Blepharoplasty after laser vision correction. Laser blepharoplasty: features of the procedure, reviews, prices and results

Defects on the face undoubtedly spoil the aesthetic appearance of every person. An unhealthy lifestyle, age-related characteristics, heredity are not all the factors that affect the appearance of our face. The problem of impending eyelids existed back in the days of ancient Greece and Rome - it was from then that long and painstaking work began on finding high-quality methods for carrying out plastic procedures. Fortunately, there are now many ways to lift sagging eyelids. The most frequently demanded plastic surgery is laser blepharoplasty, the features of which will be discussed below.

This article discusses the operation of laser blepharoplasty, the main purpose of which is to get rid of drooping eyelids and give the face a youthful appearance. The article discusses indications and contraindications for this procedure, its advantages, features of its implementation, and the rehabilitation period.

Blepharoptosis. General information

Eyelids droop - why?

  • Age-related skin changes

The most popular and understandable reason for sagging skin is a decrease in elastin, the main factor responsible for the tone of cellular membrane structures.

Also, over time, there is a reduced blood supply to tissues with oxygen, and due to low water consumption, the epidermis of the skin becomes even more sloughed and takes on a not very healthy appearance.

  • Hernia development

This is a temporary anatomical pathology associated with a qualitative neoplasm in the area of ​​the upper or lower eyelids. A hernia will not pose any danger if it is removed in a timely manner.

  • The problem of obesity and the accumulation of excess fat in the form of folds on the eyelids

Genetic factors determine where fat layers will accumulate. For many people, the place where subcutaneous fat accumulates is the eyelids.

  • Presence of consequences of damage to tissue structures

Also, sometimes there is a need to correct the upper or lower eyelid through plastic surgery to achieve an aesthetic effect for the skin around the eyes and the face as a whole. This happens due to the presence of tumors, severe hematomas, scars, leading to the appearance of an impending eyelid.

  • Low tone of facial muscles, underdevelopment of the muscles that lift the eyelid

Due to disruption of these muscles, upper blepharoptosis occurs. This reason is due to hereditary factors.

  • Presence of oculomotor eyelid pathology

The third pair of cranial nerves, the oculomotor nerve, is responsible for the innervation of the muscles that lift the eyelid. There are cases when there is a violation of its innervation not only due to heredity, but due to disruption of its structure due to other surgical procedures.

  • Aponeurotic causes of drooping upper eyelid

Due to age-related characteristics and changes occurring during this period, sometimes a situation may occur where the muscle tendons move away from the plate to which they are fixed. This deviation provokes tension in the upper eyelid.

What are the symptoms of blepharoptosis?

  • The most obvious thing is a visually drooping eyelid;
  • Feeling of irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • The appearance in children of a frequent “stargazer” position - when the child throws his head back;
  • Double images in the eyes, development of strabismus.

Note: if these symptoms occur, you should undergo a diagnosis from a medical specialist to identify the real cause.

Laser blepharoplasty procedure for the area around the eyes

In what other cases is it indicated?

  • Changes in the skin associated with the aging process;
  • The presence of a congenital feature associated with the racial shape of the eyes;
  • Development of baggyness in the lower eyelids;
  • Problem of excessive skin around the eyes;
  • Asymmetry on the face related to the periocular surface.

Contraindications to the laser blepharoplasty procedure

What are the advantages of the laser blepharoplasty procedure?

In the modern world of surgery, the use of a laser device is one of the advanced methods of performing surgical operations. This is based on the significant advantages of this method:

That is why, when choosing which is better: laser or surgical blepharoplasty, the choice of many clients falls on the first option.

Laser blepharoplasty process

Preparation for the procedure is carried out in several stages.

General preparatory activities

They start two weeks before the procedure itself.

To do this, you need to switch to a diet prescribed by a doctor, which includes following a split diet, eliminating heavy foods (highly fatty and fried), eliminating fast carbohydrates (sweets, flour, starch), alcohol-containing products and tobacco products from the diet.

The use of the latter will significantly reduce the speed of rehabilitation of the body and increase the risk of developing postoperative complications.

The last meal is taken no later than six hours before the start of the operation.

Direct preparation for the procedure itself

This stage includes consultations and examinations with specialists (therapist, anesthesiologist, surgeon), diagnostic tests (general and biochemical urine tests, ultrasound, ECG, general blood test). Also, during this period the issue of choosing the type of anesthesia is decided.

Note: During laser blepharoplasty, local anesthesia is performed, as a result of which tactile sensitivity of the postoperative area disappears and nerve endings are blocked. However, the touch of a scalpel is still felt.

Surgical intervention. Performing laser blepharoplasty

  • Before surgical procedures, the areas of skin that will be removed are marked;
  • The front part is disinfected using a disinfectant solution;
  • The anesthetic substance is used directly, through small injections or by applying an anesthetic gel.
  • After this, the surgeon makes excisions on the skin of the eyelid, performing the necessary measures;
  • The operation ends with suturing, connecting tissues using special glue, surgical threads or tape.

Types of laser blepharoplasty, areas around the eyes: upper and lower eyelids

  • Upper eyelid blepharoplasty using laser

Based on the name, it becomes clear that operations are performed to eliminate the upper drooping eyelids. An incision is made along the natural folds of the upper blephar, and subcutaneous fat accumulations are removed. Also, at the same time, the surgeon works with the structure of muscle tissue and, if necessary, performs a brow lift.

  • Circular blepharoplasty

With this procedure, the right and left eyelids are corrected simultaneously.

  • Laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids

There is another division of this blepharoplasty into three types:

  1. Percutaneous subciliary lower blepharoplasty, when the excision is located at the eyelash line.
  2. Transconjunctival- with this type of plastic surgery, excision is applied from the inner surface of the eyelid. It is used if the patient has excess fat deposits and the volume of skin tissue is in the normal range.
  3. Intraoral- here the surgeon makes an incision through the oral cavity. It is used if you want to correct not only subcutaneous fat deposits and overhanging skin surface, but also to change the contours of the orbit.

Recovery after blepharoplasty: rehabilitation period, recommendations for eyelid skin care

With properly performed blepharoplasty, recovery time after surgery is about two weeks.

  • Until the tenth day of the rehabilitation period, you must stop using decorative cosmetics;
  • The recommended sleeping position is on your back or side, with your head elevated;
  • Avoid the use of drugs with anticoagulant properties;
  • Avoid physical exercise;
  • Use sunglasses outdoors for ten days if the sun is strong;
  • It is very important to exclude the use of baths, saunas, and swimming pools;
  • It is recommended to use sunscreens to apply to the skin in the next month after the laser eyelid correction procedure.

Possible complications after laser blepharoplasty of the upper or lower eyelids

Laser blepharoplasty patient reviews

Having analyzed the forums with reviews about laser eyelid correction, we can conclude that the effect after this blepharoplasty procedure is “amazing.” Patients agree that this method of eyelid lifting is an excellent alternative to the classical methods of eliminating blepharoptosis.

Every self-loving woman and every self-respecting man wants to look aesthetically pleasing. In the collected reviews, patients admit that they are ready to resort to this procedure several more times, despite its sometimes painful and unpleasant nature.

In order to evaluate the result of blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids in the photo before and after the operation, we recommend that you go to forum sites dedicated to plastic surgery.

What is included in the full cost of laser blepharoplasty?

  • The level of the clinic, based on the competence of the specialists working in it, the equipment and the guarantees and services provided to it;
  • Choosing a specific type of laser blepharoplasty;
  • The complexity of surgical procedures and the amount of work;
  • List of necessary services after surgery.

Cost of laser blepharoplasty: the average price of laser correction of the upper and lower eyelids starts from 45,000 rubles.

Surgery cannot exist without scars. Plastic surgery differs from ordinary surgery in the careful placement of sutures and the precision of joining the edges of the wound, which allows one to avoid unsightly healing. But even the most ideally performed eyelid surgery can be spoiled by complications of the postoperative period, in particular the formation of scars. Laser eyelid resurfacing after blepharoplasty will help eliminate this defect.

What is laser eyelid resurfacing?

Laser skin resurfacing (selective or fractional photothermolysis) is a method of targeted point exposure to a beam of light on various layers of the epidermis. The advantage of this method is that it works with layers of the epidermis located at different depths, right down to the basal layer, with virtually no damage to the upper layer.


Plastic surgeon, Gerasimenko V.L.:

Hello, my name is Vladimir Leonidovich Gerasimenko, and I am a leading plastic surgeon at a famous Moscow clinic.

My medical experience is more than 15 years. Every year I perform hundreds of operations, for which people are willing to pay HUGE money. Unfortunately, many people do not even suspect that in 90% of cases surgery is not required! Modern medicine has long allowed us to correct most appearance flaws without the help of plastic surgery.
For example, a new product appeared not long ago, just look at the effect:

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Due to the specific radiation spectrum, the light beam affects only certain components of the skin - chromophores:

  • water in the cells;
  • hemoglobin found in blood vessels;
  • melatonin pigment.

Only these components of the epidermis are exposed to laser radiation, each of them has its own spectrum of susceptibility. Thanks to different spectra, the cosmetologist can accurately set the range of radiation and the wavelength of light, which will help remove scars on the eyelids without damaging the structure of the delicate skin.

Laser eyelid resurfacing after blepharoplasty is completely optional. Most patients successfully complete the postoperative period, and the incision sites after eyelid surgery are not visible. But to bring your eyes to perfection, it is still recommended to undergo a course of laser resurfacing procedures. If good quality blepharoplasty has been performed, laser resurfacing of the eyelid skin will help launch the eyelid’s own regeneration processes. After 2-3 procedures, even small wrinkles that cannot be removed surgically will disappear.

Principle of procedure

A laser machine is a station that produces light. A laser beam is a beam of light consisting of strictly ordered waves clearly directed parallel to each other. It is this orderliness that allows the resulting beam to be used in medicine and cosmetology.

Each of the chromophores (water, melanin, hemoglobin) is capable of absorbing laser radiation of its own wavelength and becoming a target during cosmetic laser treatment of the skin. Adjustable wavelength and frequency allow the cosmetologist to selectively influence the structure of the scar without harming other components of the epidermis.

Laser eyelid resurfacing: before and after photos

Why so expensive?

Laser resurfacing, the price of which can reach several tens of thousands for a set of procedures, is an expensive cosmetology service. The fact is that the production and purchase of a laser system costs a lot of money. Accordingly, procedures performed on expensive equipment cannot be cheap.

In the production of laser systems for both cosmetology and “big” medicine, artificially grown precious stones and complex multi-level systems of optical mirrors are used.

The laser installation consists of three blocks:

  1. Energy source— supply of electricity.
  2. Working fluid- an element for converting energy (electricity) into a beam of light of a certain type of wave.
  3. Optical mirror system— necessary for repeated reflection of radiation, sets the frequency and wavelength of the beam at the output.

Optical mirror systems in laser systems allow you to set the wavelength and frequency of radiation necessary to correct a specific skin defect. If the wave frequency is not calibrated correctly, you can get serious complications or, conversely, not get the desired effect.

