Why do you dream of seeing a bunch of keys in a dream? What are the keys to in dreams: detailed interpretation.

Keys play a huge role in our lives. There are very few doors that can be opened without keys. Unlocking and locking are essential daily actions that each of us performs many times a day. Keys to the house and apartment, to the garage and car, to the office, to the safe. It’s impossible to list everything.

Moreover, an indispensable attribute of our existence are abstract keys: from happiness, to the heart of another person, selection of keys to difficult person, or a difficult situation, a golden key - as a symbol of goal achievement and fulfillment of cherished desires.

We can say that keys play some kind of sacred role in our lives. Therefore, any person, even the most pragmatic and cynical, cannot help but pay attention to the dream in which this object appears. Because it is a symbol, an image, a hint that should be unraveled and grasped.

It is for this reason that it is very important to accurately remember all the details of the dream, environment in a dream, people who were with you. What should you especially pay attention to when interpreting dreams?

The key in the dream could be object of various manipulations:

Dream Interpretation: Keys and Dreams

When trying to interpret your dream, remember that the key is quite a primitive symbol, and, seen about a dream, has fairly straightforward associations with what is happening in your life on at the moment. Holding it in your hands means you decide your destiny yourself, show initiative, and know how to take responsibility for others. This magical object symbolizes the answer to a task, a riddle, a difficult situation, a way out of a confusing situation, the right decision taken in the right place at the right time.

Why do you dream about the key?

There are a great many dream books, and each dream book gives its own interpretation of dreams. But there is one fact on which everyone is unanimous dream books - key has important for any person who saw them in a dream, performed some actions with their help.

Various actions that you perform with him in a dream, have different interpretations.

Dreaming about the key is to finding ways to resolve existing problems, the possibility of more simple ways solutions to difficulties. By women's dream book- these are unexpected changes in personal life.

Holding them in your hands is a happy acquaintance, good luck. You have very great power and opportunities in life. And you may not even realize what power is hidden within you. This dream directly tells you: “Everything is in your hands. Move forward and you will succeed!”

Forgetting your keys is a fear. Fear that you are not in control of your life. Unsatisfied with their job and career.

Losing means quarrel, trouble, mental suffering, sadness, inability to decide your own destiny.

To search means that something secondary and less important has crowded out primary problems and tasks from your life. It's time to return to solving more pressing problems.

Find - the answer to difficult question, success in business, advancement career ladder, welfare, family happiness.

Breaking it means separation, family squabbles, and sometimes death. But despite the fact that at the moment it is very difficult for you to find the right path, all this is not forever. Dream books claim that everything will become clear soon. And an unexpected solution to all problems will come.

Collect - to success and happiness.

To give is to lose your happiness. To receive the key is to receive necessary advice or necessary information.

Golden - the appearance of a very important and influential person in life

All dream books unanimously state that their number in a dream also matters. One is weakness and poverty. Ten - wealth and joy. Great happiness awaits you, and nothing will interfere with this.

An interesting dream was in which there were two keys. According to various dream books, success awaits you on the personal front. And some dream books interpret this as an unexpected acquaintance that can smoothly turn into a serious relationship.

Size is also important. Big - more opportunities and chances. More likely that the dream will come true.

Dream Interpretation: apartment keys

Keys are often seen together with the door. Because we have to constantly open the doors of houses, apartments, cars, offices, offices and, finally, safe deposit boxes. Therefore it should remember all the details of your dream.

Did you dream about the key:

  • From an apartment or house.
  • From the car.
  • In a bundle.
  • You opened or closed the door.
  • They inserted it into the lock or simply held it.
  • He didn't come to the door.

An unlocked door means meeting a new person. It could be a husband or just a new admirer.

Locking the door means marriage. In general, everything in life has to change radically. This dream is especially favorable if the woman is holding a whole bunch in her hands. Well, what if I had this dream? married woman or a man in general? This indicates a desire to escape from all problems, a reluctance to unravel life's troubles.

Closing doors or locks is a successful ending to the plan. The end of one stage in life and the beginning of another.

Opening the door is a search for ways to solve life's problems. It is important to remember how easily the key moved in the keyhole, and whether the lock gave in easily. In reality, this may indicate possible obstacles and delays, and the amount of effort spent on solving the problem. Your feelings when opening the door are also important: confidence, lightness, a feeling of happiness or elation.

