What are the consequences of Botox injections around the eyes? Botox after blepharoplasty: is it indicated? Pigment spots after Botox and blepharoplasty

Botox, Dysport, Lantox are some of the most effective drugs that allow you to prepare for facial plastic surgery.

Surgical methods can eliminate changes that have occurred due to the influence of gravity on the skin, and the use of drugs containing botulinum toxin type A smooths out deep and fine wrinkles, prepares the skin for surgery, and consolidates the results of surgical intervention for a long time.

Surgical techniques give excellent results on the deep structures of the face, which last a long time, but, unfortunately, these techniques cannot work effectively on the superficial layers of the skin. This is largely due to the underestimation of the importance that muscle contractions have in the process of changing soft tissues. Plastic surgery can correct sagging skin, but wrinkles on the surface will form again and again. This process can be stopped only by blocking certain groups of facial muscles, and drugs containing botulinum toxin - Botox, Dysport, Lantox - can effectively cope with this. Many modern rejuvenation techniques are complemented by the use of these drugs.

Preparing for a brow lift

Photoaging of the skin, as well as repeated facial movements (for example, the habit of frowning) lead to drooping eyebrows. A lowered eyebrow gives the face a sad, worried, tired, and sometimes embittered look.

In order to correct slight drooping of the eyebrows (less than 2 mm), it is enough to correctly administer the drugs Botox, Dysport, Lantox.

Moderate or severe pronounced drooping of the eyebrow (3-10 mm) is treated with surgical correction. This pathology can be corrected with the help of endoscopic temporal lift, endoscopic brow lift, open coronal forehead and temple lift, etc.

If you pre-administer Botox, Dysport, Lantox before surgery, this will significantly improve the results. Preparations containing botulinum toxin act as follows: to successfully complete the postoperative period, it is necessary to keep the muscles that displace the eyebrow at rest, since the process of fixing the eyebrow to the periosteum lasts for 12 weeks. If you inject Botox into the eyebrow area in advance, it will help keep the eyebrow raised. This occurs due to muscle paresis. Another bonus of using botulinum toxin preparations is the increase in the duration of the brow lift.

However, one should take into account the fact that most patients have natural asymmetry of the eyebrows, which cannot always be corrected with surgical treatment. To overcome this aesthetic deficiency, chemodenervation of the frontalis muscle above the raised brow, or the muscle that depresses the brow, is used to achieve symmetry when the brow is lowered.

Preparing for blepharoplasty

Preparing for surgery with the preliminary administration of Botox, Dysport, Lantox helps prevent many complications that arise during upper eyelid surgery. Most often, patients requiring blepharoplasty have one eyebrow located lower than the other; As a rule, the lowered eyebrow is on the side on which the patient sleeps more often.

There is a risk during surgery of increasing the asymmetry by removing more skin from the side of the lowered brow line. Preliminary injection of Botox, Dysport, Lantox before surgery returns symmetry to the patient’s face and helps the surgeon correctly plan the scope of the operation.

The introduction of drugs containing botulinum toxin A into the crow's feet area before surgery makes it possible to hide the incision line within the bony edge of the orbit. This eliminates the need to correct such facial wrinkles surgically, significantly reduces the amount of intervention and guarantees an effective aesthetic result.

Combining the administration of Botox, Dysport, Lantox with surgery (blepharoplasty) allows you to inject drugs directly into the orbicularis oculi muscles. This method gives longer-term paralysis of these muscles - up to 12 months, much longer than when Botox is administered through the skin. In addition, in this case, the drug begins to act within 24 hours after surgery (when administered through the skin, the effect is achieved only on the third to fifth day after the injection).

Preparing for a neck lift

A neck lift is performed by laying the superficial muscular aponeurotic layer “overlapping” and creating a duplication of the subcutaneous muscles of the neck. But, unfortunately, these muscles pull the skin back and down, which can eventually return the skin to its original state, reducing the results of the correction to zero.