The name of the laser depends on the working fluid used:

Laser name Working fluid Output wavelength, nanometers Chromophore effects and scope of application
Carbon dioxide (CO2) Mixture of gases The laser beam at the output is in the infrared range, wavelength up to 10600 nm Affects mainly water. Widely used for laser resurfacing of scars, including after blepharoplasty.
Erbium (Erbium YAG) Erbium in yttrium aluminum garnet (gemstone) 2940 nm Impact chromophore - water, used for laser resurfacing of scars
Neodymium (Nd:YAG) Yttrium aluminum garnet (gemstone) 1064 nm Affects hemoglobin and melanin, not used for resurfacing eyelids after blepharoplasty
KTP laser Potassium Titanyl Phosphate 532 nm Affects hemoglobin and melanin, not used for resurfacing
Alexandrite Alexandrite crystals (gemstone) 755 nm The gold standard is laser hair removal, but not resurfacing.

The cost of one scar resurfacing procedure depends on its size. On average, laser resurfacing of a small scar after blepharoplasty will cost from 600 to 1,500 rubles. If the operation was performed on the lower and upper eyelids, laser resurfacing will cost from 2,400 to 6,000 rubles per session.

How is it carried out?

Laser correction of postoperative scars on the eyelids is most often performed under local anesthesia. An anesthetic cream is applied to the surface of the scar and the area around it for 10-15 minutes, and the surface is covered with a protective film. At the end of the exposure time, a freezing effect occurs, which eliminates pain during the procedure.

Anesthesia lasts from 30 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the drug used.

During the time it takes for the anesthetic cream to take effect, the cosmetologist adjusts the laser device: sets the parameters for the depth of beam penetration, the size of the treated area, the points and the “pattern” of the effect. The laser attachment contains several radiation sources, which provides a targeted fractional effect on the skin. As a result, the laser treatment area is not one continuous line, but many small points of “burning” into the skin.

Upon completion of work with the laser device, the damaged skin is treated with an antiseptic and covered with a layer of healing cream or gel. You may experience some minor soreness and redness for a few days after the procedure, which is a normal skin reaction to injury.

Laser resurfacing of the lower eyelids is carried out using a special cotton pad, which allows you to close the conjunctiva, eyeball and upper eyelid from the effects of the laser. This also helps prevent injury from the edges of the nozzle, even if the patient tries to open the eye during manipulation.

Video: laser resurfacing of the upper eyelids

Contraindications and complications

For laser resurfacing, as for any cosmetic procedure, there are a number of contraindications:

  1. Inflammation of the skin in the intended treatment area.
  2. Presence of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Epilepsy.
  4. Stage of exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  5. Acute infectious viral diseases.
  6. Pregnancy.
  7. Lactation.
  8. Insufficient healing of the incision site.
  9. Infectious eye diseases (conjunctivitis, blepharitis).

Complications are possible after laser eyelid resurfacing, but they develop only in 3% of patients.

Complications include:

  • hyperpigmentation of the skin at the treatment site;
  • severe redness caused by inflammation;
  • addition of infection;
  • swelling.

After blepharoplasty, sufficient time must pass for the incisions to heal. It is strictly prohibited to perform laser resurfacing on skin that has not healed after surgery. When the incision heals, natural regeneration processes occur, which must not be disturbed, otherwise the scar can become very large. In addition, at least six months must pass to evaluate the result of the operation. Only after this time can it be recommended to perform laser resurfacing of the seams.

IMPORTANT! The laser skin treatment procedure is considered safe. But do not forget that any procedure, even the most harmless one, has a percentage of complications.

Drooping eyelids and pronounced circles under the eyes significantly spoil the appearance and give their owner an additional 5–10 years of age. Laser blepharoplasty will correct these defects, smooth out crow's feet and age-related wrinkles in this area, lift drooping corners of the eyes, and correct existing asymmetry. However, you must understand that this is a responsible and complex procedure for both the cosmetologist and the patient. We recommend that you familiarize yourself in detail with its intricacies, indications and possible contraindications.

What is this procedure

Laser blepharoplasty belongs to the category of plastic surgeries, only a laser beam is used as a scalpel. This technique is considered relatively safe (the risk of infection during the procedure is minimal), the incision is neat and heals quickly. On average, the postoperative rehabilitation period is 2 weeks.

The laser technique is considered innovative, but has already gained popularity among patients with problems in the periorbital region. At the same time, the procedure requires high professionalism, precision of actions and special skills from the performer. The slightest mistake by a doctor can be a tragedy for the patient’s appearance.

Indications for use

Cosmetologists recommend using the innovative procedure for patients with the following skin problems:

  • congenital asymmetry, eyelid pathology;
  • excess eyelid tissue;
  • fatty hernias of the eyelids;
  • the desire to open the eye slightly, to correct its incision;
  • swelling, bags under the eyes;
  • age-related drooping of the corners of the eyes;
  • pronounced age-related skin changes, wrinkles in the periorbital area.

Laser eyelid blepharoplasty is recommended for adult patients over 40 years of age. On an individual basis, it is possible to use the method to correct the shape of the eyelids and eye shape at an earlier age. But this nuance must be discussed with an experienced doctor.

Important point! The use of laser blepharoplasty to eliminate bags under the eyes will be inappropriate if the cause of the disease is caused by allergies, kidney dysfunction and a number of body diseases. In this case, treatment of the problem from the inside is required, rather than plastic surgery.

The patient's desire alone is not enough to perform laser blepharoplasty, the presence of medical indications and the absence of contraindications are also important.

Is special training needed?

Laser blepharoplasty, as mentioned above, refers to surgical methods of cosmetology; special preparation before it is required. What does this include?

