Samburskaya children. Nastasya Samburskaya was in an intimate relationship with a schoolboy

Last June, the star of the TV series “Univer”, actress of the theater on Malaya Bronnaya and popular blogger Nastastya Samburskaya vacationed in warmer climes with a handsome young man. The girl published a photo on her Instagram page and subscribers quickly figured out that next to the beauty was the actor, “Mr. Belarus,” 25-year-old Kirill Dytsevich. But the most intriguing thing about this photo was the caption: Just married. The fans rejoiced and hid, not in a hurry to jump to conclusions. There are legends about the difficult character of actress Samburskaya, and she herself often says that she has been “complicated” since childhood. Therefore, many people took the signature as a joke, but already in the fall, in November, another photo appeared. Everything was more than clear on it - Nastasya was standing at the door of the registry office with a wedding ring on her ring finger. And a signature in which she officially confirmed that she married a Belarusian actor.

“Now we’re definitely not joking. Yes, the bride was in black, there wasn’t enough money for white. I didn’t throw the bouquet because it was heavy and could inadvertently knock the registry office worker off her feet. I'm happy. My husband doesn't suffer either. Babies will be born when necessary. I am loved and love, and I wish the same for you all,” Nastasya wrote.

Fans rejoiced, friends congratulated, more and more joint photos of the happy newlyweds appeared on Instagram. But in early December, Nastasya unexpectedly deleted all the photos with her husband and stopped wearing her wedding ring. And then there were rumors that the actress kicked her betrothed out of her apartment. Kirill is from Belarus, he does not have his own living space in Moscow, he lived in the house of his famous wife.

Now the Internet is talking about the reasons for the quarrel and even a possible divorce. Nastastya Samburskaya could have quarreled with her husband because of her mother-in-law, or rather, because she gave a short interview to the press. No, she didn’t say anything bad about her daughter-in-law. On the contrary, Nina Vladimirovna told reporters that she likes her son’s wife, that they have known each other for a long time, that she and her husband are very happy with their daughter-in-law.

“We have known Nastasya for a long time, we saw each other in Moscow, and the guys came to us. She is a good, kind girl. Her image on television does not mean anything. My husband and I are very happy with our daughter-in-law, our son is happy, he feels good, you can see it in his eyes, and we feel even better,” admitted Samburskaya’s mother-in-law.

But the very fact of communicating with the press, as they say, could easily serve as a reason for a quarrel. Nastasya even stopped communicating with her own parents because they started talking about her on TV without her consent. Apparently, the mother-in-law also did not ask her daughter-in-law’s permission. There was a quarrel between the spouses, which ended with the actress kicking her young husband out of the house, writes

And although Nastasya planned to spend these New Year holidays with her husband, apparently the young people are now apart. In warmer climes, next to the actress is her friend, also an actress Natalya Rudova. She publishes a lot of photos together and provides them with funny captions (for example, this one: “With her Chinese fiance in Sochi”), which raises many questions from subscribers.

Nastasya Samburskaya is a Russian theater and film actress. For five years, the girl starred in the popular youth sitcom “Univer”. Thanks to him, she was able to reveal her talent and gain her audience of viewers.

The girl is not going to stop there. She managed to try herself as a presenter. Even though I didn’t attend music school as a child, I loved to sing. A teacher at the institute noticed her talent and said that she had good vocal abilities. The girl began taking vocal lessons and has already managed to please the audience with her songs. She has been collaborating with Viktor Drobyshev for two years now and is about to release her solo album.

At the moment, Nastasya is playing on the stage of the theater, with her participation films and TV series have already been released: “Wedding Ring”, “Bachelorette Party”, “Amazons”, “Swallow’s Nest”, “First Autumn of the War”, “Bring Back My Love”, “Obsession” "

Looking at this young and very beautiful girl, you involuntarily wonder what her height, weight, age is? How old is Nastasya Samburskaya? The girl actively works out in the gym, maintaining excellent physical shape. For the actress, fitness comes first and plays a very important role in her life. For her enormous contribution to its development, Nastasya was even awarded a prestigious prize.

