Testing logic puzzles. Logical thinking test for children and adults

Logic tests are designed to enable the test taker to determine whether he or she operates with information processing capabilities in a logical way. They do not reflect the level of education or enlightenment, but they do measure the ability to process information intellectually. This important aspect in practice! The ability to discursively analyze data is required in everyday life, in learning, in the creative or work sphere. To pass the test, you do not need advanced mathematical skills, knowledge of the exact sciences or the humanities. Therefore, testing is suitable for all users.

Using the test for logical thinking, you can find out whether it is well developed or whether there are some problems in its work. In any case, you can get almost useful information for self-knowledge and improvement of one’s own potential. Receipt positive result- an indicator that the individual’s thinking is well developed - one can cast aside all doubts about one’s intellectual capabilities, if any. If the results indicate that the test taker does not have the ability to use all mental capabilities, this is a reason to engage in his development. It's never too late to engage in self-improvement, for which there are specialized techniques.

The discourse test for logical thinking shows whether an individual is able to use logic when perceiving and analyzing information data. This is the ability to identify the truth through reflection, based on inferences.

The technique is tested, based on the analysis of user responses and comparison of their correct answers. The results of the online logic test also take into account the percentage of correct conclusions of the test taker and compare them with the complexity of the questions. The goal is to test the level of logical skills.

Special technique, which allows you to test the user’s answers to the proposed analytical type problems, which involve solving logical speculations and inferences. When choosing answers from the list, you will need to thoroughly analyze the conditions and mark the most correct logical consequence. It is not recommended to act intuitively here! Passing a 30-question logic test provides the utmost exact result, revealing the logical thinking capabilities of the test taker.

Testing to assess the child’s development in terms of intellectual abilities analytically process information. Compared to standard methods, the logic test for children is designed taking into account specificity early age, and therefore offers questions that are more understandable and appropriate for them.

An intelligence and logic test allows you to test the level of intellectual potential and logical abilities, the completion of which is available to everyone in a convenient online format. After spending a little time, it becomes possible to know your own abilities, and if you wish, you can begin to adjust them.

Adults and children intellectual thinking have obvious distinctive features in the level of development of logical abilities, due to the difference in age and the presence life experience. Therefore, logic tests for adults are based on specialized techniques that take into account the mentioned differences and include logical tasks relevant to adult life. They convey most accurately individual characteristics test taker.

The level of intelligence is usually measured using IQ testing methods. Many scientists are working to improve its measurement, and the IQ test for logic remains a reliable way to find out details about your own mental potential.

For those who are planning to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or enroll in a police school, logic tests will allow them to learn about the level of deductive abilities that are considered necessary in law enforcement. After passing the test, you can understand whether they should be trained or whether their level is sufficient for successful employment and admission.

In adolescence, it is important to promptly identify problems in the development of analytical thinking - this is optimal period to improve it. Logic tests for teenagers can detect these problems or ensure their absence.

It is important for people of certain occupations and professions not only to know mathematics, but to learn how to use it in labor activity. Mathematical logic tests are ideal for this category of people. They test exclusively logical thinking, not abstract thinking, which is measured only by psychological tests.

The test consists of 30 points. Each item looks like:
- Condition
first consequence
second consequence
third consequence
“Condition” is the condition of the problem, some circumstances that are considered previously somehow proven and always true.
"Consequence" is a logical consequence of a condition. Of the three corollaries, one and only one is correct. Your task is to test your ability to separate correct logical consequences from incorrect ones.

The test does not require special mathematical knowledge. All words in the test must be interpreted as they are in ordinary everyday Russian, but not as in mathematics or another special field. All words in the test must be interpreted literally; no metaphors or allusions are provided in the test.

In the test you may find unfamiliar words such as "kuzdra". These words are intended to evaluate your ability to think logically, separating it from your other knowledge about the world around you. Consider that these words can mean anything, but so that the phrase in the condition is true in meaning. For example, if it is written that “the kuzdra runs”, this means that the kuzdra really knows how to run and, apparently, has legs or paws, it could be, for example, a person, an animal or a walking mechanism :)

Sometimes in the test there are words and expressions that have opposite meanings, for example “can” and “can’t”, “big” and “small”, etc. In all such cases, it is assumed that intermediate options (“can, but poorly”, “average”) are not considered.

