They changed their activity without adding a new OKVED code. Changing the types of activities of an LLC: when is it necessary and to whom to report? How to change the OKVED OOO code and when to do it

Hello friends 🙂 Public services are becoming closer to people - just a few years ago, to receive them you had to stand in queues and “fight” to snatch an audience with a specialist, but today you don’t even need to go anywhere - just use the State Services portal.

One of the functions of State Services that is useful for beginning entrepreneurs is registration of individual entrepreneurs. Today I want to talk in detail about the possibility of opening an individual entrepreneur through State Services to answer all your questions on this topic.

What are State Services?

As practice shows, many entrepreneurs who want to register an individual entrepreneur do not know about the State Services portal or have no idea how to use it.

The government services portal is a system of government services that can be used by both legal entities and individuals. Using the State Services portal does not involve visiting various authorities: all you need to do is register on the website, select the required service and follow the instructions.

This is where the first difficulty arises - registering for State Services is not so easy, especially if we are talking about people who are not particularly computer literate, and there should be a lot of them.

Can this be done without problems and without wasting time? Brief instructions how to do this is in the next section.

Register on State Services

The State Services website guarantees each user complete confidentiality of data - this is due to the fact that through one account you can receive many services and contact a variety of institutions. Maintaining confidentiality requires some effort, including from the user: registration on State Services will require 15-20 minutes of time.

*without confirmation of the entry, the process cannot be continued.

We register individual entrepreneurs through State Services

We seem to have figured out how to register on the State Services portal. Let's move on to the most important and responsible matter - registration of individual entrepreneurs through State Services.

This process is not at all complicated - in any case, registering an individual entrepreneur by personally visiting various authorities is much more difficult and takes more time.

The first step is data verification

What you need to do to register an individual entrepreneur through State Services is to work with the section “Registration of an individual entrepreneur.” This section contains the service “Registration of individuals.” persons as individual entrepreneurs" - to continue the registration process you need to follow this link.

The second step is paying the state fee

The amount of state duty for at the moment is 800 rubles, you can pay it using several methods at once:

  • online- through electronic wallets or Internet banks (you need to select the “Payment for services” section on home page State Services website, select the required form payment and transfer funds - within a few minutes you will receive a receipt, which must be printed);
  • through the bank(the State Services website offers to download and fill out a form that can be used to pay the fee at any bank).

The third step is going to the Federal Tax Service

Tax service employees check the data provided by the candidate for individual entrepreneur registration and monitor the receipt of the duty. Once the verification is completed and the fee is transferred by the bank or electronic system payment, you will receive an invitation to the Federal Tax Service. I want to say that here you can relax a little - the process of checking information at the Federal Tax Service takes from three to five working days.

If tax officials make a positive decision, then during your visit to the Federal Tax Service you will receive a package of documents. The list of documents is quite extensive - you need to prepare to pick them up in advance.

  1. OGRNIP - a certificate confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Certificate of inclusion in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  3. Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  4. Statistics codes [OKPO, OKATO, OKTMO, OKOPF, OKFS, OKOGU]
  5. Extract on assignment of statistics codes to individual entrepreneurs.
  6. Certificate confirming the registration of individual entrepreneurs in the pension fund.
  7. Extract on registration of individual entrepreneurs with the Federal Tax Service.

If for some reason the Federal Tax Service employees do not provide you with all the documents, then you will subsequently have to obtain them yourself by contacting the relevant government agencies.

As you can see, opening an individual entrepreneur through State Services is a completely simple process. To ensure that you do not have any problems, I have described the registration in every detail. For example, if you find that the package of documents that were issued is incomplete, then you will be able to request the necessary papers immediately from the Federal Tax Service, and not waste your time going through the authorities.


How much does it cost to open an individual entrepreneur through State Services? I hasten to please you - the procedure is not quite expensive; you will have to spend 5-6 thousand rubles for everything.

What costs will be incurred by registering an individual entrepreneur with the State Services? Let's take a closer look.