The beauty also loves photo shoots and constantly appears on the covers of glossy magazines, including those containing candid photos of the actress. At 31 years old, the girl is 177 centimeters tall and weighs 58 kilograms. Many consider these parameters to be ideally complementary to each other. And in tandem with the beauty of Samburskaya it’s an absolutely delightful combination.

Photos of Nastasya Samburskaya in her youth and now can tell a lot about the girl. For example, in some pictures the girl is dressed in a formal suit, while in others she is already in torn jeans and a T-shirt. The actress is not afraid to experiment with her appearance. She once shocked her fans with her short haircut and bright hair color. Subscribers, already accustomed to the image of “Christina,” were divided into two fronts: some did not understand why such a radical change in the image, while others came to Samburskaya’s defense.

Biography of Nastasya Samburskaya

The biography of Nastasya Samburskaya began in the city of Priozersk, Leningrad region. On March 1, 1987, Anastasia Alekseevna Terekhova, then known to her fans as Nastasya Samburskaya, was born into an ordinary family.

The girl's father did not remember her as anything remarkable; when she was 5 years old, he was imprisoned. Raising the daughter and her younger brother Gregory, their maintenance fell on the shoulders of the mother, who worked at the local market. At the age of 15, Anastasia moved to live in the Saratov region, where she tried her hand at training to become a hairdresser and at the same time worked part-time in various fields.

When the actress turned 16, she was able to move to Moscow. Then she decided to try her hand at acting. It all started after participating in the filming of crowd scenes in the series “Yesenin”, where the girl first felt a craving for art.

After some time, she applied for admission to the Moscow Art Theater and took the course of Konstantin Raikin. But I couldn’t finish my studies even to the end of the first year. Being a stubborn and punchy girl from early childhood, she makes an attempt to enter GITIS, where she is successfully enrolled with Sergei Golomazov.

It is from this moment that the real talent of the future theater and film star is revealed. Already in 2010, Nastasya received a diploma as an actress and entered the theater on Malaya Bronnaya. After a number of supporting roles in various productions, she was approved for the main role in the play “Formalin”.

Personal life of Nastasya Samburskaya

The personal life of Nastasya Samburskaya is full of incredible stories of her romantic relationships. For example, the scandalous story about the young sixteen-year-old cadet Nikita Veselkin. They met, like most young people, on social networks, and after a short correspondence they decided to meet.

Before meeting Nastasya, the young man hid his true age. After the first date, although the actress was surprised, she was not stopped by Nikita’s statement that he was only sixteen years old. Their relationship did not end very romantically; Nastasya tried to sue Nikita because information about their intimacy was leaked to the press, but the process was not successful.

There were also absurd rumors about the personal life of the young actress, for example, such as her relationship with Kurban Omarov, the husband of Ksenia Borodina. The reason for this gossip was a photo in which a young man’s mobile phone was seen. This rumor was immediately refuted, since the meeting was purely business in nature. At the moment, the girl is in a relationship with actor Kirill Dytsevich. According to some reports, they even got married.

Family of Nastasya Samburskaya

For a long time now, the family of Nastasya Samburskaya has remained behind the scenes of the actress’s life. There is practically no information about her relatives. The fact is that, while still a sixteen-year-old teenager, Nastasya left her hometown, breaking off all relations with her parents and relatives.

We only know that the girl has a father, Alexey, and a mother, Larisa Terekhova, as well as a brother, Grigory. It was rumored that the young man was addicted to drugs. Nastasya neither confirmed nor denied these data.

After moving to Moscow, she completely changed her passport details. Nastasya does not like to talk about her family and avoids all questions on this topic.

Children of Nastasya Samburskaya

The actress recently began to gain popularity, gaining momentum both in the film industry and in the world of show business. “Student Christina” has many more projects and goals in her plans, but they do not yet include children. Nastasya Samburskaya is only 31 years old, so it’s too early to say that she might miss out on doing the most important thing in life.

Once, in a conversation with journalists, she admitted that the first child she will have will be taken from an orphanage. She did not voice the reason why Samburskaya made this decision.

