Shower water in a dream. Why do you dream about a person going to take a shower?

Shower in a dream- Seeing yourself standing wet in your soul promises sorrow, grief and unpleasant memories.
A dirty, old or broken shower symbolizes unpleasant events in your personal life, difficult situations and unsolvable issues in the service.
In order to receive desired result from the work you have done, you just need to be patient.
If you dreamed that you were taking a shower- in reality, avoid various kinds of skirmishes, scandals, disputes and other reasons for worry. IN at the moment It will be very harmful for you to worry and be distracted by extraneous stimuli.
If in a dream, while washing in the shower, the water runs out and you are left in foam, then real life your dreams are not destined to come true. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to get what you want.
If in a dream you see yourself taking a shower- the dream reveals your subconscious desire to ease your soul, to tell someone about your misfortune or secret, to repent of your sins. this dream suggests that you tend to exaggerate both your joys and your failures.
If in a dream you see another person in your soul, especially naked, this means illness or bad news.
If you see a shower in your dream, it signifies the need for repentance. Most likely, you are tormented by your conscience for what you did in lately.
If you see yourself washing in the shower, this indicates a new acquaintance. you will meet interesting person which will affect your personal life, but will soon leave you, like the water in the shower. Pay attention to the type of shower you take.
If you wash in hot water, this marks the intensity of passions in personal relationships.
If you're under a cold shower- disappointment.
If the shower is contrast, it means that you lack extreme sports and new sensations in your life. In the near future you will demand to fix this.
If you or another person takes a shower in front of passersby in public place, then in reality keep in mind that your charm and pleasant appearance are the strongest weapons against the rudeness and impudence of representatives of the opposite sex.
If you can, take a short vacation and give yourself time to think alone. This way you can see the situation from the outside, soberly and accept right decision and maybe change your whole life.
If so, you have a chance to make things right. Take advantage of it. Perhaps a difficult period has come in your life, and your subconscious demands to wash away all experiences, negative emotions, doubts.
Contrast shower take in a dream- your loved one will baffle you with his whims and demands. Don’t rush to break off relations with him, try to find out the reason for this behavior.
Washing another person in the shower- joy and fun awaits you in reality.
Washing or pouring water on someone in the shower symbolizes well-being, success and wealth gained through the abilities of another person.
Pouring yourself ice water in the soul portends joy, health and vigor. Good strength will will be your life’s companion and will come in handy in many ways.
Fall in the shower in a dream- in reality, this is not the first time you make the same mistake, you step on the same “rake”, but you absolutely do not want to learn the lesson you have learned from life.
Fall or get burned hot water in the shower- be careful in real life when going out. The day after the dream, it is better not to drive a car.

The dream came true

Showering is a daily procedure that no person can do without. A common thing, it would seem. What if you dreamed that you were washing in the shower? Why would this be? Sign? How to understand? Detailed interpretation You will find exactly your dream in our most complete collection of dream books on this topic. Pay attention to the details of the dream, because they can play a role key role in the interpretation of sleep.

Dream Interpretation by D. Loff

  • Seeing a shower in a dream portends success in business. So, you can safely count on a bright streak in life.
  • To dream of taking a shower means that luck will smile on you soon, so keep your nose up. Life is getting better!
  • Seeing a shower in a dream means you will fall in love in reality, which will be very pleasant for you. As you know, all ages are submissive to love.
  • Washing in the shower in a dream means finding your place in life and bringing benefit to people.
  • Taking a shower in a dream means you will soon be fired from work, but this dream promises happiness for children.
  • In a dream, washing in the shower - in reality, very soon you will gather with your whole family at the table.
  • Cold shower a dream means disappointment in people, but don’t be upset, because you will begin to understand them sensibly.
  • A dream of bathing in the shower predicts fame and success for you. Everything will work out!

Spring dream book

  • A dream about a shower only speaks of good things. Coming white stripe in your life.
  • In a dream, taking a shower means in reality you will find out the bitter truth, but, as you know, it is better than a sweet lie.
  • Why do you dream of a shower in a dream - a waste of money.
  • Shower meaning of sleep - a shower in a dream predicts prosperity and longevity for you.
  • Seeing yourself in the shower in a dream - soon you will be able to show your talents and will be rewarded. Just move forward and luck will smile on you.
  • Bathing in the shower in a dream means finding peace and tranquility in reality.
  • Going to the shower in a dream will be a reason to laugh in reality.

