How to develop your communication skills? Seven practical tips. Recommendations for developing your sociability

Sociability is closely related to a person’s success in work, social contacts, personal life. We achieve everything exclusively through the ability to properly maintain a conversation, explain, ask questions and solve current problems. Fear of people can cause many problems: lack of career growth, inability to prove that you are right, and simply have fun in an interesting company. This raises the question: how to become sociable in order to be more successful and attractive to people.

What are the causes of unsociability

Communication problems usually occur in childhood and adolescence. The reasons are very diverse. One of them is getting into an awkward situation that caused laughter from peers. The child's psyche is still unstable; the child perceives criticism and ridicule painfully.

The ability to adapt to circumstances depends on the type nervous system, as well as from methods of education. If parents constantly criticize the child, do not allow him to take initiative, laugh at manifestations of creativity or the desire to act, then the child eventually withdraws. He begins to be afraid to express his opinion, defend his point of view, and take initiative. The further you go, the deeper your withdrawal from social contacts will be. It’s good if parents noticed the problem in time and created such conditions so that the child was forced to start communicating with peers.

Teenagers are even more vulnerable than preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. Acceptance of the child becomes important during adolescence social group, rejecting him will contribute to the development of isolation and fear of interactions.

Why develop your ability to communicate?

Without the ability to communicate, it is impossible to establish social connections. How to build a career if it is difficult for a person to ask for a favor, insist on his own, promote his project or express his opinion in front of many people? Of course, you can choose a field of activity where social contacts are kept to a minimum, but this ultimately leads to loneliness, lack of useful connections and friends.

Most of us still have a need for contact with other people. We love to get together in groups, easily and naturally tell each other stories from life, exchange views, and start relationships with the opposite sex. If it is difficult for a person to start a conversation, then he does not participate in the general conversation, and as a result, they simply stop noticing him.

The inability to establish contact often leads to problems with the opposite sex. Who do you think a guy will approach more willingly: a bright and casually speaking girl or one who sits quietly in the corner and is afraid to take part in the conversation again. The answer is clear.

People are more willing to respect those who are easy to contact and have a lot of social connections, talks easily and at the same time confidently. Respect is also associated with the ability to achieve one’s own goal and defend one’s point of view, and for this one must be able to speak and give arguments. A quiet, hesitant voice can only cause sympathy or misunderstanding.

How to develop your communication skills?

  • Take care of your appearance. People are more willing to communicate with those who look attractive. Sports, yoga, cycling, swimming will help improve your figure. Sport, among other things, increases confidence, and group classes help to be close to other people.

Choose your clothing style that highlights your strengths. Don't be afraid to experiment. Avoid faded and nondescript shades, pay attention to green, yellow, blue, red - colors that enhance your mood and your attractiveness.

Women can benefit from changing their hairstyle. Contact a hairdresser who will give you the perfect haircut, tell you how to apply makeup correctly and give you advice suitable color hair.

  • People with a large vocabulary are more interesting conversationalists. Reading books and writing short articles will help you increase your knowledge. personal blog. Stand in front of the mirror and rehearse your speech. Try several types of smiles, how the facial expression differs, which smile is more attractive.

You can train your voice by singing, reading poetry and texts with different intonations, but attending public speaking courses will give you more effective results. Here you will be taught not only to speak and compose a speech correctly, but also not to be afraid of speaking in public. A more interesting option - theater studio, where you will be taught to master not only your voice, but also gestures and facial expressions.

  • Dancing will help increase your self-confidence. Just don’t study alone, be sure to sign up for group classes. There is no need to be afraid if you have an imperfect figure or if you don’t know how to dance at all. There are many interesting options, such as belly dancing for beginners, where everyone is on an equal footing.
  • Various courses and trainings – perfect place, where you can find friends, like-minded people and just chat. Feel free to engage in conversation and answer questions with a smile.
  • Is your voice usually very quiet and people often ask you questions? Practice your voice pitch at home and try speaking a little louder than usual when communicating. Ask the seller for a discount or inquire about additional benefits selected product. Call the online store support service and ask in detail about the item you are interested in - this will help you learn how to have a conversation and ask the right questions.
  • Learn to look people in the eyes. This will not be easy at first. First, look up for 1 second, look at the bridge of your nose. In a conversation, it is sometimes useful to nod your head slightly to indicate that you are listening attentively, as well as to insert short exclamations and phrases that encourage your opponent to speak. Listen to how others communicate, what phrases they use, how their facial expressions, posture and eye movements change.

