Fibroblasts and collagen. Fibroblasts are connective tissue cells that play a key role

Skin rejuvenation methods have been and remain a very important area in aesthetic cosmetology. This is now possible thanks to the impact on self-recovery skin cells. Fibroblasts play a key role in this process.

Skin fibroblasts are the main cells connective tissue . They regenerate the production of the matrix, which, in turn, is the basis of the connective tissue fibers of the epidermis. He's playing main role in delivery to cells chemical elements. The components of the matrix are collagen and hyaluronic acid, elastin and fibrin.

Functions of fibroblasts

Fibroblasts are located in the middle layers of the skin - the dermis. They perform many functions in the human body:

  • Activation of collagen and elastin production;
  • formation of vessel walls;
  • acceleration of cell growth;
  • stimulation and support of the body's immunity: fight against viruses, bacteria and pathogenic microflora;
  • epithelial regeneration.

These cells also contribute to the production of proteins in the human body:

  • Tinascin regulates the normal production of collagen and elastin;
  • laminin and midogen - peptides necessary for the formation basement membrane skin;
  • proteoglycans are necessary for the active interaction of epithelial cells.

Under the influence negative factors When exposed to the skin, collagen and elastin fibers age and are broken down by collagenase. It is produced by fibroblasts together with elastase. After cleavage, fibroblasts use the main components of fiber breakdown to create collagen and elastin. This results in a closed process of destruction and restoration of epithelial cells and fibers.

Skin aging begins at the age of 25−30. This process is natural and inherent in the human body by nature. The fact is that over time, fibroblasts lose their ability to be synthesized in tissues. Because of this, the number of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen in the layers of the epithelium. This becomes immediately noticeable on the skin. It becomes less elastic, becomes thinner, and loses its elasticity. Dryness and paleness of the skin appears. Fine wrinkles begin to appear, which become more noticeable over time. This process occurs unevenly throughout the human body. The first areas to age are the face, neck, décolleté, hands and elbows.

Thanks to many years of research, scientists were able to find out that the introduction of fibroblasts under skin you can slow down and sometimes stop the aging process. Such a stimulating effect is possible thanks to injections with a person’s own biological material. After such injections, the skin becomes thick and elastic. The processes of rejuvenation and restoration of skin cells begin to start. After the procedure, there is a smoothing of wrinkles, an improvement in complexion, the elimination of scars and scars, and pigmentation becomes less noticeable. Therefore, fibroblast rejuvenation in cosmetology remains very popular.

Before the cells are introduced into the middle layers of the dermis, the process of growing fibroblasts occurs. To do this, the specialist takes tissue near the ear shell. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, and the patient does not feel pain. The wound heals within 2-3 days after collection.

Only viable cells are then selected. The growth of fibroblasts occurs from 1 to 2 months under the close supervision of specialists. All this time, the cells are “fed” with proteins. After this, the grown material is placed in saline solution. This is the liquid for injection.

The doctor draws up a rejuvenation scheme taking into account the patient’s age, skin condition and the number of fibroblasts in the solution. The number of procedures depends on these characteristics. In most cases, 2 procedures are performed with an interval of 1-2 months. Improvements become noticeable after the first injection.

Therapy is carried out under local anesthesia . The liquid is injected into the muscle with a special needle, piercing several places on the skin. Later, hematomas may form at the injection site, or swelling may appear. Over time unpleasant symptoms pass.

The advantage of this therapy is that the body does not reject the injected fibroblasts.. Under the skin, cells begin to restore damaged fibers and the process of epithelial regeneration begins. After therapy, fibroblasts remain active for about one and a half years. All this time, the skin is regenerated.

Despite high cost therapy, many patients choose this procedure because of the durability of the results. And with proper and constant skin care, the effect can be extended up to 7 years. Before repeating the procedure, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Contraindications for use

Therapy is not recommended for chronic, cold and infectious diseases. It is strictly forbidden to use injections when oncological diseases and in case of AIDS in a patient. The procedure is prohibited for pregnant women, during lactation, people under 18 years of age and over 70 years of age.

An innovative direction has appeared in cosmetology - rejuvenating cellular technologies. There are several such technologies, but the healthiest and most reliable of them is fibroblast cell therapy. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to maintain youth and beauty even in adulthood.

Fibroblasts - what are they?

In Europe, fibroblasts have been widely used in the treatment of various diseases and anti-aging cosmetic procedures since the late 90s.

Since 2000, the technology has been developed and treatment and rejuvenation procedures are carried out in leading clinics in the USA, Britain and Switzerland using our own connective tissue cells or, scientifically speaking, fibroblasts.

The procedure cannot be called cheap - it costs from seven thousand dollars, but as the lucky ones who have experienced its miraculous effect say, the costs are worth a thousandfold.

Let's take a closer look at what this technology is and what fibroblasts are.

Fibroblasts in professional medicine are called cells of loose connective tissues. These cells have a special, elongated shape and look like a small spindle, from which different sides there are many shoots. Fibroblast cells are located in the middle layers of the skin, and it is from these skin cells that the epithelial framework is formed.

Briefly, we can say that the functions of fibroblasts also include the production of biologically important active substances and ensuring the full process of cellular metabolism. But in fact, fibroblasts have much more features, let's talk about the beneficial qualities of skin cells in the next section of the article.