Injections of Botox, Dysport, Lantos into the subcutaneous muscles of the neck before and after surgery improve the results and help maintain them for a long time.

Preparation for reconstructive surgery on the face and body

Rapid and successful healing of postoperative wounds must be planned before the start of surgery.

This especially applies to reconstructive operations, in which the surgeon has to make incisions not where they will be least noticeable (as when performing aesthetic operations), but where some kind of defect or scar is already present. It often happens that such a defect is located along the muscle fibers; in this case, muscle activity will interfere with wound healing, especially in cases where it is unfavorable relative to the vector of muscle traction.

In such cases, constant microtrauma will occur, which is caused by displacement of damaged tissue. The inflammatory reaction will be more active and this will lead to the formation of a more noticeable scar. The use of botulinum toxin preparations (Botox, Dysport, Lantox) for injection into the muscles surrounding the wound minimizes repeated displacement of the wound edges and makes the scar less noticeable. In addition, the absence of tissue tension allows the use of thinner suture material, which provides a better cosmetic result.

The main contraindications for blepharoplasty: diseases of internal organs, primarily with problems of the cardiovascular system, liver, stomach, kidneys. diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cancer, pathological changes in the endocrine system, inflammatory eye diseases, skin diseases, blood diseases, autoimmune diseases. There are certain physiological characteristics in the presence of which such surgical intervention will not give the desired result. For example, when a person has persistent swelling, blepharoplasty will not help because the bags under the eyes will return over time.

The warm season helps improve blood flow in the operated areas. Due to this, hematomas and swelling will disappear faster. In summer, metabolic processes accelerate. This will have a positive effect, including on the skin around the eyes, which shortens the rehabilitation period.

This operation can be performed at any age. As you can see, there are no strict age restrictions. Surgical intervention is possible both at 30 and at 70.

Experts recommend performing the operation 4 days after menstruation or 4 days before it begins. Is it possible to have blepharoplasty during pregnancy? Pregnant women should not undergo blepharoplasty. Any operation, including blepharoplasty, means the presence of anesthesia, incisions, stitches and a stressful state. All these factors can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus. Therefore, it is better to carry out eye correction after childbirth. Blepharoplasty during lactation.

At what age is blepharoplasty performed? First of all, it will depend on the type of blepharoplasty - classic or transconjunctival. In the first case, the operation involves the correction of age-related changes in the skin around the eyes. It can only be carried out after 35 years. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is a somewhat simple surgical procedure that eliminates excess subcutaneous formations.


So is it possible to have blepharoplasty in the summer? There are no specific prerequisites for banning blepharoplasty in the summer. For the most part, it all depends on the patient’s health status and his tolerance to high temperatures. By the way, in Brazil, which is considered the birthplace of plastic surgery, the number of operations, in particular for eye correction, is regularly growing. And this country has a hot climate most of the year. Let's look at the positive aspects of blepharoplasty in the summer. The sun has a beneficial effect on the immune system.

It is worth noting that, regardless of age, tests are taken before blepharoplasty, based on the results of which appropriate preparation for the operation is carried out. For example, at an older age, the use of local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia is justified. This will help minimize the load on the kidneys and liver. However, only specialists have the right to make the final decision. Blepharoplasty after Botox. Many people are interested in the question: how long after Botox can blepharoplasty be done? It is necessary to look at the results of Botox injections.

Contraindications for blepharoplasty: internal and external factors. Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery to correct the shape of the eyes and the shape of the eyelids. The essence of the operation is to remove excess fat and skin around the eyes. Blepharoplasty allows you to hide or minimize age-related transformation of the skin and improve the appearance of the eyes. However, there are certain factors in which blepharoplasty is contraindicated.

In addition to the listed contraindications, there are several other temporary circumstances of a different nature in which it is necessary to postpone blepharoplasty. Let's look at these reasons in more detail. Is it possible to have blepharoplasty if you have a cold? If a viral infection is detected, the patient is advised to postpone blepharoplasty until complete recovery. Otherwise, postoperative complications are possible.


