Diet and therapeutic nutrition for iron deficiency anemia. Proper nutrition for anemia in women, children, the elderly. Permitted and necessary products


Anemia or anemia is a condition that is diagnosed in 40% of people in old age. Age is not the cause of pathology; over time, anemia becomes part of the diseases that develop in humans.
If you consult a doctor in time, find and eliminate the cause of anemia, the disease will go away.

When a person is anemic, blood tests reveal low level hemoglobin and red blood cells, which causes oxygen deficiency in tissues and organs. Organs that do not receive oxygen and nutrients malfunction.

Prolonged ischemia threatens pathologies. Anemia in older people manifests itself as weakness, lethargy, and dizziness. The causes of anemia in older people are as follows:

  • the presence of chronic ailments - oncological, autoimmune, infectious, etc. In such a situation, it is necessary to increase the level of hemoglobin in parallel with the treatment of the disease, otherwise there will be no result - all iron-containing drugs taken can be successfully thrown into the trash;
  • iron deficiency in the body. This condition is diagnosed in those who eat poorly, are on a strict diet, even with bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract due to ulcers, cancer tumor or diverticulosis. Such pathologies occur without manifestations and are difficult to detect;
  • B12 deficiency. It is difficult to identify B12 deficiency anemia; its symptoms are similar to a heart attack and other conditions. Anemic syndrome of this type is treated by taking the vitamin in the dosage prescribed by the doctor;
  • lack of B9 - folic acid. Occurs if the diet is poor. Treatment consists of normalizing the diet and daily routine.

Treatment of anemia in old age

In contrast to the treatment of diseases in patients of average and young, treating anemia in older people is challenging. Signs of anemia are similar to symptoms chronic pathologies that the patient has, it is not possible to identify the pathology and begin therapy.

Another difficulty of therapy is that the body of an elderly person is worn out, organs and systems do not work perfectly, several causes of anemia have to be treated - protein and iron deficiency, lack of B9 and B12. Until the causes are eliminated, the condition will not normalize.

It is difficult for older people to choose the dosage of medications; some of them take a number of medications for chronic ailments on an ongoing basis. Some medications do not combine well, others enhance or weaken the effect of each other. Therefore, when prescribing medications, the doctor must take into account a large number of factors so as not to cause an overdose of medications.

Taking into account the cause of anemia, treatment is carried out in the following ways:

  • if anemia is caused by iron deficiency, the underlying disease must be treated, and iron supplements serve as maintenance therapy. Tablets should be easy to dose and inexpensive. Drops or injections are prescribed for poor bowel function; you need to take 300 mg of iron in two doses;
  • if folate deficiency anemia is diagnosed, the patient is prescribed a medicine containing folic acid at a dosage of 5 mg per day. The medicine is being taken short courses or for tumors and hemolysis. Folic acid is prescribed to epileptics with caution; it can lead to neurological disorders;
  • if B12-deficiency anemia is detected, it is prescribed long-term use vitamin Initially, the drug is needed daily, and after stabilizing the hemoglobin level, it is enough to maintain the condition by taking the drug as prescribed by the doctor. If the pathology is not treated, relapses are possible.

Therapeutic diet and traditional medicine for anemia

Mild anemia can be normalized without pills; it is enough to adjust the diet. The menu should include more meat dishes; proteins contribute to the synthesis of hemoglobin. Beef liver and veal give the effect. Pomegranates and apples should be consumed daily, the more the better. No less useful will be a decoction of rose hips, which contains essential vitamins and microelements.

When adjusting the diet, patients should not forget about the restrictions. They relate to chocolate and products containing it, sweet pastries. Baked goods are a source of fast carbohydrates that are quickly digested and enter the bloodstream. The food bolus will not remain in the gastrointestinal tract for long, useful substances will not have time to be absorbed by the intestinal walls.

As for medications, there should be no more than two types; the doctor selects the medicine so that it does not change the person’s lifestyle, but effectively stops the manifestations of anemia.

