Oxolinic ointment: indications and contraindications, instructions for use. Oxolinic ointment is an affordable means of preventing infections. Interaction with other drugs.

Oxolinic ointment is a drug containing the active substance naphthalene-1,2,3,4-tetron. It, according to the manufacturers, prevents the penetration of a number of viruses into the cells of the skin and mucous membranes. Oksolin was synthesized in the USSR in 1970; its analogues appeared in Russia in the early 2000s. The drug is not used abroad. At the moment, its effectiveness is in question.

Indications for use

Oxolinic ointment is used much more often for the prevention of diseases than for treatment.

Her used for warning:

  1. Shingles.
  2. Molluscum contagiosum.
  3. Warts caused by the human papillomavirus.
  4. Dühring's dermatitis.

Important! Oxolinic ointment will not help in any way in preventing bacterial infections (, etc.). Therefore, when visiting patients, it is necessary to use a cotton-gauze bandage, and it is better to minimize the risk of accidental infection in other ways.

It is advisable that the indications for use be confirmed by the attending physician. However, if this is not possible, or the patient is confident in his diagnosis, then within reasonable limits it is allowed to take the ointment without consulting a specialist.

Release forms and dosage

Oxolin in its pure form is a white powder, highly soluble in water. However, it decomposes quite quickly, and therefore is sold in pharmacies exclusively in the form of an ointment. In addition to the active substance, the composition includes petroleum jelly.

The ointment may contain 0.25% oxoline or 3%. The first option is suitable for treating mucous membranes, the second - only for the skin. The color of the ointment can be white or yellowish. Sometimes it may appear translucent or blue when applied to the skin. Any deviations from the specified colors may indicate that it has deteriorated. In this case, it is better not to use it.

The ointment is available in large (30 grams) and small (10 grams) tubes. If it is required for treatment, it is better to purchase it in reserve. To prevent colds, it is much more convenient to use small packaging. In addition, you don’t have to worry about the expiration date.


Depending on the type of ointment, it can be stored for 2 or 3 years. The expiration date must be checked on the packaging or package insert. Storage temperature ranges from 5° to 15°. This means that the best place for it is a refrigerator, cellar, vestibule.

The manufacturer does not provide data on shelf life at room temperature. However, most often the ointment is contained in such conditions. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the smell, color and consistency of oxoline. Perhaps, at the end of the shelf life, the active substance will already lose its properties, and the ointment will become useless.

Method of application, course duration

Three percent ointment

Previously, oxolin of this concentration was used to treat warts and papillomas. Today, the method is considered obsolete, since a number of other means have been proven to help much more effectively. Even such a folk remedy as celandine juice allows you to quickly get rid of warts. However, if you cannot find/buy another drug, you should not give up Oxoline. It is applied directly to the affected areas (warts, papillomas) several times a day for 1-2 months.

3% oxoline can be used to prevent skin diseases by applying it to the area of ​​suspected contact with the patient. Typically the area of ​​maximum risk is the hands. Diseases such as papilloma and molluscum contagiosum are often transmitted through handshakes.

Use of the drug with a concentration of 0.25%

Oxalin 0.25% can be used for treatment viral conjunctivitis. However, this should only be done if there are no more effective means at hand. For treatment, the ointment is placed behind the eyelid 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. Herpes stomatitis They are treated by first clearing the affected areas of crusts using sea buckthorn or vaseline oil. A good solution would be to additionally rinse your mouth with calendula or chamomile before applying the ointment. The application scheme is similar.

The main area of ​​application of the ointment today is the prevention of colds of a viral nature.. The course can last up to 30 days. It is necessary to smear the nose in the area of ​​the passages with oxolin 2-3 times a day, which will help prevent infection. In this case, it is better to use a cotton swab and apply a small amount of product to it.

It is worth remembering that the ointment will not help with mouth breathing.. Therefore, it should be avoided when visiting places with large crowds of people and traveling on public transport.


Oxolinic ointment of any concentration cannot be used for allergies. The drug can intensify its symptoms. In addition, side effects from oxoline can blur the picture of the disease and make it difficult to identify its cause.

