Joint use of duphaston and boron uterus. Taking utrozhestan and duphaston at the same time

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Not all women are able to have a child right away; in some cases, it takes several years. Duphaston - instructions for use when planning pregnancy indicate that the drug will be useful in the treatment of gynecological diseases, the threat of bleeding from the uterus, and is part of the treatment of infertility. Take the drug in the first stages of planning conception and to maintain health expectant mother already during gestation.

In what cases should I take it?

During consultations, many doctors advise taking Duphaston for pregnancy. If you have any doubts regarding use, you can refer to the instructions that are included in each package of the medication. Infertility or difficulties in planning a conception are not the only reasons to take these pills. A girl can take Duphaston in the following cases:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • endometriosis (insufficient amount of the hormone progesterone);
  • infertility due to luteal insufficiency;
  • threatened or habitual miscarriage due to progesterone deficiency, which is confirmed by tests;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • violation menstrual cycle;
  • secondary amenorrhea (treated together with estrogen therapy);
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): carried out to neutralize the effect of estrogens on a woman’s endometrium, which is associated with menopause (natural or surgical) with an infarcted uterus.

The main purpose for taking Duphaston according to the instructions is planning pregnancy for endometriosis, confirmed by tests that indicate a clear lack of the hormone progesterone. If you follow the rules of admission, then positive result will be noticeable almost immediately. Such dynamics can be achieved only if the woman follows all the rules of the medication treatment regimen.

How to take Duphaston when planning pregnancy

The instructions that are sold along with the drug contain a dosage regimen, but it is better if it is confirmed by your attending physician. Self-medication is not recommended because effective therapy will only be when correct dosage and frequency of pill use. Taking duphaston when planning pregnancy is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Recommended use immediately after ovulation from 16 to 25 days of the cycle. You need to take the tablets at regular intervals several times a day. The course of treatment usually lasts at least 6 months.
  2. If a woman started taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, then she needs to continue taking it after conception in the first stages of pregnancy to avoid miscarriage.
  3. You need to take it until the placenta is formed, capable of independently providing the required level of progesterone. This usually happens between 12 and 16 weeks of pregnancy.
  4. After conceiving a child, you need to drink the drug until week 20, then begin to reduce the dose (half or a whole tablet per week). You should not suddenly stop taking the drug, as this can lead to miscarriage.
  5. An early conception will occur only if the drug is used according to the instructions.
  6. Stop drinking Duphaston completely after 36 weeks.
  7. If you miss taking a pill while planning to conceive, you must take the required dose within the next 6 hours.
  8. There is no need to increase the number of tablets per day on your own, even if you missed taking it, to avoid an overdose.

Dosages of the medication indicated for use according to the instructions:

  1. Infertility due to luteal insufficiency. You need to take 10 mg per day from days 14 to 25 of the cycle. You need to take the product for 6 cycles without breaks. In the future, use can be continued for 2-3 months after pregnancy.
  2. Threatened abortion. You should take 40 mg of Duphaston once, then 10 mg every 8 hours until symptoms disappear.
  3. Habitual abortion. Take 10 mg twice daily until week 20, then gradually reduce the dose.

Drug interactions

If Duphaston is taken simultaneously with inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, for example, rifampicin, phenobarbital, the metabolism of dydrogetesron may be accelerated, which will lead to neutralization therapeutic effect drug. No other cases of incompatibility with drugs have been recorded for this medication.

Composition of Duphaston

The medication is produced in the form of biconvex, round tablets with beveled edges. There is a mark on one side, on each side of it there is an engraving 155. Available in blisters of 20 pcs. tablets. The composition of the drug is as follows:

Pharmacological properties

In its own way molecular structure, pharmacological and chemical properties Dydrogesterone is close to natural progesterone. This element is not a testosterone derivative and does not have the side effects that are inherent in almost all synthetic progestogens, which are also called androgenic progestogens. Dydrogetestrone has no glucocorticoid, anabolic, androgenic, estrogenic or thermogenic activity.