  1. Examination of the patient for indications for blepharoplasty, analysis of the extent of the problem.
  2. The patient undergoes a medical examination to determine the presence of contraindications. To do this, be sure to visit highly specialized specialists (anesthesiologist, surgeon, therapist), take some tests (urine, blood clotting tests, sugar content, general and biochemical blood tests), and do fluorography and a cardiogram.
  3. When contraindications to blepharoplasty and the risk of an allergic reaction are excluded, the cosmetologist once again assesses the complexity and depth of the problem, selects the optimal surgical technique and type of anesthesia, and sets a date for the procedure.
  4. 2 weeks before the planned laser treatment, the patient is prohibited from drinking alcohol, smoking, or taking coagulants (drugs that affect the blood clotting process).
  5. During the preparatory period, it is unacceptable to visit solariums, refuse sunbathing, that is, protect your skin from direct sunlight in every possible way.

Types of anti-aging techniques

Modern cosmetology distinguishes several types of laser blepharoplasty, depending on the patient’s problem:

  • Upper blepharoplasty. Aimed at correcting the upper eyelid, removing fatty tissue and excess skin. The location of the incision coincides with the natural crease of the upper eyelid on the open eye.
  • Bottom. Involves eliminating puffiness and bags under the eyes, and is recommended for the development of an eyelid hernia. In lower eyelid blepharoplasty, the incision can be made on the eyelash line (percutaneous subliciary technique), on the inside of the problem eyelid (transconjunctival) or through the mouth (intraoral).
  • Circular blepharoplasty. During the operation, the upper and lower eyelids are involved simultaneously.
  • Canthopexy. Designed to restore skin elasticity in the periorbital area, eliminate facial asymmetry and correct the shape of the eye. With this type of blepharoplasty you can get rid of residual scars, scars after injuries, burns. The essence of the procedure is to remove excess tendons (ligaments).
  • Correction of eye shape. The technique is especially popular among patients with Asian appearance. As a result of this type of blepharoplasty, the appearance takes on more European features. Please note that this procedure technique is considered the most difficult.
  • Laser thermolysis. Stimulates the process of neocollagenesis, has a rejuvenating, lifting effect, smoothes wrinkles, and partially lightens dark circles under the eyes. The essence of the technique is to cleanse the stratum corneum of the skin in the periorbital zone.

For those who do not dare to undergo laser blepharoplasty and are concerned about the problem of sagging eyelids, wrinkles, bags under the eyes, cosmetology offers as an alternative laser thermolysis using the Jett Plasma Lift Medical device. To achieve a lifting effect, quasi-neutral plasma is used.

The Jett Plasma Lift Medical device creates favorable conditions inside the skin for the active synthesis of collagen and elastin, stimulating tissue rejuvenation. In addition, the plasma beam is so thin that it allows you to delicately solve the problem of sensitive skin around the eyes with minimal risk of complications and side effects.


Laser blepharoplasty is a painful procedure; before performing it, the doctor stipulates the type of anesthesia that will be used on the patient. There are several options: local anesthesia or general anesthesia. If the correction concerns only the eyelid area, then local anesthesia is sufficient.

To carry it out, anesthetic cream and injections are used. When additional surgery is contemplated, it is preferable to use general anesthesia.

Laser blepharoplasty is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Markings are made on the eyelids according to which the appearance will be corrected.
  2. The patient is put on special lenses; they serve to protect the eyes from laser exposure.
  3. Anesthesia is performed.
  4. At the next stage, they begin active actions: they make an incision in the eyelid using a laser beam, remove some of the fat or excess tissue to eliminate the problem.
  5. After surgical procedures, the incision is stitched with self-absorbing sutures, surgical tape, or secured with special glue.
  6. Adhesive tape may be used to secure the affected tissues.
  7. After 3–4 hours, the patient can go home after being thoroughly familiarized with the rules, intricacies of the rehabilitation period and skin care.

Laser blepharoplasty is a short operation (takes about 1 hour), but very responsible. Its implementation should be entrusted only to a first-class doctor; the final result and the speed of recovery after surgery depend on this. Pay attention to sanitary standards, the availability of certificates and approvals for surgical intervention, carefully study real reviews about the institution.

Photos before and after

What can a patient expect after surgery?

Rehabilitation after laser blepharoplasty cannot be avoided, because the tissue was damaged in the process. If the procedure is performed correctly, the healing process does not exceed 2 weeks.

Immediately after surgery, painful areas are treated with a special agent. It will reduce the risk of swelling and hematomas in the patient. Also for this purpose, cold compresses are applied to the eyes in the first days.

About a week after the operation, the patient should visit a doctor. He will examine the periorbital area, analyze the rate of recovery, and remove sutures if necessary.

Important point! At first, scars will be visible at the incision sites. Don't worry - after 3 weeks they will be invisible.


Performing laser blepharoplasty is a relatively expensive procedure. Its cost is influenced by the surgical technique and the complexity of the problem.

Correction of the lower eyelid at a discount will cost about 29 thousand rubles, laser blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids (circular) costs more - 40–45 thousand rubles. Eye shape correction is difficult to perform; its price can reach 50–70 thousand rubles. In some salons you can find higher prices, it depends on the rating of the selected clinic.

Is it possible to massage the eyelids?

The duration of the rehabilitation stage largely depends on the care provided and the implementation of the cosmetologist’s recommendations. Often, to eliminate swelling and prevent the appearance of eyelid asymmetry, it is recommended to use massage.

It is worth immediately noting that it is necessary to carry out the massage procedure after a few days and not on your own, but to entrust this process to a first-class massage therapist.

As an economical option, it is permissible to perform acupressure facial massage at home. Its essence lies in massaging acupuncture points. There are several features of the procedure:

  1. Please discuss this issue with your doctor first; there may be contraindications.
  2. Carefully familiarize yourself with the active points on the face, the technique of influencing them (pressure force, order of execution, other nuances).
  3. Do not perform the procedure in the first 5 days after blepharoplasty, during this period the area around the eyes is too sensitive.
  4. Wash your hands well before the massage.
  5. With extreme caution, work the area around the eyes as gently as possible; if necessary, reduce the number and strength of pressure.

