Incomplete sentences 8. Presentation on the topic "Incomplete sentences (8th grade)"

Incomplete sentences

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Which sentences do you think are complete?

And which ones are incomplete?

Why are they called incomplete? What are they missing?

Incomplete and one-part – are they the same thing or different?

How do incomplete sentences differ from one-part sentences?

Give an example of an incomplete sentence.

Where do you think we often find incomplete sentences?

Are incomplete sentences different from complete sentences in punctuation?

Heuristic conversation

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Game "Fourth wheel".

Find the extra word and justify your decision.

to..dream, to..sanie, touch, touching;

2) growth, growth, growth, growth,

r..stock;3) approx. ..spread, unp..dry, spread..lay, dry..dry.

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1) In the landscape “Over Eternal Peace” Levitan painted the calm surface of the river, and in the distance - low banks. A small church was lost in the endless expanses, and next to it was a poor village cemetery. And above all this are heavy leaden clouds.

Read the sentences.

Find incomplete sentences.

Restore missing members in incomplete sentences by comparing complete and incomplete sentences.

I. Levitan. Over eternal peace.

Slide 5

Read the sentences. Find incomplete sentences. Restore the missing members in incomplete sentences by comparing complete and incomplete sentences. 1) A river is recognized by swimming, a man is in trouble. 2) Truthful words are good, fox fur coats are fluffy. 3) The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge. 4) Gain intelligence in learning, courage in battle. 5) A brave man is recognized in war, a wise man in anger, a friend in need.

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Find incomplete sentences.3) Starodum. Oh, madam! It has already reached my ears that he now only deigned to unlearn. I have heard about his teachers and I can see in advance what kind of literate he needs to be, studying with Kuteikin, and what kind of mathematician, studying with Tsyfirkin. I would be curious to hear what the German taught him. Mrs. Prostakova. All sciences, father. Prostakov. Everything, my father. Mitrofan. Whatever you want.

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A moment of laughter

Who do you think knows best in our class? German? - In my opinion, our teacher.

Russian language lesson. 8th grade.

Topic: Incomplete sentences.

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Objectives: establish the purpose of incomplete sentences; to develop the ability to recognize these sentences in the text and distinguish them from monocomponent ones.

Develop the skill of competently using incomplete sentences in your own statements and their correct punctuation in writing.

Lesson progress:

I.Org moment.

II.Examination homework.

1) Analysis of proposals:

The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state.

Assignment: characterize these sentences from the point of view of the presence of a grammatical basis. Explain the placement of the dash in these sentences.

(These are two-part sentences, common. The dash is between the subject and the predicate, expressed by a noun in the nominative case.)

(December 12 is the most important public holiday - Constitution Day of the Russian Federation. As you know, on this significant day in 1993 the current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted.

The adoption of the Constitution is rightfully considered one of the most significant events in the history of any country, which is why a similar holiday exists in many countries around the world. The Constitution of Russia is a solid foundation for the democratic development of the state.)

2. Blitz survey:

Which sentences are called one-part sentences, which two-part ones?

Name the types of one-part sentences.

3. Returning to the sentences, try to transform them into one-part sentences.

(Constitution. Basic law of the state. December 12. Constitution Day of the Russian Federation.)

Describe these proposals.

Think about it: in a one-part sentence, where there is only a subject, is it important to have a predicate? Why?

(In such sentences, the picture that they strive to capture is important, and this can be done with the help of objects that are expressed in the sentence by the main member - the subject)

And where is only the predicate, is it important to have a subject? (No, without indicating the person performing the action, it is clear from the form of the predicate verb who is performing the action).

III.Explanation of new material.

1) Language analysis of sentences (analyze the sentences from the point of view of the completeness of the sentence structure) (write in a notebook)

* Yellow lilies have been open since sunrise. (two-part, common)

* Yellow lilies open from sunrise, and white ones open at ten o'clock.

