Rotavirus in a mother while breastfeeding. Intestinal infections and breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is natural and important process both for the child and for the mother. The milk produced contains everything the baby needs nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This type of nutrition helps strengthen immune defense body, increases resistance. An important point is psychological attitude. During feeding, mother and baby exchange their feelings and strengthen their relationship. But is such nutrition always healthy? Many representatives of the fairer sex have a question about whether it is possible to breastfeed if poisoned. It is not possible to answer this immediately. It all depends on the woman’s condition and the cause of the malaise. In any case, to find out for sure whether it is possible to breastfeed if poisoned, the mother needs to see a doctor.

Causes of illness

Poisoning occurs due to consumption low quality products or medicines. Pathology can also occur due to entry into the mother's body. chemical compositions and household substances. Poisoning is often confused with infection, since the symptoms of illness are similar. Intestinal infections are viral and bacterial. The most dangerous are dysentery, salmonellosis, botulism and some others.

Poisoning manifests itself as vomiting, nausea, high temperature, diarrhea and general malaise. A nursing woman with such symptoms should definitely see a doctor and find out whether it is possible to breastfeed if poisoned. Let's look at some possible answers to this question.

Eating spoiled foods

Is it possible to breastfeed if you have food poisoning? What is the opinion of experts on this issue?

Eating spoiled or stale foods often leads to intestinal fermentation, diarrhea, heartburn and increased gas formation. This condition is usually not dangerous for an adult and goes away within a few days. It is important to follow a diet and consume more water. In this case, you can feed. Doctors say that negative impact toxins formed in the mother’s intestines will not affect the baby’s health in any way. During this period, a woman should monitor her health and if it worsens, consult a doctor. Note that so-called poisoning can occur even due to incompatibility of products. For example, if you drink pickled cucumbers with milk, all the symptoms of poisoning will occur. However, they are completely harmless to the baby.

Is it possible to feed if you have an intestinal infection?

As you already know, patients often confuse intoxication caused by stale food with an intestinal infection. Is it possible to breastfeed a child with this type of poisoning?

Doctors say that lactation in this case is not only possible, but also necessary. The fact is that during feeding the child receives essential antibodies that are produced female body. They protect the baby from the same infection. It is important to maintain personal hygiene while continuing lactation. Intestinal infections are often transmitted through hands, touches and objects used. Therefore, mom needs to wash her hands often, use antibacterial gels, and have separate hygiene products and so on.

Risk of infection for the baby

Is it possible to infect a child through poisoning? Does such a danger exist? It all depends on the cause of the malaise.

If poisoning is caused by bad food, medicines or household chemicals, then there is no danger for the baby. These substances cannot enter from the intestines and cause any harm. Also, toxins do not penetrate into the baby's food. When talking about intestinal infection, the answer to this question will have a different wording. If the mother maintains hygiene, then the risk of infection tends to zero. However, it is not completely ruled out. There is always the possibility of transmitting the infection to a child. Please note that transmission does not occur through breastfeeding. Bacteria and microbes from the intestines do not pass into breast milk.

Treatment of poisoning and the possibility of breastfeeding

Is it possible to breastfeed if poisoned (during treatment)? For therapeutic purposes, a woman may be prescribed the following medications:

  • sorbents (“Enterosgel”, “Polysorb”);
  • antidiarrheals (“Smecta”, “Imodium”);
  • probiotics (“Linex”, “Bifidumbacterin”);
  • antiviral drugs (“Ergoferon”, “Kipferon”);
  • antispasmodics, antipyretics and painkillers (“Nurofen”, “Drotaverine”, “Paracetamol”);
  • intestinal antibiotics (“Stopdiar”, “Ersefuril”).

Most medications on this list can be used during breastfeeding, but only on the recommendation of a doctor. Medicines such as Imodium, Stopdiar, Ersefuril are strictly prohibited during lactation. If there is a need to use these drugs, breastfeeding is prohibited.

Mom's serious condition: inpatient treatment

Is it possible to breastfeed if a woman is poisoned? serious condition? In this case, lactation should be stopped. What to do if a woman is diagnosed with dehydration, vomits repeatedly, is unable to drink fluids, and has a fever? If you have such symptoms, you should immediately go to the hospital. Most likely, the patient will be shown inpatient treatment. During hospitalization breast-feeding should be stopped for several reasons:

  • the baby does not belong in the infectious diseases department;
  • along with breast milk mommy will lose fluid and nutrients, which are already in short supply;
  • The patient is prescribed medications that are incompatible with lactation.