To stimulate the outflow of fluid from the area around the eyes, restore the tone of the muscles involved and activate the processes of natural renewal of skin cells After laser blepharoplasty, it is recommended to perform eye exercises. It consists of simple exercises:

  1. Look in front of you, look around, up and down. Perform the exercise without sudden movements, smoothly, 3–5 times.
  2. Tilt your head up so that your gaze is directed at the ceiling. Blink quickly for half a minute. Return to the starting position.
  3. Close your eyes for 3 seconds, then open them wide, concentrating your gaze into the distance. Relax your eyes, trying to keep your eyebrows in one position. Perform the exercise 3–5 times.
  4. Close your eyes, hold your eyelids with your fingertips, but do not press. Try to slowly open your eyes slightly without changing the position of your fingers. Do the exercise also 3-5 times.
  5. Slowly tilt your head back, keeping your gaze on the tip of your nose. Keep your head tilted back for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position. Repeat similar actions 2-4 more times.
  6. Close your eyes and press the skin at your temples with your fingers. Gently try to pull the skin towards the hairline, as if imitating an Asian person. Exercises must be performed up to 5 times.

Important point! Gymnastics for the eyes will help stabilize the condition of the skin and restore visual acuity.

What not to do during the rehabilitation period

To speed up recovery and not harm yourself, cosmetologists insist on observing certain restrictions:

  • for the first 10 days do not use cosmetics, with the exception of medications prescribed by a specialist;
  • avoid direct sunlight, and after transconjunctival laser blepharoplasty of the lower and upper eyelids, it is also important to use sunscreen for at least a month;
  • It is forbidden to sleep on your stomach, only on your back or side so that your head is elevated;
  • baths, solariums, saunas, swimming pools and sports are prohibited for a month after surgery;
  • You should also give up smoking and alcohol;
  • You should not wear contact lenses or strain your eyes in any way; limit your work on the computer and watching TV;
  • blood-thinning medications slow down the recovery process, so it is not advisable to use them;
  • The sutures may itch during healing, but touching or massaging them is prohibited.

Laser blepharoplasty promises noticeable rejuvenation; the achieved results last for at least 4 years.


To ensure that the laser transformation procedure does not bring unexpected complications or health problems, cosmetologists carefully check the patient’s condition for contraindications. Limitations in laser blepharolifting may include:

  • inflammatory processes in the skin;
  • malignant, benign neoplasms;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • HIV, AIDS;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • general malaise;
  • feverish state, ARVI;
  • bleeding disorders.

Pregnancy, lactation, any hormonal fluctuations (for example, menstruation) can become an obstacle to achieving the desired effect and delay the recovery process. During these periods, laser blepharoplasty should be abandoned.

Side effects

The risk of complications after a laser procedure is low, but exists. It is associated with the presence of contraindications and doctor errors.

The norm after such an impact is considered to be:

  • minor hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • pronounced seams;
  • increased tearfulness or dry eye syndrome (in this case, the doctor prescribes drops).

Side effects do not cause concern, they look unaesthetic, but go away on their own.


Complications rarely arise, the elimination of which is prescribed by the attending physician. Among them:

  • severe swelling;
  • violation of the integrity of blood vessels in the area around the eyes, large hematomas;
  • eyelid asymmetry;
  • soft tissue burn;
  • atypical position of the lower eyelid (as if turned inside out), due to the removal of a large amount of tissue.

Advice. To prevent complications after laser blepharoplasty from spoiling the patient’s appearance, it is recommended to be particularly scrupulous in choosing a clinic and personnel for the operation. Make sure the doctor is professional, read reviews about him and the clinic.

Comparison with other eyelid lift methods

The skin around the eyes is sensitive, has no fatty layer, the first reflects the aging process. Cosmetologists offer several ways to correct existing deficiencies in the periorbital zone. Which one is preferable to choose, we’ll figure it out further.

  • Blepharoplasty with a scalpel. The main competitor of laser technology. It is inferior in effectiveness, the duration of the rehabilitation period, the risk of infection and complications is high, requires inpatient monitoring and can leave scars. The scalpel technique is considered a classic, outdated technique for correcting the problem area against the backdrop of the development of hardware cosmetology.

  • Fractional thermolysis. A non-surgical solution to the problem of the skin around the eyes. The essence of the procedure is a delicate laser effect on the top layer of skin, burning out dead, weakened cells. The laser beam creates conditions inside the skin that promote rapid tissue renewal, thereby providing a lifting effect. The procedure does not require anesthesia or rehabilitation, but is not advisable for significant skin imperfections.

  • Biorevitalization of eye skin. An alternative to surgery, effective at an early stage of the problem. The injection preparation contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins, peptides, thereby stimulating intracellular processes and tissue regeneration. Biorevitalization is intended to solve minor skin problems, prevent their complications in the future, and allows you to retain youth on your face.

Pros and cons

Laser blepharoplasty enjoys undoubted success among patients and cosmetologists. Among its main advantages are:

  • minimal trauma to tissues by the laser, the thinnest incision eliminates the appearance of scars after healing;
  • due to the high temperature of the beam, during the procedure the blood vessels are “soldered” together with the incision, which reduces possible hematomas and bruises;
  • in comparison with conventional blepharoplasty, the rehabilitation period is much easier, faster, and there is practically no risk of complications;
  • the procedure is non-contact, the risks of tissue infection are minimized;
  • The laser technique does not require hospital observation; the patient goes home on the same day;
  • the effect is long lasting - 4–10 years;
  • The operation is quick and takes no more than 60 minutes.

The disadvantages of laser blepharoplasty include the impressive cost, the presence of contraindications and high demands on the professionalism and skills of the clinic staff.