Dream book of the 21st century

Summer dream book

  • Seeing and washing in the shower in a dream means you will be able to achieve a lot in reality.
  • The dream of a public shower predicts poverty for you.
  • A hot shower in a dream predicts passion for girls, and unrequited love for boys.
  • Dream of washing in the shower clean water- for a sea voyage.
  • The dream interpretation of taking a shower in a dream predicts success and fame for you.
  • In a dream, washing your hair in the shower means endless troubles at work and at home.
  • In a dream, washing off dirt in the shower means your children will make you happy. (cm. )
  • Seeing yourself naked in the shower in a dream means illness. Try to take time for your health.

Street dream book

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

  • I dreamed of bathing in the shower - to a happy and long marriage.
  • I dreamed of a girl in the shower - pay attention to how you feel. Possible problems with sexual health.
  • Dream book of souls - predicts happiness for you.
  • Dream interpretation of a shower to wash - to melancholy and sadness.
  • The dream interpretation of washing in the shower predicts a luxurious life for you.


A dream in which a shower appears can mean completely different things. For example, if you dream of standing in the shower, fame and wealth will soon come to your home. If you wash in the shower in a dream, then in reality you will soon meet people who will become your good friends. Therefore, try to remember all the details, because they are very important. And sweet dreams to you!

In which we bathe or shower. Of course, I would like to know what such a dream means. Logically, washing means cleansing, that is, something good is implied. And yet, let's turn to the interpreters, what does it mean

Interpretation according to the universal dream book

The universal dream book will help you figure out what it means in a dream.

  • A shower is, first of all, hygiene, and seeing it in a dream means renewal and successful business management.
  • Taking a shower is an unconscious desire to be clean. Therefore, a dream in which you wash in the shower portends a solution to the problems you have. When you take a shower, you simply wash them off.
  • Also, such a dream suggests that it would not hurt you to take a break in your affairs, relax, and then get down to business with fresh forces and achieve even greater success in your chosen field of activity.

Interpretation according to Adaskin's dream book

Adaskin's dream book also understands a shower in a dream as cleansing and renewal.

  • If you dream that you are taking a shower, in real life you will soon get rid of people or circumstances that prevent you from realizing your plans and achieving your goals.
  • Showering in a dream could also mean improving your intimate relationships. It's possible that you and your partner are in for a tidal wave. vitality and energies that can bring newness and freshness to your relationship.
  • If you have to take a shower in a dream, it could also mean that you are about to meet a person who will give you many wonderful days, but the relationship will not become permanent.

Interpretation according to Longo's dream book

Yuri Longo considers the shower a symbol of spiritual cleansing and renewal of your vital energy.

  • If the dreamer bathes in the soul, in reality this will lead to the understanding that in life he does not adhere too much to moral principles. In addition, he adheres to the concept that life is a dirty thing. Therefore, one must strive to direct one’s actions in a positive, creative direction, and then the perception of the world around him will become completely different for him.
  • Absolutely different situations you can see in a dream. Wash in the shower and being left without water - such a dream also has its own explanation. In reality this could lead to unexpected turn events that will interfere with the implementation of your plans.
  • Washing in the shower in a dream and noticing that someone is spying on you - good sign for a young girl. Such a vision promises her a lot of attention and interesting proposals. True, in such situations she needs to be as reasonable as possible. Well, if a business man had such a dream, this is a warning that his competitors are trying to learn the secrets of his business.

Interpretation according to different dream books

If you turn to more interpreters, then we will see how interesting and varied the interpretations of the dreams in which you had to be are.

  • According to Lewis's dream book, taking a shower in night vision may mean your need to wash away the heaviness from your life, the desire for physical or spiritual renewal. Also, a shower can characterize rewards that, one might say, “pour” onto the dreamer.
  • Lagutina’s dream book interprets the vision in which you washed yourself in the shower as a symbol of upcoming dubious entertainment.
  • According to Karatov’s dream book, if you took a shower in a dream, in real life all your efforts will not go unnoticed and will be appreciated.
  • Smurova's dream book warns that if you have taken a cold shower, you may experience big problems. What else does such a dream mean? Washing in the shower with clean water, removing dirt from yourself, may mean that the circumstances that are now too constraining or disturbing you will no longer bother you.
  • Meneghetti, in his dream book, considers water pouring on you from the shower to be a symbol of the positive emotions awaiting you.
  • The Wanderer's Dream Book promises that a warm shower in a dream can be a harbinger of events that will cause you to worry. But cold water in the shower will allow you to look at your behavior from the outside, assess the situation, and, if necessary, make the right decision.
  • Miller explains to us the following dream. Wash in the shower with soap a very favorable symbol for a young girl. The dreamer will not need money even in the most difficult moments.