After recovery, if the woman wishes and is able, lactation can be continued.

Rotavirus is an infectious disease that affects the natural intestinal microflora. Breast milk and colostrum after birth are a source of nutrition for young children in the first year of life. Intestinal flu, in which the spread of pathogenic bacteria occurs, negatively affects gastric tract baby.

Features of the disease

Rotavirus infection is a pathology characterized by the ingress of pathogenic bacteria, microbes, and viruses. Harmful microorganisms negatively affect the intestinal mucosa. Stomach flu(rotavirus, rotavirosis, gastroenteritis) is contagious. Carrying out simple disinfection procedures does not help destroy viruses. Exacerbation period rotavirus infection– end of winter and beginning of spring.

Causes of the disease

Intestinal flu is easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. The following reasons influence the appearance of rotavirus symptoms:

  • lack of hygiene procedures;
  • contact with contaminated surfaces in public places;
  • eating dirty vegetables and fruits;
  • drink not boiled cow's milk, raw water;
  • sharing common household items, dishes, towels with an infected person;
  • ingress of water from reservoirs.

Dirty hands are the main way pathogenic bacteria enter the body when the palm comes into contact with the eyes, mouth, and facial skin. Stomach flu can be transmitted by airborne droplets in crowded places.

Contact with a sick person through utensils and clothing (fecal-oral transmission of the virus) guarantees the occurrence of rotavirus. Physical touch is the main way of infection between a nursing mother and her infant.


The incubation period of the disease is a week. The signs of rotavirus infection in a nursing mother differ from the symptoms of intestinal flu in a child. In an adult who has formed digestive system, the stomach contains enough hydrochloric acid to reduce the content of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. When previously infected with rotavirus, middle-aged people produce immunoglobulin, which prevents the penetration of harmful microorganisms.

The main symptoms that a mother has are:

  • weakness;
  • liquid, watery stool several times a day;
  • pain, soreness during swallowing.

The absence of pronounced symptomatic signs in an adult leads to untimely diagnosis of the disease. Manifestations of rotavirus without special treatment disappear after 3 days, but humans are carriers of intestinal flu.

The main symptoms of infectious pathology in a child on breastfeeding include:

  • regular vomiting;
  • frequent discharge of liquid feces with a clayey consistency of gray-yellow color;
  • abdominal cramps, increased gas formation;
  • discharge of dark urine;
  • feverish condition;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat, cough;
  • hyperthermia;
  • decreased food cravings;
  • cry, increased excitability, nervousness.

Signs of intoxication, damage intestinal tract appear within 1-2 days after a pathogenic infection enters the body. Acute period rotavirus in a child is observed for 3-5 days. Treatment time up to full recovery— 6-7 days.


If, during an exacerbation of an intestinal infection during breastfeeding, characteristic features diseases, it is necessary to donate blood and stool for laboratory research. High level leukocytes, accelerated process erythrocyte sedimentation is evidence of intoxication of the body. Stool sampling is carried out to establish polymerase chain reaction for RNA viruses. A mandatory stage of diagnosis is examination of the patient. Damage to the nasopharyngeal mucosa, congestion, cough are signs of rotavirus.

Intestinal infection with hepatitis B

Both the child and the mother can become infected with rotavirus first. Often, pathogenic viruses enter from an adult with whom the baby has close contact throughout the day. The possibility of resumption of hepatitis with rotavirus depends on the source of infection.


A woman breastfeeding her baby is advised to continue the lactation period. The mother should avoid tactile contact with the newborn, not touch things belonging to the baby, and wear a protective mask to prevent the transmission of rotavirus by airborne droplets. You can breastfeed if rotavirus is detected, since milk is not a source of infection for the child. Refusal of natural feeding is possible if the mother takes antibiotics for acute form diseases. To exercise proper feeding breastfeeding, during pregnancy it is recommended to study medical articles.


The main reasons for the absence of contraindications to breastfeeding when the mother has rotavirus are:

  • content in breast milk of antibodies that restore immune system baby;
  • admission useful vitamins preventing the occurrence of concomitant diseases;
  • lactation crisis.

Mother's milk contains microelements that help restore the baby's body during the transition of infection, intoxication, as after poisoning carbon monoxide. The fluid that is released from the breast prevents dehydration due to frequent vomiting and feces.

