Collection of alimony if not married. Advice from lawyers on what documents are needed to apply for alimony while not married

By using maternity calculator you can calculate maternity benefits ( sick leave) and a monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years. In accordance with all approved rules. The calculator is free, presented by the Kontur.Accounting service.

After entering the necessary data on earnings for 2 billing years, the calculator will automatically calculate the amount of the selected benefit. All necessary restrictions are taken into account. For example, if the amount of benefits for child care up to 1.5 years is less than the minimum value, established by law, the calculator will tell you about this and offer a minimum monthly benefit amount of up to 1.5 years. You can also see tips with links to articles of regulatory documents.

How to use the maternity leave calculator?

The calculator calculates maternity benefits (sick leave) and monthly child care benefits up to 1.5 years old in just 3 steps.

  • Step 1. In the first step, for maternity benefits, you need to indicate data from the certificate of incapacity for work, and for child care benefits up to 1.5 years old, data about the child. Since 2013, periods of sick leave or parental leave are excluded from 2 calculation years. If there were such periods, indicate them.
  • Step 2. The second step indicates earnings for 2 calculation years and other parameters necessary to calculate the average daily earnings.
  • Step 3. In step 3 you will see the final benefit calculation.

Calculation of maternity benefits on video

This calculator is part of Kontur.Accounting. We still have a lot of easy and quick calculations for complex things. You can easily calculate wages, sick leave and vacation pay, keep employee records, calculate salary taxes and contributions, prepare reports on employees to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund and the Federal Tax Service.

Employed pregnant women in our country have the right to paid income. The birth of a baby does not leave time for official work, since the troubles associated with this force the mother to stay with him for a long time before entering school. , as a rule, is given until the child is one and a half years old, but it can be extended to three, if we take into account the situation in Russia with queues for kindergartens and a strong increase in the birth rate in the last decade.

Previously, back in Soviet times, there were nursery groups in kindergartens educational institutions. Now this phenomenon is considered rare and does not occur very often. Mommy will be lucky if she manages to place her child in kindergarten at the age of two or three years, and until that moment she will have to look after him herself while on legal leave.

Legislative aspect of the issue

In addition to maternity leave, any enterprise is entitled to 28 days. If the employee wishes, it can be divided into two parts of two weeks, but no less. According to the law, maternity leave is also included in the length of service, that is, this time is considered as working time. Consequently, during the period of staying at home, a woman can accumulate at least one more regular annual leave.

IN Art. 255 and 256 Labor Code Russian Federation it is said that a pregnant employee is guaranteed 140 calendar days paid leave, you can even call it temporary disability. This period is divided into two halves: 70 days before the birth itself and the same amount after it. If, then the woman is allowed to go on maternity leave 2 weeks earlier, and after giving birth, another 40 days are added to the allotted 70 days, that is, in total she is entitled to 194 legal paid days. In case of any complications during childbirth, another 14 days are added to 140 days.

Once a child is born, the mother is entitled to care for him for 18 months, sometimes up to three years. Payment for a shorter period (2 months) occurs in the same way as regular vacation pay, that is, each day is equivalent to the average daily earnings. And for an additional year and a half, the woman will receive 40% of her average earnings at the enterprise.

It is noteworthy that maternity leave can be used not only by the baby’s parents, mother and father, but also by grandparents. When providing such a period at the enterprise, it is necessary to show a certificate of non-use of maternity leave by anyone else from the family.

Regarding main vacation, then it is not included in maternity leave and is provided separately, regardless of the period of child care. The employer has no right in any way to reduce, shift or exclude this type rest. Thus, it worsens the employee’s working conditions, which is a violation and contrary to the law.

Before the first leave, a person must work at the enterprise for at least six months. For specific working conditions, the number of days of rest increases in accordance with domestic legislation. There is often a practice of “splitting” the period of release from work into two parts; they do not have to be equal, but one of them cannot be shorter than two weeks. Otherwise, there will again be a violation of the law, because from any, even the lightest and most harmless work, at least minimal rest is necessary.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, specifically Article 260, an employee who is pregnant or has already given birth can take advantage of the leave due to her even before or after the end of her maternity leave. Moreover, if several unused periods of release from work duties have accumulated, then she is allowed to use all the days in total at once.

Procedure for calculating the payment amount

By general rule payments must be calculated based on the average salary for the past year.

But a woman who recently gave birth did not work for 140 to 194 days. These maternity days will be included in the worked period, so you don’t have to worry about the average. The period of rest for pregnancy and caring for a baby up to the age of one and a half years will certainly be included in both work and insurance.