  1. State duty. The state fee is 800 rubles, but in reality you will have to spend a little more: if you pay it in a bank, the commission will be 50-100 rubles, when paying via the Internet an additional fee will be 10-20 rubles.
  2. Opening an account. Although the law does not require individual entrepreneurs to have a current account, it is still worth opening one - the costs of creating and maintaining a bank account will be recouped many times over by clients who prefer non-cash payment. The cost of an account at a banking institution today does not exceed 1000 rubles.
  3. Seal. An important aspect of an individual entrepreneur’s activity is the submission of all kinds of reports, which must be stamped. In addition, the seal is also used to confirm contracts between individual entrepreneurs and contractors. Today, an entrepreneur has the opportunity to choose a seal from standard options, replacing only the name of the enterprise - the cost of such a service will be 300-500 rubles.
  4. Notary services. Documents received by the Federal Tax Service must be certified by a notary. If the tax authorities give out everything necessary documents, then you will have to spend about 500 rubles on a notary.
  5. Mediation services (if desired). Opening an individual entrepreneur without intermediaries is quite problematic: the process of collecting the required documents becomes much more complicated, and the chances of a positive decision from the tax office are reduced. Intermediaries will help you quickly collect documents and increase the chances of a positive tax verdict, and the cost of their services: 2-3 thousand rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of registering individual entrepreneurs through State Services

Are there any advantages to the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur through State Services? Of course - there are enough of them that it is not possible to talk about them separately.

  1. You can register an individual entrepreneur from anywhere. Phys. the person registering the individual entrepreneur may not visit municipal institutions at his place of residence - the procedure will require a device capable of working on the Internet and the Internet connection itself. Recently, the State Services website acquired a mobile version, which means that you can now register an individual entrepreneur even from your phone.
  2. Minimum expenses. Spending on intermediaries when registering online is not necessary: ​​yes, you will have to spend time and nerves, but you can save so valuable money. Mandatory costs (state duty, notary, stamp) are minimal - all together the total will barely amount to a couple of thousand rubles.
  3. Simplicity of the process. If you have any difficulties registering an individual entrepreneur through State Services, an online consultant will always help you. Specialist assistance is absolutely free, and the response time does not exceed a few minutes.

However, registering an individual entrepreneur using the State Services website also has disadvantages. Although there are few of them, they are also worth talking about - a future entrepreneur must have all the information.

  1. Difficulty registering. The State Services website must ensure complete confidentiality of each client. Because of this, the user must enter a lot of data about himself and wait for confirmation - all this takes 15-20 minutes (for comparison, registering on a regular website on the Internet can be done in 1-2 minutes).
  2. Identity confirmation takes quite a long time. All information provided by the user is confirmed by specialists. Due to the very large flow of data, the transfer of an account on State Services to the “Confirmed” category will have to wait quite a long time - in in some cases The waiting period extends to two weeks.

However, this is where the list of disadvantages of using State Services for registering individual entrepreneurs ends - no matter how much I searched, I could not find any more obvious disadvantages of the procedure.

Where else can you register an individual entrepreneur?

For comparison, in this article I decided to mention another convenient online service: “My business.” Unlike the government services website, all processes here are much simpler; for example, we don’t have to waste time on personally confirming your account.

Moreover, not only the registration process itself is simplified, but automation for working with reporting and current accounts is also available.

I wrote about how to open an individual entrepreneur through this service in this article: “”, well, or you can watch this video instruction:

We close an individual entrepreneur through State Services

As you know, small businesses are very susceptible to changes in the economy: even minor economic changes can make an individual entrepreneur unprofitable and unpromising. That is why entrepreneurs who want to open their own individual entrepreneurs must also know whether it is possible to close an individual entrepreneur through State Services.

It turns out that there is such an opportunity - closing an individual entrepreneur using the State Services portal is very simple. For this, as for registering an individual entrepreneur, you will need access to the Internet, and the individual entrepreneur must also have an electronic signature (if it does not exist, then you will have to close the individual entrepreneur by personally visiting various authorities).

Let’s assume you created an electronic signature when registering an individual entrepreneur, and you have a computer with Internet access at hand. In this case, you need to go to the State Services website and send a letter to the Federal Tax Service notifying the tax service about the closure of the individual entrepreneur. Documents that should be attached to the letter are a receipt for payment of the state fee and a personalized account.

