Orotic acid: instructions for use. Nourishing cream "Gerontol": reviews

The discovery of vitamin B13 dates back to 1905. For the first time, the substance was isolated from residual products after the production of distillery products. Initially, the new compound was called the DDS factor (or growth factor) due to its effect on the growth process of animal organisms. Some time later, orotic (or uracilcarboxylic) acid became trivially called vitamin B13. It has been proven that the substance is not an absolute equivalent of the growth factor, but its constituent part.

Similarly, orotic acid in its free form was initially classified as a B vitamin under number 14, but subsequently the DDS factor was combined with it under the name “vitamin B13.” In addition to orotates to this name This includes mevalonic acid.

Actually a vitamin this acid is not. The compound is a vitamin-like substance.

Physical chemical parameters of vitamin B13

The substance has a crystalline structure. In an unbound state it is presented in powder form white, having good solubility in aqueous media, especially if the water is hot. The melting point of orotic acid is quite high, reaching 246 degrees Celsius.

The substance is practically insoluble in acidic environments, since it itself exhibits acidic properties. It has high solubility in alkalis due to the formation of soluble salts with them. Orotic acid– strong absorber ultraviolet radiation. Not resistant to light when stored for long periods of time aquatic environment subject to decomposition.

Foods with the highest content of orotic acid

Vitamin B13 is found naturally in certain products plant and animal origin, but its content in the composition is minimal. Is in connection with minerals, presented in the form of poorly soluble compounds.

Whey liquid, the liquid fraction of sour or curdled dairy products, brewer's and baker's yeast, and fruit parts of plants are rich in orotic acid. The substance is also present in liver, cottage cheese, and colostrum.

In the body, orotic acid is formed independently in sufficient quantities when balanced diet. Highest content substances are observed in breast milk.

Orotate preparations

The drug is available in tablet form. Available in three forms similar action with the following names:

  • potassium orotate;
  • magnesium orotate.

Indications for the use of the drug are conditions associated with fatty liver, heart failure, diseases of the biliary tract, dystrophy (including myocardium), atherosclerosis, chronic fatigue and spastic deviations. Renders positive action in the treatment of gout due to its effect on the formation of uric acid.

It is not recommended to take the substance when hypersensitivity to the component. Taking vitamin B13 is prohibited for liver cirrhosis accompanied by ascites. Orotic acid is contraindicated in renal failure and nephrourolithiasis. Use with caution during pregnancy.

As side effects can be noted skin rashes, unformed stools and the appearance of diarrhea, vomiting and flatulence.

Vitamin B13 preparations are available at pharmacies with a prescription. Included vitamin complexes the substance is most often not found due to the fact that it is not vital for the proper functioning of the body.

The average daily intake of orotic acid varies depending on a person's age, gender, and current physical condition. Typically, the dosages are:

Status Age Dosage in grams
children up to a year 0,120-0.25
up to 4 years up to ½ g
up to 9 years up to 1 g
teenagers up to 18 years old Up to 1.5 g
adults from 18 years old up to 2 g
pregnant and lactating women 3 g

Dosages may be increased for athletes and people with certain types diseases. Exceeding the recommended dosage usually does not cause negative consequences due to the non-toxicity of vitamin B13.

The benefits of orotic acid for the body, the functions of the substance

Vitamin B13 is a drug that has a restorative effect on many body systems.

The substance is used in therapy:

  • diseases associated with reproductive system person;
  • conditions of the fetus during pregnancy at all stages;
  • liver diseases;
  • sclerotic disorders;
  • risk of anemia;
  • reduction contractile function muscle tissue;
  • insufficiency of the myocardium, disorders of its contractility;
  • too much early aging body systems.

Vitamin B13 is also used as:

  • a drug involved in the synthesis of methionine;
  • a substance that facilitates the metabolic breakdown of vitamin B5, B12 and folic acid s;
  • stimulator of the formation of protein chains and cell division;
  • regulator for the removal of excess glucose;
  • hepatocyte restorer;
  • regulator of cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • a substance that affects the development of the organism as a whole and its growth.

IN medicinal purposes Taking vitamin B13 is indicated for:

  • viral hepatitis;
  • ulcerative foci duodenum and the walls of the stomach;
  • Botkin's disease;
  • disorders of the hematopoietic system;
  • cirrhosis and any liver diseases;
  • nephropathies;
  • diseases of the epidermis during childhood;
  • manifestation of signs of skin aging;
  • chronic cardiac failure;
  • during the recovery period after surgery.

Vitamin B13 effective for infants who have certain diseases of the epidermis - neurodermatitis, ichthyosis, psoriasis and eczema. It is also used for recovery after taking heavy drugs– antibiotics, steroid hormones, delagil, sulfonamides and resokhin.