Nastasya Samburskaya's husband - Kirill Dytsevich

Nastasya Samburskaya’s husband, Kirill Dytsevich, comes from a small town in the Republic of Belarus. In 2016 he received a diploma from the Belarusian Academy of Arts. He started acting in films while still a student. He became a famous and sought-after actor after he won first place in the “most handsome man in Belarus” competition.

His wedding with Nastasya Samburskaya came as a surprise to all fans, on both sides. Everyone learned the news about their engagement, and then about their marriage in 2017, from the actress’s official social network. There, Nastasya posted a photo from their honeymoon, where the young couple went immediately after going to the registry office.

However, already at the beginning of this year, the expressive girl said that she kicked her young husband - Kirill is five years younger - out into the street with his things. The reason for this decision was allegedly an interview with her mother-in-law. The yellow press wrote that the newly-made daughter-in-law did not like the phrase said about children who are not yet planned. What actually happened, whether it is true or not, is not commented on by any of the parties.

Readers saw Nastasya Samburskaya’s photo in Maxim magazine twice. For the first time in 2012, in the image of a witch - the theme of the photo shoot was suggested by the girl herself. The second time three years later, this time they chose the theme of sports.

The girl is proud of her body and beauty and often participates in various photo shoots. In addition to Maxim magazine, she posed naked for Playboy, a foreign publication for men.

Nastasya also likes to post regular vacation photos online. There are many such pictures where she is in a swimsuit on a snow-white yacht or sunbathing on a sandy beach near the ocean. In the same attire, she could be seen more than once near the pool.

“Nastasya Samburskaya - photo in a swimsuit 2018 - without photoshop” - this is how they once captioned a photo of the actress when, after intensive training in the gym, she surprised her fans with her toned body.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nastasya Samburskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia of Nastasya Samburskaya are the most requested pages of the actress. The thing is that Wikipedia contains a short biography and creative path of the aspiring singer, and there are generally two official pages on Instagram.

The girl is a very sociable and open person in communication, with a great sense of humor. The total number of subscribers has long exceeded seven million. She shares funny videos, photographs of her life and plans for the future. Samburskaya had to create a second account on Instagram at the request of her subscribers in order to be able to share with them her observations about training, proper daily routine and nutrition.

Details Created: 08/10/2016 19:21 Updated: 09/15/2017 23:15

Nastasya Samburskaya is a talented and very beautiful Russian actress, better known to TV viewers as student Kristina Sokolovskaya from the television series “Univer. New dorm." In this article you will find out how the TV star lives today and what her life path was like.


According to sources, the future artist was born on March 1, 1987 in the small town of Priozersk, Leningrad Region, in an ordinary family. Her childhood and teenage years passed like those of all children. The girl was an ordinary teenager and was not particularly different from her peers. Since childhood, I dreamed of being a hairdresser, a model, and never even thought about becoming an actress.

Samburskaya in childhood photo


According to sources, having tried herself as a hairdresser, she realized that in order to achieve success she had to conquer Moscow. Having moved to the capital, the girl takes on various jobs, the main thing is that they pay money: she works as a waitress, a taxi dispatcher. But when she was offered another part-time job as an extra in the TV series “Yesenin,” she had a dream - to become an actress. This desire came to her not because she can become popular and famous, but because she pays well for it. The girl was sure that by becoming an actress, she would be able to exchange her drab, miserable life for a luxurious and bright one.

Student years

According to media reports, she is applying to one of the theater universities and honing her acting skills. He continues to earn extra money to pay for his life in the capital. At first she studied on the course of Konstantin Raikin, but after six months she was kicked out due to absenteeism and conflict. Then, she applies to another university for Sergei Golomazov’s course. Here she already studied well. After graduation, the girl goes to work in the theater and successfully performs on stage. The actress's student years were not the most joyful, because she was torn between study, work and problems - how to pay the rent and how to eat.

Among her theatrical works you can note:

  • “Demons. Scenes from the life of Nikolai Stavrogin";
  • "Prince Caspian";
  • "Rapists";
  • "Formalin";
  • "Rabbit Hole".