Refusal to breastfeed can lead to an abrupt end to the mother's lactation, which will negatively affect the physical and mental health child.

Treatment options

When breastfeeding, mothers need to be careful about the prescribed therapy. Rotavirus is effectively treated with complex procedures aimed at eliminating diarrhea, vomiting, signs of intoxication and dehydration, lowering body temperature, and restoring intestinal microflora. The treatment methods are determined by the doctor. Features of treatment for a mother breastfeeding her baby - application medicines, organizing a healthy diet, observing personal hygiene rules.


The main drugs prescribed for the treatment of rotavirus are:

  • enterosorbents;
  • electrolytes;
  • antiemetics;
  • antipyretic medications.

Medications are non-toxic and therefore safe for the mother during lactation and small child. Enterosorbents Sorbex, Enterosgel, Smecta remove toxins and pathogenic bacteria from the body. Electrolyte medications are used to restore acid-base balance, disrupted due to leaching beneficial microorganisms when highlighting loose stool with rotavirus. To maintain the level of water and salt in the body, the baby is prescribed intravenous injections plasma replacement solutions. Prokinetic agents Domperidone and Metoclopramide stop frequent vomiting.


If you have rotavirus, you must isolate yourself from others and avoid going to a crowded place. Bed rest and adherence healthy eating contribute rapid recovery body. Rotavirus is not a reason to stop breastfeeding.

During treatment for rotavirus, a nursing mother should follow the following diet:

  • consumption of cereals, soups, boiled meat and fish;
  • refusal of legumes, peas, berries, laxative fruits, fatty, spicy, salty foods;
  • compliance with the drinking regime.

If a child gets intestinal flu, he should be given more liquid in the form of water and unsweetened compotes. When introducing complementary foods during rotavirus disease, it is recommended to give preference to natural fruit and vegetable purees from apples and carrots.

Prevention measures

The rotavirus epidemic, observed from January to April, is observed in many regions of Russia: Sverdlovsk region, Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod region, Vladimir region, Kemerovo region, Saratov region, Sakhalin region, Stavropol region, Chelyabinsk region, autonomous regions, Moscow region, Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region, Krasnodar region, Kirov region, Bryansk, Kaliningrad region, Komi Republic, Volgograd region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Ivanovo, Tula, Kaluga regions.

To avoid infection, healthy people must follow preventive measures:

  • don't visit public places during the spread of rotavirus in the territorial district;
  • wash your hands regularly;
  • thermally treat products;
  • use boiled water;
  • carry out wet cleaning, ventilate the room.

A child most often becomes infected with rotavirus from a sick mother through the fecal-oral route. It is recommended to wash bath accessories regularly bed sheets, treat the dishes from which the baby eats with boiling water, wash your hands before each breastfeeding. Stomach diseases if not followed preventive measures dangerous for the baby with serious consequences.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

Breastfeeding women are very careful about their health. Of course, mothers worry about the baby not getting sick, because he is so small and weak. This is why women often stop breastfeeding during colds and infectious diseases and resume it only after complete recovery. Intestinal infections are a separate issue. Mom is not at all immune from such an illness, so questions often arise: is it possible to breastfeed with an intestinal infection? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since there are certain nuances that can affect breastfeeding.

Intestinal infections

There are many causes of intestinal infection. You can become infected through dirty hands, stale food, from animals and people who are the source of infection. Pathogenic microorganisms can be transmitted in the following ways:

  • Airborne.
  • Fecal-oral.
  • Bytovym.
  • Pishchev.
  • Water.

In some cases, a nursing mother becomes ill after interacting with a sick person; in another case, the source of infection may be contaminated water or stale food. The most commonly diagnosed intestinal infections are:

  • Rotavirus.
  • Enterovirus.
  • Dysentery.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Botulism.

Each of these infections has its own characteristics, therefore, depending on the diagnosis, the doctor decides to temporarily stop breastfeeding. Not only the form of intestinal infection is taken into account, but also general condition mother. If a woman suffers a severe illness, then breastfeeding until complete recovery is not recommended.

At the first signs of an intestinal infection, a nursing woman should see a doctor. The doctor will not only diagnose and prescribe treatment, but also give practical recommendations regarding breastfeeding.

