Inexpensive tablets substitute for Viagra. Cheaper substitutes for Viagra: what pharmacies offer

Almost every man has problems with potency from time to time. This is not surprising, because male strength is influenced by many factors. Nowadays, when the pace of life is very fast, most people are exposed to stress every day, work a lot, and eat poorly. All this affects a man’s sexual desire and his capabilities in bed.

In most cases, to solve such a delicate issue, men resort to the help of drugs to enhance potency. The most popular among them is Viagra. This medicine known primarily for its effectiveness, however, the cost of such tablets is quite high, so not all representatives of the stronger sex can afford to take Viagra.

Cheap Viagra analogues

In order to strengthen potency and increase sexual desire for some time, today there are many drugs - analogues of Viagra. Such drugs are convenient because they have a pharmacological effect similar to Viagra, but at the same time their cost is significantly lower.

As a rule, the analogue of Viagra for men is represented by various generics. Do not confuse such drugs with counterfeits, since generics are certified medicines, have passed all the necessary clinical trials and research. The only difference between generics and original drugs is that they are produced using different technologies or in different places.

In addition, there are drugs that have a composition similar to Viagra and similar action on the body, however, are less effective. Such analogues of Viagra are sold much cheaper in pharmacies, so they are used by many men. The effect of such drugs, as a rule, is not very long.

Indian inexpensive analogues of Viagra

Indian pharmaceutical companies today produce a wide variety of generic drugs, including large number analogues of Viagra. Among them you can find the following cheap analogues of Viagra for men.

Kamagra Gold. This drug is available in different forms: regular tablets, effervescent dissolvable tablets, gel. The cost of regular Kamagra tablets starts from 200 rubles per pack of 4 pieces. Effervescent tablets convenient to use, they can not only be dissolved in the mouth, but also prepared refreshing cocktails with their addition.

Gels are an interesting form of release, however, they are quite popular among men. Such gels are convenient for use mainly at home. They are also often used in cases where it is not possible to take the tablet with water. In addition, men note a faster onset of effect, since the gel is absorbed faster than tablets.

Super Kamagra are tablets that are used mainly to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. In its composition this drug in addition to sildenafil, which is contained in all potency tablets, it also contains. With these funds, a man is provided with more bright emotions and sensations during sexual intercourse.

Eregra, Sildena, Delga

Eregra, Sildena, Delga are analogue drugs of Viagra, also popular among men and characterized by the lowest price. Sometimes the cost of these tablets per piece is about 10 times less than the cost of Viagra.

All these Indian generics are safe and effective drugs, you can also purchase them in pharmacies.

Russian analogues of Viagra for men

Viagra is a European drug, but Russian analogues are widespread in our time and are used by many men. This is connected, of course, with the cost of funds. Majority Russian tablets for potency they have a price significantly lower than the cost of Viagra. Even urologists often recommend taking domestic drugs. On the market of pharmaceutical products in our country you can find the following brands:

Levitra is a drug Russian production. Pharmacological action is carried out due to the content of the vardenafil component. It is this active substance that helps achieve relaxation smooth muscles the male genital organ, after which blood actively begins to flow into it.

In addition, Levitra generally helps to restore normal work reproductive system and eliminate erectile dysfunction. Accept this remedy It is necessary one hour before sexual intercourse, the duration of the effect lasts approximately 4-6 hours.

Sealex - also Russian drug, which can not only have a beneficial effect on potency, but also a generally healing effect on the entire genitourinary system.

The main component of Sealex is Eurycoma longifolia, a plant that helps normalize the functioning of the genital organs and increase sexual desire. Due to the fact that most of the components are natural ingredients, the drug contains little side effects and contains almost no contraindications for use. The drug is very popular, many people choose it in the matter of what better than Sealex or Viagra.