To close an individual entrepreneur faster, it makes sense to provide the Federal Tax Service with all the documents that were received when registering an individual entrepreneur. Next, all work on liquidating an individual entrepreneur falls on the tax service - all you have to do is wait for notification of the closure of an individual entrepreneur by phone or email (as practice shows, the message arrives in 5-7 business days).

All that remains to be done to close the individual entrepreneur through State Services after receiving the notification is to go to the Federal Tax Service and pick up the documents.

Conclusion and conclusions

The process of registering and liquidating an individual entrepreneur through State Services is not at all as complicated as it seems - just study in detail the step-by-step instructions for registering an individual entrepreneur through State Services and stock up on a computer with Internet access.

By using the State Services service to register an individual entrepreneur, you can significantly reduce time and financial costs: the procedure will require 5-7 working days and 2-3 thousand rubles.

Don’t wait for a fair wind, but start right now - perhaps you will be able to occupy a profitable niche in the market by registering your individual entrepreneur faster than your competitors. With our recommendations, the individual entrepreneur registration process will be fast, problem-free and effective!

This concludes my manual on registering an individual entrepreneur using the State Services service. If you still have any questions and want to ask us, write in the comments: we will be happy to help solve your problem! I also appeal to experienced users: do not forget to share your tips, they will be very useful for our readers.

See you in new articles.

If you decide to start a business, registration of an individual entrepreneur will be a mandatory and one of the first steps. You should not put off this step for fear of possible bureaucratic difficulties - submit an application for registration as individual entrepreneur You can do it online at any time convenient for you through the electronic government services portal.

To register an individual entrepreneur through government services, you must have a confirmed account individual.

To quickly understand the registration process, use the step-by-step

The sequence of actions for registering an individual entrepreneur online on the government services website will be as follows:

  1. Login to the public service portal using your account (read more in)
  2. Choice of services needed ( State registration an individual as an individual entrepreneur)
  3. Filling electronic application on state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur
  4. Payment of state duty (this can be done directly on the government services portal, read the instructions below)
  5. Submitting an application
  6. Receiving documents

Terms of service provision

The term for providing the service, in accordance with the regulations, is 3 working days. If the timing of the provision of the service was delayed, you can complain about the poor quality of the service on the public services portal itself.

Service cost

In order to register as an individual entrepreneur, you must pay a state fee of 800 rubles. This can be done online on the government services portal in the next step after filling out the application, or on the portal of the Federal Tax Service.

State registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur

So, let's start creating an entrepreneur account.

To enter the portal, enter your username and password. In the Site Catalog, go to the Business, Entrepreneurship, Non-Profits section, selecting the Registration category legal entities and entrepreneurs:

Select the type of service “Register online” and click “Get service”

We fill out a new application using a special service, which also makes it possible to submit it to the registration authority (in person or in electronic form):

Before starting to fill out the application, confirm your consent to the processing of the personal data of individuals entered by you by checking the appropriate box and select the required type of application - Form P21001: Application for state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

Filling out an application for registration of individual entrepreneurs for public services

In the form that opens, enter your email address - it will be needed to inform you about the progress of the application. Select information about citizenship by selecting one of the proposed options and indicate the address of your place of residence or stay. Check that the entered data is correct and click Next.

At the next step, you will need to provide information about the individual entrepreneur:

  • TIN (see instructions);
  • date and place of birth;
  • passport details.

Next, the system will offer to fill out the section of the application “Information on codes according to the All-Russian Classifier of Species economic activity" Select main and additional view activities of your future individual entrepreneur from the proposed lists.

The last section of the application is Contact information and how to obtain documents. Please provide your current contact information here (number mobile phone and email address) and indicate the most convenient way for you to receive documents: hand out to the applicant or his official representative or send by mail.

PLEASE NOTE! To send a completed application for individual entrepreneur registration electronically, you need to select the first option for receiving documents - personally to the applicant. Otherwise, you will not be able to submit your application online and all the benefits of registering through government services will be lost.

The completed application will be presented to you for review. If there are any errors, they can be edited in MS Excel format.

If everything is correct, proceed to the process of paying the state fee.