Do you understand what we're talking about? we're talking about in the second part of the sentence? How did you guess? (refer to the first part)

Is the second part of the sentence complete in its structure? (No, it's incomplete)

2) Determining the topic of the lesson (entry in notebook: “Incomplete sentences”)

3) Setting goals : learns to recognize incomplete sentences in the text, distinguish them from one-part sentences; use incomplete sentences in your own statements; develop the skill of correct punctuation in writing.

3) So what is an incomplete sentence? ? Please give me a definition. In case of difficulty, we turn to the theoretical material of the textbook P.28 p. 114 (we use the insert technique - we read the material with a pencil in our hands)

Sentences are called incomplete , in which any member of the sentence that is necessary in meaning and structure is missing, but which is easily restored by speech situation. Those. the meaning of incomplete sentences is perceived based on the situation or context. Both main and minor members of a sentence can be omitted.

- I'm angry with my son.

- For what?

- For an evil crime. (A.S. Pushkin)

(Restore the missing members of the sentence)

In which style of speech are incomplete sentences more common?

(Incomplete sentences are very common in spoken language, particularly in dialogue, where the initial sentence is usually an extended, grammatically complete one, and subsequent remarks tend to be incomplete sentences because they do not repeat words already named.)

4) We continue to analyze the proposals.

It was getting dark, and the clouds were either parting or setting in from three sides: on the left - almost black, with blue gaps, on the right - gray, rumbling with continuous thunder, and from the west, from behind the Khvoshchina estate, from behind the slopes above the river valley , - dull blue, in dusty streaks of rain, through which the mountains of distant clouds turned pink (Bun.).

What is interesting about a sentence from a punctuation point of view? (Presence of a dash).

Why is there a dash in the sentence?

(A dash is placed when omitting members of a sentence that are restored in the context of dialogue lines or adjacent sentences.)

- Do you like pies? green onions? I am like passion! (M.G.)

5) Returning to what was said earlier, remind us why in single-component sentences do not necessarily have another main member of the sentence?

-Discuss in pairs/groups: How can you explain the omission of sentence members in incomplete sentences?

( as not to repeat

2.sphere of use of incomplete sentences – colloquial speech, in which, as a rule, we strive for brevity.

3.incomplete sentences help convey the speaker’s excitement and allow for expressiveness)

IV. Monitoring understanding of the topic.

1. Explanatory dictation.

2. Having written down the sentences, they then (orally) restore the omitted parts of the sentences in incomplete sentences, comparing complete and incomplete sentences.

1) Gain intelligence in learning, courage in battle. 2) The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge. 3) A river is known to be floating, but a person is in trouble.

What is the scope of use of incomplete sentences (we said that in colloquial speech)

(They are found in proverbs and sayings. They help to express a thought more clearly and clearly in a concise form).

3. Blitz survey

Are the following sentences incomplete?

1. Early morning. 2. It's dawn. 3. Latest news I find out on the radio. 4. They bring us newspapers during the day. (All complete, one-piece).

Determine what these sentences are:

Were you informed of my arrival? (Full, single-stage)

Reported. (Incomplete, single-part)

Will it finally get warmer soon? (Full, single-stage)

Soon. (Nepln., single-part.)

V. Working with text.

1). It was the end of November. 2). All the way to Gibraltar we had to sail in the middle of a storm with wet snow. 3) But they sailed quite safely. 4). There were many passengers, the ship looked like a huge hotel with all the amenities. 5). Life there flowed smoothly. 6). We got up at that early hour, when it was dawning so slowly and uninvitingly over the gray-green watery desert, heavily agitated in the fog. 7). We put on flannel pajamas, drank coffee, chocolate, and then sat in the baths and did gymnastics, stimulating our appetite and feeling good. 8). Until eleven o'clock they were supposed to walk briskly along the decks, breathing in the cold freshness of the ocean. 9). At eleven - refresh yourself with sandwiches with broth. 10). Having refreshed ourselves, we read the newspaper with pleasure and calmly waited for the second breakfast, more varied than the first. 11). The next two hours were devoted to rest. (I.A. Bunin “Mr. from San Francisco”)

1. What types of one-part sentences predominate in the text?

2. What is the role of one-part sentences in this text?

(They are a vivid syntactic means of expressiveness, helping the author to convey to the reader the main ideological meaning of the work. The text contains many vaguely personal and impersonal sentences that do not imply an image of the figure. The importance of the action itself is emphasized here.