Clinical picture

The symptoms for all intestinal infections are the same. Moreover, the severity of symptoms in a nursing mother may even be somewhat stronger than in other people. During illness, a woman is worried about:

  • Persistent nausea and uncontrollable vomiting.
  • High temperature.
  • Dry mucous membranes.
  • Headache and dizziness.
  • Abnormal weakness.
  • Constant thirst.

With intestinal infections, signs of dehydration appear very quickly. This condition is very dangerous, as it quickly leads to irreversible consequences.

Depending on the diagnosis, the disease is mild or severe, but in any case, the condition of the nursing mother is severely impaired. If treatment for intestinal infections is not started quickly, the functioning of the liver, heart and nervous system may be disrupted.

Some pathogens of intestinal infections can penetrate into the blood, so there is high probability infection of the baby.

When can feeding be continued?

If a nursing mother is diagnosed with rotavirus or enterovirus, breastfeeding may not be stopped. These infections are not transmitted through milk, so if certain hygiene rules are followed, the baby will not become infected.

The same goes for food poisoning. In this case, the child’s health is not at risk. If a woman has good immunity, then within a couple of days her health will improve significantly.

But you can continue breastfeeding only if the mother’s condition is not too severe. If a woman suffers a severe illness, she has severe symptoms of intoxication and dehydration, then it is better to stop breastfeeding. At this time, a woman needs to create all the conditions for recovery and limit any stress on the body.

When should GW be suspended?

You should not breastfeed your baby if an intestinal infection can be transmitted through breast milk. Stop feeding in the following cases:

  • For dysentery.
  • For salmonellosis.
  • For typhus.
  • With botulism.

Breastfeeding is also suspended if it is necessary to use antibacterial or antimicrobials. It is worth understanding that many antibiotics negatively affect the baby’s body and can lead to both dysbacteriosis and other more serious conditions.

Doctors try to prescribe gentle treatment for breastfeeding women, but in some cases they have to resort to strong antibiotics.

How are nursing mothers treated?

The treatment protocol for women during lactation is almost no different from the treatment of other people. The only difference can be that if breastfeeding does not stop, then the doctor tries to limit himself to adsorbents, probiotics and antipyretics. A woman should drink a lot. Can be consumed clean water without gas, or you can prepare compotes from dried fruits.

If the condition is too severe and the prescribed gentle treatment does not give an effect, then they resort to antibiotics. Upon appointment antibacterial drugs take into account the results of bacterial culture of vomit and feces. If such tests were not performed for some reason, the patient is prescribed antibiotics wide range actions.

Probiotics must be prescribed along with antibiotics to prevent the development of dysbiosis.

How to keep your child safe

If the intestinal infection during breastfeeding is not too serious and breastfeeding does not stop, the mother needs to follow certain rules to protect the baby. Such rules mainly come down to hygiene.

  • After each visit to the toilet, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap. It is worth remembering that many intestinal infections are transmitted through the fecal-oral route.
  • Before feeding the baby or changing his clothes, the mother should wash her hands and put on clean clothes.
  • The things of a patient with an intestinal infection should be washed with the addition of disinfectants and at high temperatures.
  • Before each feeding, the breasts should be washed well with a soda solution.
  • If a mother is sick with rotavirus, she should wear a gauze mask when feeding her baby.

If there are any concerns about the possibility of infecting the baby with an intestinal infection, then it is better to stop feeding for a while. Milk can be expressed, sterilized for a few minutes in a water bath, and then given to the baby.

If the mother decides to feed the baby with formula milk, then the breast should still be expressed in order to maintain lactation at a normal volume.

The risk of a child contracting an intestinal infection if the mother is ill is quite high. To prevent this, you need to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and not neglect the prescribed treatment. If a woman’s condition is very serious and dehydration is observed, then it is better to temporarily refuse feeding so as not to aggravate the course of the disease.

Breast milk is rightfully considered the standard food for children in the first year of life, therefore, if a nursing mother gets sick, the question certainly arises whether it is possible to breastfeed with rotavirus. After all, every new mother strives to provide her baby with healthy and high-quality breast milk, and not to infect the child with her own disease. It is not difficult to become infected with rotavirus; it often does not depend on a person’s lifestyle and living conditions. Not all diseases can have a negative impact on quality composition milk, but when it comes to rotavirus infection, this situation is worth understanding in more detail.

What is rotavirus

Rotavirus is specific virus, belonging to the reovirus family, the causative agent of rotavirus infection. The harmful organism got its name because of its shape: rotavirus resembles a wheel with spikes, and in Latin “wheel” is “rota”. Visible only under a microscope.