1. Shmurdik is afraid of both mice and cockroaches.
Shmurdik is not afraid of cockroaches;
Shmurdik is afraid of mice;
Shmurdik is more afraid of mice than cockroaches, but he is also afraid of cockroaches.

2. It is known that the grymzik is necessarily either striped or horned, or both.
the grymzik cannot be hornless;
the grymzik cannot be monochromatic and hornless at the same time;
The grymzik cannot be striped and hornless at the same time.

3. If you poison a clot, it will immediately begin to blow bubbles.
if the plug blows bubbles, then it has been poisoned;
if the zapyrka is not poisoned, it will not blow bubbles;
If the plug does not blow bubbles, then it is not poisoned.

4. All the coolies know how to play checkers
there are no idiots who don’t know how to play checkers;
everyone who knows how to play checkers is a loser;
There are no idiots who know how to play checkers.

5. Dubarators are either good or bad. It is not true that this dubarator is not bad.
this dubarator is good;
this dubarator is average;
this dubarator is bad.

6. More than a dozen tials have been found in nature. All discovered tials are solid red.
at least some of the tials are red;
at least some of the tials are green;
some tials (of those already discovered) may not be red.

7. There are jackals with muhropendia.
not every jackal can boast of a healthy mohropendia;
not every jackal can boast of suffering from muhropendia;
There are jackals with healthy muhropendia.

8. It is not true that our tumelina is large and round.
our tumelina is small and non-round;
our tumelina is small, or non-round, or both;
our tumelnitsa is small, or non-round, but not both.

9. John is always either mumbling or purring.
John sometimes Urds;
John sometimes rants and sometimes purrs;
John never does both humming and purring at the same time.

10. The journalists lied that the swamp idiot was illiterate and impudent.
in fact, the swamp bzdysh is educated and tactful;
in fact, the swamp bzdysh is illiterate, but not impudent;
those journalists lied.

11. If you shake the bottle, shooting will begin. They shook the bottle.
the shooting has already begun;
the shooting will start someday;
the shooting will begin someday or has already begun.

12. If you shake the pepper, shooting will immediately begin. There have been no shootings in the last hour.
during the last hour the quail has not been shaken;
for the last hour the quail has been shaken;
but there was no point in shaking anything.

13. A huge butryak frightened the village elder.
the headman had a dream nightmare;
the headman tried some low-quality booze;
the elder was scared.

14. If you scratch the sponge behind the ear, it will begin to hiss contentedly. If the sponge hisses contentedly, the milk nearby will sour.
if you don’t scratch the lip behind the ear, the milk nearby won’t turn sour;
if you scratch the sponge behind the ear, the milk nearby will turn sour;
Milk in the distance never turns sour from scratching your lips.

15. Anyone who drills loudly is sure to be eaten. All the smirks are constantly loud.
everyone who shouts loudly is grinning;
all grinners are sure to be eaten;
Some grinners don't get eaten.

16. Both roach and pike live in the rivers near Timugrad.
there is no roach in the rivers near Timugrad;
pike lives in the rivers near Timugrad;
The rivers near Timugrad are inhabited only by roach and pike.

17. All dolls delight with their intelligence or beauty, and sometimes even both.
the baby doll cannot be stupid;
there are no stupid ugly little puffs;
There are no smart, beautiful little puffs.

18. When you sleep, you always cheat.
if you are fidgeting, it means you are sleeping;
if you don't sleep, you don't cheat.
If you're not fidgeting, it means you're not sleeping.

19. All fans love the game.
there are no fans who don’t like ygu;
everyone who loves ygu is rooting for someone;
There are no fans who love Ygu.

20. There are only two types of zdunts: red and blue. As for this particular zduntz, it turned out to be not blue at all.
this buzzer is blue;
this one is blue-red;
this little guy is red.

21. Many remains of rednecks have been found. But they are all very poorly preserved.
some remains of rednecks are very poorly preserved;
at least some remains of rednecks are in excellent condition;
Some of the found remains of rednecks are well preserved.

22. Some lapuchondria are not stable.
not every lapuchondria is unstable;
there are stable lapuchondria;
Not every lapuchondria is stable.

Brain destruction test

These are the tests they sometimes give during interviews...
It was explained to me that if a person answers all 12 questions correctly, it is chocolate, not an employee.
Less than 6 - this person generally has trouble with logic.