In the summer, there are practically no sharp temperature changes between the street and the room. In winter, such fluctuations have a negative impact on the general condition of a person. After blepharoplasty, to protect your eyelids from the sun's rays, you will have to wear glasses for some time, and in the summer they will not surprise others. In addition, summer is the season of mass vacations.

Blepharoplasty in the summer. There is a lot of controversy regarding the optimal time of year for blepharoplasty. Summer is especially often mentioned. Some argue that the hot season does not have the best effect on the postoperative period. Others believe the opposite.

For a two-week period after the operation, you cannot engage in vigorous activity, drink alcoholic beverages, or visit the solarium or sauna. You can use makeup for 10-11 days. The effect of plastic surgery will last approximately 7-10 years.

Is it possible to perform blepharoplasty on a nursing mother? No, in this case blepharoplasty cannot be performed. The fact is that the stress that the female body endures during surgery, and the medications taken during the rehabilitation period, can be transmitted through milk to the child. This can greatly harm his health.

So the patient will be protected from intrusive glances or questions from work colleagues, acquaintances, etc. Eye correction surgery can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. It all depends on the degree of difficulty. The duration of the rehabilitation period is about 10-14 days (on average).

In case of raised eyebrows, you should wait until the drug stops working. If after Botox injections the eyebrows do not rise, blepharoplasty is allowed. Plastic surgeons recommend performing surgery no earlier than 2 weeks after Botox injections. Only a doctor can tell the exact timing after a personal examination of the patient. Blepharoplasty during menstruation. Most doctors do not recommend surgery until after your period. This is due to physiological changes in the body, which will cause increased bleeding, the formation of additional swelling and bruising, and longer rehabilitation.

The skin of the upper eyelid undergoes aging much faster than other areas of the face and, as you know, the eyes and eyelids are the first to reveal the age of women and men. Eyelid lift surgery – blepharoplasty – can help with this problem.

Let us consider in more detail what care should be like after blepharoplasty surgery so that the result does not make a person regret his decision to undergo surgery.


Indications for this operation are:

  • bags under the eyes;
  • excess skin that protrudes on the upper (lower) eyelids;
  • sagging skin;
  • drooping of the lower corner of the eye;
  • tired look;
  • bulging fat layer of the lower eyelid;
  • the presence of rough wrinkles on the lower or upper eyelid.


To prevent blepharoplasty from causing any complications in the future, it is not recommended for the following contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2;
  • severe pathologies of the heart or liver;
  • AIDS;
  • chronic dry eyes;
  • diseases of the orbital region;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • the patient's age is up to eighteen years;
  • hypertension;
  • presence of oncological pathologies;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • presence of infectious diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • period of the infarction field;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • period of menstruation;
  • acute respiratory diseases.

Video: How the operation works

The general rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty lasts no more than two weeks.

In order to recover as quickly as possible after this operation, you should adhere to these recommendations during the first two weeks:

  1. Give up bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol).
  2. Do not take a hot bath or use a sauna to avoid infection in the eyes and cause inflammation. It is best to take a warm shower.
  3. Avoid heavy physical activity(lifting weights, playing sports, etc.).
  4. It is very important to maintain the correct water-salt balance. This means that during the rehabilitation period it is better to avoid eating too salty, spicy and fatty foods, as they can cause swelling of the eyes.
  5. It is advisable to wear tinted sunglasses outdoors to protect the irritated retina from bright light.
  6. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Avoid watching TV and working at the computer, as they greatly tire the eyes, which is strictly prohibited after blepharoplasty.
  8. You should sleep on high pillows to relieve post-operative swelling.
  9. Do not make sudden movements of your head, and do not tilt your head down so that the pressure on your eyes does not increase.
  10. Eliminate coffee consumption.
  11. Eat right to avoid indigestion.