The second clear contraindication is increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Unfortunately, you can only find out about its presence through experience. Reactions such as a burning sensation that does not go away within a few minutes, swelling, rhinitis, etc., indicate that you should stop taking oxolin in the future.

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy

The issue of using ointment during pregnancy is considered controversial.

It is traditionally believed that the benefits of taking the drug should outweigh the potential harm to the health of the baby and the expectant mother. The fact that it is well absorbed into the blood through the mucous membranes speaks against taking oxolin. This means that, despite local use, about 20% of the active substance enters the body when applied to the mucous membrane and 5% when applied to the skin.

On the other hand, oxolin does not accumulate in the body and is completely excreted in the urine in less than a day, so there is no point in fearing long-term consequences. Long-term observations have not shown any undesirable effects when pregnant women use oxolin.

Therefore, pregnant women can be given the following recommendations: the use of ointment is advisable during the peak of colds. Flu can cause much more harm to a baby than oxolin.

Oksolin and children

According to the instructions for use, oxolinic ointment for children can be used starting from the age of two. The question of earlier use is controversial due to the lack of large-scale studies. The reasons for not using it for up to 2 years are:

  • The child’s narrow nasal passages, which the ointment can clog if the parents carelessly took too large a piece.
  • The lacrimal ducts, nasal canal and middle ear are closely located and communicate well in infancy. This means that if there is an infection (viral rhinitis or conjunctivitis), it can easily spread and, together with the ointment, get into neighboring cavities.
  • A clot of ointment that a child may accidentally inhale through the nose can cause airway obstruction (blockage). This is also due to the narrowness of the trachea. Parents will be able to tell that something is wrong by the whistling sound the baby makes when trying to breathe.

Some parents still use oxolinic ointment for young children without any harmful effects.

Such actions are justified if:

  1. The child is already able to use gestures or sounds to attract the parent’s attention if he feels discomfort and indicate the reason for it.
  2. You are planning to leave home for some event, especially during the peak period of colds, or visit the clinic on a day that is not your “own” day.
  3. The child is not breastfed. Mother's milk in itself is a means of preventing disease. It contains antibodies that create an immune barrier to infection. The baby is under reliable protection.

Some mothers smear their babies not on the nasal mucous membranes themselves, but on its vestibule. Unfortunately, this measure is practically useless, since the zone of action of the viruses that cause colds does not affect the skin.

During lactation, oxolinic ointment should be used with caution.. There is no data on whether it passes into breast milk and whether it affects the baby. After use, it is necessary to monitor the child for 24 hours, paying attention to skin rashes or problems with the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, constipation or vomiting).

Side effects

The most common side effect of oxolin is a burning sensation at the site of application. This applies to both the skin and mucous membranes. Rhinitis is less common. Normally, such effects do not last more than 1-2 minutes.

Some patients noted bluish skin, which is most likely due to the light refraction characteristics of the ointment itself. Any additional side effects should be reported to the manufacturer if observed.

Direct analogues of oxolinic ointment

In total, two analogues of this drug were produced - oxonaphthalene and tetraxaline. The first one was produced in Ukraine from 2000 to 2009. At the moment, it is not available in pharmacies, including online stores. In terms of therapeutic properties, it was very close to oxolin. The manufacturer indicated that it works against all viruses, with the exception of HIV.

Tetraxoline was produced on the territory of the Russian Federation. Production started in 2008, the registration period has not yet expired.

Oxolinic ointment substitutes and alternatives

These medications differ from the previous group in that they have a different composition, but their action is close to oxolin. Its substitutes include:

The effectiveness of oxolin: pros and cons

The question of whether oxolin helps or not is still controversial among doctors. Most modern experts unanimously claim that the ointment is completely useless and can only give a placebo effect.

People first started talking about its ineffectiveness back in 1998, when an article by L.S. was published in the Russian Medical Journal. Strachunsky, professor and doctor of sciences. He claims: “The effectiveness of such popular drugs as oxolinic ointment ... has not been proven in randomized studies.” Moreover, in his article he says that no means of preventing viral infection can be considered effective, citing the American doctor J. Bartlett. Today, the popular pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky takes the same position.