For treatment, healthy juices are introduced into the diet:

  • Pomegranate. Divorced boiled water, consumed three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course lasts 2-3 months, then you need to stop for a month and you can repeat the treatment;
  • Beetroot. It has a good effect on blood composition, 100 ml of juice per day is enough, which is drunk in 3 doses, the course lasts a month;
  • Birch. Relieves fatigue and signs of anemia. The norm is 4 glasses a day;
  • Mix carrots with spinach juice in a ratio of 3:2, take 100 ml 3 times a day;
  • Dandelion. Prepared from the leaves of the plant, take 50 g once a day.

Traditional medicine offers recipes for the treatment of anemia in the elderly:

  • Nettle infusion is taken three times a day before meals. Prepared from 1 tbsp. raw materials poured into a glass of boiling water.
  • Rowan infusion. Prepared from 2 tbsp. fruits poured into a glass of boiling water. You need to drink the infusion 50 ml three times a day.
  • Grate black radish and beets in equal parts, mix and season with vegetable oil. It will turn out delicious and healthy salad from anemia.
  • Mix dried fruits - raisins, prunes, dried apricots in equal parts. The components are filled with water overnight, then passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is taken 1 tbsp. 4 times a day.

An important condition for treating anemia is regular nutrition. You shouldn't go hungry or overeat, everything should be done in moderation. Useful products count vegetables, meat, herbs and dairy products. It is not worth becoming a vegetarian in old age - drastic changes will aggravate your health and will not bring any benefit. The menu should include porridge, the healthiest being buckwheat. Up to 4 are allowed per week chicken eggs. Healthy vegetables there will be beets and cabbage. Legumes could have been mentioned, but in old age they are poorly digestible.

If it is difficult to chew hard raw vegetables, you can grind them on a grater or in a blender by selecting convenient form reception.

The menu for anemia consists of the following products:

  • yellow and orange fruits (fruits, vegetables, berries). These are persimmons, peppers and apricots, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn and mango, melons, yellow tomatoes;
  • animal proteins (meat, seafood, eggs, dairy products);
  • products that help improve blood composition (zucchini, greens and nuts, celery, pork liver, cucumbers);
  • natural dark honey.

In old age, you need to take good care of your health and undergo timely preventive examination and consult a doctor if necessary. Especially when we're talking about about chronic pathologies, including anemia. As a result of a preventive examination, you can identify the problem, use diagnostics to discover the cause, and then follow the doctor’s recommendations to get rid of the pathology.

The diet for anemia in elderly women and during pregnancy includes heme sources of iron of animal origin, as well as plant sources, in which it is combined with vitamins.

Nutritional (nutritional) causes of anemia

The development of anemia (decrease in hemoglobin and red blood cells) is caused by increased blood loss or an increased need for iron, folic acid and vitamin B12. Despite the fact that food is the main source of these substances, only a change in dietary style can prevent the development of anemia, but its treatment requires taking iron and vitamin complexes in the form of drugs.

About 15% of cases of anemia are not associated with iron deficiency. It is a necessary component for the construction of hemoglobin and is involved in the transfer of oxygen to tissues. The reasons for the insufficient supply of this mineral in the blood include:

  • disruption of absorption processes in the intestine;
  • incorrect combination of foods (for example, buckwheat porridge with milk);
  • monotonous diet with a predominance of carbohydrates or animal fats;
  • lack of ascorbic acid, which improves the absorption of iron salts.

The lack of microelement is especially severe during periods of intensive growth, pregnancy, and lactation.

Sources of iron

It can be obtained from plant and animal sources. IN the latter case it is heme, that is, it does not require additional processing to be included in hemoglobin. But it has been proven that its absorption occurs only with sufficient enzymatic activity of the intestines, that is, with healthy microflora.

Therefore, it is not always possible to restore hemoglobin with meat products alone. At the same time, the liver (recommended by most nutritionists) contains it in a form that is difficult to process (transferrin, ferritin). In plants in percentage There is more of this microelement, but its absorption requires the presence of vitamin C and the absence of calcium, dietary fiber, and oxalic acid.

Despite the fact that it is impossible to fully compensate for iron losses during bleeding, helminthic infestation, renal failure or malabsorption in the digestive system, nutrition remains the most important condition successful treatment anemia.

How to increase low hemoglobin

The diet is enriched with the following products:

  • honey, pollen, bee bread;
  • fruits, fresh vegetables, cereals;
  • meat, fish, seafood (seaweed contains a lot of iron);
  • rosehip decoction, cranberry juice, citrus and blackcurrant juice, dried fruit compotes.

