New Year's scenario for conscripts. Sketch about the army

The First one rises onto the stage from the audience
FIRST: Dear friends, Good evening!
I'm ordered here today
Conduct this meeting without an emergency,
And it was ordered - said - “there is!”
Literally in five minutes
I'll tell you the first number.
The artists are all ready, waiting,
As they say, everything is fine with us.
But before they burst into the hall
"The Rebellion of Fugues and the Thunder of Cantatas"
You and I need, I would say,
Establish business contacts.
Now that it’s time to get ready
On such a beautiful evening for us,
I ask you not to be distracted
And don't look around.
Sit up straight, shoulders wider,
Let them form row after row.
Rows, line up! Look at the stage!
It doesn’t matter what the concert is, what the evening is,
A soldier is always a soldier.
I remind you of the rule of alignment in the audience: look straight at the stage, the tip of your nose is at the level of the left ear of the fourth spectator sitting in front, considering yourself to be the first.
I ask you to clap your hands together -
We don't need loners, -
Laugh only where necessary
And not one at a time either.
Don't cough, don't sneeze, don't sleep!
Behave decently in everything.
Do you mind? Great!
That's all I wanted to say.
Let me introduce personnel concert. Please march! Curtain!
(The solemn sounds of a march sound. The curtain opens. The Second is snoring peacefully on a chair)
(Stunned) What is this... The curtain is back! Faster!
(The curtain, slightly moving from its place, gets stuck. From behind the scenes, a loud whisper is heard: “The curtain is stuck!..”)
(To the audience): Comrades... a small misunderstanding... now... (Holds up the Second) Get up immediately!.. Get up, people are watching. (The second one does not react) And also a soldier!.. A soldier?... Oh, well, let’s see what kind of soldier he is. (Moves a little to the side.) Company, rise! Anxiety!
(The second one jumps up, begins to unfasten and fasten his belt and buttons, finally considers himself collected and stands next to the first one. He evens out his socks and... notices that there is no one else nearby.)
SECOND: Where... are these... well, the rest?
FIRST: I have to ask you this. Where are the artists?
SECOND: I don’t know... I warned everyone that there was a signal... Why not?
FIRST: Because this is one of those cases when the soldier is sleeping and the service is going on.
(Drum roll, then the introduction to V. Solovyov-Sedoy’s song “A Soldier is Always a Soldier” sounds. From different places the hall, from behind the scenes (maybe even from somewhere above or from the orchestra pit) the concert participants quickly gather on the stage, as if on alarm, and line up in the planned order. The opening song plays and everyone sings.)
Today's performance
With the program not ceremonial
Gives a unit
Concert, pop.
And let the laughter flow today,
And let the jokes sound!
We believe in friendship and success:
A soldier is always a soldier!
(The melody of this song continues to sound)
(Addressing the artists):
I must say two words
No, not a moral lesson,
What needs to be strictly followed
Any order.
Others will say I'm wrong -
After all, this is not an outfit,
But you need to remember about the charter.
A soldier is always a soldier!
SECOND: (to the audience):
Any performance
As if it weren't complicated?
I'll tell you, performance
Your information about this is false.
After all, he must remember his role
Singer and acrobat
And be on stage as if in battle:
A soldier is always a soldier!
(Leaders can perform their verses by reciting against the background of the melody)
(Reports): Comrade First! The personnel of the concert unit are ready to perform! First assistant presenter Second!
ONE: At ease!
SECOND: At ease!
ONE: What is this; that's all?
ALL: Everyone!
FIRST: Where is the academic chapel named after our garrison?
ALL: Hoarse!
FIRST: A dance ensemble named after a comrade (names a well-known surname in the garrison).
ALL: Lame!
ONE: What about the symphony orchestra?
ALL: Flew out into the chimney!
FIRST: Who will perform?
ALL: We!
ONE: You? What can you do?
(Voices from the formation): Sing!... Dance!... Play!... Twirl somersaults!
ONE: What a somersault!
SECOND: Mortale.
ONE: Enough, don’t kill my head. Send personnel to their workplaces.
SECOND (in command): Unit, listen to my command! The first part of the concert is to the left - the second part is to the right! March from the spot with a song!
(Concert participants sing the final words of the greeting song, indicating a step in place).
What if there is not enough skill,
Sometimes it happens.
So we expect support from you,
And you won’t let us down!
We all have the same motto:
"Don't step back!"
No wonder people say:
A soldier is always a soldier!
(The concert participants march off to the different sides. The melody of the song continues for some time).
FIRST: You have mixed the cards for me. How to start the concert now? Mortaglia?
SECOND: Well, this is an idea.
FIRST: Unprincipled idea. And as it was intended! Festive cantata-oratorio.
SECOND: We'll manage... without uratoria.