When taken in a normal manner, the substance has a positive effect on the epidermis. That is why vitamin B13 is often added to the compositions of creams and face masks. The compound slows down skin aging, protects it from the effects of free radical particles and increases resistance negative factors environment. Orotic acid can also reduce the depth of wrinkles and remove flaking of the skin.

Negative properties of vitamin B13

Due to its aqueous solubility, even with long-term use, the substance does not exhibit toxic effects or side effects. In some cases negative reaction is caused by individual intolerance to the component or allergy.

Digestibility of orotic acid

The compound has high absorption and easy digestibility even from food after heat treatment. Orotic acid salts are absorbed unchanged through diffusion into intestinal cells. A decrease in the absorption of the substance is facilitated by increased consumption of alcohol, caffeine and products that affect the speed of intestinal activity and its motility (for example, prunes and other dried fruits).

Lack of orotic acid in the body

There are no precisely defined diseases that occur due to the development of vitamin B12 deficiency. As a rule, a sufficient content of other representatives of group B in the body masks the lack of orotic acid, rebuilding metabolic processes so that this connection is not required.

In exceptional situations, additional intake of free vitamin B13 is prescribed during adolescence or if serious injuries, For speedy treatment which vitamin is needed in sufficient quantity.

Increased content of orotic acid in the body

Without additional intake vitamin B13, an excess of the substance cannot be formed, since this requires long time use high dosages drug. Uncontrolled intake of vitamin B13 provokes the development of allergic responses, accompanied by redness of the surface of the epidermis and the appearance of persistent attacks of itching. IN in some cases there are disturbances in functioning gastrointestinal tract, destructive transformations of the liver (usually dystrophy due to insufficiency protein nutrition) and dyspepsia.

Treatment is symptomatic. After stopping the use of the substance, the manifestations quickly disappear.

Interaction between orotic acid and other compounds

Sufficient consumption of orotic acid in combination with improves the absorption of the latter to the maximum. The effectiveness of taking orotic acid increases with joint reception with magnesium preparations.

If there is insufficient content in the body, with a normal content of orotic acid, it is able to relieve the symptoms of deficiency and partially replace the missing substance. This is due to the fact that orotic acid can enter into enzymatic reactions similar to vitamin B12.

The presence of uracilcarboxylic acid may alleviate conditions associated with long-term use antibiotics. The presence of vitamin B13 in the body accelerates the synthesis of pantothene. The compound may reduce the toxicity of cardiac glycosides.

Even though orotic acid in the body can be replaced with other vitamins, it is advisable to prevent the development of a deficiency of the substance, since its deficiency can provoke many health problems, ranging from diseases of the epidermis, insufficient growth and development of the body, and ending with abnormalities in work reproductive function body. The substance is effective in combating diseases of the liver, heart and metabolic processes.

In the last article we talked about. Today we will discuss another pharmaceutical drug - orotic acid and its use in cosmetology. Orotic acid, otherwise called vitamin B 13, is a vitamin-like substance. It takes part in the metabolism of vitamin B 9, which helps support the growth of new epidermal cells. It also helps in the metabolism of cyanocobalamine, the so-called “red vitamin”. It helps us fight fatigue and depression.

B13 itself stimulates metabolism and has an anabolic effect. Has a beneficial effect on liver function. Because of this, it is very often used by athletes as a supplement that helps increase muscle mass.

Orotic acid is not synthesized by the human body and enters the body only with foods. It is found in such products as: cow's and sheep's milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, as well as large number contained in beef liver. Research scientists discovered this vitamin-like substance in human milk in 1904. After this, they found that orotic acid is found in all cells of human organs and also has a great influence on their growth.

Orotic acid application in cosmetology.

Vitamin B13 is often used in cosmetology. It has the following properties:

  • Rejuvenates the skin
  • Prevents aging
  • Increases the elasticity of the dermis
  • Promotes collagen production
  • Smoothes wrinkles
  • Helps maintain youthful skin
  • Reduces the surface of skin rashes
  • Eliminates peeling
  • Removes irritation
  • Protects against ultraviolet rays

To provide a pronounced effect, you can add B 13 to your daily skin care cream. It is recommended to use masks containing this substance. Orotic acid is sold in pharmacies under the name Potassium Orotate in tablet form. And also Magnesium Orotate, but it is more convenient for use in cosmetology, since its dosage form is presented in the form of a powder.

To make a mask for aging skin at home you will need honey, milk and Magnesium Orotate. Mix everything and let the powder dissolve. Apply to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth. Leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and apply care cream. This procedure must be repeated 2 times a week. It is very suitable for skin after 30 years.