Copper helps improve iron absorption. It is found a lot in green vegetables (broccoli, zucchini, cucumbers), algae, apricots and cherries.

Foods that interfere with iron absorption

Substances that inhibit the transfer of microelements from food are represented by oxalates, phytates, pectin, and calcium. The following products are rich in them:

  • tea, cocoa, wine, coffee;
  • milk, cheese, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • bran;
  • corn;
  • sorrel, spinach.

They can not be completely excluded from the diet, but not combined with foods rich in iron at one time. Undesirable components of the diet are animal fats; they inhibit the absorption of iron and cause a number of metabolic disorders.

Dietary features for anemia in elderly women

Factors leading to the development of low hemoglobin in old age may include:

  • impaired chewing of food due to dental problems, exclusion of a number of foods for this reason;
  • monotonous food;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines, gall bladder, pancreas;
  • use of multiple medications over a period of time long period time.

Menu creation

In old age, the basis of the diet should be vegetables, cereals, dairy products, and fish. Be sure to consume the following foods and drinks every day:

  • first courses with greens;
  • fish, lean meat with a salad of fresh vegetables (if chewing is impaired, grate them), seasoned with lemon juice;
  • cottage cheese, kefir separate appointment food;
  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • seaweed salad;
  • dark varieties of honey (buckwheat, chicory);
  • black currant, chokeberry;
  • dried fruits;
  • ground nuts and seeds;
  • boiled and stewed vegetables;
  • casseroles with pumpkin and dried fruits;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • juices from apples and carrots.

Fatty, spicy dishes, sugar and white flour, and confectionery products are completely excluded from the menu.

Sample diet and recipes

To build a menu, you can use the following approximate food pane:

  • oatmeal with blackcurrant jelly, rosehip infusion;
  • cottage cheese casserole with pears, yogurt;
  • borscht with beans, buckwheat porridge with nuts and herbs;
  • pumpkin porridge with prunes, apple juice;
  • boiled pike perch, cucumber, beet and seaweed salad;
  • Ryazhenka

Blackcurrant jelly

For preparation you will need:

  • black currant berries - half a glass,
  • water - glass,
  • agar-agar - a heaped teaspoon,
  • stevia – 4 tablets or a tablespoon of fructose.

Pour agar-agar with water and set aside for an hour. Dissolve stevia in a glass of water, add currants and bring to a boil. Mash the berries and rub the broth through a sieve. Mix with swollen agar-agar and heat again, but do not boil. Pour into molds and place in the refrigerator to harden.

Buckwheat porridge with nuts and herbs

For this iron-rich meal you need to take:

  • buckwheat – 100 g,
  • salted boiling water – 200 ml,
  • walnuts– 50 g,
  • parsley, cilantro and dill - 10 g each,
  • half a clove of garlic,
  • lemon juice - teaspoon.

Walnuts are ground in a coffee grinder or ground in a mortar. Throw the cereal into boiling water, cook for 15 minutes and cover the closed pan for half an hour. Ground nuts and finely chopped cilantro, crushed garlic and lemon juice are added to the finished porridge.

Nutrition for anemia in pregnant women

A deficiency of red blood cells and hemoglobin negatively affects not only the woman’s condition, but also poses a threat to the development of the child. In a group increased risk Patients with the following diseases are treated:

  • kidney inflammation, nephropathy;
  • infections;
  • chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism, heart valve defects;
  • digestive disorders due to gastritis, enteritis, colitis;
  • abundant uterine bleeding before pregnancy.

Iron deficiency anemia is often found in women with polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies, repeat pregnancy against the background of feeding the child, frequent childbirth, as well as in the presence in the past:

  • anemia with hemoglobin below 120 g/l;
  • toxicosis of the first half;
  • interruption threats.

Allowed and prohibited dishes

The diet for anemia in pregnant women is based on the following products:

  • lean varieties of fish and meat;
  • fresh fermented milk products;
  • citrus fruits, bell peppers, currants, cranberries, rose hips, gooseberries, blackberries, cherries (contain vitamin C and organic acids);
  • sources of iron and B vitamins - buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, green peas, leafy greens;
  • rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for the formation of hemoglobin - eggplants, pumpkin, zucchini, tomatoes, legumes, seaweed.