Cialis is a drug that is a worthy competitor to Viagra. If you decide which is better to purchase, then you should seriously think about the second one, since the cost of such tablets is significantly lower, however, the duration of the effect extends to 36 hours from the moment of taking the tablet. Viagra is effective for only 4 hours. True, Cialis does not always begin to act quickly; as a rule, it is a matter of dosage.

In addition to the presented options, there are also other, less popular than Viagra, analogue tablets. For example, Alicaps, Tongkat Ali Platinum, Tribestan, and others. Basically they are all biologically active additives, and therefore their effect is less effective than chemically produced drugs.

In most cases, such drugs are taken by men who, for some reason, cannot take pills or use drops to increase potency. It could be an allergy or some kind of heart problem. As a general rule, men with heart failure or other heart diseases should not use Viagra or any of its equivalents, as such pills have a major impact on the heart.

Viagra, Levitra or Cialis?


Weak potency, a flaccid penis, lack of a long-term erection are not a death sentence for a man’s sex life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man gain a stable erection for sex, but they all have their own disadvantages and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Capsules help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as prevention and accumulation male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!

Dynamico or Viagra: which is better?

Dynamico is another popular analogue of Viagra. Used by many men. It works on the basis of a common active ingredient – ​​sildenafil.

This remedy helps restore impaired erectile function by increasing blood flow to the penis. The drug acts on the smooth muscles of the corpus cavernosum of the penis, helping these muscles achieve relaxation through the release of nitric oxide. Blood flows into the vacated space, the erection mechanism occurs, and the man feels arousal and sexual desire.

You need to take the pill 2-3 hours before sexual intercourse. The drug has a number of contraindications.

  • Firstly, it is prohibited to be used by persons with heart disease, as well as those suffering from increased blood pressure.
  • Women and children under age should not take the potency product.
  • Patients with visual impairment, retinal disorders and other diseases also cannot use Dynamico.

What is better: Viagra or domestic drugs?

Men often wonder what is better: Viagra or Russian drugs such as Levitra, Cialis or Sealex? It is worth noting that in general the effect of these drugs is very similar. However, domestic brands have one significant advantage - low cost. The composition of the drugs may also differ slightly and have some different components. The active substance is basically always the same, but additional funds are individual in each drug. In this regard, men have the opportunity to choose the remedy that will be best suited, depending on the individual tolerance of the substances and components.
Drugs such as Sealex or Viagra are leaders in the question of which works better and faster. As a rule, after taking these tablets, the effect occurs within an hour. However, this effect is one-time and is designed for small quantity time.

In order to completely get rid of erectile dysfunction and forever forget about taking drugs like Viagra, you need a comprehensive systemic treatment which usually lasts more than one month. Viagra analogues are good for carrying out good night with a woman, but not to use them for treatment constantly.

Long-term use of Viagra can lead to new problems, so you should not abuse such drugs. It is better to contact a urologist and get professional help. Erectile dysfunction occurs for many reasons, it could be an infection, prostate disease or something else. It is important to understand why exactly it arose this problem, and then directly exclude the cause itself.

Only complex therapy will allow you to get rid of the disease forever and forget about taking pills before each sexual intercourse. Sometimes, in addition to it, men use folk remedies. Under no circumstances should you rely on self-medication, even when using good drugs. Put correct diagnosis and appoint effective treatment Only an experienced urologist can.

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Hello friends! My name is Nikita Korablev, I am a popular blogger and until recently the owner of a 13cm penis! Yes, yes - exactly 13cm! But I decided to change my penis and I succeeded! This is what I wanted to talk about...

When you're small- your girlfriend, of course, tries to calm you down, to say that the main thing is not sex, but the soul and all that jazz. But I am a young and healthy man, I was 25 – and I believed in this nonsense... Until the moment they sent me a video of two healthy men spanking her. So much for “sex is not the main thing”...

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The active ingredient in Viagra is sildenafil citrate. Imported tablets are very expensive. Isn't it better to buy an analogue of Viagra, produced in the Russian Federation and costing an order of magnitude cheaper? Are cheap drugs capable of providing real help?