However, many doctors and scientists in the early 2000s, even in their doctoral works, noted the effectiveness of the remedy. Massive studies were conducted at enterprises to reduce the incidence of ARVI. Oksolin received the status of a drug “with average efficiency”. The lack of randomized trials, which opponents of the ointment so ardently claim, only means that the medicine was not tested in two comparative groups (one receiving the funds, the other not). Obviously, such experiments are still to come.

Based on this, we can say that oxolin is able to prevent infection and be active against viruses. However, you should not expect 100% effect from it. There is still a certain risk of infection.

Price of oxolinic ointment and customer reviews

Users cite its low cost as the main advantage of oxolin. Depending on the region and pharmacy, the price can range from 21 to 120 rubles. Another advantage is the availability of the drug. It can be found in any pharmacy; almost every home has oxolinic ointment. Sensitive people note that another advantage is the absence of odor. Since the ointment is often applied specifically to the nose area, the strong aroma could cause serious discomfort.

On average, buyers rate oxolin's activity highly. On leading consumer websites it is rated 4.3-4.5 out of 5. Its most frequent customers are moms and dads.

Parents actively use the ointment when sending their child to children's groups or when there is a sick person in the family. Many pregnant women happily use the ointment without experiencing any negative consequences.

Most antiviral drugs are available in the form of tablets, sometimes suppositories. An exception is oxolinic ointment - the indications for the use of the drug suggest its use both as an effective treatment for such diseases and as a prevention.

Indications for the use of oxolinic ointment

The active ingredient of this drug, naphthalene (1, 2, 3, 4-tetron), according to the developer, has high activity against:

  • influenza viruses, herpes, adenoviruses;
  • infectious wart;

In accordance with the pharmacological effects, the indications for the use of oxolinic ointment with a concentration of 0.25% and 3% are as follows:

  • viral eye diseases;
  • rhinitis;
  • influenza and its prevention;
  • herpes zoster and vesicular lichen;
  • Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • scaly lichen;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • warts;
  • itchy, weeping rash of unknown etiology.

How to use oxolinic ointment

To prevent influenza and ARVI, it is necessary to carefully apply the drug to the inner mucous membrane of the nose twice a day for 20-25 days, especially in direct contact with the patient and during periods of epidemics.

The medicine is used similarly for viral rhinitis. The number of applications can be increased up to 3 times. The course of therapy is 3-4 days.

Treatment of keratitis, inflammation of the outer shell of the eyeball and simultaneous damage to the cornea due to adenovirus infection (keratoconjunctivitis) involves placing a small amount of the drug (0.25%) behind the eyelid 1 to 3 times a day.

Oxolinic ointment 3% for external use is prescribed in case of severe damage to the skin (lichen, molluscum contagiosum, warts and other pathologies). The method of use is to apply the medication daily to the affected areas 2 or 3 times a day for 14-60 days.

It is worth noting that the effectiveness of the described local medicine has not been proven, especially in the treatment of the above dermatological diseases. In the course of scientific research, it turned out that naphthalene has too weak activity against progressive viruses and in no way affects the reproduction of pathogenic cells. According to patient reviews, oxolinic ointment does not help at all against warts, even when using a concentrated mixture.

Considering the above facts, today the drug is prescribed only for the prevention of influenza and respiratory viral diseases only in cases where other medications are contraindicated or there is hypersensitivity or allergy to them.

The use of oxolinic ointment for stomatitis

The effectiveness of this medication is questionable, since the development of inflammation of the oral mucosa is usually promoted by fungi and bacteria, against which naphthalene is ineffective. The only case in which oxolinic ointment is possible is a disease provoked by an adenovirus. However, as a primary therapeutic agent, the substance in question is not used. It should be part of a set of measures:

  1. Thoroughly brush your teeth and tongue with a special paste.
  2. Disinfect the oral cavity with an antiseptic solution of chlorhexidine (hold in the mouth for 2-3 minutes).
  3. Rinse mucous membranes with a decoction of chamomile, sage or rotokan, chlorophyllipt.
  4. Apply a thin layer of oxolinic ointment to the entire surface of the gums, even to healthy areas. Do not rub.
  5. Before going to bed, lubricate the affected areas with solcoseryl or a similar preparation.