It is not recommended to change your diet dramatically during pregnancy, but you should eat as much fresh vegetables and fruits, berries as possible, and prepare salads or juices from them. In this case, the emphasis should be on seasonal fruits growing in the area of ​​residence. It is important to try to completely remove food “garbage” from your diet:

  • canned food, semi-finished products;
  • ready-made sauces;
  • sausages, smoked;
  • all shelf-stable products with added preservatives;
  • containing dyes and flavors;
  • fast food;
  • animal fat;
  • cakes, pastries with cream.

Nutrition for anemia in elderly women and pregnant women - sample menu

To build a therapeutic diet for anemia, you can use the following nutrition plan:

  • buckwheat porridge with prunes, apple juice;
  • salad of tomato, soft cheese, salad greens, cranberry juice jelly;
  • borscht with sour cream, poisonous chicken with celery and carrot salad;
  • cottage cheese casserole with dried fruits, yogurt;
  • stuffed eggplants, boiled fish, rosehip tea;
  • kefir.

Stuffed eggplants

For this dish you need:

  • eggplants - 3 small or medium (it is better to choose young ones);
  • feta cheese – 150 g;
  • tomatoes – 5 pieces;
  • purple onion – 1 piece;
  • sunflower seeds - two heaped spoons;
  • a bunch of mixed greens (any);
  • basil – 1 sprig;
  • mint – 1 sprig;
  • nutmeg - a quarter teaspoon;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon;
  • salt to taste.

Soak sunflower seeds in water overnight. Cut the eggplants, scoop out the pulp with a spoon, cover it with salt for 10 minutes. Then chop it as finely as possible and simmer with finely chopped onion. Peel the tomatoes, place them in boiling water for 1 minute, and chop coarsely. Add tomatoes, chopped herbs (except basil and mint), and nutmeg to the pan with the onions and eggplant pulp. Simmer the mixture for 10 minutes, mix with seeds and crumbled cheese.

Stuff the eggplants with this mixture and bake them in the oven (lightly grease the pan) for 45 minutes at 180 degrees. Let cool and sprinkle with mint and fresh basil when serving.

The underlying reason for the appearance iron deficiency anemia, as the name suggests, is a deficiency of iron in the body. To resist such a disease, it is necessary to ensure that the necessary substances and elements enter the blood.

If the disease is caused by the fact that a person ate poorly, worked a lot physically, starved for a long time or adhered to strict diets, then he can be helped by correcting his diet.

If the disease is associated with the presence internal bleeding or malignant neoplasms, then a simple change in diet is not enough: long-term qualified treatment will be required.

A diet for iron deficiency anemia can be used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

The main directions of such a diet include the following:

  • providing the body with all the required vitamins and microelements;
  • general strengthening of the immune system.

Meals during treatment should consist primarily of protein foods (up to 120 g of protein per day), vegetables and fruits. Fats are limited to 40 g per day. The diet must include fresh herbs, berries, and freshly squeezed juices.

Foods that are rich in iron should be consumed with those foods that contain a lot of vitamin C, since ascorbic acid facilitates and accelerates the absorption of iron.

But dairy products should be eaten separately from foods rich in iron, since calcium does not allow iron to be fully absorbed. By the way, the same can be said about caffeine and alcoholic drinks: they do not promote the absorption of iron into the blood.

Diet for anemia in adults

In adults, this disease is somewhat less common than in children, but its course is more complex and longer. Most often, this condition is associated with heavy physical activity and lack of a balanced diet.

The diet for anemia in adults involves increasing the content of food proteins, vitamins and microelements.

Relatively nutritional value The following daily meal plan must be followed:

  • protein – up to 120 g;
  • fats – up to 40 g;
  • carbohydrates – up to 450 g.

The average daily calorie content should be on average 2500-3000 kcal.

Included diet adult patients should include vegetable and fruit dishes, berries - these are well-known “carriers of hematopoietic factors”.