What substances affect potency and how do they do it?

The reasons for temporary or permanent failures of male potency are different. There should also be different medications to help get rid of this problem. Cheap analogues of Viagra are not always good for health. To figure out which means will help and not harm, you need to familiarize yourself with the following information.

Today there are 4 main groups of drugs that increase potency. Each of them is based on its own active ingredient.

There are a number of other substances of plant and biological origin for potency. However, their effect is much weaker, and often not proven.

The drug "Cialis"

Warning: private pharmacies sometimes sell cheap analogues of Viagra. You can buy such drugs only if they have the appropriate certificates.

The drug "Cialis" is an analogue of "Viagra", very popular in Russia. Its active ingredient is tadalafil. In our country, this drug was nicknamed “the weekend medicine.” The drug begins to “work” within half an hour after administration (sometimes even earlier) and its effect lasts 36 hours. This is approximately 9 times higher than the result obtained by Viagra. The medicine increases blood flow and guarantees a stable erection. Cialis is not recommended for people suffering from heart disease and neuropathies.

This analogue of Viagra is produced in Puerto Rico. "Cialis" is good because it does not have a negative effect on the human body. However, it is important to remember that an overdose often leads to an excessively long erection, and sometimes even to damage to the penis. Cialis, like any other medicine, should not be abused.

Medications in the mid-price category


The basis of this drug is vardenophil trihydrate hydrochloride. In the process of sexual stimulation of nerve endings, Vardenophil increases the content of an enzyme in the male body with the complex name cyclic guanosine monophosphate. The response to stimulation becomes brighter, the penis is well filled with blood, which ensures a stable erection. The Viagra analogue begins to act within 10-20 minutes. The erection will be stable for 10-12 hours. Levitra is produced in Germany.


This analogue of Viagra is cheaper than others. It is produced according to Southeast Asian recipes Russian company RIA "Panda". The supplement is based on several substances plant origin, have a great effect on immunity and blood flow. Main disadvantage drug: it should be taken for a week or two. The advantage is that there is no need to take the capsule immediately before sex. This Russian analogue of Viagra is popular because it not only improves potency, but rejuvenates the body as a whole.

Cheap drugs


This analogue of Viagra is several times cheaper. If one tablet of Viagra costs about 600 rubles, then 100 tablets of Speman-Forte, which is produced in India, will cost only 300 rubles. The drug for plant based helps prolong sexual intercourse.


On average, a dietary supplement tablet made from plant extracts costs about 150 rubles. This domestic analogue of Viagra can be taken in courses or as a one-time dose. The supplement prolongs the time of sexual intercourse and increases the amount of sperm.


Another, less well-known analogue of a well-known drug. It is believed to provide a reliable erection once and only with very good sexual stimulation. Some experts argue that this cheap remedy has no proven effect and does not work on all men.

"Sildenfil citrate"

Cheap generic refers to vascular drugs. Increases potency due to better filling of the cavernous bodies. May cause increased heart rate, headache, and flushing of the face.

Other drugs for potency based on natural extracts

Can these compounds be considered analogues of Viagra? One thing is known: they are all rich in vitamins, have positive influence to your health. In every drug, ginseng is an obligatory component, and its positive action on the body was proven many centuries ago. In addition, extracts from plants help to obtain the necessary “vitamin charge”, which contributes to the overall health of the body and stabilization of the immune system.

What to choose?

There are many other drugs that increase potency. Some of them contain plant components, others - chemicals. Some men trust supplements from China, Korea, and Japan more, considering them the most effective remedy.

If problems with potency occur more and more often, you should not select a medicine yourself. It is better to visit a doctor so that he can find the cause of the problem and find a remedy to eliminate it.

If a man decides to choose a drug on his own, then he must act by trial and error.

It is believed that for sex 1-3 times a month, preference should be given to Viagra. If you are planning a sexy weekend, Levitra or Cialis are more suitable. For course treatment or general improvement of the body, you can choose products based on plant extracts.