Logical thinking test.

1. Some snails are mountains. All mountains love cats. So that's it
snails love cats.
a) correct
b) wrong

2. All crocodiles can fly. All giants are crocodiles.
This means that all giants can fly.
a) correct
b) wrong

3. Some cabbage heads are steam locomotives. Some locomotives play on
This means that some cabbage heads play the piano.
a) correct
b) wrong

4. Two glades are never alike. Pine and spruce trees look
exactly the same. This means that pine and spruce trees are not two clearings.
a) correct
b) wrong

5. No person can become president if he has a red nose.
All people have a red nose. This means that none of the people can become
a) correct
b) wrong

6. All the crows collect pictures. Some art collectors sit in
birdcage. So, some crows are sitting in a birdcage.
a) correct
b) wrong

7. Only bad people cheat or steal. Katya is good.
a) Katya is cheating
b) Katya steals
c) Katya doesn’t steal
d) Katya deceives and steals

8. All sparrows cannot fly. All sparrows have legs.
a) sparrows cannot fly without legs
b) some sparrows have no legs
c) all sparrows that have legs cannot fly
d) sparrows cannot fly because they have legs
e) sparrows cannot fly and they have no legs
e) none of the above

9. Some people are Europeans. Europeans have three legs.
a) people with two legs are not Europeans
b) Europeans, who are human, sometimes have three legs
c) Europeans with two legs are sometimes human
d) There are no non-European people with three legs
e) People have three legs because they are Europeans

10. Flowers are green animals. Flowers drink vodka.
a) all green animals drink vodka
b) all green animals are flowers
c) some green animals drink vodka
d) Green animals don’t drink vodka
e) green animals are not flowers
e) none of the above

11. Each square is round. All squares are red.
a) there are squares with red corners
b) there are squares with round corners
c) there are round red corners
d) corners and squares - round and red
e) none of the above

12. Good bosses fall from the sky. Bad bosses can sing.
a) Bad bosses fall from the sky.
b) Good bosses who can fly can sing.
c) some bad bosses cannot sing.
d) some good bosses are bad because they can sing.
e) none of the above

P.S. I ended up with 8 correct answers))

Correct answers - see below

The mood now is Once again I feel with my hand across the emptiness...

Those who want to understand the level of their own abilities can take a test that reveals a tendency towards logical thinking. This type of mental activity is important for every person, because it determines not only the harmonious development of the individual, but also professional qualities.

Who benefits from taking the test?

Testing should be carried out regularly to understand how logical thinking is developing. There are methods for testing the level of logical thinking for children, adolescents and adults. The main results that the logical thinking test gives:

  • understanding weaknesses in mental activity;
  • degree of development of abstract thinking;
  • ability to work with templates and algorithms.

Modern employers include a similar check at the stage of selecting a new employee. The test becomes especially popular in the case of searching for creative and non-standard workers, which can be seen even by the incorrect answers to the question form.

Test for children on the level of logic development

The tests below can be administered before school or at primary school. Their main task is to identify whether the child is able to correctly build connections between these objects. By comparing the results with the answers given, you can understand what additional exercises should be given to children for training. Questions:

The answers may not necessarily coincide with those presented, so a specialist should check them for consistency:

  • no, he is lying down;
  • no, the tram runs on rails;
  • yes, if you glue them together;
  • maybe if the puck hits the stands;
  • yes, if the car is stationary;
  • stone, because it is heavier;
  • when jumping with a parachute;
  • it melted;
  • so that they are not visible to predators in the snow;
  • yes, aquatic;
  • on skis.

More than 8 correct answers indicate that the child has normal level development of logic, and 11–12 show high intellectual potential.

Adult check

The main task of the test is to check how correctly the conclusions are drawn.

2 – a.

5 – all answers are incorrect.

7 – all answers are incorrect.

Otherwise, the test taker receives one point if the answer is correct. The distribution of grades by level of logical thinking looks like this:

7 points – logical thinking is excellently developed;

5–6 points – the level of logic is very good;

3–4 points – it’s worth working on the development of logic, there is a chance of success;

0–2 points – logical thinking is undeveloped. You need to work on this so as not to create erroneous conclusions.

By doing simple exercises, after 2-3 weeks you can take the test again and make sure that success will not keep you waiting!