If the door is secret - it means some secret will be revealed in real life or the mystery will be solved.

The key doesn't fit the door. Such a dream indicates that in reality the sleeper has difficulties and lacks opportunities and knowledge, and maybe even experience.

If the owner of an apartment sees in a dream that someone is opening her door with keys, then a new man will appear in her life.

Particular significance in a dream is attached to a bunch of keys. And it doesn’t matter how many of them there were in this bunch. Authors different dream books We are unanimous that a whole bunch of keys promises a lot of good things.

Any dream book interprets it as the same good deeds and opportunities, but multiplied many times over. Anyway the connection is very good. This is happiness in family life, and promotion career ladder, and success in other areas. Especially if you find a whole bunch. This may be a harbinger of a trip around the world.

But the loss of a ligament leads to the emergence of problems and obstacles, to quarrels and disagreements. Seeing a bunch, but not picking it up, means you have not been fully realized in life, those around you do not value you and your talents. Some dream books hint that the time has come to move forward.

If the keys are not in a bunch, but there are a lot of them, then this indicates unprecedented luck and happiness. Wide prospects and opportunities really open up in life. And you you will have great pleasure from everything you do.

Dream Interpretation: apartment keys

Seeing the keys to yours in a dream own apartment- this means that all possible benefits and successful situations, as well as possibly undesirable actions, will affect you and have the most direct relation to you. This may indicate that you are exactly in the right place, realizing your purpose in life and, most importantly, satisfied with your life. But all the dream books are in a hurry to assure you that even if you have problems, they will soon be resolved.

Seeing a lock with a key - to the emergence of obstacles and problems. But all these problems are completely solvable. Various authors dream books see these problems and obstacles differently, but they are unanimous that everything will soon be resolved.

If you dreamed of a keyhole into which you inserted a key, then everything will work out for you. You are a very versatile person and can reach any heights.

Keys are a very important symbol. If you open doors with his help in a dream, it means you will open “doors” in real life. In the spiritual realm or everyday life. Or is it a sign that the “keys” to solving all problems (or one important problem) are in your hands.

It should be remembered that they are an omen of something happy, bright and unusual in life and are usually dreamed of by those who are currently at a crossroads, trying to find their way or solve a difficult problem. When interpreting a dream, it is very important to pay attention to who you were with in the dream, what actions this person performed.

You should not blindly trust all dream books and interpreters. There are conscientious collectors of traditional folk books that interpret dreams. There are also those who tried to record their own experience, come up with various notations and symbols.

Memorizing and interpreting dreams is very interesting and important. But not all dreams have meaning in your life. Prophetic dreams are extremely rare and not all dreams come true, therefore should not be given strong meaning every dream. Unlimited belief in dreams can lead to superstition and cause anxiety and worry.

Dreams of clues to unforeseen changes.

Lost your keys in a dream - in reality you will be saddened by unpleasant events; if you found them, peace in your family and revival in business await you.

Damaged keys portend separation.

If a young woman in a dream saw a door that was not locked with a key, she would have a new admirer, distinguished by a submissive and kind disposition.

If a woman dreams that she is locking a door, she will get married. Lost the key - her reputation is at risk.

Nostrodamus argued that the key symbolizes the desire to solve problems more the easy way. He interpreted dreams about a key as follows.

Opening a door with a key in a dream - such a dream prophesies a difficult situation from which you will try to find a way out.

If you found a key in a dream, great things await you. Most likely, you will move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure a comfortable existence for your family. Perhaps you are about to meet a person thanks to whom your life will change in better side.

If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then soon you will go on an amazing journey and visit many countries. On this trip you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things.

We saw two keys in a dream - it’s possible unexpected turn events.

Lost the key - you will find yourself in an awkward position.

If you saw in a dream how someone gives you their keys, you will receive unexpected help in a difficult situation.

A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing difficult trials.

If you saw a golden key in a dream, your efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded as you deserve.

You were looking for the keys to your house in a dream - in reality you will try to find a solution to your personal problems.

D. Loff wrote: “Keys are a symbol of power and might. Losing keys means losing control over the situation, losing the means of access to something. Losing keys means not being able to get something important to complete a task, reach people, or access information. Finding a lost key means establishing yourself in a given situation, feeling like a “smith” of your own happiness.