Payment of state fees for individual entrepreneur registration through government services

When paying the state fee through an on-line payment, you must request a payment receipt from the bank through which the payment was made. The receipt of the completed payment is prerequisite when applying for state duty services at the Federal Tax Service.

After you pay the state fee, you must confirm the payment by filling out the appropriate form, then click the “Next” button.

After confirmation of payment, send an application to the tax authority.

You will receive notification of the results of your application review within 3 days. In case positive result, you will receive an invitation to visit the registration (tax) authority to receive registration documents.

Refusal to register an individual entrepreneur

Based on Federal Law No. 123-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs” there are the following official reasons for negative result consideration of your application:

  • were not provided proper documents(or were introduced to the wrong organization). Sending an application through government services reduces the chance of refusal on this point to a minimum;
  • this individual has already been registered as an individual entrepreneur, and the registration period has not expired;
  • this individual has been deprived of the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity by a court verdict, and the period of this ban has not yet expired;
  • this individual was declared bankrupt under a previously registered individual entrepreneur, and a year has not elapsed from the date of bankruptcy;
  • there is a court decision to terminate the activities of an individual entrepreneur previously registered for this individual, in forcibly, and a year has not passed since such a decision was made.

If you are ready to maintain an officially registered entrepreneurial activity and don’t want to waste time standing in queues, you can use the portal public services to register as an individual entrepreneur. This will not take you much time - filling out the application will not take you more than 10 minutes, and the period for its consideration will not exceed 3 days.

Registering an individual entrepreneur on the State Services website: step-by-step instructions

To complete this procedure, you must be registered on the portal, have a verified account and an electronic signature key installed on your computer. The whole process is divided into several steps:

  • We are preparing a set of documents for opening (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and TIN certificate, if available);
  • We fill out an application for opening an individual entrepreneur;
  • We pay the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles (if paid through State Services before January 1, 2019, a 30% discount is provided when submitting an electronic application, in this case the state fee will be 560 rubles);
  • We collect the certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur on the day appointed by the tax authority.

More details on how to do this will be discussed below:

Filling out an application on form P21001

We log in to State Services and go to the service catalog. Towards the end of the list you can find the item “Business, entrepreneurship, NPOs”, after moving to this category, open “Registration of legal entities and entrepreneurs” and see the following illustration:

To get to this page you can simply follow the link The procedure here is simple: select the item: “State registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur”

On the next page you can select the type of Public Service:

  • “Register online” will give you the opportunity to submit an application directly via the Internet, without visiting the Federal Tax Service;
  • “Personal visit to the tax authority” - you can make an appointment with the tax office at a time convenient for you. The Federal Tax Service inspector is obliged to accept your documents no later than 30 minutes from the time you choose;
  • “Send a completed application electronically” - if you already have a completed application form, you can also send it via the Internet, although it is much easier to fill it out directly on the portal;
  • “Postal item” - you can send all documents to the Federal Tax Service by mail.

We select the “Register online” item and click the “get the service” button

After selecting the service, click “fill out a new application”, give consent to the processing of personal data and proceed to application P21001 - this is the form that must be filled out when opening an individual entrepreneur.

At the first step, the application must include contact information, citizenship and residence address (temporary or permanent). After that, click the next button

Here we indicate information about the future individual entrepreneur - his TIN, gender, full name and all data, in full accordance with the passport. There is no point in focusing attention on this point: everything is intuitive.

Here you are provided complete guide OKVED with full list economic activity codes. They can be filtered by keyword, for example, enter the word “trade” and you will see all types of activities associated with this word. Choose as much as possible more types activities (there is no demand for this, but in case of business expansion, this will save you from re-applying to the tax office). Click "Next"

Once again, we enter contact information and the method of receiving documents - you can pick up the finished registration certificate yourself, or to an authorized person, or you can send it by mail.

When everything is filled out, State Services will check the correctness of your application for opening an individual entrepreneur. Typically this takes a few minutes.