FIRST: You can’t. The beginning of the concert should captivate the viewer. Figuratively speaking, take the viewer captive.
SECOND: Let's start the concert with a good lyrical song!
FIRST: What is it dedicated to?
SECOND: Not for what, but for whom. This song is dedicated to those who are young, strong, beautiful! To all those who love and love! (Into the hall). It is dedicated to you, dear friends!
(After the song. First and Second come out)
See how much the audience liked the song!
ONE: Well, the concert is going well. There is a real opportunity not only to fulfill the plan, but also to exceed it.
SECOND: Even overfulfill?
FIRST: Yes, we have one song over the plan.
SECOND: Great! Who agreed to sing?
FIRST: I haven’t agreed yet. But he will agree!
SECOND: Fact. Let's do it!
FIRST: Why push? There is no need to put pressure, this is the commander’s order.
SECOND: Have you already obtained the order?
FIRST: Just think, difficulties... Not for the first time, last year I staged the entire concert by order.
SECOND: Of course, I remember. You let me down badly then. I had to perform two numbers.
ONE: We did it!
SECOND: I had to cope, since there was an order. I just had to rearrange the numbers in reverse order.
ONE: As in reverse?
SECOND: Yes. First, perform in an acrobatic group, and only then swallow a bayonet.
ONE: What's the difference?
SECOND: Big. Then I would have immediately sprained my leg and would not have had to hang around behind the scenes with a swallowed bayonet for half an hour.
ONE: Okay, I’ll keep that in mind next time.
SECOND: Which one is next?
FIRST: Not this same time. Today you are not swallowing a bayonet. Today you only sing.
SECOND: How do I sing?..
FIRST: As much as you can. Tenor, baritone, treble.
SECOND: I can’t... Neither tenor, nor baritone, nor...
ONE: Sing in bass.
SECOND: I can’t sing at all! I'm not musogenic, do you understand that?
FIRST: Not true. I myself heard you humming yesterday. (Sings the melody of G. Ponomarenko’s song “Where can I get such a song”)
SECOND: I didn’t hum, but... hummed. And I don’t know a single word.
FIRST: Sing your words.
SECOND: Yes, thanks for the advice.
FIRST: I'm telling you completely seriously. I'll help.
SECOND: Where can we get such a song?
(Song melody starts)
FIRST (singing): The question is, where can I get such a song,
Naive: it seems my friend,
It's not at all difficult to guess
You just have to look around.
You just have to try
Stick to the same line
Skilfully continue the song!
I suggest we start.
SECOND: Okay, let's try.
FIRST (singing):
Soldier Svintsov is known as an athlete,
He likes to brag about his strength,
And so that no one doubts,
I decorated my chest with badges.
SECOND: But at work I managed
So that the commander doesn’t guess
Either smoke, then relax,
If only you could bend your back.
FIRST: Once upon a time to a rural recreation center
Two friends were going on leave.
One said: “Give me some fun!”
The other replied: “Go away with melancholy!”
SECOND: So they had fun,
That in the morning we barely guessed
Where fate has thrown them...
And then we realized: lip!
FIRST: Our corporal Vladimir Glasov.
Singer - there is no one like him,
He sings like Chaliapin, in a bass voice,
Either a cavatina or a verse.
SECOND: Freezing from this song,
In the kitchen the cook is Aunt Raya
Puts only cartilage in goulash
And it oversalts the cabbage soup.
FIRST: Today of true surnames
From the stage, we won't name
But everyone can guess
What is here about him, what is not about him,
SECOND: What if at a future concert
You will also have to sing, believe me:
Let's not forget completely
We will publish the names.
(They leave, then come back again)
ONE: You're late again. Who was supposed to announce the next number?
ONE: So announce!... Why are you winking?... I don’t understand... Dance group? Great, announce it!
SECOND: I can’t, I must consult.
FIRST: With whom?
SECOND: Actually, with... (whispers in ear)
ONE: Even so? What happened?
SECOND: Not so loud. Did you see the dance at rehearsals?
ONE: Of course.
SECOND: And you didn’t notice anything?
ONE: I noticed. Excellent dance, temperamental, cheerful.
SECOND: That's all?
ONE: That's it.
SECOND: Does this movement remind you of anything?
(Shows the movement of some modern dance, but exaggerates it somewhat, so as to create the impression of work)
ONE: Normal movement.
SECOND: Normal? Funny! Maybe it would be better to say the usual? Is this movement familiar to you? (Shows) No? And this... this... this? Well, is it getting there now?
(The First looks at the Second in bewilderment)
ONE: Wait, wait...
SECOND: Well, well, well!
FIRST: I remembered: this is... a space breakfast!
SECOND: And you also consider yourself a rocket scientist. Space breakfast... This is in its purest form (names some type of work characteristic of the viewers’ everyday work).
ONE: It seems... a little...
SECOND: Exact copy! And imagine, in the hall, in the last row, a subject is now sitting... from there. And with a secret movie camera this whole dance cha-cha-cha-cha-.. (Depicts shooting from a machine gun).
FIRST: What, what, what, what? (What, what, what, what?)