To a woman towards vacation pay after maternity leave:

On account of these payments don't turn on the following amounts:

  • one-time bonuses;
  • one-time payments;
  • income from the turnover of labor shares and from deposits;
  • various types of compensation (for business trips, etc.);
  • bonuses and rewards for victories in competitions and competitions;
  • royalties for literary works;
  • subsidies for food, travel, etc.;
  • holiday and anniversary payments.

Sick leave is paid for with temporary disability benefits, and since maternity leave is temporary disability, sickness time will not be paid. However, if the period of sick leave extends beyond the scope of maternity leave, then the days of exaggeration due to officially confirmed illness will be paid by the enterprise, taking into account the average earnings and duration.

Calculation example

Here the calculation is similar to the usual calculation: all the employee’s income for the year is added up and divided by 12, and then by 29.3 (this is the average number of days in a month). The amount received is used to pay for each day of legal absence from the workplace.

For example, Natalya Kotelnikova was on maternity leave, which ended on April 14, 2019. A day later, she applied for leave from April 30 of the same year. The manager agrees to provide the employee with exactly 30 days of rest. It turns out that the vacation period will end on May 30, 2019. For last year Natalya worked the full period, the total income was 336 thousand rubles.

Dividing this number by 12 months, we get 28,000, and dividing the resulting figure by 29.3, we get the daily average of 955.6 rubles. We multiply this total by the number of days of rest, that is, by 30, and we get 28,669 rubles. Citizen Kotelnikova will be paid vacation pay after her maternity leave with this amount.

The procedure for paying vacation pay

All vacation amounts must be paid no later than 3 days after signing the vacation order. If payments are delayed for some reason, this is considered a violation of the law.

The employee must apply to the director of the enterprise. In it you need to indicate your last name, first name, patronymic, position, start date of vacation and number of rest days. The release date is not included in the application; it is calculated by the HR department, but indicated in an order certified by the director.

The vacation amount is calculated based on average earnings calculated for the last year worked. Every day of the calendar month is counted. If the employee did not use her annual period of release from work duties before going on maternity leave, then it can be reimbursed both in kind, that is, in additional days, and with money. Cash compensation is added to the total amount of vacation pay.

For information on the rules for granting and paying annual leave after maternity leave, see the following video:

After the end of maternity leave, women are granted parental leave until the child reaches the age of 3 years. At the same time, the monthly allowance is paid only until the child is 1.5 years old, then, from 1.5 to 3 years, every month not an allowance is given, but compensation in the amount of 50 rubles.

Parental leave can be used in whole or in part; it can be divided into periods with the child’s father, grandmother, grandfather, other relative or guardian who is actually caring for the child.

While on parental leave, the employee’s work experience, as well as work experience in his specialty, is not interrupted, with the exception of early appointment labor pension old age.

What changed in 2019 compared to 2018?

The amount of child care benefits until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, like some others social benefits related to the birth of children is subject to annual indexation. Since February 1, “children’s” benefits have increased by 4.3% ().

Size monthly compensation 50 rub. per month, which is paid after the child reaches the age of 1.5 years, remained unchanged in 2019. Base - , "O federal budget for 2019 and for the planning period 2020 and 2021.”

The minimum amount of benefit for caring for the first child for a full month from January 1, 2019 was 3,142.33 rubles, and from February 1, 2019 - 3,277.45 rubles; for the second and subsequent ones - from January 1, 2019 amounted to 6,284.65 rubles, and from February 1, 2019 - 6,554.89 rubles. The minimum payment amount is adjusted by the regional coefficient.

The maximum amount of payments for child care up to 1.5 years in 2019 for working citizens is set at 26,152.33 rubles. for one child. When caring for two or more children under 1.5 years of age, the indicator is summed up, but cannot be more than 100% of average earnings ().

In 2019, to calculate benefits for child care up to 1.5 years old, earnings for the last two years of work preceding the leave are taken - this is 2017-2018. If you calculate the maximum possible amount of payments to calculate the average daily earnings, you get: 718,000 rubles. rub. + 755,000 rub. rub. = 1,473,000 rub. It is allowed, at the request of a woman, based on an application, to replace years in the billing period, for example, if in 2017 or 2018 she was on another child’s leave.

Foreigners and stateless persons temporarily staying in the territory of the Russian Federation (with the exception of highly qualified specialists) received the right to receive benefits, but on the condition that the company paid insurance premiums for them for at least six months. Base - .

Citizens of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Armenia have the right to receive monthly allowance for child care, starting from the first day of work in Russia, regardless of whether they are temporarily staying, temporarily or permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation ().

How to calculate child care benefits for children up to 1.5 years old in 2019

Step 1 - determine the average daily earnings

As mentioned earlier, earnings for 2017-2018 are taken into account if the young mother has not expressed a desire to choose other two years for calculating payments.