According to the instructions, Duphaston is part of a comprehensive HRT for menopause; the drug retains a beneficial effect on the blood lipid profile from estrogen. Unlike estrogen hormones, which negatively affect the blood coagulation system, dydrogestron has no effect on the coagulation rate. The drug does not have instructions for planning conception negative influence on liver function, carbohydrate metabolism.

When taken orally, dydrogesterone selectively acts on the endometrium, this helps prevent an increased risk of developing hyperplasia or carcinogenesis due to excess estrogen. The medication according to the instructions is indicated for endogenous progesterone deficiency. Duphaston does not have a contraceptive effect, because it is used when planning pregnancy. The drug makes conception possible and ensures the maintenance of pregnancy during therapy.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated during pregnancy and pregnancy planning, but in rare cases negative consequences of use appear. There are no cases of drug overdose reported in medical sources. If the dose is exceeded, gastric lavage is necessary. The following side effects are possible:

  • migraine (headache);
  • allergy symptoms (itching, skin rash, hives);
  • liver dysfunction (jaundice);
  • breakthrough bleeding from the vagina;
  • increased toxicosis;
  • increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • excessive sensitivity of the breast (glands).

As a rule, Duphaston is well tolerated, but sometimes they can still manifest themselves unpleasant effects, characterized by headache (migraine), liver dysfunction, allergy symptoms ( skin rash, itching), breakthrough bleeding, which requires an increase in dose. Previously, no cases of drug overdose have been identified, however, when taking a dose that exceeds the required dose, it is worth performing a gastric lavage.

To eliminate the threat spontaneous interruption During pregnancy, doctors most often choose between Duphaston and Utrozhestan. Both drugs contain the same substance - progesterone, which ensures successful gestation and childbirth without complications. These medications are also used in the treatment gynecological diseases. Despite approximately the same effect, medications have several differences in their effect on the body.

Duphaston and Utrozhestan: comparative characteristics of drugs

Duphaston and Utrozhestan have a similar composition, but differ in the structure of progesterone. The first drug contains synthetic components, the second contains natural ones. When choosing a medication, in addition to the origin of the hormone, the form of release of the drug, contraindications and the likelihood of side effects are taken into account.

Description of medicines

Duphaston contains synthetic analogue progesterone – dydrogesterone. Unlike other artificial female sex hormones, it does not have androgenic activity, is easily absorbed by the body and practically does not cause complications. Available in the form of tablets, each containing 10 mg of artificial hormone.

The comparison shows that Utrozhestan, produced from natural raw materials, is stronger in therapeutic effect. The drug reduces contractility uterus and inhibits the growth of the mucous membrane (endometrium). Available in capsules and suppositories for intravaginal use, which contain 100 and 200 mg of the active ingredient.

Indications and contraindications

Duphaston is most often used in the treatment of gynecological pathologies, in particular dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. It is prescribed for irregularities in the menstrual cycle, symptoms premenstrual syndrome in women, replacement hormone therapy(ZMT). This drug indispensable for dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Indications for the use of the drug are also infertility and the threat of miscarriage associated with progesterone deficiency in pregnant women.

Utrozhestan also has similar indications for use. In view of natural origin the medicine is often used during pregnancy planning, during IVF and for the treatment of infertility caused by excess in the body male hormones. The medication is effective against pathologies such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

Duphaston is easily tolerated by patients and has virtually no contraindications. It is forbidden to take this medicine if you are hypersensitive to its components or have liver pathologies. Despite the fact that the medication does not have a harmful effect on the fetus and can be used during pregnancy, it is recommended to stop taking the drug while breastfeeding.

Utrozhestan has many more contraindications, which is explained by its natural origin.

It is inadmissible to use the drug when the following diseases and states:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • cerebral hemorrhages;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the genital system and mammary glands.