It's interesting to consider the case when you find a key that previously had nothing to do with you, especially if you can't find it direct application, although you feel that this is a very important key. Perhaps you are trying to discover your potential in yourself or in your relationships with others.”

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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(See interpretation: castle)

Seeing keys in a dream is a sign of the discovery of a secret, a correct guess or responsibility. Receiving keys or holding them in your hands means that you enjoy the trust of an important person. For women, such a dream predicts that your lover completely trusts you. Try to justify the trust. Losing your keys in a dream is a sign of disgrace, shame and disgrace. Finding a key in a dream means that great honors, winnings or a major acquisition await you. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will find right decision in a difficult situation. If you dream that the key does not fit the lock, then business failures and disappointments await you. Such a dream also means that your guesses are wrong. Give away the keys to a stranger in a dream - a sign that you will change your place of work or lifestyle. Scattering keys in a dream is a sign of loss; collecting them is a sign of gaining an advantage or winning.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why do you dream about a bunch of keys? The authors of dream books think differently. Let's consider favorable and unfavorable interpretations set forth by popular authors. Try to remember your dream in detail, and then find a suitable prediction.

The most mysterious soothsayer Nostradamus gives the most full interpretation a dream in which you see a bunch of keys to an apartment. Its interpretations are as follows:

  • Did you see only one key in a bunch in a dream? This means that in real life you are fixated on some problem and are trying to find all sorts of ways to solve it, trying to find the easiest way
  • If you open a door to some room using keys from a bunch, then the dreamer will face some difficult situation in real life, which will have to be resolved in the very near future. There is also a global prediction - soon there will be a grand discovery in the world that will change the life of all humanity for the better
  • If in a dream you break a key from a bunch, the prediction also applies to all people, not just the dreamer. A tragedy on a cosmic scale will occur - perhaps a very major accident on the space station is coming
  • If the dreamer saw a huge bunch of keys, a long and very long time awaits him. exciting journey, during which he will see a lot of new things and visit several countries at once. But this will not happen in the near future, but in the distant future.
  • If there are only two keys in a bunch, then a situation that worries you in real life will be resolved in a very unexpected way
  • If in a dream you lose a set of keys to your own house, then in real life you will find yourself in a situation in which you will feel extremely awkward and difficult
  • Did you dream about a stranger giving or giving you a bunch of keys? This means that you will soon find yourself in trouble in real life. But some influential person will help you, who will get you out of trouble and help you solve all your problems.
  • Keys made of precious metals dream of financial well-being, winning, sudden enrichment
  • If in a dream you are looking for and cannot find the keys to your apartment, problems are coming in your relationship with your loved one.

Loff's Dream Book

According to David Loff, dreamed keys can predict the following events:

  • If you lose a set of keys to your own apartment in a dream, then in real life you will lose power and control over some situation that is significant to you. The usual benefits may also be unavailable, or you may not be able to decide important task due to conflicts with others
  • If in a dream you find keys that were long lost in real life, it means that you are striving to change your life for the better. You are not satisfied with the current state of affairs, so you make every effort to improve the situation
  • And why dream of finding someone else’s bunch of keys, which in a dream cannot be used - they do not fit any lock in the kingdom of Morpheus? This means that in real life you strive to develop, change yourself for the better, and reveal your own potential. Search everything possible methods, and the results won’t keep you waiting long

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of keys to an apartment, according to the author of Tsvetkov’s dream book? He gives only one laconic interpretation. A bunch of keys in a dream means that in real life you will receive a hint that will help you make the right decision in a matter that is important to you.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Hasse gives several interpretations:

  • If you just saw a bunch of keys in a dream, the next transaction will be completed with great benefit for you
  • If you lose your keys in a dream, then in real life you will lose something: freedom, power or money. Be careful and think about all your actions, then losses can be avoided
  • If you find a bunch of keys, then in the near future you will receive great benefits or find yourself in an advantageous position in a situation that is significant to you

Esoteric dream book

  • If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, expect in real life something new, surprising, unfamiliar to you before
  • If in a dream you are trying to open a door with keys, it means that soon in real life you will start some new business, the results of which will please you very much. Expect success
  • If the keys in the bunch are made of precious metals, luck will accompany you in everything. It's time for luck - a great chance to start new things, plan something and achieve goals. Please note social activities- it will bring the best fruits