There is a very interesting section in psychology called NLP. By studying it, you will learn to determine what a person is thinking and going to do, learn to adapt and conduct a conversation.

  • One type of communication is inextricably linked with the Internet. This is network communication: forums, social media, blogs. Become an active user and start your own blog. At first you may be shy about writing comments, but then you will probably become an active user. Communication online provides ample opportunities: you can safely express your point of view, argue, and get to know other people. However, you should not completely switch to online communication; this will lead to a vicious circle, when online you are a bright, interesting and sociable person, but in reality you are still shyly afraid to start a conversation.

  • At first, you can come up with a few phrases that you will use in conversation in response to some standard questions. Constantly replenish their stock, write down something new, original, adopt phrases from other people that you find interesting.
  • You can find a topic for conversation with almost every person. At first you can ask some trivial question, then the conversation gradually flows into general topics, finding solutions to similar problems. Give advice, ask for advice yourself, show sincere interest in what the person is saying.
  • People are more willing to communicate with optimists. A frown, lowered lips, and hunched shoulders repel people. Practice your posture and facial expression in front of the mirror. Fall asleep and wake up with a smile. By the way, it also reduces the level of stress hormones.

  • Get a dog. Strange as it may sound, but pet will help you gain self-confidence. You will have to walk him outside, go to training, communicate with other dog lovers and, possibly, attend exhibitions. You will find people with similar interests, which means common topics of conversation.

  • Visit exhibitions, museums, cultural events. Invite someone you know to the inserts or go on your own. Talk to someone to discuss the exposure and get the other person's opinion. In fact, it's not scary at all. Think of everything as a game. Imagine that you are a different person - stronger, more sociable and active. You are loved and respected, other people value you and willingly communicate with you. Remember, like in the movie: “I am the most charming and attractive.” Repeat this to yourself every day.
  • In some cases, contacting a psychologist will help, but you will still have to work on yourself. Only you can straighten your shoulders, start a conversation, smile at your interlocutor and nod in response.
  • Many of our problems are hidden in the depths of the subconscious. Repeating to ourselves every day that we are not worthy of the best, that we are uninteresting to other people, we convince not only ourselves, but also those around us. Repeat to yourself that you are an adult, a worthy person, incredibly confident, and able to communicate.
  • Motivation is one of the main factors that helps you achieve success. If you realize that you have some problems in communication, this is already the first step, then you just have to want to. Desire is a great incentive. If you want to become more sociable, you will definitely achieve this. No motivation? Then you will have to find the reasons why you want to develop communication skills, choose the most important ones and make daily efforts to move towards your goal. Practice constantly: in transport, on the Internet, at work, in a store - look for any reason to start a conversation.

In fact, most people don't care at all what you say or how you say it. Everyone is busy with themselves, so they may not even notice the small mistakes that someone makes. Live, enjoy life, ride public transport, smiling at other passengers, offer to help an old lady, play with someone else’s child, find a job that requires the constant presence of other people and communication with them. Only you and no one else conquer yourself by destroying your fears and setting out on the path of incredible opportunities that social contacts provide us with.

How to recognize a sociable person.

Most often, this is a person who particularly enjoys communication. And this does not depend on who he communicates with; he enjoys the process itself. Sociable people are characterized by flexibility in communication, they can freely navigate and communicate in different situations, can easily carry on a conversation, adapt to new conditions and strive to take a leadership position in the team around them.
When you feel uncomfortable interacting with people, you often find reasons to avoid that contact. To develop your communication skills, follow the following mandatory tips.

  • How to develop communication skills

It is not advisable to ignore or avoid communication
Do you have confidence that you are a fairly sociable person, but you only make contact when you are well disposed towards the interlocutor and are in a good mood? If, when meeting an acquaintance, you prefer to move to the other side of the road or sidewalk so as not to communicate with him, or if you see an unfamiliar person in the window of a public transport, you prefer to get on another bus, this indicates that you are not sociable. Develop your communication skills, do not ignore random meetings. Enter into dialogue and maintain a conversation with people you don’t know or don’t know. This develops your communication skills.