This infectious disease is the most common cause the appearance of diarrhea in children. Popularly, this infection is often called intestinal flu, although it has nothing to do with influenza strains. This is due to the fact that the manifestations of the disease are similar to an intestinal disorder, and epidemics of rotavirus infection coincide with outbreaks of influenza. It's spicy intestinal disease dangerous because infectious agents are extremely resistant to low temperatures, as well as various kinds of antiseptics and disinfectants.

The action of rotovirus is aimed at the intestinal mucosa. Providing its harmful effect, it leads to a number of intestinal disorders.

Symptoms of the disease in adults and children

The disease manifests itself differently in adults and children's organisms. This is explained by the fact that the stomach of an adult contains more hydrochloric acid secreted by parietal cells, which has a detrimental effect on the pathogen. When the virus enters the stomach through the mouth, a significant portion dies.

The second level of protection in the body in an adult is the presence of immunoglobulins that arose earlier in response to the disease. But if, nevertheless, the disease strikes a person, then its symptoms will be as follows:

  • General weakness and lethargy.
  • Liquid, pasty or watery stools.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the throat and pain when swallowing.
  • The maximum number of stools per day is 3.

It follows from this that with unexpressed similar symptoms In a nursing mother, she may not even notice that she is sick. Moreover, the manifestations of the disease will go away on their own in within three days. But this does not mean that the woman has recovered; she is still a carrier of the virus and can infect her child through breast milk.

For a child, things are different. Because defense mechanism is not yet formed against this infection, and hydrochloric acid is not enough to neutralize the bacillus, then it is easier for the baby to become infected and get sick. After three days incubation period V childhood The disease will manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Frequent vomiting.
  • Frequent loose stools.
  • Fever.
  • Clay stool.
  • High temperature.
  • Lack of appetite, refusal to eat.
  • Frequent whims and crying, complaints of the child.
  • Darkening of urine.
  • Nasal congestion.

The virus has pathological influence and on mucous epithelium pharynx, so your baby may also have a sore throat. This is also one of the factors why a child may refuse treats.

Methods of infection

It is quite easy to catch rotavirus. Most often it is transmitted through dirty hands. IN environment the pathogenic microorganism enters with the feces of an infected person, and then, if the rules of personal hygiene are violated, it becomes infected and healthy person. Moreover, it is enough just to rub your eye or run a dirty hand over your face.

Main infection options:

  • Through household items of a sick person (towels, dishes).
  • Swimming in public bodies of water (with swallowing water).
  • Eating unwashed fruits and vegetables.
  • Drinking unboiled water and raw milk.
  • Contact with skin of an infected person.

It is easy for a nursing mother to become infected, because immunity after childbirth and during lactation is significantly reduced. Therefore, when breastfeeding, you should especially carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene and wash your hands again.

Diagnostic methods

For staging accurate diagnosis need to apply for medical assistance. A competent gastroenterologist will make a diagnosis based on the following examinations:

  • Conversation with the patient, collection of anamnesis.
  • Stool analysis.
  • Blood test.

In addition to the main fact (the presence of the virus in the patient’s stool), the disease is indicated by changes in the blood test: an increase in the level of leukocytes and ESR.

According to such examinations, the doctor will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Rotavirus in nursing

The main question of interest to mothers with infection is whether the virus can be transmitted through breast milk to their child, and how do rotavirus and hepatitis B interact in general? Is it also worth stopping lactation during treatment? On at the moment official medicine gives a clear answer - it is possible. If it so happens that mommy has become infected with this disease, this does not mean that breastfeeding is now contraindicated.

If the baby has become accustomed to his mother’s breast from birth, then it is not advisable to wean him during treatment. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Breast milk contains antibodies against this disease, which help the immune system actively fight.
  2. Breast milk is a treasure trove useful substances for the child, so the benefit far outweighs the risk of possible infection.
  3. Milk protects the baby’s body from other diseases.
  4. After a pause in breastfeeding, it is not always easy to restore lactation again.

If basic safety rules are followed, the mother does not transmit rotavirus to her newborn. But to do this, direct contact between the sick mother and healthy child(that is, do not kiss the baby’s nose, do not give the baby your spoon, etc.), wear a medical mask.