During the height of influenza epidemics, we often hear it asked in pharmacies. Great hopes are placed on this ointment; it is considered reliable protection.

In the article we will tell you what oxolinic ointment is, what it is used for, how to use the product correctly, and why it is sold out so quickly in pharmacies when influenza epidemics are raging.

What is oxolinic ointment?

This is an ointment whose main active ingredient is oxolin. This component is believed to have an antiviral effect. The ointment was first released in the seventies of the last millennium in Russia. Until recently, it was absent from the list of international codes.

During pregnancy and lactation, use is possible if the potential risk to the fetus is less significant than the benefit to the mother's body. There are neither positive nor negative proven effects. This is because no research has been conducted in this area.

We can say that oxolinic ointment is a universal remedy. Can children use this drug? With children, the same option as when using the product by pregnant women - there was simply no research in this direction. You should absolutely not use the ointment for newborns and infants, at least up to a year. For older children, the recommendation is to “use with caution.”

"Oxolinka" and the flu

Prevention of influenza, for which oxolinic ointment is most often used, is impossible without an integrated approach. Do not think that if you smeared oxolinka on your nose, you are protected. This is a completely wrong proposal. The ointment will kill a certain number of viruses, but if your immunity is weakened and the general condition of the body is completely deplorable, the ointment will not save not only from the flu, but also from many other viruses and bacteria. You need to take care of strengthening your immune system, monitor the quality of your sleep and nutrition. Then oxolinic ointment, as a means of protection and prevention, will strengthen the barriers of your body.

Viruses are very insidious and look for weakness; by protecting only the nose, you will not save the entire body if it is weakened or exhausted. Moreover, even moral distress and depression can lead you to vulnerability and decreased immunity.

Oxolinic ointment is a drug that helps prevent various viruses in skin cells and mucous membranes. The medicine was synthesized in the USSR in 1970, and its analogues appeared in 2000. Instructions for use include rules for using the drug.


Before using the product, you should read the instructions for oxolinic ointment. This drug should be used for:

  1. Viral diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes. Conjunctivitis, a complication after a cold or herpes, is considered a common occurrence. Symptoms of this disease include red eyes and severe watery eyes. Confirmation of the disease is carried out by a blood test.
  2. Viral skin lesions. Oxolin is powerless against many infections, but to prevent secondary infection it is used for herpes and lichen. Both ailments are expressed in the form of ulcers with white contents.
  3. Runny nose. It is difficult to determine the cause of rhinitis on your own, so it is advisable to take the advice of a doctor.
  4. Herpes stomatitis. This is a common illness among preschool children. It appears as ulcers with a white coating on the mouth. First, with stomatitis, a high temperature occurs, which is accompanied by drowsiness and high viscosity of saliva.

According to reviews, many people use oxolin to treat the above ailments. You just need to follow the instructions, and then the likelihood of harm is eliminated.


The instructions for use of oxolinic ointment say that it is more often used as a disease prevention than for treatment. The remedy is necessary to prevent the following ailments:

  1. Flu, ARVI.
  2. Adenoviral infection.
  3. Shingles.
  4. Molluscum contagiosum.
  5. Warts from the papilloma virus.
  6. Dühring's dermatitis.

Oxolinic ointment is not used to prevent bacterial infections, for example, with sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis. Because of this, when visiting patients, you need to use a cotton-gauze bandage. It is advisable to eliminate the risk of infection in other ways.

Although there are instructions for oxolinic ointment, it is still better to consult a doctor before treatment with such a drug. But within reasonable limits, independent use is allowed. As reviews show, the ointment is effective for both prevention and treatment.

Forms and dosage

In its pure form, oxolin is a white powder that dissolves in water. But it decomposes quickly, so it is sold in pharmacies only in the form of an ointment. The instructions for oxolinic ointment contain information about the composition. In addition to the active substance, the medicine contains petroleum jelly.

