Returning outerwear within 14. Is it possible to return an item to the store without explaining the reasons and for how long?

Fundamental principles of the document:

  1. A citizen should be able to receive clear information about the quality of the product, its production and composition.

    Attention! False data is considered fraud and falls under the jurisdiction of authorities protecting consumer rights (Article 10 of Law No. 2300-1).

  2. The store client chooses clothing items among competitive products according to his own taste and personal beliefs.
  3. The seller should not impose his product and force him to receive a service.
  4. The buyer has the opportunity to protect his interests personally or contact the relevant supervisory authorities and, if an insoluble conflict arises with the seller of the goods, file a lawsuit (Article 13 of Law No. 2300-1).
  5. The seller is obliged to exchange the item or return money for it if hidden defects were revealed during use (Article 18 of Law No. 2300-1).
  6. The buyer may demand moral and material compensation if the product caused harm to his health or appearance (Articles 14, 15 of Law No. 2300-1).
  7. A citizen has the right to exchange a purchase for another model, a different color, size, or return it to a store and receive money back if a suitable product is not found (Article 25 of Law No. 2300-1).


Attention! If the receipt has not been saved, the seller can turn to electronic data about the purchase, which is stored in the information base of the point of sale.

When the case comes to court, a person has the right to present affidavits from witnesses confirming the fact of purchasing the clothes. In addition, a bank statement, if the item was paid for by bank transfer, is proof of the purchase of the item in this store.


If disputes arise between the parties, after receiving a claim from the buyer, the seller has the right to appoint a commodity examination. The consumer can refuse the service, but if the matter comes to court proceedings, this decision may negatively affect the outcome of the case and the claim of the store client will not be satisfied.

Payment for the examination is borne by the seller of the goods. But if the buyer has done the research on his own initiative, he has the opportunity to claim reimbursement from the store.

If the implementer does not provide data on the result of the examination, the client must submit a request for an independent study.

Transferring money back to the buyer

Sometimes it is easier to exchange an unsuitable item than to receive the money that was previously used to pay for the purchase. If the procedure is carried out on the same day, then the funds will be returned quickly and easily. If a claim is submitted at a later date, the amount will not be paid immediately.

The following factors influence the timing of refunds:

  1. The buyer's application is considered by the store for up to 10 days.
  2. If the seller agrees to return the cost of the goods, he is given another 10 days for the procedure.

Important! Money is issued at the store's cash desk if the item was paid for in cash. Or they are credited to the applicant’s bank account when purchasing using a card. In this case, the wait for money for a refund may increase to 10 days.

Actions in case of failure

Unscrupulous sellers often take advantage of their client’s legal ignorance and refuse to satisfy his legal requirements. In such a situation, the consumer must file a claim and hand it to the store employees. If the seller does not accept the paper, it is sent by registered mail. If there is no contact and the seller is unwilling to compromise, the buyer can go to court to protect his rights.

Features for online purchasing

Items purchased online can also be returned to the store. Refusal of a wardrobe item is accepted at any time before receiving the parcel. The seller is obliged to return the full cost of the goods, excluding shipping costs.

All conditions for returning goods to the online store are met, as with a regular purchase.

Period for changing the decision

When purchasing goods online, The seller is obliged to notify the consumer about the terms for returning the goods in writing(memo). After receiving the clothes, the buyer will have 7 days to return the item of clothing (Article 26.1 of Law No. 2300-1). The time reporting starts from the next day from the time of delivery of the goods.

Attention! If the store has not specified a period for returning the item, the buyer has 3 months to make a decision to refuse.

Registration of an appeal

Large retail chains, when sending an item to the buyer via a delivery service, include a sample claim in the parcel along with the order. If the seller did not take care of the application, the act can be drawn up independently in written or printed form. The claim is filled out in the same way as applying to a regular store in two copies.

To serve a claim, the buyer may:

  1. Come to the store in person(if there is a branch of this retail chain in the locality) and transfer the document to the company representative. The official takes one copy, and on the second he puts a mark on acceptance of the application (indicates his full name and position), the present date and the seal of the organization.
  2. Send a claim by registered mail with a description of the contents and a notification of delivery. Please keep payment documents received by mail until the money is returned.
  3. Contact the online store support service and fill out a refund request electronically.

Responsibilities of the IM for transferring funds to the client

The online store is obliged to return funds within 10 days from the date the buyer submits the corresponding request. Funds are transferred to the consumer’s account by transfer via mail or in cash at the location of the store (clause 34 of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2007 No. 612).

Important! The Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” protects the interests of buyers and gives every person the opportunity to freely return or exchange a purchased item of clothing.