The maximum allowable average daily earnings for calculating benefits in 2019 is 2,150.68 rub. per day.

The minimum average daily earnings in 2019 is 370.85 rub. per day.

When calculating child care benefits in 2019, the following should be excluded from the calculation: periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, child care leave, the period of release of the employee from work with full or partial preservation wages in accordance with the law, as well as other payments for which insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund were not accrued.


Employee of the Accent company Kuznetsova A.N. received the following types of income in 2017: salary - 339,000 rubles, additional payment for overtime work - 12,000 rubles, performance bonus - 30,000 rubles, birthday bonus - 2,000 rubles, compensation for expenses for evening courses English language— 27,000 rub. Leave without pay Kuznetsova A.N. was 10 days.

As a result, for 2017 the amount of payments taken into account will be: RUB 339,000 + RUB 12,000. + 30,000 rub. + 2,000 rub. = 383,000 rub. (the amount of compensation for expenses for evening English courses is 27,000 rubles. is not included in the calculation).

Worker Kuznetsova A.N. in 2018 she earned: temporary disability benefits - 33,000 rubles, wages - 445,000 rubles, additional pay for overtime work - 6,000 rubles, performance bonus - 17,000 rubles, birthday bonus - 2,000 rub.

Total for 2018, the amount of payments taken into account will be: RUB 445,000. + 6,000 rub. + 17,000 rub. + 2,000 rub. = 470,000 rub. (temporary disability benefits of 33,000 rubles for 22 days are not included in the calculation).

The average daily earnings for calculating child care benefits is (383,000 rubles + 470,000 rubles) / (730 days - 22 days) = 1,204.80 rubles.

Let's check ourselves: the result obtained is no less than the minimum average daily earnings in 2019, equal to 370.85 rub. per day, and no more maximum possible size average daily earnings 2,150.68 rubles. per day.

Step 2 - calculate the benefit amount

For full calendar month the amount of the monthly childcare benefit for a child up to 1.5 years is determined by multiplying the average daily earnings by the average monthly number of calendar days equal to 30.4, taking 40% of the resulting amount. Base - .


1. Employee of the Alpha company Levchenko S.G. gave birth to a second child, from May 1, 2019 she takes leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old, her average daily earnings for 2017-2018 amounted to 868.86 rubles.

Payments to Levchenko S.G. for child care up to 1.5 years for each full month starting from May 2019 are equal to: 868.86 rubles. x 30.4 days x 40% = RUB 10,565.34

We check ourselves: the amount of benefits for child care up to 1.5 years old Levchenko S.G. for a full month no less than the established minimum in 2019 - 6,284.65 rubles. and no more than the possible maximum - 26,152.33 rubles.

For an incomplete calendar month, the childcare benefit for a child under 1.5 years old is calculated in proportion to the number of calendar days (including non-working holidays) in the month falling during the period of taking leave.

The calculation formula takes the allowance for a full calendar month of leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old, divided by total quantity calendar days in the month for which the benefit is paid and multiplied by the number of calendar days in this month attributable to parental leave up to 1.5 years. Base - .

2. Employee of the Titan company N.V. Grigorieva. gave birth to her first child, from April 19, 2019 she went on maternity leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old, her average daily earnings for 2017-2018 amounted to 722.19 rubles.

Amount of benefit to Grigorieva N.V. in April 2019 for less than a month is equal to: 8,781.83 rubles. / 30 days x 12 days = 3,512.73 rub.

For each subsequent full calendar month of leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old, the benefit payment will be equal to: 722.19 rubles/day. x 30.4 days x 40% = 8,781.83 rub.

Let’s check ourselves: the calculated amount of child care benefits for a child up to 1.5 years old by N.V. Grigorieva. for a full month no less than the established minimum in 2019 - 6,284.65 rubles. and no more than the possible maximum - 26,152.33 rubles.

Nuances to pay attention to

You can receive benefits based on an application. Sample wording of an application for parental leave to an employer:

“Please provide with “____” ________20___. leave to care for my third child (son Vetrov Vadim Anatolyevich, date of birth: 04/25/2019) until he reaches the age of 3 years, with the accrual and payment of a monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years.


  • a copy of your son's birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the place of work of the child’s father stating that he does not use parental leave for up to 1.5 years and does not receive a monthly allowance;
  • application for replacement of years in calculation () ;
  • certificate of income from previous place of work ( optional, provided if necessary

If the child’s mother (or the person who will receive the benefit) works in several organizations at the start of the vacation, she will be able to receive payments only for one place of work. You can choose the employer from whom it is more expedient to receive benefits, and it does not matter whether this work is the main place or a part-time job. The selected employer does not have the right to refuse to receive child care benefits ().