The ointment may include 0.25% or 3% oxoline. The first product is used to treat mucous membranes, and the second for the skin. It can be white or yellowish in color. In rare cases it is translucent or blue. Deviations from such colors confirm the deterioration of the medicine. Then it should not be used for treatment.

The medicine is sold in large (30 g) and small (10 g) tubes. If you need it for long-term treatment, then it is advisable to buy it in reserve. To prevent colds, it is more convenient to use a small package. Judging by the reviews, the drug is used during illness, which reduces the risk of a cold.


The instructions for oxolinic ointment indicate the rules for storing the medicine. Depending on its type, the period can be 2 or 3 years. You can find this information on the packaging or in the package insert. Storage temperature is 5-15 degrees. This means that the most suitable place would be a refrigerator, cellar, vestibule.

The manufacturer does not provide information on shelf life at room temperature. But usually the ointment is contained under these conditions. In this case, you need to control the smell, color and consistency of the medicine. Probably, at the end of the period, the active component will lose its properties, and the ointment will be useless. As you can see from the reviews, most people store the medicine at room temperature.

Application of ointment 3%

Tips for using the product vary, it all depends on the concentration. Using the medicine for other purposes than intended causes or worsens side effects, and also leads to allergies.

Instructions for use of oxolinic ointment 3% contain information about the purpose and rules of use. Previously, this medicine was used in the treatment of warts and papillomas. Now this method is outdated, since many other drugs have been proven to be effective. It is known that celandine juice will help cure warts faster. But there is no need to give up oxolin, since it can be used to treat the affected areas several times a day for 1-2 months.

The instructions for 3 percent oxolinic ointment say that it can be used as a prophylaxis for skin ailments. It must be applied to the area of ​​intended contact with the patient. Often the area of ​​risk is the hands. Diseases such as papilloma and molluscum contagiosum can be transmitted due to handshakes.

Application of ointment 0.25%

Instructions for use of oxolinic ointment 0.25% indicate that it is used in the treatment of viral conjunctivitis. But this should be done in the absence of more effective drugs. The ointment should be applied to the eyelid 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.

Treatment of herpes stomatitis is performed after cleansing the affected area from crusts using sea buckthorn or vaseline oil. Just before doing this, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with calendula or chamomile. The rules of application are similar to those described above.

The main area of ​​application of the ointment is the prevention of viral colds. The duration of treatment can reach 30 days. The drug should be lubricated in the area of ​​the nasal passages 2-3 times a day, which will prevent infection. To do this, it is advisable to use a cotton swab and apply a little medicine to it.

Mode of application

Instructions for use include doses and number of procedures:

  1. For adenovirus infection, the medicine (0.25%) should be applied to the eyelid up to 3 times a day.
  2. With a viral runny nose, 0.25% ointment is applied to the nasal mucosa up to 3 times a day for 4-5 days.
  3. To prevent influenza and ARVI, treat the nasal mucosa 2-3 times a day.
  4. When treating lichen simplex and dermatitis, apply 3% ointment to clean skin up to 3 times a day. Treatment ranges from 14 days to 2 months.


The instructions for use of oxolinic ointment contain information about contraindications. Products with any concentration should not be used for allergies. The drug may worsen its symptoms. Side effects may make it difficult to identify the causes of the disease. It is important to familiarize yourself with how oxolinic ointment is used during pregnancy. The instructions for use include rules on this matter.

Another contraindication is sensitivity to the components of the ointment. But you can only find out about this through experience. If symptoms such as burning, swelling, rhinitis do not go away within a few minutes, then treatment should not be continued. According to reviews, such symptoms practically do not appear in people.

During pregnancy

Before starting treatment, you need to read the instructions for using oxolinic ointment. Can it be used during pregnancy or not? This issue is controversial. It is believed that the benefits of using the medicine should outweigh the harm to the health of the child and the expectant mother.

The fact that it is perfectly absorbed into the blood through the mucous membranes speaks against the use of the drug. This means that, although the product is applied topically, the body receives approximately 20% of the active component when treating mucous membranes and 5% when applied to the skin.

But oxolin is not able to accumulate in the body, and it is excreted in the urine in less than a day, so there is no need to worry about long-term consequences. Numerous observations have not shown any undesirable effects when taking the medicine during pregnancy. Only at this time should the ointment be used at the peak of colds. Flu can be even more dangerous for a child compared to oxolin.