These sentences emphasize the impersonality and lack of individuality of those who consider themselves masters of life. Everything they do is unnatural: entertainment is needed only to artificially stimulate appetite. The use of these sentences allowed the author, without naming specific figures, to show a generalized picture of a spiritless life

3.Are there any incomplete sentences in the text?

What is the role of this sentence in the text? (discuss in group)

(The deliberate omission of the predicate in the 9th sentence allows us to emphasize the author’s assessment: a negative attitude towards the fact that it was “supposed” to go for a walk, and “supposed to be reinforced”.)

VII. Summing up .

From a practical point of view, what useful things did you get from today’s lesson?

VIII.Homework : theoretical material paragraph 28

Ex. 169 (make up a dialogue)

Or ex. 170

Backup job.

Test control

1. Find the option that has an incomplete sentence

A) You admire the cast-iron pattern of the fences.

B) I love literature to the point of oblivion.

C) Even in trifles one must be truthful.

D) There is a night star over the hero’s grave. (+)

2. Which incomplete sentence requires a dash?

A) There, on unknown paths, are traces of unprecedented animals.

B) There is an old leather sofa in the corner.

B) They talked for a long time: grandmother quietly and plaintively, grandfather loudly and angrily. (+)

D) The creaking of footsteps along the white streets, lights in the distance.

3. Find an incomplete sentence as part of a complex one.

A) The earth still looks sad, but the air already breathes spring.

B) Behind the line were hunters with a dog, and behind the hunters was the coachman Ignat.

C) He found himself again in the same park, but now it was completely cold.

D) One more minute of explanation, and the long-standing enmity was ready to fade away...

Exercise 1.

Compare the sentences according to their construction. Explain the placement of the dash. Read the sentences using correct intonation.

1. Apple trees with white curly flowers(A. Blok) . 2. Steppe mountains - up to the sky(A. Blok) .

Exercise 2.

Compare offer options. Which one is more dynamic? Thanks to what?

1) - What is your name?
- Vlas.
- How old are you?
- The sixth has passed.

(N. Nekrasov)

2) - What’s your name?
- My name is Vlas.
- What year are you?
- I have passed my sixth year.

Exercise 3.

1. Find incomplete sentences and restore missing members.

And Tanya enters the empty house where our hero recently lived. ...Tanya is further away; The old woman said to her: “Here is the fireplace; here the master sat alone... This is the master's office; Here he rested, ate coffee, listened to the clerk’s reports and read a book in the morning...”
(A.S. Pushkin)

Exercise 4.

Find incomplete sentences in a passage from a literary criticism article. What did the author achieve by using them? Rewrite, add missing punctuation marks, explain them.

The poet Nikolai Starinov is never monotonous in his state of mind, in his vision of the world. His modesty borders on harshness, pathos with a sad smile, preaching with frank self-disclosure, with the confession of a loving and suffering heart (V. Dementyev).

Exercise 5.

Find contextual incomplete sentences. Indicate which parts of the sentence are omitted.

1. Things were going very well at the bakery, but for me personally they were getting worse.
(M. Gorky). 2. Better people loved him, worse people were afraid of him(M. Gorky). 3. Crimson maple leaves and yellow birch leaves lay at the woman’s feet(M. Gorky).

Exercise 6.

Copy it using missing punctuation marks. Explain the use of dashes. Find one-part sentences.

In ancient times, when there were very few literate people, instead of letters, sometimes this or that plant was sent. IN Ancient Greece For example, they sent the townspeople with a palm branch to notify them of victory... and with an olive branch to announce peace. Laurel branches spoke of glory. Oak branches spoke of strength and power. A wreath of laurel leaves is still a symbol of the winner and his reward.

Exercise 7.

Write it off. Place a dash where necessary in incomplete sentences. Explain the placement of the sign.