In order for the seller to accept the clothing back, the item must be unworn and with the factory label. A sales receipt is not required. The store cannot refuse the consumer if the item of clothing meets the established requirements and is returned within the time period specified by the seller. If disputes arise, the buyer can file a claim against the seller, and later, if there is no response, file a claim with the court.

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This can happen either due to the discovery of a defect or due to the fact that the product did not suit the buyer. completely regulates the relationship between the seller and the consumer in the slightest nuances of return. If they are violated, the seller or manufacturer will face serious sanctions. The consumer has the right to go to court and demand not only money back, but also compensation for moral damage, payment for a lawyer’s services (if the lawyer was paid), payment of various fines and penalties.

Return of clothes to St. Petersburg, legal assistance +7 812 904-34-26

A common cause of litigation. Legal Rights lawyers are ready to defend your rights in court. Non-profit partnership services are free.

Sometimes return of clothes deliberately made difficult by the seller. They may not accept the goods, they may not give you a confirmation of the return of the clothes or confirmation that your claim has been accepted for consideration, or they may endlessly and unreasonably delay money back.

Do not hesitate, yours consumer rights have been violated and will continue to be violated unless decisive action is taken. Free consultations with experienced lawyers and free assistance in court are at your service. Call any time: 904-34-26!

Question to a lawyer in St. Petersburg

Question to a lawyer in St. Petersburg

The instructions governing the conditions for returning clothes to the store are as follows:

  1. Return of clothing found to be defective as a defective product

    If the purchased clothing turns out to be of poor quality, it will be difficult to make return of clothes, no – if you know a few significant points:

    1. Right to return of clothes in the event that its quality is far from the regulated one, as well as from the seller who sold it, each buyer retains it for two years from the immediate moment of such acquisition, as stated in the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” in its eighteenth and nineteenth articles.
    2. For warranty period the seller himself must prove that the consumer puts forward some absolutely unlawful demands, but in fact there are no defects in the product or they arose due to the actions of the consumer himself, as stated in the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” in the fifth paragraph of its eighteenth articles. If the warranty has expired or did not exist at all, then it becomes the responsibility of the consumer to prove the defects of the clothing, as stated in the nineteenth article of the same law.
    3. A consumer who, for any reason, is not satisfied with the result of the examination carried out by the seller, can challenge such an expert opinion in the courts.
    4. If the purchased clothing turns out to be of poor quality, return the money it can be paid for within 10 days, as regulated by the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” in its twenty-second article.
    5. The form of communication with the seller regarding the quality of clothing must be in writing, and claim for return of clothes to the seller and the refund must be submitted with a required return receipt. This precaution allows the consumer to easily confirm not only the fact of presentation of claims, but also the date of such presentation.

    If you have been denied the return of clothes in St. Petersburg, Legal Rights lawyers will help. Call: +7 812 904-34-26

    Next, the consumer simply implements the algorithm for returning clothes:

    1. We take the product for which we want to receive money back, we go to the store where it was purchased and find out whether this same money will be returned immediately.
    2. If the store refuses to return the money, we immediately submit our prepared claim.
    3. If the store does not go to money back, we do independent examination and we get a conclusion based on it.
    4. We write a new, repeated claim, which adds a requirement to compensate for the costs of this very examination, and hand it over again along with the expert opinion.
    5. If the store didn’t go ahead this time either return of clothes, then we go to court, preferably at the place of residence, with a statement of claim. To win in court without any problems, you need to enlist the support of experienced clothing return lawyers. The services of lawyers of NK "Zakonnogo Prava" are free for consumers. We are paid by your abusers, careless sellers and consumers. By court decision, we collect money from them!
  2. Return of clothing of proper quality that does not suit the consumer

    This situation is addressed by the Law " On consumer protection"in the twenty-fifth article. This article gives the consumer the right to return of clothes for the purpose of exchanging it, if its quality is at the proper level, but the clothing itself does not fit according to some parameters: wrong style, wrong color, different size or shape, different configuration. To make one like this return of clothes, the consumer has fourteen days, and the day of purchase itself is not included in this time interval. If the seller does not have an analogue product on the day the consumer applies for an exchange, then such consumer can exercise his right to return money for this clothing, and the seller is obliged to do this within three days from the date of return.

    Please pay attention!

    1. The law is not about returning money at all, but about replacement of goods. Refunds are made only in situations where there is no comparable product suitable for the consumer. This means that if you need a refund, then the seller does not have a product that would suit you.
    2. possible, only the entire set of factory labels and seals, as well as consumer properties and presentation, remained completely intact, and these same clothes were not used at all.

