Will aggressive and hostile people not be given a driver's license? Passing the commission: what questions does the psychiatrist ask? Psychological tests for working as a driver.

Every day, road traffic accidents (RTAs) occur around the world. Thus, according to the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, for 11 months (January-November) 2010 in Russian Federation There were 182,481 road traffic accidents. An analysis of the causes of road accidents shows that a significant part of them (96-98%) is associated with human driving factors, primarily erroneous or deliberately risky and provocative (aberrant) behavior of drivers.

Over the past half century, in our country and abroad, many studies have been conducted to study the professionally important qualities (PIQ) of drivers. Within the framework of these studies, many directions were formed: this is the identification of connections between the psychophysiological characteristics of a person and the further success of his activities as a driver, and the identification of the connection between the motivational and personal characteristics of an individual and his susceptibility to various types of emergency situations, including road accidents, and the study of social psychological prerequisites for deviant behavior on the roads, etc.

Research into the causes of accidents among drivers has made it possible to identify two main types of offenders, consistent with data from the world literature. The first is represented by aggressive extroverted sociopaths who get into accidents mainly due to intentional violations of traffic rules (traffic rules), in particular, an aggressive driving style and overestimation of their capabilities, reinforced by the belief that this style of behavior on the road gives them certain external (for example, it saves travel time) or internal (raises self-esteem) benefits. The second is neurotic and maladjusted individuals with a predominance of passive-defensive tendencies and a reduced level of self-control, who can get into emergency situations mainly due to insufficient stress resistance, increased exhaustion of cognitive processes and a reduced ability to adequately respond to a suddenly changed situation. Almost 60 years ago, Tillman and Hobbs formulated a thesis that has largely retained its meaning to this day: “a man drives as he lives.”

Summarizing the results of all the studies conducted, we come to the conclusion that the situation in which professional activity is carried out influences which combination of individual characteristics will be optimal.

In connection with scientifically based approaches on the influence of a person’s individual personal qualities on driving style, in lately, experts are debating the need to introduce mandatory psychological testing of candidates for vehicle (V) drivers.

Why is testing necessary? Firstly, testing allows you to determine which driving categories are most suitable for a candidate. Here we are talking about determining the professional orientation of the candidate (for example: if a cadet is successful in driving a passenger car, this does not mean that he will be successful in driving vehicle with a tractor. Another situation is that a cadet has a high predisposition to emergency driving, but combined with his personal qualities, he will make an excellent racer).

Secondly, testing allows us to identify the level of severity of PVC. On the one hand, this implies an information component. The well-known principle applies here: “Forewarned is forearmed” (for example: a candidate driver of a vehicle, who knows that his speed of receiving and processing information is low, must calculate the safe speed of his car). As practice shows, such drivers pay more attention to their condition and health, behave more adequately on the roads, and if it happens emergency situation– they try to take control of it, minimizing or completely preventing its negative consequences.

On the other hand, this makes it possible to carry out corrective measures to increase the level of severity of PVCs that do not meet the stated requirements. We are talking about the use of exercises aimed at developing professionally important qualities and regulating one’s condition (for example: the candidate knows that in a state of stress his perception of the environment is dulled; using the method of autogenic training, he is able to remove the negative consequences of this impact. Another situation is the candidate has insufficient ability to predict the behavior of an object moving in the field of view in space and time by performing a series of exercises (training), the candidate is able to increase this ability to an optimal level).

Thirdly, candidates who, in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities, minimally meet the requirements, need a more in-depth training course. Depending on the level of severity of certain PVCs, a decision is made on additional classes in a theoretical course, on practicing practical driving skills, and for some it may be worth learning specific techniques for driving a vehicle.

Fourthly, candidates who do not meet the requirements in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities may be advised not to drive a vehicle at all, so as not to create a threat to their own lives and those around them. Such people are most often susceptible to an accident-hazardous driving style. They are almost completely confused if a difficult, unfamiliar, dangerous situation arises, or they are prone to excessive self-confidence and overestimation of their abilities and capabilities. The level of their personal protective skills does not allow them to quickly navigate and make a competent and timely decision in the current situation, even despite their possession of some specific techniques and driving skills. Some may not agree with this, but this fact has a scientific basis. And although this measure will be quite harsh in relation to potential driver candidates, it will significantly reduce the number of dangerous situations on the road.

It is impossible not to note a number of questions that arise when solving this problem. How should psychological testing be organized? Where should it take place? In the driving schools themselves or in specialized centers, as in some European countries? Professionals at what level of preparedness? What tools should be used for this?

Undoubtedly, testing should be carried out before the learning process in an educational institution. It is best if it is carried out in regional specialized centers. This is due to the fact that only a specialist with the appropriate level of knowledge in this field can correctly make a conclusion about professional suitability and assign a candidate to vehicle management categories. After all, when summarizing the test results (which are best supplemented by a conversation with the candidate), the specialist must reduce all the information received to a single denominator. Based on the results, the specialist must form two conclusions, one for the candidate, the other for the teachers of the educational institution.

The second main reason is the versatility of activities. If, based on the results of testing, it turns out that the level of development of a number of PVCs does not meet the requirements, the specialist must either issue correct recommendations or conduct corrective classes.

Due to the relevance of the approach to professional testing of vehicle driver candidates, it is necessary to conduct research work on this topic. Here we are talking about the need to create a unified database of candidates (the database records personal data, test results, the candidate’s grades obtained during training, and data on the frequency of road accidents, their causes, etc.) in order to carrying out various types of research.

As a rule, driving schools do not always have this level of specialists, and their activities are not so wide as to solve such problems. And if we include here the volume of work performed in compliance with the requirements for their implementation, then the conclusion suggests itself. Such work should be carried out in specialized centers, then it will be more successful and fruitful.

The tools with which specialists could effectively solve the tasks assigned to them must be reliable and valid. From the results of the analysis of domestic and foreign publications on this issue, it follows that the tools designed to assess the professional suitability of vehicle drivers should include methods that assess general (intellectual) abilities and features of the course of individual cognitive processes, perceptual and motor (psychomotor) tests, as well as techniques that assess motivational, temperamental and personal characteristics, including beliefs and signs of propensity to deviant forms of behavior.

Currently, on the Russian market, several organizations offer methods and test batteries (sets of methods) to determine the PVC of vehicle driver candidates. Typically, methods and test batteries are offered in the form computer programs or software and hardware systems.

But if psychological testing has such a level of significance, is it used today when working with vehicle driver candidates?

In December 2008, an attempt was made to oblige educational institutions to carry out such activities (“Requirements for educational institutions and organizations providing training and retraining of drivers of vehicles of various categories, for their equipment technical means" dated December 12, 2008), but this attempt failed for various reasons. A system of specialized centers for psychological testing of driver candidates entering educational institutions does not exist today. However, some driving schools, deliberately incurring additional costs, have introduced a similar practice into their activities.

Thus, since 2006, the Moscow Youth Automobile School has been testing cadets in order to predict the success of their activities as vehicle drivers. Testing is carried out on the APPDC “Multipsychometer” AUTO. The complex provides a comprehensive assessment of the psychological and psychophysiological qualities of driving school cadets and drivers of various categories, which determine the success of training and subsequent activities in driving a vehicle; assessment of the current psycho-emotional state; development of professionally relevant skills and qualities.

The special software of the complex provides the user with convenient software and methodological tools for solving a wide range of practical problems:

  • ready-made test batteries for testing psychological and psychophysiological qualities that determine the success of training in a driving school and subsequent practical driving;
  • special test batteries to predict the success of certain categories of professional drivers;
  • the ability to create your own (custom) test batteries to solve special problems;
  • automated monitoring of the progress of test tasks, eliminating the receipt of incorrect data;
  • multi-parameter assessment of the results of individual tests is combined with an integral, easily interpreted assessment of the results of the test battery;
  • analysis of the data obtained (calculation of test norms, ratings, descriptive statistics, comparison of candidates’ data, comparison of data by study groups, etc.);
  • saving test results in the psychodiagnostic database;
  • differentiation of the level of access to the system, ensuring the necessary confidentiality of personal data.

