Speech therapy for pets. Summary of a group speech therapy lesson in the middle group on the topic: “Pets and their babies

Target: To clarify knowledge on the topic “Pets”, to expand and activate the vocabulary.


Teach education plural nouns, possessive adjectives, compound adjectives, diminutive forms, verb forms, coordinate the noun with the numeral. Strengthen the use of the instrumental case of nouns in speech. Form a dialogical form of speech.

Develop fine motor skills, logical thinking, attention, memory, thinking. Develop the ability to listen to comrades.

Equipment: presentation "Pets"

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

To get to class you need to say the word backwards.

High - low, close -... warm-... wide-.. boring-... joy-... dark-... give-


2.Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

The speech therapist shows images of pets on the screen.

Who is this? Name it in one word.

Name your pets.

Why are these animals called pets?

What benefits do they bring?

What body parts of pets can you name and show?

What is the body of pets covered with?

3 Exercises to form a vocabulary on the topic.

  • Exercise “Who Lives Where?”

View pet housing.

The dog lives in a kennel (kennel).

barn, stable, cowshed, sheepfold, pigpen, stable, apartment (house).

  • Fun account (one dog, two dogs, five dogs)
  • Formation of possessive adjectives : Whose kennel? Canine; Dog's tail, whose tail is it? Canine
  • Exercise “Who gives what voice? Complete the sentences.

The cow moos. Cat - .... Dog - .... Horse - .... Pig - ....

  • Exercise “Select, name, remember” Complete the sentences (choose and name as many action words as possible).

Dog (what is it doing?)sniffs, growls, gnaws, guards... Horse (what is it doing?) - .... Pig (what is he doing?) — ....

  • Exercise “Who needs what food?”

Invite children to think about who will feed whom and what .

Physical education (with a ball)

Didactic game “Say kindly.”

Finger gymnastics “Burenushka”.

Give me milk, Burenushka, (children show the “horns” of the cow, bend their index finger and little finger)

At least a drop on the bottom.

Kittens are waiting for me, little kids.

Give them a spoonful of cream (bend one finger at a time, starting with the little fingers, on both hands)

A little cottage cheese (on both hands)

Butter, curdled milk, milk for porridge.

Cow's milk gives everyone health! (The cow’s “horns” are shown again)

  • Home and Farm Exercise.
  • Who cares for pets at home? (Master, mistress.)
  • How many people are there on the farm? (There are a lot of cows, sheep, etc. on the farm)
  • Who cares for the farm animals? (Animals on the farm are looked after by livestock breeders: shepherds graze cows, milkmaids milk cows, grooms look after horses and horses, pigs are looked after by pig farmers, sheep are looked after by shepherds, etc.)
  • Formation of compound adjectives

At the cow's long tail. What kind of cow? - Long-tailed.

The bull has sharp horns. What bull? -...

The pig has short legs. What kind of pig? —

At the rabbit's long ears. What rabbit? -...

The horse has a long mane. What kind of horse? -...

Sheep have soft wool. What kind of sheep? -...

Black mane -...

White mane -...

Gray tail -...

Thick fur -...

Cool horns -...

White forehead -...

Long legs — ...

Development of creative abilities.

Look at the card. the artist didn’t draw something on the pet. What a rabbit does not have (ears), what a cat does not have (whiskers), etc. Please draw on what these animals lack

Guessing riddles about pets based on the presentation.

Summary of the lesson.

Name the pets we talked about today.

Topic: pets.


Correctional and educational:

Clarify and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic;
- learn to use the preposition y in speech through ex. “Who has who?”, “Who has what?”;
- teach to form nouns. pl. hours from units hours through ex. "One-many";
- teach to form nouns. with mind-affection. suf. -ok, -enok through the exercise. “Who has who?”;
- learn to coordinate numbers. with noun through ex. “How many animals”;

Correctional and developmental:

Correct thinking through exercise. “Collect a picture”;
- develop articulatory motor skills through art. gymnastics; fine motor skills through finger gymnastics and exercises. "Connect the dots";
- develop visual attention through the organizational moment, ex. "Get to know the animal";
- develop coherent speech (ability to answer teacher’s questions full sentence) through ex. Ex. “Who has who?”

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate perseverance in class, a desire to see the result of the work started.