  • Let communication bring you pleasure

This is the main criterion in obtaining the desired communication skills. We often mentally create a scenario for an upcoming conversation and predict the planned dialogue with a person. For example, meeting with an old acquaintance entails a boring and monotonous pastime, since your friend is a real bore. Nervousness and discomfort promise you an upcoming conversation with senior management. Before an unpleasant conversation, try to prepare yourself for positive result, you need to remember that you have the opportunity in your hands to turn the situation in the other direction, to exchange roles during the dialogue. If you are tired of listening to someone's uninteresting and monotonous story, start telling your story and take control of the situation. Or try to change the topic of conversation to something more interesting to you.

  • Be the conversation starter

If you live in big city or a metropolis, it’s not difficult to pretend that you don’t notice an old acquaintance whom you met in the metro or simply didn’t recognize. If you look down, this means that you are not in the mood for communication and, accordingly, they also do not want to contact you. But this current situation entails a lot negative emotions, even more than when communicating with a person you don’t like. You try to hide from a friend, you experience a feeling of fear, constantly arising questions about whether your friend recognized you or not. To avoid this unpleasant sensation, it’s best to just start the conversation yourself and not wait for people to recognize you and try to start talking. This will help you feel inner relief. This is the main basis communicative communication between people.
When making contact with your interlocutor, do not be overly formal in your communication.

When they ask you how you are doing or how your affairs are, they want to know a little about your life, pastimes and the activities and activities that you are currently involved in. If you answer your interlocutor's questions dryly and briefly, this indicates that you are impolite, disrespectful to your interlocutor and feel hostility towards him.

  • Work on your artistry.

People with sociable qualities are characterized as representatives of society. They have a lot of intonations and characteristic gestures. A sociable person is an excellent storyteller and an interesting actor. He loves to savor details and prefers variety in life. Such a person is characterized by easy transformation into various social roles and free adaptation. These people tend to be liked by the surrounding society.

  • Try to destroy pessimism in yourself.

The most important quality inherent in a sociable person is optimism. If you have set a goal to become a communicative specialist, to develop communication skills, but at the same time you are in a negative pessimistic mood, you should ask the question - “How to become an optimist?” Pessimism often does not entail anything good and poses a barrier when trying to develop communication. Be smiling, everything is fine! People have a very positive attitude towards a smile than an unpleasant gloomy face.

But not all people have a tendency to communicate. Such skills are acquired by people in the course of life and come with experience. Circumstances chosen professional activity leads people to the need to communicate and create the necessary connections. There are certain individuals who have poorly developed communication skills. But in this life, if you have the necessary desire, you can learn a lot. Specially created literature, attending various specialized trainings on building an effective and communicative relationship with people and, of course, training in contact with others will help you become a specialist in communicative communication with people.

Who is sociable person? First of all, this is someone who enjoys communication. A sociable person does not care who he communicates with; he is interested in the process itself. Sociable people are characterized by flexibility in contacts, the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in different situations, self confidence, they easily adapt to new conditions, know how to successfully negotiate, and strive for initiative and leadership in a team.

If you feel that you are not a good enough communicator, that you often look for an opportunity to avoid an upcoming conversation, if you want to develop communication skills , listen to the following tips.

How to develop communication skills

You should not avoid or withdraw from communication

You think that you are quite sociable, but you prefer to engage in dialogue only if the interlocutor is pleasant to you and you have good mood? If you notice an acquaintance walking towards you and prefer to turn off the path to avoid conversation with him; if you see in the window public transport a person you don’t know well, then you prefer to wait for the next bus - all this means that you are not sociable enough. In order to develop communication skills, try not to avoid random meetings. Communicate with people you don't know well or with people you don't know at all. This way you will develop your sociability skills.

Learn to enjoy communication

This is one of the main rules for acquiring communication skills. We always prepare ourselves for how the planned conversation with this or that person will go. For example, a meeting with an old friend seems uninteresting and very boring to you, because you know that your interlocutor is a typical bore. An upcoming conversation with your boss always involves some stiffness and nervousness. Before a conversation that seems unpleasant to you, you should tune in for the best: remember that you can always change the situation, change roles with your interlocutor. For example, you don’t really want to listen to your friend’s childhood memories. Great - don’t listen, start telling the story yourself, take control of the situation. Or turn the conversation to another topic that will be interesting to both of you. Turn the upcoming unpleasant conversation in pleasant. Learn to benefit from your conversations with by different people, and communication will become a more exciting event for you.