Application regimen and dosage

The regimen for using the drug is determined by the doctor individually. In addition to contraindications to the medicine, the woman’s age and the estimated duration of treatment are taken into account. The average daily dose of Utrozhestan is 200 mg, but may increase depending on the severity of the pathology.

Dosage regimen depending on the clinical case:

  • pregnancy planning – 1 time per day;
  • IVF – 600 mg (suppositories) 3 times a day;
  • threat of miscarriage - up to 400 mg daily, divided into 3-4 doses;
  • EMT for menopause – 1 time per day for 25 days.

The daily dose of Duphaston is 10 mg. Depending on the pathology, the following treatment regimens are used:

  • threatened miscarriage - 40 mg once, then 10 mg every 6 hours until the pregnant woman’s condition stabilizes;
  • EMT for menopause – 1 time per day;
  • uterine bleeding – 20 mg 2 times a day;
  • dysmenorrhea, menstrual irregularities - similar to the above scheme from 5 to 25 days of the cycle.

The drug should be taken before or after a meal (after 30 minutes), and in the evening - before bed, washed down with water (more details in the article:). Treatment continues until stable therapeutic effect. As a rule, therapy with Utrozhestan continues during the first trimester of pregnancy (more details in the article:). If after 3 months of treatment the threat remains, it is recommended to switch to another drug.

To avoid remission of the pathology after achieving a therapeutic effect, you need to gradually reduce the dose of the medication. It is recommended to reduce the dosage by 1/4 and carefully monitor the woman’s condition. If during the week a pregnant woman experiences wellness and there is no risk of miscarriage, the dose is reduced every 7 days, gradually ending the medication.

Side effects

Taking Duphaston is practically unaccompanied side effects. The drug does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system, so after taking it you can safely drive and not interrupt activities that require concentration. In rare cases, painful swelling of the mammary glands and uterine bleeding are observed. IN the latter case the doctor increases the dosage of the drug.

Taking Utrozhestan is accompanied by a number of side effects:

  • hives;
  • headache, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia, increased fatigue;
  • menstrual irregularities (reduction or appearance of acyclic bloody discharge), swelling of the mammary glands;
  • bloating, constipation, or diarrhea;
  • joint pain;
  • weight gain.

Listed side effects eliminated by intravaginal use of the drug or switching to safe Duphaston. Complications from treatment with suppositories occur in exceptional cases and are most often associated with intolerance to soy lecithin, which is part of the medicine. Side effects appear in the form of local reactions:

  • burning;
  • hyperemia;
  • urticaria in the genital area;
  • oily vaginal discharge.

Which drug is more effective?

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Duphaston and Utrozhestan are equally effective. When choosing a drug, they are guided not by the speed of the therapeutic effect, but by possible side effects. The difference is that the first medication is easily tolerated and can be used in the last stages of pregnancy. The second drug is preferable to use in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

When planning a pregnancy

When choosing what to take, Duphaston or Utrozhestan, take into account the severity of the pathology that prevents the embryo from taking root. Utrozhestan, containing natural progesterone, is used for long-term infertility treatment. The medication can be used intravaginally, which ensures rapid absorption of the hormone, so it is prescribed in cases requiring immediate results, in particular during IVF.

If there is a threat of miscarriage

Both drugs normalize the tone of the uterus with equal effectiveness, preventing miscarriage. On early stages Utrozhestan is often prescribed. This ensures better implantation of the embryo into the uterus.

If the risk of spontaneous abortion continues in subsequent months, to avoid harmful influence for the fruit it is better to switch to Duphaston.

Gynecological pathologies

Duphaston is most often used to treat gynecological pathologies. The drug is especially effective against endometriosis - growth of the endometrium due to progesterone deficiency. The medication is used together with minimally invasive treatment methods. This prevents the appearance of new foci of inflammation.

Duphaston is prescribed for painful menstruation. Dysmenorrhea is associated with a lack of progesterone and increased estrogen production. Such hormonal imbalance provokes myometrial hypoxia and intense contractions uterus The drug not only relieves pain, but also eliminates the consequences of dysmenorrhea such as swelling and poor health.