SECOND (repeats the movement): Cha-cha-cha-cha!
FIRST: Yes, during the dance they say “cha-cha-cha” several times!
SECOND: What am I talking about? They go to the cha-cha-cha hall from the cha-cha-cha hall, and you and I, in the heat of the moment, have been planing for five days!
ONE (thoughtfully): Cha-cha-cha...
SECOND: Well, so, let's release the dance?
ONE: No way! Go find out if they have anything in stock.
(The second one leaves)
(To the audience): Did you see it? Vigilance is our weapon!
(The Second returns, whispers in the ear of the First. The First and Second, as if controlling the movements of the proposed dance, comically perform several figures. Finally they come to the conclusion that the dance is safe from the point of view of vigilance, and announce a dance number. The name of the dance should be as far away as possible from its content.)
(After the dance)
We conferred with... some of our comrades and decided, just in case, to give this dance a code name. From now on, in conversations, please call this dance (say the actual name of the dance).
SECOND: Our viewers have probably already guessed it themselves.
ONE: Of course, they all guessed that it was a joke.
SECOND: Yes, a joke!
FIRST: But there is some truth in every joke.
SECOND: And seriously speaking, vigilance is our weapon.
FIRST: Exactly weapons! And here is proof of this: weapons are being improved all the time, and so is vigilance.
SECOND: And to show this, let's turn over a few pages of history.
FIRST: Leafing through the textbook of our history...
Dates get mixed up, faces change,
The paper sea of ​​events is raging,
And the past haunts every page.
(The melody of the song “Tachanka” begins. Against the background of the melody)
TWO: Let's get started
from the legendary cart,
And then the dear struggle and victories
Let's break through as if into
fast tank
Through the thickness of the years
to mighty rockets.
FIRST: Let half a century already be upon us,
Grateful memory lives on:
Walked in the struggle along military roads
The eighteenth year of combat.
SECOND: Sunsets blazed over the country,
The Entente walked, squeezing the ring
And into the ranks of proletarian fighters.
The guys were coming from the working outskirts.
FIRST: Both beyond the Volga and beyond the Don
The golden steppe rushed
Tanned, dusty
Young machine gunner.
SECOND: The guys held out and did not retreat in unequal battles. As the song says: “The Ataman rabble has scattered.”
ONE: And on Pacific Ocean finished our hike.
SECOND: The guys replaced the rifles with crowbars.
FIRST: Machine guns for lathes
SECOND: And the former fighters became peaceful workers.
(The second puts on a budenovka, the first puts on a cap)
FIRST (taking out a tobacco pouch): Let’s smoke, Dema, our working makhorka.
SECOND: It is possible.
FIRST: You are a silent man, Demyan. I would tell you something about the war. Do you have something to brag about?
SECOND: Of course...
FIRST: They say you fought as a machine gunner in the First Cavalry?
SECOND: There was a thing...
FIRST: Tell me, for example, I can’t understand it: was the machine gun on the cart tightly fastened to the back?
SECOND: Why tightly. The wheels were secured in the rear, that's true. Because there is a comfortable place to lie there. And unpinning them is a piece of cake. Give me a piece of paper, I’ll draw you what and how.
(The First and Second are bending over a piece of paper. Questions are heard: “This is clear, but what’s here? Answers like: “And here it’s easier than steamed turnips...”, “I’ll explain this to you in a moment.” The Second is about to leave.)
ONE: Wait, Dema. But the speed of this cart is probably great. You can't lubricate your wheels with any grease, right? Is there a special lubricant?
SECOND: Not without that... You realize.
FIRST: So what are you doing with her, my dear?
SECOND: You will know a lot - you will soon grow old, but you better stay young. Look how life goes! (Leaves)
FIRST: But he never said anything about the lubricant. (Into the hall). This is our revolutionary vigilance!
(The First and Second take off their hats. The melody of “Songs about the Counter” begins, music by D. Shostakovich)
(Against the background of the melody)
FIRST: The morning greets us with coolness,
The river meets us with the wind.
Curly, why aren’t you happy?
Cheerful sound of a whistle?
And to me it is clearer than speech,
Fun rages in the blood...
SECOND: We walked towards this life,
Towards work and love!
But history is disturbing the memory...
FIRST: The enemy is again at the Soviet borders:
Khalkhin Gol and Khasan are also
Ten blood-stained pages.
(The melody of the song “Three Tankers” begins, music by Dm. and Dan. Pokrass. Against the background of the melody, the presenters continue to read.)
SECOND: The tanks raced, raising the wind,
A formidable armor was advancing,
And the samurai flew to the ground
Under the pressure of steel and fire.
FIRST: And they finished off, the song is a guarantee,
All enemies in fire attack
Three tankers, three cheerful friends,
The crew of the combat vehicle.
SECOND: The battles on Khasan have died down.
FIRST: Once again the world echoes with cheerful factory whistles...