Try to initiate the conversation

Living in big city, it’s easy to pretend that you don’t see an old acquaintance with whom you are traveling in the same subway car, or to pretend that you don’t recognize him. As a rule, downcast eyes indicate your reluctance to make contact, and this works - they don’t want to communicate with you either. But similar adult game hide and seek makes you experience much more negative emotions than a conversation with even the most undesirable interlocutor. When you are hiding from your acquaintance, you are in a state of anticipation, fear: “Did he recognize you? Does he/she want to talk?” In order not to be tormented by such questions and not to wait for people to come up to you and start talking, it is best to start the conversation yourself, act as the initiator of the dialogue; you will feel that it is quite easy. This basics of communication.

When interacting with people, do not be overly formal in communicating with them.

If they ask you: “How are you?” or “How are you?” It would be right to talk a little about your life and your affairs. The dryness of your answers and reluctance to engage in conversation are regarded by your interlocutor as disrespect and ill will towards him.

Work on your artistry

The sociability of people characterizes them as representatives of society, who are characterized by a wealth of gestures and intonations. A sociable person, an unrivaled storyteller and imitator. He has a taste for detail, for juicy details, he wants to live a varied life, which is why it is so easy for such a person to transform into different social roles, to easily adapt. These people know how to please.

Kill your pessimistic moods

A mandatory quality of any truly sociable person is optimism. If you strive to become a master of communicative communication, develop sociability, but at the same time you have pessimistic moods, it’s time to ask the question - “ How to become an optimist? Pessimism, as a rule, does not lead to anything good, and certainly does not contribute to the development of sociability. Smile! Everything is fine! People respond much better to a smile than to a sullen face.

Not all people are born with a tendency to develop communication skills. The main teacher of such skills, undoubtedly, is life itself. In the process of acquiring life and professional experience, a person learns to communicate, contact people, and effectively build the necessary connections. But there are people who do not have sufficient knowledge communication skills. Nowadays, you can learn everything, if only you have the desire. Becoming a “master of communications” will help you through specialized literature, participation in professional training on effective communication techniques, and daily training in communicating with others.

Do you want to check your level of communication skills - Communication test

P.S. If you consider yourself shy person, you just need to read this article - “ How to overcome shyness«.

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Top 10 techniques

1. Learn to notice reality and who you are communicating with

Have you ever been in situations when you are no longer interested, but the person keeps talking and talking, not paying attention to the fact that you don’t even look at him anymore? After all, after this there is no desire to meet him again, right? And it is important to take into account not only the backlash of the interlocutor, but also the environment in which you are. You can develop mindfulness gradually by doing the following exercise every day:

  • Sit comfortably and try to concentrate only on what you hear. A couple of minutes will be enough to complete. At first, just noise will be heard, and then you will begin to highlight individual sounds and understand where they are coming from.
  • The next step is to direct all your attention to what you see. Mentally mark each item, be it a chair or a stray nail.
  • Now concentrate on your feelings and thoughts for a couple of minutes. Feel every part of your body, pay attention to every thought that arises in your head.

This exercise develops the ability to notice details, another person and yourself in contact with him. After all, the formation of close and trusting relationships is impossible when you don’t really hear or notice your partner. And so you will unconsciously feel that invisible line when you understand that you need to remain silent or take a break, or vice versa, that it is time to actively engage in conversation.

2. Read books to broaden your horizons

Considering all the nuances, practice and try again until the result satisfies you. Thus, the formation of competent and clear speech will occur, which plays a huge role in the communication process.

3.Body language

9.Learn to listen to your interlocutor without interrupting him

This way, you can win him over, giving him space to speak out, you will receive more information about him, and also track what mistakes he makes in conversation so as not to repeat them with other people. By tracking your reaction to his behavior, you will understand how you look in the eyes of others, and perhaps adopt some gestures or words that interest you.

10.Note common character traits with your interlocutor and your differences

This will contribute to the acceptance and respect of other people's points of view, otherwise conflicts, feelings of irritation and reluctance to communicate will be your constant companions. We are all different, with different experiences, thoughts, and it is necessary to be able to be in contact with another person, despite the difference in views. Learn to respect not only yourself, but also other people, giving them the right to think differently than you, but at the same time remain close. If you disagree with something, it is not necessary to tell your interlocutor that he is wrong or does not understand something, but simply say that you have a slightly different opinion on this matter, due to the fact that you have lived a different experience. Your task is to find common ground, and not vice versa, to prove your superiority.