Methodological support includes over 40 different tests to assess intellectual and personal characteristics, motivational characteristics, attitudes towards road safety issues, current mental (psycho-emotional) state, as well as the necessary set of activity (psychophysiological) techniques designed to assess speed and accuracy of motor, perceptual and cognitive operations necessary for successful driving, including an original questionnaire that identifies personal and motivational factors that are prerequisites for accidents.

The main test battery, recommended for use in driving schools, includes 8 tests, based on the results of which integral assessments of the correspondence of the levels of development of perceptual-motor and personal qualities, the level of psycho-emotional stability, as well as an assessment of the reliability of answers to questionnaire items are calculated. Based on the test results, a conclusion is formed containing a forecast for the success of training, the presence of vulnerable qualities, and possible prerequisites for the formation of an accident-hazardous driving style.

In the interests of developing psychophysiological qualities, the dynamic characteristics of test performance are assessed, there are prolonged versions of test tasks and a special technology for assessing the results of repeated examinations (“Skill”).

Based on the results obtained, two conclusions are issued, one to the cadet (Fig. 1), the other to the curator of the training group (Fig. 2). In conclusion, the characteristics of his professionally important qualities are revealed to the cadet, those PVCs that need correction are indicated, and recommendations are also given for successfully mastering driving skills. In the conclusion, the curator indicates the level of compliance of the cadet’s personal protective equipment with the stated requirements and the measures that need to be taken to improve the level of his skill.

If the integral score received by the candidate based on the test results is high, this indicates a high probability of successfully completing the training course and mastering practical driving skills (if there is appropriate motivation) within the prescribed time frame. The optimal combination of personal and temperamental characteristics can ensure the formation of an adequate driving style.

If, based on the test results, a candidate receives a low integral score in the “General Abilities” profile, he needs to focus on such disciplines as “Fundamentals of legislation in the field of traffic control”, “Fundamentals of vehicle driving safety”, “Vehicle design”, “Providing medical care”. If low results in the “General abilities” profile are combined with low results in the “Motor-perceptual abilities” profile, the candidate needs to extend the practical driving course and additional efforts in mastering theoretical disciplines. Because low level development of motor functions, speed and accuracy of information processing in combination with a reduced level of development general abilities, make it problematic to master the course of study and develop practical driving skills within the prescribed time frame.

When identifying a suboptimal combination of personal and temperamental characteristics, there are some prerequisites for the formation of an accident-hazardous driving style, the prevention of which may require additional explanatory work on the part of teachers and instructors (or special training).

Low scores on the “Psycho-emotional stability” profile, combined with low scores on the “Personal Integrity” profile, predetermine a decrease in the effectiveness of training and a high probability of subsequent getting into emergency situations as both a passive and an active participant in an accident. These results indicate the need for corrective measures aimed at minimizing the negative impact of a number of PVCs in order to develop a safe driving style.

If the candidate received a low level of compliance with the PVC (reduced ability to maintain concentration on a task, insufficient ability to quickly switch attention between sources of information, low level of coordination (speed and selectivity) of arm and leg movements), included in the “Motor-perceptual” profile abilities,” the curator can offer him to complete extended versions of test tasks to increase the level of compliance with these professionally important qualities.

Thus, conducting psychological testing for the professional suitability of vehicle driver candidates with issuing appropriate recommendations and carrying out corrective measures fully contributes to better training of drivers, which in turn leads to a reduction in the risk of dangerous situations on the road. YAS specialists understand this fully. They successfully develop competent training strategies within the framework of an individual approach, which allows them to produce trained responsible drivers and have competitive advantages in this area. Already today, the YAS provides its cadets with the opportunity to undergo psychological testing in a timely manner, which contributes to the achievement of optimal results in training.

1. Professional important qualities- individual characteristics of a person that ensure success vocational training and carrying out professional activities.
2. Autogenic training is a psychotherapeutic technique aimed at restoring the dynamic balance of the homeostatic mechanisms of the human body, disturbed as a result of distress.
* DIP ® , MULTIPSYCHOMETER ®– registered trademarks of CJSC “Research and Production Center “DIP”.

Additional medical examination by a psychiatrist or neurologist is necessary.

Neuropsychic breakdowns are likely, especially in extreme conditions. It is necessary to take this fact into account when making a conclusion about Prof. suitability.

Neuropsychic breakdowns are unlikely. If there are other positive data, it can be recommended for specialties that require increased neuropsychic stability.

Online test for predisposition to mental disorders

Many people are concerned about preservation or diagnostic issues mental health, but not everyone wants to admit this to others. Therefore, the most popular way to find out whether or not you have any mental problems is clinical test for mental disorders. What can this test tell us, and what did the test authors rely on when creating it?

Development this test was due to the fact that modern society Mental illnesses have ceased to be some kind of outlandish diseases. Today, a huge number of people suffer from certain mental problems. Thus, serious disorders (such as schizophrenia, psychosis or neuroses) are diagnosed or confirmed annually in 5-7 percent of the population. However, mental disorders do not necessarily manifest themselves in the form of mental illnesses such as psychoses or neuroses. These may also be borderline states, or disturbances in attitude and behavior in the absence of any visible changes in the human nervous system. From such forms mental disorders suffers from 15 to 23% of modern people. The most common forms of such disorders are depression and various phobias.

Symptoms of a disturbed psyche are very diverse, they largely depend on the cause that caused a particular disorder. However, there are certain physical symptoms that are characteristic of almost all mental illnesses. Such symptoms include low mood, various sleep and appetite disorders. These symptoms can be expressed as varying degrees at different types such mental deviations, but occur in almost all sick people.

Knowing this feature of symptoms, psychiatrists have developed a special clinical test to determine a person’s predisposition to mental disorders. Now you have an excellent opportunity to learn about the state of your psyche, as well as the reasons that caused this state. And besides, you can decide which specialist’s consultation will be most useful to you. However, we should not forget that we should not make hasty conclusions based on just one test. First, undergo similar tests, and only if the results are the same, be sure to seek help from a psychotherapist to clarify the diagnosis.

All information provided on this site is for reference only and does not constitute a call to action. If you notice any symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate or self-diagnose.

Clinical tests to determine the level of depression and anxiety online

Test “Do you have neurosis?” Express diagnostics of your condition for the presence of neurosis


How to improve your well-being in 2 weeks?

Or how irrational thoughts lead to neurosis.

Obsessions are persistent unwanted ideas, fears, thoughts, images, or urges.

An article about how to distinguish depression from depressive accentuation of personality.

Panic attacks - unconscious desires An article about how psychotherapy can help 12% of the total number of people who experience panic attacks to one degree or another.

How is a person different from an animal? Because he not only reacts. An article about irritability and irritability, internal demands, evolution and creativity.

The problems of newly married couples are generally different from those of couples who have been married for 30 years or more.

Get rid of excessive shyness and uncertainty in communication!

Development, Ability Development Rituals, Magic Rituals, Development Techniques

Neuropsychic stability

Total questions: 84

Ahturg! Achtung! Pay attention to questions marked with a red asterisk ( * ) are questions on the lie scale. You must answer them absolutely cynically, even contrary to your beliefs. It also doesn’t hurt to remember them in case you have to answer them in real life (for example, during testing for a job), the lie scale is the same in almost all tests 😉

1 * . Sometimes such bad thoughts come into my head that it’s better not to tell anyone about them.

2. As a child, I had a company where everyone always tried to stand up for each other in everything.

3. From time to time I have attacks of laughter or crying that I cannot cope with.

4 * . There have been times when I have not kept my promises.

5. I often have a headache.

6 * . Sometimes I don't tell the truth.

7. Once a week or more often, for no apparent reason, I suddenly feel hot throughout my body.

8 * . It happened that I talked about things that I don’t understand.

9 * . Sometimes I get angry.

10. Now it’s hard for me to hope that I will achieve anything in life.

11 * . It happens that I put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.

12. I willingly take part in all meetings and other social events.

14. I experience muscle cramps and twitching very rarely.

15 * . Sometimes when I don't feel well, I get irritable.