Is it possible to use Duphaston and Utrozhestan at the same time?

The combined use of Duphaston and Utrozhestan is also possible and is not accompanied by side effects. Prescribing two drugs simultaneously is necessary to increase the effectiveness of treatment when a woman is diagnosed with a significant deficiency of progesterone. The decision on the need to combine medications is made by the doctor after additional examination.

It’s great when your menstrual cycle is stable and you don’t need to take anything to ovulate. But if you look around, you can see a lot of girls attending antenatal clinics, undergoing tests, and undergoing treatment courses. Problems with conception are often caused by hormonal disorders, and one of the drugs that solves these problems and is prescribed when planning pregnancy is Duphaston. Let's talk about him.

When tests show that there is little in the body, doctors recommend the drug Duphaston. This remedy helps restore normalcy and helps you get pregnant.

The medicine is prescribed when the body does not produce required quantity progesterone. Sometimes it is not canceled until the third trimester - at this time it is already formed, producing progesterone. The drug is absolutely safe even for a pregnant woman and baby. It also does not affect blood clotting and does not negatively affect the liver.

Is it possible to get pregnant after taking Duphaston? Yes, many gynecologists recommend this remedy, as it has shown excellent results.

You can get pregnant on Duphaston - it compensates for the lack of progesterone and is its synthetic analogue.

Doctors prescribe the drug in cases where problems with conception are associated with a lack of the hormone:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea.

It is important for the patient to know exactly how to drink Duphaston in order to become pregnant. The drug must be taken in certain days menstrual cycle, otherwise it may act as a contraceptive.

Does Duphaston help you get pregnant? Yes, because it contains artificial progesterone, called the “pregnancy hormone”. IN natural conditions its production occurs on the postovular days of the cycle, preparing the uterus for possible conception. To determine whether the cause of problems with conception is really deviations in hormonal background, you need to contact antenatal clinic and get tested.

How to take the drug Duphaston if you are planning a pregnancy in the near future? Usually they start taking it from the 16th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle. If pregnancy has occurred, then use continues until week 20, after which the dosage is gradually reduced.

Doctors prescribe the drug for at least three months. If conception has not occurred during this time, Duphaston can be taken for up to 6 months.

Effect of the drug on the cycle

U healthy woman Menstruation should be monthly. Occasional cycle failures may be acceptable as long as they are intermittent. Long delays may be caused by insufficient progesterone. The indication for taking Duphaston is amenorrhea, which is caused by a malfunction of the ovaries. When a diagnosis of “secondary amenorrhea” is made (no periods for more than 6 months), doctors prescribe hormonal treatment, which is combined with physical activity and diet.

They drink Duphaston in the second phase of the cycle, replenishing the progesterone deficiency. Menstruation should become regular while taking the drug.

Sometimes women themselves begin to take the drug to combat amenorrhea, without first consulting a doctor. This cannot be done, because even greater violations may appear in endocrine system, which will be very difficult to cope with.

The drug can help prevent bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle, and it also reduces pain during menstruation. But to be positive effect, you need to drink it regularly.

Contraindications for use

Will Duphaston help you get pregnant? Of course, yes, but doctors must take into account both indications and contraindications for its use. An incorrect attitude to this issue can negatively affect a woman’s health.

The main contraindications are as follows:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hereditary pathologies, for example, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes.

Before taking the drug Duphaston when planning a long-awaited pregnancy, you need to pay attention to your health. For example, if a patient has problems with cardiovascular system or diabetes, she needs to be careful when taking this drug. The doctor must constantly monitor her health.

You can take Duphaston to get pregnant with peace of mind, as it is safe. The same applies to the period of pregnancy itself. But during lactation, it is advisable that the patient does not drink it. Main component the drug dydrogesterone is excreted in mother's milk and makes it impossible breast-feeding baby.