Stage image


According to media reports, her film career began in 2008 and until 2011, Nastasya acted only in episodic roles. For example, in the series “Tell Leo” (2008) she played a girl near the cinema, in the series “ Wedding ring"(2008) - administrator in a restaurant and fitness club, in the series " What should the heart do?"(2009) - nurse; in the series “Amazons” (2010) - the victim.

She received real recognition and love from TV viewers only after playing the main role in the television series “ Univer. New dorm"(2011-2016). It was the role of student Christina that brought her success. Now she is no longer looking for a job, but she is being invited to various projects and television shows.

Still from the series “Univer. New dorm"

From 2013 to 2014, she hosted the talk show “I’m Right,” which aired on the Yu channel.

Talk show "I'm right"

Films and TV series in which Samburskaya starred:

2012 - television series " Ahead of the shot»;

2013 - film " First autumn of the war»;

2013 - television series “Sasha Tanya”;

2014 - TV series " Bring back my love»;

2015 - film " Women vs men».

In 2016, she was busy filming such projects as “Friday” and “ Take a hit, baby!».

"Take the hit, baby!"

Interesting Facts

The actress is a very athletic and fit girl. She spends a lot of time in the gym and has perfect shape. But he admits that in order to have an exquisite body you need to not only eat healthy food, but also use special nutritional supplements.

The gym is Nastasya’s favorite place; she has repeatedly stated that she rests here with her soul and heart. Thanks to this, she was invited many times to shoot erotic photos for men's magazines - Playboy and MAXIM. Her height is approximately 177 centimeters, and her weight is about 59 kilograms. Nastasya has her own page on Instagram and Vkontakte, and constantly shares new photos with her fans. The actress also sings and is working on recording a solo album.

Personal life

As you know, Nastasya has a good sense of humor. Therefore, her personal life is shrouded in mysteries and unconfirmed facts. She shares some love adventures with her fans, and completely different ones with journalists. As a result, it turns out that it is not known exactly which of everything said is true and which is false.

So who is Nastasya Samburskaya really dating? Let's figure it out.

Many sources claim that the girl had an affair with her boyfriend Sergei, but this relationship soon ended. She was also credited with a romantic relationship with a comedian Timur Batrutdinov, but no one received any confirmation from the actress.

Nastasya Samburskaya and Timur Batrutdinov

The actress began to attribute numerous marriages to herself in 2012. Her first betrothed was an actor Stanislav Yarushin(Anton from Univer). The actress posted a funny photo online of herself and Stanislavov in wedding dresses.

Nastasya and Stanislav Yarushin

In 2014, new rumors spread online that Nastasya was already officially married and had children - a son. And all because a new photo of a happy family has appeared on the Internet. Everyone picked up on this good news so much that no one noticed that it was just another acting role as a wife and mother for a commercial.

Ideal wife with husband and son

Then gossip spread that Andrei Skorokhod, another famous participant in the comedy program Comedy Club, became the new groom for the girl. New photos from the wedding feast have undermined social media. networks. And yet, their mutual friend Pavel Volya left a comment that he was happy for the young people.

Nastasya Samburskaya and Andrey Skorokhod

Following this, the Internet was disrupted by new sensational headlines: " Nastasya Samburskaya and her husband Andrei Borodin wedding"Allegedly, new photos have appeared in the wedding dresses of the star and the next Andrei. But many have already come to terms with the fact that Samburskaya loves practical jokes, especially on the topics of marriage and children, which her fans love to discuss.

Nastasya jokes about her third pregnancy

In August 2014, Nastasya stated in an interview that she really plans to get married, but she is not going to reveal her cards and discuss her future husband because of personal reasons. She loves her husband very much, values ​​their relationship and believes that everything that is brought to public ends quickly.

But whether the wedding really took place is not yet known. The girl also loves to joke about her pregnancy and posts photos with a rounded belly. And in one of her interviews, she claimed that she does not yet plan to give birth to a child, but wants to first take the baby from the orphanage in order to give him a happy life.

Nastasya Samburskaya and Kirill Dytsevich could not get along under the same roof.

Nastasya Samburskaya planned to go to the ocean with her husband on a honeymoon during the New Year holidays. But she spends her vacation on the islands with her friend Natalya Rudova.

