Bleeding cracks on toes. Treatment of cracks between toes

Most people don't pay enough attention to their feet. The result of such indifference is often cracked toes, causing not only a lot of inconvenience, but also severe pain. As a result, it becomes difficult to move, and there is a persistent desire to get rid of unpleasant problem.

Since in advanced cases Cracks can be quite difficult to deal with; it is necessary to promptly treat them and further prevent them.

Root causes of cracks

No one will argue that the formation of cracks in the feet is an unpleasant phenomenon. Painful cracks prevent you from moving normally and wearing your favorite shoes, causing a feeling of discomfort. The favorite localization of cracks is the area of ​​the little finger or first toe (phalanx).

Despite irresistible desire To fix an unpleasant problem, you first need to find out why the crack occurred in the first place. The reasons may be various factors that can intersect with each other.

  1. Poor hygiene. Despite the greater availability of various hygiene products, not every person observes personal hygiene measures. This is especially true for the legs. And children are the first to ignore the rules. Therefore, cracks can often be found on a child’s legs. According to all the rules, you should wash your feet at least 2 times throughout the day. Otherwise, pathogenic bacteria and harmful microorganisms will freely multiply on them. This will contribute to the development of various pathological processes, including cracks.
  2. Wearing the wrong shoes. Uncomfortable shoes often cause the appearance of corns and calluses on the feet. Wearing models from artificial materials disrupts ventilation processes and is often accompanied by accelerated processes keratinization. Over time, the densest and thickest areas of the epidermis can crack and form fissures, especially on the big toe.
  3. Fungal infection. It often develops as a result of improper foot hygiene, but more often occurs due to failure to comply with basic safety measures. You can catch a fungus when visiting public baths, saunas, swimming pools and beaches without appropriate shoes. Wearing someone else's shoes or sharing the same towel also contributes to the transmission of infection. The result is the rapid development of fungal colonies, leading to the appearance of weeping wounds and the formation of cracks. Other symptoms include foul odor and itching.
  4. Dependence on seasonal phenomena. In summer, feet and toes are most susceptible to injury when sand or small pebbles get stuck in open sandals. They will contribute to skin chafing and roughening with subsequent development of calluses. The latter if incorrect or delayed treatment capable of cracking. This pathology can also occur in winter, when it is not possible to change shoes and you have to sit indoors for a long time in warm boots. In this case, the feet sweat a lot, which can subsequently lead to calluses and wounds, and then cracks.
  5. Concomitant pathology. Often the cause of cracks in the lower extremities lies in various diseases. Usually this varicose veins veins, digestive problems or psoriasis. But most often, the root cause of cracks is diabetes, which leads to poor blood supply and nutrition to the skin on the feet and fingers. It is especially dangerous because it is often accompanied by loss of sensitivity of the skin. As a result, cracking may not be noticed immediately, which leads to the development of concomitant infection and even gangrene.
  6. Lack of proper nutrition. A daily intake of a full set of vitamins and microelements is important for the whole body. And leather is no exception. With a lack of vitamins E and A complex, the skin loses its elasticity, as a result of which the likelihood of cracks increases.
  7. Presence of dry skin on the legs. If the skin on the lower extremities is insufficiently moisturized, the risk of developing cracks increases several times. Makes the situation worse and active use deodorants for feet. Dry and thin skin loses its former elasticity and even with slight pressure or mechanical stress is capable of cracking. This is especially possible if excessive force is applied to the treatment of the feet with pumice (in the area of ​​the pads). In this case, the cracks that form are not capable of fast healing and serve as entry points for infection.

In addition to all of the above, cracks in the feet and fingers are often caused by various skin diseases(dermatitis, eczema). They disrupt the normal trophism of tissues and provoke the appearance of cracks. Other reasons include sunburn, frostbite, long-term stress and frequent contact of fingers and feet with household chemicals.