SECOND: And again, putting aside their weapons, the hands of former soldiers eagerly reach out to the machines!
FIRST: Three cheerful friends, the crew of a combat vehicle, went off in different directions.
SECOND: One in Donbass is mining coal...
ONE: Another channel in the waterless desert conducts...
SECOND: And the third...
(The first one puts on a tanker’s helmet. The second one puts on a straw hat)
ONE: Move over, didu! I’ll sit with you in the shade for a little while, do you mind?
SECOND: For respect mail! Next to the hero is a tank driver!
ONE: Former tanker, dida, former hero...
SECOND: Why the former? A hero is always a hero. People say you are the first on the tractor. Did you know how to drive a tank as well?
ONE: Tank... This is not a tractor for you, grandfather. A tank is... Ee-eh! Do you understand, grandfather? How much time has passed, but I miss the tank, horror, and my fighting friends.
SECOND: How many are there?
FIRST: Three. Commander, driver and gunner.
SECOND: Where did you fit in there?
FIRST: Yes, it’s the same in any children's magazine drawn. Have you really never seen it?
SECOND: I don’t care much for children’s magazines... But I’ve been wanting to try you for a long time about the tank. Is it true that the power in him is such that there is no salvation for the enemy?
ONE: Eh, grandfather! Give me that stick over there, I’ll draw you a tank on the sand.
(The first one draws scenes on the floor, the second one looks attentively. Questions and answers are going on similar topics, which were in the previous miniature)
Now it's clear, didu?
SECOND: There is a little clarity... Tell me, Ivan, what kind of charges does the cannon fire?
ONE: And this, grandfather... I can’t!
(First and Second again I’m in my usual form)
SECOND: This is our revolutionary vigilance.
FIRST: And again the factories call to each other with cheerful beeps, again the wild fields are earing, again the perky songs of the lark are ringing in the peaceful sky!
SECOND: How long...
Here is the page: June... forty-first...
The country began a new day,
Like a heavy hammer, hitting the nerves
The word “War!” strikes mercilessly.
ONE: And the fires were burning again,
Everything was burning - earth and water...
This is the time, comrade, perhaps
No one will ever forget...
(The melody of M. Blanter’s song “Katyusha” begins. Against the background of the melody)
SECOND: There were battles at sea and on land,
Airplanes are cramped in the skies,
And they composed songs about “Katyusha”
About her shells - miracles.
ONE: He leaves, charges something
Against a German - a monster of an enemy,
One gasp and the company disappears,
Two bangs and the regiment is no longer there.
SECOND: The glorious deeds of the legendary guards mortars are forever inscribed in the history of our army. And after the War, the guards mortarman was the most honored guest at the festive table. He was seated in a prominent place, and, of course, there was no end to the questions!
(The First and Second take a glass in their hands)
FIRST: And I also want to wish our dear guest: live long, like the mountains! You deserve it dear. Do you know, sir, who this is? I see, Vano Gogoshvili, you want to say: this is Zuriko Chavchanidze! What you want to say is correct, but not everything you want to say. Yes, this is our Zuriko, but this is a hero, an artilleryman, a guards artilleryman, the commander of the famous “Katyusha”! Do you know, sir, what “Katyusha” is!? No? And I don't know either! But Zuriko knows, so let him tell us what it is. Respect, Zuriko, tell the honorable ones! Just two words!
SECOND: Why not say? You can always say it if you know what you are talking about. Two words about what “Katyusha” is? You can have two, you can have two thousand, you can have two million and two more words. You still can’t tell everything! So it’s better to have two words of toast: to the Katyusha - a good weapon, a wonderful weapon! For those who created it, and for the artillery heroes!
FIRST: Ay, Zuriko, ah, cunning one! What a turn, huh? What's this called?
SECOND: This is called vigilance, Uncle Vissarion!
A festive melody enters, for example a fragment from the First Concerto of P.I. Tchaikovsky. The presenters are back in their usual appearance, speaking against the background of music)
FIRST: The rumblings of war are muffled by time
Under many years of silence,
And to a well-deserved rest
The menacing Katyushas are leaving,
SECOND: A rocket guarding the homeland -
And you can say about it this way:
The barrier to the enemy has been firmly established.
FIRST: The object is ready, aimed accurately.
The devices are sensitive.
And there is always a soldier on duty.
SECOND: The service life is not so long,
All paths are open to you:
There are a hundred roads before you
You can go any way.
FIRST: You will become a turner, a doctor,
You can even be a scientist
But just always know what it’s about
And where can you speak.
SECOND: Be on your guard, Russian soldier!
ONE: At home...
SECOND: At the movies...
FIRST: Away...
SECOND: On duty.
FIRST: Always remember the simple slogan!
TOGETHER: Vigilance is our weapon!

