercar, an apartment or villa on the coast, and someone’s dream is to escape from a small town and conquer the peaks of the world. But after the fulfillment of these desires, new ones come, and this can last indefinitely. The feeling of happiness quickly turns into faded joy, which is replaced by satisfaction with the state of affairs.

But, as we know from our student years, satisfactory is only a C, and who among us wants to live life with a C? We come up with a new dream for ourselves, again worry about its fulfillment, get angry if something doesn’t go according to plan, until it finally comes true. Then everything is new - an endless cycle of desires.

Does it bring us happiness? Hardly. After all, we cannot contain the happiness we experience from the fulfillment of our small, but no less cherished dream.

We have forgotten how to live in the present moment - the moment of fulfillment of our cherished desire.

As long as we are in this crazy race, we will not be able to feel happy when our dreams come true.

Learn to be happy alone with yourself and enjoy every moment of life. Understand that not a single person in this world can give you a sense of harmony if a hurricane of passions is raging inside you, consisting of dissatisfaction with your position, self-doubt and fears.

3 rules that will help you feel life in all its manifestations

  1. Expand your horizons. Find, get to know interesting people, start playing sports, travel, do something new and unusual for you.
  2. Listen to your inner voice. You need to realize what you like, and not your environment. Maintain your uniqueness and continue to be an interesting conversationalist.
  3. Forget about what happened before and don’t think ahead. The past has given you invaluable experience, and your future depends on what you do here and now. Concentrate all your energy on what you are doing in at the moment. You will see how much easier and faster you will move towards your goals.

Don't be afraid of the unknown and innovation. In any case, you will win, because you will have experience behind you that will help you move forward.

In reasons bad mood, psychological fatigue, apathy, depression, the first thing I want to do is blame the environment: other people, the injustice of life and imperfection government structure. But deep down, everyone knows that the causes of adversity are within a person, in internal imbalance, in the lack of harmony between internal and external. It seems that those around you are deliberately getting on your nerves and testing your patience. If you follow the sensations, find the root cause negative reaction, then it will always be associated with the lack of inner harmony of a person.

The environment is like a mirror of internal problems

The universe is unified system, parts of which constantly exchange energy with each other. The ongoing energy exchange is also accompanied by the exchange of information, thanks to which people at a subconscious level pick up signals about a person’s mood and the qualities of his character. This is the truest knowledge, because... It is the first impression, the feeling from meeting a person that is correct.

The fact is that the perception of the surrounding world is based on the “mirror” model. External energy impulses pass through internal filters of the subconscious and consciousness, thereby provoking one or another reaction. If the filters work crookedly, then you can’t expect a healthy reaction. The whole point of working with the “mirror” principle is to understand the cause of a negative reaction to external impulses.

Psychologists say that if certain person is an active irritant, constantly putting the observed into a nervous and aggressive state, this means that the observed sees in the object his own qualities, which he wants to get rid of or simply does not accept them in himself. Such an imbalance can only be resolved by a conscious attitude towards yourself, your emotions, and reactions to the people around you.

First of all, you need to learn to control your condition. Considering the fact that the energy exchange system is unified, you should do the opposite and practice the next exercise.

The point of the exercise is a conscious, intentional feeling of love for the people around you, and these are not necessarily relatives or friends, just random passers-by are chosen as objects.

The training process is as follows:

  • find a quiet place where you can watch people passing by;
  • take a comfortable body position;
  • relax and let go of all negative feelings, clear your head of thoughts as much as possible;
  • watch people passing by;
  • mentally approach and hug a person passing by, sincerely, from the heart.

At the same time, consciousness opens to universal love for all living things, nature and one’s own kind.

Such love is considered an emotion that heals a person from the inside. Taking into account the law of the “mirror”, the energy sent out in this way will return positive, filled with love and care of the world, beneficial.

Wheel of Life

Loss of inner harmony and tranquility can occur due to disorientation in life, loss of beacons of movement, and the feeling that life is passing by. In this situation, the “Wheel of Life” exercise, which is a visualized model of human drivers, will be useful to recreate harmony. The wheel determines the most important areas of life on which you need to spend available resources in the form of time and energy.

The wheel is depicted in the shape of a circle, divided into segments. The number of segments is individual, depending on the goals and priorities of the person, the size of each part on the circle can also be different, although they are often depicted as equal to maintain the harmony and integrity of the system.