In addition, to alleviate your condition in the first days after surgery, you should follow these tips:

  1. Avoid stress and psychological tension.
  2. Don't read. It's better to listen to music with your eyes closed.
  3. Eat lean meats (meat broth). It will support strength and be easily digestible.
  4. Avoid direct contact with ultraviolet rays on the skin.
  5. Stop using lenses for at least two weeks.
  6. Maintain a sleep schedule (sleep eight hours a day).

The final result after the operation will be visible no earlier than a month and a half later, when the swelling and redness of the eyes subsides.

Photo: Before and after surgery

Immediately in the first days after surgery, you should not do any cosmetic procedures, including washing, as this can only increase swelling and introduce germs into fresh wounds.

Over time, the following cosmetic procedures are allowed:

  • Facial washing can be done on the third day after surgery, if the patient has not developed complications. It is important to try not to get water into your eyes;
  • You can do a light facial massage a week after surgery. It is advisable to have it performed by a specialist;
  • Application of medicinal cream or ointment can only be carried out as prescribed by the attending doctor. This can be done already on the first day after eyelid correction;
  • Face masks can be done after a week. However, it is still better not to apply the mask directly to the seam and eyes;
  • You can use decorative cosmetics to apply makeup no earlier than two weeks later, as it can cause irritation and redness of the eyelids;
  • You can use scrubs and cleansing lotions no earlier than after three weeks, as they often contain small particles that can get into the eyes and cause pain.

Also, the following cosmetic procedures are allowed (they can be done no earlier than two months after the operation):

  • lymphatic drainage facial massage;
  • lifting procedures;
  • Botox;
  • Dysport

Proper care after blepharoplasty surgery

How quickly the patient recovers largely depends on the correct care after surgery on the upper and lower eyelids (blepharoplasty).

The general care regimen is divided into care for:

  • seams;
  • skin;
  • eyes;

Behind the seams

Immediately after eyelid correction, a sterile bandage will be applied to them. There is no need to be afraid of this, as it will be removed in a few days.

In order for newly formed sutures to heal faster, it is advisable to apply ointments and creams prescribed by a doctor to them daily.

One of the best drugs in this medicinal group is Levomekol ointment. It will improve the healing process and disinfect the wound.

You should also treat the seams with antiseptic solutions to prevent germs from getting into them and causing suppuration.

Subsequently (after removal of the sutures), the patient is recommended to apply an absorbable gel to completely remove the redness.

Behind the skin

The skin care regimen after surgery requires compliance with the following rules:

  • in the first three days, apply a special plaster to the eyelid;
  • in the first days, it is advisable to apply cold compresses to the eyelids to relieve swelling;
  • In order to speed up the healing process of the skin, it is recommended to apply special hypoallergenic products to it.

Cream with Chinese mushroom extract also helps well. It should be applied evenly to the eyelids twice a day for two weeks. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

Behind the eyes

As mentioned above, it is not recommended to wear lenses for two weeks. This is explained by the fact that the eyes are inflamed and swollen after eyelid correction.

It is not advisable to add additional load in the form of lenses to them.

To relieve this inflammation and get rid of possible dryness, special drops should be instilled into the eyes. Your doctor will prescribe them for you.

Why do you need a set of eye exercises?

A set of eye exercises is useful when a person experiences swelling of the eyelids after blepharoplasty.

Special exercises will not only help get rid of excess swelling of the eyes, but will also normalize poor blood circulation, increase muscle tone and help relieve inflammation.

The method of performing eye massage includes the following set of exercises:

  1. Acupressure. Use the second and third fingers to make light circular movements along the eyelids (preferably clockwise).
  2. Apply gentle point pressure on the edges of the lower eyelid, gradually moving towards the inner corner of the eyes.
  3. Apply light pressure in the inner corners of the eyes, gradually moving to the center of the eyelids.
  4. Make circular movements with your fingers along the edge of the eyelid and under the eyebrow
  • apply cold to the eyelids for three days after surgery;
  • use Lyoton ointment for seven days;
  • Observe bed rest for the first two days.
  • wear an aseptic blindfold for the first two days;
  • remove stitches on the fourth day;
  • lubricate scars with Levomekol.