It is worth remembering that it is necessary to write an application in advance, because child care payments are assigned if the application is made no later than six months from the date the child reaches 1.5 years (). Thus, if you apply for benefits after six months, there is a risk of being left without payments. The list of valid reasons for missing the deadline for applying for benefits has been approved.

If two types of leave coincide in time - for child care and maternity leave - it is impossible to combine the two leaves; you will have to choose one of the social benefits.

If a woman does not officially work, a monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years is assigned from the date of birth of the child. However, if she is entitled to monthly child care benefits and unemployment benefits, she cannot receive two benefits at the same time; she should choose only one.

Instructions for using the vacation days calculator

  1. Change the data in the "Duration of annual leave" field if you have a different duration. Also enter the number of days used if you know it.
  2. In the Hiring Date and Estimated Date fields, enter your dates. The settlement date is the date on which you want to receive a settlement. These fields are required.
  3. The data entered into the fields of the tables “Absence from work without reason” and “Parental leave” will proportionally deduct vacation days.
  4. The data entered into the fields of the “Leave without pay” table will also proportionally deduct vacation days with the exception of the first 14 calendar days in each year.
  5. Click "CALCULATE". You can save the result as a doc file.

Please also take into account:

  • Use the Today button (circle with a dot) to quickly insert the current date.
  • Use the appropriate buttons to add, delete and clear required fields for faster and more convenient entry and change of information.

About the calculator for calculating the number of vacation days

The vacation days calculator will easily allow you to find out how many days of vacation the employee has accumulated at one time or another.

Legislative basis for calculating vacation days

The calculation of vacation time is made in accordance with Art. 121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Why know your vacation record?

The time spent working for one employer, which gives the right to take annual leave, which will be paid, may be needed not only to directly calculate this period, but also to know how many days are subject to compensation upon dismissal.

What is included in the vacation experience?

An employee who continuously works for the same employer will be entitled to annual leave, taking into account the following periods:

  • the time when he actually performed his duties;
  • periods when the employee was absent from work, but his place was reserved (vacation, sick leave, maternity leave, military service etc.);
  • weekends and other non-working days;
  • forced absence from work due to illegal dismissal;
  • suspension due to untimely completion of a medical examination (if this is not the employee’s fault);
  • additional administrative leaves (no more than two weeks per calendar year).

IMPORTANT! Changes were made to the legislation regarding the accrual of length of service during administrative leave:

  • from 12/30/2001 to 10/05. 2006, no more than 7 days of vacation at your own expense per year were taken into account;
  • from 10/06/2006 this limit increased to 14 days.

What is not included in the vacation experience

Some periods of time will not be taken into account when calculating the length of service required for leave, namely:

  • employee absenteeism;
  • suspension due to alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication;
  • denial of permission to work due to ignorance or failure to pass safety regulations;
  • the employee did not undergo a mandatory medical examination due to his own fault;
  • inability to perform work according to a medical report;
  • termination of the license required for labor activity(For example, driver license, weapons permit, etc.);
  • leave to care for a child over 1.5 years old.

Counting Features

The basis is the duration of annual leave of 28 days, unless otherwise established for special categories employees.

In the first year of work, the minimum length of service to be able to go on vacation must be at least six months. This is not included in the calculator, just keep it in mind.

In case of dismissal, employees who have worked for at least 11 months will be able to receive 100% compensation for unused vacation days.

If an employee went on vacation before 11 months of continuous work and was then dismissed, then part of the vacation pay received in advance upon dismissal will have to be returned to him.

It is prohibited not to take annual leave for more than 2 years in a row.

It is allowed to break the vacation into parts, but one of the parts should not be shorter than 2 weeks.

According to Russian legislation, children's uniform insurance coverage for compulsory social insurance paid in 2017 to a person who is in (that is, interrupting his professional activity), and stops accruing either from the next month when the child turns one and a half years old.

Actually the recipient monthly payment(benefits) not necessary is the mother - she can be transferred, as well as the guardian - but only to one person caring for the child.

Legal regulation is carried out by Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 “ ABOUT state benefits citizens with children" The procedure for calculating benefits up to 1.5 years takes into account many factors: fact of employment, salary before going on vacation, number of previous children, region of residence and others.

Monthly benefit amount up to 1.5 years

The issue of the amount of benefits up to 1.5 years should be considered separately for two special cases:

Correctly calculating monthly child care benefits requires knowledge legislative framework and accounting subtleties. The amount of the payment takes into account the applicant’s income, the time actually worked, as well as periods of incapacity for work, the number of children in the family and other factors.