Alexander Terentyev remembers how they met New Year in his platoon, and how he spent the New Year’s “vacation”.

As the new year approaches, we increasingly began to think about how we would spend the new year in army conditions. It turns out there was nothing to worry about. Our battalion commander gathered us at the takeoff and said that we need to put aside a little money from our salaries and arrange a normal New Year for ourselves, and also chip in for our favorite officers on a “normal” table. In short, everyone had one thing in mind - we’ll chip in a little for ourselves, but we’ll provide a rich table for the officers. That's almost exactly what happened. They donated money to the officers two days before the New Year, when the guys had already thought about everything. We were taken to the store, and in two visits. The officers bought everything for themselves separately. Just imagine: we chipped in - a control platoon, a support platoon and three batteries chipped in. As a result, the jackals had so much booze that, in theory, it should have poured out of their ears. Of course, we were even forbidden champagne, so we took lemonades and juices... but someone still managed to buy two bottles of vodka, and the guys still drank it on New Year’s Day.

But let's not go off topic. On New Year's Day there was a minimum of work; we were given this day to cook, prepare, and so on. The guys agreed with the civilian employees of the canteen to cook rice and potatoes. The whole thing was carried away in bowler hats, and then they made an Olivier salad out of this thing and crab salad. It turned out, however, very little. But that's not the point.

Almost before the New Year, everything was ready: there was a TV, there were tables with salads, sweets, rolls and other goodies. On New Year's night we listened to the president's address, congratulated each other, sat for 30 minutes and... lights out)). The jackals ordered everyone to go to bed. We quickly finished everything delicious, took the sweets and went to bed.