Taking the drug correctly

Before taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, you need to read the instructions and remember that only a doctor can prescribe it. He monitors the patient and is familiar with the course of the disease.

Admission rules for various pathologies:

  • PMS and irregular critical days- from 11 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle. When planning pregnancy, Duphaston is taken in a dosage of 10 mg twice a day.
  • Dysmenorrhea (mild critical days) - from 5 to 25 days. Dosage: 10 mg twice a day.
  • How to take Duphaston to get pregnant with amenorrhea? From 11 to 25 days of the expected cycle. Dosage: 10 mg twice a day. Additionally, you need to take estrogen.
  • Duphaston for endometriosis during pregnancy planning is taken from 5 to 25 days. Dosage - 3 times a day, 10 mg.
  • In case of infertility due to a lack of progesterone, the drug is taken from the 14th to 25th day of the cycle. When planning pregnancy, the dosage of Duphaston in these circumstances is 10 mg once a day. The course lasts 6 cycles in a row. If Duphaston helped you get pregnant, then you should not stop taking it for another 3 months.
  • The drug copes well with uterine bleeding. In this case, you need to take it for 7 days, 10 mg twice a day.

Use during pregnancy

So, you can get pregnant while taking Duphaston, but is it allowed to take it after conception? Pregnancy sometimes occurs with complications, so it is necessary to take this remedy in order to safely carry the baby. If uterine bleeding is observed, the doctor may extend the course of therapy.

Stopping the drug is developed by a doctor, since abrupt withdrawal often provokes negative reaction. If the pregnancy is progressing normally, the dosage of the medication is reduced by half, and the woman’s well-being is monitored by the attending physician. If there are fluctuations in the level of the hormone progesterone due to a decrease in dosage, the process of stopping the medication will continue for another 2-3 weeks.

Those who have been helped by Duphaston to become pregnant should remember that they should not drink it after childbirth, because it has a negative effect on the baby’s body, getting there along with mother’s milk.

Duphaston or Utrozhestan - which is better?

The role of the first drug in planning conception and a successful pregnancy is well known. However, there are also effective analogues.

The main competitor of this medicine– – is also very effective when planning conception. The drug contains progesterone, made from plant materials. For this reason, it is used in exactly the same way as its counterpart described above. There is no big difference in what to use when planning pregnancy - Duphaston or Utrozhestan. The doctor decides which specific drug to give preference to.

The difference between these medicines is that Duphaston is a synthetic drug, and Utrozhestan is natural. But the first one has much fewer side effects.

The significant difference between these drugs is that Utrozhestan can not only be drunk, but also injected directly into the vagina, which prevents the development of allergic reactions. The doctor will decide which drug to prescribe for therapy.

Side effects from taking Duphaston

Duphaston can be used when planning pregnancy because it has few side effects. It does not affect ovulation, and conception often occurs when taking it. But it is not 100% safe. There are such side effects like nausea, dizziness, bloating.

Taking Duphaston when planning pregnancy in rare cases can cause liver dysfunction and anemia. It is not recommended for women with pathologies of the heart, liver, kidneys, or pancreas.

To prevent side effects, you need to know how to properly take synthetic Duphaston when planning pregnancy. First, an examination is carried out, based on which the gynecologist determines the duration of treatment and the required dosage.

When a doctor recommends taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, there is no need to refuse - the drug is safe if you follow the instructions for its use. The medicine has proven itself well. If a woman is wondering whether it is possible to get pregnant on Duphaston, then she needs to know that only correct application This drug, under the supervision of a specialist, will help solve the problem.

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Duphaston is a drug that can be combined with other drugs. No interaction features were observed when taking multiple medications simultaneously. However, girls are interested in whether it is possible to take Duphaston with Borovaya uterus. It is not a traditional medicine, so the body's reaction may be unpredictable.

Features of the Borovaya uterus

Borovaya uterus is a plant that is used as a medicine for many diseases. To eliminate menstrual problems and increase your chances of getting pregnant this remedy have been used for a very long time. To increase the effectiveness of the product, additionally drink Red Brush tincture.