Important! In women, the risk of cracks around the toes increases with age menopause. At this time it develops hormonal imbalance, entailing problems with microcirculation in the lower extremities. Gradually, the skin in this part is poorly supplied with blood and does not receive adequate nutrition. Eventually it starts to crack.

How to properly treat cracks

The most important rule in treating cracks in the toe area is timeliness. No need to delay therapeutic measures and hope that the wounds will heal on their own. The result may be further cracking of the skin on the fingers and infection. As a result, the total duration of therapy may take more than one week. You will also have to spend a lot cash for crack therapy.

If treatment for cracks is started in a timely manner, you can not only speed up the healing process, but also use home remedies. They are much cheaper than expensive drugs and allow you to get rid of the problem in a short time. As an example, here are some of the most popular and proven means. They can be used directly at home without fear of consequences.

  1. Glycerol. Is accessible means, allowing you to speed up skin regeneration processes and heal cracks in just 5 procedures. Best effect obtained after using a glycerin mask. To prepare it you will need 2 tbsp. glycerin and warm boiled water, 1 tbsp. flour and 1 tbsp. honey It is necessary to thoroughly mix the listed ingredients until a homogeneous and sufficiently thick mass is obtained. It should be divided equally and applied to both feet for exactly 20 minutes. At the end of this time, wash off the mask with warm water and apply a rich cream to the skin. You can also mix the listed ingredients in equal quantities, but replacing glycerin with any fat. In this case, the mask should be applied at night, using it as a compress.
  2. Wax. Is one of the most effective means from any cracks. It is used in a similar way to wax as a mask. To prepare it you will need to melt it in a water bath. Not large number wax. It is necessary to dip damaged fingers into the resulting mass, but at the same time be careful not to burn them. Then the fingers need to be pulled out. After the wax has completely hardened on your fingers (resembles a cap), you need to put cotton socks on top and leave it like that for 12 hours. Upon completion given period The socks and caps can be removed. After this, your feet should be lubricated with a rich cream. The procedure should be repeated until the cracks are completely healed.
  3. BF-6. Helps cope with cracks when they cause severe discomfort, pain and have become too deep. The glue helps to “seal” wounds, preventing infection, improving general condition. It will heal wounds very effectively. Simply apply glue to the crack and wait until it dries completely. To protect surrounding tissues, it is worth treating them with any cream.
  4. Oils. Can be applied completely to all feet by rubbing massage movements. You can use any oils plant origin, but preference should be given to castor with sea buckthorn and olive. In their absence, a replacement can be the usual sunflower oil. To get maximum results, after completing the application of the oil, you need to put socks made of natural materials on your feet.
  5. Mumiyo. Helps not only speed up skin regeneration processes, but also helps stop bleeding and fight bleeding ulcers. Used as foot bath, in which you should keep your feet for at least 15 minutes. To prepare it, just dissolve a few tablets of the drug in warm water. After the end of the procedure, wipe the legs dry and lubricate with cream. Regularity similar procedures may be daily.

Important! It must be remembered that diabetes requires attentive attitude in terms of treatment. Here it is important not only to cure the cracks, but also to take control of the underlying disease. Often, in addition to folk remedies, accession is required medicines(ointments for cracks Bepanten, Dexpanthenol). But only after consulting a doctor.

The following measures should be considered as additional therapeutic measures: changing shoes to more comfortable (and breathable) ones, systematically using talcum powder to prevent sweating, lubricating the feet with moisturizer and proper nutrition. Regular pedicures will be helpful good sleep And good rest. You can also use various creams for cracks (Doctor Biocon, Super Heels).

Important rules of prevention

Most famous pathological conditions can be successfully prevented. This also applies to cracks in the feet in the toes. IN in this case preventive measures will be clear and understandable to absolutely everyone.