If sexual dysfunction is permanent, you should consult a doctor, undergo an examination and a special course of treatment.

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Problems with sexual desire, in modern world quite common. Disturbance at the sexual level as a result of psychological or physical reasons They occur not only in men, but also in women.

Today in pharmacy chains you can purchase drugs to solve problems with sexual life. Viagra has been very popular for many years. Its main action is aimed at increasing potency.


Drugs for male potency have long been available on pharmacy shelves. But it appeared not so long ago new option– Viagra for women, also sold in tablet form.

Both types of product contain one medicinal component– sildenafil. However, due to the difference between female and male body, additional substances differ. In addition to magnesium, calcium, sodium and cellulose, which are found in men's products, female drug includes:

  • titanium dioxide;
  • lactose;
  • triacetin.

The mechanism of action of the tablets on the body is designed to restore and enhance blood circulation in the reproductive system, as well as to increase sexual desire.

For men

Indications for use include disorders in the form of erectile dysfunction that occur against the background of vascular pathologies or serious psychological herbs. It is worth noting that in the absence of sexual arousal, the pills are less effective.

As a result of application:

  • the duration of sexual intercourse increases;
  • quality improves sexual relations;
  • increasing the frequency of sexual intercourse in one period;
  • increased feeling of orgasm.

The action lasts for four hours. Problems with potency have individual characteristics, so the duration of the effect of the medication may also differ.

Cost from 500 rubles per package (1 tablet).

Viagra does not cure erectile dysfunction, it has a temporary effect, so it should be used as needed!

For women

  • pronounced signs of menopause;
  • vaginal dryness syndrome;
  • lack of sexual desire and sexual arousal;
  • failure to achieve orgasm;
  • problems with psychological concentration on sex.

The medication has an effect on female body tonic and stimulating effect. As a result, the woman experiences orgasm due to increased:

  • testosterone level;
  • sensitivity of cells of the erogenous zone;
  • secretion of natural sexual lubrication.

In addition, relaxation occurs on a mental and physical level.

The price for a female stimulator is on average from 650 rubles (1 tablet).

Contraindications and side effects

The male drug is contraindicated:

  • when taking nitrogen oxides or nitrates;
  • when taking similar drugs;
  • age group of persons under 18 years of age;
  • women.
  • when planning to conceive a child;
  • during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • for problems with blood pressure;
  • for cardiac pathologies.

Both products are contraindicated if you are allergic to the components of the composition. You should also be careful when combining tablets with other medications.

Signs of side effects include: insomnia, headaches, allergies to skin, violations respiratory function, muscle pain, dysfunction of the urinary organs and other symptoms.


Among a large assortment of pharmacy products, you can choose generics of Viagra. In some cases, substitutes are selected due to contraindications or the appearance of a reaction to the composition, and sometimes the cause becomes high cost original. Many analogues of Viagra are cheap compared to the cost of the original, but it should be understood that their action may be less effective.

Drugs to improve the quality of sexual relationships are popular, so you can always easily find analogues of Viagra for men, but finding a female generic is a little more difficult.


The best remedy to replace the original is Sildenafil. Its main purpose is to increase potency and enhance sexual desire in women and men.

It is worth noting that generic Viagra Soft has a name similar to the active ingredient of the original product.


  • problems with erectile function;
  • impotence of psychogenic and organic type.

Sildenafil increases the erection level, improves blood circulation in the pelvis, prolongs the duration of sexual intercourse and enhances the sensations obtained from sex.

Composition of the drug Sildenafil:

  • active substance citrate;
  • cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • povilon.

Generic Viagra can also be used by women.

Sildenafil has contraindications for use:

  • illnesses circulatory system liver and heart;
  • congenital anomalies of the structure of the penis;
  • intolerance to constituent substances.

For women, use is excluded during planning or pregnancy. Not recommended during lactation.