Principles of treatment

Unfortunately, there is no drug that specifically destroys rotavirus. Therefore treat intestinal disorder is offered comprehensively, eliminating all its symptoms. Medicinal action drugs should be aimed at elimination:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Dehydration.
  • Vomiting.
  • Imbalance of vitamins, salts and minerals.
  • Elevated temperature.

Enterosorbents are often prescribed: Sorbex, Enterosgel, activated carbon.

All these drugs are well compatible with lactation, therefore they are safe for mother and baby.

Domperidone and Metoclopromide are used to eliminate gagging.

If the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, then children's syrups of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol will help.


Rotavirus infection - dangerous disease, leading to the development of many problems with gastrointestinal tract and various kinds of complications. Therefore, if you suspect the first symptoms of a viral infection, you should definitely consult a doctor. If the disease catches you during lactation, do not despair! After all, when the right approach The mother's infection will not affect the baby in any way.

Take care of your health!

Breast milk is the ideal food for a newborn baby. With mother's milk he receives all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and microelements. But what should you do if suddenly a mother or child gets an intestinal infection? Is it possible to continue breastfeeding with such a pathology or is it better to give it up for a while? All these questions become relevant especially during the period if a nursing mother falls ill with rotavirus. This is understandable, the woman is worried that the baby will not catch unpleasant illness. To find out whether it is possible to breastfeed with rotavirus, you need to understand the mechanism of transmission of this infection.

Rotavirus - what is it

Rotavirus is a pathogenic microorganism that is easily transmitted from person to person and has a negative effect on the intestinal mucosa. This bacillus got its name from the word “wheel”, translated from Latin language, since under a microscope it very much resembles a wheel.

The main route of transmission of this infection is considered to be the fecal-oral route. Pathogen with the feces of a sick person, it enters the natural environment, where, if basic hygiene rules are not followed, other people can easily become infected. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to eat something. Enough with dirty hands wipe your lips, nose or eyes and the pathogenic microbe is already in the body. In addition, vegetables and berries that grow on plantations that are treated with fertilizer of dubious quality can become a source of infection.

The peculiarity of rotavirus is that it initial stages The symptoms are very similar to a respiratory infection.

Main routes of transmission

There are several routes of transmission of intestinal infection. A person can become infected by:

  • failure to comply with simple hygiene rules if you do not wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating;
  • consumption of raw and poorly washed fruits and vegetables;
  • drinking water different people from one cup or bottle;
  • use of shared towels;
  • drinking unboiled milk;
  • swimming in open water and swallowing water.

Of great importance is also contact path transfers. This is especially true if a nursing mother has rotavirus. If a woman becomes infected with this infection, then without taking precautions the baby almost always becomes infected. If rotavirus is diagnosed in a breastfed child, then the breastfeeding woman has virtually no chance of not becoming infected.

At the onset of the disease, microbes infect the nasopharynx, which is manifested by a sore throat and runny nose; at this time, transmission of the pathogen by airborne droplets is possible. Most often, this route of transmission is typical for large groups, from mother to child, so the virus is rarely transmitted.

To avoid getting sick with rotavirus, it is enough to follow basic rules hygiene!

Symptoms of the disease in mother and baby

The main symptoms of the disease in a nursing mother and a baby will differ significantly. This is explained by the fact that in the stomach of an adult there is more hydrochloric acid, which has a negative effect on the virus. When an infection enters the stomach cavity, most of the bacilli quickly die.

Even if the pathogen did not die under the influence gastric juice, the mother has another level of protection. The fact is that in the body of any adult there are special immunoglobulins that were formed over time in response to similar diseases.

Thanks to these factors, the symptoms of the disease in a nursing mother can be erased and usually look like this:

  • Sore throat and pain when swallowing water and food.
  • Pasty stools, although in some cases they may be watery.
  • The urge to bottom occurs no more than three times a day.
  • General weakness is noticeable.

As you can see, the symptoms are mild, they usually go away without special treatment in just a few days. In addition, a nursing woman does not even focus on the fact that some kind of malfunction has occurred in her body. When a rotavirus infection in a nursing mother occurs in such a smoothed form, she does not even suspect that she is a carrier and can infect her baby.

A small child who has very little hydrochloric acid in the ventricle will, if infected, suffer an intestinal infection in classic form. After a short incubation period, which usually lasts no more than 3 days, all signs of the disease appear:

  • frequent watery stools;
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • high temperature;
  • lack of appetite - the baby does not want to eat;
  • restless behavior - the baby is nervous, which manifests itself in crying;
  • stuffy nose;
  • brownish color of urine.