For children

Instructions for use of oxolinic ointment contain the basic rules for use in childhood. According to it, the medicine can be used from 2 years. Before this age, the ointment should not be used for the following reasons:

  1. A child's small nasal passages can become clogged if too much product is introduced.
  2. The lacrimal ducts, nasal canal, and middle ear are close and interact perfectly. This means that infection may spread to adjacent cavities.
  3. Due to the ointment clot, which the child can inhale through the nose, there is a risk of causing blockage of the airways. This also occurs due to the narrowness of the trachea. The symptom is a whistling sound when inhaling.

The treatment will be effective if you use the product according to the instructions. Oxolinic ointment should not be used for children under one year of age. Some parents use the medicine to treat young children. These actions are justified by the following:

  1. The child may attract the parents' attention when experiencing discomfort.
  2. It is planned to leave the house during colds.
  3. Children are not breastfed.

When treating children, the instructions for oxolinic ointment recommend applying the product into the nasal cavity for preventive purposes. Parents must carefully follow this procedure.

Side effects

The instructions for oxolinic ointment contain information about side effects. One of them is burning. Moreover, it can appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Rhinitis rarely appears. Normally, these effects last no more than 1-2 minutes.


There are 2 analogues available - "Oxonaphthalene" and "Tetraxalin". The first one was produced in Ukraine in the period 2000-2009. It is currently not available in stock. In terms of therapeutic action, it is similar to oxolin. "Tetraxoline" is produced in the Russian Federation. Production began in 2008, the registration period has not yet expired.

Substitutes for oxolinic ointment include:

  1. "Viferon". The medicine is available in the form of an ointment, gel for topical use, but there are also rectal suppositories. It contains interferon, a component that triggers a cycle of antiviral immune reactions. The drug is well tolerated and can be used during pregnancy and lactation. "Viferon" is used in the prevention of viral infections.
  2. "Arbidol". The medicine includes umifenovir, a component that suppresses the activity of the virus and protects it from merging with the body’s cells. "Arbidol" comes in tablets and capsules. It eases the course of colds, and also serves to prevent influenza.
  3. "Derinat." The product has a powerful immunomodulatory effect. It is released in the form of a solution. The medicine is used as a spray and intravenously. Although it is effective, it still has side effects. It is used as a cold prevention. A contraindication is considered intolerance; before using it, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
  4. "Vitaon". The medicine includes plant extracts that increase the body's protective functions. It has a wide spectrum of action. The drug is produced in the form of an oil essence and is used externally.

There is a lot of controversy among doctors about the effectiveness of the product. Many experts note the effectiveness of the medicine. Oxolinic ointment can protect a person from infection. But you shouldn’t expect a 100% result either, since there is still a risk of infection.

Most adults use Oxolinic ointment in two cases: to remove warts and as a prophylactic against influenza and viral rhinitis. But this medicine has a broader scope and can help with other viral infections.

With the identical name “Oxolinic ointment,” the composition of the two drugs (nasal and for external use) will be slightly different, and the methods of use and dosage will also differ.

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    Oxolinic ointment 3% (for external use)

    The active ingredient of this drug is the substance dioxot(tetraxoline), commonly known as oxoline. The product first appeared in pharmacies more than 40 years ago and until 2006, when Oksonafthylin was released, it had no analogues.

    In addition to oxoline, which is 30 mg (3%) in 1 g of ointment, the excipients are petroleum jelly, liquid paraffin and citric acid (preservative).

    The effect of the drug is based on the ability of oxoline at significant concentrations (above 1%) to affect viruses that cause skin diseases.

    It is effective against:

    • herpes viruses that cause blisters and herpes zoster;
    • adenoviruses that cause flat, genital and vulgar warts;
    • molluscum contagiosum, which causes the spread of molluscum contagiosum on the skin.

    After application to the affected areas of the skin, the substance penetrates the virus cells and affected tissue cells, blocks the reproduction of the virus, disrupts RNA synthesis, which prevents their production (has virulence).