Cell functions

  • Fibroblasts synthesize and release special substances into the space between cells that help the dermis maintain elasticity and firmness. Thanks to this, there is an active stimulation of the production of collagen and elastin fibers, as well as intercellular substance, which is similar to a thick gel. This gel fills the space between cells and its components are moisture-retaining hyaluronic acid and important elements like nidogen, tinascin and proteglican;
  • Fibroblasts also produce enzyme substances that can clear the intercellular space of old fibers. Thus, there is constant renewal in the layers of the dermis, and the skin remains fresh and youthful.

Cells of this type are also responsible for the synthesis special type proteins that promote regenerative processes in the epithelium.

Application of fibroblasts in cosmetology

Fibroblasts have found their use in procedures aimed at rejuvenating and slowing down the natural aging processes of the dermis. It is known that the aging process of the dermis enters an active phase from the age of 25-30 years and in this process changes occur primarily at the cellular level.

Aging begins with a decline in the activity of fibroblast cells: they stop synthesizing the required amount of collagen and elastin fibers, and the level of hyaluronic acid drops to a critical point.

Of course, these hidden processes are reflected in the condition of the dermis: it becomes thin, dries out, and takes on a pale or grayish tint. The epithelium also loses its firmness and elasticity, as a result of which wrinkled networks appear on the skin, which gradually grow and acquire depth, turning into age-related folds. And the older a person is, the faster the pace of development of these negative processes. Age-related changes appear most quickly in the neck, face, décolleté and arms.

Thanks to cellular technologies, the aging process can be, if not stopped, then significantly reduced in intensity. Stimulation of fibroblast cells fights aging from the inside and that is why procedures using cells of this type are so effective.

Fibroblast injections: the essence of the procedure

The essence of the procedure is quite simple: young connective tissue cells are transplanted into the dermis. Moreover, the method uses one’s own cells, which allows not only to avoid a rejection reaction, but also to maximally accelerate the processes of renewal and regeneration of the skin. The result of the procedure will be a noticeable improvement in complexion, reduction of wrinkles of all types (from facial to deep), deep hydration of the dermis, healing of scars and post-acne.

The main advantage of the technology is that fibroblast injections are highly effective and retain their useful qualities over a long period of time.

The results from the procedure will last for at least six months!

And all this time, collagen, elastin and hyaluron will be actively produced in the dermis and in the required quantities.

The cells for injection are obtained from the patient's dermis, a small piece of which is usually taken from the belly button area or from the area behind the ears. It is in these areas human body the skin is least susceptible to the negative effects of factors external environment. This piece is carefully examined and processed in the laboratory, stimulating the growth of young fibroblast cells. On average, cell cultivation takes a month to a month and a half, after which the grown cells are injected into the clinic patient’s area in need of correction.

A pronounced result can be expected after the first autotransplantation session, but to achieve a significant effect, cosmetologists advise taking a two-week course. Six months after the procedure, the depth of age-related changes in the area around the eyes is reduced to almost ninety percent, around the mouth - to fifty-five percent, on the neck and chest area - to ninety-five percent.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for autotransplantation are:

  • Age-related loss of firmness and elasticity of the dermis;
  • Increased dryness of the epithelium;
  • Expression wrinkles;
  • The first signs of skin aging;
  • Age over thirty years;
  • Treatment of acne scars and scars of other origin.

The procedure is also indicated for those who have lost a lot of excess weight and, as a result, strong weight loss the skin on the face or neck is very sagging. Injections will help restore the lost elasticity of the epidermis and remove unsightly folds.

Despite the safety of the procedure, there are still a number of contraindications to it. In particular, fibroblast autotransplantation should be avoided in acute and chronic diseases internal organs, especially in the acute stage.

AThe 11th century slave poet Al-Maarri once exclaimed bitterly: “It seems to us that youth has no wear and tear, but the years roll like stones from the slope.” Centuries have passed since then. Scientists and doctors did not waste time: they worked to give humanity techniques that could slow down the aging process. One of the most advanced anti-aging technologies is fibroblast therapy - a reliable and safe procedure that provides amazing results. It allows us to bring back the spring of life - the time when we look great even after a sleepless night. If your skin requires true rejuvenation, and you want to look younger every day, achieve desired result Modern cellular technologies will help.

P Leading clinics in Europe and the USA have long adopted the progressive method of fibroblast rejuvenation. Over the past 7 years, several thousand Americans have participated in clinical trials of this technology, which have shown amazing anti-aging effects that occur within a few weeks in some patients, and in only a few months in others. After the introduction of fibroblasts, patients note a long-term improvement in skin quality, the positive effects of which accumulate up to 18-24 months and remain stable for 7 years or more. The research results were so convincing that the procedure was approved by many authoritative medical institutes(eg MCA (Medicines Regulatory Agency)).

EUntil recently, our compatriots had to go to England, Switzerland or the United States and pay huge sums of money there to undergo a course of cell therapy. Today, procedures using autologous fibroblasts are available in Russia.

ANDMore than one doctoral dissertation has been devoted to the study of fibroblasts in our country; many serious medical institutions are studying them (for example, the A. V. Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences). Why are these cells human body arouse such strong interest among scientists? It's all about their unprecedented rejuvenating potential. They contain that same magical formula of eternal youth that people have been trying to derive for many centuries.

What are fibroblasts and what are they for?