1. From somewhere two Jewish musicians appeared: one with a violin, the other with a tambourine.(A. Kuprin) . 2. A writer needs courage in handling words and his stock of observations, a sculptor with clay and marble, an artist with paints and lines.(K. Paustovsky) . 3. He had workbenches in his yard: a big one for himself, and a smaller workbench for the kids.(V. Soloukhin) .

Exercise 8.

Place the missing dashes in the sentences. Justify the placement of punctuation marks.

1. Ermolai shot, as always, victoriously; I'm pretty bad(Turgenev) . 2. Our job is to obey, not to criticize.(Saltykov-Shchedrin) . 3. The earth below seemed like a sea, and the mountains looked like huge petrified waves(Arsenyev) . 4. The artist’s job is to resist suffering with all his might, with all his talent.(Paustovsky) . 5. I love the sky, grass, horses, and most of all the sea(Lavrenev) . 6. When I was walking to the tram, on the way I tried to remember the girl’s face(Lavrenev) . 7. Silver stars through the huge black branches of larches(Fedoseev) . 8. He won’t get to his feet soon, and will he even get up at all?(Fedoseev) . 9. The river turned blue and the sky turned blue(Yashin) . 10. And the color of these fields changes endlessly throughout the day: one in the morning, another in the evening, a third at noon (Baruzdin). 11. Who is looking for what, but the mother is always affectionate(M. Gorky) . 12. A tree is dear in its fruits, but a man is dear in his deeds (proverb). 13. B big people I love modesty, and in small self-respect(Afinogenov). 14. The bakery’s business was going very well, but mine personally was getting worse.(M. Gorky) . 15. Terkin further. The author followed(Tvardovsky) .

Exercise 9.

Write down incomplete sentences, put a dash in place of the missing parts of the sentence.

1) The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge. 2) A lie stands on one leg, the truth on two. 3) The wise man blames himself, the ignorant others. 4) A snake changes its skin once, but a traitor changes its skin every day. 5) A writer needs courage in handling words and stock of his observations, a sculptor with clay and marble, an artist with paints and lines.(K.G. Paustovsky.) 6) Behind was a fast, clear river that the detachment had just crossed, in front were cultivated fields and meadows with shallow ravines, still ahead were mysterious black mountains covered with forest, behind the black mountains there were still protruding rocks, and on the highest horizon were ever-beautiful, ever-changing, playing with light like diamonds, snowy mountains.(L. Tolstoy.)

How many grammatical bases are there in the last sentence?
- Which parts of the sentence are omitted in incomplete sentences?

Exercise 10.

Find parts of complex sentences that are incomplete sentences and highlight them.

You are tolerant if you do not clench your fists when people contradict you. You are tolerant if you can understand why they hate you so much or love you so annoyingly and troublesomely, and you can forgive all this for both. You are tolerant if you are able to reasonably and calmly negotiate with different people, without hurting their pride and deep down, excusing them for being different from you.

An apologist is a person who is ready to extol an idea he once liked even when life has shown its falsity, praising the ruler, no matter what mistakes he makes, glorifying political regime, no matter what outrages happened under him in the country. Apologetics is a rather funny activity if done out of stupidity, and vile if done out of calculation.
(S. Zhukovsky)

Exercise 11.

Make complex sentences from these simple sentences, avoiding unnecessary repetition. Write it down, placing a dash where necessary.

My brother is interested in mountaineering. I'm getting carried away skiing. During the day we admired the bright shine snowy peaks. In the evening we admired the clear silhouettes of the mountains against the dark blue sky.

Exercise 12.

Describe incomplete sentences in dialogical speech. Select sentences-replicas and sentences-answers to questions.

Suddenly there is a signal around the turn, the driver throws out the door and brakes:
- Sit down, infantry, you could rub your cheeks with snow. How far is it?
- Back to the front. He cured his hand.
- It's clear. Not a hero?
- Not yet.
- Then take out your pouch
(A. Tvardovsky).

Exercise 13.

Compose a dialogue on the topic “Talking on the phone” using incomplete sentences. Try to insert the missing parts of the sentence. Will the text benefit from this?

Exercise 14.

Make up a dialogue on the topic “In the library.” Analyze structural features dialogue, pay attention to the alternation of complete and incomplete sentences.