Watch the video to see what else keys might be in your dreams:

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

In Meneghetti's dream book there is only one prediction: a bunch of keys may mean that in real life you will make the wrong decision due to the pressure of public opinion. Try to listen to yourself, and not to the stereotypes that others impose

English dream book

  • If you dream that you have lost the keys to someone else's apartment, this is an unfavorable sign. In real life, either major disappointment or dissatisfaction with your own actions awaits you.
  • If in a dream you give a bunch of keys to a stranger, wait for a marriage proposal. A man in love wants to take you down the aisle
  • If the keys are given to you, or you find a bunch, soon there will be a new addition to your family. The long-awaited child will be born, and life will change dramatically

Also, a bunch of keys may dream of financial well-being, which you have been trying to achieve for a long time. Your deeds and work will finally bring significant results

A bunch of keys in a dream symbolizes the safety of not only property, but also knowledge and wisdom. What the sign means in a dream will tell you how to gain access to new things and save yours. The dream book gives advice regarding interpersonal relationships, business sphere and household trifles.

The prediction of what a bunch of keys means in a dream is interpreted in Miller’s dream book as a harbinger of surprises. The nuances and events in a dream will help determine their character. If you dreamed that the entire set disappeared without a trace, a series of difficulties are coming.

When you happen to see various injuries, in reality you should be on guard, especially when communicating with those who are dear to you. When it turns out that none of the keys fit, jealousy threatens to cause separation.

Lucky find

It’s interesting to know why you dream of finding a bunch of other people’s keys. Modern dream book promises that the sleeper’s affairs will improve, and in all areas of life at once. If you were lucky enough to find this item in a dream, circumstances will be on your side.

If, after a long search in a dream, you managed to find your own kit, you will be able to correct the mistakes made and prevent possible negative consequences.

Lady with a master key

In Medea's dream book there is an explanation of what the symbol means for a woman. If you dreamed of a man giving you a bunch of keys, in real life you will have an interesting acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex.

If a lady cannot open the lock, in reality she harbors a grudge against the one who did not please her in the dream. For singles, locking something happens in anticipation of an exciting romance.

If you had to open your loved one’s door with a master key, the dreamer will take a big risk in a fit of passion, which she will never regret. For a woman to receive a treasured item without hindrance means separation.

How to catch your luck

If you happen to see access to many rooms in your hand, Tsvetkov’s interpretation promises a chance to take a leadership position.

In the prediction for spring birthdays, any master keys in the hand symbolize a decision topical issue, which the dreamer is about to find.

Perhaps the most unusual interpretation of why this image is dreamed of is offered by Azar’s dream book. If you dreamed of holding a bunch of keys in your hand, certain circumstances threaten to limit the freedom of the sleeper.

I solemnly present

Explanations of why you dream of receiving a bunch of keys are found in many dream books. In most cases, this is a positive, promising sign.

  • When such a set is given in a dream, new opportunities will open up in reality;
  • If you dreamed of being given as a wedding gift, great happiness lies ahead;
  • Seeing what attractive people give is on the eve of a scandal;
  • Did you happen to receive a gift knowing its purpose? In reality you will gain power;
  • If you managed to get a master key in a dream, in reality your trouble is not a problem;
  • Getting the desired access happens shortly before the dream comes true;
  • Such things are given in dreams by people who trust you very much in real life.

Opening and closing

Freud's dream book identifies the means of opening apartment locks with phallic symbolism. The psychoanalytic interpretation of sleep considers this thing as a path to secret knowledge.

Keys to an apartment in night dreams serve as a reminder of the vulnerability of housing and property. Universal dream book calls not to create illusions about the fortified house and to take proper care of safety.

If you dreamed of doors with a bunch of keys in the keyhole, pleasant changes will occur in the sleeper’s personal life. When in a dream you gain access to the door of someone else’s house, in reality there is a high risk of offending others with your unceremoniousness.

You should know why you dream of giving away a bunch of keys. If in a dream they were taken away or stolen from you, the interpreter of the 21st century warns of disappointment in your soulmate. The reason will be bad gossip, most likely unfounded.