The word fibroblast contains two roots - “fibra”, which means “fiber”, and “blastos” - “sprout”. Fibroblasts are connective tissue cells that have a nucleus and are characterized by a round or spindle-shaped shape and many processes. These are the most valuable cells of the middle layer of the skin (dermis), which are part of the stromal-vascular fraction, which is fundamentally divided into 2 groups:

1. Vascular (vascular) cells: endothelial, pericytes, smooth muscle, circulating blood cells - erythrocytes, leukocytes, monocytes, macrophages, T-lymphocytes, preadipocytes.

2. Fibroblast-like cells, which include fibroblasts themselves and their precursors – stromal (also known as multipotent, mesenchymal) stem cells.

Is not public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Based on the above classification, it becomes clear that fibroblasts are not stem cells, but their more mature and highly organized followers. Unlike stem cells, which can give rise to cells of any tissue in our body, fibroblasts can only turn into low-active fibrocytes.

Without fibroblasts, maintaining the structural integrity of connective tissue would not be possible, so the role of fibroblasts is difficult to overestimate - these are powerful factories that produce and constantly renew the structural components of the dermis and intercellular substance, as well as many biologically active substances that affect regeneration processes:

1. It is fibroblasts that synthesize the constituent components of connective tissue, for the sake of whose reproduction the most modern and high-tech cosmetic procedures are developed. We are talking about collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid - natural substances of the dermis that provide its turgor, firmness, elasticity and moisture. Thanks to fibroblasts, proteoglycan, fibronectin, chondroitin sulfate, laminin and other elements of the intercellular matrix are also produced, which are responsible for the beauty and health of the skin.

2. Fibroblasts constantly renew the dermis and do not allow damaged fibers to accumulate in it. Enzymes secreted by fibroblasts destroy outdated, old and damaged elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, while replacing them with new and healthy ones. The process of destruction and restoration takes place continuously, ensuring the renewal of the intercellular substance. The exchange of hyaluronic acid occurs especially intensively.

3. Fibroblasts are the unique healers of our body. In case of any damage, they “run” with the blood flow to the site of injury and provide maximum fast recovery damaged areas, wound healing and epithelization (rapid restoration of the epidermis - the surface layer of the skin).

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

P The first task pursued by fibroblasts is to restore the barrier to maintain constancy internal environment, i.e. “fill up the holes.” Therefore, they begin to divide very actively and, in an emergency mode, produce connective tissue molecules, which in a hurry form large, rough, immature, located chaotically in the tissues. This is how the first scar appears - red, dense, inelastic, “weak”.

F ibroblasts multiply much faster than epidermal cells, therefore, if the damage to the basement membrane is more than 5 mm, the scar will come to the surface. If less, full-thickness skin will be restored.

Z Then fibroblasts begin to produce enzymes that destroy fibers and gradually replace them with mature, elastic, structural ones. And the scar turns pale, becomes elastic, thin, durable.

4. Fibroblasts are also responsible for skin regeneration (restoration, renewal), since they produce very important growth factors - regulatory proteins (tissue hormones), the function of which is to stimulate the division and growth of dermal and epidermal cells, as well as the formation of new blood vessels. We list just some of the growth factors produced by fibroblasts:

Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is responsible for the formation and development of all types of skin cells and causes fibroblasts to actively produce collagen and elastin fibers and hyaluronic acid.

Transforming growth factor (TGF-beta) is responsible for the rapid regeneration of damaged dermis. It attracts fibroblasts to the site of damage and activates their production of collagen fibers and fibronectin - substances that ensure the restoration of injured skin.

Transforming growth factors (TGF-alpha, a-NGF) cause neoangiogenesis, the process of formation of new blood vessels in the skin.

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) accelerates the division and maturation of keratinocytes.

Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) accelerates the healing and epithelization of wounds by stimulating the proliferation and development of epidermal cells (keratinocytes).

5. Trauma is a kind of signal for fibroblasts, forcing them to divide at an accelerated pace and produce growth factors, which in turn attract fibroblasts and other cells to the site of damage, ensuring the restoration of damaged tissue.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Unique properties of fibroblasts

1. The cells of our body cannot multiply endlessly and their number decreases by approximately 10-15% every 8-10 years. Moreover, the process goes on geometric progression. This is because each time a cell divides, a small piece of DNA is lost. At first, sections of DNA (telomeres) that do not carry important information for cell functioning. With each division, the length of telomeres decreases and when they “end” and there is a threat of loss of DNA fragments that carry significant information for the cell, its division stops. The maximum possible number of divisions is on average 50 ± 10 and is called the “Hayflick limit”, in honor of the American scientist who discovered this phenomenon in 1961. The countdown of the number of divisions begins at embryonic period and after the limit is exhausted, aging of cells, tissues and the body as a whole begins.

2. Previously, there was an opinion that over time, fibroblasts lose the ability to divide and turn into fibrocytes - mature cells characterized by low activity. However, as a result of scientific research, it was found that despite the fact that the number of fibroblasts decreases with age, they do not lose their functional qualities and are still able to divide, but for some reason they stop doing this, they simply “fall asleep” and, if necessary, can go back to active form. Apparently, the reason for this lies in the presence of the enzyme telomerase, which after each cell division restores the length of the telomere, thereby increasing the number of fibroblast divisions. For the first time, this mechanism, which ensures the ability to endlessly divide, was discovered in stem cells.

E This discovery led to the development of a technique for culturing autologous fibroblasts with their subsequent transplantation into the patient’s dermis. The procedure is essentially the embodiment of the dream of eternal youth, because it involves not only the elimination age signs, but also an impact on the very cause of skin aging.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

3. The age of the fibroblast donor does not matter for their life expectancy, functional activity and ability to divide. This phenomenon is due to the fact that during the cultivation process their rejuvenation occurs. This conclusion was reached by Cristofalo and co-authors after conducting many years of research. In his opinion, in the laboratory, cells return to a state characterized by high functional activity and their properties approaching mesenchymal stem cells.