Interpretation of dreams taking into account details

Sometimes, in order to more accurately decipher your night vision, it is very important to remember some important details. For example, if you had to, try to remember exactly where it happened:

  • if you were at home, changes await you, which may depend on various details;
  • took a shower in a public place (swimming pool, gym) - deception or betrayal may await you;
  • swam at home with parents or friends - most likely they need your help;
  • if the shower was on the beach, you may have financial problems;
  • if you had to wash in the presence of people, in reality you may disgrace yourself, so control your behavior.


It's no secret that in our night visions we have to experience a lot of emotions. We literally feel some of them physically, they are so realistic. In real life, after a long and tiring day, taking a shower brings us long-awaited relaxation and a feeling of cleanliness. But it happens that in our souls we wash ourselves in our sleep. Of course, the next morning we want to know what this means. Try to remember everything down to the smallest detail, write down the dream on paper and then contact an interpreter. As a rule, in the dream book a shower is a symbol of cleansing and renewal. Perhaps your dream will bring you something new and positive in reality.

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Miller's free dream book online - your guide from the world of mysterious dreams to the realities of the present

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Why do you dream about Shower?

Shower in a modern dream book

If you take a shower, it means that in reality you have the opportunity to make amends to a person who is very dear to you. A naked woman taking a shower dreams of serious trouble. If you wash in a shower with cold water coming out of it, it means you will provoke a family conflict that will lead to a real scandal. Very hot shower portends that you will have to do work that is extremely unpleasant for you. Unfortunately, abandoning it is out of the question.

Shower in Miller's dream book

Taking a shower means striving for repentance. The dreamer probably feels guilty for some actions. It's becoming obsession. You can get rid of this condition if you sincerely ask for forgiveness and try to make amends. A contrast shower indicates that you are a person of extremes, and also very impulsive. Most likely, you are dissatisfied with the progress of your affairs, but the reason for this is precisely your unbalanced character. The desire to take a shower signals a desire for pleasures that cannot be called normal. To achieve your goal, you are willing to spend a lot of money. This state of affairs can lead you to complete ruin. A dream in which the water suddenly runs out while taking a shower has an unfavorable meaning. This speaks of the inevitability of fate and the dreamer’s powerlessness to influence the circumstances of his own life.

Shower in Vanga's dream book

Bathing in the shower indicates the need to look back at the past and realize your guilt for unseemly behavior. If you ask for forgiveness from those you feel guilty about, your soul will feel better. If you have to swim under cold water, then you cannot atone for some of your actions, no matter how hard you try. You will have to bear responsibility for it, repenting throughout your life. It is an unfavorable sign to watch a naked woman taking a shower. This is a harbinger of a serious and long-term illness.

Shower in Freud's dream book

Since liquid (water) pours out of the shower, it is seen as a symbol of the penis. If you see a shower, it means your energy potential has reached the highest level. This will also affect your sex life, which will be saturated vivid impressions. Cold water, flowing from a hot tap, predicts disappointment in your partner. At the same time, you will be aware of your guilt. If the cold water suddenly comes out of the tap hot water, which you almost got burned, it means that you will have to face a person who will take advantage of your trust and deceive you. Standing under the shower and seeing physical flaws on your naked body - you would like sexual relations, but self-doubt stops you. Your thoughts about the need to protect yourself during sexual intercourse are symbolized by a dream in which you take a shower dressed. If you dreamed about washing your body with a washcloth in the shower, you didn’t like the sexual contact you had just recently.

There are dreams that help to quite accurately predict the development of events and prepare in advance for the development of the situation. These include those in which you dream of a shower. As a rule, a sleeping person experiences the fullness of feelings and quite vivid sensations that are easy for him to recall in his memory upon awakening. Great value for interpretation similar dream have the smallest details, so they must be taken into account when you take a dream book and look for an explanation: why do you dream of a shower?

First, remember: what was the water like? Was it pleasant to be under the streams of water? Lastly, did you shower alone or was there someone else nearby? When you answer these questions, you can be sure that the dream book will tell you the clearest scenario for the development of events awaiting you in the near future.