Exercise 15.

Replace complete personal sentences with incomplete ones where appropriate. Rewrite using punctuation marks.

1. The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge. 2. How long has it been since the plane arrived? - The plane arrived a long time ago. 3. Where do the birds fly? - Birds fly to places where there is no winter. 4. The steppe was golden yellow, and the sky was bright blue.

Exercise 16.

Write out the sentences below in the following order: a) complete two-part sentences; b) complete one-part sentences; c) incomplete sentences, understandable only in context; d) incomplete elliptic sentences.

1. With true friends, sorrows and joys are divided in half (proverb). 2. One in the field is not a warrior (proverb). 3. There is no path in the dense forest. Not a single path, not a single path(Prishvin) . 4. A person is valued not by his years, not by his money, but by his intelligence (proverb). 5. The geese are stretched by a string... They fly silently...(Prishvin) . 6. He no longer wanted to leave(Goncharov) . 7. A loud and fast shot struck in the darkness. Behind him is the second, third(Paustovsky) . 8. There is November darkness around me (Bulgakov).

Test on the topic “Incomplete sentences”

1. In what version is it given? correct characterization highlighted offer?

A cat crawls out from under the sofa. Stretched, jumped on the sofa.

c) two-part, complete
d) two-part, incomplete

2. Which option provides the correct description of the proposal?

On a low bell tower, nestled under the wall of a seven-story building, they rang for vespers.

a) one-part, indefinite-personal, complete
b) one-part, indefinitely personal, incomplete
c) two-part, complete
d) two-part, incomplete

3. Which option provides the correct description of the proposal?

We must fight dark thoughts.

a) one-part, definitely personal, complete
b) one-part, indefinite-personal, complete
c) one-part, impersonal, complete
d) two-part, incomplete

4. Which option provides the correct description of the proposal?

Where are you, my dear?

a) one-part, definitely personal, complete
b) one-part, definitely personal, incomplete
c) two-part, complete
d) two-part, incomplete

5. Which sentence is two-part incomplete?

a) Get out of here!
b) Life is given to a person once.
c) It was difficult to dissuade him of anything.
d) At ten o'clock in the evening there will be fireworks.

6. Which sentence is one-part, impersonal, incomplete?

a) You should work in a circus, guess other people’s thoughts.
b) No swearing, no laughter, no loud talking.
c) What a wonderful night!
d) The entire wasteland was filled with rubble.

7. Which sentence is incomplete due to the omission of the main part of the sentence (subject or predicate)?

a) His apartment is large and bright.
b) And only the word, only the word looms in the steppe under the moon.
c) I should write to you in Lithuanian.
d) On the floor of his palace there are expensive Persian carpets.

8. Which sentence is incomplete due to omission? minor member offers?

a) My brother - best doctor in the city.
b) Behind that forest is a wonderful lake.
c) I love my relatives very much, but I rarely see them.
d) His father lived in one city, and his mother-in-law lived in another.

From the lesson “Incomplete Sentences” you will learn about the differences between complete sentences and incomplete ones. Students will learn to distinguish between one-part and two-part, common and non-common syntactic constructions. To consolidate new material, you will consider the most vivid examples.

Topic: One-part sentences

Lesson: Incomplete Sentences

3. Russian philological portal ().

1. Read the poem by Oleg Grigoriev.

Mark complete and incomplete sentences. Sort them into sentence parts.

—Did you dig a hole? - I was digging. — Did you fall into a hole? - Fell. -Are you sitting in a hole? - Sitting. —Are you waiting for the stairs? - I am waiting. — A pit of cheese? - Cheese. - How's your head? - Intact. - So he's alive? - Alive. - Well, I went home!

2. There is an “extra” in each row of words. Define this word.

In the grove.., there are a lot of carrots.., in the presentation.., during the revolution...

From memory.., without boats.., in the road.., in the air...

In all severity.., towards wisdom.., into concern.., about research...

On tulle.., in shampoo.., Natal conveyed.., about herbarium...

In the stirrups.., in the udder.., in the flames.., on the stone...