That's all, dear readers of my blog! The most important thing is the presence of motivation and desire, then there will be no difficulties in mastering the science of communication and searching for answers to the question of how to become sociable. Take risks, try, fight your fears, and then completely new horizons of possibilities will open up before you.

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Secrets of sociability - what affects the ability to communicate, how to overcome the fear of communication and become an interesting interlocutor?

Many people indicate as their strengths such a quality as sociability, or the ability to communicate with other people. However, in reality, it often turns out that their opportunities are limited to communicating only in a certain company of people close to them (relatives or friends), in front of whom some rules of correctness may not be observed. For example, you can often see young people who, standing in a circle, express their thoughts and attitudes exclusively with the help of obscene language. At the same time, they can slap each other on the back, have a comic fight, laugh loudly and comment on the words of their interlocutors only with the help of short “swearing” words. When such people find themselves in the company of people unfamiliar to them, their more than liberated behavior changes dramatically: they become tense and cannot say practically anything intelligible. When communicating with people of the opposite sex, the same situation may arise, especially if the person you like does not speak in their usual manner, but has the ability to express their thoughts clearly and clearly, without resorting to “strong” expressions.

What factors influence the ability to communicate with other people?

There are often situations when a person whom we know as positive in all respects, an excellent conversationalist, suddenly begins to behave somewhat differently. He can be absent-minded, at times react aggressively to even the most trifling remarks and remarks, generally abandon the intention to even maintain the appearance of a conversation and completely withdraw into himself. People who are insecure usually take this completely personally and begin to respond with the same aggression or leave the interlocutor.

The question arises, what's the matter? Before you start communicating with others, you need to distract yourself from any negative thoughts and states. If you or your interlocutor gets off on the wrong foot, all his charm may evaporate somewhere. All that will remain is an irritated grouch who no longer inspires any warm feelings and with whom you simply don’t want to be in the same room.

It happens that the interlocutors do not trust each other and the conversation in the company does not go well. Just sitting and looking at each other is not interesting, so someone takes it upon themselves to start the conversation first. What is he doing? The first thing you need to do is get to know the other people sitting around, say your name. A feeling of mistrust arises if the person who started this process recognizes the names of others present, but does not give his own name.

Often the initiative in communication comes from one person

Another nuance is to start or intervene in a conversation without relying on topics that are interesting and familiar to other people. Without knowing what others are talking about, you can get into trouble and then spend the rest of the evening angry at yourself and others for what happened.

The complete absence of any manifestations of emotion or, on the contrary, excessive emotionality, especially exaltation, also does not cause a desire to communicate with a person who demonstrates all this. It seems that he is either too "frozen" about expressing his feelings, or simply does not know when to stop if he shows his feelings. Both of these sharply reduce the level of trust and the desire to communicate. Pretense of emotions, smiles and inappropriate laughter are clearly not the means that allow you to win other people over and create an atmosphere favorable for communication.

Have you ever seen how people, even if they don’t know each other very well, sometimes create interesting situations when they want to communicate? They sit closer, but not so close that from the outside their communication looks too intimate. It is also difficult to imagine how you can interest another person in yourself, being at a distance of about 3-5 meters from him, and having a conversation on personal topics. On the other hand, if a complete stranger sits close to you, begins to grab your hands, pat you on the shoulder, or whisper annoyingly in your ear... This behavior usually makes you want to quickly stop communicating and run away from your counterpart as quickly and far as possible.

Or such a case when someone excitedly talks about something, without even paying attention to the reaction of others. He accompanies his every word with excessive gesticulation, annoying gazes, or does not look at anyone at all. One can only guess what desires are brewing in the souls of those who are not lucky enough to be nearby...

Bad communication experiences can make you withdrawn

To summarize, we note that a person’s ability to communicate with others is influenced by factors such as:

  • emotional state of interlocutors;
  • community of interests of those present;
  • visual contact and distance between interlocutors;
  • feeling of self-confidence;
  • emotional involvement in the communication process;
  • the ability to listen to others.

How to learn to communicate with other people

Some people sometimes feel a little jealous because they can easily communicate with those around them. It seems that the very opportunity to approach someone and start a conversation with them does not present anything difficult for them. But for others, the very thought of this seems simply terrifying: what if this person says something that after his words you just want to fall into the ground? Or die on the spot?