  1. Maintaining hygiene. Doing this simple rule in most cases it will avoid the formation of cracks. It is enough just to wash your feet systematically, in soft water and using detergents on a natural basis (best with glycerin). After finishing washing, the feet and toes should be wiped dry and lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream, gently massaging the feet and toes.
  2. Temperature changes should be avoided. You should always keep your feet and toes warm, but avoid overheating and excessive sweating. You need to find the optimal temperature regime for yourself.
  3. It is worth giving preference to quality shoes. Good shoes made from natural materials, selected according to size, will guarantee healthy feet. It will not press or rub, and will also allow the skin to “breathe” freely. In addition to shoes, it is worth purchasing good socks and tights that will not rub your feet and prevent excessive sweating.
  4. Use moisturizers regularly. Massage with creams is beneficial for feet not only after washing. Systematic moisturizing will avoid dry skin and prevent the development of cracks. But you should not periodically change the means to prevent the development of allergies.
  5. Compliance with safety measures. Visiting public places in the form of baths, beaches, saunas and swimming pools, it is worth taking care of personal slippers and a towel. This will avoid foot infections from fungal infections and prevent further formation of unpleasant cracks.

In addition to all of the above, do not forget about treating your feet with pumice. Regular pedicures from an experienced pedicure will also be very useful. Complete nutrition with a large number vegetables, fruits and herbs will help consolidate the result. Sports activities, daily gymnastics and walks in the fresh air are also shown. It is worth walking barefoot less and resting your feet more often.

Often on the Internet, people ask the question of how to treat cracks in the toes. And there is nothing surprising here, since this problem is quite common. Even a small crack can disrupt the calm flow of life, causing strong desire get rid of it.

It is often difficult to cope with this problem, so experienced specialists advise solving it as quickly as possible. early stages. This approach, coupled with proper prevention, will eliminate cracks forever.

Various types of injuries mechanical influences on a limb quite often lead to bone damage being discovered in the victim. A fracture in this case is the most severe form. Fractures can be caused by strong impacts or sudden falls.

If we're talking about about a bruise or blow moderate severity, then a crack may appear. This is a borderline state between a complete violation of the integrity of the bone, its fragmentation into several parts and the preservation of normal bone tissue. When foot injuries occur, it is the fingers that are most often affected.

A crack in the toe has symptoms that are similar to both those of a classic fracture and those of a bruise. For this reason, without the involvement of doctors, it is extremely difficult to unambiguously diagnose the type of injury received. Victims invariably feel pain, observe swelling, sometimes redness or blueness of the finger, notice a violation of its motor functions. Moreover, all of the listed manifestations are not as obvious as with complete fracture.

The appearance of a crack in the bone of a toe is the result of the influence of external or internal factors.

External reasons

External factors are associated with the action of external forces. The crack in this case is the result strong blow foot on a hard, dense object or falling on the toe area. Also to external reasons refers to strong pressure from gravity on the toes or the entire foot.

In practice, signs of cracks in the bones of the toes occur in a variety of contexts and situations. These are sports, household activities, physical labor in production, minor accidents, fights.

Internal reasons

Bones can also crack due to the presence of internal diseases. These are bone diseases, critically reduced immunity, diabetes. Can also cause injury overweight, hormonal imbalances, illnesses thyroid gland, menopause.


Because the injury described is not always easily identified, accurate diagnosis It is recommended to consult a doctor. In addition to the traditional questioning of the patient, as well as an external examination, the doctor will order an x-ray. Most blurry clinical picture with confusing symptoms sometimes requires additional computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

A crack in the toe can be treated at home. At the same time, general medical control over the process remains a necessary condition.

First aid

Immediately after injury main task is the withdrawal pain syndrome. For this purpose, the use of cold, as well as taking painkillers, are suitable. Cold is applied locally. This means that if the bones crack in your big toe, there is no need to cool the entire foot.

Second important point comes down to applying absorbable, as well as anti-inflammatory creams and ointments to the site of injury. They will help avoid large swelling, severe bruises, pain. Damage to soft tissues is rarely caused by cracks, but if this happens, the wound should be immediately disinfected, stopping the bleeding if necessary.