Take Duphaston together and Borovaya uterus Gynecologists do not recommend it. However, you can drink it in one course herbal preparation for the following problems, for which Duphaston is also used:

  • irregular menstruation;
  • amenorrhea;
  • infertility;
  • excessively expressed PMS;
  • endometriosis.

Also in gynecology, the product helps with benign tumors uterus, adenomyosis, inflammatory processes in the vagina. Pregnancy with the use of the plant proceeds more favorably, and the risk of miscarriage is reduced.

You can take the medicine in the form of infusions, tinctures or decoctions. There are many recipes for preparing the product on the Internet, but it is better to order it at the pharmacy. It is not advisable to drink the herbal medicine on your own, without a doctor’s prescription.

However, the simultaneous use of Borovaya uterus with Duphaston must be approved by a gynecologist. IN in this case the doctor will be against adding a poorly studied plant to a medicine with an already proven mechanism of action.

The herbal medicine has the following features of use:

  • do not drink on menstrual days;
  • requires breaks between courses of therapy;
  • before starting treatment, you need to do a comprehensive examination;
  • The dosage of the medicine should be determined by a doctor, since the herb contains some toxic substances.

Interaction with Duphaston

The compatibility of Duphaston and Borovaya uterus is in doubt. The hormonal drug has a serious effect on female body, is drunk for several months and does not give unwanted effects. However, if you mix it with a plant, it may cause negative consequences. In addition, the instructions for the herbal medicine indicate that its use together with hormones is prohibited.

Despite the fact that you cannot take medications at the same time, girls often ignore this rule. Such irresponsible behavior leads to the emergence of strong uterine bleeding, aggravation of reproductive problems, development of concomitant pathologies. Diseases of the mammary glands, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract may appear, and hormonal levels are also seriously disrupted.

Since you cannot take drugs together, you need to choose one drug for the treatment of gynecological pathologies. Doctors will recommend drinking Duphaston, as its effectiveness has been proven by professional research.

Quite often a person finds himself in a situation where he needs to take certain medications. Hormonal drugs are in most cases prescribed to representatives of the fairer sex. It is their body that undergoes cyclical changes every month. One of the most popular prescribed drugs is artificial progesterone. It is worth considering in detail how to take Duphaston.

How does the female body work?

Every month a woman begins a new cycle. It consists of two phases: first and second. The cycle is divided into parts by the day when the egg is released from the ovary.

In the first part of the month, a woman’s body secretes hormones that are necessary for correct height oocytes and preparation of the uterine layer for pregnancy.

The second phase is called the luteal phase. During it, a strong release of the hormone progesterone is observed. It is he who is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy in the event of fertilization. The drug "Duphaston" is an artificial substitute for progesterone.

When is this medicine prescribed?

The doctor prescribes Duphaston tablets only after a preliminary examination. It can be recommended to a woman in the following cases:

It is worth noting that it is always necessary to comply with the prescribed dosage and treatment time.

How to take Duphaston?

Depending on the diagnosis given to the woman and the cause of the illness, an individual dose of the drug is selected. Also, the dosage and time of taking the drug may vary. Let's look at how to take Duphaston correctly for a particular disease.

During the threat of spontaneous miscarriage

If a pregnant woman is at risk of miscarriage, then in most cases she is prescribed this particular remedy. The doctor decides how to take Duphaston in this case. It all depends on the severity of the symptoms and the cause of their occurrence.

In most cases, the patient is prescribed a single dose of four tablets, which is forty milligrams of the drug. After this, it is recommended to take one capsule every eight hours. This must be done until the symptoms disappear completely: pain, bleeding, feeling unwell.

If a woman is at risk of miscarriage due to a lack of progesterone in the body, then how to take the medicine in this case? Usually the doctor prescribes two tablets per day, which must be taken at equal intervals. It is worth noting that in such a situation, the treatment time with Duphaston increases significantly. A specialist will tell you how long you can take it. In most cases, such treatment is prescribed before the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, when the placenta completely takes over the production of the necessary hormone.