The New Year holidays were so... on ordinary days services. We got up, of course, not at 6 in the morning, but at 7. The day after the New Year, we were ordered to run around the parade ground for 20 minutes. We conscientiously ran for 20 minutes and tried to enter the barracks, but it was closed. The orderly said that the jackals ordered that no one be allowed into the barracks for two hours. The most killing thing was that in the cold we were all wearing uniform No. 3 (summer uniform, without a belt and a hat). Therefore, we all piled into the chipok and the medical unit. After the New Year's "vacation" the week of "Anxiety" burst in. Everyone rushed to the fields at 7 am without breakfast and sat there until 3 pm with machine guns and duffel bags. This is how the New Year was in my service.

The article was written by Alexander Terentyev. Take care of yourself and your children))

So we made it to new year! 3 months overboard and so let’s start - where do you think it starts? new year in the army? - From preparation? - That’s right, for starters, the soldiers’ salaries are taken away, it still doesn’t reach us, but here at least 120 people officially chipped in for the holiday table, an average of 450 rubles = 54,000, but after the collections, the acting. The company commander announced to the beat of drums that 27 thousand rubles had been collected. Two companies of 120 people each live on the same floor; Lenin’s room doesn’t fit all of them, so the tables are laid at the take-off, the barracks is decorated with improvised means - snowflakes are cut out, newspapers are drawn on the walls, a Christmas tree is decorated. Walkers from among the soldiers go to the store for food. Many asked to go on leave for the holidays, of course, not without pay, 2 thousand - a day.

December 31 is a working day, albeit a shortened one, but from January 1 to January 10 are declared days off. Everyone is looking forward to the holiday. The regime is being tightened; it has been announced that throughout the holidays, before lights out, all soldiers will be sniffed for the presence of odors of alcohol. But inveterate drunks, for whom not having a drink on New Year’s Eve means the whole year is down the drain, still drag alcohol in any form into the barracks, but after searches with passion, the battalion commander found everything. To be on the safe side, all cubicles were sealed before boarding. The unprecedented measures worked - all the soldiers remained sober. The table turned out to be truly New Year's - Olivier, tangerines, sweets, lemonade, potatoes and cutlets from the canteen (by a strange coincidence, some did not have enough). We sat down at 23:00 normal people, then the worst thing began, although we were young, after 3 months we got used to restraint in food, and there were those who serve less than a month These “hungers” consumed everything they saw around in about 10 minutes. Seeing such disgrace, the company commander returned everyone back to the starting point. The soldiers did not drink alcohol, but the officers drank everything, and they drank it very well. Therefore, the company commander thought that this was his finest hour and decided to tell us everything he knew in his 24 years of living.

23:45 we sat down at the table (the table doesn’t look the same anymore) we look at the Bear;

00:00 everyone screams YAY! Congratulations, have some lemonade;

00:15 struck the company commander for further exploits, new year in the army must be remembered, so he prepared competitions and so attention to the first competition - making beds for a while! The spectacle is certainly not like gladiator fights, but the intensity of passions is high. The winner received a pack of parliament, but since he does not smoke, he did not receive anything.

Competition two - the winner is again a pack of parliament, this time about 20 people came out, the competition is simple: a pencil is attached to the back of the belt on a thread so that it gets into the neck of the bottle, but because... in the army, the competition becomes more complicated before the participant starts, they spin him around his axis 100 times very quickly, the competition took a long time, 5 packs of cigarettes were given for his efforts. Nobody wanted any more competitions, so the company commander continued his moralizing monologue; soldiers periodically came out and congratulated their colleagues. I remember there were also letters from the forum from conscripts to the battalion with letters of congratulations from relatives. For us, everything was fun; other companies celebrated differently; some were allowed alcohol, of course, “according to the chip”; others saw off old year 2009, we wanted to celebrate the New Year 2010 with squats, but we didn’t have enough strength.

01:50 - the command is given to prepare for the all-clear, the company commander announces that whoever he sees in 10 minutes on takeoff will be treated to a festive chair, words and deeds did not diverge, the last ones who ran in grabbed them. Unfortunately, there are no photographs; cameras were still prohibited then. This is how it went for us new year in the army there were 10 days of lava behind him, there was not an army but some kind of semi-citizen, few officers, no classes or work, woke up - breakfast came, do what you want - write a letter, play the guitar, read a book, communicate, they ran around the fence. - those were the days.