If a baby has rotavirus, he refuses to eat not only because of general intoxication of the body, but also because of a sore throat. The pathogen severely affects the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Is it possible to breastfeed a baby if he is sick with rotavirus?

The first question for a nursing mother whose child has an intestinal infection is whether it is possible to continue breastfeeding with rotavirus? This question is quite logical, because it is a well-known fact that in this case infectious disease You should absolutely not consume dairy products, as they contribute to the proliferation of microflora and aggravate the situation.

If the baby has been breastfed since birth, then it is undesirable to interrupt this process. A mother can safely feed breast milk to a baby with rotavirus infection, as this promotes rapid recovery. Arguments in favor of breastfeeding during intestinal infection look like this:

  • Along with breast milk, the baby receives specific antibodies that help fight the virus.
  • Breast milk is an excellent drink for replenishing lost fluids.
  • Milk is quite high in calories, which means it gives the baby strength to fight infection.
  • By applying to the breast, the baby calms down and quickly falls asleep, and sleep, as we know, is an excellent cure for any illness.

With rotavirus, infants sometimes experience lactase deficiency, which breaks down mother's milk and promotes its complete absorption. If such problems occur, then the child is given synthetic analogue this substance, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

If breastfeeding stops during illness, it is then very difficult to restore the previous volume of milk.

Is it possible to breastfeed a baby if the mother is sick?

When an intestinal infection is observed in a nursing mother, some pediatricians, especially old-school ones, advise stopping breastfeeding and switching to special milk formulas. There is no need to do this; rotavirus during hepatitis B is not transmitted through milk; it can only be transmitted through dirty hands, dishes, or by airborne droplets at the very beginning of the disease.

Breast milk contains specific antibodies to rotavirus, which will protect the baby from infection. But when breastfeeding, you must carefully observe hygiene and wear gauze bandage, which covers not only the mouth, but also the nose. Such measures minimize the risk of infection of the baby.

It is worth giving up breastfeeding only if the course of the woman’s disease is severe and requires the prescription of strong antibiotics or other medications. Although in many cases doctors try to select medications for a nursing mother that can be safely combined with guards.

If breastfeeding is stopped while the mother is undergoing treatment, she will need to constantly pump her breasts. This will help maintain lactation at the same volume.

How are nursing mothers and babies treated?

There is no special medicine that can help you quickly recover from rotavirus. Therefore, in case of illness it is prescribed symptomatic therapy, which is aimed at combating the following conditions:

  1. With dehydration.
  2. With loss of electrolytes and vitamins.
  3. With diarrhea and vomiting.
  4. WITH elevated temperature bodies.

Treatment of rotavirus begins with dietary nutrition. And if everything is clear with the baby, he continues to feed on breast milk, then if a nursing woman gets sick, the following rules must be followed:

  • It is necessary to observe plentiful drinking regime, and the drink should be without sugar, as this product causes excessive fermentation.
  • Mom's diet should include rice porridge with water.
  • Spicy and smoked dishes are being removed from the menu, with a large number seasoning
  • You should not consume dairy and fermented milk products for several days after the onset of the disease.

All products must be boiled or steamed in as a last resort Some dishes can be baked in the oven. Use fried meat, fish, pies or kebabs are unacceptable.

In some cases, if an infant is infected with rotavirus, the pediatrician may advise replacing several feedings with fermented milk formulas. This contributes to the population digestive tract crumbs of beneficial microflora.

Preventive measures

When a mother is diagnosed with rotavirus and breastfeeding continues safely, careful hygiene must be observed to avoid infecting the small child. Doctors highlight several recommendations that can minimize the risk of transmission of infection from mother to infant.

  • Mommy should thoroughly wash her hands with soap after using the toilet, before eating, and before each feeding or caring for the baby.
  • It is not advisable to sleep in the same bed with your child during illness.
  • Towels and bed linen are changed frequently.
  • The dishes from which a sick woman eats are not just washed special means, but also rinse with boiling water.
  • While breastfeeding, the mother puts a clean gauze bandage on her face.
  • All surfaces in the home are frequently washed with a disinfectant.

An intestinal infection always causes a lot of trouble for a sick person. But it is especially difficult for a nursing mother, who is constantly worried about infecting her baby. And although some pediatricians advise stopping breastfeeding for 3-4 days, you should not do this, since breast milk contains special antibodies that protect the baby from rotavirus.