Vocabulary: cow, goat, pig, horse, sheep, dog, cat, ram, calf, kid, kitten, puppy, lamb, pig.

Equipment: subject pictures with animals (cow, goat, pig, horse, sheep, dog, cat, ram, calf, kid, kitten, puppy, lamb); Dunno picture, sectional pictures (dog, cat, rabbit, ram, goat, cow), a picture with a silhouette image of animals, a painting “Barnyard”, a ball, colored pencils, tasks on A5 sheets for exercise. Connect the dots based on student numbers.

Preliminary work: unlearning finger gymnastics and physical exercises

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist. The one who guesses the animals that are drawn in these pictures can sit down. (horse, goat, cow, pig, dog, cat)
2. Speech therapist. What would you call these animals in one word? (Domestic)
Speech therapist. That's right, homemade. Today in class we will continue to talk about pets. And so that our tongue can help us with this, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist. Oh, listen, guys, there’s someone rustling around me. Yes, this is Dunno. Guys, Dunno will watch you carefully and at the end of the lesson he will appreciate everyone! So be careful! He forgot what kind of babies domestic animals have. Can we help him remember?

Ex. “Who has who?”

First, let's name the mother animals [pictures on the board: cow, horse, dog, cat, pig, sheep]
Speech therapist. Everyone has pictures on the table, take them. Katya, who's with the cow? (a cow has a calf.)
Similarly, a horse has a foal, a dog has a puppy, a cat has a kitten, a pig has a piglet, and a sheep has a lamb.

Ex. “Who has what?”

Speech therapist. Well done, Guys, which pet has horns? (in a cow, in a ram, in a goat)
Who has the mustache? (rabbit, dog, cat)
Who has soft paws? (at the cat)
Who has an udder? (at a cow, at a goat)
Who has a snout nose? (at the pig)

Ex. "One is many." (with ball)

Speech therapist. Now let's play the game "One-Many". Katya, one cat, and if there are several, what will you call it? (cats)
Likewise, dog-dogs, cow-cows, horse-horses, sheep-sheep, kitten-kittens, calf-calves.

Ex. “Call me kindly.”

Speech therapist. And now, guys, let's show Dunno how we can affectionately call animals. Cat. What would you call her affectionately? (kitty)
Likewise, dog-dog, horse-horse, goat-goat, sheep-sheep.
Physical exercise.

Ex. “How many animals?”

Speech therapist. Dunno says that we don’t know how to count with you at all. Is this true? Let's prove to him that we are smart guys and do the following difficult task. In front of you is a barnyard. Misha, count how many cows there are. (one cow)
Children count other animals in the same way.

Ex. "Get to know the animal."

Speech therapist. Guys, there are animals hidden in this picture, name them. (cow, horse, sheep, goat, cat, dog, pig)

Ex. “Collect a picture.”

Speech therapist. Collect the picture and name the animal you got. (dog, cat, rabbit, ram, goat, cow)

Finger gymnastics.

This finger is the smallest
This finger is the weakest
This finger is the longest
This finger is the strongest
This finger is fat
And all together a fist.

Ex. "Connect the dots."

Speech therapist. Connect the dots and name what animal you got?

Bottom line.

The speech therapist evaluates the activity of each child.

Abstract speech therapy session on the topic "Pets"

Target: updating the children's dictionary on the topic “Pets” in a speech therapy lesson through the use of elements of theatrical play.

Correctional educational tasks: Consolidating ideas about domestic animals. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Pets”.

Correction and development tasks: Develop articulatory motor skills, facial muscles, fine motor skills. Develop visual, speech, auditory, tactile perception, creative imagination. Improvement grammatical structure speech.

Correctional and educational tasks: instill a love for pets.

Equipment: colored pencils, album sheet, scissors, illustrations (pet poster, pet pictures),

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Hello, Dasha! This morning a white-sided magpie flew into my window and brought a letter from my grandparents on its tail. Let's read it! (Takes out a letter and reads: Hello friends. We had a problem - all the animals from our yard fled. Please help me find them. And to find it, you need to solve riddles.)

2. Guessing riddles.(As you guess, pictures of pets are posted on the board.)

Stigma like a cake,
Legs with hooves,
Thick belly
The tail is like shavings. (Pig.)