4. By isolating fibroblasts from a piece of the patient's skin, a primary cell culture is obtained containing both young and old cells. Next, all these cells are placed in a medium containing fetal serum, i.e. to conditions that are observed in the embryonic state. This stimulates the division of young cells that have retained high growth abilities, and the dilution or washing out of the culture of old cells that have lost their ability to proliferate. Thus, the culture seems to be rejuvenated. In addition, according to Makinodan, old cells are reactivated under such conditions and subsequently, when introduced into the dermis, they populate it and intensively synthesize the entire complex of extracellular matrix components and growth factors necessary to maintain the patient’s skin in an optimal physiological state.

It's important to note that we're talking about about the patient’s own cells, which, as they mature, will not be absorbed by macrophages, unlike transplanted donor cells.

5. During the cultivation process, fibroblasts lose the foreign gene, and they are also unable to cause oncology, which makes it possible to use “foreign” donor cells for therapy, which has already been proven over many years clinical trials. The technique of culturing fibroblasts first appeared in 1968 and was used to accelerate wound healing. In 1998, the FDA approved the first fibroblast-based cell product, Apligraf, for use in cambustiology (the treatment of burns). And only after this a new direction appeared in aesthetic medicine, namely fibroblast therapy for age-related changes, and in dentistry - treatment of gingivitis. True, at first only donor fibroblasts were used.

The mechanism of action of this method is associated with the ability of fibroblasts to synthesize collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and other components of the intercellular substance, as well as growth factors, which accelerates the division and growth of the epithelium, and ultimately leads to the restoration of the superficial and middle layers of the skin - the epidermis and dermis.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

6. For any thermal injury skin (burn or frostbite) damage to the skin occurs, and the severityinflammatory phenomena and duration (and sometimes the ability to recover) depends on the depth of its damage:

I degree– redness, swelling of the skin (subsides after 3-4 days) and pain (lasts 1-2 days) due to reversible damage to the superficial layers of the epidermis. In cosmetology, such skin damage is specifically caused using superficial chemical or laser peels for the purpose of rejuvenation.

II degree– the formation of blisters filled with transparent contents as a result of the death of the layers of the epidermis (up to the basal, germinal layer) and their detachment. Stay at the burn site for some time. severe pain and burning, but occurs within 10-14 days full recovery integrity of the epidermis without scar formation. Corresponds to medium peels.

IIIa degree– incomplete necrosis of the skin with preservation of the dermis and its derivatives - sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles, from the epithelium of which the epidermis undergoes independent restoration within 4–6 weeks, sometimes with the formation of skin scars with areas of hyper- and depigmentation.

IIIb degree– complete necrosis of the entire thickness of the skin.

IV degree– necrosis of the skin and tissues located underneath it. Epithelization in such cases is possible only from the edges of the wound and it occurs very slowly. Only a small wound can heal on its own, because... the possibility of restoring the epidermis at the edges of the wound is no more than 5 mm.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

An important feature that distinguishes degrees IIIa and IIIb is the preservation of pain sensitivity in the first case. In children before puberty, such burns quite often heal with the formation of hypertrophic scars. At this level, deep laser resurfacing or deep chemical peeling of the skin is performed. Perhaps this is only on the face, which is characterized by a very large number of skin appendages, high ability to regeneration, very active metabolism in cells and blood supply. In other areas of the skin of our body, such aggressive effects inevitably lead to the formation of scars.

For superficial burns of degrees I, II and IIIa, fibroblasts are applied to complex treatment wounds of a large area in order to accelerate epithelization. For deep ones - in combination with a transplant of one’s own skin, which requires much less.

7. Autologous (own) and donor cultured fibroblasts do not cause allergic reactions or tumorigenesis after transplantation. The body recognizes them as its own and not foreign cells, and therefore does not turn on the mechanism of protection against them.

An important nuance - the rejuvenating effect of one’s own cultured fibroblasts is much more prolonged than similar action donor cells. The latter are eventually recognized and absorbed immune cells our body, so the result remains stable for no more than 2 years.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Features of aging

American scientists have published data according to which after 44 years for women (based on average duration life expectancy of 78.8 years) and after 40 years for men (based on the average life expectancy of 72.6 years), a person inevitably begins to encounter diseases. In other words, for almost half of his life he is doomed to fade away, suffering from illnesses and infirmities. First signs destructive process aging appears already at the age of 30. The situation is aggravated by the modern rhythm of life, associated with mental overload, which has the most detrimental effect on the human body.

TO As mentioned above, thanks to the activity of fibroblasts, the dermis is constantly renewed due to the balance of two multidirectional processes: the destruction of obsolete, old fibers and the synthesis of new ones. BUT, in certain moment for some reason (still not clear, because this phenomenon can begin in people in at different ages) the ability of fibroblasts to divide and synthesize substances decreases. At the same time, the process of destruction of old fibers will continue for a long time, which will entail a decrease in the volume of connective, muscle, bone and other types of tissue. That is, the process of destruction begins to prevail over the process of creation.