It's often difficult to start a conversation

Give up your prejudices. When starting to communicate with another person, you need to abandon any ready-made attitudes and thoughts about him. It is various “cockroaches” like “what if”, “what if”, “God forbid” and so on that can already in the bud suppress your ability to see a person in front of you. A person, and not the label that you managed to put on him because of his appearance or behavior. Remember, no one person is responsible for your burden of experienced failures or what you call your failure. You are also far from an angel, and other people have to put up with your shortcomings. Better pay attention to positive qualities the person you are communicating with. As psychotherapists say, there are no shortcomings in a person, but there are peculiar advantages that you need to take a closer look at and learn to accept them.

Be confident. An important key to developing the ability to communicate with others is to be a confident person. Moreover, we recognize a person with such qualities intuitively. Such a person behaves without unnecessary fuss, chooses his words, is not afraid to look his interlocutor in the eyes and express his emotions. At the same time, he does not show off his knowledge and competence, expresses himself in the correct language, and does not try to crush him with his status and authority. Before giving an answer, he takes a short pause, speaks measuredly and quietly, but not in a whisper.

Maintain eye contact and use feedback. Typically, people who are known to be good conversationalists know how to listen to others. This is expressed in the fact that they not only listen, but also ask various clarifying questions and encourage the interlocutor. At the same time, they look into the eyes of the interlocutor from time to time, but do not use x-ray looking. Usually the police's gaze usually makes you want to run away from such deep dive into someone's inner world.

Know how to listen to your interlocutor

Don’t decide for your interlocutor how to behave.. Often in films on the topic of relationships between men and women, a moment is played out when the cause of conflicts is shown - the inability to listen to another person. He talks about his own, you talk about yours. Then everyone begins to accuse the other of inattention, but for some reason no one even thinks that their own selfishness and incorrect expectations regarding other people may be to blame. In the sense that a person is more interested in his thoughts, feelings and relationships than other people from his immediate environment. It’s like the joke about how a man went into the bathroom to wash and shave and came out a divorced man in just five minutes. And all because the wife asked some question, answered herself, got angry, offended and...finale la comedy.

Express your thoughts clearly and clearly. Learn to express your thoughts in an accessible and clear manner. Some people believe that omissions and the ability to read between the lines add special flavor to a conversation. Usually everything happens exactly the opposite: if someone does not fully understand what is being said, he begins to experience a feeling of irritation, boredom and a desire to simply retire somewhere else. Where everyone talks about understandable things and in an understandable language.

Avoid value judgments and know how to ask questions. It is also important to be able to avoid evaluative reactions like “Nonsense”, “Nonsense” or “You can imagine it too!” When an interlocutor receives such an assessment from a communication partner, he gets the impression that the issues that concern him are of no interest to anyone. A feeling of his own insignificance and inferiority awakens in him. Whatever he says, you need to listen to him to the end. But do not bombard the person with an endless stream of questions, otherwise he will decide that he is being interrogated with bias, and will try to interrupt the difficult communication for him.

Know how to control the attention of your interlocutor. Important point, which allows you to win over other people - the ability to control space and your body. This means that you need to be able to reduce or increase the distance between yourself and your interlocutor. For example, if you think that the atmosphere is getting too tense, it makes sense to use an excuse to leave the person alone with his thoughts for a while. You can disappear from his field of vision, but do not interrupt communication. You can ask questions or tell something, preferably with a humorous overtone. It is better to switch the interlocutor’s attention to something else, to distract him in this way. For example, offer a cup of tea or coffee, offer sweets or fruit. The psychological meaning of this is that from the verbal, mental or emotional channel a person switches to the level of sensations and tension decreases.

Expand your horizons and vocabulary . A person who knows how to express even the simplest things in a beautiful literary language immediately attracts attention. People begin to reach out to him simply out of a desire to communicate and listen. Remember how Dumas described the eldest of the musketeers - Athos? Despite his modest clothes, he immediately became the center of attention of any company. He was distinguished not only by his excellent manners, but also by his ability to carry on a conversation on any topic. He even surprised the king, who considered himself an expert in the field of falconry.

The most important - don't be afraid to communicate! Even if they answer you differently than you wanted, nothing bad will happen to you personally. Negative result- also the result that gives life experience. But next time you will know that there are some nuances that you need to be very careful with. Without practice, any skill will atrophy on its own. Including the ability to say something...