Opinion of cosmetologists

For cosmetologists, laser blepharoplasty is an effective way to solve complex skin problems in the periorbital area (severe swelling, bags under the eyes, drooping and drooping eyelids, Asian type of appearance, eyelid hernias), but it can only be used if indicated. The procedure is complex and responsible, so experts recommend approaching the choice of a clinic for its implementation with special persistence and scrupulousness.

Here's what cosmetologists say about blepharoplasty:

Laser blepharoplasty is one of the most popular and effective methods of skin rejuvenation in the area around the eyes. After the “warrior of light” – the laser beam – appeared in the service of doctors, the field of aesthetic surgery reached a completely new level.

Now those who were frightened by the mere thought of the cold metal of a scalpel can restore attractiveness and expressiveness to their eyes as safely and accurately as possible. What do you need to know about laser blepharoplasty, what is it?

What is laser blepharoplasty?

Laser blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that uses a laser to correct deformities or improve the aesthetic appearance of the eye area.

In most cases, laser blepharoplasty is performed for cosmetic reasons.

However, it may be a medical necessity due to visual impairment in the peripheral area. The results of the manipulation usually last for a very long period.

Operations to restore the face to its former beauty were practiced 3 thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt.

A person has carried the desire to remain young and attractive for as long as possible throughout his entire history, and in modern society it only grows stronger every day, especially among the fair sex.

A favorite of women today who want to tighten the skin around the eyes is blepharoplasty - an operation to correct the eyelids and eliminate wrinkles and fat bags.

But many women are afraid of the scalpel used by a plastic surgeon. In this case, you should pay attention to laser blepharoplasty.

For this, a laser beam is used instead of a scalpel. This method is less traumatic, but it also refers to surgical methods for eyelid correction.

There are also non-surgical techniques, which can be found out below. They do not involve incisions, but involve laser exposure to the surface of the skin, which leads to certain positive changes.

Let's first understand laser blepharoplasty, which is performed surgically. It is carried out through a dosed thermal effect of a light beam on biological tissue.

An erbium or carbon dioxide (CO2 or carbon dioxide) laser is a beam of light that penetrates tissue to a depth of only 1 micron and is not capable of leaving a burn, which is extremely important when performing manipulations on delicate skin.

The beam penetrates deep into the layers of the skin and seals the lumens of blood vessels.

This reduces the risk of bleeding, but increases the possibility of severe burns and painful encounters. It is the carbon dioxide laser that is used in surgical blepharoplasty.

Using a CO2 laser, surgeons achieve a thinner incision, which results in a more aesthetic and invisible suture. Laser blepharoplasty typically results in less swelling and bruising and faster recovery.

TOP 10 advantages of laser procedure

The popularity of using a light beam is due to a number of advantages that the method has:

  1. After the beam, a wound appears that is much smaller in width than after a scalpel, which means minimal tissue trauma and, as a result, rapid healing.
  2. Due to the high temperature, the laser beam cauterizes small vessels, thereby reducing the likelihood of hematomas and swelling after eyelid lift.
  3. During the healing process, a scar does not form, although this is inevitable when performing an operation even with the thinnest instrument. After laser blepharoplasty, you will not have to disguise scars with decorative cosmetics or hide your eyes behind dark glasses.
  4. After the intervention, there is less swelling and discomfort - the CO2 laser beam retains the lymphatics, which leads to a decrease in postoperative swelling and discomfort.
  5. After laser blepharoplasty, a faster recovery is observed. The fact is that reduced trauma, minimal bleeding, less pain and swelling lead to faster recovery.
  6. By cauterizing the incision site, the likelihood of infection entering the wound and the risk of complications are minimized.
  7. Laser blepharoplasty does not require the patient to stay in the hospital. After a few hours, a person can safely go home and later come to the clinic only for follow-up examinations.
  8. The effect of the procedure lasts from 4 to 10 years.
  9. Blepharolifting, carried out using a light beam, can be combined with laser resurfacing, which provides maximum rejuvenating effect.
  10. The list of contraindications for such manipulations is smaller than for traditional surgery.

5 main types of blepharoplasty

Depending on the location and severity of the problem, the doctor prescribes the patient one or another type of laser blepharoplasty surgery:

  1. Laser blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids. During the correction process, the doctor makes incisions and removes excess fatty tissue and skin. Upper eyelid surgery is performed to reduce the appearance of heavy and drooping upper eyelids. Incisions are made with a laser to gain access to remove/reposition fat deposits, excess skin and muscle above the eyes.
  2. Laser blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids. Prescribed for bags, hernia, etc. There are two types of it: percutaneous subciliary (the tissue is cut along the ciliary edge) and (the incision is made on the inner surface of the eyelid). Also performed to remove/reposition fat deposits, excess skin and muscles under the eyes.
  3. – correction of two eyelids at the same time.
  4. Correction of eye shape. It is especially popular among women with Asian appearance. In such cases, the surgeon removes the epicanthus (“Mongolian fold”) and forms a Caucasian fold.
  5. Canthopexy. This operation is performed if a person has broken ligaments in the eyelid area. The doctor will correct not only the shape of the eyes, but also their expression during such laser blepharoplasty.


Correction of aesthetic imperfections, as a rule, is prescribed at the request of a person if he is not satisfied with something in his appearance. But there are also medical indications for laser blepharoplasty.


  • severe sagging or drooping of the lower eyelid;
  • a large amount of excess skin on the eyelids;
  • the presence of fatty hernias;
  • significant deformation of the eyelids and drooping corners of the eyes;
  • difference in eye shape and facial asymmetry;
  • significant changes in the skin of the eyelids associated with age;
  • wrinkles.


Correcting aesthetic defects using a laser is considered the safest procedure for human life and health. However, laser blepharoplasty has a number of contraindications.