Most of us celebrated the New Year in our apartment, with our families. Others are visiting, with family and friends. Someone went to a restaurant, to an agricultural estate, or even on a tourist trip to find out how the first holiday of the year is celebrated in Paris, Berlin or Rome... But no less interesting, I think, will be for all of us to learn about how they spent New Year's Eve defenders of the Fatherland who are at a combat post or in a soldier's barracks.

Let's fast forward a few days ago and take at least one peek at the location of the company of the new replenishment of the 74th separate communications regiment of the Western Operational Command.

The roles of Father Frost and Snow Maiden were masterfully performed by privates Andrei Dyundya and Pyotr Protasevich

...It was full of interesting creative work. Some soldiers cut out traditional Belarusian “vytsinankas” and decorated the barracks windows with them. Their comrades set up and decorated the beautiful Christmas tree - and now it is already merrily shimmering with multi-colored lights of light bulbs, creating a bright, festive mood among the young warriors. The guys in uniform did not forget to decorate the walls, partitions and doorways. Shiny multi-colored garlands and “rain” were used... In general, everyone did their best and prepared perfectly for the New Year. The large soldiers' house sparkled in every way and acquired a traditional festive atmosphere.

The collection of new reinforcements includes up to eighty soldiers of the 74th separate communications regiment and other military units stationed in our military town,” said Lieutenant Colonel Vadim Golovko, deputy regiment commander for ideological work, on the eve of the celebration.  - All recruits will celebrate their first army New Year in the barracks, and some of the soldiers and sergeants of the second and third periods of service will go on short leave and spend their favorite holiday with their families. But many military personnel will have to go on duty, according to the schedule, on daily duty.

“We tried to make this holiday fun and interesting for young soldiers,” said Major Yuri Veremyev, deputy commander of the new reinforcement company for ideological work.  - Every platoon, every recruit made their contribution to the New Year’s program. The guys prepared the script themselves and came up with entertaining numbers. The primary leadership of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union also tried. By the way, what’s the New Year without Father Frost and the Snow Maiden?.. Their roles at the holiday were played by privates Andrei Dyundya and Pyotr Protasevich. The officers provided the necessary organizational and financial assistance, including providing the soldiers with costumes of New Year’s characters, helping with decorating the barracks and preparing the festive table.

And finally - December 31st. Until the New Year - a little more than two hours. In the barracks, in the central passage, a long (20–25 meters) festive table has been assembled. It is richly served with all kinds of dishes and drinks, and is practically no different from a “home” holiday table. However, the soldiers celebrated the New Year, naturally, without alcohol. Healthy image life in the army, as they say, is a necessity and a requirement.

When the clock struck midnight, the conscripts' glasses were filled with juice, lemonade and other non-alcoholic drinks. As for New Year's treats, before the holiday, representatives of the military collective, together with Major Yuri Veremyev, visited the nearest store and bought cakes, sweets, fruits, etc. necessary products. With preparation cold cuts, salads and sandwiches, the military personnel did an excellent job themselves, in addition, the mothers of some conscripts decorated the New Year's menu with their signature dishes.

At ten o'clock in the evening the soldiers took their places at the table, and the New Year's Eve began immediately. entertainment program. One of its main organizers and presenter was Private Viktor Babash. The guy has considerable experience in participating in amateur performances, as well as in various events held under the auspices of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, at school, college and even in the regional House of Culture.

It was a discovery for me that among the new recruits in the company there are many people who are interested in poetry,” said Victor.  - And in the festive program we included poems performed by the authors - privates Vasily Savosteev, Roman Khlyabich and Mikhail Boyarchuk.

The servicemen, who played in KVN during their studies, prepared comic numbers, miniatures and skits. The army horoscope also won the love of viewers and listeners. Private Alexander Shilkovsky came up with entertaining riddles, and his comrade Private Sergei Rusak came up with a New Year's quiz. The “Herringbone” competition caused considerable excitement: two volunteers were dressed up as forest green beauties on New Year’s Eve using improvised means...