The standard areas on the wheel are: family, career, health, finances, personal growth, spirituality, recreation, relationships. The formation of such a model of life helps to structure desires, goals, dreams, correlating them with available resources. This is a way to look at your life from the outside, appreciating the strengths and weaknesses personal management.

Visualizing the picture of life helps to find the causes of internal imbalance. After depicting all significant segments, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of each at a given time on a 10-point scale. The harmony of the inner world depends on the understanding that time and energy are spent on what is important for this particular person. To achieve harmony, all assessments must be maximum, only then the wheel can move along the road of life smoothly, steadily and without stress. If at least one element has low performance, the movement will stop, and a new launch will require a colossal amount of effort directed pointwise to the sinking zone.

The wheel, once worked out, will serve as a constant control tool by which a person can always compare and adjust the course of his movement, consciously directing life in one direction or another. Understanding where, for what and with what set of tools a man is walking, it will be easier for him to find and maintain inner harmony.

In addition to global aspects (interaction with the world and understanding one’s own movement through life), many techniques have been developed to help people concerned about how to find inner harmony, getting rid of the noise of problems swarming in the mind and nervousness.

Breathing exercises

Concentrating consciousness on breathing, counting the length of inhalation and exhalation, increasing the duration of inhalation and exhalation, holding the breath and similar techniques help improve the body's oxygen supply. In addition, the nervous system relaxes, toxins and waste are eliminated, and as a result, fatigue and nervous tension go away.

Meditation and relaxation

Many methods of meditation and relaxation have been developed; everyone chooses the most comfortable one for themselves. But they are all based on maximum relaxation of the body and mind, concentration on the “here and now” state.

Active recreation and sports

Active physical activities help to reboot nervous system, get rid of unnecessary thoughts. They also contribute to better concentration on significant moments.

Positive emotions and laughter

To develop harmony, life needs to be fulfilled positive emotions. This increases self-confidence, opens up new horizons for a person that may not be visible to an anxious and negative look.


Activities related to creativity can help you get to know yourself. It is generally accepted that creativity always turns within the creator for ideas, translating inner experiences into something tangible.


The benefits of being in nature are generally recognized. To find inner harmony, it is better not to combine such a stay with noisy companies, but to listen to nature and yourself, and try to feel the unity of all living things. Efficiency breathing exercises and meditation in nature increases significantly, sports activities on fresh air also have a more beneficial effect, so being in nature can be combined with other tools.

We are often stressed. Everyone is familiar with the state when you don’t want anything, everything falls out of your hands, and you don’t know how to get out of this state.

It seems to us that those around us are to blame for this, they do not understand us, annoy us in every possible way and do not allow us to live in peace. But if you remember - the world around us only reflects our internal state (the external corresponds to the internal). When we find harmony within ourselves, the outside world will change.

How can you achieve harmony within yourself? Meditation? Going on vacation? But vacation comes only once a year, and, frankly speaking, few people are ready to practice meditation. You need to work on harmony in yourself every day, and for this you need to put in order not only your spiritual world, but also mental, mental and physical. You are in harmony with yourself when you are calm, your mind is clear, your soul “sings”, and your body is energetic.

Of course, this is not all that is needed to achieve harmony. If we don't have money, then we can hardly feel good. Therefore, I want to highlight one more, fifth area, calling it “life support” - that which brings you enough money so that you have the time and desire to take care of yourself.

If you pay attention to these areas every day and take care of them, then you, and therefore your life, will become more harmonious.

Physical activity along with healthy eating. I will not dwell on the benefits of these things, they do not need proof, and the variety of sets of exercises available to us is enough for everyone to choose their own and stick to it regularly. The main thing is that there is enough.

❝The bliss of the body is health, and the bliss of the mind is knowledge❞

Steps to harmony - mental sphere

Did you know that we have only four real feelings - happiness, sadness, fear and anger, and what’s interesting is that there is only one positive one!

Emotions are the so-called racketeering feelings (from “racketeering” - extortion). With these emotions we demanded love, attention in childhood and achieved our goal through manipulation.

The psyche is the most ungovernable sphere of all, and you need to carefully protect her if you can’t control your emotions. Avoid situations that have a negative impact on your emotional state.

If you don’t like to do something, go somewhere, communicate with someone, don’t force yourself, be principled. Avoid (if possible) people with whom you are uncomfortable, communicate with those with whom you feel good. Don't watch the news, don't participate in pointless arguments. Take care of yours emotional sphere. Let go of grievances, the past, get rid of guilt!