If you compare prices for analogues, Viagra is unlikely to be cheaper than Sildenafil. The cost of one tablet is from 100 rubles.

Vectra 100

Considering Substitutes original product, special attention attention should be paid not only to the drug Sildenafil, but also to the Indian medicine - Vectra 100. The price of generic Viagra soft is much higher, but it should be noted that the cost of the medicine is calculated from a package of 10 capsules. Therefore, Vectra 100 is relatively cheap analogue Viagra for men. The price for one tablet will be from 140 rubles. In addition, unlike the original, Vectra 100 continues to act for about six hours.

Indications for use have a list similar to the previous tablets.


  • rapid achievement of a stable erection;
  • maintaining an erection for at least five hours;
  • rapid excitability even with repeated sexual intercourse;
  • increased sensitivity nerve cells skin.

Vectra 100, unlike Sildenafil, is not considered a generic female Viagra. These tablets provide real help only for male abnormalities.


  • heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • age under 18 and over 65 years.

Generic Viagra for men has no contraindications. A reaction to the composition can only occur in case of an overdose.


Russian analogue of the original, used to solve problems with male potency. The price reaches 10,000 rubles, depending on the number of tablets in the package and dosage. Minimum cost from 1000 rubles (1 tab).

Despite the fact that the drug is not cheaper than other capsules, its popularity is just as high. This is due to the effect of use:

  • the action begins in twenty minutes;
  • the effect lasts up to one and a half days;
  • significant aggravation of all sensations during sexual intercourse.

Many foreign and Russian analogues of Viagra are not compatible with alcohol. Cialis is an exception. The medicine can also be used to treat genitourinary system for certain indications.

Generic Viagra Soft has a particular effect on the body. Without a feeling of attraction to a woman, the composition of the medication (the main substance is tadalafil) remains inactive. That is, until a man sees a woman, an erection does not begin.

It has contraindications for cardiovascular diseases and abnormal deformations of the penis.


The German generic Viagra soft - Levitra, is medical device, recommended for the treatment of potency in men. Levitra can be taken in a course. The drug is intended not only to temporarily enhance erection, but I also full recovery with impotence.

The product replacing the original gives results for minor problems in 30 minutes. If there is complete dysfunction of the genital organ, the effect begins to appear after three to four weeks of regular use.

The composition of Levitra is based on the substance – vardenafil. It is this component that contributes to:

  • increased erection;
  • increasing sensitivity and tone;
  • prolongation of sexual intercourse.

Levitra – exclusively male remedy, it cannot be used as a generic for female Viagra. These tablets are contraindicated for the weaker sex. , like other drugs, has similar contraindications.

In pharmacies, the cost of Levitra starts from 850 rubles per tablet.


When choosing cheap analogues of the original drug, you can also consider the Indian remedy – Camargue. Minimum quantity tablets per package – 4 pieces. The cost of packaging is from 800 rubles.

Despite the fact that the main active ingredient is sildenafil, it is difficult to find Camargue in a pharmacy. More often it is ordered from online pharmacies (shops).

Generic Viagra soft can be used for one-time use, to enhance sensitivity, as well as to increase erection time during intimacy. Camargue specialists prescribe it for the treatment of complete impotence.

After taking the medication:

  • the time of sexual intercourse is extended;
  • sensations become stronger;
  • there is a need for repeated intimacy.

In addition to its effect on sexual desire, the Camargue has antibacterial properties, warning infectious diseases genitals.


The drug Impaza is a cheap analogue of Viagra for men. Its cost for 20 tablets is no more than 500 rubles, which is significantly cheaper than most generic drugs. Impaza is not intended for single use in order to enhance erection for a short period of time. The medication has medicinal properties and is used for course therapy.

Inexpensive Impaza tablets, which mainly contain chemical elements(nitric oxide, a type of antibody, etc.) are indicated for the following disorders:

  • erectile dysfunction or instability;
  • dissatisfaction with the quality of sexual life (from one’s own side);
  • decreased attraction to women;
  • menopause in men;
  • inability to have prolonged sex due to physical impotence.