He is horned and bearded,
Looks sternly at the guys.
If someone is being naughty -
Gore, gore, gore! ( Goat.)

The stove is running
All in rings. ( Sheep)

Who changes
Milk for hay? ( Cow.)

Fast as an arrow
Strong as an ox.
There is a barge hauler in the field,
In battle - an eagle. ( Horse.)

He caresses his “friends”,
Swears at “strangers”.
In your own little house
Sits on the lock. ( Dog.)

Pan walks along the road.
He has legs like flippers.
The neck is long and arched,
Pinches if you're angry! ( Goose.)

Goes fishing
Not in a hurry to waddle;
My own fishing rod
Your own boat. ( Duck.)

Our good friend
He will give us feathers for our pillow,
Will give eggs for pancakes,
Easter cakes and pies. ( Chicken.)

Always on everyone
Puffed up like fur. ( Turkey.)

Emerald eyes,
Downy fur coat,
Dear songs,
Iron claws. ( Cat.)

Teacher:- Well done, all the animals were returned back to the yard. Grandparents are happy with your work. Let's remember which animals we helped bring back? (Pig, goat, sheep, cow, horse, dog, goose, duck, chicken, rooster, turkey, cat.)

How can all these animals be called in one word? ( Homemade.)

Why? ( Because they live next to the person who takes care of them...)

3. Finger gymnastics: Dog.

The dog has a sharp nose
There is a neck and a tail.

Right palm on the rib, towards you. Thumb up. The index, middle and ring fingers are together. The little finger alternately lowers and rises.

4. Speech therapy lotto “Who has which baby?”

Teacher: All the babies of our animals are mixed up in the yard, can we help return the babies to their moms and dads? ( Yes.)

(On the flannelgraph there are scattered images of animals and cubs. We need to collect them together: the cubs with their mothers.)

Dog - puppy
Sheep - lamb
Cow - calf
Pig - piglet
Horse - foal
Chicken - chicken
Duck - duckling
Goat - kid
Cat - kitten
Turkey - little turkey
Goose - gosling

Teacher: Well done!

Poem “My mother is the best.”

Maybe strictly and harshly
On others look Cow.
Only Calf all day
It's not too lazy to admire her.

Mom - The horse is so beautiful!
Lush tail, thick mane.
Look how she is
Graceful and slim!

Let's wait a minute longer -
Let's look at mom - Duck:
Let the water heat up
Near the shore of the pond

Pee-pee-pee! - Chicken sings.
The voice is unusually ringing.
Mom is happy: - Co-co-co!
He will fly high.

Mom looks at the lambs.
Mother's gaze is full of affection.

There is no more beautiful goat in the world
And kinder than our mother!

5. Call it affectionately:

Puppy - puppy
Calf - calf
Piglet - little piglet
Foal - foal
Little goat - little goat
Lamb - lamb, etc.

Well done, you completed this task too. But I have one more task for you, it’s called “What’s wrong?” Find the mistake, say it correctly.

6. Game “Who Says So?”

Cow - oink-oink - hums
– Horse – meh – laughs
– Pig – moo – grunts
- Goat - ku-ka-re-ku - bleats
– Sheep – i-go-go – bleats
– Dog – cle-cle – barks
- Goose - ko-ko - cackles
– Duck – meow-meow – quacks
– Chicken – woof-woof – bubbling
- Rooster - quack-quack - crows
– Turkey – oink-oink – bubbling
– Cat – b-e – meows

Teacher: Well done, you completed the task.

7. Game “Who eats what?”

It is necessary to distribute animals into food groups.

Cow - hay, etc.

8. Drawing or coloring pets.

What kind of pets would you like to have at home, please draw!

9. Summary of the lesson.

The work is evaluated;

What animals did we meet today? ( Homemade.)

Individual speech therapy lesson for children 5-7 years old with general speech underdevelopment of level I on the topic “Pets”

Target: activation and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic “Pets”


Correctional and educational:

Expand and deepen children's understanding of pets.

Correctional and developmental:- develop coherent speech, visual attention, phonemic perception, general and fine motor skills; - improve the grammatical structure of speech; - develop the ability to answer questions clearly and competently.

Correctional and educational:- instill a love for pets.

Equipment: colored pencils, album sheets, pictures of domestic animals and their babies; pictures depicting a basket, a booth, a barn, a cage; book with sound module “Our Voices. Pets."