In order for blepharoplasty to meet your expectations, doctors advise following these basic rules:

  • even after completing the rehabilitation period, you should try to place minimal stress on the eyes;
  • do not eat salty foods before going to bed, otherwise bags may appear under the eyes and swelling on the eyelids in the morning;
  • wear sunglasses in sunny weather;
  • It is advisable not to sunbathe in direct sunlight;
  • you should refrain from blinking too often, as this provokes increased swelling;
  • in the future, it is advisable to refrain from those physical exercises that contribute to swelling and increased intraocular pressure (push-ups, pull-ups, complex physical training);
  • try to refrain from stress and nervous strain, as this will cause excessive strain on the eyes and may increase swelling of the eye tissues.

It is important to know that, like any operation, blepharoplasty requires serious consideration.

For this reason, it is better not to agree to eyelid correction if there is at least one contraindication, as this may cause complications in the future.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty will require the patient to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Under this condition, the recovery period will pass easily and without any consequences for the patient’s body.

Skin healing depends not only on a successful operation, but also on the characteristics of the patient himself - his age, individual tissue structure, and the presence of chronic diseases.

Typically, the recovery period lasts two weeks, then the patient returns to his usual lifestyle.


There is practically no pain, however, some consequences cannot be avoided. The skin of the eyelids is thin and sensitive, easily injured.

Therefore, after the operation, unpleasant symptoms appear:

  1. Edema, they most often cause anxiety in patients. Swelling of the eyelids for 7-10 days should not be a cause for concern. This is a normal skin reaction to intervention. Every day the swelling will decrease; cooling compresses speed up this process.
  2. Bruises (subcutaneous hematomas) occur due to damage to blood vessels during surgery. Although the external manifestations of a hematoma look unsightly, they do not pose a danger to the patient.

    Bruises disappear after 2-3 weeks. For large hematomas, the surgeon may additionally perform a puncture to remove residual blood.

  3. Discomfort in the eyes. Pain, a feeling of dryness, stiffness of the eyelids, photophobia, and lacrimation often accompany blepharoplasty.

    Antiseptic eye drops are prescribed to eliminate symptoms. They moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyeball and help avoid infection.

All consequences will disappear on their own after some time without medical intervention. Blepharoplasty is a low-traumatic operation, so no special action is required from the patient.

As with any other cosmetic surgery, it is important to follow a number of recommendations from your doctor. This is a condition for speedy recovery and prevention of complications.

Prohibitions by day

In the postoperative period, it is required to lead a moderate lifestyle and give up bad habits.

Any activities that load the organ of vision are limited - watching TV, working at the computer, reading literature. Strain on the eyes will increase unpleasant symptoms (dryness, lacrimation) and slow down the rehabilitation period.

Heavy physical work and body bending lead to blood flow to the eyeballs and cause swelling.

What should not be done during the rehabilitation period:

  • visit the bathhouse and sauna, take a hot shower for a month. All thermal procedures can cause bleeding;
  • wash your hair for the first 3 days;
  • You can apply makeup and retouch your eyes after 10-12 days, avoiding the area of ​​the postoperative scar;
  • visit the pool, dance, aerobics and other active sports for 30 days;
  • lift weights and bend over sharply for a month, this helps to avoid increased intraocular pressure;
  • rub the damaged area of ​​skin with your hands or stretch it for 10 days, otherwise the risk of wound infection increases;
  • wear contact lenses for 2-3 weeks so as not to irritate the conjunctiva and introduce pathogens;
  • drink alcohol, drink coffee, smoke for 2-3 weeks. Bad habits impair blood circulation, which will lead to swelling and vascular injury.
  • eat spicy and salty foods, as they retain fluid and thereby increase swelling;
  • expose your eyes to direct sunlight for several weeks;
  • eat citrus fruits, take blood thinners for 10 days to avoid bleeding.