Traditional medicine

Quite effective, especially with constant consultation with doctors, are home remedies - compresses, lotions. The best options for a compress are bodyaga in powder form, plantain, regular alcohol or vodka. Suitable as a lotion cabbage leaf, larkspur, mumiyo. It is recommended to leave the compress overnight, but keep the lotion for ten minutes to half an hour.

You can turn to folk remedies immediately after an injury, after completing first aid measures. The duration of treatment is until the result is achieved. If there is no progress within a week, you should talk to your doctor about it.

Therapeutic methods

To quickly heal cracks in the bones of the big toe, little toe, or any other finger, doctors suggest turning to traditional physiotherapy. These are medicinal or pain-relieving electrophoresis, UHF, quartz. Techniques are sometimes used physical therapy– to return the finger to normal mobility.

Physiotherapy is good after the main pain syndrome has been eliminated, that is, on the second or third day after the injury. An excellent addition to treatment would be correcting nutrition towards naturalness, taking calcium supplements and multivitamin complexes.


So that an injury such as a bone fracture in a finger lower limb, did not happen, you should follow some simple rules.

  1. be careful during any form of physical activity;
  2. follow the rules healthy image life;
  3. strengthen bone tissue(eat foods with calcium, do not neglect vitamins, use salt water baths or swim in the sea);
  4. Avoid obesity and adynamia.

According to statistics, on average, about half of the cracks in the fingers of the lower limb go unnoticed and heal naturally. This is dangerous because it makes the bone brittle and can even lead to loss of motor functions of the finger. The latter is possible if the crack was accompanied by damage to blood vessels, as well as injury to nerve endings.

The problem of cracks in the feet (heels, toes, interdigital spaces and other places) is very common, especially in the summer, and gives a person a lot of aesthetic and physiological troubles. It worries many specialists and a whole series of foot care products have been developed to eliminate it. Cracks in the heels and toes are a type, that is, they are a skin disease.

If cracks appear on the heels, this indicates that the skin is very dry. The top layer of skin is affected environment is disrupted, which leads to the penetration of microbes into the inner layers of the skin. First, thin cuts appear, then they turn into deeper cracks, which are very painful and serve as a place for the accumulation of infectious bacteria and fungi.

Causes of cracked legs

The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon are many factors. First of all, these are uncomfortable shoes that cause excessive load on the feet, which can even lead to foot deformation. All this provokes circulatory disorders and causes cracks to appear. For the same reason, experts do not advise wearing flip-flops often - constant slapping of the sole disrupts blood microcirculation. If the shoes are closed, then you need to wear cotton socks so that excess moisture is well absorbed and does not serve as an environment for germs and fungi. You also need to walk barefoot in moderation, frequent injuries feet can lead to the appearance of long-healing wounds.

In particular, a lack of vitamins A and E can also cause this unpleasant disease. Therefore, you need to monitor your diet and eat foods rich in these vitamins: eggs, milk, liver, grains, vegetable oils. In the morning on an empty stomach, it is very useful to take a tablespoon of any oil (vegetable, olive, sesame). Eating salads with high content greens and vegetables accelerates the healing of cracked legs.

Treatment for cracked feet

Treatment of this disease It is best to start with procedures that will disinfect, soften and prepare the skin for further exposure to medications. These can be soap-soda baths (1 tablespoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of mineral soap per 2 liters hot water) or baths with boric acid(1 teaspoon per 1 liter of hot water). After this, your feet need to be carefully dried. If the cracks are not very deep, then pure Vaseline or preparations based on it give good results in treatment. It can be applied in a thick layer and secured with adhesive tape.

For cracks in dry calluses, you can make a compress with Shostakovsky balm, then apply Solcoseryl gel or Radevit ointment (with vitamins A, E, D). For severely dry skin, Dardia cream is used, which restores the natural lipid layer, increases elasticity and moisturizes the skin. Good results in the treatment of this unpleasant problem, a foot massage using warm olive oil or rich cream.