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Hello, Kostya! I received an envelope from Grandma Valya and Grandpa Misha. Let's open the envelope with you and see what's inside (the speech therapist opens the envelope and takes out a letter in the form of puzzles).

What is this? Some pieces of paper. Let's try to collect the “parts” to understand what it is (the child collects puzzles).

This is a letter! It says here that grandfather Misha and grandmother Valya invite us to visit. You and I will go to the village in a car called a taxi (the speech therapist displays pictures of a car, grandparents).

Let's go! (music from the song “Bibika” - Wizards of the Court sounds, and the speech therapist and the child, imitating the movement of the steering wheel, walk around the office and return to their places).

Here we are! Who's meeting us? (the child answers the speech therapist’s question).

Grandma Valya and Grandpa Misha want to introduce you to the animals they have. But all the animals got scared and hid in their “houses” (pictures showing: baskets, booths, barns, cages are posted). And in order for the animals to leave their “houses”, you need to solve riddles.

II. Subject message.

1. Guessing riddles.

By solving the riddles, you will find out not only what animals your grandparents have, but also what sounds they make.

1) Soft paws, scratches on the paws. (Cat).

2) He is friends with the owner, guards the house, lives under the porch, and has a tail like a ring. (Dog).

3) She lives in our barn,

Chews both hay and grass,

And he gives me milk to drink.

So who will call it for me?

4) Crochet tail, heel nose. (Pig).

5) Ser, not a wolf,

Long-eared, but not a hare,

With hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

6) In this living creature, oddly enough,

Hammering a nail is very easy

But she's not made of wood

And he prances: “I-go-go!”

7) After all, I am a “woman”, believe me,

And they call him “tree tree”.

I give milk to children

And my name is….

8) What kind of brothers are these?

Are they frolicking in the meadow?

In warm fur coats - on a summer day!

At least they hid in the shadows! (Sheep) - What animals are these? (domestic)

How does a person care for them?

What's the use of them?

III. Development phonemic hearing, attention, memory, fine motor skills.

1. Working with a book with a sound module “Our Voices. Pets."

Kostya, look at my book. She is not simple, but speaking. There are buttons with pictures of pets here. (further, the speech therapist invites the child to play with this book. The speech therapist presses a button (for example, with a picture of a cow), and the child must guess who it is by the sound).

2. Exercise “Continue the sentence”:

3. “What are the same and how are they different?”:

Look carefully at the picture and tell me what is common and what is the difference between a cat and a dog? goat and cow?

4. Physical exercise “Calf”.

Let's rest a little and do the "Calf" exercise: Mu-mu - I'm horned. (jump 2 times, show horns with fingers) Mu-mu - I am tailed. (jump 2 times, show your tail with one hand) Mu-mu - I have ears. (jump 2 times, show ears) Moo-moo is very scary. (jump 2 times, scare) Mu-mu - I'll scare you. (jump 2 times, scare) Mu-mu - I'll gore you. (jump 2 times, butt)

5. Work with cards (to develop visual attention).

Kostya, the pets are in trouble. Their cubs scattered around the yard, and now they cannot find their mothers. Let's help the kids find their mothers (the speech therapist invites the child to put pictures of babies on pictures of their mothers).

6. Finger gymnastics:

Exercise "Cat"(fingers clenched into a fist, stroking the hand from the fist to the elbow). -Kisa, pussycat, pussycat! Julia called the kitten. - Don’t rush home, wait! And she stroked it with her hand.

7. Drawing your favorite pets.

Now you have to color your favorite pet.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

What animals did we talk about today in class? - How does a person take care of them?

Sections: Working with preschoolers , Speech therapy

Target: updating the children's dictionary on the topic “Pets” in a speech therapy lesson through the use of elements of theatrical play.

Correctional educational tasks: Consolidating ideas about domestic animals. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Pets”.

Correction and development tasks: Develop articulatory motor skills, facial muscles, fine motor skills. Develop visual, speech, auditory, tactile perception, creative imagination. Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

Correctional and educational tasks: instill a love for pets.