    Methods of application

    To treat warts, herpes blisters, shingles or molluscum contagiosum, apply a thin layer of 3% ointment to the affected area. Frequency of application - every 8-12 hours. To achieve a greater effect, the surface of the wart or vesicle, as well as a small area of ​​skin around it, is covered with wax paper and sealed with adhesive tape. For large affected areas, an occlusive dressing is used. Treatment is continued until signs of the disease disappear and the skin clears (from 14 to 60 days).

    Previously, this medicine was used in the treatment of lichen simplex and psoriasis (in complex therapy), but today more effective means have been created for the treatment of these diseases.

    Possible side effects

    When applying the product, a burning sensation may occur at the application site; it goes away on its own and does not require additional treatment. In addition, 3 percent ointment has a characteristic blue color, which is easily washed off after application (if used incorrectly).

    Oxolinic ointment is used exclusively for external use; ingestion is prohibited.

    Oxolinic nasal ointment (0.25%)

    The composition of this medicine differs from the drug for external use only in the concentration of oxoline: 25 mg of active substance per 10 g of ointment.

    This type of product is most effective against the simple flu virus: oxolin in the nasal cavity actively interacts with diploid cells, and already at concentrations of 0.05-0.1% is able to completely neutralize the reproduction of viruses that come into contact with the skin of the nasal passages. The medicine is successfully used in many other cases of fighting infection.

    Indications for use may be:

    • Viral respiratory diseases accompanied by rhinitis.
    • Flu and its prevention.
    • Conjunctivitis caused by herpes and other viruses.
    • Viral stomatitis.

    How to use the nasal remedy

    Nasal ointment is used for adults for the eyes and mouth, to treat runny nose due to acute respiratory infections.

    For viral stomatitis, the substance (0.25%) is used to treat the oral cavity, especially aphthae (ulcers) 2-3 times a day. Although there are more modern methods of treating stomatitis, oxolinic ointment is just as effective.

    For viral conjunctivitis and herpetic eye infections, the ointment is placed in the conjunctival sac (only as prescribed by a doctor). The frequency of the procedure is every 12-24 hours. The duration of treatment is from 10 days.

    For viral respiratory infections, nasal ointment is placed in the nasal passages (applied to the mucous membrane). The medicine does not help with other types of rhinitis (bacterial, fungal) - only of a viral nature. Frequency of procedures: every 8-12 hours for 4-5 days.

    To prevent influenza, Oxolin is used 2 times a day.. Place the ointment in the nasal cavities before leaving the house. Frequency - every 12 hours, but at the peak of the epidemic up to 4 times a day is permissible. The frequency of 6 hours is also observed when in contact with persons sick with influenza.

    The drug is applied in the following way: from the tube, squeeze out an amount of ointment the size of a small pea, 3-4 mm, onto a finger or a cotton swab. Then distribute it along the nasal passage in a circular motion. Then do the same with the other nostril. A separate stick is used for each nasal cavity. Wash your finger with soap before applying the product.

    After returning home or before re-introducing the ointment, the nasal passages are rinsed with warm water.

    The maximum period of use of the drug is 25 days.

    The amount of product for one nostril should not exceed a strip of 5 mm

    Adverse symptoms

    When putting the ointment into the nose, it is possible to increase the secretion of nasal secretions; the strong flow goes away within a few minutes and does not require additional treatment.

    When the eye is placed in the conjunctival sac, burning, redness of the conjunctiva, and lacrimation may occur; the symptoms go away on their own.

    Use during pregnancy and pregnancy

    The instructions for use of Oxolinic ointment call for the use of the medicine during pregnancy and lactation only if the expected benefit exceeds the possible harm. However, in practice, doctors often recommend 0.25% ointment to pregnant and young mothers during a flu epidemic and to prevent viral respiratory infections.

    Treatment with 3% ointment is undesirable for these categories of women.

    Use in children

    Putting the drug (like any other ointment into the nose) for a child under one year of age is strictly prohibited.

    The drug can be used to prevent influenza and viral infections in children from 2 years of age. It was during this period that their nasal passages were formed enough to allow the use of such a medicine.