Reading strengthens neural connections:



The test consists of 30 points. Each item looks like:

a. first consequence
b. second consequence
c. third consequence

“Condition” is the condition of the problem, some circumstances that are considered previously somehow proven and always true.
"Consequence" is a logical consequence of a condition. Of the three corollaries, one and only one is correct. Your task is to test your ability to separate correct logical consequences from incorrect ones.

The test does not require special mathematical knowledge. All words in the test must be interpreted as they are in ordinary everyday Russian, but not as in mathematics or another special field. All words in the test must be interpreted literally; no metaphors or allusions are provided in the test.

In the test you may find unfamiliar words such as "kuzdra". These words are intended to evaluate your ability to think logically, separating it from your other knowledge about the world around you. Consider that these words can mean anything, but so that the phrase in the condition is true in meaning. For example, if it is written that “the kuzdra runs”, this means that the kuzdra really knows how to run and, apparently, has legs or paws, it could be, for example, a person, an animal or a walking mechanism :)

Sometimes in the test there are words and expressions that have opposite meanings, for example “can” and “can’t”, “big” and “small”, etc. In all such cases, it is assumed that the intermediate options “can, but poorly”, “average”) are not considered.

1. Shmurdik is afraid of both mice and cockroaches.
a. Shmurdik is not afraid of cockroaches;
b. Shmurdik is afraid of mice;
c. Shmurdik is more afraid of mice than cockroaches, but he is also afraid of cockroaches.

2. It is known that the grymzik is necessarily either striped or horned, or both.
a. the grymzik cannot be hornless;
b. the grymzik cannot be monochromatic and hornless at the same time;
c. The grymzik cannot be striped and hornless at the same time.

3. If you poison a clot, it will immediately begin to blow bubbles.
a. if the plug blows bubbles, then it has been poisoned;
b. if the zapyrka is not poisoned, it will not blow bubbles;
c. If the plug does not blow bubbles, then it is not poisoned.

4. All the coolies know how to play checkers
a. there are no idiots who don’t know how to play checkers;
b. everyone who knows how to play checkers is a loser;
c. There are no idiots who know how to play checkers.

5. Dubarators are either good or bad. It is not true that this dubarator is not bad.
a. this dubarator is good;
b. this dubarator is average;
c. this dubarator is bad.

6. More than a dozen tials have been found in nature. All discovered tials are solid red.
a. at least some of the tials are red;
b. at least some of the tials are green;
c. some tials (of those already discovered) may not be red.

7. There are jackals with muhropendia.
a. not every jackal can boast of a healthy mohropendia;
b. not every jackal can boast of suffering from muhropendia;
c. There are jackals with healthy muhropendia.

8. It is not true that our tumelina is large and round.
a. our tumelina is small and non-round;
b. our tumelina is small, or non-round, or both;
c. our tumelnitsa is small, or non-round, but not both.

9. John is always either mumbling or purring.
a. John sometimes speaks Urd;
b. John sometimes rants and sometimes purrs;
c. John never does both humming and purring at the same time.

10. The journalists lied that the swamp idiot was illiterate and impudent.
a. in fact, the swamp bzdysh is educated and tactful;
b. in fact, the swamp bzdysh is illiterate, but not impudent;
c. those journalists lied.

11. If you shake the bottle, shooting will begin. They shook the bottle.
a. the shooting has already begun;
b. the shooting will start someday;
c. the shooting will begin someday or has already begun.

12. If you shake the pepper, shooting will immediately begin. There have been no shootings in the last hour.
a. during the last hour the quail was not shaken;
b. during the last hour they shook the quail;
c. but there was no point in shaking anything.

13. A huge butryak frightened the village elder.
a. the headman had a nightmare;
b. the headman tried some low-quality booze;
c. the elder was scared.

14. If you scratch the sponge behind the ear, it will begin to hiss contentedly. If the sponge hisses contentedly, the milk nearby will sour.
a. if you don’t scratch the lip behind the ear, the milk nearby won’t turn sour;
b. if you scratch the sponge behind the ear, the milk nearby will turn sour;
c. Milk in the distance never turns sour from scratching your lips.

15. Anyone who drills loudly is sure to be eaten. All the smirks are constantly loud.
a. everyone who shouts loudly is grinning;
b. all grinners are sure to be eaten;
c. Some grinners don't get eaten.