The course of using the medication can be extended from three months to six months. It is recommended to take one or two tablets per day.

Impaza has one more advantage over other analogues - the medicine is contraindicated only if you are allergic to the composition, and also does not provoke side effects.

Vuka – Vuka

When comparing prices, it can be noted that domestic analogues are much cheaper. Another Russian drug that is cheaper than the foreign original is Vuka-Vuka. Just like Impaza, the drug is sold in a package of 20 tablets (there are product options with a large number capsules). The average price for an analogue of Viagra in a pharmacy is 600 rubles (per package).

A distinctive feature of the product is that it is not a medicine. Vuka – Vuka is a biological additive, the composition of which is RK “Zifro” (complex of plant extracts):

  • Virosa sukurinegi roots;
  • carissa (edible);
  • heteromorph (tree-like);
  • Geeria (reticular);
  • Velvicha Triumphetta.

Vuka – Vuka does not have an immediate effect. The dietary supplement has a cumulative effect and is intended to prevent potency problems. The course of its use is four weeks. It is recommended to repeat the preventive course of use periodically. Contraindications – allergies to plant matter composition.


Among Russian analogues original drug With a lower price, Eromax capsules are popular among men (60 capsules - from 1000 rubles).

Eromax – universal remedy for men, which can also be used as a generic for female Viagra.

The composition of the capsules is a complex of plant components:

  • ginseng;
  • Horny goat weed;
  • Leuzea.

The composition is also supplemented with other substances:

  • vitamin B6;
  • L-arginine;
  • drone brood;
  • zinc citrate.

As a result of regular course use, the following effect is observed:

  • increase libido and testosterone by 50%;
  • improvement and stimulation of erectile function;
  • a significant increase in the sensations experienced during sex.

In addition, Viagra substitute Eromax accelerates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation and increases muscle tone. For women, the dietary supplement is especially useful, since in addition to its effect on the genital area, it postpones menopause and slows down all processes associated with cell aging.

Stimulants at home

To the surprise of many, you can prepare an analogue of Viagra at home. Main secret home remedy is that all components have aphrodisiac properties.

For this purpose the most different herbs and products. The most powerful stimulants of male sexual desire are:

  • ginseng root;
  • walnuts;
  • parsley;
  • watermelon (layer under the skin);
  • and others.

Before using any means to improve erectile abilities and treat potency, you should definitely get the advice of a specialist.

Viagra is one of the popular means to increase potency. Its analogues differ in composition and price. Many people prefer cheaper generics, because just for one you will have to pay several hundred rubles. Therefore, men are interested in whether there are analogs and substitutes for Viagra, and how they differ from each other.


Like the original product, cheap analogues of Viagra contain the potent substance sildenafil, which has a vasodilating effect and increases potency. Active ingredient effective only when sexually aroused. Generics don't work laboratory research, so they cost an order of magnitude lower.

Some generics are very popular and are considered branded. The price of these drugs is not much different from the cost of Viagra. These are Indian-made Kamagra capsules. Well-known drugs that are similar to Viagra in their actions and contain sildenafil include:

  • Vigrande;
  • Sildigra;
  • Dynamic;
  • Pemegra;
  • Revatio;
  • MaxiGra.

You can replace Viagra with popular drugs that are not cheap, but a similar product from Russia called Impaza costs significantly less. Each of these drugs to improve potency has a number of contraindications. Therefore, some people choose herbal products.
Viagra analogs based on natural ingredients made from plant extracts. They are usually inexpensive. You need to take them in courses to achieve the desired effect. Say what they are better than Viagra, it is impossible, because their one-time use does not affect potency. Therefore, they cannot completely replace it.