16. I am rather indifferent to what will happen to me.

17 * . When I'm away, I behave better at the table than at home.

18 * . If I don’t face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want, and not where I’m supposed to.

19. I think that my family life is as good as that of most of my friends.

20. People often tell me that I am short-tempered.

21. I rarely have constipation.

22 * . In the game I prefer to win.

23. For the last few years, I have been feeling good most of the time.

24. Now my weight is constant - I am neither gaining weight nor losing weight.

25 * . I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances, it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes

26. I would be pretty calm if someone in my family got into trouble for breaking the law.

27. There is something wrong with my mind.

28. I am worried about my sexual (gender) problems.

29. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.

30. My hands are as dexterous and agile as before.

31 * . Among my friends there are people I don't like.

32. I think that I am a doomed person.

33. I quarrel with my family members very rarely.

34 * . It happens that I gossip a little with someone.

35. I often see dreams that it’s better not to tell anyone about.

36 * . It happened that when discussing some issues, I, without particularly thinking, agreed with the opinions of others.

37. At school, I learned the material more slowly than others.

38. In general, I am satisfied with my appearance.

39. I am quite confident in myself.

40. Once a week or more often I get very excited and anxious.

41. Someone controls my thoughts.

42. I drink an unusual amount of water every day.

43 * . Sometimes an indecent or obscene joke makes me laugh.

44. I am happiest when I am alone.

45. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.

46. ​​I loved Andersen's fairy tales.

47. Even among people, I usually feel lonely.

48. I get angry when people rush me.

49. I am easily confused.

50. I easily lose patience with people.

51. I often want to die.

52. It happened that I abandoned the work I started because I was afraid that I couldn’t cope with it.

53. Almost every day something happens that scares me.

54. I am indifferent to religious issues - they do not interest me.

55. Seizures bad mood I rarely have them.

56. I deserve severe punishment for my actions.

57. I have had very unusual mystical experiences.

58. My beliefs and views are unshakable.

59. I have had periods when I lost sleep due to anxiety.

60. I am a nervous person, easily excitable.

61. It seems to me that my sense of smell is the same as that of other people (no worse).

62. Everything works out badly for me, not as it should.

63. I almost always feel dry in my mouth.

64. I feel tired most of the time.

65. Sometimes I feel like I'm close to a nervous breakdown.

66. It really annoys me that I forget where I put things.

67. I am very careful about how I dress.

68. I like adventure stories more than love stories.

69. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new living and working conditions. The transition to any other living, working, or studying conditions seems unbearable.

70. It seems to me that they often act unfairly towards me especially.

71. I often feel unfairly offended.

72. My opinion often does not coincide with the opinions of others.

73. I often feel tired of life and I don’t feel like living.

74. People pay attention to me more often than to others.

75. I have headaches and dizziness due to worry.

76. I often have periods when I don’t want to see anyone.

77. It is difficult for me to wake up at the appointed time.

78. If someone is to blame for my failures, I will not leave him unpunished.

79. As a child, I was capricious and irritable.

80. I know of cases when my relatives were treated by neurologists and psychiatrists.

81. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium, codeine and other sedatives.

82. I have convicted relatives.

83. In my youth I was brought to the police station.

84. It happened that they threatened to leave me in school for the second year.

If the score on the lie scale is more than 4, the test result on the NPU scale is unreliable.

The fewer points of NPU (neural-mental stability), the greater the instability under stress. The more NPU points, the higher the stability.


Passing the commission: what questions does the psychiatrist ask?

2 messages

Obtaining a license and talking with a psychiatrist

It is interesting that in drivers’ comments on this topic there are two extremes. In their practice, there were psychiatrists who quickly gave those who wanted the long-awaited seal, without asking any questions. And there were those who proposed solving original problems:

explain the difference between a cave and a tunnel;

guess how a shoe and a pencil are similar.

In addition, a psychologist can approach the matter creatively and ask: “Haven’t you visited us? Something about the face/surname is familiar.” It doesn’t matter what the visitor answers, the doctor will just carefully look at the reaction. After all, any driver needs endurance.

Appointment with a psychiatrist for a medical examination

for drivers of any transport;

workers of enterprises and productions with dangerous conditions labor (firefighter, roofer, emergency services employee, etc.);

employees of kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions;

Neuropsychic stability test online

Some activities require a lot of endurance and mental stability to find out how resistant you are to nervous breakdowns, I suggest taking the online test: Neuropsychic stability.

Online test questions for neuropsychic stability:

The scale of “insincerity” has been excluded from the neuropsychic stability questionnaire, so answer the questions exclusively truthfully and no longer than half an hour. Otherwise, the results will be incorrect and testing will become nothing more than a game.

You will find a lot of useful psychological information in the CONTENTS:

Psychological assistance, online consultation with a psychologist: psychoanalysis, psychotherapy

tests from a psychiatrist to obtain a license

In the section Traffic Police, Training, Rights to the question who knows the test from a psychiatrist for a certificate (driving) they write 1 time or every 2 years asked by the author Alexander h0di the best answer is In general, the commission is passed every three years.

I forgot the military man at home. The problem was solved for 500 rubles.

Yeah, but in general, in Altai, they pass the commission, so when I went through the medical examination there, the head doctor himself asked such abstruse questions about decisions to take away to divide there and I answered incorrectly and that’s it, I’m in the dark. I’m going to defend myself with stupid questions and I didn’t pass the commission, what a mess and non-doctors.

Attention tests

Corrective Bourdon test

“The letterhead contains sets of letters of the Russian alphabet. Consistently examining each line, look for the letters “K” and “N” and mark them. The letter “K” must be crossed out, the letter “N” must be circled. The task must be completed quickly and accurately. At the command “Dash”, put a line on the form. The work begins at the command of the psychologist. Operating time - 5 minutes."

“You must go through these letters line by line, from left to right, and cross out all the K's and R's. You need to cross them out using vertical lines. sometimes I myself will put dashes on your form - this will be a time stamp, you should not pay attention to this. Try to look through the lines and cross out the letters as quickly as possible, but the most important thing in this task is to work without mistakes, carefully, not to miss a single letter “K” or “P” and not to cross out one extra one.”

The experimenter starts the stopwatch and gives the subject a signal to start. After each minute, the experimenter places a sign in the place where the subject is holding a pencil at this time, trying not to interfere.

I don’t know how old they write, but still being 10 summer child Our class was taken to a psychiatrist and there we read all sorts of scribbles and crossed out letters.

In general, if you are not registered, everything should be given without any tests

The letters are crossed out at the military registration and enlistment office only, the psychiatrist either looks to see whether you are registered or not or is required by the military man (if he didn’t serve - under what article - he knows “his own”) - there were no tests for a certificate of license.

I've never encountered such nonsense

From what it turns out... In a paid commission, the examination is purely formal - an ophthalmologist - do you see ShB? OK. Narcologist - Do you drink or take drugs? No. - OK. Here's a psycho last time I thought about it - I asked how they got to us? Earned money, apparently. . He answered - he came with his feet. Wrote - OK.

New on the site

A feature of the Russian mentality is the need to experience guilt, seek redemption for it, and ultimately transform through suffering. On an unconscious level, this often forces domestic psychotherapists to break boundaries in order, on the one hand, to “save” a patient in need, and on the other, to receive punishment for acting out incestuous desires.

Changes Of all the suicide attempts that occur each year around the world, 50% of them occur in people suffering from depression. Less than half of them seek professional help.

30% of women and 15% of men suffer from depression. Of these, only half seek professional help. Test yourself - take a depression test.

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Psychological tests online

Depression test

30% of women and 15% of men suffer from depression. Of these, only half seek professional help. However, depression not only worsens the quality of life, but also affects physical health. Thus, 30-40% of people who have suffered strokes, heart attacks and oncological diseases, depression was found, which began to develop before the illness leading to hospitalization. Depression is also a cause of suicide - from 45 to 60% of all suicides are committed by patients with depression.