You can apply a compress from medicinal honey overnight, securing it with a bandage, and in the morning wash your feet with warm water and lubricate with moisturizer or oil. Have a beneficial effect on appearance skin of feet and medicinal decoctions from herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage, oak bark, stinging nettle). Herbal baths make the skin soft and elastic, heal wounds and cracks well. Of course, if the problem is advanced and there is inflammatory processes(swelling, redness, pustules), then most likely you cannot do without antibacterial therapy and the use of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.

Quite often, the unsightly appearance of the skin on the legs is caused by a fungus; the skin is difficult to wash off dust and deep cracks appear. On your toes fungal infection looks like detachment of skin plates or. The skin is moist and slippery and often has bad smell. Best treatment in these cases, use laundry soap to wash your feet before going to bed. This treatment helps in 90% of cases.

There are also antifungal creams that contain terbinafine and heal cracks between the toes well (Lamisil, Thermikon, etc.). After a short time, the skin structure will be restored and it will acquire normal look. If such treatment does not produce results, this means that the fungus has penetrated into the internal organs body and necessary drug treatment which the doctor will prescribe. We should also not forget about the prevention of fungal infections of the feet after visiting a sauna, bathhouse, or swimming pool. For this purpose, special ointments or creams are used.

Another cause of cracked legs is endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus. With this disease, the skin of the entire body suffers from dehydration, especially the skin of the feet, as a result of which its barrier properties are impaired. Water penetrates the stratum corneum of the skin and evaporates from its more deep layers. As a result, the skin dries out and the situation worsens. Treatment of cracked legs diabetes mellitus different from conventional treatment.

If in conventional treatment it is generally necessary to first steam the legs and then apply to the cracks special means, then you can’t do this if you have diabetes. To prepare skin for application medicinal ointment and soften keratinized areas on the legs you need to use hygiene product for diabetics - SixtuMed oil. It is added to a warm foot bath (1 teaspoon per 5 liters of water). This bath softens dead skin without steaming it and gently cleanses it of impurities. In addition, it includes medicinal herbs(sage, lavender, cloves), which have an antiseptic and antifungal effect and protect the skin from infection.

After the bath, dry your feet without rubbing and apply SixtuMed foot balm. This balm contains herbal components that solve several problems simultaneously: provide prevention of fungal infections of the feet and infections, promote tissue nutrition and rapid healing of small cracks, relieve irritation and actively moisturize the skin. Treatment of cracked legs is a long and labor-intensive process; not everyone has enough patience to go through this path from start to finish.

Today there is modern method The treatment for this problem is a hardware pedicure procedure, which can be used to painlessly and quickly cure deep cracks in the heels. This procedure is done once a month (and after recovery, it can be done less often) and does not involve soaking the skin. The device removes only keratinized cells and leaves healthy ones unaffected, which prevents further skin growth and deepening of cracks.

In the summer, when we wear open shoes and the skin of our feet is especially susceptible negative influence environment, cracks often form between the toes. This problem causes severe discomfort - pain and irritation. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly how to treat cracks that appear correctly.

Causes of crack formation

There are three main causes of cracked toes:

  1. Constantly wearing open shoes or walking barefoot in the summer, as a result of which the skin on the feet dries out, becomes rough and cracks.
  2. Fungus on the feet that causes cracking of the skin.
  3. Endocrine diseases, when the formation of a crack between the toes is a symptom of more serious diseases.

And if you can fight the first reason yourself, then the second and third require exclusively medical care. Therefore, at the first sign of a crack in your toes, you should seek help from a doctor.

Symptoms, signs and diagnosis

It is not difficult to diagnose cracks between the toes; they reveal themselves by the appearance acute pain at the site of injury, redness of the skin and sometimes lymph oozing from the wound. Most often, cracks form under the little toe, but can also appear on the toenails.