A lot of iron and its compounds are found in potatoes, almost all types of cabbage, eggplants and zucchini, melon, pumpkin, garlic and onions, rose hips, citrus fruits, apples, corn, etc. The consumption of berries is encouraged: viburnum, cranberries, gooseberries, blueberries, etc. strawberries

Diet for anemia in pregnant women

Anemia in pregnant women is common and dangerous phenomenon, because with a long-term disease, the growth and development of the unborn child may be disrupted.

If a pregnant woman has been diagnosed with anemia, then it is necessary complex treatment: reception of complex vitamin preparations plus special diet. In other cases, it is recommended to follow a diet to prevent anemia.

During pregnancy, the need for microelements and vitamins increases, because the body of the expectant mother is the only source of nutrition for the baby. In addition, a pregnant woman's circulating blood volume increases, which means that there should now be more blood cells.

The main point of preventing anemia is a balanced, varied diet, since anemia can be caused not only by a lack of iron, but also by proteins, vitamins and some minerals.

Iron is found in meat, fish, and liver. From products plant origin You can mention buckwheat, berries, vegetables.

As we have already noted, iron will not be absorbed sufficiently without the presence of ascorbic acid. This vitamin can be found in cabbage, cranberries, citrus fruits, and currants.

If the disease is caused by a lack of B vitamins, then milk, eggs and meat products should be included in the diet.

Diet for anemia in the elderly

Anemia in old age can be found quite often. This is due to a sedentary lifestyle, chronic diseases, with a drop in the body's defenses.

The basic rule of nutrition for older people is the regularity of food intake: attacks of hunger, as well as overeating, should not be allowed. Physiological processes aging, which affects all human organs, including the digestive system, leads to limited functionality, so hunger and overeating can negatively affect the subsequent absorption of food.

It is inappropriate to talk about prohibited foods at this age, but foods that should be preferred can be listed. As a rule, these are meat, dairy products, vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Go to vegetarian food in old age it is strongly not recommended, since it is very, very difficult for an elderly body to adapt to global changes in nutrition.

It is necessary to eat eggs (2-4 per week), cereals (especially buckwheat), vegetables (beets, cabbage). You shouldn’t eat legumes; they are not digested well enough at this age.

If old man cannot eat fresh herbal products due to dental or digestive diseases, they should be crushed as much as possible into a puree, then absorption will be complete.

Diet for anemia in children

The diet for anemia in children should be varied, the dishes should be appetizing, so that the little gourmet wants to eat something healthy himself. The daily diet should include meat, vegetables, fruits and eggs.

If the illness is significant, then it is necessary to limit fats in the baby’s menu.

Very important point so that the baby consumes foods with sufficient iron and vitamins (especially A, C and B). Among such products are dishes from liver, tongue, beans, cereal side dishes (buckwheat, barley, oatmeal), vegetable purees and stew. Vitamin A is sufficiently contained in sea ​​fish and fish oil.

Vitamin B in sufficient quantities found in beef, prunes, and legumes. It is also present in liver, which is highly recommended for children of all ages. For kids, pureed liver is added to porridges and purees, and for older children you can make pate or casserole.

The disease often develops in children who have a monotonous diet. For example, a child requires only his favorite yogurt or sausage and pasta, and can eat such food three times a day every day. It is important to take timely measures to prevent anemia by diversifying your diet. Try to prepare it in such a way that the child is interested in such food. Good way“to work up an appetite” - cook a dish with your child, and then he probably won’t be able to resist trying his “masterpiece.” You cannot force your child to eat this or that dish: such behavior will further push the child away from healthy food.

Iron, calcium, vitamins, copper are such important components of food in conjunction with the organization of the daily routine, games fresh air guarantee successful treatment.

Diet 11 for anemia

Nutrition for people suffering from anemia is based on therapeutic diet No. 11, which provides for limiting the consumption of animal fat and predominant nutrition with the most beneficial foods for hematopoiesis.

Diet 11 is prescribed not only for anemia, but also for certain conditions of exhaustion of the body, decreased immunity, and during the rehabilitation period after long-term illnesses.

Diet 11 for anemia is aimed at increasing defenses and stimulating the restoration of depressed functions, including hematopoietic ones.