16. Both roach and pike live in the rivers near Timugrad.
a. there is no roach in the rivers near Timugrad;
b. pike lives in the rivers near Timugrad;
c. The rivers near Timugrad are inhabited only by roach and pike.

17. All dolls delight with their intelligence or beauty, and sometimes even both.
a. the baby doll cannot be stupid;
b. there are no stupid ugly little puffs;
c. There are no smart, beautiful little puffs.

18. When you sleep, you always cheat.
a. if you are fidgeting, it means you are sleeping;
b. if you don't sleep, you don't cheat.
c. If you're not fidgeting, it means you're not sleeping.

19. All fans love the game.
a. there are no fans who don’t like ygu;
b. everyone who loves ygu is rooting for someone;
c. There are no fans who love Ygu.

20. There are only two types of zdunts: red and blue. As for this particular zduntz, it turned out to be not blue at all.
a. this buzzer is blue;
b. this one is blue-red;
c. this little guy is red.

21. Many remains of rednecks have been found. But they are all very poorly preserved.
a. some remains of rednecks are very poorly preserved;
b. at least some remains of rednecks are in excellent condition;
c. Some of the found remains of rednecks are well preserved.

22. Some lapuchondria are not stable.
a. not every lapuchondria is unstable;
b. there are stable lapuchondria;
c. Not every lapuchondria is stable.

23. They said that duknis were both sharp and hard. It turns out that this is not true at all.
a. in fact, dukni are blunt and soft;
b. in fact, dukni are blunt or soft or both;
c. in fact, dukni are either blunt or soft, but not both.

24. Kaflya is always either running or breathing.
a. The tile breathes as it runs;
b. Kaflya does not breathe while standing;
c. The caflya doesn't breathe while running.
25. The information that tomorrow’s meeting will be devoted to scarlet ducklings turned out to be false.
a. the information turned out to be false;
b. the meeting will not be about ducklings;
With. The meeting will be dedicated to ducklings, but not ducklings at all.

26. If you pour water on a bottle, it will spoil immediately. This tie is not spoiled. Now I'll pour water on her.
a. no need to offend the narrow-minded;
b. the tightness will deteriorate;
c. the tightness will not deteriorate.

27. If you pour water on a bottle, it will spoil immediately. This tie was not spoiled.
a. the bottle was not doused;
b. the bottle was doused;
c. Yes, leave me alone from the bottleneck.

28. Vasya quit taking this test after answering only 28 questions.
a. Vasya was tired while taking the test;
b. Vasya hesitated while taking the test;
c. Vasya did not finish the test.

29. If you feed the bush, it will calm down. A calm bush can be milked.
a. if you don’t feed the bush, it won’t be possible to milk it;
b. You can milk a bush, but not feed it; it will find and eat something on its own;
c. After feeding, the bush can be milked.

30. If you make your grandmother happy, she will give milk. Bushka will be happy if you pull her tail.
a. if you pull the bush by the tail, it will give milk;
b. no one will be happy if you pull his tail;
c. If you don't pull the bush's tail, it won't give milk.

You have dialed...
26-30 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. If you make errors in reasoning, it is mainly by accident or fatigue, but not due to inability. However, remember that everything good can always be improved - if, of course, you need it.

20-25 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. However, you may make mistakes in unusual or confusing cases. Having received any conclusion as a result of reasoning, do not rush to accept it as truth. Make it a rule to double-check your conclusions, look for errors in them, and simply weak points. Don't be surprised, don't be indignant if you are corrected: perhaps that's the point.

14-19 points:
Option 1.
You didn’t have the patience to take the entire test, you only completed part of it, and chose the remaining items at random.
Option 2.
Your logical thinking is undeveloped. If you try to reason publicly, you may well be ridiculed. You'll have to turn to others strengths your personality if you want to convince someone of something or find out something. However, maybe you are not completely hopeless if you try to learn.

6-13 points:
Option 1.
You took the test by pointing at random items.
Option 2.
You have no logical thinking at all. The result you got can be obtained by simply poking at random. You should not try to “reason logically,” especially in public. You may be mistaken for crazy.

3-5 points:
You didn't want to take the test.

1-2 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. If you make errors in reasoning, it is mainly by accident or fatigue, but not due to inability. However, remember that everything good can always be improved - if, of course, you need it. IN in this case you decided to show off and answer questions deliberately incorrectly.