Thanks to the cell reserve provided by nature, the consequences of the imbalance remain not too noticeable for several years. Meanwhile, after 40-45 years, no one can avoid age-related changes and sometimes they overtake us like an avalanche, and for many women this period is associated with the onset of menopause and the onset of hormonal aging. That is why Victor Hugo called this age “old age of youth.” After a while, the process of death of cells and tissues stops, and the balance between creative and destructive processes, however, by this age a person turns into a “shrunken” old man or woman. In aging skin, the thickness of the dermis decreases, its moisture content decreases, as a result, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity. The consequence of this is stretching of the skin and the formation of wrinkles.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

P The processes of tissue renewal and regeneration slow down, which entails unpleasant consequences:

- the basal (germ, regenerative) layer becomes thinner, fewer keratinocytes are formed;

Epidermal cells (horny scales) become thinner;

The process of removing horny scales from the surface of the skin slows down, as a result of which the stratum corneum becomes thicker;

The dermis rapidly loses thickness, number and size of fibroblasts, macrophages, tissue basophils and other dermal cells decreases. They cease to cope with their functions, which sooner or later leads to a deficiency of collagen, elastin and intercellular substance. Starting around the age of 25, the synthesis of collagen and elastin - the fibers that make the skin look firm and healthy - decreases by 1% annually.;

The structure of elastin and collagen fibers is deformed: they become thicker, more rigid than they should be normally, the orderliness of their arrangement is disrupted;

The body produces less and less hyaluronic acid, which entails a loss of moisture in the dermis, leading to dry skin, the formation of microcracks and wrinkles on it, a decrease in its elasticity and turgor;

Blood supply and supply of nutrients to dermal cells deteriorates;

Recovery processes are slow.

The above changes cannot but affect the appearance of the skin. The feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin gradually increases, the skin becomes flabby, thin, inelastic, covered with fine wrinkles and age spots. Over time, all these signs of aging accumulate and become more pronounced. Exposed areas of skin and folds age especially quickly.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Fibroblast rejuvenation stops the aging process

Nsaturation of the dermis with young fibroblasts – as natural as possible, effective method rejuvenation and prevention of aging, as it allows you to revive the structure of the dermis, and older patients is a replacement therapy.

U A unique procedure for cellular skin rejuvenation, based on the use of autologous fibroblasts, stops the process of reducing the reserves of the dermis’ own cells. The technique not only corrects age-related changes, but affects them at the microtexture level: young fibroblasts rejuvenate the dermis from the inside, and also stimulate the activity of those fibroblasts that are present in the body. As a result, the rate of cell division increases, the surface layer of the skin is renewed faster, new young collagen and elastin fibers are formed, and the content of hyaluronic acid in the dermis increases. You again enjoy the look of radiant, velvety skin, and forget about wrinkles, enlarged pores, age spots, peeling and dryness for a long time.

TO Lettuce therapy even copes with stretch marks - defects that are almost impossible to eliminate using other minimally invasive techniques. Fibroblasts don't just stop biological clock, but force them to go in the opposite direction. And if, after some time, their activity decreases and they fall asleep, then simple methods physical trauma penetrating the dermis (such as diode and carbon dioxide laser skin rejuvenation) will wake them up again and force them to work for a long time, greatly enhancing the rejuvenating effect.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

INIntroducing fibroblasts cultured in the laboratory into the dermis allows you to restore the elasticity and firmness characteristic of youth to the skin. Moreover, if in the future you will undergo cosmetic procedures or plastic surgery, you will get a much more pronounced effect than those who did not first activate their own fibroblasts and replenish their supply.

WITH The fabulous effect of using autologous fibroblasts has already been appreciated by many celebrities. After all, the results of the procedure are truly amazing: a network of small wrinkles disappears without a trace, deep folds are smoothed out. Day after day, you watch in the mirror as the skin becomes more radiant and elastic, its tone improves, the network of small wrinkles smoothes out, and the complexion becomes healthy. The neck and arms no longer show age - the skin of these parts of the body takes on a toned appearance and fullness. Transplantation of cultured fibroblasts increases the protective barrier properties of the skin, which means that unfavorable factors and stress will not be able to steal youth and beauty.

T Therapy with autologous fibroblasts is much more effective than Botox injections, which, with prolonged and frequent use, can cause damage to nerve endings and disruption of skin nutrition.

P In addition, the introduction of fibroblasts is more effective than replacement therapy hyaluronic acid, which rejuvenates the skin for a short period of time, and then they must be repeated. With frequent use and over time, the body begins to produce antibodies to artificial hyaluronic acid, and the destruction of the injected drugs occurs faster and faster. In addition, the introduction of excess (especially before the age of 35!) hyaluronic acid has an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of structural components of the skin by fibroblasts, thereby indirectly accelerating aging.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Indications for fibroblast therapy:

Prevention of aging - injections can be started at the age of 40, thereby performing replacement therapy;

Rejuvenation of the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, hands eliminates signs of aging: thinning, sagging, reduced turgor and elasticity, pigmentation, atrophy and fine wrinkling;

Improving the quality of body skin: abdomen, back, thighs. Fibroblast therapy increases elasticity and tone, thereby providing a lifting effect;

Elimination of pigmentation around the eyes;

Acceleration of the “maturation” of young scars – at the age of up to 12 months;

Treatment of post-acne scars;

Treatment of stretch marks;

Preparation for plastic surgery and rapid recovery after it;

Acceleration of recovery after peelings, laser procedures etc.