During the break between filming “Revizorro” and work at the theater, Samburskaya sunbathes, swims, and gains strength for the new working year. The actress shares her worries about her unsuccessful marriage with Kirill Dytsevich only with her loved ones.

The romance between Nastasya Samburskaya and Kirill Dytsevich was unexpected for fans, but not for the actor’s relatives who live in a small Belarusian town. The couple met several years ago. " Kirill had never come to the point of proposing marriage with any of his girls before. He always had enough fans in Belarus and Ukraine, where TV series with his participation are often shown. After trips to Moscow, Kirill said that he had a girl in Russia who fell into his heart, but he hid her name. Later we found out that this is the actress Samburskaya“, said a friend of Dytsevich.

Nastasya Samburskaya was against advertising her personal life, so she forbade her chosen one to tell the details of the relationship to friends and the press. Kirill is close to his mother and at the beginning of the novel he brought Nastasya to his native Belarusian town of Berezy, where he introduced him to his parents.

Kirill is 25, Nastasya is 30 years old, but the age difference did not bother anyone. Samburskaya is in excellent shape, besides, she liked to make decisions herself, and the chosen one did not want to resist. It is no secret that financially Samburskaya is much more successful than Dytsevich. Therefore, she had the last word, including regarding her first appearance at the event. This happened in the fall at the presentation of one of the TV channels, Nastasya and Kirill were holding hands: they recognized her and took pictures, but no one paid attention to him, and it was she who published the photo from the registry office. This is how the country learned about this wedding.

The star of Instagram and the Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, the new presenter of “Revizorro” Samburskaya was happy with the young actor. Dytsevich starred in TV series while still studying at the acting department of the Belarusian Academy of Arts. By the way, while I was a student I lived in a dorm in Minsk. I traveled to Moscow to film and earn money, and after receiving my diploma, I moved to the capital - closer to real earnings and the woman I loved. He continued to act in TV series.

Russian viewers have already seen Dytsevich in the love melodramas of the Rossiya1 channel, for example, in the series Forbidden Love. And two years ago he won the Mister Belarus competition. But the handsome Dytsevich is not a white-handed guy, but a handy guy, he himself said in an interview: “ I'm from Bereza, I can do everything. And drive a tractor, by the way…»

Dytsevich was fascinated by the beautiful and daring Samburskaya and did not resist the rapid development of the romance: an idyll reigned in their relationship - they understood each other perfectly, the couple was constantly in touch when leaving for filming, and soon Kirill moved into Nastasya’s renovated apartment. “The Snow Queen” Samburskaya finally gave up - Dytsevich found an approach to her, and he turned out to be comfortable in everyday life, the couple had already looked into a New Year’s tour.

But then the irreparable happened. Kirill Dytsevich’s mother gave an interview - Nina Vladimirovna told reporters about her daughter-in-law Samburskaya. There were only compliments addressed to the actress: “ A good, kind girl, the young people are in no hurry to have grandchildren...“But there was no permission from the daughter-in-law for the interview, so a scandal broke out and the couple had a serious quarrel. And the young and hot ones just need to start sorting things out. It all ended with Kirill moving out of his wife’s living space with his things.

And the hot one in this couple is the wife. Nastasya, for example, once hit a colleague with a chair at the theater - the woman contradicted her. Let us remember that Samburskaya had enough novels - she was never deprived of male attention, but she did not tell the details. She stopped relations with her relatives (mother and brother, who live in the Saratov region) after they talked to journalists and talked about Nastasya. At the same time, Samburskaya always helped her relatives with money. But she forbade her loved ones from attending talk shows and communicating with the press. All interviews are given only by her.

« I have been complex and self-sufficient since childhood“ quotes Nastasya. The actress did not hide the fact that she was accustomed to a certain lifestyle: for example, dining in restaurants, traveling. Before her affair with her future husband, Samburskaya said that her man could not be lower in status. But love, apparently, forced the actress to change her point of view. But not for long - after all, Nastasya remained true to herself. And this will benefit her: after all, the actress herself noticed that the more she suffers, the more successful everything turns out for her in her work. This means the new season of “Revizorro” on the channel “Friday!” January should be successful.