Treatment of cracks between toes

You can cure cracks between your toes yourself using folk remedies and pharmaceutical preparations. If the cracks are too deep and cannot be treated at home, then you need to consult a doctor to determine the exact cause of their formation and apply more serious therapeutic measures.

Folk remedies

It should immediately be noted that the treatment of cracks in the feet folk remedies can only be used if the cause of their appearance is related to wearing open shoes. Foot fungus and the presence of endocrine pathologies require drug therapy.

Foot baths Dilute 1 tbsp in 2 liters of boiling water. l. grated laundry soap and 1 tsp. baking soda. Soak your feet in this bath for 30 minutes before bed, then treat the cracks pork fat or apply a compress of celandine oil to them.

Coniferous ointment Pour 250 ml of boiling water over pine needles (2 tbsp), boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool and strain. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting solution. l. butter and 1 tsp. camphor alcohol. Stir and transfer to a glass jar. Use the ointment before going to bed, treating cracks with it and leaving it on all night. This ointment will not only help heal cracks on your feet and between your toes, but will also prevent their occurrence.

Tincture of iodine and aspirin This tincture is suitable for healing deep cracks. ? Art. Mix pure alcohol with 10 aspirin tablets and 1 bottle of iodine. Shake and pour into a dark bottle. Store in a dark place. Apply 2-3 times a week, as needed. Also suitable for preventing cracks.

Pharmacy products

Cracks between the toes do not go away on their own; they require mandatory treatment. For shallow cracks caused by the influence external environment, you can try to cure them yourself using remedies traditional medicine or pharmaceutical drugs. From pharmaceuticals, intended for the treatment of cracks, “Carmol”, “Nutraderm”, “Super Glu” or “Ultra Maid” can be used. But if there is no result of such treatment, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment by a doctor

Cracks caused by foot fungus require specific treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the cause of the cracks. After examination, a dermatologist or mycologist will be able to prescribe special ointment or foot cream for cracks with an antibiotic, determining the duration of the treatment course.

As a rule, in such cases, broad-spectrum drugs belonging to the group of imidazoles are prescribed - clotrimazole, econazole, miconazole, etc. After the symptoms of fungus in the form of cracks are eliminated, treatment must be extended for another 2-3 weeks.

Prevention of cracks

To avoid the formation of cracks between your toes, you must follow a few simple recommendations:

  • V sufficient quantity receive vitamins A and E;
  • provide the skin with timely hydration - after each bath, lubricate the skin of the feet nourishing cream, and also use a special moisturizing soap or gel to wash your feet;
  • monitor foot hygiene;
  • wear only high-quality “breathable” shoes in which your feet will not sweat.

Only timely prevention will help prevent the formation of cracks on the legs and between the toes, and will preserve the beauty and health of the skin.

The variety of cosmetic defects of the skin of the toes does not include a very large number of its uncomfortable conditions. But their prevalence is more current question. Dry skin and cracked toes caused by this - common problem, which every person could encounter. The reasons for this condition can be very different, as well as the consequences. In some situations, the problem should be treated urgently, in others, simply changing your shoes is enough. The main thing is to accurately understand the cause-and-effect relationship in order to correctly approach the solution to the problem.

Mechanism of occurrence

The negative condition of the epidermis, in which the skin on the toes bursts, can be caused by a number of reasons. They are conventionally divided into two main categories, based on the pathogenesis of disease factors.

  • applying excessive force in the process of removing keratinized areas using pumice;
  • wearing unsuitable synthetic shoes that disrupt the water-lipid balance;
  • violation drinking regime– the skin may simply not have enough water;
  • active use of alcohol-containing deodorants and various means against sweating feet;
  • often the skin peels due to stressful conditions and overstrain of the nervous system;
  • frostbite, sunburn;
  • frequent skin contact with household chemicals;
  • age-related changes occurring in the body;
  • violation of diet, sleep and rest.