All recommendations on lifestyle and restrictions are given by the doctor. If they are followed, it is possible to avoid complications and prevent the appearance of keloid scars. Taking any medications is allowed only after consulting a surgeon.

How is recovery going?

Blepharoplasty surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. Usually the patient goes home on the first day, but sometimes he remains under the supervision of medical staff throughout the day.

If suture surgical material was used, it is removed 6-7 days after the intervention; for this you will have to visit a plastic surgery clinic. Today, absorbable sutures that do not require removal are more often used.

Granulation of the postoperative incision continues for 1-4 weeks. In this place, connective tissue appears, which grows with small blood vessels.

A month after blepharoplasty, a thin, unnoticeable scar remains. Rehabilitation is completely completed after 2-3 months. The scars after the incision become invisible, and the person can enjoy an excellent aesthetic result.

The duration of recovery depends on the type of intervention performed.

Lower eyelids

After surgery, ice packs are applied to the eyes for 24 hours. The aseptic patch should remain for 3 days, then the fresh scar is lubricated with Levomikol.

During this period, dressings are carried out daily with treatment of the incision sites with antiseptic solutions, for example, furatsilin.

On the seventh day, to reduce the hematoma, Lyoton gel is used, which is carefully applied to the eyelids, but it is forbidden to apply it directly to the scar.

Upper eyelids

The recovery period takes a little longer, however, swelling and bruising are less pronounced. Recommendations are the same as for lower eyelid blepharoplasty.


This is the most gentle operation, since the incision is made along the inner lining of the eye. No sutures are required because the skin is not damaged.

The mucous membrane at the incision sites heals quickly. Rehabilitation occurs in the shortest possible time without pain.


The recovery process is very fast because the laser beam leaves behind thin cuts.

They heal without scarring; in addition, during the operation, the blood vessels are “sealed” at high temperatures. This means that swelling and bruising will be minimal.

Asian eyes (Singaporean)

This is a rather complex intervention, during which not only excess skin is removed, but also the shape of the eyes is corrected.

The rehabilitation period lasts 2 weeks.


A short operation, its duration is half an hour. During this time, the surgeon introduces drugs that dissolve fat pads.

Rehabilitation lasts 3 days.

Skin care

Proper eyelid skin care is of great importance. Immediately after the intervention, you should use cooling bandages and compresses on the eyes, the procedure is carried out every few hours during the first two days.

After the operation, the doctor applies a sterile gauze bandage or an antiseptic patch to the eyes; these protective agents are removed for 2-3 days.

If the surgery is successful, the use of special ointments is not required. Bruising and swelling will go away on their own.

The doctor will prescribe the medicine (if necessary), for example, Levomikol ointment is used to speed up tissue healing.

It is prohibited to use conventional eyelid skin care products during the rehabilitation period. As soon as the wounds heal, the doctor prescribes an ointment with Chinese mushroom extract. The product improves skin elasticity. Apply the ointment twice a day for two weeks.

You should wash your face after blepharoplasty carefully. Mild soap is used to cleanse the skin. Touching your eyelids is not recommended for the first 7 days.

You can take a shower on the second day after the intervention, however, you need to make sure that water does not get on the postoperative scars.

Exercises and massage

Gymnastics is an important component of the recovery period. Exercises strengthen the muscles of the periorbital region, promote fluid removal, get rid of swelling, and reduce the risk of postoperative complications.

You can start classes on the second day after the intervention.