B13 for hair.

Since orotic acid has anabolic effect, it stimulates the growth of all cells in the body. Which is especially good for the activation of hair follicles. Therefore, vitamin B13 is perfect as a tonic in any hair mask.

In order to make a mask against hair loss, we need honey, milk, almond oil and Magnesium Oratate. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to scalp. Rub intensively into hair roots. For better effect wrap your head with a towel. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Then wash off the mask with shampoo. The procedure must be done once a month. Your hair will fall out less, dormant hair will be activated hair follicles, the hair will become lush and smooth.

By the way, the cost of the drug is not at all high - within 100-200 rubles. Sold without a doctor's prescription.

Remember that before using orotic acid, it is worth checking the sensitivity to the component on the skin area.

Read other interesting articles in the section.

And she promised to write what effect this or that acid has. This post is simply a digest of information from the Internet and more, cleared of copywriting nonsense and scientific terminology 🙂 My opinion is not at all.

This list can be easily supplemented and corrected; I did not take into account a lot of things.

Hyaluronic acid has regenerating, antiviral, bactericidal, wound-healing activity. Thanks to its unique physical and chemical properties, hyaluronic acid effectively binds water in the intercellular space. As a result, the elasticity of tissues and their resistance to compression increases. Extracted hyaluronic acid is capable of forming a gel with distinct, highly elastic properties and is very sensitive to pH fluctuations leading to structural changes. Through this gel, toxins are removed from the body (with sweat and sebum), and, conversely, many water-soluble substances from the outside are able to penetrate deep into the skin through this gel.

Alpha lipoic acid very strong natural antioxidant. She ties free radicals, causing significant harm to the beauty of the skin. Alpha lipoic acid copes with its tasks equally successfully in both aqueous and fatty environments.

Stearic refers to fatty acids and is added to creams as a thickener or emulsifier. It itself increases the barrier protective properties skin during exposure unfavorable conditions external environment: wind, ultraviolet, cold.

Palmitic acid added to the composition of creams, the purpose of which is to protect dry skin, as well as in cosmetics for protection from bad weather, wind and frost.

Glycolic acid easily absorbs water. Able to accelerate the exfoliation of dead skin cells. Glycolic acid is used mainly in professional cosmetics in preparations for deep cleansing of the skin, reducing wrinkles, removing age spots. May cause skin sensitivity! It has the smallest molecules of all ana-acids, which means it penetrates the skin faster and more efficiently.

Mandelic acid It acts similarly to glycolic, but its molecules are larger and penetrate the skin more slowly. They soothe skin cells, have a whitening effect, and cause the outflow of cellular fat from the skin pores.

Lactic acid saturates the skin well with moisture, promotes the process of birth of new epidermal cells, improves complexion, moisturizes the skin, increases firmness and healthy elasticity. In addition, it effectively fights the formation of comedones, reduces pores and is used in the preparation of recipes for oily skin care.

Citric acid has a powerful whitening effect.

Orotic acid normalizes metabolic processes in the skin, restores protein synthesis, nucleic acids, is added to cosmetics intended for aging skin.

Benzoic acid has a bactericidal and whitening effect.

Succinic acid successfully slows down the aging of the skin of the décolleté, face, neck, tightens it, eliminates acne and scars, improves elasticity, minimizes swelling, whitens, refreshes.

Azelaic acid regulates work sebaceous glands, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps eliminate various skin problems, including severe course. Works well in combination with other acids - lactic, lipoic, citric. Peeling based on azelaic acid helps to gently whiten the skin, relieve skin inflammation, and fights excessive skin pigmentation.

Salicylic acid used for treatment inflammatory diseases skin, has antibacterial effect, dries and does not irritate the skin. Salicylic acid and preparations that contain it have an excellent exfoliating effect and are used to treat acne, blackheads, blackheads, comedones, and corns. Salicylic acid dissolves sebum and promotes skin cell regeneration.

Ascorbic acid(vitamin C) acts on the skin as a very strong antioxidant, preventing the formation of wrinkles and folds, performs protective function, preventing harmful influence ultraviolet rays on cells, improves facial light, fights pigment spots.

Malic acid found in many fruits, especially in apples and tomatoes. In addition to exfoliating, it stimulates cells, enhancing cellular metabolism.

Tartaric acid found in free or esterified form in ripe grapes, old wine, and oranges. Has exfoliating, whitening and moisturizing effects.

Folic acid(vitamin B9, pteroylglutamic acid) is used in preparations that relieve irritation and promote skin regeneration; strengthens and heals hair.