    So, when the need or need arises return the clothes to that store where it was purchased, or to exchange it, you should take three consecutive steps:

    1. We take the goods, it would be advisable to take the receipt, and within fourteen days from the moment the clothes were purchased, we contact the store and demand an exchange.
    2. If not replacement of goods, the store will not issue a refund, we hand over a pre-written claim.
    3. If this claim is not satisfied, we turn to the court, preferably at the place of residence, with a statement of claim.

Question for a consumer protection lawyer

1. Return of defective clothes

Returning low-quality clothes to the store is not difficult, all you need to know is the following:

1. The consumer has the right to return low-quality clothing to the seller and demand a refund of the money paid for it within 2 years from the date of purchase (see Article 18 and Article 19 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”)

2. During the entire warranty period, the seller is obliged to prove that the consumer’s demands are not legitimate (i.e. that there are no defects or that the consumer is responsible for them) (see paragraph 5 of Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”). If there is no warranty or it has expired, the consumer is obliged to prove that the clothing is defective (see Article 19 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”).

3. If the results of the examination conducted by the seller do not satisfy the consumer, the consumer has the right to challenge this expert opinion in court.

4. The period for returning money for low-quality goods is 10 days (see Article 22 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”).

5. You should communicate with the seller in writing, i.e. submit a claim with a receipt stamp. This is necessary so that you can always confirm that on a certain date you presented certain requirements to the seller.

And follow these instructions:

1. We go to the store with the goods (at first just find out if they will return the money right away).

2. If not returned, we submit a claim.

3. If the money is not returned again, we conduct an independent examination.

4. We present a repeated claim and a copy of the Examination Report (in the claim, do not forget to add a requirement for compensation for examination costs to the request for a refund).

5. If again the money is not returned, we write a statement of claim and go to court (preferably at your place of residence)

2. Return of quality clothing (that did not fit)

“The consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of proper quality for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased, if the specified product is not suitable in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration.

The consumer has the right to exchange non-food products of proper quality within fourteen days, not counting the day of purchase."

“If a similar product is not available for sale on the day the consumer contacts the seller, the consumer has the right to refuse to fulfill the purchase and sale agreement and demand the return of the amount of money paid for the specified product. The consumer’s demand for the return of the amount of money paid for the specified product must be satisfied within three days from the date of return of the specified goods"

Please note!

1. The law speaks about the exchange of goods, and not about the return of money. A refund is only possible if a similar product (but one that suits you in shape, size, style, color, size or configuration) is not available, so if you want a refund, remember that the seller does not have the product that suits you.

2. It is possible to return high-quality clothing only if it has not been used and its presentation, consumer properties, seals, and factory labels have been preserved.

So you have a need to exchange/return quality clothing to the store, to do this we perform the following steps:

1. Within 14 days from the date of purchase, we contact the store with a request to exchange clothes of proper quality, have the goods with you and preferably a receipt.

2. If you are refused an exchange/return, we write and submit a claim.

3. If the claim is not satisfied, write a statement of claim and go to court (preferably at your place of residence)

Important! All communication with the store must be conducted in such a way that at any moment you can confirm that a certain requirement was made on a certain date. Those. all communication by delivering claims with the obligatory receipt of receipt marks or sending claims by Russian Post, with a description of the attachment and notification.

According to the Law on Consumer Rights, you have the right to return or exchange a product for a similar one, receive full characteristics of the product and know about the rules for its replacement or return.

The same provisions apply to returning clothes to a store according to the law.

The request to the store is written in free form, in two copies, both on the computer and by hand. The main thing is to indicate:

This information is indicated in the upper right corner of the document. Next comes the main part where you describe:

  • date, place and amount of purchase;
  • reason for exchanging goods;
  • payment method;
  • references to legal norms (specific clauses of the Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”);
  • date and signature.

The seller will review the application within three business days. In case of refusal to accept the goods, you have the right to file a claim in court.

Clothes are returned to the seller or exchanged for a higher quality equivalent within 14 days from the date of purchase. The date of acquisition itself does not count towards the deadline.

If you ordered a product online, you can cancel it at the delivery stage.

Upon receipt you will have 7 days to return the item back.. If the seller on the website does not explain the details of the return, the return period is extended by 3 months.

The law allows you to return a purchased product if it does not suit you in shape, color or size.

It is worth remembering that we are talking not only about a refund, but also about exchanging one item for a similar or another one, with a recalculation of the price.

In addition, there are conditions without which you will be refused an exchange.:

  • clothing must retain its original appearance and properties;
  • factory labels and seals must not be torn off;
  • You must have a receipt or purchase invoice with you.

Presentation also includes maintaining the integrity of the packaging. You cannot unpack the product, tear off everything that is in the way, and then return it in such a “disassembled” form. Returns of stockings, socks and underwear are not permitted for hygiene reasons.

So, if there are no tags on the clothes, then neither presenting a receipt nor timely contacting the store will save you.