❝Don’t worry about many things and you will outlive many❞

Steps to harmony - spiritual sphere

❝The most important thing is to bring order to your soul. We follow three “don’ts”: don’t complain, don’t blame, don’t make excuses❞ B. Shaw

Our spirit needs discipline, we should not ignore it. But the soul needs its own food - good books, a pleasant vacation with people important to you, passion, time alone with your real self and your thoughts (let's call it).

You can understand what heals your soul only by the results - the feeling of inspiration, relief or cleansing that you gain. Feelings of forgiveness and gratitude also have a positive effect on our soul.

❝Heal the soul with sensations, and let the soul heal the sensations❞ O. Wilde

I would like to quote an excerpt from S. Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” which describes interesting technique spiritual renewal of man. You can definitely take note of it.

Arthur Gordon, in his short story “A Turn in Life,” tells a delightful, deeply personal story of his own spiritual renewal. He talks about that period of his life when he suddenly felt that everything around had lost its novelty and brightness. Inspiration has dried up; he forced himself to write, but these efforts were fruitless. Finally, the writer decided to seek the help of a doctor. Finding no physical abnormalities in the patient, the doctor asked whether he was able to follow his instructions exactly for one day.

After Gordon answered in the affirmative, the doctor told him to spend the next day in the place with which the happiest memories of his childhood were associated. The doctor allowed him to take food with him, but said that he would not have to talk to anyone, read, write or listen to the radio. After which the doctor handed him four folded sheets of instructions and ordered him to read one at nine in the morning, the second at noon, the third at three in the afternoon and the fourth at six in the evening.

On next morning Gordon went to the coast. Opening the first order, he read: “Listen carefully!” He decided that the doctor was out of his mind. How you can do it: listen for three hours! But since he promised the doctor that he would carry out his instructions, he began to listen. Hearing absorbed normal noises seas and birdsong. After some time, he began to distinguish other sounds that were not so obvious at first. As he listened, he began to reflect on what the sea had taught him as a child—patience, respect, and a sense of the interdependence of all things. He listened to sounds, he listened to silence, and a feeling of peace grew within him.

At noon he unfolded the second piece of paper and read: "Try to go back". “Where is this, “back?” – he was perplexed. Maybe to your childhood, to your happy memories? Gordon began to think about his past, about moments of happiness. He tried to imagine them in every detail. And, remembering, he felt warmer inside.

At three o'clock in the afternoon Gordon unfolded the third piece of paper. Until now, the doctor's orders have been easy to follow. But this was completely different, it read: "Check Your Motives". At first, Gordon took a defensive position. He thought about what he was striving for in life - about success, about recognition, about security - and found convincing confirmation of all these motives. But suddenly the thought came to him that all these motives were not good enough and that perhaps this was precisely the reason for his current depression.

He carefully examined his motives. I thought about the happy moments of my past. And finally I found the answer.

“And suddenly I saw with amazing clarity,” writes Gordon, “that with the wrong motives, nothing in a person’s life can be right. It doesn't matter who you are - a postman, a hairdresser, an insurance agent or a housewife. When you realize that you are serving others, things get better for you. If you are concerned only with the interests of your own personality, your affairs will not go very well - and this is a law as immutable as the law of gravity.”

When the clock hands approached six in the evening, it turned out that the last order was easy to fulfill. "Write all your worries in the sand", - it was written on the piece of paper. Gordon squatted down and wrote a few words with a piece of shell; then he turned and walked away. He did not look back: he knew that the tidal wave would soon roll in.

Steps to harmony - mental sphere

The mind also needs its own special food. In new knowledge, generating ideas, solving complex tasks. Intelligence is needed, it is on him that a woman can count (if there is no one else): with male power Only a woman's mind can equal it.

The mind is quite an interesting tool. When it seems to you that you are completely exhausted, you suddenly have another idea, and after it another and another, you just have to not give up.

Our main enemy in this area is mental laziness. The brain itself strives not to think! Experts explain it this way:

❞ The brain is a strange structure. On the one hand, it allows us to think, on the other hand, it does not allow us. After all, how does it work? In a relaxed state, when you are resting, say, watching TV, the brain consumes 9% of the body's total energy. And if you start to think, then the consumption increases to 25%. But we have 65 million years of struggle for food and energy behind us. The brain is used to this and does not believe that tomorrow it will have something to eat. Therefore, he categorically does not want to think. (For this same reason, by the way, people tend to overeat.) ❞

Everything about us is interconnected: healthy body gives a feeling of happiness, an open channel between the mind and soul brings intuitive insights. Feelings heal the soul, and the mind gives impetus to feelings.