Oxalic acid(oxalinic acid) has whitening properties and affects pigmentation.

Para-aminobenzoic acid(vitamin B10) has sunscreen properties that protect hair and skin from the harmful effects of the sun. Restores hair pigmentation lost due to stress. It has a local anesthetic effect, which enhances its effectiveness, in persons with sensitive skin may cause mild irritation and redness.

Formic acid(litonic acid) has hyperemic (vasodilates) and bactericidal effect. It is used in lotions and hair tonics as a component that increases blood flow and improves hair nutrition.

Linolenic acid one of the main indispensable fatty acids. Playing important role in ensuring the barrier function of the skin. Included in many natural oils.

Vitamin B13 (orotic acid) was discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, namely in 1904. Researchers have found that it is found in human and animal milk. From a biochemical point of view, vitamin B13 is more of a vitamin-like substance, since it not only enters the human body with food, but is also synthesized under the influence of beneficial bacteria located in the intestines.

In its pure form, orotic acid looks like crystalline substance no color. IN human body it is called upon to perform a number of important physiological processes.

Daily requirement of vitamin B13

On average, daily requirement in vitamin B13 for an adult is 500-1500 mg. Pregnant women and nursing mothers need twice as much orotic acid per day. Also in more Athletes need vitamin B13, as it has a positive effect on the preservation and growth of muscle mass.

What functions does vitamin B13 perform in the body?

Vitamin B13 is present in almost all tissues and organs human body and takes part in a number of vital biochemical processes.

Orotic acid helps the production of special substances - phospholipids, which are essential for the construction and full functioning of cell membranes. Vitamin B13, through participation in the biosynthesis of nucleic acids, provides favorable conditions for individual cells and the organism as a whole. Proven positive impact orotic acid on blood formation processes, in particular, vitamin B13 is able to enhance the synthesis of blood cells (leukocytes and erythrocytes). This property allows it to be used in the treatment of anemia caused by exposure to ionizing radiation when the processes of blood formation are disrupted.

It should be noted the anabolic effect of orotic acid, i.e. its ability to enhance the rate of production of protein molecules, stimulating rapid growth muscle mass. It would be appropriate to remember here that many athletes take drugs for intensive muscle growth, which contain substances that have an anabolic effect. And, although orotic acid is not a hormone, but is a non-steroidal compound, nevertheless, it also significantly stimulates growth muscle fibers. It is often prescribed after long fasting and when reducing body weight in order to quickly restore protein biosynthesis in the body.

Vitamin B13 has a beneficial effect on the development of pregnancy, promotes proper development fetus Orotic acid also improves liver function, promotes the restoration of its cells, which protects this vital important organ from rebirth. Vitamin B13 helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, therefore it is a good prevention of the development of atherosclerotic plaques that narrow the lumen blood vessels and disrupting the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Medicines containing vitamin B13 are prescribed to patients in postoperative period and for recovery after serious illnesses. Orotic acid is also prescribed to restore the functioning of the biliary tract and reduce the work of the heart muscle.

Sources of Vitamin B13 in Foods

Vitamin B13 is contained in foods in the form of potassium, magnesium and calcium salts. These compounds, entering the human body along with food, are absorbed into the blood from the intestines. In the blood, orotic acid is released from these salts, which subsequently spreads throughout the tissues and organs of the human body.

The most common foods with vitamin B13 are yeast, liver and milk, as well as various dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese). Often the need for this vitamin is satisfied by its production by microorganisms living in the intestines.

Today, the pharmaceutical industry produces vitamin B13 in dosage form in the form of salts - magnesium orotate or potassium orotate. But it should be remembered that, first of all, these drugs are medicinal, and it is not recommended to use them as a food additive without a doctor’s prescription. Uncontrolled reception medicines containing vitamin B13 can lead to undesirable consequences and deterioration of human health. If you think that taking these medications is necessary, first consult with your doctor to determine any contraindications and determine the optimal dosage.

Vitamin B13 deficiency

With a lack of vitamin B13, the body experiences irreversible damage biochemical reactions. First of all, the course of skin diseases worsens. However, the development of any specific conditions caused specifically by a lack of vitamin B13 is currently unknown to medicine.

It should be borne in mind that if there is a deficiency of vitamin B13, other B vitamins can partially compensate for the deficiency, in some way providing a restructuring of metabolic processes.

Excess vitamin B13

As a rule, an excess of vitamin B13 in the human body is observed with uncontrolled use of medications that contain orotic acid. Excess vitamin B13 may cause allergic reactions(itching, redness skin), as well as digestive disorders. After stopping taking drugs containing orotic acid, the above symptoms, as a rule, disappear without a trace.