Second category - various diseases, as a result of which the skin on the toes cracks. It includes congenital and acquired diseases of the child, their acute or chronic phase. Increased dry skin, various progressive infectious conditions, genetic inheritance, allergic reaction– medicine has a lot of such reasons. That's why independent struggle For many, dealing with the disease in this case presents certain difficulties.

The patient is unable to diagnose the actual cause of the bursting skin on the foot and begins to engage in an endless struggle with the consequences. In such a situation, the first recommendation is to consult a dermatologist.

Establishing the exact cause, which results in a crack on the big toe in particular and on the skin in general, is a primary task on the path to recovery. Only in this case can any medical forecasts be made.

Mycoids and fissures

Mycoid diseases are considered very dangerous, since fungal spores, once in circulatory system, can cause serious harm to health.

It is not so important whether the infection occurs on the little finger or covers all fingers; in any case, the rate of spread of the fungus in a suitable environment is very high. And if the skin next to the affected area bursts, a serious gap appears in the body’s defenses.

Treatment of the fungus should be carried out on time, as quickly as possible and preferably under the supervision of a doctor.

Healing Cracked Skin

Any serious problem problems associated with cracked skin of the foot cannot be resolved independently. Especially if the origins are fungal infection, some types of which, after entering the circulatory system, can cause serious, sometimes irreversible harm to health. Healing more “simple” cases often consists of the following points:

  • Change of shoes. Tight and wet boots, sneakers that do not allow the skin to breathe, deform the little finger and thumb, and also become an ideal environment for the development of mycoids. The right choice: natural materials in the cold season and open shoes in the warm season.
  • Talc. A must-have product with wide range actions. In cases where areas of the skin of the toes crack and there is no way to heal the damage, talc will not allow infection to penetrate into the wounds. It also perfectly protects against friction.
  • Nourishes dry, dead areas. If the skin is cracked due to lipid-water imbalance, it can be restored with the help of moisturizers. There are many effective pharmaceutical drugs, olive oil is considered an excellent remedy.
  • Vitamin A. Vitamin deficiency in general and a lack of this vitamin are often one of the main causes of abnormal dryness of the epidermis. For treatment, it is practiced to take multivitamin complexes, as well as rubbing in vitamin A, offered in capsules, as an external local remedy.

These seemingly simple things have proven themselves well in the fight against dry skin: regular pedicures, a balanced diet, a normal sleep and rest schedule. A good tool for maintaining the health of the dermis are baths. There is an excellent inexpensive recipe herbal baths that relieve tension and nourish the skin. To do this, you need to place two tablespoons of dried nettle, chamomile and sage in one liter of hot water. People who regularly steam their feet in such a bath experience skin problems much less frequently.

It is recommended to choose how to treat cracked toes together with a dermatologist, since there are many reasons for the occurrence of the disease. But the danger lies not even in this, but in the possibility of “polymorphism” of symptoms that are similar to each other in diseases that require different treatments.

Prevention methods

If an area of ​​the epidermis has already cracked, it is pointless to engage in prevention; in this case, it is necessary to restore it, and not protect it. But in most cases similar situation can be avoided by following these recommendations:

  • drink enough water daily;
  • closely monitor the level of water-lipid balance of the skin;
  • use daily preventative moisturizers;
  • periodically change skin softening and nourishing preparations to eliminate the possibility of an allergic reaction;
  • exercise your leg muscles;
  • use comfortable shoes according to the season from natural materials;
  • periodically clean your feet of the keratinized layer of cells, using suitable cosmetics.

Even such a seemingly unnoticeable condition as the level of humidity in the room can cause areas of the skin with disturbed lipid-water balance to crack. Optimal performance For a room, air humidity is considered to be 40-60 percent. It is easy to achieve using household humidifiers. But the main condition for health is the desire to remain so and to use all available tools for this. After all, the simplest and most effective of them is an examination by a doctor, who is available to every person around the clock.

When checking with a dermatologist why the skin on their toes is cracking, many patients discover the fact that quite simple preventive actions were able to prevent the development of the disease.