Interpretations of dreams about the soul by various predictors

The dreamer is too sensitive to the words and actions of others. Such excessive sensitivity prevents him from giving more objective assessments, this is approximately how Longo’s dream book interprets a dream about the soul. He advises getting rid of this habit and looking at many things more simply and condescendingly. This way you will save energy, nerves and improve relationships with people.

Why do you dream of a shower, according to the fortuneteller Hasse? It turns out that this great sign that you are about to make a decent profit, and without making almost any effort. But don’t rush to rest on your laurels; to achieve similar successes in the future you will have to try harder.

The Wanderer's Dream Book offers a different explanation for what a shower means in dreams. In your night dreams, did you bask under the streams of warm, pleasant water? Unfortunately, in reality this promises difficult trials that will cause a feeling of anxiety. When you shivered in a dream under cool, even cold streams, this means that when you wake up you will be able to correctly assess the current situation and make the only right decision.

In a dream, you can find yourself in the shower, but still not be able to wash yourself. The interpretation of this dream largely depends on the reason why there was no water. If a thick layer of lime has accumulated on the watering can, then get ready to overcome a serious obstacle on the way to achieving your goal. You don’t have enough strength to open the tap, then urgently take the most radical measures to save own business. He is under threat.

The dream book predicts a crystal reputation for a girl who dreamed that she was taking a shower on the street. Even if the day before evil tongues spread unpleasant rumors about her, her impeccable behavior will rehabilitate her and serve best characteristic. The gossipers will calm down.

Why do you dream of bathing in the shower according to Freud? For married people, such a vision promises the likelihood of a return to former passionate feelings and bright, sensual pleasures. In short, there will be another one honeymoon. Harmony and peace will reign in the family.

They stand in a dream under a shower, from which cool water flows, but does not deliver, discomfort, - to financial well-being. This vision may occur on the eve of the dreamer’s insight, which will contribute to his success.

You are about to meet a person who can open your eyes to many interesting things, going on around you, this is what you dream about in a shower room. The same person will tell you how to solve the current problem. From the point of view of psychoanalysis, taking a shower in night dreams is identified with the desire to repent for a stupid or ugly act. It is likely that the dreamer has been tormented by this question for a long time, but he does not know how to repent for his act.

What can happen in the shower

The dream book also describes possible incidents in the shower. Suppose you dreamed that you opened a tap with cold water, and you were scalded by boiling water. Such a vision is an urgent warning to the dreamer: he trusts too much a person who will turn out to be a traitor.

Sometimes the opposite can happen. For example, they expected warm “rain” from a watering can, but you were hit with an icy wave. Such a dream predicts disappointment in the area love relationship. It makes sense to take a closer look at the person you love and understand how sincere and open he is. Who knows, maybe he has a hobby on the side, or he maintains a relationship with you for selfish reasons? To decipher the dream, you need to take into account both the type and size of the shower. Was it a tiny cubicle or a room equipped to wash several people.

Taking a shower alone in a cramped, dark stall can be a dream for someone who in reality finds themselves alone without the support of relatives and friends. True, if while washing you feel hot or warm, then do not despair - there will be a person who will lend you a helping hand at a crucial moment.

Why dream of a shower designed for public needs? The dream book claims that such a vision may precede a streak of adversity that will haunt your loved ones. Therefore, you will worry and worry about them. And the reason for difficulties for relatives will be their desire to participate in a risky, if not adventurous, project.

The fortuneteller Miller believes that a shower in a dream symbolizes excitement, concern for a loved one. In particular, concerns about the depth and sincerity of his feelings.

It’s bad if you dreamed that you were taking a shower without taking off your clothes. Problems and troubles will overtake the dreamer at the most inopportune moment, when he is least ready for them. Oddly enough, many people enjoy standing in the shower in full gear in their dreams. If you dreamed of this, and you did not suffer, but, on the contrary, relaxed, then in real life you will deal with nasty surprises playfully.

A man, seeing a girl in the shower in a dream, can be sure that she sympathizes with him. And when a lady burdened with a family sees a dream about shower procedures, then she has a chance to receive a present from her husband.

Finally, an erotic dream in which he and she found themselves under the shower. They explain it by saying that the dreamer is tense and it’s time to relax. For example, spend a wonderful, romantic evening, smoothly flowing into an even more exciting night.

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