Contraindications to fibroblast therapy:

Acute infectious diseases;

Exacerbation of chronic diseases;

Autoimmune connective tissue diseases;

Tendency to keloid and hypertrophic scars;

Oncological diseases;

Long-term steroid therapy;

Pregnancy, lactation.

Fibroblast therapy

If we talk about therapy with autologous fibroblasts simply, it consists of several stages:

1. Taking a piece of skin. It can be taken from any part of the body, it is only important to maintain the size - about 5 * 1.5 cm. The number of fibroblasts that will be received in the laboratory of the Pokrovsky Stem Cell Bank (with which our clinic cooperates) depends on the size of the skin area taken. In order to properly saturate the skin with young cells, in one procedure it is necessary (by special technique!) enter sufficient quantity fibroblasts (about 2-3 million in 1 ml). Therefore, laboratory technologists ask for a larger piece of skin.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Most often we take it away by excising healthy skin along the existing scars on the body from earlier transferred operations or injuries, and in their absence, from the groin area. After the pick up required area, the wound is sutured in layers, ending with an intradermal suture, which we remove 7-10 days after the operation. Subsequently, a thin, inconspicuous thread-like seam will remain in this place, which is easily hidden even in the most open panties.

To complete this stage, you need to take blood tests: general clinical, biochemical (glucose, ALT, AST, bilirubin, urea, creatinine) and coagulogram.

Skin removed during aesthetic surgeries (facelift, blepharoplasty, abdominoplasty, etc.) is suitable for isolating and culturing fibroblasts. Many patients want to repeat the procedure in the future, and technologists immediately culture two portions of fibroblasts, one of which is stored in a cryogenic chamber until the right moment– so that you don’t have to take away a piece of skin next time.

2. Isolation and cultivation of fibroblasts in the laboratory of the Pokrovsky Stem Cell Bank: a piece of skin is crushed, treated with special enzymes, and washed with saline. Then the released cells are sedimented in a centrifuge and seeded on a special nutrient medium. They are multiplied to the required quantity, removed from the substrate, cleaned of residual media, and precipitated in a centrifuge.

3. A quality control system for fibroblasts obtained as a result of cultivation is very important. To do this, cells with oncogenic potential are monitored and removed from the culture daily: daily monitoring of the shape, structure, cell proliferation activity, as well as DNA testing and, if necessary, the level of expression (isolation) of oncogenic markers. In addition, quality control includes analysis for bacterial contamination and the absence of HIV and hepatitis viruses. For each portion of cells, a fibroblast passport is provided, which indicates the donor’s name, date, time of production, number of cells in 1 ml, and negative results tests for oncogenicity and infections.

Further options are possible - they are either introduced in saline solution using the mesotherapy method (for rejuvenation), or placed on a special gel carrier (for healing wounds and burns). This entire process can take from 4 to 6 weeks.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

4. Each portion of cells is prepared not only for a specific date, but also for a predetermined time, because... fibroblasts outside human tissue are vulnerable and must be injected within 6 hours, because. after that they will die. Fibroblasts are injected 5 times with an interval of 2 weeks, using mesotherapy technique, into the upper layers of the skin. This technique ensures stable results and a rejuvenating effect. In this case, the rule works well: the larger the treatment area, the more significant the rejuvenation.

The result of therapy with one’s own fibroblasts is cumulative, it appears at the level of sensations after 1-1.5 months from the start of the procedures (usually by the third) and then gradually intensifies until 12-18 months, and then remains stable for 5 years or more. This is a method of natural skin rejuvenation, absolutely safe, highly effective and long-lasting. The introduction of fibroblasts is aimed at improving skin quality, i.e. its turgor, tone, color, density, etc., BUT never leads to lifting!

E If you begin to notice that fibroblasts are reducing their activity, they can be easily stimulated laser therapy(CO, diode, neodymium lasers acting above the dermis), the effect of which will be much more pronounced and noticeable.

Perhaps of all those available today cell technologies rejuvenation in Russia - fibroblasts - the most logical, healthy and reliable. Thanks to a fundamentally new method of rejuvenation - cell therapy - today it is already possible to fulfill your wildest dreams and look great at any age.

Therapy fibroblasts legally and quite successfully used in many countries. Since 1999, the method of treatment and rejuvenation with our own fibroblasts has been used in the USA, England and Switzerland. This procedure costs 5-7 thousand dollars. Among the lucky ones who have used this rejuvenation technique are our compatriots. It even arose in Russia new look tourism - travel abroad to rejuvenate with fibroblasts.

A completely logical question arises: why so much attention to fibroblasts? What kind of cells are these? How do they “work”? What is so unique and, most importantly, useful for us?

Let's start to figure it out...


Fibroblast (from “fibra” - “fiber”, “blastos” - “sprout”) is the most common and valuable cell of loose connective tissue. They have a round or elongated, spindle-shaped flat shape with many processes and a flat oval core. The precursors of fibroblasts are fibroblast-like or mesenchymal stem cells. Fibroblasts are the main cells of the middle layer of the skin, called the dermis, form its frame and are “factories” for the production of biologically active substances. Their main role (function) is the metabolism of intercellular substances.


1. Fibroblasts “produce” and secrete into the intercellular space substances that provide turgor, elasticity and firmness of the skin. These include collagen (responsible for the strength of the skin) and elastin fibers (provide for the elasticity, extensibility and contractility of the skin), as well as a jelly-like gel that fills the space between cells, which is called the intercellular substance. The components of the intercellular substance are: the well-known hyaluronic acid (retains water in the skin, thereby maintaining turgor, elasticity and fullness) and less “famous”, but important glycosaminoglycans, chondroitin sulfate, nidogen, laminin, tinascin, proteoglycan, etc.