It is worth remembering that depression can also occur without changes in the mental state, but manifest itself in the form of complaints about the physical state (the so-called “masked depression”). Thus, 80% of those suffering from depression experience anxiety. And in half of patients with depression, a combination of symptoms of depression with such bodily complaints as:

  • autonomic and endocrine disorders (vegetative-vascular dystonia, dizziness, functional disorders- constipation, colitis, etc.; neurodermatitis, skin itching, anorexia, bulimia, impotence, menstrual irregularities);
  • pain (headache, heart pain, neuralgia - trigeminal, facial nerves, intercostal neuralgia, lumbosacral radiculitis);
  • psychopathological disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder - obsessions, hypochondria, neurasthenia);
  • character disorders (drug addiction, substance abuse, impulsivity, conflict, outbursts of aggression, hysterical reactions);
  • biological rhythm disturbances (insomnia; hypersomnia).

The Beck Depression Inventory is one of the first tests created to assess depression. Its accuracy in detecting depression has been proven in numerous trials.

The questionnaire consists of 21 groups of statements and takes 5-10 minutes.

Anxiety test

(Taylor's anxiety level measurement technique)

Anxiety is a condition characterized by increased anxiety and fear, which arise both in individual situations (for example, an exam) and are constantly present. In this regard, they divide: anxiety as a situational reaction, and anxiety as a personal characteristic.

Anxiety as a situational reaction (i.e. fear) is a normal emotional reaction to danger for any person. Anxiety as personality trait(i.e. anxiety) - a disproportionate reaction to danger or a reaction to an imagined danger, which leads over time to emotional exhaustion, dissatisfaction with oneself and often to psychosomatic diseases.

Anxiety often accompanies obsessive disorders, and is also an important sign of depression - in 80% of patients with depression, complaints of anxiety predominate.

The technique consists of 50 questions and takes 5-10 minutes.

Life Satisfaction Scale

The Life Satisfaction Scale (QLESQ) was created by American psychiatrist Gene Endicott in the 1990s. The technique allows you to assess how much a person experiences pleasure in different areas of his life.

The scale is a simplified version of the Quality of Life (QOL) questionnaire. In medicine, “quality of life” refers to the influence of the underlying disease from which a person suffers on his well-being in various fields life (physical, emotional, intellectual, etc.)

Quality of life (life satisfaction) decreases not only with physical illnesses. For various psychological difficulties and psychiatric diseases the symptoms may not be so obvious (for example, with mild depression), but the person feels unhappy, dissatisfied with himself, others and life.

The technique consists of 14 statements and takes 5 minutes.

Test with a psychiatrist

I decided to get a weapons permit. I was scheduled for an interview, ala a check with a psychologist. We managed to ask the question what is the difference between an airplane and a Varona. To which I replied that the plane was created by people and the crow by nature. After that, the doctor wrote something down and sent him away. I’m wondering what kind of tests this psychologist will conduct. Probably show the blots and wonder what I see? Tell people how to behave with these doctors. What kind of tricks can they build?

Tell people how to behave with these doctors

Smile stupidly, look at the tip of your nose, pick your nose, throw boogers at the doctor!

quote: Originally posted by Klaipeda:

Tell people how to behave with these doctors. What kind of tricks can they build?

Behave calmly.

Doctors can usually see right away who their patients are and who they are not. But sometimes they are just bored, sometimes they lose their sense of smell and resort to treason, and sometimes they get annoyed that all sorts of idiots are buying weapons and shooting at each other in vain. And all the tricky questions are needed only to see the patient’s reaction. It is very interesting to observe a person’s involuntary reactions when his mental activity starts. Someone drools (a real incident during testing of cadets at a police school), someone pulls their hair, someone starts breaking their fingers or shaking their legs. And all because people think that the “wrong” answer to these questions affects something.

I'm talking about Russian realities. Although psychology/psychiatry seems to be the same everywhere.

This is the first time I've heard about an interview.

Apparently, this is happening in Lithuania.

They say that they have a Revision of Itogoff and in general it’s a complete joke. Now also punitive psychiatry on the way. People are wondering how an airplane differs from a crow. To know if something happens.

Uh-uh, no, our doctors love to poke around in the brain, even though the hero of their favorite movie said “the head is a dark object and cannot be examined.”

They asked my father exactly the same question as TS (it turns out that the database of the questionnaire is very small?), He joked: “They differ in flight altitude” (ha-ha-ha, good). Two months ago I changed my license myself and was puzzled: “Are my father’s brother and my brother’s father the same thing or different?” After three pairs of lectures (who knows, he’ll understand), I’m really slowing down. Answered to the topic, the psychiatrist auntie gloomily checked the box and muttered: “We look mainly at the adequacy of the reaction.”

The one who finished it off was the narcologist. Ten years ago we had individual intimate conversations for about fifteen minutes: “Don’t you drink bitters, I.G.? Only on holidays? Oh, please, don’t abuse it! And don't smoke! And now it’s rude to queue - “Everyone showed their veins. All are suitable. ". It turns out that you can fill the green serpent, as long as it doesn’t expand?

The doctor collects funny answers in order to later sell them to Zadornov.

quote: Originally posted by Р_Р>Р.РНРiРчРгР. :

What is the difference between an airplane and a Varona?

an airplane is not an animate object, but a crow is an animate “object”))))

and not - the plane flies due to the engine, and the crow flaps its wings, etc. !

And if they ask what they have in common, then you can answer: A crow shits on the fly, and a plane (passenger) drops shit in flight.

the plane does not reset.

belkin1550 flaps its wings and flies not due to the engine, but due to the lifting force of the wing.

quote: Originally posted by Light_knight:

It turns out that you can fill the green serpent, as long as it doesn’t expand?

In our dispensary, which conducts examinations for sobriety in at the moment, there is an announcement that everyone who is brought in by the police in a state of intoxication will be registered as a preventive measure. So you need to be more careful with the green serpent: there may be consequences.

And to the question “Why do you need weapons”, answer gloomily - “I WILL SHOOT PEOPLE!”

quote: what is the difference between an airplane and a Varona

of course - by the number of letters in a word

Yours is not true. The doctor doesn’t see anything “immediately”. That’s why they conduct tests, ask questions, conduct examinations, and so on. So it really influences what you answer.

Jokes aside. The question was asked by an experienced psychiatrist during an appointment with people with disabilities. Mine then future wife I studied to become a psychologist and was an assistant at the reception.

quote: what do a pencil and a shoe have in common?

They are bought in the store.

A psychiatrist asks a four-year-old patient questions: - How many legs does a pussy have? - Four - How many ears does a pussy have? - Two - How many eyes does a pussy have? - Two - How many tails does a pussy have? - Mom, has this idiot never seen a cat?

So: what do a pencil and a shoe have in common?

Manstopper is beyond suspicion))) But Hank would continue to be asked questions)))

I’ll talk any psychiatrist out. He will be glad to get rid of me

Yes. One SM acquaintance, undergoing a medical examination, answered the psychiatrist’s question “How are you?” joked, “It’s better when I drink.”

He did undergo medical examination.

quote: Originally posted by Has No Name:

The doctor doesn’t see anything “immediately”.

At a minimum - a reaction to yourself and to the doctor's office. Next is the degree of fear that the doctor may put an X on the patient’s undertaking. This is something that a more or less experienced person can immediately observe. The doctor, having passed through a crowd of people of varying degrees of adequacy, usually also intuitively senses if something is wrong with the patient.

quote: Originally posted by Has No Name:

So it really influences what you answer.

It’s not the answer that matters, but the pain of searching for the “right” one. For any pair of concepts, you can easily choose a criterion by which these concepts will be similar or different.

You are talking complete nonsense, excuse my French. An absolutely normal person can be nervous, confused and stupid only because of the “exam effect”. And Chikatilo was outwardly a pleasant and balanced person.

That’s why psychiatry is a science, not a five-minute examination.

quote: Originally posted by Has No Name:

An absolutely normal person can be nervous, confused and stupid only because of the “exam effect”. And Chikatilo was outwardly a pleasant and balanced person.

There are such words as “probability” and “statistics”.

What you're talking about is possible, but statistically unlikely.