Duphaston tablets for infertility: how to take?

Quite often, this drug is prescribed to women planning pregnancy. If a representative of the fair sex has regular sex life without using contraception, but conception does not occur, then she should consult a doctor. The first symptom of phase two deficiency is its short length. After testing for the required hormone, the doctor may recommend taking it additionally.

So, how to take Duphaston to get pregnant? In most cases, the medication is prescribed one tablet per day. You need to drink them from the 14th day after the start of your last period until the 25th day. However, when prescribing this, it is worth remembering that this scheme is suitable only for women with regular cycle at 28 days. If you have a longer cycle, you can only take additional progesterone after ovulation. Otherwise, you may achieve the opposite contraceptive effect. Taking Duphaston before the egg leaves the ovary can simply suppress it.

For hormonal diseases

Very often, for various pathologies associated with improper production of hormones, progesterone is prescribed. One of the treatment options may be the prescription of Duphaston tablets for endometriosis. How to take the medicine in this case depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease and the stage of the disease.

As a rule, doctors adhere to the following scheme. The patient is prescribed to take one capsule two to three times a day. The duration of treatment is 11 days: from the 14th day from the beginning of the last menstruation to the 25th.

For a more serious stage of the disease, the doctor may prescribe continuous use of the drug. In this case, the woman needs to take one pill twice a day. Reception should be carried out at regular intervals. Only in this case can you achieve maximum effect from treatment.

For female cycle disorders

If a representative of the fair sex experiences irregular menstruation, she may also be prescribed an additional dose of progesterone. In case of severe premenstrual syndrome, the doctor may recommend the use of Duphaston tablets.

In these cases, the drug is prescribed from the 11th day from the beginning of the last menstruation. The course of taking the drug should continue until the 25th day of the cycle. You need to take the medicine one tablet 2 times a day at equal intervals.

In case of prolonged absence of menstruation (amenorrhea)

How to take Duphaston if a woman does not have periods, but this is not related to pregnancy? In this case, use of this medicine prescribed from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. It is imperative to supplement treatment with medications containing estrogens.

For bleeding of unknown origin

To stop bleeding, the drug Duphaston is prescribed for one week. You need to take it twice a day, one capsule. Before prescribing the drug, it is necessary to establish the cause of such discharge.

To prevent dysfunctional bleeding, it is prescribed to take one capsule twice a day during the menstrual cycle - from 11 to 25 days.

With hormonal replacement therapy (after removal of the ovaries)

If a regimen in combination with estrogens is chosen, then one drug is prescribed in the first two weeks. In the next two weeks, you need to take Duphaston tablets.

If taking estrogen is contraindicated, then only artificial progesterone is prescribed for two weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break for 10-15 days.

The dosage of the drug in these cases is 10 mg, that is, one capsule per day.

In case of tumor processes in the female body

If a woman has cysts on the ovaries or other organs, then how to take Duphaston in this case?

If the tumor is estrogen-dependent, which happens most often, then the medicine is prescribed two tablets per day throughout the entire cycle. The goal of treatment in this case is to suppress the production of estrogen.

Correct selection of drug dosage

This medicine is usually available in the following form: cardboard box plate with 20 tablets. One pill contains 10 milligrams of the drug. But in some cases you may encounter more high dosage- 20 milligrams. You must always pay attention to this, since in this case it is necessary to take Duphaston tablets according to a different scheme.


If you are prescribed the drug Duphaston, you must adhere to the selected course of treatment. In every special case usage pattern medicinal product must be individual. Otherwise you won't get effective result from hormonal treatment.

Before prescribing the drug, a preliminary examination should always be carried out. It is also necessary to take into account the duration of the female cycle.

Monitor the state of your hormones and carry out on time necessary treatment. Be healthy!