Treatment table 11 provides for an increase in the daily calorie intake, an increase in the consumption of proteins, vitamin and mineral components of food. Dishes are consumed warm (since cold and hot foods are absorbed much worse).

The following products can be consumed:

  • bakery products, cookies, gingerbreads, muffins;
  • all kinds of first courses;
  • sea ​​fish and seafood, liver and meat dishes;
  • dairy and fermented milk products, hard cheese and cottage cheese;
  • chicken and quail eggs;
  • side dishes from legumes, cereals and pasta;
  • berry, fruit and vegetable dishes in any form, as well as raw vegetables and fruits, herbs;
  • bee products;
  • vegetable oils;
  • herbal teas, freshly squeezed juices.

It is not advisable to include in the diet:

  • cream cakes, cake, ice cream;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar, marinades, sauces;
  • lard and fatty meat;
  • butter, margarine, rendered fat;
  • puff pastry;
  • canned food, smoked fish and meat;
  • chocolate;
  • alcoholic drinks, Coca-Cola.

Salt is consumed in an amount of no more than 13 g per day, liquid - at least 1.5 liters.

Diet for moderate anemia

Anemia medium degree may be a sufficient indication for use dietary table No. 11. With such a degree, it is important not to start the disease, but to correct and restore hematopoietic function in time.

A diet for moderate anemia can be supported by taking vitamin supplements, but such a decision must be voiced by a doctor.

It happens that a person eats enough food rich in iron, but the situation with anemia does not stabilize. It should be noted that in case of illness, not only preparations or products containing iron are important, but also a number of vitamin and mineral substances.

For example, vitamin E is involved in the neutralization free radicals, serves to prevent damage cellular structures and allows you to keep blood cells safe and sound.

Folic acid and vitamin B¹² are of great importance in nutrition for anemia, which are large quantities contained in meat products and cereal crops. Without these vitamins, blood cells lose their ability to carry oxygen throughout the body. In addition, folic acid facilitates the absorption of iron and stabilizes the function of nervous system. In case of digestive disorders, the absorption of folic acid may be impaired, which can lead to the development of the disease.

Another very important vitamin Vitamin C is considered to help prevent illness, as it helps in the absorption of iron. There is a lot of this well-known vitamin in citrus fruits, cabbage, and berries. Products with ascorbic acid are best consumed fresh, since the vitamin loses its abilities during heat treatment.

Diet recipes for anemia

  • Fruit and nut oatmeal

We will need: 1 glass of oatmeal, 200 ml of water, 200 ml of milk, two handfuls of finely chopped favorite fruits, 2 tablespoons of any nuts, a little cinnamon, salt and sugar.

Pour oatmeal into boiling water and boil for about 6 minutes, then add heated milk and spices and cook until tender. Add the fruit and nut mixture to the prepared porridge.

We will need: 2 cups of rice, about ½ kg of liver, 2 eggs, 2 onions, sunflower oil, 50 g of hard cheese, herbs.

Chop the onion and fry it on sunflower oil until golden brown. Cut the liver into arbitrary pieces and add to the onion, fry for about 8-9 minutes. Remove from heat.

Meanwhile, cook the rice (about 20 minutes) with salt. Take the eggs, separate the whites and beat them well, put them in a cold place for 10 minutes. Grate the hard cheese.

Carefully combine the cooled rice with the whites and mix. Place half of the resulting mass into a greased mold. Place liver and onion on top, pour one beaten yolk. Again layer the remaining rice and beat the second yolk. Sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven at 180°C for approximately 20 minutes. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

  • Carrot Pie

We will need: 175 g granulated sugar, 175 g vegetable oil, 3 eggs, 3 medium carrots, 100 g raisins, orange zest, 175 g flour, 1 teaspoon soda, the same amount of cinnamon, a pinch nutmeg. For the glaze: 175 g of powdered sugar, up to 2 tablespoons of orange juice.

Combine sugar, vegetable oil and eggs, beat a little. Add finely grated carrots, raisins and zest.

Mix flour, spices and soda, mix with the previously prepared carrot mixture.

Pour the dough into a greased pan and bake at 180°C for about 45 minutes. After cooking, cool, remove from the mold and pour over the glaze. For the glaze, mix powder and orange juice.