The doctor's job is not to full examination who applied - just start here, you can examine for years. The doctor's job is to spend minimum quantity efforts to work with a specific patient and at the same time not turn out to be extreme if suddenly something goes wrong. Therefore, their psychiatry is precisely a five-minute examination.

In any case, Chikatilo worked quite normally as a teacher. And therefore, he underwent medical examination.

quote: Originally posted by Has No Name:

Because psychiatry is a science

It’s just very harmful to communicate with patients for a long time. Oddly enough, it is contagious.

So either a young, but stupid scientist, or an experienced, but with deviations

One psychiatrist once told me with a sad smile, like we, psychiatrists, are all crazy ourselves))))

And to the question “why do you need weapons”, answer gloomily - “I WILL SHOOT PEOPLE!”

There is one more story

Annual honey inspection. Psychiatrist's office. The walls are thin, the door is even more transparent. The line in the corridor listens to the dialogue in the office.

Doctor - My friend, if you want to shoot while on duty, what do you do?

Major or lieutenant colonel, I don’t remember now - Whatever, I take a pistol and shoot.

Doctor - What is your position?

Major or lieutenant colonel, I don’t remember now - Head of the shooting range.

The people in line just lay down on the floor.

In order to return the conversation to a constructive direction, I will explain.

A psychiatrist’s conclusion is not needed at all in order to be convinced of the extremely high psychological qualities of the applicant. And not in order to weed out the freaks who are inclined to start squabbles and brawls out of the blue.

All these checks are needed only to minimize the likelihood that a person who abuses a weapon will go crazy. The psychiatrist does not have the task of establishing “normality”. There is a task to confirm legal capacity and sanity.

quote: Originally posted by DH:

And one psychiatrist said: “There are no mentally healthy people, there are simply not yet examined.”

“there should be no chronic and protracted mental disorders with severe, persistent or often exacerbating painful manifestations” - Probably, with mild and non-protracted, rarely exacerbating, it is still possible

Probably, with mild and non-protracted, rarely aggravated, it is still possible

It is possible with anyone, except for those on the basis of which they are released from responsibility for the acts committed.

God. but I’m going to have THIS very soon.

*frantically began to look for similarities between the pencil and the crow*

PS Answer to the question WHY DO YOU NEED WEAPONS? I prepared: How - why? Glamorous! In the latest collection, Yudashkin insists on military.

psychiatrists are crazy because they work with crazy people)) whoever you hang out with is the one you'll gain from))))

I get the impression that because of all these Freuds, etc. Psychologists develop their own outlook on life. they see life not like an ordinary person, but most likely like a crazy person, just a normal crazy person - that’s a pun)))))

Our psychology teacher was also there with greetings, I only got C’s from her, although I didn’t understand what kind of nonsense she was talking about))))

what is the value of Freud's teachings alone?))))

quote: Originally posted by AU-Ratnikov:

You just need to not forget your professionalism. Therefore, a practicing lawyer can answer such a question only in one way, i.e. professionally: with whom is the dispute, who is the plaintiff in the dispute, the price of the claim, the territoriality of the dispute, and most importantly: doctor, let's start with the advance payment, but I will tell you the final amount of the fee later.

quote: Originally posted by mixmix:

Why are you talking about tests, we are all sick here and should be registered with a psychiatrist. The diagnosis is one; -exorbitant craving for weapons. Everyone knows the name of the disease

I don't have excessive cravings. A weapon is a tool, it's nice to assemble it and... don't work Gee.

quote: Originally posted by Volga-Volga:

Mercy for the advice, colleague, but MY professionalism tells me that giving a bribe to an official is a crime. I already better brains I'll work)))

Brains actively dislike both proposals. work. fe.

And the first sentence. It's because of people like this that there is no joy in work. .

quote: Originally posted by Volga-Volga:

Mercy for the advice, colleague, but MY professionalism tells me that giving a bribe to an official is a crime. I'd rather use my brains)))

It is necessary to take an advance from him, from the psychiatrist, because he is asking the lawyer a question.

Resolving stupid questions that have arisen in the inflamed minds of psychiatrists “for free” IMHO is not right, you should not encourage this manner of theirs, this is how they will start paying, we will completely satisfy their curiosity with all our pleasure.

quote: Originally posted by Susliks:

When receiving the certificate, they asked the question: Why do you need a weapon?

He answered that they are like guarding dachas, climbing houses, robbing houses. 🙂

quote: Originally posted by ag111:

But for some reason they don’t ask me this question. Probably afraid.

And I would answer the question with a question, And you don’t have weapons. And I would look at him like he was an idiot

Last time 40 min. stood to pay for the inspection.

Throughout the interview I reprimanded the “crazy” for the disgraceful organization of the case.

And I have never been asked such a question either.

In Moscow, veterans of labor receive a certificate for free at the mental health clinic, and at half price for alcohol/drugs

and I can’t stand drug addiction specialists - they are alchemists and charlatans. Not a single person has been cured yet; they themselves drink, smoke, and at the same time consider themselves doctors and specialists. At the last commission half a year ago, I told the narcologist that narcology is a pseudoscience, given that 90% of drug addicts in the country and despite the fact that on the website of the national scientific drug treatment center, some stories of anonymous alcoholics are posted on several pages, which in the end admit that it is impossible to get rid of alcoholism. We argued for about 5 minutes, I convinced the narcologist that he himself was a drug addict (he smoked and talked something about good cognac). Of course, they gave me a certificate.

Wow, psychiatrists and psychologists are evil. When I registered for the service and went through a special check, I just fell out of them, well, what the heck, 3 tests on the computer a day for questions, I know what they are for, but from the interviews I just left in a sediment. A classmate of mine was rejected by some brat who had recently received a diploma, a man of 4 years, being a chest of drawers, keeping guards, by that time he was leaving, and then “Schizophrenia” ..

and then “Schizophrenia”...

And the diagnosis was confirmed. Otherwise you can probably go to court.

quote: Originally posted by rufei:

Anyone could not go to court, he found out unofficially, the reasons for the refusal were not reported, guess as much as you want

So what. The major cannot be schizophrenic.

I lived with him in the barracks for 5 years, but he definitely didn’t

He doesn’t even know the 6 signs of a hedgehog.

We’re sitting here wondering to everyone in the office, I’m coming to the conclusion that we’re all mentally retarded here.

So none of ours was able to give away all six, and only those related to the hedgehog

quote: He doesn’t even know the 6 signs of a hedgehog.

Well, that's where they planted the problem. I have already selected 47 signs at once, now I am conducting selective work to identify the most important ones. planning to next week determine the initial list of 18 prize winners, but I don’t know what to do with them, maybe we should involve a team of analysts? and I will receive an expert assessment the day after tomorrow.

There’s just one question that worries me: what if the 3rd or 4th sign turns out to be not the one that is needed, but something completely different? does this mean I'm abnormal?

Yes, and also, do the signs have to be formed by position in the list?

quote: Originally posted by daikengo:

This is the first time I've heard about an interview. Usually they just check that you are not registered with them.

If it were so, certificates would be issued right at the reception desk - after all, they have the entire collection of medical records there.

In principle, the most touching are those doctors who take their work too seriously. This is how she talks to you, as if she is the one who bears the heavy burden of responsibility: to decide whether this person should be allowed to own a gun

quote: Originally posted by bliznets:

Okay, pencil is a shoe.

Here, a psychologist from a paid kindergarten convinced a friend that his child was developmentally delayed.

As confirmation, she stated with horror: “He doesn’t even know the 6 signs of a hedgehog.”

We then teased everyone with these signs.

By the way, I still don’t know them.

In Moscow, I get all the certificates without going to dispensaries, like the commission has its own psychologist-narcologist. I always thought it was a complete mess. But the last time a psychologist wrapped up a guy in front of me, in my opinion he looked normal.

I had a bastard friend who liked to imprison psychologists.

I don’t remember exactly, like 6 psychiatrists and one dentist. Really. But a long time ago.

Let's take a scientific approach - it is necessary to form typical characteristics of the common hedgehog, allowing us to clearly separate it from other representatives of the fauna of our country.

Here's what Wikopedia says:

1st sign. The hedgehog is a well-known animal in appearance, whose back and sides are covered with short dark spines.