After completing the verification, you will need to upload a scan of your passport in tif format. Let us tell you a secret - that to apply for opening an individual entrepreneur, a simple photograph of a passport spread with your photo will do. After saving the photo on your computer, you can change its format using the standard paint editor in Windows/ To do this, just right-click on the file, select “edit” - it will open paint editor. We don’t change anything in it, but simply select the “File” tab and click “save as”, specify tif in the proposed saving formats.

Now let's sign the application electronic signature and send it for review.

When you do this, it will be possible to pay the state fee through the State Services portal (if payment for opening an individual entrepreneur is made before January 1, 2019, the applicant will receive a 30% discount). The state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles, with a discount - 560 rubles.

An application accepted for consideration is processed within no more than 3 days, after which, in personal account You will receive a message inviting you to the tax office, where you can pick up a completed certificate of opening an individual entrepreneur.

– a set of special services that provide citizens with the opportunity to resolve many issues and contact various authorities without leaving their home. While on this site, you can contact government organizations and municipal institutions. This way you can register as an individual entrepreneur.

Registering on the portal is not as easy as on regular sites

Before using the State Services portal for the first time, you need to be aware of some difficulties. Registering on this site is more difficult than on many others. This is required for security and subsequent confidentiality reasons.

First, registration proceeds as usual. Personal data is entered in the appropriate windows and a unique password is created. It has special requirements. The system will not accept combinations that are too simple.

To be able to recover your password if you lose data about it, make up Security Question. It must be remembered so that it is not erased from memory; it is written down in a safe place. These actions end with the creation of a personal account. When registering, a login is created; you cannot take any numbers here.

You can only use the number (of the greenish card that is given at the Pension Fund). If for some reason such a number does not exist yet, you need to create one. Without these numbers you cannot register on the site.

Further communication takes place through your personal account. Mobile version makes it possible to access from a smartphone or any other gadget. When all fields are filled in, the system processes the received information. If everything is correct, you will receive an email containing an activation code. It will be useful for working on the site.

To confirm your identity, you will have to contact in person one of the institutions authorized to conduct such activities in your area. This is the last one. If desired, you can obtain an electronic signature for a fee. It will later come in handy when submitting reports to funds and even to the tax office. Each verified signature is valid for 12 months.

Registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur using government services - in the video tutorial:

Individual entrepreneur registration

Registration through State Services as an individual entrepreneur begins with work in the “Registration of an individual entrepreneur” section. There, in the “Services” tab, you need to open “Federal Tax Service”, and then “State registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur”. On the pages that open, you must fill in all the fields.

Once the information has been entered, you will see the following:

  1. application form, instructions for it (available for download);
  2. , instructions for payment;
  3. list of documents for .

Features of document submission

How to open an individual entrepreneur through government services: personal account

When registering on the site, it is almost impossible to make a mistake. If you miss something, you will not be able to complete registration. If you do not have information related to , you can make a request here. During registration you will need to enter OKVED codes. In order not to spend too much time registering, you need to think about these codes and choose them in advance.

The fee for registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles. It is paid in two ways: via the Internet, through a bank. In any case, a receipt will be required. Therefore, when making an electronic payment, you should print a statement.

After filling out the electronic form, wait 3 business days. Usually this is the time it takes for a person to be invited to the tax office. It's not much. When applying in person, 5 days are allotted to prepare documents and meet with the person registering as an individual entrepreneur.

If any difficulties arise, you can find them directly on the website. necessary recommendations on filling out the document. When entering personal data, indicate and e-mail. This is the way employees of all services will communicate with you. Therefore, you need to regularly review incoming letters. This way you can find out whether your application received a positive response or not.

If the decision is positive, you will need to come to the tax office at the appointed time to receive documents. Upon receipt of the certificate, the applicant gives the tax officer a receipt for the state duty paid, showing.

Deadlines for obtaining a certificate

Opening an individual entrepreneur through government services is not difficult, but keeping records is another matter

You can receive a certificate not when you want, but at the appointed time. After this time, another 3-day period is allotted to pick up the documents if it was not possible to do this on time. After the 3-day period, the application is considered invalid.

Access to this service is open to those individual entrepreneurs who have acquired an electronic signature. If it is not available, you will have to contact the tax office in person. If this is not possible, delivery by registered mail is available.