  1. Look in front of you, look left and right, then up and down. Repeat slowly on each side.
  2. Raise your eyes to the ceiling and blink several times.
  3. Close your eyelids tightly and hold in this position for 3 seconds, then open your eyes wide. You can't move your eyebrows.
  4. Place your fingers on your eyelids, but do not press on them. Try to open your eyes without removing your hands.
  5. Tilt your head back, while your gaze should be fixed on the tip of your nose. Slowly return to the starting position.
  6. Close your eyes and place your fingers on your temples. Gently move the skin to the side so that the eyes become narrow, like Asian eyes.
  7. Pull the edge of the lower eyelid with your finger, being careful not to touch the postoperative area. Look at the ceiling for a few seconds.

All exercises are repeated 5-6 times at a slow pace.

You can start massage on the seventh day after surgery.

Use your fingers to press on the points located in the outer corners of the eye, lower eyelid, and eyebrows.

Patient calendar

Let's consider the key points of the postoperative period by day:

  1. 1 day. Swelling and bruising are noticeable. When you return home, immediately apply a cooling compress to your eyelids. Take pain medication if necessary.
  2. 2 -3 day. Start doing a set of exercises recommended by your doctor. You can wash your face and take a warm shower, but you should be careful not to get dirty water into your eyes. Be sure to instill an antiseptic solution. Observe visual restrictions (no need to spend a long time reading literature).
  3. 3 -5 day. If self-absorbable sutures were not used during the operation, you should visit the clinic to remove the suture material.
  4. Day 6 You can remove the antiseptic patch applied to the skin.
  5. Day 7 Bruising and swelling of the eyes are noticeably reduced. You can begin your work duties, but using decorative cosmetics is prohibited. You should wear sunglasses when going outside.
  6. Day 10 Hematomas are almost invisible. If there are no unpleasant sensations, you are allowed to touch up your face.
  7. Day 14 Thin threads are located in the folds of the skin and are practically invisible.
  8. 45 -50 day. All consequences of the procedure disappear completely. You can lead your normal lifestyle and resume sports.


After the intervention, the following physiotherapy procedures are recommended:

  1. Soft peeling. Solutions with a minimum concentration of fruit acids are used; they moisturize the skin, neutralize bags and blue spots around the eyes. A combination of peeling with a massage procedure is effective, but these cosmetic procedures are carried out a week after the operation.
  2. Lymphatic drainage massage designed to remove metabolic products and toxins from the skin by stimulating lymph flow. The procedure has a tightening effect on the skin.
  3. Lifting and moisturizing of the skin. The patient is prescribed ultrasonic lifting in a later rehabilitation period.

    The procedure is carried out using agents that have absorbable and anti-inflammatory properties. The doctor may recommend using drugs such as Lidaza, Mexidol.

  4. Microcurrent therapy– exposure to a weak pulsed current on the skin. Restores cell energy, accelerates tissue regeneration, relieves pain, improves microcirculation.

All cosmetic and physiotherapeutic procedures relieve the effects of surgery and shorten the rehabilitation period.

The video provides information about indications for blepharoplasty and additional recommendations for the recovery period.

Botox injections relax the muscles that cause wrinkles to form. The effect of Botox injections is temporary, and nerve fibers have the ability to regenerate after several months.

Is Botox safe? As a rule, Botox injections are safe, but there are contraindications that you will be warned about during your consultation.

Botox in the armpits - treatment of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)

Excessive sweating is an individual trait that causes quite significant discomfort all year round - both to its owner and to the people around him. A person simply gets wet and begins to spread a not very pleasant smell - and those who are next to him become unpleasant. Botox injections into the armpits are a long-proven and well-proven solution to the problem of hyperhidrosis! It is both effective and safe! To strengthen the effect, experts recommend injecting Botox into the armpits on average once every six months - a more precise frequency is determined by the individual physiological characteristics of the patient.

Injections for hyperhidrosis are currently the most effective way to combat sweating. The choice of botulinum toxin for hyperhidrosis largely depends on the individual characteristics of the person. However, Botox injections for hyperhidrosis are the most effective, but the price will be higher in comparison with analogues. Before injections for armpit hyperhidrosis, we advise you to contact our specialist by signing up for a free consultation.