The hedgehog's spines are hollow, filled with air and divided transverse discs to the compartments. They are smooth, without grooves or notches, like normal hair grow from the follicle.

2nd sign. A muscle fiber is attached to each needle, which raises and lowers it; raised needles intersect at different angles, creating a reliable, prickly cover.

3rd sign. Under the skin of the hedgehog's back there is a special muscle, panniculus carnosis, which, when contracted, allows it to curl into a spiny ball.

The fur on the face, legs and abdomen of a hedgehog is coarse; in Russia its most common color is gray. The chest and throat are plain, without white spots, unlike similar white-bellied hedgehogs.

4th sign. The eyes are black and round. The ears are short, rounded, almost hidden in the fur. The limbs are five-fingered, with rather sharp claws; The hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones. On upper jaw 20 small sharp teeth, 16 on the bottom.

The hedgehog leads a solitary lifestyle. Males aggressively defend individual feeding areas from each other. The areas of males range from 7 to 39 hectares, and those of females range from 6.9 to 10 hectares. (Some kind of deer)

5th sign. With the onset of frost (below +10 .C), having accumulated fat reserves, the hedgehog clogs the entrance to the hole and hibernates.

Soon after emerging from hibernation, hedgehogs begin their mating season, which continues throughout the warm season. Fights occur between males over females: they bite each other, use needles, push each other, snorting and snorting loudly.

6th sign. When courting a female, the male walks around her in circles (10-12 times).

After mating, the male and female separate. (The topic of sex is not covered, what is the mechanism)

What we have in the bottom line:

If we see an animal covered with short dark hair, and this hair can stand on end. With round ears and small black eyes. Sharp claws and teeth. The males of which are aggressive, fight for the female, snort and sniffle loudly. Sleeps in a mink in winter, having accumulated fat. Is this a hedgehog? And in my opinion a bear.

In short, the only sign is needles.

quote: Originally posted by bliznets:

I always thought it was a complete mess. But the last time a psychologist wrapped up a guy in front of me, in my opinion he looked normal.

quote: Originally posted by Trebonius:

Let's say, if we say, even with normal looking that you need a gun to defend yourself from aliens or that you want to shoot yourself. What would you do if you were a psychologist?

And what. These are illegal desires.

How will the shooting of aliens be classified as murder or poaching?

Depending on their taste. Tasty means poaching.

quote: Originally posted by bliznets:

The ears are short, rounded, almost hidden in the fur.

In Central Asia there are eared hedgehogs.

These are not hedgehogs, but spiny jerboas

quote: These are not hedgehogs, but spiny jerboas. Well, if you start explaining to a psychologist about spiny eared jerboas, he will immediately understand that this is an inveterate lover of nature and an avid hunter of jerboas, and he will immediately give the go-ahead to receive weapons.

Both times I visited a narcologist, he looked into my eyes. I think check to see if they are dilated (a sign of drug addiction).

quote: Originally posted by DKA:

I think check to see if they are dilated (a sign of drug addiction)

He just squeezed a paid express drug test

quote: I think check to see if they are dilated (a sign of drug addiction).

different psychoactive substances cause different reactions - so the pupils may be constricted.

quote: different psychoactive substances cause different reactions

drop atropine in your eyes and your pupils will dilate! Even in pre-revolutionary times, girls going to a ball, as well as representatives of the most ancient profession, dripped atropine into their eyes before work so that their eyes would look more attractive with dilated pupils. It’s true that they saw poorly and couldn’t stand the light.

quote: drop atropine in your eyes and your pupils will dilate soooooo much! Even in pre-revolutionary times, girls going to a ball, as well as representatives of the most ancient profession, dripped atropine into their eyes before work so that their eyes would look more attractive with dilated pupils. It’s true that they saw poorly and couldn’t stand the light.

coke - dilation of the pupils, heroin - constriction of the pupils.

According to the new requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, now novice drivers studying in driving schools are required to pass special psychological tests before obtaining a license.

Such a requirement did not arise by chance. It is caused by the high level of road accidents in domestic roads. Testing for drivers is not just another order from above, designed to create the appearance of activity in the ministry. This is a preliminary check of a person’s psychophysiological characteristics, on which the driver’s behavior on the road depends.

Few people know that in military universities testing is an integral part of preliminary selection. Until recently, test data was only advisory in nature. However, time has shown that the majority of those who dropped out of university also failed the psychological tests. Therefore, tests are not so useless. And when learning to drive, they are simply necessary.

They test memory, psychomotor skills, eye perception, stability, the ability to navigate in space, the ability to switch and distribute one’s attention, emotional stability, and performance dynamics. Personal qualities are also of no small importance for the driver, which can also be checked during testing. These are, first of all, temperament, conflict, a tendency to take risks and the ability to do monotonous work.

The methodology for conducting tests, tasks for them and a system for evaluating results are developed by the science of psychodiagnostics. Experts say that the test results are confirmed by statistical data and are therefore completely objective. Although one must always take into account psychological state test subject. For example, stress, fatigue or alcohol intoxication may not have the best effect on test results. To successfully pass them, you need to have a positive attitude, calm down and be confident in your abilities. Before taking the test, you need to get a good night's sleep and rest.

Another feature of test tasks is that their tasks are objective only when the subject answers the questions for the first time. In the process of passing the test, a person gradually learns, and the real picture is somewhat distorted. This is why psychological complexes include questions of different types.

If it suddenly happens that you have not passed the test, there is no need to be offended and despondent. There are still many interesting and wonderful activities in the world that you can devote yourself to. Driving may not be your cup of tea, and it's best to protect yourself and other road users from serious danger.

- Natalia Vladimirovna Khmelevskaya

Latest Research psychologists show that the manner of driving a car largely depends on the type of person’s temperament. Depending on the characteristics of each individual person, many subtypes of temperament are distinguished, but in practice, its four classical types are most often analyzed: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic.

Each of these types of temperament is characterized by the following, drivers with temperament choleric They feel the car well in motion, but often make mistakes when braking or choosing a safe distance. Conversely, drivers with temperament phlegmatic experience difficulties when driving in high-speed traffic, they prefer to drive themselves and their car calmly, without taking any particular risks. Sanguine temperament is characterized by great efficiency and energy. Driving is suitable for a sanguine person, in which different situations are encountered; it constantly poses new challenges for him, however, the number of mistakes he makes is higher than that of drivers with other types of temperament. Melancholic characterized by increased sensitivity to external stimuli. As a rule, drivers with this temperament meticulously follow traffic rules, but experience significant difficulties when they find themselves in unusual situations, for example, in a city traffic jam or in difficult situations. weather conditions, requiring increased attention.

The relationship between driving style and a person's mood.

Driving style largely depends on your mood.

While driving a car, you need to understand and evaluate your own mood, state, attitude towards others, that is, identify the main difficulties and learn to cope with them. For many road users, even a small mistake in a neighbor's driving on the road causes aggression. Moreover, the “strength” of expressions depends on the time that drivers have to get from point A to point B. Eloquent gestures are also used, supported by flashing headlights and impatient horns sound signal. It has also been repeatedly noted that even usually calm and balanced people, during long driving in difficult road conditions, under the influence of the environment, can “succumb” to general aggressive behavior.

One pretty woman, during a driving training session with a psychologist, admitted that she really liked driving a car, but could not control her speech and behavior, noticing the mistakes of her neighbor downstream. She was offered to use a very simple psychological technique called substitution of concepts. In another unpleasant situation while driving a car, instead of swearing at the next offender, it was necessary to utter a pre-prepared phrase that carried a charge positive emotions, for example: “Good luck to you, good man!” The effect exceeded all expectations! After a week, the mood became much friendlier, and after a month, an understanding of the amazing truth came: friendliness and tact while driving are no less contagious than aggression! Moreover, these wonderful qualities reduce aggression to being simply stupid and unnecessary.

How not to miss the main thing?