  1. the presence of endocrine diseases;
  2. inflammatory process at the site of surgery;
  3. exacerbation phase of a chronic disease;
  4. the presence of benign and malignant tumors in the body;
  5. blood diseases (hemophilia);
  6. increased intraocular pressure;
  7. HIV infection;
  8. increased sensitivity to the laser beam.

Preparing for surgery

With all the professionalism of the chosen doctor and high guarantees of success, the patient should not miss the important fact that laser blepharoplasty, like any operation, must be carefully prepared.

It is mandatory to take blood and urine tests, and also have a cardiogram done. At the preliminary appointment, the surgeon gets acquainted with the test results, studies the patient’s medical history and assesses the condition of the skin and muscle tissue around the eyes.

The standard list of preparatory measures includes (at least a week before the appointed date):

  • quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • suspension of taking medications based on aspirin and hormonal drugs.

You should eat no later than 5–6 hours before blepharoplasty.

How is blepharoplasty performed?

In 9 out of 10 cases, the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. Most often, patients choose local anesthesia, but when planning additional procedures, general anesthesia is recommended.

First of all, the doctor marks the eyelids and places a protective lens on the pupil. Then a special anesthetic cream is applied to the surgical site.

After 10 - 15 minutes, the surgeon proceeds directly to cutting the tissue and correcting the eyelids.

Upon completion of the operation, the edges of the wound are sutured with absorbable sutures or secured with special surgical glue (tape).

Laser blepharoplasty does not require much time. When the anesthesia takes effect, the doctor begins work. On average it will take him about a third of an hour.

At the end of the operation, when the wounds have already been sewn or glued, the doctor applies a special agent to the affected area. It will reduce pain and protect against swelling.

After the manipulations have been performed, there is no point in detaining the person, so he has the right to go home on the same day and do his previous business.


The period of complete recovery lasts on average from one to two weeks. But you need to be especially careful and responsible in caring for the corrected area in the first few days.

  • apply cooling compresses;
  • sleep with your head slightly elevated, preferably on your side or back;
  • at least during the first week of the rehabilitation period, exclude the use of decorative cosmetics;
  • stop taking medications that contain aspirin;
  • avoid visiting the bathhouse, sauna, solarium (as well as long exposure to the sun);
  • limit physical activity;
  • do not forget to use a cream with a high protection factor against ultraviolet rays (for a month).

Do not be alarmed by the appearance of small scars on the eyelids - they will gradually disappear approximately three weeks after the operation.


Provided that laser blepharoplasty is performed by a qualified specialist using proper equipment, the effect is amazing: all defects visible before the operation almost or completely disappear, and the look becomes more open and expressive.

In addition, the skin becomes even and smooth, making the patient look several years younger.

“Sacs”, like hernias, disappear, and there is no longer a shadow of soreness and fatigue on the face.

Possible side effects and complications

Any surgical intervention is associated with the likelihood of discomfort and complications. Before laser blepharoplasty, the patient is notified of the possibility of side effects such as:

  1. “Dry eye” syndrome or, conversely, permanent tearing. All this indicates dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, which, as a rule, are restored 2 to 3 weeks after the use of special eye drops.
  2. Postoperative pain. If necessary, the doctor prescribes painkillers.
  3. The appearance of hematomas and periorbital edema. It does not happen often and occurs due to damage to abnormally located vessels during surgery. Bruises disappear in about 7 – 10 days.
  4. Noticeable asymmetry of the eyelids. This complication can occur both if the surgeon is insufficiently qualified and if the patient has structural features of the skin.
  5. Burn. Possible consequences of surgery performed using a carbon dioxide laser

If one or more symptoms occur, as well as significant and prolonged discomfort, you must notify the specialist who performed blepharoplasty.

Question - answer

Blepharoplasty is a surgical intervention that is aimed at improving a person’s appearance. That is why there are no specific age restrictions. Basically, the operation is performed to eliminate age-related changes, so doctors advise not to think about plastic surgery before the age of 30-35.

To perform blepharoplasty, the doctor can use one of the above lasers. Erbium laser is more suitable for those with delicate skin that would be negatively affected by strong exposure. This laser will not burn the skin, because it does not penetrate deeply. In the case of blepharoplasty, a CO2 laser is often used, as it seals the vessels, which will protect against bleeding. But after it a burn may appear.

The cost of the service will be affected by the level of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor, the complexity of the intervention, and the price of additional services. It is important to initially discuss with the doctor what is included in the cost of the operation, so that there are no misunderstandings in the future.

Fractional thermolysis (DOT rejuvenation)

Fractional thermolysis is a procedure that destroys tissue under the influence of high temperatures.

And photothermolysis is the same procedure, only the effect is caused by a point light (laser).

Dot therapy is aimed at targeted rejuvenation of the face and body, eliminating wrinkles, the effects of acne, scars and other skin defects.

This procedure is performed without surgery.

The doctor uses an erbium laser, which is applied precisely to the surface of the skin.

As a result, the top layer of the skin is removed, that is, dead cells are eliminated. Also, such laser correction improves the regeneration of the dermis.

Of course, one cannot argue with the fact that after laser blepharoplasty the patient gets a wonderful result. But should everyone, when correcting the eye area, go under a scalpel or laser beam?

These are radical methods of combating age-related changes that are ideal for people with pronounced problems.

What should women do if they have slight swelling, darkened skin around the eyelids, and shallow creases?

Women with subtle age-related changes and eyelid problems should pay attention to a more gentle laser method - fractional thermolysis.