How much does Botox underarms cost? Prices for Botox injections for hyperhidrosis vary from clinic to clinic. You can see the price of Botox for sweating at the Beauty Clinic on our website, and you can find out more accurate information by signing up for a free consultation.

The price of Botox for armpit hyperhidrosis may decrease during promotions. Follow our offers on the website.

Dysport injections

Dysport– hemagglutinin complex botulinum toxin type A. Dysport is a simple non-surgical method for eliminating wrinkles and treating sweating. Dysport was developed in the UK for the treatment of neurological and ophthalmological diseases, as well as for the treatment of neuromuscular disorders, including cerebral palsy.

Dysport developed in the early 90s for the treatment of various neurological diseases. It belongs to drugs based on botulinum toxin type A. Over time, it began to be widely used in cosmetology for the treatment of hyperhidrosis and wrinkles. Botox in the armpits is also common. But the price of Botox in the vast majority of clinics is higher than the price of Dysport. Botox reviews tend to be more enthusiastic than Dysport because it provides a longer-lasting effect for most patients.

Dysport, like Botox, blocks or relaxes facial muscles, thereby smoothing out facial wrinkles.

When choosing between Dysport and Relatox, there is no clear answer. You can find both positive and negative reviews for both drugs. This is due to the individual susceptibility of the drugs. To find out what effect these drugs will have on you, sign up for a free consultation with our specialists.

You can find out the price of Dysport for hyperhidrosis on our website. The price of Dysport in the armpits may vary depending on the number of injections.

The drug is safe, but there are a number of contraindications, which you will be told about during your preliminary consultation. Dysport injections for hyperhidrosis should be administered by a qualified physician.


Xeomin (Xeomin)– a new generation neuromodulator. Although there are many similar drugs, Xeomin is special due to its pure formula, without complexing proteins.

The drug was created in the UK in 2008. Xeomin is the third type of botulinum toxin and contains 150 kDa of pure neurotoxin. Xeomin does not contain a protein complex and, as a result, does not form neutralizing antibodies. Generic name Xeomin is a botulinum neurotoxin free of complexing proteins.

Xeomin is used to treat all wrinkles that appear as a result of natural facial expressions. Xeomin is injected into those muscles that need to be disabled. Consequently, the nerve endings cannot give the muscle the order to move, hence the reduction of wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, and crow's feet.

Like other drugs in this category, Xeomin has a short-term effect of 3-6 months, so treatment must be repeated. The price of Botox in most clinics is higher than the price of Xeomin injections.

The drug has its contraindications, which you will be told about during your consultation. But it should be remembered that the drug is conditionally safe; the procedure must be performed by a qualified specialist.

Prices for Botox, Relatox and Xeomin in our clinic will pleasantly surprise you! And your feedback about our Botox in general - and about Botox in the armpits in particular - will only be positive!

Relatox for hyperhidrosis

Relatox– the first Russian botulinum toxin, which is not inferior to imported analogues! The drug passed all clinical tests, the production patent was received back in 2012, but only at the beginning of 2014 it entered the service of cosmetologists and has already gained fame as an inexpensive alternative to drugs that the whole world knows about.

Relatox is used to treat blepharospasms, correct expression wrinkles in various areas of the face and correct hyperhidrosis. Relatox has a direct effect on muscle contraction, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to them. This way the muscles relax and wrinkles are smoothed out. The effect of the drug lasts for a period of 6 to 9 months.

When correcting hyperhidrosis, Relatox is injected under the skin, directly into the sweat glands (armpits, palms, feet) - the effect is the same as in the case of the facial muscles, only in this case the activity of the sweat glands is blocked. In this case, the effect lasts up to a year.

Prices for Relatox injections are lower than, for example, Botox. This largely explains the popularity of this drug.