The only option is to refer to the poor quality of the product itself as a whole; here the seller may not pay attention to the lack of tags.

If you do not have documents confirming the purchase with you, you can only refer to the testimony of witnesses.

Judicial practice for 2019 shows that the court will not be satisfied with oral confirmation of the purchase, so the testimony will need to be referred to in the application.

In addition to witness statements, an alternative to a receipt can be:

  • operating instructions;
  • brochure attached.

The only problem is that rarely any clothes come with such documents.

Valid reasons for a return are:

You can try to return the goods without citing one of these reasons, but then you will have to face resistance from the seller, who will try in every possible way to refuse you.

Article 25 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” will help support your position, which does not indicate a mandatory explanation for the exchange.

But if you want to avoid wasting your nerves, it’s better to “for show” mention the reason for the return, even if there really isn’t one.

With remote purchases, it is easier in this regard - on the Internet they may not ask why you decided to return the clothes, as long as the other conditions are met.

Customers need to understand how to return clothes to the store and understand when they are right and when they are wrong.

Keep the item in its marketable condition, have receipts with you and don’t delay deadlines - then you will defend your rights without any problems.

Video: Rules for returning items to the store

Returning clothes to a store is a common situation that can happen to any consumer! The most important thing in this situation is to clearly understand your right, thanks to which you can easily exchange low-quality goods within a specified period of time (based on the provisions of the PPA).

How to return clothes to the store?

It happens in life that when you get home, the new thing you like becomes not so wonderful and desirable. How to return a product whose quality corresponds to the stated promises of the manufacturer? - this question worries many ordinary consumers who have taken the risk of buying a frankly unnecessary thing. If such a case happened to you, do not despair. A reliable store is ready to provide all conditions for the speedy exchange of an unsuitable item.
It is allowed to return a product purchased in a specialized store, unless it has been worn/washed. At the same time, external characteristics, abrasions or stretch marks should not be visible. All labels, tags and price tags must also be present. If a defect is detected, it is recommended to record this fact on a separate line (the reason for the return is written down in the application - defect). Returns to the store are carried out in the presence of a cash receipt document. Also, the buyer has the right to exchange the product for a similar one that will suit him in size, model or color. In this case, the difference between the purchased and exchanged item is made up. The difference in price is covered by the buyer himself.

The process of completing the procedure itself is more or less clear. But how can you return an item to the store if the sales receipt issued by the seller was destroyed or lost? In this case, you can provide alternative options for returning the purchase.

An alternative to a check (in case of its loss) can be:

  • receipt (comes with the check). It contains the name of the item being purchased, date/time of purchase, information about the seller;
  • a person who is with the client at the time of purchase.

This advice will help anyone who, for whatever reason, cannot provide a purchase receipt. At the same time, the management of the shopping center can issue an addition to the main application, which will indicate that the buyer did not provide the purchase document due to its loss.

How long can I return clothes to the store?

The consumer can return an unsuitable/defective product within 14 days (without prior explanation of the reasons).
The main condition for a return is the proper type of product and the presence of a document that confirms the fact of the purchase. Exchange for a similar product is carried out in the presence of the buyer.

By the way, the rules for returning shoes are described.

Return of clothes within 14 days without explanation

The buyer is allowed to return a quality item he or she does not like without explaining the reason, by making a return/exchange for a product of a similar type if there is a receipt, payment receipt and the item itself in hand at the time of completing this procedure.
Return of outerwear is possible if all tags are present. It is prohibited to return a product that is wrinkled/dirty or an item with visible defects caused by improper use and care. Returning children's clothing to the store is also possible if the buyer has met all the requirements for the return conditions.
What clothes cannot be exchanged or returned?
Underwear, knee socks, tights, stockings or leg warmers cannot be returned.

Additional information about how long you can return an item is available.

Is it possible to return clothes bought in a store if you don’t like them?

A product that has tags and proper appearance is subject to exchange within 14 days, not counting the date of purchase (if there is a sales receipt or other document that would confirm the fact of the purchase).
Is it possible to return clothes to the store if the tags are torn off?
If the small paper tag that was attached to the product at the time of purchase has been cut or torn off, it cannot be exchanged/returned.

Application for return of clothing - sample

A sample application for the exchange of unsuitable goods (clothing, shoes) has a certain table of contents, that is, it is filled out in a strict form. The application itself must indicate:

      • your full name;
      • passport details;
      • date of purchase;
      • store name;
      • price;
      • sales receipt number.

Also, a special column must state the reason why the previously purchased item is being returned. It is important to mark the required item: return of the product or replacement with an identical product (if the purchased item does not fit in size). The seller is obliged to accept the claim, after which three days are given to consider it.