Nastasya Samburskaya constantly surprises her fans, adding new works to her creative biography every year. She is not only in demand among directors, but also has a musical career.

The work of a TV presenter has become no less interesting for Samburskaya, which she also copes with successfully.

Finding your business

The future actress was born in 1987 in Priozersk, located in the Leningrad region. She does not like to remember her parents, however, it is known that her father was in prison, and her mother worked as a salesman. She also has a younger brother. During her school years, Nastasya sang in an ensemble and also participated in amateur competitions. Showing creative abilities, she could not even think about getting an acting profession.

The photo shows Nastasya Samburskaya in childhood and youth.

After 9th grade, the girl went to Engels, where she began to study hairdressing. However, a year later she decided to try her luck in Moscow, where she wanted to find a decent job. Soon Samburskaya found herself on the set of the series “Yesenin”, in which she starred as an extra. It was this event that suggested to her that acting was her calling. Soon the future artist became a student at the Moscow Art Theater, but her studies there did not work out. The girl did not give up, thanks to which she was able to enter GITIS, which she graduated in 2010.

Acting career and participation in various projects

Having received her diploma, the aspiring actress was accepted into the team of the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Playing diverse heroines on stage, she was able to demonstrate her abilities and talent for transformation. Among her successful theatrical works, one can note such roles in productions as Gail from “Almost City”, Yuna Rukova from “Formalin”, Izzy from “Rabbit Hole” and others. In 2017, Nastasya appeared on stage in the role of Abigail Williams, playing in the production of “The Witches of Salem.”

The girl dreamed of conquering not only the theater stage, but also the cinema, however, for a long time she could not wait for good offers. For several years she starred in episodes in various TV series (“Wedding Ring”, “Detectives”, “Amazons” and others). And only in 2011, the actress received her first leading role, playing student Christina in the youth series “Univer. New dorm." This work lasted for six years. She brought Samburskaya not only success and love from fans, but also new opportunities. Soon her filmography was replenished with new films, such as “Bring Back My Love”, “Women Against Men”, “Take the Blow, Baby!”, “Obsession” and others. In 2017, viewers enjoyed watching the melodrama “Two Wives,” in which the actress played the main role. In 2018, several of her projects will be released: “Women against Men: Crimean Vacation,” “Team B,” and “Zomboyashchik.”

Still from the film “Wild”.

With the development of her acting abilities, Nastasya also discovered her singing talent, thanks to which she released her debut single “You Got It” in 2012. After recording a few more songs, she was able to perform in front of an audience in one of the clubs in the capital. Her musical abilities were also appreciated by Viktor Drobysh, thanks to which there were changes in her career. In 2016, Nastastya recorded a video for her song “Bad Boys,” which listeners liked. One cannot fail to note her work on television, where she demonstrates her artistry and ability to host a program. The actress was the host of such shows as “#Yaprava” on the “Yu” TV channel, “General Cleaning” on the “Friday!” TV channel. and others. In 2018, she replaced Elena Letuchaya, starting to work on the show “Revizorro”.

Novels with men

Not only her fans were interested in the personal life of the “Univer” star, but also journalists, who attributed to her affairs with various famous men. Endowed with creative abilities, the girl also attracted attention with her excellent external data (height - 177 cm, weight - 66 kg). In 2016, it became known that Belarusian singer Alexander Ivanov became her lover. Samburskaya did not hide her romance from the public, publishing joint photos with him on her page. The lovers met each other on the Internet, after which the singer came to her performance. Two months later they started living as one family, however, they soon separated.

In the photo, Nastasya Samburskaya with her ex-husband Kirill Dytsevich. Instagram samburskaya.

At the end of 2017, the media reported that the actress got married. Her chosen one turned out to be the Belarusian actor Kirill Dytsevich, with whom the beauty dated for only a few months. This event came as a complete surprise not only to her fans, but also to many of the artist’s colleagues. At her wedding, Nastasya appeared before the guests in a black outfit, which surprised her fans, who considered it a bad omen. The actress and her husband made plans for family life and dreamed of children, however, already at the beginning of 2018 it became known that they had separated.