2. Fibroblasts also secrete enzymes with which they destroy collagen and hyaluronic acid, and then synthesize these molecules again. In other words, they are the “orderlies” of the dermis, continuously destroying old fibers that have expired (collagen, elastin) and creating new ones, as a result of which the intercellular substance is constantly renewed. The metabolism of hyaluronic acid is especially intense.

3. Fibroblasts produce a large number of regulatory proteins, so-called growth factors, which in turn accelerate the division and growth of all types of skin cells, promote the formation of new blood vessels, thereby activating regeneration processes. Here are some of them:

4. Among other things, fibroblasts are the main cells that ensure wound healing and tissue restoration after any other damage. At the time of injury, they begin to quickly divide and release growth factors that attract young epidermal cells (keratinocytes), fibroblasts, fibroblast-like cells (mesenchymal stem cells) and other cells to the site of injury, and also accelerate their division, growth, maturation and synthetic activity , as well as the formation of new vessels.



Statistics from American researchers claim that the age at which a person can remain absolutely healthy is 44 years for women (with an average life expectancy of 78.8 years) and 40 years for men (with an average life expectancy of 72.6 years). That is, for the last 32 - 35 years, every average person has been suffering from the physical weakness of a fading life. As shown scientific research, the aging process begins at the age of 30. Tense rhythm modern life, as well as stress, take a lot of energy and thereby aggravate the aging process. Several conclusions can be drawn from the results of this study:

1. In our body, two processes simultaneously go hand in hand: renewal of cells and intercellular substance, as well as destruction of old, worn-out cells and components of the intercellular substance. The state of health - illness, youth - old age depend on the balance of these processes.

2. After 30 years intensity general exchange substances in the human body decreases, cell renewal occurs more slowly, and then fades away completely. For some time, the process of destruction still persists, as a result of which the volume of tissue (muscle, fat, bone, dermis, etc.) gradually decreases. The result of this destructive mechanism is not noticeable for a long time - there is a naturally occurring reserve of cells. Pay attention to the people around you - for a long time, up to 40 - 45 years, a youthful appearance remains, and then age-related changes very quickly begin to appear and progress. No wonder there is a saying: “Until the age of 30, you drink and walk all night, but in the morning you’re like a cucumber, you can’t see anything. From 30 to 40 years old you drink all night, walk around - and in the morning you can see everything on your face, and after 40 years you sleep all night, don’t walk - and in the morning on your face it’s as if you’ve been drinking and walking all night.” good figurative example are older people - they “shrink” and “shrink.” After some time, the destruction process stops. Again, a balance is established between the processes of creation and destruction.


Numerous scientific studies have shown that the use of our own (autologous) fibroblasts skin helps restore the physiological balance of the skin and stimulates the natural processes of its renewal. To reverse the aging process, it is enough to introduce into the body some cultured, young fibroblasts in the form of special cocktails. The cells they contain not only rejuvenate the skin on our own, but are also encouraged to do so by the patient’s residual fibroblasts located in the dermis. They begin to actively divide, which leads to more intense renewal of the epidermis. Let us remember: it is fibroblasts that are responsible for the production, organization and renewal of the intercellular matrix of the dermis: collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and other components responsible for the density, moisture and elasticity of the skin.

As a result, the appearance improves, firmness and elasticity increases, wrinkles are reduced and the aging process of the skin slows down for a long time. Thus, when the population of functionally active fibroblasts is replenished in the tissues, subsequent cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries will be much more effective. Transplantation of cultured autologous fibroblasts is a great help for plastic surgery in the struggle for youth and longevity.

The effect is truly fantastic! Small wrinkles disappear, and large ones are smoothed out, the skin becomes firm, elastic and moisturized. The color and oval of the face changes, the neck is perfectly tightened and the hands, which, as we know, always give away age, look younger. After the course, the quality of the skin improves noticeably and for a long time: it ceases to be dry, gets rid of age spots, restores healthy color, tightens and changes its texture by smoothing out small and medium wrinkles. And, of course, local immunity is strengthened and the protective barrier functions of the skin are restored, ensuring antioxidant protection skin cells, stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid.

In other words, time turns back and 2 - 3 months after the start of the procedures you blossom, striking and astonishing everyone around you with your youth, beauty and freshness. And I would like to end with the words of the well-known advertisement: You deserve it!

Over the last 30-40 years, aesthetic medicine has considered regenerative biotechnologies one of its priorities. Their main tool is fibroblasts (fibroblasts).

What is it?

Fibroblast – it is a cellular element of connective tissue located in the middle layer of the skin(dermis).

Fibroblasts originate from stem cells and are round or oval in shape with processes that subsequently differentiate into fibrocytes - less active mature cell membranes.

Fibroblasts secrete substances that are converted into elastin, collagen and glycosaminoglycans, one of which is the well-known hyaluronic acid.

Types of fibroblasts

Active fibroblasts are divided into different structural and functional types, which differ in their functions:

  1. Poorly differentiated- actively grow and reproduce.
  2. Young– are considered more differentiated, capable of reproduction, and can produce collagen and glycosaminoglycans.
  3. Mature– are formed from young fibroblasts, practically do not divide or multiply, There are 3 subspecies:
  • Fibroclasts- destroy collagen.
  • Collagenoblasts- produce collagen.
  • Myofibroblasts- are responsible for reducing fibrous (dense) tissue during wound healing.