The first thing to do to improve driving efficiency is to optimize the perception process. It is known that a driver receives about 90% of information through vision, 6% through hearing, and the remaining 4% through smell and touch. At first, avoid talking over mobile phone, from music and conversations with passengers while driving. Open the window to hear the noise of passing cars, the squeal of tires or the sirens of special services vehicles. Develop the ability to intuitively recognize vehicles on the road that require increased attention. There is nothing complicated about it, it's all about the right approach to driving and being attentive. After all, everyone knows how, with a high degree of probability, to give a certain characteristic to any passerby they meet: by clothing, gait, facial expression, behavior. You can not only determine his social status, but also predict his intentions towards you. A car is a kind of outerwear" New license plates, a “shoe” sign on the rear window, dents on the sides, catchy, provocative stickers, jerky or hesitant driving - all this is the initial data for your observations.

Accident risk of representatives of the Zodiac signs

If you believe the results of research by sociologists from insurance companies, drivers born under the sign of Gemini are the most likely to get into accidents. As a rule, these people are easy to anger. They are followed by Taurus, suffering from incredible stubbornness and always confident in their own rightness. And those born under the sign of Pisces are known to astrologers as risky and carefree people, which affects their driving style. Capricorns demonstrate classic examples of safe driving.


What comes first? Does being determine consciousness, as Karl Marx wrote, or vice versa? It is obvious that the environment and lifestyle are interconnected with human consciousness. Studying psychology, one can come to the conclusion that everything that surrounds a person, everything that is indirectly or directly related to him, can tell a lot about the properties of his personality. Our mobile devices, clothes, accessories and, of course, the cars we choose are an extension of our personality, thinking patterns and, perhaps, unmet needs. The right choice The color of your car will highlight your individuality, reduce the likelihood of an accident and even save a little fuel.

Outstanding physicists, philosophers, fine art theorists, psychologists and psychophysiologists agree that color has a serious impact on a person - mental and physical. From the organs of vision, the perception of color “transitions” to internal organs and comes to tactile and even, in in some cases, sound sensations. Color affects blood pressure: it increases from blue to green, from yellow to red (in combination and separately), and the reverse process occurs when the stimulus material is presented in reverse. There are “schools” of healing with color. And if a person is tired of one color, then he needs to look at the opposite one on the spectrum, and then the psycho-emotional state will change to the opposite. Colors and their shades have different effects on a person’s state: red - on the physical, yellow - on the mental, and blue - on the emotional.

The “color choice method” of the Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher is widely known. This test allows for a quick but in-depth personality analysis based on information obtained by simply selecting colors based on their subjective pleasantness. Color perception is believed to be objective and universal, but color preferences are subjective, and this distinction allows subjective states to be measured objectively using color test. Do you like tests? Name three colors quickly! The first color, called a person, characterizes the personality at the moment, the second color is a working color, the third shows relationships with others, how a person treats them.

The largest transnational corporation DuPont, as a result of a study, found that white cars are now most in demand among buyers. This fashion is dictated by buyers from North America - they wanted something bright, they were tired of world crises, various unpleasant events and mourning that accompany them. In Western culture, the color white symbolizes purity, calm, peace, silence, light and fullness of life. Silver and gray remain the most popular, followed by black and white. It also turned out that light-colored cars consume less fuel: the car body heats up less, and the car owner saves due to less intensive operation of the air conditioner in the cabin.

The color of the car determines how visible it is on the road to other road users. Most often, black, brown, and also black cars get into accidents. green: they merge with environment and are indistinguishable in poor visibility conditions. The safest colors in descending order are silver, white, red. Drivers of cars of these colors are half as likely to be involved in accidents as owners of cars of the average color. But overly colorful and flashy cars are unsafe; they distract the attention of other road users.

A recent study conducted by Michigan-based Colburn Group Insurance found a direct relationship between car color and driving style. Want to know what the color of your car says about your personality?

A silver car (prestige, wealth and luxury) is chosen by elegant, calm, balanced people, a green car - on the contrary, selfish, sometimes jealous and capricious (choice of bright green), but very serious and conscientious. This color brings calm and tranquility and reduces stress. Most often, lovers of green shades know how to keep their emotions in balance.

A yellow car is a sign of a carefree optimist with a rich imagination, a gold car is an independent person, and a gray car is chosen calm people, sober-minded, completely devoted to their work. This color symbolizes stability and self-confidence.

The most cautious ones are drivers of blue cars; this color is associated with a phlegmatic type of temperament. Blue shades even more than green ones, they are able to bring calm to daily life. Drivers of dark blue cars are very confident, and you can rely on them - they won’t let you down.

Energetic people with quick reactions and in constant motion choose red cars. Red is a bold choice to stand out from the crowd, the choice of a passionate person, a little edgy. Sometimes red is chosen by those who lack self-confidence. Pink cars are often chosen by gentle, loving people. They love to smile.

The black color of the car is the choice of a conservative person, a professional in career and life. A person with a black car is difficult to manipulate. A black car is the embodiment of strength and power. Driving style is often extreme.

White is suitable for perfectionists who love cleanliness, neatness, and those who are young at heart. A dirty white car makes you look sloppy and uncaring.

Orange - very energetic, suitable for eccentric, sociable, cheerful and open.

If your car is brown, it means you are reliable. You are true to yourself and others, responsible and worthy of friendship.

As for the color violet, lilac and its shade - lilac, this rare color is suitable for creative people- originals and individualists, however, dark purple is a very heavy color; if in excess, it leads to depression. Often shades of purple are chosen by people who want change.

Of course, there is no point in judging a person based solely on the color of their car. The choice, if, of course, there was one at all, could be based not only on the taste of the car owner. There are many more criteria: technical parameters, brand prestige, practicality, angular or flexible shapes... But if a person’s choice was made “for himself,” then the information that the car tells about him can and should be listened to. Perhaps you will learn something new about the image of your friends.


Music can improve your mood, help create positive emotions or reduce anxiety. It can distract from unpleasant thoughts, or, on the contrary, it can cause irritation and trigger aggression.

Why do psychologists believe that drivers need to be more careful when choosing music?

The power of sound is enormous. However, whoever rules is the one who calls the tune. In a car, the choice is always yours, even if you turn on the radio. ABOUT psychological impact Many works have been written about music on humans: “Principles of Physiological Psychology” by Wilhelm Wundt (the founder of experimental psychology as we know it), the fascinating “Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain” by Oliver Sacks and other equally interesting ones from foreign and domestic authors. All authors agree that there is a connection between music and the psycho-emotional state of a person. Selectivity of attention under the stimulating effect of music was established, as well as positive influence music of medium volume on the effectiveness of vigilance tasks. In the process of studying the influence of musical accompaniment during driving tasks on accuracy and vigilance different levels difficulties revealed an improvement in reactions to signals arising in the center of the visual field, however, when performing complex tasks with high-volume musical accompaniment, the reaction to signals coming from the periphery of the visual field worsened.

In a word, the louder we make the music in the car, the more selective our attention becomes and, accordingly, limited, which means that some moments of the road situation remain without our control (music triggers biochemical processes in the human body that are not consciously known). depend). Many automakers are aware of this, and when reversing, the music in some cars is automatically muted (to prevent the driver from being distracted) and the audio parking sensors are turned on.

Installing a powerful speaker for the most low frequencies- a subwoofer can both help reveal such nuances and subtleties of the performance of a musical composition, the existence of which you do not even suspect, or cause harm to your body if the acoustics are not configured optimally. Excessive rhythmic exposure to low frequencies on the body over a relatively long period of time impairs brain function, dulling attention and increasing the driver’s level of aggression, which, of course, leads to an increase in the likelihood of an accident.

While driving, it is better to listen to the radio or compilations prepared for yourself, rather than music albums that switch from one mood to another. By the way, there is a list of musical compositions and genres (compiled by modern European psychologists), listening to which increases the likelihood of an accident. These include hard rock and hip-hop.

But what if you need to drive long time? How to prevent falling asleep? The radio or your own audio library can help you. IN the latter case It is important to alternate between slow and fast rhythms. Do you fall asleep from music? Sing it yourself! If you get tired of singing, tune in to “talk radio” where they discuss topics that interest you, listen to an audiobook or study foreign language. These tips, of course, relate only to the choice of audio accompaniment and do not cancel measures to prevent falling asleep. “Car hypnosis” caused by monotony (loss of attention, slow reaction, indifference to the environment) is a terrible thing, actually sleeping with your eyes open.