Diet menu for anemia

Approximate diet for anemia for 7 days.

  • Breakfast. Millet porridge with fruit, rosehip tea.
  • Lunch. Vinaigrette.
  • Dinner. Borscht, sour cream, steak with coleslaw.
  • Afternoon snack. Freshly squeezed juice with biscuits.
  • Dinner. Boiled potatoes with meat, tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast. Sandwich with liver pate, soft-boiled egg, yogurt.
  • Lunch. Apple.
  • Dinner. Cabbage soup, chicken with rice, compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Pomegranate juice.
  • Dinner. Jellied fish, potatoes, tea.
  • Breakfast. Oatmeal with fruit, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch. Banana.
  • Dinner. Chicken soup, stewed vegetables with meat cutlet, apple juice.
  • Afternoon snack. A cup of cottage cheese with sour cream.
  • Dinner. Cabbage salad, meatball, tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast. Cheesecakes with honey, fruit compote.
  • Lunch. A handful of berries.
  • Dinner. Rassolnik, fish fillet with potatoes, oatmeal jelly.
  • Afternoon snack. Cupcake and apple juice.
  • Dinner. Macaroni and cheese, lemon tea.
  • Breakfast. Curd casserole with berries, tea with milk.
  • Lunch. Apple jelly.
  • Dinner. Meat rice soup, zrazy with mushrooms, compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Fruit sponge cake.
  • Dinner. Chicken cutlet, beet salad, tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast. Buckwheat porridge, milk sausage, tea.
  • Lunch. Fruit salad.
  • Dinner. Fish soup, fried liver with vegetables, prune compote.
  • Afternoon snack. Pear.
  • Dinner. Stuffed cabbage rolls, tea with lemon.
  • Breakfast. Scrambled eggs with tomatoes, cranberry juice.
  • Lunch. A handful of nuts.
  • Dinner. Pea soup, boiled beef with pasta, fruit juice.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with fruit.
  • Dinner. Fish pie, vegetable salad, rosehip tea.

Medical statistics show that on average in various countries up to 40% of older people suffer from anemia. There is a misconception that the disease is a consequence of the aging process. This occurs mainly when anemia in older people is not diagnosed and treated along with concomitant diseases. When visiting doctors, 80% of patients find the cause of the pathology and successfully eliminate it.

General information about anemia in the elderly

The state of anemia is characteristic low rate hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood, which leads to a decrease in the body's production required quantity oxygen. Outwardly, this manifests itself as dizziness, lethargy, weakness, and confusion, which is otherwise called anemic syndrome or anemia. With the onset of old age, the risk of developing pathology increases, and at this time doctors advise more closely monitoring the state of health and periodically donating blood for analysis.

Highlight following reasons the appearance of anemia in older people:

  1. Chronic diseases. It could be autoimmune diseases, infections, problems with various organs, oncology. In this case, treatment of anemia in older people is carried out in parallel with the underlying disease. The peculiarity of chronic pathologies is that the use of iron-containing drugs without eliminating the provoking disease does not bring success.
  2. Iron deficiency. Occurs when poor quality nutrition, when less than 1 g of the element per day enters the body, as well as blood loss in the gastrointestinal tract caused by ulcers, diverticulosis or oncology. Negative side stands out the fact that such phenomena pass unnoticed for a person. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia in the elderly is carried out with iron supplements as prescribed by doctors.
  3. Lack of vitamin B12. Characteristic enough complex diagnostics, and similarity external signs with other diseases, for example, myocardial infarction. Treatment of B12 deficiency anemia in the elderly is based on taking vitamin B12 and treating associated diseases.
  4. Folic acid deficiency. This vitamin should be supplied from food in an amount of 1 mg/day. If there is a lack of it in daily diet anemia occurs.

Treatment of anemia in the elderly

Treatment of anemia in older people is quite difficult. This is due to the following reasons:

Depending on the cause of the disease, anemia is treated as follows:

1. Iron deficiency anemia is treated by eliminating the underlying disease, and iron-containing drugs for the treatment of anemia in the elderly are of an auxiliary nature. The following requirements apply to such medications:

  • They must provide a sufficient supply of ferrous iron;
  • The medicine must contain components that promote good absorption of the microelement;
  • Drugs should be convenient to dosage and use.
  • Be adequate in cost.