Everyone knows that in order for any thing to work for a long time and not break, it must be constantly taken care of. If you don't change the oil in your car, it will damage the entire car. Remember to take care of every part of yourself. Take four steps towards harmony every day and you will achieve it, and the world around you will also become harmonious.

A slightly different interpretation of the same topic is in the article.

Inner peace, comfort, security, safety, integrity, unity. For others it is ideal relationship with loved ones, clarity, enlightenment, moving forward, love for everything in the world, perfection.

IN classical By definition, harmony (from the Greek “harmonia”) is the proportionality of parts and the whole, the fusion of various components into a single, organic whole.

When a person clearly imagines his mission and realizes that nothing prevents him from fulfilling it, then he enters a state of harmony.

Harmony can be considered equilibrium, but not static, in which there is no movement, but dynamic, in which all elements of the system move in a balanced manner, at the “same speed”, uniformly moving the system forward towards its goal. Figuratively speaking, harmony is like a car in which all its parts move relative to the road at the same speed - the speed of the car, and act with one goal - to maintain or change the speed of the car depending on its current goal.

And when there is disharmony, some elements can move slower or faster, creating voltage in the system. Again, comparing harmony with a car, we can say that with disharmony it would be, for example, that one wheel moved faster than the car or, conversely, slower. This could cause the wheel's connection to the car to break and it to fall off. Then the car would stop moving altogether.

The image of ideal disharmony is perfectly described in Krylov’s fable “The Swan, the Crayfish and the Pike,” where the animals decided to transport the cart, but moved it in different directions. They made a lot of effort, but the cart remained in place, i.e. there was no movement and the goal could not be achieved.

Harmony is holistic condition. But relative to the system, it can be divided into internal and external.

Inner harmony system with itself allows us to determine deviations in development from its essence, its optimal state. The closer the system is to its optimal state, the more in harmony it is and feels inner peace and comfort. When deviations occur, the system goes into a state of disharmony. Then she begins to have contradictions, doubts, fears, and discomfort.

External harmony with the environment determines the usefulness of connections and relationships that support or hinder development and self-realization. If there are harmful connections, the system feels danger and discomfort. She is forced to concentrate on her defense instead of self-actualization.

To transition to a state of harmony, you need to achieve both internal and external harmony. Only under this condition will the system be able to self-realize, and this process will be easy and pleasant.


Every person has ideals, which he creates or improves in his life, such as: freedom, wealth, family, education, balance, etc. Moreover, the ideals are interconnected.

For example, wealth makes you freer, kindness makes the world a better place, security allows you to concentrate on development, love makes you happier, etc.

Those. some ideals are part of some larger ideal that is more important for the system. This means that ideals have hierarchical structure, therefore, there is some ideal system.

And if you build one like this hierarchy, then the most general and important ideals will be freedom and harmony. Those. each system evolves to add more ideals to its life that will ultimately achieve personal freedom and harmony with itself and the world around it.

The system can learn about ideals in the process of development or can discover them in environment, other systems that already have this ideal. Then the system can realize that some ideals are very important for its self-realization, but they are not in its life. In this case, the system can set a goal to achieve this ideal.

The desire to obtain or improve some ideals is reason the system performs specific actions and wastes personal resources. Such ideals are values ​​for her.

These steps are not sequential, rather the opposite - they need to be done all at once, parallel and as quickly as possible.

Step " understanding the meaning of life"Described in the product Book "Personal development as a system. Part one. The meaning of life." It tells about the essence of man and the world around him. An answer is given from a systemic point of view to the questions “Who are we and why did we come here?” It explains what a person must do in his life and what its meaning is.

Step " self-awareness"Described in the product Book "Personal development as a system. Part two. Awareness". It talks about how a person can determine the direction and purpose of his life. An answer is given from a systemic point of view to the questions “Who am I?” and “Why do I live?” The main components of a person that he needs to understand are described: character, temperament, talent and purpose. Methods for their determination and the consequences of this are described.

The remaining steps to achieve harmony are described in the product. to improve life in all areas.

It is also important to realize difference between destroying the useless and harming the useful and stop doing harm to others, nature and the world as a whole. After all, when you harm the world, you actually harm yourself, because everything in the world is interconnected and interdependent.

And we can say that inner harmony- this is when you do what you love, love what you do, and nothing bothers you. A external harmony- this is a conscious and mutually beneficial dependence on each other to jointly create something greater, striving for ideal perfection.