The branded equivalent of Viagra is available in different forms:

  • Pills. A package of Kamagra Gold contains 4, 8 or 12 pieces. Each contains 100 mg of sildenafil. The effect occurs within 60–90 minutes. The duration of the effect is 8 hours.
  • Soluble capsules. Kamagra fizz contains 100 mg of sildenafil. They fizz and dissolve in water, like aspirin. They have a pleasant orange flavor and take effect within 15 minutes.
  • Gel. It is taken orally and begins to act faster than Kamagra Gold. This type of medicine is intended for cases when it is not possible to take a pill. The jelly-like contents resemble dessert and have a fruity taste.

The action of Kamagra occurs due to relaxation smooth muscle penis. Blood vessels at the same time they expand and begin to be well supplied with oxygen. The product causes a strong and long-lasting erection, has antimicrobial effect, protects the genitals from inflammatory processes. The drug increases the amount of testosterone in the blood, as a result of which the man feels better general condition, immunity increases.
Alcohol and fatty foods negatively affect the action of the drug: the effectiveness of Kamagra decreases, the effect is achieved later, the desired result does not occur. Side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, headache, chills disappear within a few hours and do not require treatment.

Levitra is one of the popular drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The use of this Viagra substitute allows you to restore potency and provides a natural response to sexual stimulation. An erection occurs only in case of arousal, Levitra only enhances it.
The product is produced in the form of light orange tablets by the German company Bayer. The effect of the tablets can be felt within 25 minutes after administration. The effect lasts for 6 hours. There are special instructions for taking Levitra, you should read them in the instructions for use.


It will help in the treatment of impotence in men, which is considered a good alternative to Viagra. Its main component is tadalafil, which relaxes the blood vessels of the penis.
The product is available in the form of tablets: some need to be washed down with water, others are dissolved. Its effect begins within 20 minutes, and the effect lasts up to 36 hours. You cannot take more than 1 piece per day.
Cialis is prescribed for any erectile dysfunction. It has no effect on chemical composition sperm, does not change heart rate. Thanks to this drug, you can enjoy your sex life to the fullest.

Impaza is homeopathic medicine And an excellent replacement Viagra. The active substance is special purified antibodies. The product is available in the form of lozenges. Regular use of the medicine normalizes libido, increases pleasure from sex life, eliminates hormone imbalance, increases testosterone levels in the blood.
The minimum course of admission Russian analogue Viagra is 12 weeks. There are no strict contraindications to the product. It is advised to take one tablet a day 2 hours before sexual intercourse.


Before starting to use Viagra analogues, a number of contraindications should be taken into account. Similar drugs should not be taken by people who are allergic to sildenafil. The drugs are contraindicated for diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases. Also, people who have symptoms should not take medications. hereditary pathology retina, high or too low blood pressure, trauma to the genital organ. The use of Viagra substitutes is contraindicated in patients over 70 years of age.

Viagra analogues should not be taken if a man has recently suffered a heart attack or acute disorder blood circulation in the brain. It is not recommended to use its substitutes together with medications for coronary disease hearts. There are other means that are incompatible with active substance stimulants, such as medications for fungus or hypertension.

Some men are faced with a choice and do not know what is better to buy: Viagra or its analogues. It all depends on financial capabilities, desired result and human health status. Substitutes are becoming more and more popular every day. Judging by positive feedback, many men have already been able to believe in themselves and, with their help, have increased their sexual desire. Some prefer the Russian analogue, considering it the safest.
It is better to choose products for men that have undergone laboratory testing and have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Viagra analogues are most often taken at home and can be purchased freely at pharmacies. Before using them, you should carefully study the instructions. In order to choose the right drug and not harm your health, it is better to consult a specialist for advice.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Erectile dysfunction in men can occur at almost any age and according to big list reasons. Among them are emotional and psychogenic factors, overwork at work, feeling constant anxiety, depressive disorders and diseases of the genitourinary system. Doctors divide the main causes of erectile dysfunction into organic and psychogenic; they differ in the accompanying signs, among which they usually highlight:

Psychogenic erectile dysfunction Organic erectile dysfunction
Sudden onset The beginning is gradual
Periodic Progressive
Situational Constant
Associated with any psychological stress Associated with any disease or taking certain medications
Nocturnal/morning erection preserved No night/morning erection
During sexual intercourse, the tension of the penis remains Penile tension may disappear during intercourse

Medicines, analogues of the famous Viagra, that help fight erectile dysfunction in men, which can be bought at a pharmacy, act according to approximately the same method: after taking it, relaxation occurs smooth muscle cells in the vessels that carry blood to the corpora cavernosa. As a result, blood flow to the penis and its elasticity during sexual arousal increase. It is interesting to note that for those men whose roots of erectile dysfunction lie in the emotional component of the process, taking long-acting stimulants (such as Levitra, Cialis, Impaza, Dynamico) helps to cope with emotional problems in the future, if there are no physical disorders, such as, for example, a disease of the genitourinary system.

What analogues of Viagra can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription?


A domestic drug produced by NPF MATERIA MEDICA, effective for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Promotes relaxation of smooth muscles and increased blood filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis. Among the contraindications are only individual sensitivity to the components of the drug and congenital lactose intolerance. This analogue of Viagra can be bought at any Russian pharmacy without a prescription, the cost is about 540 rubles.


Viagra analogue German made, also available over the counter in Russian pharmacies. The active ingredient is Vardenafil, a patented medicine for solving problems with potency. Side effects include headaches, drowsiness, blurred vision, tinnitus and arrhythmia. Consumption with alcohol is not recommended. Cost from 800 rubles.


Cost - from 500 rubles. It is an almost complete analogue of Viagra, since the active ingredient, Sildenafil, is also present in it. Side effects- the same as Viagra. Prohibited for use by persons with cardiovascular diseases. It does not eliminate the causes of erectile dysfunction, but it helps to achieve a good erection for a long time (up to 2 days).


An invention of Russian pharmacists, produced Swiss company ELI LILLY VOSTOK S.A. Price - from 1250 rubles. The most famous substitute for Viagra in Russia, which, in addition to increasing sexual arousal and erection strength, helps fight the causes of erectile dysfunction and impotence. Side effects - flushing of the face, nasal congestion, dizziness and swelling of the eyelids.


One of the cheapest representatives of drugs that help cope with poor potency. This Viagra substitute costs about 210 rubles at the pharmacy. The reason for the low price is that the pack contains either 1 tablet or 4. Slovenian production. Among side effects reception - nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion. Contraindicated in patients with severe forms liver failure. Contains Sildenafil, the main component of Viagra.


The Russian analogue of Viagra also contains as an active active substance Sildenafil citrate. Side effects include diarrhea and nausea, headache, increased muscle tone and pain in the back muscles, insomnia. It costs from 550 rubles in a pharmacy, there are 10 tablets in a package.

Viagra analogues and alcohol. Compatibility

Almost all generics (generic is a copy of the original formula of the drug, produced by different pharmaceutical companies after the expiration of the patent for the original formula) Not recommended for use with alcohol. There are several reasons. Some stimulants for men, when used with alcohol, can cause problems in the form of severely elevated blood pressure and even a heart attack (especially in old age), while others will not give the desired effect. For example, Levitra, judging by customer reviews, when used with alcohol, many caused the required erection with a delay of an hour or more. It was also noted that this action is individual and other men did not notice such a reaction.

Most manufacturers of Viagra analogues for men, which can be bought at a pharmacy, place a warning on their packaging that the drug is incompatible with alcohol and is prohibited for use by persons with blood pressure problems and cardiovascular system. Only some types of Viagra and its substitutes were produced specifically for use with alcohol in tandem, for example, Viagra soft or Cialis soft, but they are difficult to find in a pharmacy, only on order and it is not a fact that the original product will be delivered to you after payment. Don't experiment. Positive effect from a generic will give you confidence in successful completion planned.