Then Private Viktor Babash proposed to loudly summon Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to the location of the soldiers - and their favorite New Year's characters appeared in all their glory before the soldiers' collective. They quickly seized the initiative from the presenter, receiving a standing ovation. Pyotr Protasevich and Andrey Dyundya played their roles as real animators: they acted as judges in competitions and handed out prizes, the most prestigious of which was a “selfie” with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Well, what holiday would be complete without songs? Private Pavel Yanushko sang with a bang to the backing track, adapting the composition of the famous Belarusian rapper Max Korzh in an army style. And Private Roman Khlyabich performed several popular songs to the accompaniment of a six-string guitar. This talented young man graduated from a music school in the accordion class, he plays several instruments, sings, and writes poetry. In addition, Roman is also an activist of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union.

It was the first time I celebrated the New Year in such a big company,” he said.  - Previously, as a rule, I would greet the chimes at home, because it is a family holiday. Later, a group of friends gathered - but there were never more than ten of us. And here our whole company is one big friendly family. We tried to make our holiday in the barracks as interesting as possible. And in the end, we spent it quite fun, active and creative.

The New Year's table and festive entertainment program were a great success

A special point of the program was viewing on television New Year's greetings Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces - President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko. The commander of the 74th separate communications regiment, Colonel Alexander Yunets, warmly congratulated his subordinates on behalf of the higher command and on his own behalf. The military team accepted Best wishes and from the company commander of the new replenishment, Major Stanislav Zakharevsky, other officers and sergeants. And finally, sitting at New Year's table, the guys sincerely congratulated each other. And according to telephone communication shared New Year wishes with family and friends.

...Here I am, having completed the holiday report and leaving military unit, addressed congratulations to the company duty officer of the new reinforcement, junior sergeant Andrei Lotoshinsky and officials the checkpoint squad - junior sergeant on duty Evgeniy Kuzma, his assistants corporals Andrei Mazur and Andrei Kovchugo.

This is our military service and military duty,” says junior sergeant Evgeniy Kuzma, “to be on alert even on the day of the holiday, to ensure peace and tranquility for people. The best military personnel were assigned to the most responsible areas. I am proud that I, too, was entrusted to wear the outfit on New Year’s Eve. But I will celebrate the next New Year at home, with my family...

Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Sevenko, “Vayar”, photo by the author

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Of course, the holiday in the army is noticeably different from the civilian one: there is no usual Olivier and champagne, and the soldiers themselves often act as Father Frost, reported on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In addition, the army has many restrictions that are associated with the celebration of this event.

Army scenario The morning of December 31st for personnel begins, as usual, with getting up. On a holiday, drill and physical training It's not canceled because of the New Year. Discipline and order, the military say, should exist even on New Year's Eve. Moreover, the vigilance of the military increases on all holidays, and on the New Year, the responsibility for each serviceman increases significantly, and control over the performance of service is strengthened.

A day before joining the unit, intensive training is carried out, inspections and inspections of units are carried out. A couple of hours before the New Year, officers gather at their locations to congratulate the personnel, congratulate, and wait for management officers, who, in turn, go through all units and squads for the same purpose.

In the units for soldiers they can put up a Christmas tree and decorate the barracks.

The soldiers watch the President's congratulations and New Year's television programs, and also listen to the congratulations of the commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. New Year's duty In the army, the New Year is solemnly celebrated only by those soldiers and officers who are not on combat duty. Those military personnel who guard the country's security on the holiday night will continue to serve.

Soldiers in uniform and on guard celebrate the New Year at their places of duty, or celebrate the day after the assignment is handed over. They will most likely celebrate on January 1st. According to tradition, the servicemen will be congratulated by unit commanders and given parting words. Despite the fact that the man serves in the army, the units try to make it as comfortable as home, to create a festive mood.

After all, indifference and kind word is a good morale booster for a soldier. Festive feast for Kazakh military personnel The New Year's menu in each part depends on the chefs who serve the troops. In general, on December 31st, breakfast and dinner are prepared according to the standard, and in addition to lunch there is an additional holiday ration: sweets, cookies, juices.

In addition, depending on the imagination of the local chefs, they can prepare holiday dishes(which are quite difficult to cook on large number Human). However, the fun for the soldiers is short-lived. The usual curfew is not canceled on New Year's Eve. Military personnel return to their usual soldier’s life early in the morning on January 1st. After all, while their families are sleeping in their hometowns, soldiers are serving and protecting the peace of the country.

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