Interaction of vitamin B13 with other substances

Orotic acid is poorly soluble in organic solvents and water. Vitamin B13 is destroyed by exposure to light.

It has been established that the absorption of vitamin B9 occurs most effectively with a sufficient amount of orotic acid in the body. In addition, orotic acid is able to some extent compensate for the deficiency of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) in the body, thereby ensuring the full implementation of certain enzymatic reactions.

Sometimes doctors prescribe vitamin B13 to improve the tolerability of certain antibiotics.

Vitamin B 13 (orotic acid, orotate)– a vitamin-like water-soluble substance belonging to the B vitamins.

Orotic acid plays an important role in maintaining normal liver function, protein synthesis and others necessary for human health. useful substances, fetal development during pregnancy.

People first started talking about orotic acid in 1904, after which this substance taken out of cow's milk. Later, scientists found that this substance is present not only in the milk of other animals, but also in human milk. A few decades later, in 1948, other scientists developed a substance that stimulates the growth of rats and chickens, which they eventually named vitamin B13. A few years later, in 1954, Manna and Hauge established that orotic acid and vitamin B13 are the same substance.

Orotic acid is a crystalline white powder, poorly soluble in water and organic solvents. Destroys in aquatic environments and under the influence of light.

Systematic name of orotic acid: 1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-2,6-dioxo-4-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid.
Empirical formula for orotic acid: C5H4N2O4.
Pharmacological group: non-hormonal anabolic and regenerant.
ATX code: A14BX10.
Trade names:"Potassium orotate."

Functions of vitamin B13 (orotic acid)

Orotic acid is part of all living cells, participating directly in all vital processes of the body. First of all, vitamin B13 regulates the functioning of the liver and also maintains its health, prevents fatty liver, maintains heart health, and is involved in the synthesis of proteins, phospholipids and amino acids.

In addition, orotic acid plays an important role in the following processes:

  • Has a beneficial effect on reproductive function;
  • Contributes normal growth and development of the fetus and children;
  • Thanks to synthesis ribonucleic acid, promotes normal growth and development of cells and tissues, tissue regeneration;
  • Regulates blood cholesterol levels;
  • Promotes absorption by the body pantothenic acid( , folic acid () and cyanocobalamin ();
  • Regulates glucose utilization;
  • Activates the contractile capabilities of muscle tissue;
  • Creation of muscle carnosine reserves;
  • Activates hematopoiesis;
  • Used in the treatment of diseases and muscular systems, and also ;
  • Prevents the risk of development;
  • Prevents premature aging.

Daily requirement of vitamin B13

Orotic acid is synthesized in the required amount by the intestines.

The daily dose of orotic acid is:

  • Infants – 0.25-0.5 g;
  • Children – 0.5-1.5 g;
  • Men and women over 21 years of age – 0.5-2 g;
  • Pregnant women – up to 3 g;
  • Nursing – up to 3 years.

During treatment various diseases, pathological conditions, postoperative period, as well as with increased physical activity, daily dose Vitamin B13 is increased.

Indications for use of orotic acid

A drug based on orotic acid is Potassium Orotate.

"Potassium orotate" is used for:

  • Liver diseases – , ;
  • Skin diseases in children: neurodermatitis;
  • Ulcerative diseases and;
  • Chronic heart failure;
  • Nutritional and nutritional-infectious malnutrition in children;
  • Nephropathy;
  • Recovery in the postoperative period;
  • Chronic physical fatigue.

Dosage of taking "Potassium orotate"

  • For adults: 250-300 mg, 2-3 times/day. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.
  • For children: 10-20 mg/kg of the child’s body weight, divided into 3-4 doses per day. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

The drug is taken orally, 1 hour before a meal, or 4 hours after a meal.

Important! Before using Potassium Orotate, be sure to consult your doctor!

Side effects from taking orotic acid

Vitamin B13 is generally well tolerated. IN in rare cases In case of an overdose (hypervitaminosis) of Potassium Orotate, the following symptoms are possible:

  • Allergic reactions in the form of (skin rashes);
  • Mild disorders digestive system– , . Vitamin B13 is also present in human breast milk.

    Interaction of orotic acid with other substances

    Vitamin B13 is used to improve the tolerance of certain medical supplies: steroid hormones, antibiotics, sulfonamides, delagil, resokhin.

    Promotes the body's transformation of pantothenic and folic acids, as well as cyanocobalamin.

    The effect of taking orotic acid increases with simultaneous administration drugs based on .

    To some extent reduces the toxicity of cardiac glycosides.

    Astringents and enveloping agents help reduce the absorption of orotic acid by the intestines, and as a result, by the entire body.