Iron-containing medications for the treatment of anemia in old age e are administered parenterally only in cases of poor absorption of iron in the intestine, its intolerance or the need to act on targets. For normal recovery microelement level, take up to 300 mg of the element in divalent form in the form of ferrous fumarate and sulfate. The drugs are taken up to 2 times a day with meals for better absorption.

2. B12 deficiency anemia with a confirmed diagnosis is treated by taking the vitamin for a long time. First, B12 is administered daily until the hemoglobin level normalizes, after which they switch to supportive treatment 1-2 times during the month. An untreated condition is dangerous due to the occurrence of a relapse. For this type of anemia, folic acid is not used, since this does not bring improvement, but can cause painful neurological symptoms.

3. Treatment of folate deficiency anemia is carried out by daily intake of medications containing folic acid in an amount of 5 mg/day. In severe forms of the disease, the drug is administered parenterally. Its long-term use is allowed for unidentified causes of pathology - hemolysis and tumors. For those suffering from epilepsy, the medicine is prescribed with caution so as not to cause neurological symptoms.

Folk remedies and nutrition

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes for combating anemia, which for many years have helped people in the fight against this disease. L treatment of anemia in the elderly folk remedies along with traditional methods turns out to be more effective. The following are worthy of special attention traditional methods fight against anemia:

1. Juice of fruits and plants:

  • Pomegranate juice. Use diluted half an hour before meals three times a day for 2-3 months, after a break of 30 days the course is repeated;
  • Beetroot juice improves blood composition. Daily norm– half a glass, divided into 3 doses, consumed for 4 weeks;
  • Freshly squeezed juice from spinach and carrots in a ratio of 2:3 is drunk three times in the shade, half a glass each;
  • Birch sap is considered an effective means of relieving fatigue and combating anemia. Drink a glass 4 times a day;
  • Dandelion juice is squeezed from the leaves of a flowering plant. Take 50 g daily.

2. Medicinal plants:

  • Infusion of stinging nettle. Take 3 times a day before meals;
  • Siberian rowan. It is prepared from two spoons of berries, poured a glass of boiling water for an hour. Take half a glass 3 times a day.

3. Salad for anemia. It is prepared from equal parts of finely grated black radish and beets with the addition of vegetable oil. Take 200 g before lunch.

4. Dried fruits. Grind prunes, raisins and dried apricots in equal quantities, pour water overnight, and then pass through a meat grinder. Take a tablespoon 4 times a day.

The main rule of nutrition for older people, especially those suffering from anemia, is the regularity of meals. But overeating cannot be allowed in the same way as feelings of hunger, which is due to the aging process affecting all organs, without bypassing digestive system, limiting it functionality. Thus, both extremes negatively affect the subsequent absorption of food.

There are no prohibited foods at this age, but there are those that should be given preference. These include meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and greens. Start vegetarian diet in old age will not bring anything good, since the fading body does not adapt well to dramatic changes in nutrition. The diet must include cereals (buckwheat primarily) and eggs (up to 4 per week).

The most useful vegetables are cabbage and beets. But it is better not to consume legumes, since in old age they cannot be fully absorbed. If a person, due to his advanced years, has problems with teeth or digestion, and for this reason it is not possible to eat fresh vegetables, they need to be pureed to achieve more complete absorption.

A menu for low hemoglobin in an elderly person should include the following products:

  1. Animal proteins in the form of meat, eggs, seafood and a full range of dairy products.
  2. Yellow and orange fruits, which include apricots, persimmons, sea buckthorn, yellow tomatoes, peppers, mangoes, melons, and citrus fruits.
  3. Products that can improve blood composition: greens, cucumbers, zucchini, celery, nuts, raisins, pork liver.
  4. Natural honey, preferably dark varieties.

When you reach old age, you should pay attention special attention on health status, and timely identify hidden ailments, which include chronic diseases and anemia. Timely diagnosis will allow you to identify the cause of the problem, after which you can most likely get rid of it. When treating anemia, it is not enough just to follow the doctor’s instructions; for this you need to use all methods, including traditional ones, as well as controlling your diet and adhering to healthy image life.