Fiber growth factors:

  • The main fibroblast growth factor bFGF is responsible for the synthesis of collagen fibers and the production of extracellular matrix components.
  • Epidermal growth factor EGF - stimulates the division and migration of keratinocytes.
  • Transforming growth factor TGF-alpha – increases the rate of regeneration of damaged skin areas.
  • a-NGF – controls angiogenesis (vascular formation).

The structure of fibroblasts

Functions of fibroblasts

They participate in the process of regeneration of epithelial cells, producing tissue protein hormones responsible for cell growth.

The main functions of fibroblasts in the human body:

  • Epithelization and healing of skin damage due to the activation of keratinocytes.
  • Synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
  • Participation in the process of wound healing, movement of phagocytes.
  • Epidermis renewal.
  • Acceleration of cell proliferation and differentiation.

Besides, fibroblasts also produce proteins:

  • Tinascin – participates in the distribution of elastins and collagens in tissues.
  • Nidogen and laminin peptides are contained in the basal skin membrane of the skin and act as a building material for it.
  • Proteoglycans are involved in cell interactions.
  • Other.

Because of negative impact free radicals and other factors, collagen and elastin fibers age and wear out, and then split into constituent elements collagenase, which is synthesized by fibroblasts and elastase.

The processed molecules are used by fibroblasts for a new cycle of production of collagen and elastin precursors.

Aging of body tissues begins at approximately 25-30 years of age and extends to all living cells, incl. and skin.

Fibroblast activity decreases with age, due to which the dermis becomes thinner and dehydrated, wrinkles appear and the elasticity of the skin decreases.

Application in cosmetology

Experts in genetic engineering developed SPRS therapy - an innovative method of injection skin rejuvenation using fibroblasts.

SPRS therapy in progress

The method is based on transplantation of autofibroblasts into the skin - cellular structures, which the doctor takes from the patient before the therapy itself.

Autologous (own) fibroblasts do not provoke allergies or oncological processes after transplantation. Intradermal injections of fibroblasts activate regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin from the inside.

Thanks to this procedure, the process of proliferation (growth) of new connective tissue cells is improved, the production of elastin, collagen and other biological components is stimulated, which smooths out wrinkles, increases the tone and elasticity of the epidermis, and normalizes the functioning of all other skin structures.

Rejuvenation with autofibroblasts gives more effective results than Botox, which, if used frequently, can damage nerve endings and disrupt skin nutrition.

List of indications

How are autofibroblasts obtained?

The biomaterial for the procedure is taken from a small area of ​​skin (biopsy) of the patient, usually from the navel or forearm.

The biopsy material is first washed with saline solutions, after which the fibroblast cells are separated from the cell matrix, precipitated, purified from enzymes, placed in a nutrient medium and incubated to increase the cell number for 4-8 weeks.

The process of obtaining cells and growing them is carried out in special GMP laboratories, which must meet international quality standards.

Once the required number of fibroblasts have been obtained, they can be immediately used for injection skin rejuvenation or frozen.

According to experts, cellular material taken from patients aged 20-30 years is suitable for storage in a cryobank, because With age, the number of fibroblasts capable of dividing decreases.

How is fibroblast rejuvenation performed?

Skin rejuvenation procedurefibroblasts occurs in several stages:

  1. Blood tests: general clinical, biochemistry and coagulogram. Collecting the patient's medical history.
  2. Collection of biomaterial.
  3. Cultivation of fibroblast cells.
  4. Injections of material into the skin using tunnel and papular mesotherapy.
  5. Using a cream with high UV protection.

The procedure itself does not cause pain, and for clients with special sensitivity, 30 minutes before the procedure, the skin is lubricated with Emla cream with an analgesic effect.

Rehabilitation period: 2-3 days. On the first day after the introduction of fibroblasts, it is forbidden to use cosmetics.

For 2 weeks after the procedure, baths, saunas and going outside are prohibited without applying sunscreen.

Course and results

  • A course of SPRS therapy includes 3-5 sessions, which are done at intervals of 1 time every 3-6 weeks.
  • The approximate volume of injected material during injection at one time is 3 ml.
  • Primary results after the course are assessed after 1.5-2 months, the final effect – after 6 months.
  • Cellular skin rejuvenation by fibroblasts lasts for 2-3 years.

Photo: before and after

According to statistics, six months after a course of therapy, the depth of wrinkles in the eye area is reduced by 90%, in the neck and décolleté by 95%, on the cheeks by 87%, and around the mouth by 55%.

Advantages of the technique:

  1. Long lasting effect.
  2. Safety of therapy - there is no risk of allergies or rejection of the material after transplantation.
  3. Stimulation of natural skin rejuvenation processes.

The drugs used in cell transplantation are tested in the laboratory. The method of rejuvenation with fibroblasts in cosmetology was officially approved by Roszdravnadzor.

Within 24 hours after fibroblast transplantation, redness and pinpoint microhematomas may appear at the injection site - this is normal consequences procedures that do not require treatment and go away on their own.

Price of therapy

The approximate price of SPRS therapy (injection skin rejuvenation with fibroblasts) ranges from 4,000 to 6,000 USD.

The cost of the procedure includes taking a piece of the patient’s skin, isolating cells, growing fibroblasts and injecting them (3-5 injections).

Incubation and removal of cells for freezing and storage in a cryobank are paid by the patient at a separate price.