The influence of “music” on the psycho-emotional state of the driver is enormous, and this has been proven by many scientific studies. Optimally selected musical accompaniment can be useful, but excessive music can cause harm, distracting from the road. Much depends on your “psychophysiological reactivity”. So decide how much to turn up the volume knob yourself. All people have different tastes. But keep in mind: if some melody makes your heart beat faster, then you shouldn’t listen to it while driving.

Psychological tests

Test for car drivers: WHAT TYPE OF DRIVER ARE YOU?
Do you think you are a surprisingly good car driver? In this case, you are no different from the majority. That's why the results of our test may surprise you.

We suggest you take a short test - answer a few questions, after which you can calculate the points and view the results.

1. How often do you drive a car?

A. I prefer city transport: it builds character.

B. At least an hour a week.

S. I live behind the wheel.

2. Where do you look when you drive?

A. I admire the landscapes.

B. I look at the neighboring cars.

S. I carefully study the hood and the piece of highway in front of it.

3. How do you rate your driving level compared to other road users?

A. Until this moment I had not assessed it in any way.

Q. What can I say... average level.

S. I am an excellent driver. One might even say fantastic.

4. What is the best way to prepare for a right turn?

A. Slow down just before the turn.

B. Lean to the left as much as possible and only then turn.

C. Turn at neutral speed.

5. What is your profession?

A. Student.

V. Worker.

C. Other.

Statistics show that after students, doctors, lawyers, architects, realtors and soldiers are the most likely to get into accidents. conscript service. The reasons are as follows: aggressiveness, absent-mindedness, chronic lack of sleep. So think twice before driving in a bad mood.

6. The rear wheels slip and the car begins to skid. What will you do first?

A. I will increase the speed.

B. I’ll slow down the gas and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.

S. I’ll brake sharply.

7. When you're driving, the radio...

A. Silent.

S. Sings about the tattoo and the green sea of ​​the taiga.

Rhythmic loud music lifts the mood, but distracts from the situation on the road and slows down the driver’s reaction. Researchers say the most dangerous music to listen to while driving is Richard Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries."


1. A=1, B=2, C=3.

2. A=2, B=3, C=1.

3. A=3, B=2, C=1.

4. A=2, B=3, C=1.

5. A=1, B=3, C=2.

6. A=2, B=3, C=1.

7. A=3, B=2, C=1.

From 18 to 21. You're a great driver. It doesn’t matter at all whether you have two charming girlfriends sitting in your car or the car is filled to the brim with boxes of Brussels sprouts. You will quickly and accurately bring both to your home.

From 10 to 17. You passed this test, but maybe take another driving course? This is not offensive at all, it’s just that while there is an opportunity to fix something, it’s better to do it quickly.

Less than 9. You may have come to this page by mistake. Do you actually have a driver's license?

Attention tests

A wide distribution of attention and quick switching are very important for the driver. They determine the success of controlling moving mechanisms under the diverse influence of the outside world on the driver. You must learn to manage your attention, force yourself to voluntarily focus your attention at any moment and on any object, be able to deal with distracting stimuli, and never drive inattentively. You should know well the features of your attention, its strengths and weaknesses.

The proposed tests will to some extent help to understand the essence of the processes in question.

Task 1

On each attached table you need to find all 25 numbers in order. Time spent searching healthy person with good attention is 25-30 seconds per table.

Task 2

Try to trace each of the lines with your eyes as quickly as possible. On a piece of paper, write the number and letter of all 25 lines. As you test yourself again, you may notice a few errors. These errors will be caused by a lack of attention where the lines intersect with others.

Task 3

Within 2 minutes, you must place numbers in the free cells of the lower square of the form in ascending order, which are located in random order in 25 cells of the upper square of the form.

Numbers are written line by line; no marks can be made in the upper square.

The assessment is based on the number of correctly written numbers. The average norm is 22nd and above.

Stimulus material


























Form to fill out

Russia may introduce mandatory psychological testing before allowing a person to drive

The Russian Federation has begun to develop standards for psychological testing of future drivers. If now only professional drivers visit a psychologist, the new format involves additional testing for aggressiveness of all those who get behind the wheel at the stage of obtaining a driver’s license. According to some experts, additional psychological testing will prevent a lot of accidents and violations. However, others are confident that tests will only reveal a certain tendency, but it is impossible to predict how a person will behave in a given life situation. Read more in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

The Serbsky Center has taken up the criteria for prohibiting driving

At the Federal Medical research center Psychiatry and Narcology (FMICPN) named after. V.P. Serbsky began developing new standards for passing a psychological test to obtain a driver's license. If now, when applying for a medical certificate, they are limited to a short check with a psychiatrist and checking with the database of mental health centers, then the new standard will involve passing psychological tests that will reveal the level of aggressiveness and hostility of the future driver. For the new format, “clinical and psychological tools and psychological criteria for admission or inadmissibility to driving” are being created.

Today the law does not provide for a psychiatrist to refer a motorist for additional research. Testing with a psychologist is mandatory only for professional drivers. The new standard intends to extend it to everyone who gets behind the wheel.

Today the law does not provide for a psychiatrist to refer a motorist for additional research. Photo tv7.md

The criterion for admission or inadmissibility to driving should be established not only by a psychiatrist, but also by a clinical (medical) psychologist, Izvestia quotes the words of Dmitry Kalinkin, a researcher at the Laboratory of Psychohygiene and Psychoprevention of the Federal Medical Research Center named after. V.P. Serbian.

According to the expert, a psychologist can not only identify the level of aggressiveness and hostility in a person, which will prevent a lot of accidents and violations. Double checking will make it possible to better identify the structure of mental disorders.

FAR: “It’s high time”

It is still unclear how the verification will be implemented in practice. This is not the first time that attempts have been made to reduce road aggression, but so far the situation has not been significantly improved. “Now there is a concept of dangerous driving, although our organization at one time proposed to separate the concepts of aggressive and dangerous, they wrote to Shuvalov (First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, - approx. ed.). He is also the chairman of the government commission on road safety. But nothing has changed yet. Dangerous driving occurs due to inexperience and ignorance. Aggression is deliberate actions,” says Ramil Khairullin, representative of the Federation of Car Owners of Russia (FAR) in Tatarstan.

However, he is confident that the introduction of additional psychological testing is justified.

It's high time. If the check is carried out normally, not formally, but with real non-admissions, then the number of inadequate drivers will definitely be reduced. There are enough psychologists today, and we don’t need many of them. It seems to me that not only future, but also “past” drivers should be sent through psychologists. There is a lot of aggression on the roads.

Ramil Khairullin: “If the check is carried out normally, not formally, but with real non-admissions, then the number of inadequate drivers will definitely be reduced.” Photo evening-kazan.ru

“Everything will depend not only on his personality, but also on the situation as a whole”

However, not all professionals are confident that tests can improve the situation on the roads. The head of the Department of Medical Psychology of KSMU, Professor Vladimir Mendelevich states that the result of any test is relative.

It is possible to identify a certain tendency, but it is impossible to predict how a person will behave in a given life situation. Because it will depend not only on him, on his personality, but also on the situation as a whole. I am very skeptical about information in newspapers; it needs to be double-checked. And I don’t know if such developments are really underway. In addition, I don’t understand the purpose of creating new tests if there are a huge number of such tests and they have already proven themselves to be quite convincing.

He considers the task of creating tests to determine the expected behavior of a person behind the wheel to be practically impossible.

There is no such specificity. Then they will also need to distinguish a KAMAZ driver from a MAZ driver. Well, this is all stupidity... In general, this is a wrong approach - trying to identify something with a 100% guarantee using some tests. I call our society the society of the winning lie detector. Because the lie detector is a myth. It cannot be used to tell whether a person is lying or telling the truth. And all these tests are just as big deceivers. In a sense, you can rely on them, but not as a fundamental method for identifying any pathology.

Alexander Shakirov, Irina Plotnikova