The following advantages of fractional thermolysis can be highlighted:

  1. Safety. This method is much safer when compared to other types of laser blepharoplasty. The specialist acts on the skin with a laser without disturbing its integrity. The patient does not run the risk of infection.
  2. Delicacy. This method is gentle on the surface of the face.
  3. Physiological. During the procedure, the upper layer of the dermis is damaged, the skin begins to rejuvenate and recover.
  4. Long lasting effect. It does not disappear for 2 years. And after the session, the skin is restored within a few days.
  5. Painless. The doctor uses anesthetic ointments to minimize pain during laser thermolysis.

The procedure itself lasts about 20-45 minutes. Clinics often use the Fraxel laser.

Blepharoplasty with laser resurfacing

It is a method that will also protect a person from the plastic surgery office. Often, a carbon dioxide laser is used for the procedure. With its help, the upper layer of the dermis is evaporated.

There is no need to worry, as the skin itself is not damaged. The session lasts from half an hour to an hour. For proper results, you need to conduct about 5 such sessions.

This method has almost the same undeniable advantages as thermolysis. But the effect of the procedure lasts longer.

Surgeon Sonia Bandreshia-Bansal is of the opinion that blepharoplasty in combination with CO2 laser resurfacing will give the best result. Blepharoplasty will remove excess skin and the CO2 will help tighten the skin and stimulate collagen.

As the body ages, as well as when exposed to certain diseases, the elasticity of the skin of the eyes is impaired, which in turn provokes drooping of the upper eyelid and the formation of bags under the eyes.

In this state, the look becomes heavier, looks tired and even gloomy, which adds several extra years. This problem, according to observations, is expressed in 30% of women closer to forty years. To eliminate it, various procedures and operations are used today.

A special anti-aging technique called laser blepharoplasty deserves special attention. Photos and patient reviews about this plastic method can be viewed on many Internet portals.

What is the procedure

To put it in a language that patients can understand, this is a procedure to correct the shape of the eyelids. With its help, you can get rid of bags in the lower eyelid area, wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes and other eyelid defects. Today, this operation is rightfully considered one of the most popular in plastic surgery. It is important to note that laser blepharoplasty is considered a less invasive method for eyelid correction. With the help of modern techniques, surgeons are able to eliminate the patient’s problem with minimal risk.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

As noted above, laser blepharoplasty can help eliminate bags under the eyes, eyelid asymmetry, fatty hernias and congenital pathologies of eyelid development. Moreover, this intervention is indicated for excess skin on the upper eyelid, wrinkles in the eye area, as well as loss of the epidermis’ former elasticity.

Despite the relative safety of such an intervention, blepharoplasty is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Blood clotting disorder.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  3. Dry eye syndrome.
  4. Acute viral, infectious, bacterial or fungal diseases.
  5. Glaucoma.
  6. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  7. The presence of inflammation in the body.
  8. Recent eye or facial surgery.
  9. Diabetes mellitus.
  10. Endocrine diseases.
  11. Epilepsy.

Blepharoplasty should be practiced with caution and only after the doctor’s permission if the patient has mental illness or depression. Also, in order not to worsen your condition, before carrying out this operation, it is better to consult with a specialist in advance about contraindications.

Laser eyelid lift: the main advantages of the procedure, preparation rules and correction method

If we compare laser eyelid lifting and open surgical plastic surgery, the first correction method has the following advantages:

  1. Laser eyelid lift has a long-lasting effect that lasts up to five years.
  2. The laser beam immediately cauterizes small vessels, thereby reducing the risk of hematoma formation and bleeding.
  3. The non-surgical method is safer. Also, the beam, unlike a scalpel, does not injure the tissue so much, which guarantees their rapid healing.
  4. During the recovery period after laser eyelid lift, a scar does not form on a person’s skin, as is invariably the case after surgical eyelid correction.
  5. The procedure has fewer contraindications.

It is also important to know that laser blepharoplasty does not require the patient to be in the hospital. Already a couple of hours after the procedure, a person can go home and begin the recovery phase.

Preparation for the procedure

Initial preparation for the procedure involves taking blood and urine tests. You should also definitely consult a doctor and get a cardiogram.

If contraindications are identified, the decision to perform the procedure should be reconsidered. A week before surgery, the patient should give up alcohol and smoking.

It is also important to stop taking aspirin-based medications and hormonal medications. On the day of the procedure, there should be no decorative cosmetics on your face. The last meal before eyelid correction should be five hours before surgery.

Procedure process

This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. General anesthesia is used less frequently, but it is considered more harmful to humans. During blepharoplasty, the patient's skin is cleansed of impurities. Next, the surgeon applies markings to make the incision. Special glasses are worn to protect the eyes. Afterwards, the doctor makes incisions in the skin with a laser. At the end, the edges of the wound are fixed with absorbable sutures in the desired position. A bandage is applied to the eyelids.

Eyelid lift without surgery: rehabilitation tips, risks of complications and patient reviews

The recovery period after an eyelid lift without surgery lasts on average two to three weeks.

During this time, it is advisable for a woman to follow the following recommendations from specialists:

  1. Refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse, solarium and swimming pool.
  2. Minimize the use of modern decorative cosmetics.
  3. Do not practice any other methods of rejuvenation (cosmetological methods of facial skin correction, plastic surgery, etc.).
  4. Avoid physical overload.
  5. Apply healing ointments and creams that protect against exposure to UV rays.
  6. Sleep on your back.
  7. Apply soothing compresses.

You should know that after the procedure, small scars may appear on the skin, but you should not be afraid of this, since they will disappear on their own a couple of weeks after the procedure.

Possible complications

An eyelid lift without surgery goes well and a person does not develop complications, however, experts do not exclude the possibility of dry eye syndrome, swelling and burning of the skin. Less commonly, eyelid asymmetry, burns, and bruising occur.

If at least one of these complications occurs, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. If necessary, the patient will be prescribed suitable treatment using local anesthetics, healing and anti-inflammatory agents.