Equipment: colored pencils, landscape sheet, scissors, illustrations (poster of pets, pictures of pets),

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Hello guys! This morning a white-sided magpie flew into my window and brought a letter from my grandparents on its tail. Let's read it! (Takes out a letter and reads: Hello, dear girls and boys. We had a problem - all the animals from our yard fled. Please help me find them. And to find it, you need to solve riddles.)

2. Guessing riddles.(As you guess, pictures of pets are posted on the board.) (Appendix 1.)

Stigma like a cake,
Legs with hooves,
Thick belly
The tail is like shavings. (Pig.)

He is horned and bearded,
Looks sternly at the guys.
If someone is being naughty -
Gore, gore, gore! ( Goat.)

The stove is running
All in rings. ( Sheep)

Who changes
Milk for hay? ( Cow.)

Fast as an arrow
Strong as an ox.
There is a barge hauler in the field,
In battle - an eagle. ( Horse.)

He caresses his “friends”,
Swears at “strangers”.
In your own little house
Sits on the lock. ( Dog.)

Pan walks along the road.
He has legs like flippers.
The neck is long and arched,
Pinches if you're angry! ( Goose.)

Goes fishing
Not in a hurry to waddle;
My own fishing rod
Your own boat. ( Duck.)

Our good friend
He will give us feathers for our pillow,
Will give eggs for pancakes,
Easter cakes and pies. ( Chicken.)

Always on everyone
Puffed up like fur. ( Turkey.)

Emerald eyes,
Downy fur coat,
Dear songs,
Iron claws. ( Cat.)

Teacher:- Well done guys, all the animals were returned back to the yard. Grandparents are happy with your work. Let's remember which animals we helped bring back? (Pig, goat, sheep, cow, horse, dog, goose, duck, chicken, rooster, turkey, cat.)

– How can you call all these animals in one word? ( Homemade.)

- Why? ( Because they live next to the person who takes care of them...)

3. Finger gymnastics: Dog.

4. Speech therapy lotto “Who has which baby?”

Teacher: All the babies of our animals are mixed up in the yard, can we help return the babies to their moms and dads? ( Yes.)

(On the flannelgraph there are scattered images of animals and cubs. We need to collect them together: the cubs with their mothers.)

Dog - puppy
Sheep - lamb
Cow - calf
Pig - piglet
Horse - foal
Chicken - chicken
Duck - duckling
Goat - kid
Cat - kitten
Turkey - little turkey
Goose - gosling

(You can repeat it - call it a chorus.)

Teacher: Well done!

Poem “My mother is the best.”

Maybe strictly and harshly
On others look Cow.
Only a whole calf
It's not too lazy to admire her.

Mom - The horse is so beautiful!
Lush tail, thick mane.
Look how she is
Graceful and slim!

Let's wait a minute longer -
Let's look at mom - Duck:
Let the water heat up
Near the shore of the pond

Mom looks at the lambs.
Mother's gaze is full of affection.

There is no more beautiful goat in the world
And kinder than our mother!

5. Call it affectionately:

Puppy - puppy
Calf - calf
Piglet - little piglet
Foal - foal
Little goat - little goat
Lamb - lamb, etc.

Well done, you completed this task too. But I have one more task for you, it’s called “What’s wrong?” Find the mistake, tell me correctly.

6. Game “Who Says So?”

– Cow – oink-oink – hums
– Horse – meh – laughs
– Pig – moo – grunts
- Goat - ku-ka-re-ku - bleats
– Sheep – i-go-go – bleats
– Dog – cle-cle – barks
- Goose - ko-ko - cackles
– Duck – meow-meow – quacks
– Chicken – woof-woof – bubbling
- Rooster - quack-quack - crows
– Turkey – oink-oink – bubbling
– Cat – b-e – meows

(Children correct and say correctly: - Cow - moo - moo; etc.)

Teacher: Well done guys, you completed the task.

7. Game “Who eats what?”

It is necessary to distribute animals according to food groups.

Cow - hay, etc.

8. Drawing or coloring pets.

What kind of pets would you like to have at home, please draw!

9. Summary of the lesson.

– Children’s work is assessed;

– What animals did we meet today? ( Homemade.)


  1. Tolokonnikov N.“Book of Riddles” Moscow, 1995.
  2. Lavrentieva E.“My mother is the best” Moscow 1996
  3. Nishcheva N.V.“Card index of outdoor games, exercises, physical education minutes, finger gymnastics”, 2008